PRACTICE MAKES PERFECI!Practicing their ntxlr routines. Jennifer Rake andKclli Washburn hit the po~e perfectly. The teampracticed vigorously every night after schoolmaking the ~a\On a success. ~O\\ I : April Linta. Amy Adams. Peggy Forrest. Jaquclin Butler. Chrce Bryan. Jane Payne. Kclli wa.,hbunJ Ro\" 2: Kendra Ander,on. G111a Wat,on. Tara Borino.Toni Curtis. Marc• Jenson. Faith f'innegan. Jana Borino Ro\" 3: Tom Po\1. Karc} Pelch. Janue Gehring. Ann H111ders. Jcnmfcr Rake. Veromca DeKon·er R O\\ 4: Jeremy Cla\\\On, Aaron Arnold. Coach Bauer. Cheryl H•lton. Coach PriceIN SYNC 47 S PORT SGoi1111 for tltt' had walkm·er. Gina Watson and JanaBonno practice the ocam rouune together. Wuh m;mylle\\ member.. on the team the gymnasts \"a' hcth:rthan ever.
SWING STYLE ONE MEAN HITTER What a racquet? With aferocious look, Glenn Linnenbach stares down his opponent. Ifskill was not prevalent in a match, one could use scare tactics. What a raquet girls tennis was Though State play offs were diffi-this year! Long hours and hard cult this year, Jordan was a toughwork really paided off for the team competitor, and made us all proud tothis year. Although they didn't get be Beetdiggers. \"Although, ourmuch support from the students that team had little previous experi-didn't stop their progress. \"I felt we ence,\" Coach Hale replied,\"Thedid great for such a young team, It team really improved throughoutreally suprised me how far we the season, and made it tough for ourwent.\" commented Diane Spotz. competitors.\" In Region play 1st Doubles- Boys tennis started later in theNoel Kunz, Lori Burningham. 2nd year and got off to a great start.Doubles- Lori Robison, and Diane Although, it was quite a young teamSpotz, ended the season playing this year, they played an excellantvery well. The three singles win- season and had a lot of fun at thening in Region play, advanced on to .same time.State play were 1st singles- Kristy · Both of the tennis teams did veryDeem. 2nd singles- Lani Christen- well in region and state play andson, and 3rd singles- Kristy Brown. made their season work. 48 I'VE GOT IT HAVE YOU SEEN MY ARM?S P ORTS Longing for a chance to lutthe ball, Nancy SolO Pn•ppingforashot, Jon I Ian gel\ ready to slam theball take~ raquct in hand <Uld gives it her be't '>hOt. This into the opposing coun. TI1e tennis team improved was Nancy·, 'ccond year on the team and she their ~kills in game situations. lookcs forward to ncl<.t year.
000011! SOO COOL I{ow I: Lani Chri\tcnscn. Kri\ly Brown. Kristy Dcarn Ron 2: Diane SpoiL, Lori Burningham, Anna Hir\l.PrauiC'ml( hu n•tums, Noelle Kurll\lrul\ her slUffon '1/ocllc Kuntthe pr<Kircc coun. Con\i\tanl pr<actrcc \"'\"'very nece\-'ary lor the team' 10 have a \"'rnnrng \C<a,on. 49WH ERE 1)10 'I H E BALL GO?Wuh t/1(' 11'11111 blmnng her hatr 111 all tltrntion.Ann:t llrr\1 ..carchcs for the tennis hall. Annaworked rcully hard to give her all to the teamthroughout the entire sca\Oil. S P O R TS
SCOPING IT OUTLminx up for the shot. Ben Cowdell prepare' 10 lry for a btrdic. Ben playedfor four years, and ha\ done one fi ne job.TEAMWORKAskmgfor Jeremy Pmn•/l's opinion. B.J. Maxwell perform' a prawce\wing Players confided in each olhcr for advice lhroughoullhe year. so WII AT FORM '! 1.,.1111/tng up for altm~ tlm·t·. Brei Jord,an 'how' hi' e~perti\C in one oflhc 1110\l demandingSPORT S 'POrt l.nov.n 10 man. Brei v.a\ an <1\,el nm onl) 10 !he !cam hullo Jordan Ihgh Sd10ol.
PUTTIN' AROUND The groovy side of golf! It was a rough year for the Jordan Overall, Jordan had three wins andgolfers, but they're all young. \"Next four losses, and placed sixth in region.year should be looking real good because When predicting the future ofthe golfteam,we'll have more experience. We're Coach Brady explained, \"We're a youngcounting on going to state next year and team , most kids playing well were sopho-playing well in the region tournament.\" mores, without the experience to play wellThat was a positive outlook from Ladd in matches.\" Ben Cowdell explained, \"WeJoh nson, Outstanding Golfer of the Year had the talent but not the dedication, it's tooand the on ly one to qualify for state. bad we didn't go to state.\" GOLF 6th in Region Woods Cross 165-167 West 164-17- t64-18 Murray 176- I60 Judge 176-172 Tooele 190-185 Granite 178-15- 178-20 Bountiful 184-175 ROW 1: Brian Brown, Rienee Garrison. Justin Bingham, ROW 2: Mike Kcncr. Warren Sweeton, Jt1son Wilham.,, Brct Jordan. Adam Kun1. Ladd Johnso11, ROW 3: BJ Maxwell. Chct Alhancs. Coach Brady. Damon Rockhill. Ben CowdcllL COt'<CENTR \TE! Allcmptin~ w mal.t par, Ladd John,on shows it easy even under pn:.,.,urc. Ladd \I. a' the mo't valuable player this year 51 S PORT S
