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Home Explore Hillcrest High Class of 1993

Hillcrest High Class of 1993

Published by lynette, 2019-05-08 18:41:45

Description: Hillcrest High Class of 1993


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nbump rowda til Y Varsity Volleyball Lady Huskies Battle the Nets SERVE. BUMP. SET. RETUR . a t am of many n w fa s . Man of SPIKE. Tiles t rm are used to til play r w ere g iv n til opportu- describe our g irl var- nity to play on borll var- sity volleyball team for \"TIl most s ity and junior varsity tile I 992 season. Tlli voll yball. All tw Iv of inspira ti ona l tile p lay r p lay d on person tllat got va r ity. and on ly four of tile t alTl Ilyp d til m n v r pi d on for a ganl was KRUT (Krista Ko 111 r).\" Kim Kund Kim Kund tak a qui k br atll r during a t(Jugh game.

H a lher Jo l1l1son s ho w s he r 1 ~ ' le as s h e seL Ihe b 1110 Ihe w ail ing \"sp iker\". Em ily B ing ham . Pll 10 : Jam s Gamme ll Emi ly Bing ham liSe' a ll he r powe r 10 sp ike Ih b a ll 0\\ ' I' 10 Ih e anx io lls Ie'a m . Pho l : J m Ga m m e ll JV volleyball Bump, Set, SPIKE!!! \"Po ilive tt ilude and OUI IClnd- Ho ffman s tated tha i til m os t m ean- ing Effo rt \" is w llal Coaell Will iam ing fu l tiling Sll C I arn ed was \"if you aid aboul 11 r leam. II 's no w o nder kc e p tri v ing at a goCl I. you w ill as III Junior Var il Y even tually Il il it. \" Em ily Vo ll eyb all t am \"If you k ep B ing ll am aid o n til ing sh I arn d \"is 11 0 W t buml d. t.and sp iked tll e ir way tll ro ug h til striv ing at w o rk as a leam .\" season . a goal, T liro ug il o ul 111C a- M rr iah Il u tson you will son . Iii team pu l a 10 1 o f limc in lOv lIeyb all as e v e ntu a ll y oae ll Wi ll iam s tood hit it.\" by lll c m alllll c w ay. \" 11 is su Ii a good eoaeli Heath r and Irca l us lik a H o ffm an w n .\" b- I am' ffo rt nd rc w ard s. 1110 I o f Kris lC1 Ko 111 I' IClkes (l mom(,111 0 1 con cenlf am Til Iii p l(\"lY r ar x il d 10 p lay vCl rs il y lio n i)e lore serving 11)(' b el li (l\\ Ih e ir lel51galll 11 1 n XI y ar. Goo t Work JV!! ! sa PllOI O: .J(lm Gamme ll pi ye rs fc I 111 Y 11 (\"1V I - arn d I I lll i Y ar. II atli r

Sophomore Volleyball Just Havin' a Ball This year was a great experience for Ih Sophomore volleyball team as th y spiked their way through the s ason.StephanieKoonstated, \"we have improved a lot and have I arned a lot.\" She also replied that, \"we have I arned how to work well tog ther and think positive. no mat- ter what the score.\" Jaynie Olsen statedon thingshelearned is. \"you have to p layas a team and make the b st of what you've got.\" AS they met for games and prac- tices throughou t the season. the team became c loser. K y li Burgon \"You have to playas a team and make the b est of what you've got\" Jaynie Olsen said about working as a team, \"We hav all become really good friends as we have practiced tog ther.\" There is no qu stion how dedi- cat d the team and their coach were as they constantly gav up their time for practices and games. \"She was very supportiv in everything w d id and she encouraged us on,\" stated Keyli Burgon about Coacll Ros . Being on a volleyba ll team takes a lot of tim and hard work. We ar proud of this y ars Sopllomore Volleyball t am and of all th ffort III y put into deliv ring an exciting and fun s ason. RI : Dan i arlson . Kacey Wallin R2 : alll rine Til Sophomor Vo ll yball lea m show Iheir Moore. Keyli Burgon. usz l1 e ardo n . Liz fri end hip as Ihey Ilav fun posing for Ille m - McPariland . Meli a Koop . R3: D nise iI o n . era. \"JUSI J-Javin ' A Ball\" i whal Ihey're dOing !!! Janie L y land . Slephanie Koon . Kali Wal n. PllOI s: Sl ve wood Denae DarringlOn. Jani Olsen Volleyball .:. 49

p rinli ng 10 Ih fil1ish. J 1111 \\Vaa l pu h( pa I 111 oml Clilio n . Girls XC A Fermentation of the mind Running cross-counlry lak s a lo t of showed in the ir record, wl,ich was hard \\ ork and s If-discip lin : two 6- 1. Their only loss was to Bingham , things III girls on the I am Ilav w l,o wa first in Ih r gion. p i nty of. Th g irls w I' Coa hAnd rson comm nt d d dicat d I putting forth r-'-'W-e-le--a-r-n-e-d---' that thiS year til girls tlleir b st efforts. the importance w ere diff I' nt than in tl, p a s l. Coac h nd e rso n of running \"TI, ey really wan t d spent I,ours and Iiours training th g irl s for toge the r and to run and tlleir delermi- m e ts. \"His devotion and of motivating nal ion and spiril pulled concern rubbed off on tl,em togetller,\" Coach th entir t am.\" sa id each other. II And rson said. \"Tile manda Edmonds . \"A t am b cam important Am anda Edmonds tllousand tllanks to to veryon on th I am Coach nd ers on , who and that made us m o l' wa right n xt to us yen during our compete tive. \" tough Sl workouts . The team had a lo t Their d term ination and motiva- of pride in what tlley were doing and it tion took them to state . J ni AI xand r. Jill Candrian . Jenn OeWaal. Be ky Reid . Shanno n I in . ndac R b- At~ Amanda Edm onds. Tamra Fr i. Ali H pkins. rt s. Am y 11 PI ard. Jc nn Icdm an . Lisa ~~... ~, Anne P rrin. Tamara Przyl y la. Tiffany Ra\\Vlin on . To lt h . Kris Wilson . oacll Ryan A nd rson ~A~t4l.~&~, W AF\"'t c~d.WVI#~ ~tc~... tc. ~. Wt~ ~~~, ~~~i ~14w'('~, t.wa, ~, ~& u.d~M~ ~4 ~W.(.~F~~· $c., ~W.(.~~~ ~~4w'('~~I4~' ~, W.(. ~ ~ 14 A :tu-... ~~~. 50 ·:· Girls Cro ountry

Amanda Edmonds and Amy Sh ppard look xhau I d afl er a v igorou region m 1. Tamra Frei pushes Ihrougl. 10 Ih finish line. rossing fini h line is Ihe main goal of Amanda Edmonds and nne Perrin in III lal m eel . Girl' Cross Country ·:· 5 1

