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Home Explore 1976


Published by lynette, 2019-05-14 00:29:46

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1976

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1976


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Expressing Ideas Through Writing. • • orting and compiling poems, e says, tories, and photography, and choosing the ones mo t suitable, are all a part of the Expres ion maga- zine. Four student editors worked hard to organize the materials, and ready them for publication. '76 Expre sions editors, Kirk johnson, Kaya Burns, Traci Miller, Elaine tauffer. 197

Sentry: The Newspaper That Really Informs! This year' ntry staff, were really up-to-date in covering school, local, and national stories. They published many issues including a special Bicen- tennial one. These issues were not only interest- ing but also very informative in keep- ing the students up-to-date with cur- rent Hillcrest happenings. Many o£ the students had the opportunity to visit the MIDVALE SENTINEL, and see a real newspaper in prcxluction. Now and then students had spare time in which they could work on outside materials. Mrs. Earlene Mitchell kept the staff working to meet the nec- essary deadlines. 198

Deanna Hansen and Madeline Scallion discuss plans for the February issue of the school paper. Srudents have to work hard to meet monthly deadlines. Russ Behrmann looks over his layout plans. Pete Cash, takes time to smile, while writing hi newspaper article. 199

Senior Hop: Could It Be. • • \"Could this be the magic,\" at la t? Karen Ricks and Brian Moser were elected queen and king of the Senior Clair Webster and Carol Bigelow post the theme for the nior Hop, Hop. while Dave Nielsen, Diane Green, and arol Peacock engineer. . Magt.c,.• • \"Could it be Magic?\" was the theme of Hillcrest High's Senior Hop, held December 19, 1975. The decorations of the evening not only emphasized the Christmas sea- on, but initiated a feeling of close- ness between the students. A special thank was given to the decorating committee, who under the direction of senior cla officers Bob Matson, Diane Green, and Karen Ricks, pent many long hours prepar- ing for the Senior Hop. 200

usan Smart and Mike Fullmer display their own dance routine to\" olor My World.\" Bigelow balances on a precarious perch l ltlicir> hanging snowflake decoration . 201

Husky Olympics: Seniors \"Slay\" Underclassmen A part of the Homecoming activi- tie , Hillcre t held the Hu ky Olym- pic . Thi exC1ttng \"sports\" event matched the skill of the seniors against those of the juniors and the ophomores. The outcome was obvi- ous, niors 12, Juniors 9, and Sopho- more 5. Some of the events included in this year' Olympic were: a pop-drinking contest, a hulahoop contest, a bike race, an egg relay and a human pyra- mid building contest. With the \"assistance\" of referees teve Yate and Jeff Henry, the sen- iors again proved their superiority. The pop contest was the first event of the Olympics. After inhaling two bottles of pop, Chris Martinez was declared the winner. After successfully defeating his junior oppo- nent, sophomore Dennis Leroy tries his strength against senior David Neilsen. Ferol Ann White, the senior representative, warms up before the pogo stick race, which she later won. Contestants in the pie contest engulfed their pies in a single breath. Vic Conner, a varsity wrestler, rolls to victory in the egg relay race. 202

Hillcrest's vice president, Jeff Henry, blows As the last event of the Huskey Olympics, the whole school was invited to participate in a pyra- the whistle to begin the pogo-stick race. mid contest. The juniors won with four layers of srudents. Two-time champion, Blain Bradford, prepares to defend his tide against Kyle Honin in the bike race, a regular event at the Husky Olympics. Despite distraction from the officals, Rhonda Reed was a fine example of sophomore deter- mination. 203

Kismet A Musical Arabian Night arch light rissuos ing the ky Lalume (Kelly Condie) grins easily as the captured Jawan (Tom Pavich) i put before her hus- above Hillcre t' · parking lot band, the Wazir (Kelly Jensen). announc d the opening night of \"Ki - met.\" The formally dre ed gue t enjoyed refreshments during imermi - ion. After two performances for local jr. high and three crowded evening hO\\\" ·,the a twa asked to do a com- mand performance, February 4. Directing the a t of well over one- hundred tudents wa Mr. Pouwel Vuyk. Mr . Jeanne John on wa re pon i- ble for the bore graphy of the five main dance perf rmed by the dance dub. Mr. Leo Dean directed 75 voice of the horus and Juliet Warner on- ducred the 45 member of the orche - rra. Proficient dance club members perform \"Shabash.\" The Caliph (Val Nielsen) and Omar ( teve Yates) dis- cus the di appearance of Mar inah. Jawan (Tom Pavich) proves to the Wazir (Clair Baldwin) that he i his father. 201

Director Pouwel Vuyk, and rudent director Tom Pavich. Mar inah (Lori mith) and the Caliph (Darren Franchow) are\" tranger in Paradise.\" Marsinah (Carolyn Turner) and the aliph (Val together sing \"This is the ight of my crowned Hagg (Brian Moser) observing 20\"i

+flgtu S~ooC 29, 31 7=30r~ at Imam of the Mosque .Clair Webster Omu . ..... ... ..... .. . . ......... . David Leavitt A Public Poet, . ... Steven Yates later called Hajj . . .. . .. . ...... . .... . Brian Moser Mark Burkinshaw Mar hinah, his daughter ........... . ....... Carolyn Turner Lori mith Jawan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. . .... Tom Pavich The Wazir of Police . . . . . . . . . ............... Kelly Jensen lair Baldwin Lalume .. . .... ... .. . ... . ........ . . . ........ Kelly Condie Denise Peart The aliph ................ . ........ .. ...... Val Nielsen Darren Franchow (In order of appearance) 206