SPLISH SPLASH Super swimmers swim swell!Splash! This is the sound that is Turnbow remarked sarcasti-heard when a Jordan High swimmer cally. Robert Whickergurgledtakes the deep plunge. Many hours as he said under water, \"It'sof practice are put in by each team hard work, but I don't thinkmember in order to accomplish the that there isn 't anyone on thefas test time in each event. \" Indi - team that didn ' t improve.\" Invidually, many members have im- region the swim team posted aproved tremendously. Thi s was lot of fast times which helpedapparent at region when certain them tremendously in theirmembers topped their times.\" re- high placement. Five recordsmarked Angie Jukes. She was a real were broken and many moreasset to th is years swim team. records almost fell. Twenty-The swim team was coached by two members, in all qualifiedMr. Goulding. He pushed his team for the state meet. They repre-to their limits s triving for excel- sented Jordan well at thislence. \"I just loved doing -;prints, event. The team had a greatand hearing Doug Gou lding say year and we're proud of them.'everyone out of the pool!' \" ScottJUST O\"'E MORE STR OKE! FLY, FLY, FLY!Comm.~ up far wr. Roben Buys endure' to tile end' lnperjl'ctform Shane Jen\"<m d1ve, lura liNThe ,wim team worked long and hard through many place lini\h. The dtvmg team 'oared al:xlve the re\t!practice' to accomplish their goab. 52S P 0 R TS
Ql..ICK START! ·tl th<''' eli''<' into th<' p(/(//. large amounts of people marvel a1 the :1g11ily and prowess of the amazing swimmers. The S\\ imleam no1 only won the admiration offans but al\o won a large majority of their meets. ' ' SI LF.:\ T PRAYER Soarin~ hi.l/h ahon! thl' \" 'at<'r. Shane Jensen hope~ for a perfect dive. Shane Jen<.en and Amy Healy \\ere Jordan\ only diver. and proved 10 be a crucial pan of the team. BOYS AND GIRLS SWIMMING BOYS 8-3 Overall Judge 72-80 Bountiful 92-72 Kearns 87-85 Murray 60-106 Hillcrest 96-77 Granite 100-64 South Summin 109-44 West 90-75 Delta 112-45 Tooele 61-110 Wood~ Cross 97-63 GIRLS 3-8 Overall Judge 58-99 Bountiful 78-82 Keams 81-85 Murray 45-126 Granite 96-68G0 awnI.:BCloomrinqnuel\tW, SacyomuanI,uKrnrbbotmw.MAcnCg'IieoyJ.uBkaen,, Palmer. Nicole Garvo1lle. Shclysc Lundberg Row 2: Aaron Tall. South Summitt 128-15 Wendy W1lkes. Jeff Gorzitlc, Naneue Wallace Row 3: Coach West 72-97 Delta 106-54J ouldlllg, Mike Lamoreaux, Enuly Jame,, Karin Cmgt\, C'onanne Larsen. Kemi Smith. Cori Alli\on, John Stanley. Tooe le 45-124 Woods Cross 125-24~11111 fcr Pe1rce, Rich;ml Ru,\cll. Richard llarkne\" Row 4: Coach Meyers. Daniel Wrigh t, Ru\\ Grow, Jcnmfcr eck\, David llir,chi, Steve Lamoreaux. Garret Whitehead, Ruben Whicker.Jerron Collin'>, Suty Wllker,on. Gu\lonLowe
RUNNING AWAY With great spirit and pride! \"Cross Country is hard to run. still have 2 miles left to go.\" BeingIt takes people with desire and deter- mentally tough was also a require-mination. This year, the team had ment for this years team. Teamboth, \" replied Coach Andrus. Cross members had to keep remindingCountry is an individual sport, yet themselves that it was mind overteam members work together and push matte r!each other to do their best. \"When everone person stops running, another Stacy William\" set a new courseperso n will pull the tired person record at the CoLtonwood Complex.along,\" added Stacy Williams. Help- Although the team didn't do as welling, pushing, and cheering team mates as they had liked, they won halfon were all part of this years Cross their meets. The girls placed thirdCountry team. Ryan Christofferson and the boys placed fourth in Re-added, \"The hardest part is when you gion . The team went on and placedfeel your body is falling apart and you tenth for the boy'> and eleventh for the gi rl s in the State tournament. BOYS CROSS COUNTRY 4th in Region lOth in StateBountiful 38-21West 24-31Woods Cross 34-25Granite 15-50Judge 43-16Murray 28-30GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY 3rd in Region 11th in StateBountiful 27-32West 15-50Woods Cross 39-19Granite 15-50Judge 44-17 CROSS COUNTRY Row I: Jennifer Lcavin. Megan Chri\tulkNm. Mcli\\a Cnunbulc. Lllra 1':11e. Shcn Ffdrcdgc. StacyMurray 24-37 Willmm\ Chandra V01gtl.tcndcr. and 1\lll) Wmtcrbonom R0\1 2: Cna~h Andru\ Dcnnl\ Tate. Ryan Chri,toffcr.on. John Stanlc)', Kyle Lcavlll, Da\\n Blomqul\t, Bttca,. Celc,tc lxrm:on. o,amu Kuro,awa. R)an Allga1cr. Paul Griffith, l';ttrid. King. Jell Le:l\lll. and Cn;Kh \1arl.. Retch. 54SPORTS
JUST A LllTLE MORE...Full force ahead, A llison Garner makes herfinal step\ count. Despite the look of agonyon her face, Alli,on's mind i\ on the tini\hline. PUSH! '0 ! With a weary hody. Osarnu Kurosawa head\ for the finish line. Practices were tough: often the runners ran four or more mile., a day. IT'LL BE CLOSE ~~ ith a fool.. of dt•tt•m•inarion. Celeste Derricott put' her full ellon tnto staymg m front of Lara Tate. Much of thi., years compctuion was between membcn. of the Jordan team.!~;AM MEETING! 55 S PORT S W!rm now1!?\" cxclaitm Amy Winterbottom a., 'he andJennifer Leavm lool.. to Coach Andru' for laM mu1utc advice.lhc <ldvtcc proved helpful in the lonv run.