Darren I ordfelt sir lell 5 UI Ili mu les be- for III r gion m l. Jo I Ariv 11o 11 one of Ili ompelilors al III K vin Walk r. J ff Ilur I. Davi I T il o m as. Joel Ari vello. and David I nedi I prinl il acl 5 III gun tart Ill e vcrsilY regio n n ee l. 2 .:. uy' ro 5 oun try

one nlf lin . 0 \\ 'id B nediC'l k ps LIP 11i Boys XC paee in 111 region m eel. Distance is relative \" Itll ugll w w re small in num- a gr al t am for til next few years. b r tllis y ar, w pu ll d tog til r and K vin and tile r st of tile \"sup r II d a pretty good a on . w work d soplls\" w ill be ba k and tlley w ill be lIard and II Ip d pu ll acll OIlIer even b tt r tllan tlley ar now. tllrougll a lo t of tOUgll \"Running is just Coacll Reynor P arce m ts. 1tllink til atll- like going to always te ll s us , I te on tIl t am WllO \"Distance runners are inspir d m tile most the bathroom. made , not born.\" well was Ke vin wa lke r. guys, tlli is a little Th faster you Itllougll Kevin is only - td th som tiling from me to a sopllomore, II ran ge one, e you . 1 know you will first p lace for mo t of b great nex t yea r. bett r you feel\" tIl year. H k p t a lot Her is a quote to r - of tIle 'o ld r' runn rs J ff Hurst m mber til e 1992- moving and k p t a fire 1993 season. 'Running under tIl wllol team . is just like going to tile sa t am, w e p rformed w II and batllroom . Tile fast er you get done, Ilad a successful season. But no til b It r you feel.' K ep runnin' matter wllat, Coacll Pearcewillllave guys.\" J ff Hurst As Ihe wind b low up his h d , Mall W d menially pr par s for 111 ra Guy's ross Country .:. 53

Tile pI' ure of gam s is always handled in tile best o f ways by oacll lo iz r. \"Dig in\" f I' tllat rn I' kick. t pllan ie Paxto n stre tches to ke p til ball in b unds at th Granger Game. Girls Soccer Another Good Year Girls Soccer was incredible thi s year. and having to p lay diffi ult I ams put Th y were Ihe only fall leam sport a damper on til seasons start . TI. qualfied to go to Stat . It took alot o f p l.rase \"prac ti ce makes p erfec t\" hard work to get th reo d final ly applied to our \" season start d OUI \"I love the Lady Hu kie. Wh n siowbul toward tl.eendof game Illey p layed W st Jor- til e yea r w ta rt d dan the second tim e the communicating more and t am pu lled logetll r th pac wa alo t because and never gav up. We fasl r.\"said Dawn Sav- we are all w r starting to give il a ag . Many of th girls ( ( 0 %. sa id a l ali e agreed Ihal Ih first f w a team .\" Ri hards . w llowasalso gam s w r nOI what r Iieved 10 fin lIy s til Ihey Ilad xp t d. or Dawn avage leam do wllat they knew want d. AI th b ginning Ih y w 1' - apabl of. Ih yw repul Up against l ara t ri ti of tl.iswas som o f th b t l am . th e ir ga m e aga in t W tJordanwa tlleir se ondgame. a ingllam . a win ( 010 zer . \"(love tl. team Ihat look first in r gi n . \"W gam e b au a I ami\" TI.i i w r nil talking.or makingour hOls go xa Ily wllal made II. girl so fanta Ii t J rdan. int Ih n I\" idMaggi N I on . Not 10 wal I. Illi Y al'l Ill. ommunicaling

R: I Stap llanie Paxton . Lyne tt e Dic kerson . R:2 BetsyNo I. hry tal Hickenlooper. Dawn avag . oa h P. Mo iz r. Mindy r nson . Erika Jennife r Ho lt . Maggi I n . Ot p ic tured: Leslie F r t r. K IIi Nordfe lt . Be tsy Wi ll iam. Kim a h. Martlla Beddoes. Jaarri Moor . Ro bin Wi lson . Meg Lo mi . La ura Fair banks. Coa h Je ns - n . K IIy r . J nn if r IJe rrill . Reb ec a Hab I R:3 atali Ri Ilards. H th r w ardle. Keri Youngberg Nordfe lt , Brandea Paulk. Jen Scolt . ra Bat s. I) allinto th fa Girls Socc r .:. 55

urr Lind d b y th e oppo sing t a m . Laura Fa irbanks truggl s fo r po s sion o f th ball . I\\ laryann Bird g ives he r all as sh fig hts for tIle ball during tIl e g ame with Hunt r. Kris Jensen conccntratc a 11C p rc p arc t ho t h r f L11 110 1. 56 .:. varsity Bask tball

f st br ak dm n til reen Winnin~ ~~th\\ .- .¥ .; .. t '..,. .,..~..: Varsity Basketball The Mean Green Winning Machine urrounded by tl. opposing t am . T I. e team was very d edica t d and sh fights to keep posession of the prac ticed every day a fter s hool and som aturdays. Th y Sh runs down th oun Although the p lay d gam s v r Tu day and Friday ev e- team had ning. and m akes tl.e lay-up many injuries, Th yare coached by and is fo uled by th they pulled Margar t Ros and ar 11 oppos ing p lay - r. O f lab I who do a gr at urse sh m ak - toge ther and job in pr paring th m for fou l shot b au did th b st th ir gam i a Lady llusky. This is th y could! a tYI ica l xa mpl o f th Th t am Ilad many in- juri s th is y ar but pull d Girl' v ars it y Baske tball togetller and b am tl.e t w inning pirit . best tllat th ou ld be!! Throug hou t th The t am is truly \"Til M - an Gr n Hu ki s I w d Winning Ma Ilin II\" ongratul ation while tl. y d f ladi . on your su c sful - a on. Heath r Ho fm ann . 501 h m r . sh w g r at (orm again t Hunt er as 511 hoot til b all .

Th Girls Varsil Y. N. and pI, m r ba k 1- ba ll I ams show II,eir fri nd I, ip a II, y P for II, am raman . a de p b reall, wl, ile sho ling JV Girls Beat The Buzzer!!! junior p laying in a var it y gam e . Til e girls j ump d at the oppo rt unity to pl ay wi tl1 th e o l d e r g ir ls. oa h Margaret Ro helped pu ll til t am tog til r dur- 11 amwork ing a o m petitiv - a- h Ips pull th t am tog th r in th final s conds of a gam . II II til e mk s a hard fa ll 10 floor while I)c II .

Emil\\ Wilson s ho w s Iler mlent she sho t t~)rathrt'e-po int rintllL' g Illeag in t Bing h 111 . Soph Basketball Who Do You Look Up To? Wilal do b locking, dribbling. shoot- of Utah star. assistant Coach Burk ing and scoring hav in ommon? and managers Corinne Simpson. Til Girls Sopllomor Bask Iball Mandy Burl . J nnifer Higley. and Liz Tam . ThiS year Illegiris ....---------.:..----. Granquist. \"They have \"Angie hadagrealtim as tll y good personalities, a s ore d III ir way Nichsich , great sen e of humor, throu g ll til s aso n. and they work real hard\" Th I amm mb rshad she is stat es Emily Wilson many good qualities about h r coaches. An- Illa t made Ihem suc- 6 ' 1\" and other quality the t am cess ful. One o f thes has is th ir team spirit. I'm only was their d edication to Throughout the season. the team. Working v ry 5 '4 \" th irt am spirit grew and hard. til team sacri- it showed as they played fi dIll ir tim for prac- b etter individually and as Ii s and games. Prac- Emily Wilson a team . Allyson Burt ti s w ere held ev ery co mmen ted. \"Th e w e kday after school and som Sat- sophomores worked well toge ther. urdays. Their gameswere v ly Tu s- They striv d to b e tter themselves in day and Friday. They w r headed practice as well as in gam es . I'm glad by Coach A I o rn . a former University to be working with th m .\" Br o ke Hoski n 110WS 11 r go d d fens as she prot t til e hoop fr m til e o ther team. Girls B sk tball .:. 59