Omar (Steve Yates) recites his poem written for the love-sick Caliph (Dar- ren Franchow), till searching for hi beloved. Hajj (Mark Burkinshaw) enjoys the comfort of modern tran portation. Janet harp, arita Bloomqui t, Debbie Maxfield, Karen Rick , Becky Jor- dan, Kathryn Lamoreaux, arol Pea ock, and Ruthann Lamoreaux carry the burden. 207

\"The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail ,\" Produced by Drama Department Bailey (Donald helton) sleeps off a drunken srupor. Thoreau (Val Nielson) tells Ellen (Karen Ricks) about transendencalism while his brother John (Peter Cash) looks on. John (Peter Cash) asks Ellen (Nanette For- The Night Thoreau pent in Jail is gie) to marry him. the story of Henry Thoreau. He is thrown into pri on for failing to pay Thoreau shares his prison cell with the town his property tax. While in pri on, drunk. Thoreau reflect upon his past life and decides upon a new cour e for liv- ing. Theca t included Brian Mo er and Val ielson as Thoreau, Karen Ricks and Nanette Forgie as Ellen, Kelly Jenson as Ralph Waldo Emerson, arol Peacock as Lydian, Peter Cash as John and Carita Bloomqui t as the mother. 20

Catch the 9pirit of '78 A patriotic a embly, which fea- tured student performing their vari- ous talents, highlighted the Bicenten- nial week activitie . The band played patriotic melodies as a panorama of slides were shown on the walls. indy Bogge s, who wrote and composed her own ong \"Take Pride in America,\" received a tanding ova- tion from fellow students. The ru- dent body enjoyed the relaxed atmos- phere of the arou ing pre entation. our country. Mark Vincent receives an award for his \"Voice of Democracy\" compo ition. 209

H-Week Raises Spirit \"Leann, nor on my pants. My mouth is a little higher.\" event. Colleen Thomas just LOVES lemons!!! 210

A fun filled week of acrivitie such a Red, White and Blue Day, ccupa- non Day, owboy Day, Di neyland Day and Green and White Day raised enthu iasm for the tudent body throughout the chool. Tradition was maintained with the pep a embly, breakfa t and kangaroo court. To highlight the week there were the carnival and the romp. The purpose of H-Week wa ro promote chool spirit for the up-com- ing ba ·ketball games and wre ding matche. Penny, it's no time co eat. The race is still on! 0 upacion Day Thi bulletin board was one of the many decorations put up in the h I. \"What the World eeds ow 1 Love.\" 211

Sweethearts Ball: \"Just an Old-Fashioned Alene Anderson, Brad Jordi on rake time out lt. for refreshments. The phomore- pon ored weer- heart · Ball wa- to be the Valentine' dance, but ince there wa a three day holida} that week the date wa changed to 1arch 6th. \\X'ith a number of andidate , ophomore had a difficult time deter- mining a queen. The re ult of the election w re : queen. Kelli Trujillo; fir t attendant, uzanne Hinckley; ond attendant. Darla euffer. The de oration . matching the theme of the dance. \"Ju t an 1d- Fa hioned Love ong. were minia- ture hobbet doll , a water fountain, and a wt hmg ell in rhe center of rhe m. Queen Kelli Trujillo, second attendant Darla euffer, fir r attendant uzanne Hinckley. 212

Love Song\" Talking over the evenings happenings are usan mart, Koryl Thomwall, Dave Leavitt, Rob cowe, Lorraine Lyman, Mike Fullmer, Mark adler, Dawn Kochevar. Determined sophomores decorated the gym.

Junior Prom Marcy towe- Attendant Jo Ann Oakeson - Queen Susan Smart- Attendant The Capitol Rotunda provided a romantic atmosphere for this year' Junior Prom. \"Quinre cene\" filled the air with music for the largest formal occasion of the year. The Junior offi- cer , who sponsored the Prom, chose the theme \"Your ng\" to ymbolize the dance. The Royalty withe cons: Mark Sadler, Chris McCaffree and Kirby Jensen. 214

Susan Rasmussen and Kent Forbush relax Kelly Haw and hauna Bolliger enjoy the between dances. mu ic of ''Quince ence.\" Your 9ong

Spirit Week Pep Assembly \"Cheerleaders\" insi t, \"We must, we must . . \" Kevin Peterson, Mark Padjen,Jim Whitehead, Gary Randall, Man Montoya display genuine tech- nique as cheerleader . The past few year if you cheered Rhonda Reed shows how brutal wresding can at the games you were looked at like be. you were weird. But not this year. With the more numerous pep as em- blies, a larger turn out of students, and with the help of the Hillcre t upporters, alot more students were found cheering at the games and matches. With the help of the cheerleader and pep assemblies, Hillcrest showed all the other school what it had going. Dana Howells demonstrates Todd Tapp's skilled maneuvering. 216

Entertainer Hypnotizes Huskies Mr. Lasater is also a qualified marriage counselor but likes entenaining be t. \"Give him a mike and an audience, and he'll go on and on,\" said Mrs. Lee Lasater. tudents re-create a five year olds binhday party. 217

Signs of the Times 218

\"life is no brief candle for me. It is a sort of splendid touch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.\" George Bernard haw 219

\"God Bless America Land That, I Love . . .\" Irving Berlin 220

\"With them the Seed of Wisdom I did sow, And with my own hand labour'd it to grow: And this was all the Harvest that I reap'd - I came like Water, and like Wind I go.\" Omar Kha}} am 221

