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Home Explore Keep a precise count of the characters in your document with our impeccable word counter tool

Keep a precise count of the characters in your document with our impeccable word counter tool

Published by vernicakate, 2020-12-07 13:01:13

Description: This is quite a basic feature of the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform. more-

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Keep a precise count of the characters in your document with our impeccable word counter tool The word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform is an automated software that allows you to precisely calculate the number of words added to a text piece. It can also be used to count the number of paragraphs, sentences, and letters entered in the document. The best part is that there is no word limit for the characters you can count with this tool. Having a clear idea of the number of words present in a write-up is an important facet for writing procedure especially in the academic, advertising, legal, and publishing sector. By using this virtuous tool you will be able to determine how many terms are there in content. You can ascertain if you have written enough words or if you have exceeded the allotted limit for your document. If you are supposed to write content for social media, website headlines, Meta description, Google ads, or an application you can use this tool to determine the text contains only the set number of characters. The word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform goes way beyond simply calculating the number of words in your document. It also has some amazing features that can help the students and professionals to enhance the quality of their write-ups. The dexterous team of our assignment help experts put in the best of their efforts to help the students and professionals have a smooth sail throughout their writing journey. To fulfil this objective, they joined hands with our diligent programmers to introduce the exclusive word counter tool to the world. This is a comprehensive guide to our word counter facility to help you get the best experience of your life. So, without any further ado let's dive right in! What is the significance of the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform? Whether you are writing for an assignment, a blog, a website, a corporate document, or an e-book you will be asked to follow a specified word limit. There are several platforms

in today's technology-driven era that state the number of words you can use. For example, Twitter, Google AdWords, or Facebook banner ads. It is important for writers to understand that contemporary society looks for easy reading and quick consumption. The trendy platforms have their own set of pre-set character count that can be used for posting text for the public to access. If you are a digital marketer you or a social media manager or if you are planning to become one, you need to be aware of the word limit determined for each of these portals. The word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform is commonly used by the authors to maximize their writing productivity and enhance their writing style. Access the exemplary word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform to customize the text of your document The word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform is extremely convenient to use. It offers a lot more than simply the word calculations. The software can be used to give a prominent appearance to your academic or corporate write-ups. Once you visit the official website of the LiveWebTutors platform and select their word counter facility you will be directed to a text box in which you can type or copy your text. The tool will allow you to choose from our wide variety of fonts and sizes. This is quite a basic feature of the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform. The interesting fact is that the software also allows you to change the case of your text without any hassle. Although the default settings support sentence case in which the starting alphabet of every sentence is in uppercase. You can also change your text to all lowercase or uppercase as per your requirements. Another option offered by the tool is used to change any text into a title. Therefore, you can access the word counter tour of this portal to give your text an attractive appeal that suits the overall appeal of your document perfectly Word counter tool and SEO If you are writing SEO based content, our word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform can prove to be extremely beneficial for you as it can aid to ensure your text appears on

the first page of the search engine list. The write-ups that usually tend to appear on the first page of a search engine are usually lengthy articles. A lot of these writing tasks exceed the range of 1500-2000 words. You will observe that the content that is regarded as most suitable for SEO writing includes the most elaborate details. It is a proven fact that evergreen content receives more clicks than the content based on viral trends or news over a period of time. The longer the article the more liberty an author gets to insert more data and keywords at valuable places. As a result of this approach, the content prepared will carry more rapport that increases the potential for the text being shared and linked to. The more backlinks and shares your text will receive the better ranking your page will have. With the word counter tool of our platform, you will be able to ensure that your article showcases a minimum amount of keywords for best SEO practices. Having an ideal word limit will not guarantee great grades but it will surely help you in the long run. Type of calculations highlighted by the word counter tool of the LiveWebTutors platform The tabs present below the text box of the word counter tool show three different calculations for the text pasted or written in the designated spot. The first tab represents the word count for the content added in the designated textbox. The next two tabs feature the character count by putting into account the spaces and the other calculates the character count without spaces. The tool can also give you a clear count of the number of sentences you have added to your document. Keep in mind that the sentences are calculated on the basis of the end punctuation or period added in in the text piece. If you enter your document along with the headline the word counter tool will not calculate it into a separate sentence. Lastly, you can also calculate the number of paragraphs present in an assignment or corporate document using this automated tool. This is determined by identifying the brakes present in between the text. Having a coherent analysis of all these calculations will help you to determine the length of your sentences and their readability quality.