DIGGERS DASH GF.TTING WI OEDHurdles above the rest! Running in strid<•. Karl Jen,cn and Jeremy Shoc- m;lkcr brave the adverse weather condition,, Sunny On your mark, get set, go! Track of events that everybody can par- day~ or not. the track team wa\ always at workbegins another season. The track ticipate in.\" Competition was fierceteam consisted of nearly a hundred and the fight to stay on top was /students. Practice started at the constantly jeopardized. \"I like thebeginning of March and lasted until competition in track,\" stated Chadthe end of May. Some of the prac- Turnbow, \"I do it to keep Jordan'stices were held when snow was still reputation up.\"on the ground, but as the wintercame to an end the wether heated up. Track is a very individual sport,\"The practices were long and hard, and because of this it is much morebut when the season' s over you find difficult than those who have neverout it was all worth it,\" commented run would expect. \"You can workAllison Garner. hard every day until your muscles cramp, you throw up, and you die, In track, each student can choose yet when the race comes there's stilleven up to four events to compete in. somebody who can run faster. YouLanceWillson remarked,\"It's a dif- cannot judge yourself on whetherferent sport, it's not so much stam- you win, but how much you im-ina as it is technique. \" Many people prove,\" stated Ryan both track and field events. The track team fini shed up with a\"Track is a great sport,\" replied successful season sending severalRandy Dalton, \" It has a large variety people to state. FAST AS A GAZELLF. IRow 1: Ktm Snow, Kri\110 l.;tr-<m. Tcrco.,a Mt:,hling. Brandte Atchley. Juht: Rlodgeu. Me!!''\" Chrio.,totlcr...on. l Gltdinx through lit<' au, Ihlary Swun works on her form in the high hurdle\. Form i\ everything Ryan Allgatcr Scou Sander,, Chad Tuml>ow, K.1rl Jeno.,cn kr.:my R011 2: Bol>l>} Gomo.,. Garrell in a lot of the event\. Whttcheatl \1tl..c Worthen. Stephen Boyad. Don Lc~~,...,, l'odd Will.. mo.,, Jenrul•·r Lca1 til, Shcn f:ldrcdgc. Ro11 56 3: Robert Wcbh, Paul Gnfhth, \1au Moon. Imy Davl\, Sh;me 'crdin.Joo.,h McDougall. Amy Wmterbouom,JohnS PORT S Stanley. Cori Allio.,on. Kim Iladlod. R. Wtllo.,on Row4: Angela Whiting, C'oach Retch. Jell Ciolltl/C, Steve ore<~ux. BrmHion Lar\cn. Greg l·hby Row 5: Jennifer Apkmg.l.ance Will,on D;~vcTatum. R\"l.. Atl.ino.,on Scou Turnbow, Mttch Curtt\, Davtd Wtll,on Toml'a}nc. Diri.J\WIJ Kelly Bro11,n Ro\" 6: Paxman. \1ch,,a Rtche,, \1t't} Ktml>aall Icryn Swan, A.tron,. ,\IINm Gamer.., anu C'.trl,on, Rol>cn Whicker. 'l ravl\ GrJham, :\"ancuc Davl\ Ro\" 7: Brandon Vernon. Jocel)n Jcno.,cn, Robert Hu>'
3-2-1 Blastoff Prl'panll}ltn takeflit[lht. Randy Dalton tighten\ his grip on hi~ pole. All athletes set their sights towards the sky.FAST, FASTER, FASTEST LIGIIT AS A FEATIU : R /lurli11~ the stl'l.'l proJt'C'IIIr. Tom Payne 'ho\"'' hisl\'t'l II'/ Ollthl'jim.lh /me, Ryan Chri\toffcr-<m kid.'> e,p.:ni-.: m the shotpul. The cro\l.d lo'>t ,jght of the111 the turbo\. Betng \"' Ia'! '\" the \"'md 'om.:times\"'a'n't enough. ball alter thi' tremendou' throw. 57 SPORTS
BEETDIGGER BALL A TOUGH ACT TO FOLLOW!The season was under way Jordan then met Bountiful in theand the players were a Iittle skepti- quarter-finals in what was consid-cal. Coach Birch brought in new ered the game of the season. Withideas, tough practices, and disci- Jordan ahead 21-0The Braves camepline. After two early season de- back in under four minutes to tie thefeats the Beetdiggers entered region game. With two minutes left Jordanplay with a vengeance. \"I think we drove the length of the field ~ettinghad some thing to prove with two 4- up the game winning field goal byA schools coming into our region ,\" Adam Bentley. In the semi-finalssneered Leonard Ayers. And prove the Beetdiggers, without four start-something they did! With an ag- ers due to injury, met a tough Logangressive, in-your-face, team tackle team. \"We played our hearts out. Istyle of defense and an explosive, still think we should have won.\"overpowering offense the Jordan stated Lance Will son.Beetdiggers made a mockery of all Jordan ended a great seasonRegion 6 opponents. in Beetdigger style: with class. \"IJordan got revenge for their just want to say thanks.I love all youfirst loss of the season by knocking guys,\" ex pressed Art Hunter withBear River out of the play-offs. pride. IRow I : Chucl. Conover. Mitch Berg. Keyne Jorgcn\cn, Ryan Sinumson, Andy Doyle, Adam Bcntely Wool. Mall llcnp,, Nate Andcr-<)n. An lluntcr Brandon Plant. Jeremy Butler. Gn:g White. Tyler Garmon. Scott Watt'>. Tim W;~rren, Riel. Atl.ut,on Br.u1<Jon Vernon Ro\" 2: \lltl..c Robtn'<lll. Kcllc) Bro.,n. Ilent'} Mari<t. \1arl. Staker. Larry Han,on. Ryan Turner David Tatum. 'Ir<tvts Pelch()XXil. Brynn IJt,lopl[)()(,) Aaron C'ondc.lro) ·1 rujillo. John Iullo,ID<Xi). Core) Collms.l.ric Hagen, Richard Ev<tn\, Greg Htlhtg, Shawn Richard,on. Rtch<trd Weaver. Davnl Wtlson, Tyler lnnmcricl., Rohhic Rtco Ro11 J: 1om Pa)nc. Ty'<lll Malstrom, Scoll A\hhy, Bob Gatley. Steve Peterson. Leonard Aycrs(I)OGJ, Tony Barker(DOG). Bryan Trcscdcr(DCXi). Jerimtc lhomc, J:l\on Ste:tdman. Doug Mtller, Man Bnmhall, Scott Sander\, Billy Ekblad, Mike Bendixen. J:tck\on Allen. David Mulqueen, Blake Keene• Ro\" 4: <1arrctt flan'>cn. K~lley Wytoc~. Bill Davi\, l.ancc Will\onCDOG), Dan Sa~ey. Nathan Spnnger. Steve Mecham. Tmy C'owdcll, Ja\nn \"il\wander, Bnan !.arson. Rhette Burn'>tdc R~an Tarr. Otrl.. \\~rv Jeremy Kuehn Scott Turnbo\"· Cole Myer Ron 5: Coa.:h Btrch Coach Thomp.,un, Coach RKhard,, Coach Btrch Jr.. C11adt lkaps. Co;Kh l:g;m. Coa~h Scdvwtl..c 58SPORTS