9 o3 Tc k • IR6,1 ~0 II teve I \\0 \\ mbhe< 3 50 \\~ I 7 Ba hall Vlr icy 9,41, I 4 ~0. 12 ~~., <oncert Ch tr 0 4 Lettermen • < lub I I (•, '~. 3~ 2 kt Cluh Berg n Bret 51 I2 <><:nc:ral Act 1ties Berrett, ( 11t ry I 28, ~ II (lumber (!>oar &rreu, Mom ~. (,cneral Activities N.\\ l l.3c ndorfcr, Todd ~I. 11 • 12 , ll4 I j6, ~o.·w,l 14 8, ~·. 169.17l Olf on err Cl otr fororc-ydc ( lub 2' Btandu, Chn )I 20 D.tncc ( lub 21 Ohc 21 Folk mgmg Club 20 Peartc. Ra\\ ~01 21 Hon r · 1 • 20 Pierte, (,u} MoroC<-yde Club Pixton. E- .tee Olr Rt-J C.:roS5 Pixton, Robert Concert Clioir Skt Club Pun·), Pau Debate Club Drama Club n, Fred D nuCluh Ba~dow, C~rol ~·- 169 a\\a~e.jod (,trl\\Choir Contert Choir · hmidt hy I School \\fusKal (Lead) Acuvities 21 '>of teld, Lamont 21 · hool Play ills, Vicky 21 .'haw, Arch D A !·Stare Chmr Band Simonson, _krry 13.lkoulas, Karen 'h«rlead r, VarSity 1ith. Hov. rd School Admini tration Concert Choir . nee Club Sm h, Lianne Girl\\ Choir H or Soc aery SoderquiSt, Lc·Ro) Cende;e, lvan 19, 1·1 )untor ( hoir School Musical Ka\"elic, Denny 19 Stark, Crat~ BJidwm, Clair 2K ~0. 172, 174, 204, 207, Ski Club ,..-----~-... Retd, Marvtn 19 &hick, Delmar mpson, B1ron 109 Spelunktn ·Club 12, I Thom,nn, Paul .H, 3~ A\"c·mbhes Drama · .lR Counselor Tripp. Dan;t Bop' Sme -Rep. Birrell,Cin -----~- ~' 1,168 181, 31 VandenAkkcr Carol hamber Chotr Concert Choir Barneu \\VI Imar 2l Vuyk, Pouwd · drtn's Theater General Anivirics Bird, Rtchard 2l, I l Cline.&lu Waite, , rgc Concert Chotr Bl•ck, Debbtc 168 Gillam, &tt} 23 Thatcher Re 22 Wahh, !.an Debate Club Assemblies 23 \\V/arner,Julie Drama Club Concert ChOir \\X'hnney, Renee , Vire Pre•iden t Girl's Chotr Yamt.luro, (,ary I MusO<al (!~ad) Junaor Ch01r ecretanes Y .1te>, .\\larilyn I Play Skt Club Blake, Ed Gunnerson, C m 14 emors '\\rue nt Counul 51 Lester, Ferol 16 !';telson,. ndra 16 ·nior Rep Art Club . narr, lona 16 Scov.e,Janet 46 Adam , Eli>abeth ~o. 72, 73, 17!l, liS, S<:mor C.ommtttee &hool Play mp;on, Wilma 16 1~7. 19~ Ball. Davtd ~0 Ski Club :rencraI Arn tti Faculty A\"cn.blic·s VI DE<. A Ballud, Barbara 108 Blomyum, Carita 28, 51. 172, 176, 187, AA 20' b Srudt:nt Body Student Counnl Chamber Choir Arg}le, Track Children's TI1eater, B. 1,Giade \\X'restlin~ Club dent Director Bateman. Karma Beck. Venna K:l) \\0 ~'earboo~ Contert C:h01r !kt:re. SoclJa 42,165 Bemn, Pat Allen, Alaync Girl\\ Comp. pons Brad1,)oAnne 2 Burn,, Robert Hi-cues, President Crl:neral Activities Hi-nes Clark, Carolyn 40 Clark, Sandra 44 .encral Aniviues Barnhur>t, Carma L. 50 International Club Claw,on, Ah,on 141.26, 127, 129, Dan Allen, Janna ~0 FHA ~0 -~~ Dean. Leo A General Actmtie. FBLA 50 12 Allen,. uzi so, 159,204 n Art Club lll,.W,127 2b, 16R, 172, 1~3 'ki Club 'B Allgier, Tern ~0 ' General Activities Anderson, Blaine Cr s oumry ptam 51 FootBall, Soph ,J Lettuman, 3 yc:ar Track. C_aptaan Anderson, C.ollctte Ha·em·> U b

~2, 161, I ~ Volleybaii,JV, Var try Oatley, Ken ~4 147 BlSketball, Varnry '07, II~, 2 • Tenm I I, 172, I Tra k Lettermen's Club 2 ~ • 168 VICA D'Autremont, Kn K bate Club mbl•e )4, 159 It;!, l'i2, 1)4 Boys' State rer Chamber Choir Concert Choir t 1.2 • 12H, 203 Debate Club ars•ry K~ <lub, Prt\"5id 51 School Musical 2H, ~1, 11 ~. 18, 172 School Play Sterling Scholar Burnham, Debby A'-.emblies Children's The Concert Ch01r Dance Club Debate Club D rna ub G 'Choir HAWOffic H onor So<; 1ety 52, 123. 125, 144, 14~. 146. Kev ( lub 131, 133, 197 h I t u,ical etball, Captam ntry '>taff, e\" ~ Ed1tor Tra<k H nor W:oner Bradley, Ronald Concert Band Concert Choir Flash Band Key Club Orchestra oul MuS! a Brad hav., Ke' m Football ~2 prain G neral Acti\\'IUC~ ~2. 1 ~2 General Activ ue H Brow n, Jeff H,l9~ Coon, Lvnn H ~4. I~!l. 190. 204 r; • all, Soph.]V, Var-~t} General Acti\\ltlC' Letterman, Varsity Cor i, CJm, ~3 ~-1 ·k, Clu ~4. I~ DebAte Club 5·1, I I Tr~ck Key Club ~I, I VICA IA Brown mg. ~3. IH7 , I Genera Actt\\ltlt~ 53 Crossgrove, Jon , 133, mblie rox, He1d1 53 Concert Ch01 146 Cham r Choir General Activiues Junior Choir Dance Club ryan, &van ~3 Duma Club Drama lub As. mbhes FBLA, President Basebaii,JV H. 127 Dahlberg, Connie Honor, •cry Football, Soph,]V Junior ho1r 109, ~3 Basketball, Var,ity ki Club GAA hool Musical (Lead rack Softball All- tate Cho1r ICA , Officer Track fl,, hanan, David neral Acuvities Buhler,Jeff L. Assemblies DECA Gun lub ki Club VICA Bullock, Mike General Activ•ue 223