JerryWhil h ad lakes lh pp rtunil Ylosh T ile var il )' I am Iluddl logeliler 10 SllOW It, a Ihr pinIer wllile a Brighlon p layer cream Iheir b 51sid S. \"OH 0 11\" Za h Love shools on o f Hill r I' m any fou l Ril chie lark slands alone on an emply court s h o ls. w ai ling for som eone 10 pa him III ball . 60·:· varsity B-ball

Damr n. w ayn Langpap. I v Margells. and Je ff Pri e. illing: Mike Payn . Bill wsom . Eri J hn n . Kevin Gard uno. Varsity Basketball Oh, What A Team! The gymnasium and do v ry thingls goin'rig ht during a gam - J rry W l1it 11 ad Ihe !Ja il drops Ihrough Ihe ho p. J rry Wh,iIPh\"rI,.l lurn I run down Ih un nd g I for III 0 111 r I am . 61

L-R : K \\'in Damron. Kip ie l on. Cl1ri 11rislian en. Dan Hill. Cl1ad Hales. Danny \\I\\'alk r. 11ad Keelcil. Brad Greaves. Jimmy lark. Wayn Langpap. Brad Greaves reaciles for lil lars. w ell - aClually 111 ball. to take possesion . JV Basketball Dunkin' It! There is ten seconds left o f tile and goes in making til final bask t game. Hill rest's J.V . team is in tllat w ins tile game . Cheers b reak possession of th ball . On p layer out from the crowd as tile jazz band mak s a long, success- p lay a v ic tory song. ful pass to his teammate. Til is is half of th ex- He takes the ball and \"During games c item ent players of th dribbl s it a f w steps I try to junio r varsity team and looks up at th s or expreri enc during a board to se how much f I focused ga m e. Wil n as k d time is I ft in tile game. and stay 110W 11 f Is during Three seconds. Just gam es, Danny w alker enough tim to make in says. \"I try to feel fo- anoth r SllOt. iming control. II cu ed and stay in on- ca refull y h th rows a trol. \" Th - p lay rswork Iligh , spinning sho t ov r Danny w alker t g til r as a team and r a hing hands . In slow feel a sen o f unit y as motion th ball mov s tll ey play in a 11 gam . towards til bask t as til e buzz r ven Wll n til y 10 . These dedi- hing out the at dplay I' wi ll d finit elyb - agr at ball hits til rim , ir I for on th t am n xt y ar. D nny Wa lk r ca lciles a ir \\\\II1ile Sllooling ,I iJaskC'1clurin I a gamC' al Taylor \\ 'ill 62 .:. JV B k tball

Soph B-Ball Above The Rim Going down til ourl. .. top sp d. was til most inspirati ona l p lay r. He til s timulation f adr naline pump- work d and p lay d Ilard and always ing tllrougll til ir v ry move. Pusll- Ilad a posi tive attitude . ing up on til \"D\". moving rigllt. mov- On til sopllomore t am. winning ing I ft . at! mpting to ....------------, is not always tile most g t tllat las t jump sllot. \"These important tiling . It's get- Til sopllomore bas- ting to learn team work players are a and til e value o f Ilard k tball team o f '92-'93 good bunch work .. Learning new of- worked for success . Six of kids, f ns sand d f nses . ~ out of seven days til y they're fun!\" playing for a new coacll . Ilustled to g t wlla t til y witll new p lay rs . Con- w r d t rmin d to Ilav . From giving up tinuity developed in Satu rdays to two tile early years of Iligll games in tile week. Coaches sclloo l bask tba ll. and tllese Huskies knew Price and Damron ca rri s ov r int o many wllat tlley wan ted . ar as b s id s baske t- \"Tllese p layers are a ball. good buncll o f kid and til yar fun!\" Tllrougll til e inspiration o f \"Til e saidCoacll Pric and Coa IlDamron. Bun c ll\" tll ey accomp li sll d tea m Til se kids work d Ilard and most of work and som \"Times to Rem em- til t am agr d tllat a te Bowldin ber\". Matt Eng r huslles 10 k P Ih ball away from III o ill er leam in III game aga in I Grang r. oph 8-8all .:. 63

- Sport

tlK sw ing Ithing 11 GOLF Golfers do well at state... With only 3 s niors on th Next y ar will see many golf team this season, taking hang s in our sports programs third in r gion and 4th at state with the realigning of th re- \"Golfwas quite an accom- ,.------------, gions, again . The golf p lishment. Dusty team will be travel- Butler p Ia d 5 th in again? ing much more, there r g ion and it is an will bea smaller team unwri tte n agree- 0 h, (down to eight from m nt among th twelve), due to the m mb rs, that great!\" fact that the regions Dusty was also the down south don't b st p lay r on the carry a JV team , but team. However, Dusty Butler they wi ll be p laying Ritchie Clark be- in some of the most Iieves that th younger p layers popu lar and beaut iful go lf on the team are some of th courses in the state. best golfers. Not hown : Dusty Butl r. B n H id n . Mall Heiden . Aaro n MOn tgomery.

T il e in fie ld g I logelhe r 10 I Ian Ille ir n XI Iral- egy. 110 ked al Ill e ball 1111'11jus l wh ize d by. I' g Larso n lar Wi lll a dum bfounded look. Eric R b c rt w ings fi nd Il il s in Ill e ga m e ga inSI yp rlls w ll i 11 w w o n , 6-0 . Br I P I r o n a ilE' o f 111C sl fl rting p il ell rs, w arm s UI prcvio ll 10 III _nd inn ing in III gam aga insl _yprlls 66 .:. Var ity Bas b all

EricRob rtS round tile bases w itll sp ed and concentra tion . Til Y\" / had t I lay lo t in adl'er o nditions tllis year du bad \\\\,eath r. illing: Tony Benn II . Cody Wid rburg. Mike Glade Going. Troy Ayres. Chad K t h . Brad argano. Kne Iing:Joey Sexton. s yJen on. Greeves. Mall Kroon. Jason Rawlings. Josh Eric Robert s. Greg Larson. St ve Lang . Tony Burk . Shane Kojima . Ryan Flox. Dan Hogelin. Troll r. Br t P terson. S o t Eld r Standing: Chris Christensen. Jason Oliver. Coach Huish Coacll Haslip . Monte Run ttenbur. Ian May. BASEBALL Three strikes, you're out! A fter school p racti ces. two to thr The team s tarted p ractic ing in March games a week . skinned elb ows and and kept working hard all th way to knees from sliding into the end. With the h lp o f ho m e .. . these baseball Coach Haslip and Coach \"Baseballp layers knew what it Huish , the team had a fun season and play d took to p lay llard and w in . A lthough this is an to ugh . Th team com- y arts team did no t hav b in d sophmor s, j un- a s trong w inning s treak , attitude !\" iors, and seniors, help- th y had a lo t o f am b i- ing Hill r t as w II a ti o n an d enduran c . the t am to b com The t am p ull d to- m or unit d. The team geth r to s upport o n Greg Larson p layed bas ball no t o n ly ano th rand th ir s tro ng for th fun and xcit - school spirit was evi- m nt o f th e gam , b ut dent a t gam es. also for th love o f tIl sport. ThiS T hrough ach p lay r's indiv id ual y ar th Hill r s t bas ball team mad sty l and personalit y, th Hus ki s A m ri a's favorit pa Hime ju t that. Jason Rawlings ca tche a fl y ba ll. and it's an had a bas ba ll t am unlik any o th r. Way to go Huski s! out for th o ther team .