THE DOGS RUN WILD!! SHEER CONCE TRATION!Cousillfluller clwos. John Tullos heads for the knee of /leading for the e11d:one. Nathan Anderson eyes in aBearRiver's unsuspecting lineman. The line proved to pa\" from Corey Collin'>. Jordan surprised quite a fewbe vital pan ofJordan's explosiveoffense. Dogs Rule! teams with their ne.,.. aerial attack. VARSITY FOOTBALL 1st in Region 3rd in State 9-3 Overall Bear River 8- 11 Mountain Crest 28-30 Judge 27-10 West Murray 14-6 Bountiful 23-13 Woods Cross 17- 12 Tooele Granite 22-7 Bear River 24-0 Bountiful 15-6 Logan 19-0 24-21 14-3)RUNNING WILl)! 59Bur.1ti11K i11to the .ll'cmulary , Grcr White\ run 1s ttided b~ a SPO RT SdcviMating block by Lconttrd Ayers. The dogs proved to be a vnalPart of Jordan\ ground gttmc.
JV FOOTBALL 8-1 OVERALL1ST INREGIONBear River 8-0 Row I: Scott Watts, Chad Tumllow, Andy Doyle, \linch Berg. Tyler Gamson. M.1rl..Mountain Crest 28-0, Jason :\"<1\\l,andcr. Enc llagcn, \llatt Anmhall. Ryan I umcr. R~~:l. Atl.mson Rem 2:Judge 27-6 Larry llanson. Tyson Malstrorn,TylcrTimmrcck. Kelly Whytod•. Kerby llurrocb, ShawnWest 20-6Murray 21-0 Richardson. Greg llilhig. Tim W:1rrcn. Dav1d Mulqueen. TraviS Pclch. Billy B.blad 'iconBountiful 35-48 Sanders, Bill Davi\,Ci'lrrct Hansen Ron 3: ('o.~eh Scdgn 1CI.,Coach :\1a) R1chard Weaver.Woods Cross 13-6 :vtil.c Robmwn. \"<<llhan Spnngcr. Troy Cu\l,dcll Rhenc Bum\ldc. Jeremy HatN:n. RyJnTooele 28-14 Tarr, M1l.c Bend1. Steve Mecham, Scott Ashhy, Jeremy Kuehn. Dav1d W1lson, CuachGranite 28-13 Richards l '\TR \ \ \ROAGJ'! Drring 111111 thc· dt1t'll\ll'l' tram oj lh•stllrgh, Ryan Tarr help' to gain the ftN dn\l,n. Ryan \l,iiS .a very 1111 punant piln of the olkn\lvC team.SPORTS
ORIVF. HARD Q.B SACK? :'o~O WAY! Gaining a11mher Melli\' yards. the J. V. A1·oiding his sloll'er defender. Ty ler team ensure' them,elves of another\"' in. Garri,on runs the ball into the end/One. The) finished fm.t in region overall. h was bccau\C of his awe,omc offensive line that he could do this so often. GOLDEN PRIDE Leads on to victory! Early practices, late swell guys. \" Coach really practices, scout teams, and a knows how to get the team lot of spirit. That' s what it h y ped ,\" nodded K e ll y took to be a competitive part Whytock. of the J. V. and Sophomore With an explosive football team. Aggressive offense and a solid defense play on the part of both the JV team had a great teams during practice con- record of 8- 1 while the tinued the winning tradition sophomore team finished on the field for Jordan the season two teams com- High.\"! loved playing on the bined for a record of 13-5. scout teams,\" stated Bran- If the two teams work hard don Vernon. \"I liked trying together next years varsity to push the varsity team. \" team shows a lot of prom- \" Football and GOLD DOT ise. introduced me to a lot ofSOPHOMORE FOOTBALL 5-4 Overall 4th in Reg ionBear River 27-14Judge 18-1 6WestMurray 0-7Bountiful 14-0Woods Cross 24- 14Tooele 7-14Granite 23-0 38- 13 Row 1: Bobby Goins. Ju\lin Pelch. Justin Shannon. Man Albrecht. Boyd DennisoJ Brandon I abrizio. Prc'ton Packer. Eric Tripp. Jeremy Shoemaker. Vhnh 'llguyen. Shannon Benneu. Garret Johnson Row 2: Tom Payne, C011is Lmton. Brent Tarr. Aaro\" lli,lop. BlaJ..e Kener, Tmvis Graham. Glen Mills, Preston BacJ... Chet Hunter. Jaaron Collins. Dark Aver). Coach Heaps R011 3: Coach Birch. Coach Butko' uch. Cole \1yers, Cory Talbot. Kell) Bro\\n, Davad Tatum. Brandon Vernon. Chuck Conover. Jackson Allen. Troy llickman, Trent Maddox. Dave Delahunty. Robbie Raco. Coach Egan 61 SPORTS
INTIMIDATION THIS IS T OO EASY!Jordan knows basketball! LayiTifil tht• hall up imo tht• /ul()p. An Hunter laugh\.\"this is Just like practice.\" With hb ama1ingly slow speed tim 1s one of only two layups made ;1ll year. We got his other one on film too.Late g ame hero ics, spec- antagonizing opposing teams.tacular d ribbling, needle threading The team 's amazing suc-passes, bull 's eye 3 point shooting, cess, was influenced g reatly by thedynami c defense, rafter reaching presence of a knowl edgeabl eslams, and ear rauling screaming leader, coach, and friend - Hal, were just a few signs of a \"You Hot Dog! You Blind Bat! YouJordan Hi gh Varsity Bas ketball Silly Sap!\" These colorful phrasesgame. After a tough pre-season, were comm onl y used in Co achthey fought their way to second in H a le's psyc ho log ica l wa rfa reregion play. They then took third in aimed toward unfortunate referees.state los ing to the championshipteam. Also defeating long time rival \" It was fun to pl ay. I liked toJudge Memorial (region 6 champs), hear all of the soph omore g irl s scream when I took o ff my warm-by a whopping 25 points. ups. \"commented Billy Shatz. Billy\"That 's hot rockin ' you took and the other five seni ors were upsetthird pl ace you Gay Bobs ,\" de- that their basketball careers wereclared an energetic and happy Dig- over, but the underclassmen whoger fan, Tony Barker. This was the looked fo rward to their spot in theattitude of almost all Jordan fans as limelight, fo und it a little d ifficultthey showed the ir school spirit by to be downhearted. 62 0 11 SO S LY!S PORT S Gr11111g muoftra/ju. Spenc:c Tucllcr p;hses the ball to R)an W1lhams Spence\ leadership und cr.lft} anuc:s helped guide Jmd m·s oflens.:.