Stt:'rhnp: holar Haug, Mark 56. 12~ Howell, Jdf Honor \\XIinnt:\"r A'semhlic 57 Eha,,John ~5 .olf Key Club General AniVItie ·ucrmtn's ( lub Elmer, llin1el Colkue tap:e Crew O>' Club ~neral Activ~rie General Acu vmcs mbhes Erickson. Christine 55, 15', 161, 163. nmrBand Howell, Korddl oncert Choir .on(t\"ft Ch01r 'tu<knt Counul Flash B.tnd, Pre ukm A. mblie DE A Ga. tcr, Sharon R Or,hcstra Girl's Choir , hool /'~<al Concert Band GAA FBLA \\'I ( A. Pre'1dt:'m Junior Choir Sterling S.: holar Concert Cho1 r Pep Club, Drill Mi trc Hall \\I rom, John P~Ciub Gates, ~rucc L C.oncen lhnd Flash Band Debar Club ki lub Spelunking Club Fla>h Band Wreslting,]V VICA HA I Off.cer Howells, llina 57.15R, IR\\ 1n, 115. Gate', Tamm) General A m •ric 192, 192 Gtlbert.Julie Assemblie OECA VICA Cheerleader, Soph.]V Children's Theater Concert Band Dance Club, Vice Pre •dent Debate Club, Pres1dem Honor Sociery International Club hool Musical Famswortn, :\\. ·ne Songleader Pep Club ~neral Awv Student Council Farrell, Lori Sterlinp: Scholar Art Club, Hisronan As mblies Honor Winner Concert Cho1r Girl's Ch01r Hyde, Laura) 172 Honor 1ery • hool Mu ical As>embile> Honor Winner Tht;uer Art Fitnuter, Camile 1ldrm'. Theater Chamber Choir Dance Club Concert Ch01r FBLA Debate Club · :hool Musical Flem1np:, Kt:\"nt GAA VICA Red Cross Club General An1vuie' 57, I, 1L 68 uftman, Dmny 55 Club VICA 55 , Phillip General A uvities },1% Huyboom, u n E ph.]V Con rt . 01r 55 Honor · ty 2,2<H, Jumor ho1r 207 FHA. Officer 57 56

I'; ~s. :42 11 v Manv. ill,Jodie 60 scmblics Debate Club DECA 1\\larchant, Ruth (xl. 1~, I I, IS7 General A(muie Concert Band Mellor. Bl ·e Concert Chou Honor Socien C'.eneral Acu ~ltlc FJa,f. Band Mdvilk. ,'tephamc Ore hcsrra, Prt idem . :hool 1\\lustcal Asemblies :'\\lark, Con ce • I 60 Ouldrcn's Thoter GAA Dance Club .- Ftball. Soph,JV. Var\"t\\ DECA Red Cro s Club • lar · I, like 60 Gcn n: A U\\ltlC' 60 ool 1\\!uSl<•l VICA Ia~~ ~) General Alll\"t'es Middleton, Ten) Wayne 61 VICA Marler, Gu, 60 General,-\\n\" •nc• General Aem we' :-tacl'arlane, John 60 Miller, Ilene 61, I ll, 169, 204 DECA Concert Chmr D n<eCiub Folk ing1ng 1\\lamne-Au, LuAnn P 2~. 61, I 2 .· hool Musi Chamber ' 1r ·'Club C nccrt Chou 1\\!Jier, Robm 61 -,Club. I·HA .eneral Acttvtue, 61, I~ filler. ':ocr DE A 61,142,1 9.14~ IH, General A<tivitic 202 1\\llllcr, Trane L 112, 114, liS, 61 19- A sc·•rb' A <cmhhc, Rasebaii,JV Varslt) Ba kctball., ph,)\\' 'Ya II), ptatn Ch rle-ader,JV DECA Children's The-ater F rbal Debare Club. Capram Drama Club Expre. IOn' Horor Sex iety hool Pia) Ia Club lub nncr 2H, ,61, I -1,14 • 72 22

~Iii stead, Am} K 1(>8 Honor Winner A,. mbhc Sterlinp hoLu Pearson, Kam Concert Choir n> Junior Ch01r 61 6l, .x. 172,207 ~tiL tead.Jo. ph As cmblies football. Soph Mitchell, Dawn Concert Ch01r Junior Choir Girl', Choir Mnchdl.Jennifer A DFCA Drama Club Sentry ·taff Mnchell, Lon General Awvi uc{,·f\"'~r.:Jf\"'~\"c'\\ Mollenhau~. Vera General Activities Montoya, Fnedin 64 131, ll6,64 64 Honor Souery Fxpre'\"ons Honor Sociery Expressions hool Musical Sentry '>taff scf1ool Musical Irl's Ch01r Olsen, Dou~ School Play Sterlinj( Scholar Softball Junior Choi VICA, Officer General Acuvities V!CA hool MusiCal 01'-Cn, Mike A i'HA, President 1\\Ielson, Barbara M, 123. 131, t.l, 145, All ·Stat hotr Pullan, Craig 146, 2, 13~ Gener:tl Acuviries General Aniviues Pymm,Carl 'clson. Ddene 62 General Auivities -