R I : Kevin Moss. Ryan Benson. Mall Moore. Steve Foulger. Jimmy Clark. Ryan Burbidge. A I Barker. Kevin Paxton. R2 : Dan Bryant. Chris Callister. Kelley Kennedy. Ryan Shipp. Rich ie lark. Mark Jensen . Mike Bown. Ryan Barker. Greg Robbins. A I Bark r prepares a serve. hoping (knowing l) it will go over the ne t. We all know it willi Boy' T nni .:. 68

Tennis Makin' a Racket Hillcr st' futur gassi's and towards a r g ion c hampionship. We J hn Ma inro ' p lay d an xciting don't know wha t to xpect at state a o n of t nnis this y ar. Bu t Tennis b caus the teams will be really isnorasp tatorsport. T nnisdoesn't good.\" said junior Matt Moore. They m to draw th stu- , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , felt positive about go- d nt rowd lik bas- ItNext year our ing to s tat . k tballandfootballdo. team will be Coach Smith very strong pushed the team re- ally hard this year and th Y go on w inning because most demanded a lo t o ut o f without a rowd to of us are juniors them. His encourage- c h r th m on . ment and leadership T nnis d p nds all and we will be re flected an enthusi- upon t chniqu and re turning. It asm and winning atti- tak s lots of pra tice tud on the team. and play ing tim e . Matt Moore They feel good about Th y p lay d thr e their success and ar mat h s ach w k. They felt their v ry excited for next y ars season . hard st oppon nt was Hunter High \"Next year our team w ill be very strong School. but th y felt v ery con fid nt b caus most of us are juniors and about th eir mat h with them. They w e will b returning.\" said junior Matt fe lt specially onfid nt about region Moore. Congratulations on your sea- c hampionships . \"We have ten points son and good luck next year! Matt Moore ra es t hi t a nt-skimming ball and delivers a (o rh and v r th n t. Thanks Matt i Senior Richi lark pa u s (o r a br ath r b - tween ma t h s . Boy's Tennis .:. 69

Ty le r Vranesadvance tile b all do wn fi eld in tIle 5-1- win fo r Hillc rest aga ins t y prus VARSITY SOCCER Gettin' the Groove n with excitem ent fo und in ach gam is Quick hared b y bo th the t am m m b r and th d vot d fans. \"We have r p lay r has to b played r al well o nstan tlyonhis gam . A d i tracti o n an 0 t at tim s ...w th e t am \"I don 't think can go far this ab o ut it mu 11.ljustpl ay a liard a I an t h Ip y ar, th talent th is th r Dan Christ ns n thr ugh th witll til m in v i try. really tri d t m k u juni r Mikal t m ha a

Goalie. Z Il C Davi . kic ks a 10 ng-s ll Ot gOlie ki k tiOllll the fi Id . J.V. Soccer Look At em' Go! T h tal nt d junior va rs ity t am o ut to b s uccess ful in the gam es. p lay rs show d grea t nthusiasm Th coaches Paul Mozi r and and s trong ffo rts tll is season, w hich Steve Adam s, have helped these is typical o f young, n w , , . - - - - - - - - - - - - , yo un g beg inn e rs to and enthusiasti p lay- \"It'S an achieve g reat skills and rs. adrenaline m oves to becom e m ore Th y wer ager to rush w hen experi enced p layers. lea rn this exciting gam e Practic ing hard , by and get the spirit o f this you're run- co ntin uou s runnin g, thrilling spo rt . T h e ir ning- around d rills involv ing dribbling, t am work and spirit and taking passing, and kic king all k ps the d vot d p lay- 11elp the p layers to g ive ers involv d in p laying people out. their t am the b est per- th gam s w itll all th ir I love it! \" form ance in a c halleng- ffo rts , s tri v ing th ir Mikal Aune ing gam e. b s t to b a vars ity Thanks to all the de- p layer o n the team next v o ted fans cheering o n year. the soccer team p layers , they have Soccer is a run - your - guts - out g iven the p layers enthus iasm and sport , b ut it is d efinitely all the way spirit to p lay games in good attitudes, w orth it w hen the soccer season turns w hich lead to a success ful season. Mike t\\ un ta king charg of til b all . r ady to JV So r+:+ 7 1

M mb rs o f Ill e iris' Track I am b egin Ille rae wilh a bursl o f energy and d I rmin alion 10 \\ in . mily Bingham 's fa illu Iral her drive 10 jump Ille farthesl in Ihe long jump. II , 111E'rine Ke ll y BOOl11, Ja k b nimbi Jack b - qu ick , W e I 11 Em ily Bingllam juml v r 111 - ilurdle 10 w in .

Tillany P t r pratic s an ient tribal hunting m thod . h aim for a bird and tllrows. rth wa its in antic ipati on for til s ta rt of Girls' Track and Field Heading for victory_ April 6, 1993 ... .At 2 :30 y arbook and 2 mile, and field events, long pictur s w ere taken just b efore our jump, high jump, discus, javlin, and m t with Hunter. The shotput. But running is wind was b lowing v io- more than an ev ent. lently. It wasn't just the \"Running \"Running has b en wind though, buttheex- d scrib d as a plac , trem cold . It was too is a place somewll r only you cold to strip down to vvhere matt r. A place no one our tank tops and Is e ca n invad e ,\" shorts. Most of us ran only you d es c rib d Amanda in our jac ke ts v e n matter.\" Edmonds, long distanc though it s v rely ut runn r. The runn rs of down our times. th Girls'Tra k and Field Sometim during the Amanda Edmonds take port mil , it b gan to hail. s riously . Th ir fforts Tin y, icy ro ks p Iting paid off at til m t with our I gs and faces . My skin b egan to Hunt r Wll r Hillc r t won 9 1 to 47. tingle with th low t mp ratur ...... . Uk th po t ornc , th Y d Iiv r - Tra k and fi Id inc lud s sprinting sun, rain , I I, snow, and H IU! dust v nts, 100, 200, 400, and tl Way to go Girls' Tra k and Fi Id in hurdl s, lo ng d is tan , 800, 1 mil , your e ffort .