VARSITY BASKETBALL 2nd in Region 3rd in State 15-9 OverallRow 1: Mgr. Ryan Haun, Hadden Fra11cr, Ty Lombardi, Koy Lombardi, Eric llagen. Bountiful 67-49TylcrGarri~on R O\\ 2: Nate \"The Skate\" Anderson, Billy \"Air\" Shalz, Ryan \"Rcmo\" Woods Cross 83-62 Murray 80-67Williams, Mark \"Oscar\" E lliot, Art \"The Ilit Man\" Hunter, Mgr. Dan Saxcy Judge 67-69 Granite 76-53 West 64-46 Tooele 54-56 Bountiful 74-57 Woods Cross 72-42 Murray 55-54 Judge 59-76 Granite 65-79 West 92-49 Tooele 77-53 Mountain Crest 56-45 Payson 64-62 Emel) 39-68 Judge 70-45MAYUE A DUN K? 1\0 T HI GH E\ Ol (; ll! Bill> Shal1 banks it ott the glas~ over a WestSoaring rotht• hoop. Art l luntcr takes aadvantage of defender. Mark Elhon and Ryan William~ look on just in case Billy -.hould m1\\.the lane that w:l\ g1vcn to him. An\ phy\lcal, uptempo style of pia) al\"ays got Jordan fans e~cited. 63 S PORT S
RUN AND GUNJust try and keep up! High flying, death defying, kidding either, both teams had toheart stopping, shot blocking, phi face some of the best basketbalJslamma jamma in your face dis- schools in the state.grace basketball! JV and Sopho-more basketball at its best, some- \"I think it was the comingtimes!?! \" Practice, practice, prac- together and playing as a whole unittice, it's my life,\" a tired worn out that really made our season takeAaron Jenkins babbled. It was this off', remarked Ryan BoswelJ withpracticing that took these these a proud grin. To accomplish theteams over the hump of mediocrity goal of an excit ing and fu lfillinginto the land of stardom. season, team unity played a vital roll in accomplishing this task. After a slow start both theJV and Sophomore boys basketball \" DENY, DENY, DENY!!teams seasons started to roll as You have got to deny to win ballleague play began. \" Its not like we games\", coach Kelly Newboldwere a horrible team at the begin- screamed enthusiastically during aning of the season, we just had a time out to illustrate his point. Greattough pre-season schedu le that's coachi ng like this has made the Jor-a ll ,\" explained Mike Boyack a key dan JV and Sophomore basketbalJplayer on the JV team. He wasn't teams what they are today and what they will be tomorrow!!! PERFECT FORM! J. V. HASK J.. JII \LL U/111/Ch/llg the hall ahOI'(' hi.\ ll(l(lflll('/11' I Iudden fra- Row I : Co;~ch Newhold. l'yler Garmon, I Iudden I r.111cr. ly l.mnh<trdl. Koy Lombard1, Lm: I J;~gen. Ryun Iler \hoot\ for two. Once in the open. Jordan u~ually never mi\\Cd adding ea\y point' to the \Core. llaun (mngr.) Ito\" 2: Aaron Jcnknl\, Mitch Berg. Shawn Wam~c. M1ke Boyuck. Cory Sargent, Jaron Pew 64S PORT S
UP IIIGII! S~ving oil .10 hiJill. TylerGarrison looks to score a pair of point'>. Flying higher than tlleir opponents wa> a great advantage for Jordan. FACIAL! Jumping a foot abn1·l' his opponl'llf. Steve Boyad. ea,il) tip'> the ball to hi' tean1mate. SteveconsiMantl) got the jump ball\ thi> year and was an imponant pan of the team.SOPHOMORE IIASKETIIALL HEADS UP! l n•ing m•t•r the court. Brody Reich looks for a team-fow~ow 2: Coach Brady, Cory Talh01. Jarun Pew, Troy llickman, Brian Boswell, Dave Delahunty (mngr.) m:ue. Seeing thecoun was a keyduring the year to win I : Eric Tripp, l.add John..on, Brody Reich, Blake Kener, Jo>h Chrbtensen, Kenneth Bellon. hall game\. 65 SPO RT S
TAKE EM' DOWN Wrestlers stay on top! \" From stand ups to a full nine Willson. There were good tum outsminute match it was all worth it,'' all through-out the year. Jordansremarked Jason Apking. Saturday wrestling team had alot of dedi-morning practices were not uncom- cated supporters, they showed upmon, usually startin g at eight for every match.o'clock. \" This years team mighthave been small but those who This years wrestling teamstayed and toughed it out are BAD placed 7th in region. Team captainDUDES !\", exclai med team captain TroyTrujillo placed first in regionTroy Trujillo. The practices were with other region qua li fiers Lancelong and strenuous usually lasting Willson, Jason Pond , Brandon Ver-two hours. The coaches pushed all non, and Tyler Philips.the wrestlers and all the wrestlerspushed each other through the tough These wrestlers led the Jor-practices. \" We had a great year dan wrestling team into the stateconsidering the inex perience of our tournament at Weber State. Troyyounger wrestlers, \" commented Trujillo placed fourth in state in aCoach May. field of over I00 wrestlers. \"Our cheerleaders are so cool, Though the varsity teamthey came to all of our home wres- had on ly three returning varsitytling matches,\" ex plained Lance wrestlers the team competed wi th great determination. WRESTLING 7th in Region I - 9 overall Tooele 24-48 Ogden 20-48 Woods Cross 18-50 Murray 27-35 Granite 54- 18 Lchi 12-50 West 28-40 Judge 28-35 Bount iful 28-40Ro\" I : Kyle Juke~. Kyle leavlll. Sruan Palmer. Kelly Whyrocl\, ' I om Payne. B1ll Oil\ 1,, l\"ac \1elv1lh: Rem PI'\ Ill \I! Gc'lllllfiiiC\"IIrf(l//f><m/1.