I(: Dl t nub Fxp O!lS l\"\"t','2 3,122,12~. Football 'ioph 190 t'l, '>rJff, 'lr Ia ( lub Track tr rrbe--g, Rolxn). Honer R o(lub Year Rassmu,, Rus,;eiJ 1>h, 122 General A, cmtae Letter'ller • ( '> Rasmu en, Vi< k1 A rrack Asscmhhe; Ch rlcader, Sorb. Sk1 ( lub J)\"fl' 1 I , rn k n rd 'n Re.ll r lunt r Pr m Q<.etn H rretomtr • ~'trst At•erc 'lt \"'ecth ·t B~l (..!u Smtt 1 Kathc Anr r, I~Sl 16•• 162, 6>, HometOI\" 'lg Que< n 6H R.wson, Rob 65 ll< 1eral Act \\I!IC T rack O\\t, K athy lla}, Kevtr 65 f !.A ta c (.rC\";~. Kcy ub (, -era} A<ttVtttc R m,Lec M crcrAI Acuvme Recs, (err e 6~ 16. 162 ( r• dre'l' The tc H use ot Represemauves (A>nlcrt otr Du~1( lub De!:>ate ( .1b DE( A Jumcr ( hmr t~ HA f Off, er 67,169 Pep Clu~ Hunor tcty R~nner K rk P Or<.!1cstra Genera Am' tt e (:~ r ool Mu tc1l Rtnolds. Dcb1 Ia lub Gcner2 Actt\\lt e All me Horo·Wtnnc Rl}occ , Clurolot•P 65 ~rdar, Marc ( 66. I 4, I Gen rJ A t v urs u~. 81, II'. II>! fhscb: I, Vu 1ty 6' B~sket a! Varsit) R harlsor u ar ItO, 149. (>\"\" (J(>lf 118 p (>\"\" FBlA Lcttl-rmen\"s Club • 194. 19~ 67 Hm or So<. tc<~ VJ<.A 6 IW Horor \\X mner S arp, l\\.bry .J< 6<>. 168 I II I ot,1lh Rtci.:,, KArc'l R . 6~. ~~~ 208, 20\"\" C.oncrrr l ho r FBI.A As embhe ( hcerleadcr.JV ntor (Ia 'X:crcurv Dcl>atc ( lub DEC.A Drarra <.lui:> School ;\\lu tt , tudert CounCt 67 67 l<i, Pt VKA mor Ho1• Que n Re1d. (,Jona 66 Art C <~b 6~, 2\"\" .O'l. 2 G ne-- An\" t c '0 ll>; I Rtgb~,<, m 0 66, 6>, ... Honor \\X'mner Cor :en ~or Expre 1cns 11 aver Kdthte (Jll 161 , !6> l her C <~b ln•cmat ,,,a! Club (,tr!' Chou O>nccrt Band th Ettcs Onhesrra K 'C Jub I te nartona Club Fcp l ;.~b uet.rv R1lcl T na J~illor~ tr 11-olcn. E c 68 .68 (, 1erAI A t v•t•c 1001 luSt a C.on rt C\"ho1 Rtbemcr M. ne fie FHA Tenm GC\"lerJI Atuv•!l s pence P I 68 Fla h Band Rdx:n r, T.:nrPv 6(: G<.\"ncul Au v •tcs Thc.rra. C01leer 2 H , 172 I t C.erer1l ActtVt'IC' 'tauffer, Manar U!i••66. 16H. II>;, 180 A SC'llbltes Rob1son. Brt'nt 66 Aro ( lub, · <renrv ChJmbcr G-otr Key ( .!) Cor>cert ( hotr Cl !Jrcn' Theater <JertrJI Atta\\ltac DF< A (one<.\"« Band R·>btson, Keuh 66 Fxprc ton ( ncc-t01oir VIlA (•(\"flcra A tv .tc Honor tet>. T·c rer Drarra ( lub, Off1<er Gene· I Actt\\lt e 6 Inter ltlor I < ' '>. Trt1< Lxpre or Robkz, DebJH~ (J, ~ fHA Fla Band DECA tecmcK. l 1dy GAA (, neral Attl\\lt,cs +l 6<: Gc er I Atttvtnes fh Ertes Rodl:xrg ltrc.'\\ V ( nen\\,[1 ~ Band l'lte•r •ioral Clul:> Rolk Ke ly f,(, hool fu teal (>\"\" 161, 162 '1ool Pbv uenerl: At t ' tiCS 110 11 (J 127 195, Kl C\"!.lb Romero !.Jura 2 '!, 4~ I >I 66 AI ta eChotr l'r tc<''Pc rk (lui:> A mblt 11 mas. ;\\!dame Ros t herry 6<.• Red Cro s Club Gc:nrra A t ' uc Gcnenl Acttvures R v. ,K ....., 66,1 I 2 Thomrson, Di\"te L (:f'l 1 (,e >cral A t ' 1 Perl' .ll \\( Riding Oub R •\\\\Cl! T~mrr) Gcnenl ttl' 11 l.creul Acttvt'te 100mpson Ron 139 II (/:), 15 ' DFCA R '\" ) Werdy (-A (>'i. 167 Ad• euc . Mmager 22 7