Om' Fil e i\\' Ilis all a he o ars in Ill e air o n III lo ng j ump al III m e I againsl Bingll m , Meel Ihe lea m! !! I Ilniquc payoff he c lears nlCCI aga insl I3rigll lon , 74-:- Tr k

Jason Ki l 11ris t s t o ll Clnd sp ed LIP 11 make Iii w ay \\' r to til p I vault. Donni Sa lazar o n r tr tes n th finish lin . Wll il wa iting fo r tile g un to go o fr. Boy's Track Shovving NO Mercy Sacrific ing their time and nergy. the Mascaro . Kil izer Khad eri. r4: Dal G .7. m embers o f the track team p racticed Jared Franc. T odd Morgan . 7. Mik Fr their skills everyday aft r school. H ad d m an . Brandon Hansen. Tony Roberts . by Coach Pearc . th Y r - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Jam s Tam apeau . Tra y m t every Tuesday and \"Track takes a Olsen . Tod d A rgyle. r5: JuS- Til ursday fo r track m eets lot of time and tin Vance. David Haynie. and d id a gr a t j ob. sacrifice, but it w ad Hand ry. 7 Mic ha I Wh th r Il urdling. jump- paid off in the P w y. Farr nJ nsen. Bart ing. throwing o r running. Chy traus. Brian Borg. Mik Hill res t Track b at all' Bowld n . T IIy Esplin . Phil Th m embersofthe tra k Sapp. Darin Stroud r6: region meet.\" Ricard o H rnand z. Ri 11- ard Fife . Na than Duew ay . Marc Crandall. Dav Andrew Jensen Cas tl b rry . Matt I-fans n. Tra is Fit c h. P t uerbach . r7 : Mik A llen. nder- 11U k immons. Randy Whit chrud. Mike u Il inada. Br - tt Jensen. Dave Fife. Sam Maloy. ndrew Jen n . r8: Dav Benedi t. dam w ool ey. Ja o n Kil Ilris t. Jo Mike Bolt o n shows off his tal nt as h q ui kl y iel n . o t hown : Jar d Hayni .Mik jumps over th Il unl s to w in til rae at

nior M gan Skidmore lead - rr in all1i ipa- lion of a big Ilit. T am play rs Iluddle in ord r 10 p lan III siralegy Ihal \\>vo n III m III gam e. II ' fasl Illinking Ihal often illl r m ak or br aks Ille silualion. 7 .:. irl 's Softl all r l :Kim Wilson .Megan kirlmore .r2:Emily wil on . Am y Ilerlllrt nSen. Helll Anll I lea ps. Jessica 1~ llio l . Jrt ime Pack . licl1C'lc Capu lo . J n 110 11 . 5 11 ralyn Ihln!, Caillc rin loore. Alecia I'elers n . HUlll Ilarrison . r3 :Jrtynie Olson . Tara Sl1lilll . Denise 'elson . SlClccy Vic kers . Jennie Simillo lis. Krista Koelller. alalie Nelson .Celesl l' m oVeli. SICpllani Wengsgmei. Maggie Ferguson . COr 11 PlIic ll . Team apl Cl ins Kim Wilson anel Megan kiclmore.

~ri ta ~ Women's Softball Way to Win! This yearls womenls softball ning record of 11-2! And all was team had a great liThe team looking good for season! A lthough showed im- their chances of tak- they started out as ing state. Most stu- a fairly young, inex- provement d en ts w re unaware perienc d group, each gam, of th tal nt these th y really grew to- which h elped wom n poss e ss g th r. On appar- them play b e t- b cause of minimal nt aspect of th ir ter off nSively.11 support, but what th t am la k d in comrad ry w as that Coach Puich support, th y mak th players cheer d each oth r on, he lp- up with in trying ing not only thie r spirits, but the ir hardest to fill in wher also th ir gam e. At th time of th y w r n e d d; all playe rs The bail er s tands by as a foul b all zips past h r. this d adlin , th Lady Hu - s m d to find th ir ni h in Jood hand- ye- oord inalion makes allth d if- ki s had an impr ssiv win- this ball gam ! ference in th w o rl d .

Mr. Hillcrest 78 .:. Mr. I IiII T 'st

'()nd flinner-lip. Oil\\\"(' Fife Mr,. Hillcrest. nctrc w Lamb rt I ir t rllnn r-up, Ri hi Clark The Finest Student \"Bodies\" Wow! This year's Mr. and B ret Pe te rson , turned Hillc rest contest w as full o f talent, g reat bodies , fan- a few head s; and Ric hie tastic ostum es, and n- te rtainment for all. Clark, Mik P I rson , A n- Som o f the highlights drew L ambert and Jared in the assem b ly w r : S nta (Brandon Pri ) d - Jensen sang an asso r~ livered g ifts to the j udg s during the eveningw ear m nt o fth irfa orit songs. ont st; Tom ydegg r The crowd was pI as d p ull d his paper \"d ate\" o ut o f Il i ov rs iz d s uit; Mark by everyon 's p rfo r- Mason gave the crowd a laug h w hen he lit a lig hl r m ances! d uring th e s r n ad ; B Iman nd Robin (Br tt Contestants thiS y ar Bryon and Ric hie kark) w re: Bre tt Bryson . Ric hi q uipp d w ith Ih ir fli p- p r , ap s, and uba la rk , Scot Eld r, T lly r , pa id a v i it during th Esplin , Dave Fif , Mik swimsuil o nl t; Du ty R id aug ll t a \"big o n \"in Heato n , Jar d J ns n , his waders and fi hing po l ;Br It J nson a nd dr w L a mb rt , L a rry Dave Fife w ow d Ill Lundberg, J ff Mab ey. rowd w illl III ir rapping I I n l ; lopl ss \"Hill B illy \" Ma rk Mason . T o m dan by Jason Oliv r, J ff Mab y . Jim kowr n k . Nyd gg r. Jason Oli r. Jim Park, Br I Pet r on , Mik Pe te rson , B ran don Pri ,Dus ty Ri d , Jim Sko wro n e k and t w ood. Fif Mr. Hill rcs t .:. 79

Hillcrest's Most Inspirational Players We asked Coach s and fellow athlet s to help in picking and higilligliting so of ex ptional students. Th s students either d monstrat d outstanding abil or hav overcome incr dible odds in the ir sports or activit s. Way to go!!I!!!!!!! Jenn Dewaal Jenn waal really showed her enduran e thi y ar in c ross-coun try. stay d v ry consist nt in practic while training for th St. George thon. Sh ran her longest runs on th e w kends but was always I' ady a workout on Mondays. Sh ran her marathon-placing v ry well in h r division-th w e kend b for our bigg st m t against Bingham. D the strain of running 26 miles, Jenn showed up for our m t on Tuesday a had a great run . I know that her endurance and determination will help in all asp c ts of h r lif . Kevin Walker Even though Kevin was only a Sophomore, he ran with th str ngth of an experienced runn er. Not to say he wasnlt experienced, but for only being a sophomore he could run with the strongest Senior. Kevin ran varsity from the first m eet and stayed varsity th ntire year. He has a gr at futur in cross country and will continue in his success. He is a great athlete and a great guy. K ep on truc kin l K v! Megan Skidmore Megan suffered a serious knee injury last softball season. She tried to fin the s ason but was forced to undergo reconstruc tiv kn surgery. people would hav giv n up after this injury, but Megan worked hard return to softball this season; her Senior season. She is an inspiration all athlet s who doubt their abilities. Lisa Hayward Lisa Hayward is a first year m emb r of the Marchioness and has been chosen as our most inspirational m mb r b caus of her enthusiasm and love for h r teammates . We are very proud to have a m mber who is so talent d, d dicated and persistant as Lisa. We have seen her overcome injury and I' turn to the team as positiv and hard working as ev r! Her advisors, as well as the teammates thank h r for bing inspirational. Amanda Foulger Amanda Foulg I' was chos n as the most inspirational athlet . Sh is varsity singl splay r. Sh is also involv d in Dan e Co. Sh is a talent e athl t and dan er. he d monstrat s a caring for h r t ammat as w I as for th sport. s h r coa h I hav seen a g r at improve m nt anC d dication that will h lp her in all of h I' lif IS nd a ors. I would lik Ie thank h I' for bing so in pirational.