Who can use the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform? The word counter tool by the trustworthy LiveWebTutors platform can be conveniently used by the following categories of individuals: 1. Academicians or scholars: As a student, you will often be required to develop assignments and projects to specific word counts. Although leeway is usually given to the students, it is better to complete your assignment within the set limit. You do not have to take chances with your crucial scores. As an academician, you can use the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform to ensure that the scholarly assignments submitted by the students include the correct word limit. 2. Content writers or bloggers: Whether you are writing an article for a client with the set word limit or writing a blog for your own website the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform can prove to be extremely advantageous for your SEO. For instance, the title of your write-up should always be less than 70 characters. The body of your text should at least include 300 words or more. 3. Other users: Many times, the lawyers. Secretaries. And other corporate sectors also use the word counter tool when they are expected to prepare documents with certain word length. Count the frequency of your characters using the word count tool by the LiveWebTutors platform You can use the word counter tool of the LiveWebTutors platform to determine the redundancy percentage in the data. The frequency calculator feature of this tool basically lists down all the words added in the document and counts the number of times they have appeared in the write-up. The knowledge of this information will help you to understand the word you commonly use in your writing style and can also be beneficial for SEO purposes. This will help you to identify the number of times a particular keyword is added to the assignment. The tool will also help you to understand the use of specific terminology is overkill or just enough. Accordingly, you can adjust or optimize your document.

Word counter tool showcases the amount of time it will take to read a document and the reading score you can attain for it You can efficiently use the word counter tool of our platform to calculate the Flesch reading score as well as the reading time for your submitted document. As the title suggests the reading time is related to identifying the number of hours it would take an average person to read through your text. This feature will be beneficial for the authors who are writing a speech for a presentation. Since they often fail to determine how long it actually is unless they practice reciting it out loud. Having access to this feature will help you to save your valuable hour while constructing your speech so that you can add or cut off the content accordingly. Another factor that could have an impact on your reading time is readability standards. The Flesch reading score is introduced to help you determine that the approach uses a systematic formula to achieve a specific grade for the text of your document depending upon the number of syllables, words, and sentences in the text. The higher the Flesch reading score the easier it will be for the readers to grasp the content. How to use the online word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform? The word counter tool of our platform is incredibly convenient and easy to use. It provides almost instant results in just a few minutes or even seconds. It will show you the exact word count for the number of characters, sentences, words, and paragraphs in your document. It can also be used for calculating the word count for Google Docs, PDF files, Excel files Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, InDesign files, and many other formats to help you put an end to the misery of calculating the word limit. Simply copy and paste the text from any of these file types into the designated textbox of the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform. The word counter tool can easily calculate the number of words present in a paragraph and can even be used to calculate the total number of characters in a novel essay for a book. There is no limit to how many words can you count with this automated facility. It is highly advantageous if you have a maximum limit to the earth allowed for a document or assignment. The LiveWebTutors platform can be used absolutely free with no limit to the number of times you can access it. Determine the number of words you will have to write by converting the number of pages into the text piece Assignments are a turning point for a student’s academic journey. The assignments come along with a certain number of pages but when you start writing the content you are unaware of the number of characters you need to add. The word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform can provide you an estimate of the number of words you will have to write to meet your set limit. A precise figure cannot be provided as there are multiple factors that have an impact on this aspect such as font size, spacing, and wordy phrases. But it is better to have an estimate rather than staying confused about the writing process. You can use the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors to calculate the number of words to be added in a certain number of pages.