TI1omp'<>n. Will hool !\\lu 1cal Conecrt Chm r Cn·neral Attivitie School Play Wilkes. Doug 1.\\1, 135, I ~6. 70, 127 4 , · 1ool PhotOI(raphn Yearbook. taff, Ot:batc Club Sentry Staff People's Editor Honor Society FHA (t'f Key Club Assemblies 113 Yt\"arbook .·t1ff lumor Ch01r Football, Soph ,JV, Varstty, (Captain) Thornton. Janette Vance, Katln ·: hool MUSI<,ll Concert B~nd Fl~sh Band FBLA 'ki Club Lettermen's Club GAA General A<tiviltcs All. tate Choir Track Thornwall. Kathy L 69. 28, 1~8. 172 VanAlphen, Chnsta {:1:), 159, 1(~. 11R, \\X'ayman, Bruce 70 Wresthng, Varsity (Captain) Chamber Ch01r 115 Assemblies Wilson,John 70 General Acunties Children\\ Tht\"atcr Cluldren' Titt\"ater Children's Tilt'2tt·r Jun10r Cia\" President Con<ert Dloir Concert Choir Wilson, Man 1H, 136 Dance Club Wrestling Dan<e Club Drama Club Expres 1ons Honor Scxiety · hool Musical C,eneral Awvit1es G1rl\\ Ch01r Inremauonal Club VICA Winel(ar, Clifford R. 71, 168 Concert Band Jun1or Ch01r hool MusKa! Weber, Raylynne P'LA StcrJ,ng · ·holar General A<tiVIties Concert Choir Withers, Roome hool !\\fusical VanDam, DHe {:1:), 127 Wc·bSier. Clair 2S. 0. 122, I 2, 147 71 Ski Club Football, Varsity Assemblies Gener>l Auiviues ·rudent Council General Auiviites Chamber Ch01r Wood, Dennis 71 (,en~ral Actinues Sweetht\"am Ball, Vawdrey, Tami 69 Concert Ch01r Assemblies Cros Country Worlron, Dave 71, :7o C><:ner>l Acm·•tics Second Attendant Cheerleader, Soph., Ht01dJV JuniorCho\" Thurmond, Tamra D {:1:), 157, 161, 163 DECA Letterman, Vusit} Wright, TomJ 71 Pep Club GymnastK School !\\!usKal Basketball, Soph.,JV, Var>Jty General Activ1itcs Tichner, LcJSa L. PTA 'Xhool Play Football. Soph Chamber Cho1t 28,69.157,172 Red Cro\" Club Ski Club Lettermen\\ .lub DE A Ski Club Spelunkml( Club Track VI A Student Council Track Junior Cho1t Vele1. Annette f:I:),IP Webster, Con me 0 Wynn, Kelly 71 General Activities Pep Club Cheerleader, JV c.cneral ActivitiC PTA DECA Webster, Paul ~0.28.165,171,172,204 All-. tate Choir General Activiites Yates, Jill 71, I()H T1mp~n . Annette L (f), 159. 168 VelC>. Marie Chamber Choir Concert Ch01r Art Club Softb II {:1:), 123, 116 Children\\ Theater DECA Children'· Tht\"atcr General Anivi~tcs Concert Cho\" Wrestling Club, Pres1denr Concert Choir Vogt. Steven Debate Club Yates, tcve 12, 28, 72, 7.\\, 122,201, 1'2, D~nce Club VICA 204 168 2. 8 1~ (I() t 228 Hon r et) Hon t \\X 1110

Junior Coleman, Laune 77 H~nscn, ·andra 79 Le~vitt, David 82, 127, IZH, 207, Pedersen lisa 84 .ommxk, Randy Adams, Yvonne 164,75 .onder. Brad 77 Han,en, ceve 79 213,168, 187 Pedro, Brett 8-1, 177 Allen, Bruce 75 Conner. Duane 79 Lee, Wayne 136.82 Pendlecon, 'usan 10H Allen, Pat 75 Conradt, Jennifer n Han'>On, Scacee Allred, Clark 75 Cook, Glenn Allndge,Jody 75 Cooper, Laura 77 Han'>On, Susan 79 Le cer, L1sa Rae 82, 168 Peterson, Danny 1!4 Alsop, Alan Cox. Andy Anderwn, Alene 7~ Cox, Kaylene 77 Hardman. Danny 79 J.ew\", Chad 82 Peterson, Don 1!4 Andero;en, Debbie Crapo Lee Anderwn.Jdf 212, 157 Cravens,] a Hardman, Su11e 79 Lmnell, Laune 82 Peterson, Joan 118, 1!4 Anderson, Nanette 75 Ander'>On, ~chen 75 (rev. Ha Hard), Kandy \"\"9 Linkwood. Larry 82 Peterson, Vicky &1,181 Andtr'>On, Stacey 75 <ur (, e Anderson, Scephame 75 Cuter, r; Harkim. Darren 80 Lloyd, Todd 117, 82, 122 Pecut,John 1!4 Andrews, 1na Angell, Doug 75, 157 ( ulr Harrington, Chris 80 Lockwood, usan 1!2, 151! Pier'IOn, Kelly 1!4 Arko,John 75 Arve-ech, andy Inti r (I Harvey, Mark 140, 119,80 Long,Chm 2 Pino, Becky S.l, 177 Asay, Scott 75, 19 Ashby. Lynene Ha kell, Teresa HO Longmore, Valorie Potter, Mike 84 Atkin on, Patty ,,75 Haug, Chris 80 Lord, Mike 82 Powell, Leonn 84, 168 75 H~un, David 80 Lovell, Rual R2, 168 Pnce, T~mmy l19,H5,15~ 123 ~5 Hawkin , Barton 80 Lowe, Kent 82 PrO< cor, Carol 5 75, 168 Ludwig, Leona 2, 133 Pullan, Wayne 119, 74, 85 Haws, Kelly 141, 147,80, 142, Lyman, Jane Pyle,Jim n Lyman, Lorra1ne 82 lOR 119 213,119.82 Qumn, Ren~ya Mu h,Craig 108 Hawkins, ynthia 80 Marchant, achy Maroney, Vikki ~5. 161, 163 Hayward, 80 Mar>h, 1ike 85, 127, 12 . Matthews, Ricki I lermamon, Debbie 80, 161, 163 • !artneau, Lauri 119 85 errin,John 80 85 5, 161, 163 Heugly, Linda 119, 39. 80, 187 85 146,85, 123 ick'>Dn, Bart 80, 142, 149, 169, 85 147, 141 5 85 Higginson, Troy 80 85 Hilcon, Dave 80 Hinton, Verne 80 Hinton, Vicky 80 Hobb, Frank 80 Hoesch, Bri~n 80 Hoffman, Mike 136,80 ne, Wally 80 H rrO<ks.Jeff 80 t w~. ceve 80 oucz, Mark 80 Horrin, Kyle 80,203 Houo;eholder, Boyd 80 Howard, Ruthann Hughes, Kathleen nt m~n. Mich~d 119 6, 1 ~ 6, 89,2 16 (, Jen ' , L,1:\\nn Jeno;en, herrv )enscn, R1 k . Jmscn, ·rae> Johanson, David John n, Gknn John'>Dn,Jillene Jensen, Tammy John n, Valdean Johnso \\X'ayne , vL Jones, Mark Jones, Randy Jord~n. Becky Jordlsc>n, Brad Kall~,, Suz1e Kalleco, Lmda Kashisian, T ina l>..a), H.u bJra Kdlinger, • fan K irk, Duane Klemm, Val K<Xhevar, O..v.n 1in, n, Chene 77, 157, 189, 216 , Chc!)l 77, 161, 163, 168 ten sen, Gwen 77 cc:nsen, Jeff 77 eno;en, Traue 77 ten. n, Kirk 77,166 , Larry 77, 148 ark, Susie 77, 169 em, Dan 136.77 ement, Vondell 77, 168