y pr p r Jenn Scott J nn Il Ip d u v r tllin h had . In pra ti wh n som fing off, J nn would still work h r hard st. t d wn on h r If, J nn would b th r try ing h uld g t II f us to p lay hard r. h would v ry n forth am s. h h Ip - dustodo urb st. to b om u h a w innin tea m n and off th field. Ritchie Clark lark' p rf rm neon til v r ity ba ke tba ll t m wa an inspiration to veryon h ith. Hi po iti up-b at p rsonality n v r quit . Ev n aft r h was tripp d, f II , split o tll id way . and had a foul ca ll d n HIM!!!!!!!!! , h w still a good sport d wlla t acrifi and d t rmination really are. Krista Koehler Kri tao or Krut as th r st of th e bask tball team know h r as, is th Il art of our tam . Ev ry time w w re about to g iv up and q uit. Sh wou ld y II at us to stic k to- g ther. Becaus of h r, our t am was abl to handle pr ssure and pull through tough times, and win. Krista is a w inner, just ask h r, sh 'II tell a!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B rad Gre ves, who is on th e JV basketball team, was nam d the most inspiratio nal p lay r by his oach , Mr. most inspira- L angpap . Brad He works hard al wrestl r is aptai n Darin and as a re- suit b ame the i an who also s tead i es t p l ay r. Brad Greeveswas th e prime exampl mat s and a toh ist am- goo d leader. H is th top sorer and has the most I ading assists during gam s. Wh n to ld to do diffi ult drills and mov s, Brad i til on to do it. Brad was th k Y p lay r who pull d through for til t am. He is an inspirati onal p layer to all thos who are on his team . Sara Bates I all her th at b ause sh g iv s v ry a s rious omp titio n is a t hand. That Sara B t S is pa t of a tching th o ther t am Sara ir to n v r los is al 0 an ass t. already start d. or my mon y, if you n of a handi ap h must she always om r p lay r a w ell a nd until wimming h s t in a v ry h rt tim . r in th pool.

\\ ar il~'T am : R I : dO ll \" '1I'\\('11I1('r . Trc \\ 'is Goo<il c lio\\\\' . .lOll \\ '0<;, T c ylor. Darin Tyl r I rovil. I\\likc .iCllS(,Il . I\\likc l)lIliil ll . ('Od( D \\' B n din R2 : R Ilc ly J Il CS Wrestling PIn 'em Down 5 orching h at stung the sid s o f Wh n a wr stl r first g IS on th his face as if th rays of the sun at it 's mat. 11 has to lei his team know as high Sl peak of th day w r bating w II as the opposing team . that he down upon him . truggling for som f els onfid nt and int ends to shut sort o f tangibl I m ent Ilim o ut . T im and d d i- through which to nt ca ti o n r all y pa yo ff . his n rgy. his muscl s Long hours on til e m at. becam e so li d as h e \"Pain is working on wigh ts and r a hed for the o th r temporary, techniqu s witll til r wrestler's arms . His feet I am m emb rs is all a dug into th e mat as h pride is must. /t 's an indiv idual Sll ift d his w ight 10 as w ell as a t am sport . bring his opp n nt It 's di ffi ult for n w down . forever.\" oa Il es to om and In his mind h ould stablisll til ir own pro- feel. and ta te v i - gram . Tim Jo nes om s tory. It was all just a Colin Booth h r from Too I t build br ath away. Wh n a wr stier st ps on th mat . he has to ngag his mind and an't think of anything I trat - gi n d to b tllOUgh t of s tart d. Mall w od . econd in Region. d e som la' and if th r is an alta k .th r ha t minul I Y Iling up IJ f r Il is roull I Willl al b a oun t r atta k...and qui k! opponen l.

it io n in r Lind o ftlo - x. 'vvl.i 11 Darin ullivan raises lois hand in on of the v ry few vi tori s w had against Brighton at the Battle of the Axe. JV Wrest lers : R I : Ton y pappa . Willi wardl . Bevan Pa s kins . w ay n e Thomas . B r tt Bradwhaw R2 : Coach Randy Jon s. Br dy Bailey, wayly n wardl . JD John on , Layne narr. o lin Booth . K vin Parry. Marcu I h

R I :Julia Mascaro. Ra 11 I Mackinnon. Geri lark. Kir ten Tu ker. Stacie Bjourn. arah Ba t s. Mi h I Curt is. Teresa Rindlisba k r. Lindsay Jones. Sharene elson R2 : athan Emm r. Jason All n. Jeremy F rguson . Jar d Franz. Jim t wart. Aaron Sperry. Dav urb It . orm Rindlisbacher R I : Mason Mil s. Sp nc r Mi ll rb rg. A ill n Reeder, Debi Pry r. Andr a wall . Tiffany rmstrong . II n Spriggs (missing) J i 11il d. George Gran l1olm . Stev Hag n. Britt any Pop. ndrea vanda ll . Gina vand II 84 .:. Swim/Dive

Xlacki rmo ll s/l o w s /ler srr lt:' o f! rile low Swim & Dive Splish, Splash Tll iS Y ar swim and d ive team m ,\" says senior Josci Child . They s tart ed their p ractices in ep tem ber I ap int o the wa ter us ing all their a ft r chool s tart d . Prac ti tart at s treng th and might to ov rcom tIl thre in th a ft m oon laps th y have to swim . until fj v ning. Div ing o m es aft r th 50yd frees tl ye . Div es Everyone has their own \"Diving is a p ersonal stroke or div e mental co m e in two catagories: tha t the y p re fe r. b ut opti o nal and required . d uring a p rac tice very- sport, you Ev ryone is required to o ne is req uired to d o tell your do th sam e dive, then the sam am o unt o f ar all w d a dive b ased x rc is s . body what on their p ersonal pr fer- Swim m e ts co nsis t to do.\" ence. o f r lays. w hi 11 involv They stand on the div- fo ur swimmers , and in- Junior Tracy ing board staring down d iv idual vents w h r Erwin at the face o f the pool the swimmer is allowed d e termining whic h div to lloose w hich type tIl y will perform . As o f s troke they p re fer. \"Swimming is th y jump th y d o their b est to m ak no t o nly a team sport , but also an as little splash as p o ssible . Swim/ ind iv id ual sport . You'r o ut to swim d ive teaches th ssence o f indiv idu- your b t for yourself and for the ality as th y ach d o their b est. Div T am : Ra h I lakinno n. Ian prigg. Juli M car (m issing): Brillany Po p e. ndr a v andall. Tracy Erwin . Swim /Divc .:. 8 5