\ , Troy I ruJIIIo pum,hcs2: Coa~h Dan May. Larry llan~n. Quyen \lgu, Troy TruJillO. o....unu Kur0\:1\\<a, 'icntl Love. Greg 0Jke·.cm h1.., opponcm wnh brc<~lhlakmg moves. Troy placed fiN m lhe Rcg1on 'I ournamenl.Row3: Dav1d Willson. Kelly Brown, Philip Whi11ng. Travi\ Pclch,Ja,on Apking.Ja,on Pond Row 4: Shcm1anNipper. Mike Bendixen. Ja\on Niswander. Brundon Vernon. Lance Willson. Ja..,on SIC>ll
NO PAIN NO GAIN STAND UP!Gmlllilll/ his way to••·ards a rl'\'l'rsal. Lance Will\on Thin~;,~ ofIus Ill'.II mm·r. Ja~on Pond awaits for thegoes again\! his West opponenl. This is Lance\ fiN rcfcn:e to blo\"' the \\histle. Jason put a lot ofdedica-year wre\tling and he finished third in rea ion. tion and \\<ill power into wrestling this year.
PLAY BALL It Was Quite A Hit! The members of Jordan's base- held during the summer to get extraball team, along with coaches Russ practice.Thompson and Kevin Eagon, havehigh hopes for a successful season. This years team is stacked withJohn Tullous was quoted saying, \"I returning players. Eight returningthink we'II have a pretty good team seniors and five returningjuniors tobetter than the past three years. We give Jordan a very experiencedshould make the tournament. In team. With all this experience andorder to accomplish this goal, the maturity, the team will have noteam will spend many hours practic- problem in finding team leaders ining, and working hard to perfect Matt Heaps, Corey Coli ins, and Dantheir throwing, hitting, and catching Delahaunty. With a combination ofskillss. Some members even par- good ball players and leadershipticipated in a special legion program they should make a strong showing around tournament time.~ow 1: Jason Deherrera. Brian Lowe, Ju,un Bingham. Blake Keener, Robh1e Rico. Ju,un Pelch. Ju,tm Jarvis!Preston Packer. Chucl. Conover Ro\" 2: Trav1' Pelch. Corey Ti1lhot. Scott Blake. Chct lluntcr. Jaso11:'1/iw.ander. Dan Dcl:lhunty, Matt Heap,, Coach Thornp,on. Brandon Coach Egan. f my I nlJIIIo. JohnTullos.~ Hunter Corey Collin\, Bmndon Pea). Brandon Smuh. R}an Bmgharn. K1rby llnrrocl.' 68 m ; CO ' E('TS!S POR TS On thl' tl11rd \lrikt•, Prc\lon Packer bnally gets the perfect lut l\s a \Ophornore, Preston wu' very lucky to play vaf\ity at t1mc,.
ROUGH PRACTICE GOOD EYE!Lookingfor thr bull. Man Heaps prepares for a catch. Rrady to swing at anything. Troy Trujillo eyesLong hours of pracuce are what baseball is all about. down the pitcher. All members worked hard to improve on last year's o;eason.HA'rrER Uf> !~~<lltlll!!.[or hi.1 tum 111 bat. Brandon Plant ;wingsh\" bat about wildly at \Ome inferna l insect.
THEY'RE BACK And with a vengence! Super high-proformance Without practice where would thiskleets, state-of-the-art shin guards, team be? Who knows, but with hardand see through shorts are just a few practices, dedication, and a greatof the weapons used by todays soc- coach this team has the potential tocer players. Slashing, cutting, go all the way. \"Coach Noble is theshreddi ng, bumping, kicking, best coach in the state. He reallypunching; just another day at soc- pushes you to the limit ,\" statedcer. With the majority of the team Khamp Inthavong.back for another season, a regiontitle and a second place finish in With the addition of two 4-state, what's next? \"State! We' regoing to take state! \" Billy Shalz A schools into the region tempersroared when asked about soccer. will be flyin g. \" When we beat Bountiful and Wood Cross I'm Practice, the ingredient of going to say ' Welcome to 3-A ball'champions! \"Practices are more because we're just as competativeintense this year, and it 's going to as the 4-A schools,\" Adam Bentelyshow when we take state! \" verbal- exclaimed vigorously while froth-ized Andrew Doyle. \" People are a ing from the mouth.lot more dedicated to practice thisyear,\" exclaimed Ben Cowdell. To these somewhat cocky soccer players, good luck! 70 FAST BREAK!SPORTS Orihllli11g tltc•ball. Adam Bentley slashes down l 1cld while Aaron Ogden follows c lose bchind .Tcamwor~ \" an unpn;mt pan to any team\ succc\\.