Stillwdl. l:X:da ~7 ~ophomore· Clark, Conme 93 Hapl:x:rp,Joc 9~ Leatham, Dixie 9. U7 Lee, Robert wwc:, An nut< H Cla,c:JI. Rithard 9.\\ fhll.•dav, Gay 1~·1, 96 9 1~·1, 96 Lcirhtle, Tom 9 StO\\\\C:, !art\\ S7, 161, 162, I( Ahbon, • 'orm 91 Cloward. T<>n 93', C.• me: Lennber~. Julie 9R, 171 Alder, Julie 91 LeRor. Dennis 9/l, 202 Strc:bor, D<:rf Allen, Tr.ty 91 Coat'.. ·hauna 159, 15~. 9~. IM Han ..en, Cindy 95 Lewi,, GJry All,l!<ller, Alan 91,110 H.m,en, Cokne 95 Lewis, Kerri 9R Stuart, Karm !{ Allred, Brend.1 O,l!,l!k. Ramona 9\\ 173 ll.msen, Gordon 95 Littlefield, Patn Allred, Pe,l!,l!) 91 ll.msen, Hope 95 Lon~hurst, Gen !)R '-'rutk, ollec:n \\0 Ander'><>n, ( rai,I! 91 Condor, Cra1p 9\\, I!P 1-!.m\\Cn, Kri> 95 Lon~hum, 'herri Anderwn, [);In 91, 127, 12!l Han-en, Mind} 95 Lop<:z, Billie 9R '-'ulknper, Fchu.1 H' -\\ndeN>n, I:X:mar Conner, Kim IAA Han,on, Stacie 173 Lopez, Louie 160 Anderson, Dirk 91 Lougy, Connie 9R Talbot. Bill AndcN>n, Lex 91 Ctx>k. Ralph 93 Lundgrm, Dana 9H Taft, Garrie Andcr...>n, Linda 91, 12·1 141,98 A ndcr\" >n, I\"ri 91 Ctx>k, Rex 93 ndgren, Lori Ander\\On, 011 91,160 Lybbert, Lorrie 9R T.tpp, Ttxld Ander. on. Steve 91,160 Cook, Su,an 91 Lynth, Carrie Ill, 110 91 Ta,lor, Kri'ty ndtr'tHl. Terri 91 Cook, Wendy 93 Hardman. Kelly 95 9H Taylor. Paul Andt r>on, Tro\\ 91 Harker, Brad 17l,9h AndtT\\On, K I 91 Cooper, Konn 93, 173 1-!a,kell. Janet 95 Arrhukta, Joe 91 1-!atth, Gayle 95 911 Tha,er. Dand -\\ hby. Ron 91 Coonradt, Dav1d 93 I hthenhrutk, Steve 95 Ausi, k..Jame> 91 I faun, Marpo 95 Thehn. Ste\\t Cordova, &try 93 Healey, Duane % B.t.f'IC), Kenna I&I Cor 1, R~tk 93 Hcman..en , I:X:Val % Bailey , Ed % Baka, !Jan 91 Cr.opo, April 93 91. I \\0 Crames. Mike 93 91 91 Crew. Curti' 1.>0 laddox, DenniS 98 91 lalkoglanni,,Jaml 98 91 Crcw,Jod 91 Hcman-en, Ron % fantas, Ron ?R, 110 91 iaRhant, Patry 98, 187 91 Cnx>k, Cath\\ 91 H1gham.Jeannerre % farshall, heri~ 98, 133 91 Martin, Jim 91 Curtis, Kenneth 93 Hmkley, Suzanne 96, 157, 160, Martine,, Jeff 98 91 Martinez. Pablo 98 91 Dahl. Evann 15.9~.1~ ~1 212 164 91 D.1mic, Da,id • 171 93, I ~0 Hoft11nes, Rhonda 96 92 Dan\"t, Robert Dav1.. 1\\:adine 93 Holt, Dalcnc % <)2 D<:jon.f', Lory 94 57 Holt, K. Owen % 92,160 92 Holt, Lynn % 108 D<:lpado, !\\lonique Hoskisson,Jdf %, 122 98 Deneri s, Gmrpe 98 D<:,pain, Celeste no Hou houldcr Joni %, 157, 160 ).j Howa. Kathy %, 123, 133 98 Howell, Steve Dommpuez,)cann1 !()!{ Hud\\On, Dwanc % 99 Hunkin, Della % 99,160 Don.llthon, Grep 91 Hurzeler, Mit helle % 99, 171 Do\" d. Pam 91 Huyhoom,Jeff % Down,, Cra1p 91, 130 % 99,160 Do\"'\"'· Donna 91.160 99,160 Drap<:r, Tonnie 94 Inpkhy, Karhl n % 99. 125 Dro\"'\"· Tikey \\\\. 91, IR7 Duma,, Allan 99 Duma,, Con 91 99, 157 Durfee, Patricia 99, 157 94 r\"'rl, ..hdlq 94. 1'3 99 99 Etkman, Eric 91 lOR R layne 212,94 9<' 99 Ellison,, Ott 94 154,99 Emer,on, RO< k} 94. 9-1 99. 130 Eng!Jnd. Mi ·e 172 p I , Rand) ?4. uo 99 92 Esp1not.1 m 90 91, 1~4 99 99, 130 91 99, 130 FJrr · I I lear (? 94 99 99. 174, 188 F 99,160 99 99 124 99 99. 1 \\ 89, 12\", !lS 0 100 S9 230 \"· ) 89,177 1(1(• 89 10( IM ll 100 100 I I 100,160 I