The Y.L. Club 7. No Ili ki (r iv ing o r b ni 11 d nd xp t d to g iv ing.) w ar a kiss uard, ( m (j. Til V L. Club was a n w club tllis year. It wasn't v ry 8. No d P rti s . I d by Dr. H nnib I L tor Ropular, altllougll m an y 9. On all dat s a par ntal in p i tur 2.) Junior ndria Wbuld Ilave joined if it Ilad be n more ad ertised. cllauff r i r quir d. mith was found to b 10. Oat sdonot xce d8:00 fli t witll c lub rul s . Club Officers: b n banisll d nd i nO\\\\' p.m. sllam d by all club m mb rs. S nior President - (NO dating is pr ferr d.) Emily Levang r Reason For Forming ClulL; Entrance Into Club: Wily do w kiss? Esp c iall\\, Junior President - wi til o ur moutll ? You talk, Yvette Brusik No one may ent r wllo hav smil , eat. and laugll with already brok n Rul 1 and 5. No sopllomore pr sident is Violators of Rul 7 prior to Pi tur 2 - By Marla Lepe required- entranc will be reviewed on a case to case basis. Otll r your mouth . Your tongu (a _\" sopllomores Ilave free rules tllat Ilave been broken big slimy musc le) is in your admission to VL. m eetings. will be ov rlooked, but will moutll . Saliva is in your be strictly reinforced . m o utll . You cougll thro ugl1 Club Rules: your mouth . Yo u spit logies Swearing In: wi til your m o uth . Wil n yOU 1. No lip to lip contact. sn ez . som tim s yOU 2. No lip to cheek contac t. I Ilearby sw ar not to v iolate 3. No extensive eye contac t. tile V L. vows whicll have ov r your nos and sn z 4. Abstain from all pllysical b een consc iously con- tllrougll your m o utll! It is reo structed for tile benefit of club contact, including: m embers to secure safety, volting, but for tllos of yOU sanc tity and sanity. wllo Ilave g iv n up your * Ilugging. \"v\"irgin \"L\"ip ,w Ilon r yOU * back-rubbing. Club Mascot: fo r your br v ry. * wet willey contest. * Iland Ilolding. Tile club mascot tllis year, * wrestling. the blow fisll , was brought to life by faithful m ember, Liza Any of tllese may lead to Cates. breaking Rule 1. 5. No kissing tag. Most Inspirational Member: 6. No flirting (crooked smiles, We Ilonor Debbi Hunt r for looking out of tile corner Iler excellent example and of your eye, etc.) for showing Iler club spirit by refusing a date wi til 902 10 Pi tur I - By th Wis Ilunk Luke Pe rr y, wllicll 86 ·:· V.L. lub would hav xtended til 8:00 curfew . Greeting: Club m mbers will be greet d wi til tile VL. hand signal (as sllown in pictur 1.) Meetings: Meeting in luded a support group for thos slipping into temptation. Also discussed was Ilow to say \"no\" and m ean \"no\". Traitors: Traitors to lub rul swill b

, ~~ m Q QU!!!!

Academics 88 + Academics Division Pa~c


H I I-\\(liin ~lCWtlr1. EI\\'sSil COIlO\\ cr . Uncia S(lll~lIp . 1('1l II l'nldll~l·n. 1( 3 , \\IlI1It: ~t\"11. ~1I~11 1 )Ollt\" . , \\11''',0 11 \\\\'('bI J. 'Ih ('t'l'rlsen . Su/\\' POliS ,\\ lIdl11 ElIdll . ~ I dnll Frall( Ofll , LlSd Ild\\ ward 1-< 2 Stlr£lh ~ l ll l s, \"1Ild\\'\\ IIglIl . ,\\1l 11:x:r B(:· I IIll\"I1.Il'lIn.' ~ 1 ,)c:.·ll·r~()ll. Jdlll'\"Lt'\\ I,met. Enlll('t,' Earl. h.elhe Yang,)()hnIJIIIJ,.,w1 Brandl. ~ 11 ( hlle..' \\\\'oudell , , \\III ~OIl I c.: ndll'loll . Hell ildl\" H4- ,\\ i:In)!1 ~ 1 ()lllg()n)t'r) . heltl l Pl age rnann :o.lrc\",c...lIlg \\\\'('1)(1 Be lll lloll . ~tl\"ga l1 Jones.Sus l(' Huphnger. Ka ren )elllll10fll Hosa \\ Hill re t s tud e nt is e a ting a a u sage . u dd nly his h a n d fli ps in tl, e p e rson n e x t t him . II yes turn to w a rd a b lue face . H e is ho king. B ut n f e r . H .O.S . (H a lth Oc u pa tio n a l tud nt s o f m e ri a) a r hr . Future doc to rs. nurses . a n d param d ic rus h t hi s id It ' n o w tim e to put to w o rk tl, irnum r u h o urso f s tudya t th Jo rdan T echnic a l e n t r . T og tl, r tl, yw rktodo th h imle ic ll. A rms flap a ro und i itm ' wa i t. T h body fo lds in a they j erk tlle ir arms bac k . Th e trapp d a u sag fli s o ut. Hillc r SI 'S 1-1. 0.5. s tu d e nts h ave av d hi lif Hav you e \"sa .. .sau g \" a te rrifi c c lub? Math Club y Ro w I : J reel T o lm an . likc J n n . P c ul Ho w 2 : J8recl.J I1SCI1 . I~ c ky Wi l 0 11 . Doris Scam o n . _ ally Lars 11 . ic llo lecl1 l o llel. Ki m - Je11S011 . l ' ev il1 0 15011 . SI)(lIl( iOI1 Ilatc l) . Casey IJc rly Clark . Lisa .lark. t\\ c 1'0 11 Ruc kmal1 IICelmal1 . Troy Spj ut c. Shc)l)n o n l-{ uC' krm )l)

I~ I : ,\\ 1 iC1 PCICrSOIl . U 'l1'C1 BCITCII . Lori Win 1cr. BOu I vongprClcl'lC1n l'l. Linl'l La - ,\\nn YC1ng- 1 r sitlcnl. H 2 : SClI'C1I'l I ~ ICl k. licl'lc llc I Cl11 igler. Ho ng Tran . \\ uti n . cky c\"illc .l\\lelissC'lWouc len . R MESA \\\\'hat i mati ,\\ ehie\\ ' in 1 .Lo\\' . til ad\\'i or. Ille ludenl gradual pared 10 chall ng o lleg and an major. 1 has gone on all kinds offield trips thi y ar. inc luding a Irip 10lh airport. Thi lub spon ors Ihe fa hion SllO\\l\\ Ihal is put on every pring. and in re turn. the niversity f lah pro\\,ide and sponsors funds for the c lub to Ilelp them learn more aboul career opportuniti es. Academic Decathalon R 1 usan Hawkin (adv is n. II rb m. Ii o li an t R2 : F3ranci ee KOel'l . J cp h ful 1211- r in li f . Acad Illics .:. 9 1 Dawn Jones. Mark old. I-lo lly B lIil yon. il Gio rcio n . Vi lor Ccc. Th me ydc g r.

