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Home Explore Bal Sangeet evam Nritya Mahotsav Brochure

Bal Sangeet evam Nritya Mahotsav Brochure

Published by snehaumbarkar, 2021-11-26 09:53:48

Description: Bal Sangeet evam Nritya Mahotsav Brochure


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Dr. Kalmadi Shamarao High School Ganeshnagar Pune invites young vocalists, instrumentalists and dancers to participate in the 25th year of Bal Sangeet evam Nritya Mahotsav(virtual) 2021-22 Please read the broucher for competition details

Bal Sangeet evam Nritya Mahotsav (Virtual) 2021-22 our flagship program is an excellent platform for the students to showcase their talent in the field of Hindustani Classical Music and Dance. However, this year the competition will be conducted virtually due to the pandemic, hence we are introducing some new categories in the competition. Eminent personal33ities in the field of music, Mrs. Sucheta Chaphekar, Mr. Dhananjay Daithankar, Ustad Usman Khan, Shri. Anand Bhate, Shri. Ramdas Palsule, Mr. Swapnil Bandodkar and Mr. Rahul Deshpande have graced the prize distribution ceremony as chief guest. The competition winners will be awarded trophies and certificates. Last date of registration for all categories is 19th December 2021. Dates for uploading the video :- 5th or 6th January 2022. Shortlisted videos will be showcased on 18th, 19th and 20th January 2022. Prizes will be announced on 21st January, 2022 in the presence of the chief guests. The meeting id and passcode will be informed later.

Rules for the competition 1.All the competitions are s olo competitions. 2.Entry forms have to be filled carefully. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Entry fees should be paid through Google pay and Net banking(NEFT). 3.Payment details : a.For Google Pay Name:- Mrs. Snehal Google pay No. :- 9730308673 b. For Net Banking and NEFT Bank:- Bank of Baroda, Karvenagar branch, Pune Account Name:- Dr. Kalmadi Shamarao High School Secondary Section Account no:- 38610100000293 Account type :- Saving IFSC code:- BARB0KARVEN (* fifth characher is zero) MICR code:- 4110120 4. Transaction id of fees payment should be mentioned clearly in the form 5. All participants must register through Google forms.

6. Fees: Rs.200/- per participant for each competition. 7. Entry fees will not be refunded under any circumstances. 8. Participants must wear traditional/decent dress while recording the performance. 9. Whats App group will be created after registrations are closed. The details will be shared on Whats App Group of the participants. 10. Participants must upload their video on 5th and 6th January, 2022 using the google classroom platform. 11. Participants must announce their names but they should not disclose the name of the School/ Guru. Doing so would result in disqualification. 12. The video should be made without any professional help. 13. It should not be edited through any video editing apps. The video should be shot in one take. The decision of the panel of judges is final.

Rules for Indian Classical Dance Competition (Jr. & sr. category) 1. The Time limit for perfo rmance is 3 min. to 5 min for the Solo Dance competition. 2. Film songs or private album songs/pieces must not be used as music for performance. 3.Participants must wear Salwar-kameez and dupatta. Rules for Western music competition (sr. category) 1. The theme of the wes tern solo singing competition is either friendship or inspirational. 2.Songs with decent lyrics should be performed, else it will be eliminated. 3.Time limit is 3-5 min. 4.The video must be made without any professional help. It should not be edited through any video editing apps. The video should be shot in one take.

Rules for Hindustani Classical Vocal / Instrumental/Natya sangeet(vocal)/Abhang competition –(Jr. & sr. category) 1.The time limit for classical vocal, swar vadya, taal vadya performance is 3 min - 5 min. 2.Time limit for Natya sangeet (vocal): 3 min-7 min 3.For Classical Vocal Category Only tabla, tanpura (electronic) are allowed as accompanying instruments. 4. Tanpura, Tabla and Harmonium can be used as accompanying Instruments for Natyasangeet. Electronic instruments are also allowed. 5. Swar vadya – only tabla, tanpura. are allowed as accompanying Instrument in the Instrumental category. 6. Taal vadya : Participants must perform along with ‘Lehra’ 7. Following instruments shall be considered for performance: A)Swar vadya : Violin, Harmonium, Flute, Sitar, Sarod, Jal- Tarang and Santoor. B)Taal vadya: Tabla 8. Film songs or private album songs/pieces will not be allowed for any of the competition. 9. Participants are expected to maintain the purity of Hindustani Classical Music.

Contact Person Details Hindustani music category Mrs. Aparna Lele Mob No. :- 7588340398 Western Music category Mr. Mr. Samual George Mob No :- 8888320274 General Enquiry Mrs. Seema Welenkar Mob No.:-9028081011 Email :[email protected]

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