How to increase or decrease the word count of your document? A large number of students find it challenging to meet the required word count for their academic documents. The reason behind not coming to them might be that no words are coming to their mind or maybe they feel that they have explained everything that is necessary. We have all been in your position but if you are asked to write a certain number of words you have to deliver them otherwise you will have to pay the impact of score deductions. Do not worry anymore as we have quite a perfect solution for you to increase the word limit of your document. You can try adding elaborate and lengthy articles that can help you to deliver your point clearly by illustrating a scenario in great detail. This way the readers will be able to understand a specific concept better and you will be able to meet your word limit. Similarly many times, students tend to add unnecessary words to the document with the objective to fill in the spaces. You’re actually exceeding the set word limit and have to call for a reduction of characters. The wordy or lengthy text is more prone to become vulnerable as the readers lose interest in the content. You need to understand which points are important for your text piece and which can be eliminated. If your assignment still goes over the limit you can try to rephrase the written text or shorten the length of the lengthy phrases by replacing them with suitable ones. You can also eliminate unnecessary terminologies from your document by limiting the use of flower words. It is really impactful to be direct, to the point, and simple with your text pieces. Why do students seek assistance from the astounding word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform? If you are a frequent user of Microsoft applications it will not be a new fact for you that most of them have a feature that enables you to count the characters that are added to your document. Along with this, if you use Google Docs to develop text for your assignment, you can still calculate the number of characters present in your document easily with the character calculation feature.

You might be thinking that when popular software like Microsoft Word and Google Docs have their own inbuilt word calculators why would you access the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform? To resolve this concern we would like to explain that word count tool of the liver cutest platform you are not limited to submit a particular format of files as with the Microsoft word for Google Docs. Instead, you can simply type or copy and paste any type of text Be it an excel sheet, essay, Word, Google Document, Facebook post, Twitter or Instagram caption this tool you can calculate the characters of all without any trouble. It is the perfect tool for a student who needs to keep an account of their words but does not use Microsoft Word. Imagine how daunting it will be to count the number of words for your academic or corporate document. It will take forever and even then the result you come up with is not going to be completely accurate. The word counter tool is a convenient way to assess your typing speed. You can simply start typing in the designated textbox for five minutes and when the time is up; the result divided by 5 will have the number of words you can type per minute. It is easy to use and provides results within the blink of an eye. It can be accessed without any pain or struggle. You can use the tool to run multiple checks without the struggle of running out of the LiveWebTutors’ free trials. Whether you are a writer, student, blogger, or SEO specialist, you can improve your performance by associating with this astounding tool. Students or professionals from a writing background can use the word calculator tool by the LiveWebTutors portal to add a valuable facility to your workflow. Additional details you need to know about the word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform As the name suggests, the word counter tool of our platform is all about calculating the number of characters you have added to your document. Aside from simply the word counter tool we have published multiple articles that talk about the importance and uses of the word counters. You might be thinking what is there to write about a word counter tool. Well, you'll be surprised to know that our writing experts have prepared multiple

articles that talk about the word count of different types of texts such as books. Novels, essays, presentations, features, and even about converting the word count to pages or vice versa. You can access the blog of the LiveWebTutors platform to understand how the tool works in different processes does. Our dexterous team of writers even provide you with valuable tips to increase or decrease the word count of your document. We simply can't get enough of the word counter and tool so should you. Visit the official website of the LiveWebTutors platform to at least write using this exceptional facility and enjoy multiple benefits associated with the same. In the literary sector, there are different ways to write an idea or a story. All of these documents come along with distinct length. The word counter tool by the LiveWebTutors platform can help you to count the characters for different types of text without any hassle. Be it a short story of 7500 words a novel with 17000 characters our character counting tool is sufficient to use with all without any struggle. Do not procrastinate and keep an account of your written texts with our easy to use software. Thank You Address- 1612 W, Berteau Avenue, Chicago IL, 60613 (USA) Phone No- +1-315-400-1441 Email- [email protected] Website-

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