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Home Explore Origin of Mattel Owned Products and Its Trademark

Origin of Mattel Owned Products and Its Trademark

Published by Tyler, 2015-02-12 08:28:52

Description: When you think of Barbie, you think of Mattel as the manufacturer and the owner of the product. However, not many people know what the origin of Mattel is and how it came to produce their best-selling Barbie. Based on revenue, Mattel is the largest toy company in the world. They produce high quality toys with different trademarks, such as Hot Wheels, Matchbox cars, Barbie dolls, board games, and they even tried producing video game consoles back in the early 80's.


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Origin of Mattel Owned Products and Its TrademarkWhen you think of Barbie, you think of Mattel asthe manufacturer and the owner of the product.However, not many people know what the origin ofMattel is and how it came to produce theirbest-selling Barbie. Based on revenue, Mattel is

the largest toy company in the world. They producehigh quality toys with different trademarks, suchas Hot Wheels, Matchbox cars, Barbie dolls, boardgames, and they even tried producing video gameconsoles back in the early 80's.The Mattel trademark origin was derived from thenames of its founder, named Elliot Handler andHarold \"Matt\" Anderson. The names Matt and Elliotwere combined and they ended up with the trademarkcalled Mattel. When Elliot Handler's wife, RuthHandler, became president of the company sheestablished the Barbie product line, which becamea huge success for the company. In fact, 80% ofMattel's profits came from Barbie sales.On its early days, Mattel originally produceddollhouse accessories and picture frames. Afterthe success of the company's dollhouse lines,Mattel concentrated on manufacturing toys andbecame publicly owned in 1960. Throughout 1960,Mattel purchased small toy companies that

manufactured unrelated toy product lines. At 1966,Mattel purchased a small manufacturer oflow-quality plastic lunchboxes which was used formanufacturing new kinds of products out of formedplastic.Because of the formed plastic technology, Mattelwere able to develop an innovative toy car partsthat made their toy cars roll further and smoother.Because of this, Mattel opened a new line of toycars called Hot Wheels. Up until today, Hot Wheelsare still very popular. With different designsand great quality toy cars, Hot Wheels became oneof the hottest selling toy cars in the world.In 1987, Mattel distributed the NES or NintendoEntertainment System in Europe. During thosetimes, Nintendo didn 抰 have a European officeand because of this, the early European versionsof NES were called the Mattel version. Later,Nintendo opened its office in Europe anddistributed the NES version. However, the only

difference between the consoles is the Mattel orNES branding plaque on the face of theentertainment console.Mattel was also responsible for distributing NESproducts in Canada. However, a court caseresulted in making Nintendo the sole distributorof their NES line in North America and theco-branding with Mattel was stopped.In 1993, Mattel merged with the Fisher-Price(also a well-known toy company) and purchasedTyco Toys, which was the third larges toymanufacturer at that time. The toys from themanufacturer that Mattel purchased weretrademarked with Mattel.Today, because of the different toy companiesassociated with Mattel, you will see that theyproduce different kinds of toys with the Matteltrademark. There are quite a lot of toys thatbears the Mattel trademark today. From Hot Wheels

to their Barbie product line, you will see theMattel trademark in these products.For most people, the Mattel trademark means greatquality products that their children willdefinitely enjoy playing with. Mattel producesdifferent kinds of toys for all ages and gender.Combined with the latest technology, Mattel canoffer you the best toys available in the marketthat can last a long time. You can also expectMattel's toys to be intricately designed andmanufactured that it ca definitely attractchildren of all ages.So, if you are looking for a high quality toy foryour children, you should consider purchasingtoys with the Mattel trademark imprinted in thebox or on the toys. With this trademark, you canbe sure of the quality of the products and you canalso be sure that your children will enjoy playingwith it for a very long time.

Whenever you are looking for the perfect toy foryour children, go to your nearest toy store andlook for Mattel products. The Mattel productswill be marked with the Mattel trademark which caneasily be spotted among the different availabletoys available in the market today.Always remember that if you are looking for thebest kind of toys that can provide maximumentertainment for your children and is safe forthem to play with, Mattel toys are your bestchoice. They manufacture toys for different agelevels and they also manufacture toys for bothboys and girls.

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