Peter..on,Jdf 10<), 130 Robinson, Cindy 101 SheltOn, Dianne 102, 17} Taylor, Chn r 104 103 Peterson, Juhe 100 hepherd, Cory 102 Taylor. Karen 1(}l 10 • 173 Peterson, Lon 100 Robinson, Meloney 101 102 Terry, Hetdi u4 103, 130, 136 P~tcrson, Penny Shepard, Darren 102 Thatktr, K vin Peterson, Sheri 100, 173 Rodarte,James 101 Shtrley, Dawncll 102 Thackeray, Cindy I )~ 103 100, 160, l(,q, 'ihtftlett, Marjorie 102 Thelin. Brent 103 108 Phdp>. !arty Rodriguez, Ceuha 101 '>•crra,J•m 102 Tholen, . ruarr 212, 10~ 103 Pt<kctt, 'teve 173 Stmon, i.ndyjo 102 Thomas, Ken 103 15 • 103 Pierce, Brad 101 Rodriguez, Connie 101 Skinner, Debbie 102 Thomas, Ltndsay Petrl~th, Tony 101 Slaugh, Jessie Thompson, Ke11h l04 Pitts, r-..ltk 101 Ro.lnguez, Francie Smith, Brent 102, 1~0 Thompson, Shen Pollotk, Mary 101 Smith, Craig 102 Thurman, Debbie 103 Poulsen,) D 101 Romero, Ken 164,101 Smith, Marla 102 Timpson, Ra<hdle Pratt, Kcvm 173 '\\mtth, Terri Tirrell, Kevin Preece, Lu tnda 101, 1~0 Romcro, Lorry 101 <;rmh, Todd 102, 160 Titus, Debbte Pritc, Doug 101 Snow, Btl! 102 T roucr, Su an Pnnglc, Debra 101,160 Romero, Sharon 101 Sorenson, Bobetta TIUJ!llo, Kdh Prue, SherRon 101, 130 Sorenson,Juht 141, 104 T<;<\"haggcny.ju' eM Pullan. Tammy 101 Romero, Tina 101 Sorrell Mike 151, 102 Pymm, Gloria 27, 101 I .1n 101 Rosa,Joe 147, 102 Tapp, Rodney 101 1(}l Rosa, Tony I ~6. 131 J!S Rose, Danny 101 W·l 104 Rose. Tammy 102, 187 ~'. 11}1 l(}l 160 Roytt, Eiletn 102 1(}1 104 I 4 Rubens, Wayne 102, 127, 128 104 101 Rufi. Gay 102 101 104 Ru hton, Hal 102, 187 Ru sell, Suzy 102, 188 Qutntana,Jennifer 101 Sam bury, Elinbtth 102, 1'4 10' I3 Sandtl\\ al, Rosine 102, 17~ 105 Reber, Paul 101, 187 · hneitcr, Danny 102, 124 ~ 105 102, 130 '0' 1;o 1 \\C Redman,Jamte 101, 188 hoftdd, Chris 103 10' I'X' ott. David 102 141. I \\ 105 Reid, Lynneue 101, 187 S<:abolr, VeronKa 102 lll5 Searle, Dwtghr 102 103 '05, 160 17~ Reid, Rhonda 33. 101, 159, 188, Sears, T rat\")' 102 l.ri Semos, Nancy 102 105 212,203,216 Severson, Carne 102 105 'harp, Betkt I• 105 Rcmin ton, Diane 101 Sharp,Jolcn ·harp. Kerry 102, 6 ' 12~ Re>are, Duane 101 Shea, Pat 102 I2 I l5 Rich, Penny 101 10' 160 RKh;trd , Angela 101, 173 to; Riches , J a n e 101 •c; w; Ripley, H thcr 101 Robtmon, Janicl 101 i'.abnsk.e, Brent i'.ombro, \\'\"kte 231

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