72c L uns
C H EESE! !! A !T£PNot able to keep his joy inside, Sports section editor.Tony Barker is trilled to be in the yearbook and on A!-I£AD INthe staff. The yea rbook staff worked ha rd to meetdeadl ines and due dates. And it seemed as if they auetnever ended. 73 Are you tired of the same old routine that week after week seems C L U BS to dominate your whole existance? Want to add some excitement to your droll, monotonous life? Why not join a club?! Many students dis- covered the excitement and advan- tages of being in a club and most students participated in more than one. With a variety of more than ten clubs to choose from, each student was a ble to find one that would spark their interest. Ra nging from Drama to Archeology, from Future Business Leaders of America to Key Club these clubs a re fun inter- ~ingled with lea rning a nd exper- Ience.S AY WI/AT????Contcmplatingn the characters they play, JanieSlater, 1\'mie l'it7water, and Tonya J enkins watchand participate in the JOYS of acting Th1s was theDrama Clubs b1ggest year w1th over 90 membersmak1ng 11 the largest club to JOin.
STUDE\"\"T BODY OFFICERSRo\"' 1: B1ll Jamc Vice Pres.. Orley B1ll~ Judge Ro'' 2:Becky Cook 2nd V1ce, Caryn Thornwall H1'tonan. ~ 1ch·elle Willey Anorney General Row 3: Ja~on SteadmanPres1dent. M1chelle Jones SecretaryT HOUGHTS NEVER STOPConcentratiiiJI on his many responsibilities, Jason Steadman sits and listens to in<.tructions at improv camp. Manyof the SBO\ were involved in the drama department.EARLY MORNING FUN ONE HIG H AJ>f>Y FAMIL YSinxinJI em inl'llaionfor a/Ito come to thdJogpatch (imhc•rt•d in Mr. Ma.1011.\ ojjm•, the SBO\ give theDrag. Bill Janie and Orlcy Bills enjoy them\clves domg morning announcemcnh The \"Joke of the Day\", bythe morning announement'>. Dogpatch \"'as another M1c.:helle Willey was :1 l:m>ntc pan to manyresponsibility the ofliceT\ had. 74CLU8 S
SIEZE THE DAY@lt\Jttt•l§ ))118M Even before the school year trying to get everyone to participate.\" Trying to acheive school spirithad begun the SBO's were hard at exclaimed MichelleJones. While they is a common goal that all the SBO'swork. They went to the traditional remained active in clubs and activities. share. Jordan has always been knownleadership retreat in St. George to be- they still maintained their responsibili- as a school with a lot of pride. \"Thecome closely united and to plan the up student body is outstanding! I enjoyand coming year. \"We're just like ties as Student Body Officers. coming everyday just to be a part ofone big, happy family,\" snickered Many of these responsibilities Jordan High School!\" emphasizedMichelle Willey. Becky Cook. included planning such things as the With the school year upon opening, get acquainted, winter olym- With a twinkle in his eye andthem the SBO's possessed a creative pics, and the Christmas assemblies. an energetic tone in his voice Jasonpower that no one before them had They are also in charged of Dogpatch Steadman pointed out,\" We're work-ever had: they had an outgoing spirit week, and Sub for Santa. One of their ing hard whether you know it or not!\"acquired from hours of work in the greatest responsibi Iities is being indrama department. \"We are always charge of the student council and the The SBO's have done a great student courts. job in making this year a success. SAY CHEESE! Planning Ira nc'.llfifC'CJ/ shot. Caryn Thomwall ga?e~ at the football game. Caf) n wa\ 'eldom '>CCn without a camera in her hand\. 75 CL L BS
SPIRITSJ? 1£(Jl,t\(J tJI :~lilt What kind of person is willing to andSongleaders attended the USA and Wrestling. Not only cheering butget up before the sun rises during the Spirit Camp in Logan where they were preparing pep assemblies was a part ofsummer, give up many hours of free awarded many Superior ribbons. \"The their never ending job. \"The pep as-time , all to support school pride? The instructors taught us new cheers, semblies this year went a lot better thananswer to this question is a Jordan dances, and gave us original ideas. to in the past I am glad to say,\" remarkedHigh Cheerleader or Songleader. make the year 89-90 the best ever!\" Head Cheerleader Ketti Washburn. Joani Scadlock said enthusiasticallly. A cheerleader's job doesn't start Not only did camp help them with their \"Cheerleading is a lot of stress, butthe first day of school. During the skills but it also brought them much it's such a blast!\" exclaimed Mindysummer, the Cheer/Songleaders spent closer together. Welling. Every cheerleader will agreemany hours preparing for the upcom- that more than anything cheerleadinging year. They were up at 6:00 a.m. Being a cheerleader is a year-roUind is a lot of fun! As Jennifer Woodwardevery morning practicing cheers, responsibility. They are required to put it, \"The friends are what make itstunts, and dances. The Cheerleaders cheer at Varsity Football, Basketball, great!\" 1-2- 3 BEAT MURRAY! BOOGIE DOWN! Durin!! tlte half time of the football xame. the varsity Clteerinx with the crowdduring the !iame. Jamie Gehring cheerleaders build a victory pyramid. The cheerleaders .,hows her pride in checrlcading. The cheerleaders had a had fiN period in which to practice theirdangerous '>IUints. lot of fun trying to build school spirit. 76CLUBS