I-{ I :A n clrew igg le: opr Ed il o r . 1'\"le l), nn Iruck Ec lilor. Ann SClll11icll :Ecliloric I ECIiI(Jf ,lin - n :Cop ), Edi lo r. Joc Giordono :Eclil or in I-lo lly II aps:F a lure Ecli lor. Br I ,\\ngcll · I:::n. hief. Spons Ed ilo r. D bbic Hunl r: Doul le- Ic rt ainmenl Ecli lor . Sara William ew Ecliluf SENTRY Th SENTRY s taffw rk d hard to k p Hill rest stud nts w ell- inform d of i sues and of news. Til Y w r d di at d to \"pr s rv- ing th rig hts of fr sp ch and press .\" Ms. B c k took this r sponsiblility seriously in teac h- ing the staff the importance of journalism tll ics . R2: Da\\' Tulli .J nn SI adm an. dyCarl n : cart oonisl. B ky Rubbelke. M ril ee ff. Vanh\\'in a Bou n p llakh o m . Kim L andram. I I Ilani Mill r. I,arl e n ck: advi o r. R3: m y Hilleshe im . Jen n ife r Da ll !. Ja ime Ho lyuak . R..J.: Daniel ampson : bookkeep r. I \\'e Goff: p llolograpller. Ryan Mo rrison : p llO- lographe r. ,lark Gold. SCOII Urbo m . Luke or nson . Jera Flash . Br II Bob rg. Juliann Jensen .Corey Hend rickson . NOI sho wn : Aaron h ill : can ooni I. icole Harrison . Jamie Smi lil . I Science Club Pr s i- I 2 : A m Clncta I lark r. 11annOnl-{uc km Cln . Me II cc: T nn y. K ' v in o lson . I avicl /\\lexa nclc r 0 1 lark PiclurecI : K lIy \\-300111 . Dawn .I o n s. SarClI1 Mi lls. u i I-{uplin ! r

Expressions Jon ,illelle. Ifl ll JOIlC- . Brcllldce Koch . Kevin 0 1 o n . Cilari l3urk . 13ecky lerri ll. Jfl nCne Bowell . Ad visor. Mc lYllil t- lin 0 11 : Co- dilo r Missing : lason coolcy. Clark Emmel!. Dave Tu lli . TC1 m ara Wel) I). I\\ aron Juli Kellnard . oahl rice Shill : o-edil n. harnae Bagley. Ilealher Wardl e. TI1 rea t mind b Ilind til lit erary tarr. t11rough 11ard work and wi tll a dedicated 11 art. bring us til e yearly public tion of th Exoressions maga- zine. r\\ lot of Ilours go into produc ing tlli m gazine whi 11 pres nts stu- dent \\ itll til opportunity to om f til ir own autllor'S. po t' . and ani t' work . Th pro of elloo ing ntri s for th magazin tart by I c ting slories. po try . personal essays and art entered by tile students. (The fina l selections are s nt to an autllor WllO makes the final s I clions tllat w ill b nt r d into th book.) Th pro lime. but til great results ar seen wilen the Exoressions magazine is fini Iled and r ad. Dead Poets This i til e second yea r the Dead Poels Club has been at Hill resl. under advisor Janene Bow n . Tilis year's c lub pr id illS w ere Aaron Shill and Dave Tullis. The c lub atlend d r adings tllroUghout Ih vall.y . in- cluding Ille waking Owl and A Woman 's Place bookstor . Readings w r also held at s 11001. Tilank you. c lub lead ers. for a wonderful year. HI : Dan Sampson . Libby ain . Slephanie Hun!. Dave Tullis ( o-Presid nl ). Myndie I law s . t\\ aron Shill (CO-Presidenl). Vic lo r Cee (Secrelary). Bec ky Williams. H2 : Janen Bowen (/\\ Clvi o r) . Emily ain . lacie Ma ca ro. Jeanelle Ho r Iy. Jaime' 1\\lsop. Zacl1ary Dimi k. Tam ara Przbyla. Melanie I elerson. Li a M rgan . Dan Dowdle . Debbie Hunler. H3 : S m Kimm . I yan Weaver. Belsy Willaim . Melynn Minson (I lis lorian). Janae hipman . o lle 11 Lewis. Mik S hult z. Amanda Harker. Amber Bennell. 1- phen Marsh. Hebe a /vIc Millan. Be ky Brunner. H4 :Sam/Vlalo ne. Tri hJo nes .Juli K nnard . Wendv w adley. Brancl Kocll (Tre8SUr n. T ammy urtiS. Silannen Esan . Emily Bingham . Ile idi Brunn r. HS: Josh Bart h lo m ew . Eri Tilompson. t\\ndrea Ballif. Charnae Bagley. H6: Cheri Burk. ico le To lman . Ileri SarlI. Marni Francom . Slacey Garre ll . Tom Nyd gg r. Missing: t\\ ar n Huckman . Tamara Webb. 93 .:. tubs

..... .... ]~ ~L-______________________________________________________________________________________ Honors sllipabilili s . Bob Jo llnsOn spons rs Cll ip m an . Mi h I urti . Lisa Mor- Society gan . A m ber Benne t. Deb b i Hunler. this b ran II o f Ih c lub wilh o ffi rs Kimb rly Clark. R :Jared Tolman. Greg Hansen . Mark Gold. Cil ri Burk. Mark Jensen ; Pr s id nt: helsea J nnif r Jo n s. J nnif r Yo ungberg. Kevin Olson . Jody H p w Ort ll . Dan Ko II . V i Presiden l ; J dy Dowdl . DuSlin BUller. R4:R. Jared Jens n . ckyWilson. Karin \\ IlIOn. Hepwo rlh , Se r lary ; and 0 11 Aaron hill . SCOII \"Mo n y\" rbonl. Jo eph Giordono. Da\\ id Fif , Mark Urbom , Tr asurer. Jens n . V i lo r e. Mik P I .rsOn, Mall T nn - y. Silandon Iial II. MiSS- R I : Leanne Isaac. Nikki m il h . ing: J nnifer M Farlane Ch Is a K h. Dan nn II. Bran- don Pri e, Ryan Morri son , Masca ro . Em il y a in . Mi dd l m a , D u Sl in Re id . r II J nson . R2 : Mely nn Minson . Cll ris- line Haussl r. i 1101 n Pond, Janae 94 ·:· CluJ)

Close-up R I : Ms. Brint o n . Jennife r M rril . Maril N ff. Jilly ne L Vitre. J ff Hurs t R2: K laly Pierc . Nicole Princ . J nnif r I-ligl y. Brittany Ho lladay. Julianne Jensen . Darren Frei Every y ar s tud nts fro m all ov r the country go to washing ton D.C. to learn m ore about o ur gov rn- m ent and how it w orks. TI,is y ar. ten students from o ur school w r able 10 partic ipa te in this activ ity and learn m ore about o ur political issues. Girls' State ---- Junior g irls have an opportunity to experience the governmental sys- tem . A t Girls' State. g irls learn about county and state conventions. Girls ' ~ Stat is no t a b unc h of lectures. b ut an acual exerc ise in vo ting. caucasing. and running fo r o ffi ce. Li za Ca t s. A llison Ritc he . Kira Mitch II. and Misty Wise sacrifi ced sl p and boys for a we k in Jun to go to SUU and partic ipat in Girls' Stat . Boys'State This year. Hillcrestprodu edagovenor's anidate. Michael Hunt took Boys'State by storm. With II, help of fellow Boy , tat r . Jo Girodono. Gr g Hanson. Vic e. ott Urbom. and Jar d J nsen. Mi hael Hunt was on hi way to becom govenor. But troubl I,it w h n it was discovered that Micl,ael Hunt wa ill giti- mat . A Boys' tate gov nor must be an upstanding m mb r of the community. Mi ha Illunt wa forced to w ill,draw in hame. But we ar proud of I, is ffort! lubs .:. 95

Jeff Lefevre Victor Cee Janae Chipma Speech and Drama Science General Sterlin 1992 Mary Vanwagon r Ryan Morrison Nicol Ritz Busin ss Art For ign Language 96 ·:· Sterling /)olars

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