CHEERLEA DERS & SONG LEADERS Row l : Julie Miyasaki, Jamie Gehring, Kelli Washbum. Joani ScadlocJ.... Angie Graham. Row 2: Susie Ver~lui'>, Collette Hymas. Julie Wilson, Mindy Welling, Jennifer Woodward. GO FIGHT WI '! IIIJI•ing ahso/11/e confidence in themse!l·es. Collette H) ma, & Julie \1iyasaki are cheering at there utmost ab1lit) . The) show there spirit leading the school \Ong.FIR E IT UP!Gettmg imo it. Kelli Wa.~hbum. Julie Wil,on. \1mdyWelling, and Digger Dan perfom1 a half time at the cold\"iovember football game. The three g1rl~ h;1ve workedtogether with cheerleading for three year~ now. 77 CLUBS
J. V CHEE RLEADERSRow I : Ilolly Cowdell. Sara Dan,ic. Kim Gyllcn'>kog(Head). Kim Wallace. Shelley Jone'> Row 2: CapriceEvan'>. Kat1e Scheller. Vicki Jo Mad,en. Natalie Tueller..\llan1 \lla!\"'.hall GO, FIGHT, WIN Wuh greatemhu.liCI.\111. Nata he 1uellerand Shelley June'> lead the crowd in a cheer rhc J. V Cheerleader' '>hU\\.ed gre;u -.uppon to J V and Sophomore team'>. 0 ' TO VICTORY! \tuh /ugh sp1ru. the J V cheerleader.. reach lor the tup. Thc1r 'chool \pmt \parkckd throughout the \"'huk }1.\lr. 78 C L UBS
DYNAMII)I£1)1<JMI()M Screaming, yelling, and al- get to know each other. \" My favorite had a great year. The unity of theways being cheerful would sum up the thing about camp was being in our group he ld them together and as J.Y.duties of the Junior Vars ity cheerlead- dorms and eating junk food.\" sa id member Natalie Tueller observed, \" Iters. However it entailed more than Marti Marshall. was a lot of work, but also a lot offun.\"that. Head cheerleader KimGyllenskog remarked, \"Cheerleading The J.Y. cheerleader's re- It was hard work too, for noneinvolves a whole lot of time, and hard sponsibilities were to cheer at all J. V. of the J.V. cheerleaders had been in-work!\" and sophomore home football and volved with cheering in the past. They basketball games. They also cheered had to learn everything from scratch, The J.Y. cheerleaders, while at the varsity g irls' basketball games, but this did not hold them back. Theyallcnding theUSA Spirit Camp at Utah and J.Y. wrestling. \"Cheering is fun, I proved they could conquer that and asState, received superior and excellent just wish we had more of a crowd,\" Holly Cowdell exclaimed, \"Weribbons. They may have worked hard stated Shelly Jones. worked as hard as we could to makebut they still had time to have fun and this year the very best!\" All in all, theJ.V. cheerleaders GOH:\\1GO! Getting thl' audtcn< ·l' CXCIII'd for tht• gaml'. Ktm Gyllen~kog suppon~ lhc J.V. foo1ball players. The J.V. Cheerleaders no1 on ly cheered for J.V.and Sophomore game~ bu1 for the girl' basketball game~ also. 79 C LU8 S
C HARLONIANS ROW I: Tonya Jenk1ns. Sh;mnon Crump. Janet Tammy Clarl. ROW 2: Jennifer Hill, Tricia Allen. Andrea Evans, Jennifer Am ussen. Kristin Morris RO\\> 3: Jane Payne. Staci Myer.. Palmer, Heather Wright. Mary Anne 0\\.ens. Carrie We~t ROW 4: \1ichellc Veencndaal, Rachellc Thayne, Cami Kuehn. Jeanenc McGo\ ROW 5: Annalesa Weber. Br.mdie Arl.oCLUB OFFICERSRow 1: Janet llcrmansen-lst Vice-Presidcnl. TammyClark President, Tonya Jenkins-Drill Mbtrcs,, ShannonCrump-Sccrel:try. Row 2: Jennifer Hill-AsSistant Drill\1tstrcss. Kristen Morris-Yell Mistress. Andrea Evans·Treasurer. Jenmfer Amussen-2nd Vice. Tricia Allcn·As-sistant Drtll \1tstress.EXEC TI'G Jo:!\ TH USIAS~1! BLOW\1EAWAY!Sltmnnf( faa.\ of l'lli'Tf(Y 1111d I!X<'IIemrlll, Charlomans r ollmnllr: a hill(I! •mulg1111 th<' Charlont<llls mal.c aTonya, Tricia Allen. and Rachelle Thayne .addfire to the eager onlookers! Expressive faces were a h1g qUJcl.: recovery! The ('h;arlmuans wen: .always quit:k onpan of a -.uct:es\ful performance. thc1r feet with great pcrturnl<tnccs. 80CL L BS
EXCEPTIONAL14N14ltG¥ The 1989-90 Drill Team consisted of exciting and fun to dance.\" The Char- ranged from age 3 to age 14 and were21 girls. They have been very in- lonians also participated in many recruited by the Charlonians to dance.volved with different activities during competitiOns, including Regionthe year. In order to perform their which was held at Bountiful. They are The Charlonians gained new socialbest, the girls had to get up early for very proud of the work they did at this and artistic ski lis this year as part ofthepractice. Carrie West, on the general competition, because they felt it repre- team. Rachelle Thayne commented,attitude toward these early practices, sented the school in a positive way. \"The most important thing I learnedcommented: \"Being to school by six Mary Anne Owens commented, \" As was we can get through anything if weevery morning didn't seem worth it at a team we really pulled together and act not as individuals, but as one team. \"times, but in the end all of our hard did our best. It turned out great!\" Tammy Clark, this year's presidentwork paid off.\" also added,\" I think believing in our- Every year, the Charlonians put selves and each other made us win in- They performed at all home foot- on a ShowCase for the school. 'There dividually and as Charlonians. \"Theball games and at most basketball was a large turn out this year, making team has really succeeded this Sarah Palmer, her second year the ShowCase a big success. Besides They started out with 21 girls with in-on the team, commented, \" I enjoyed the dances put on by the Charlonians dividual styles and learned to compro-performing at the games when the and the Char moms, there was a new mise and work together to become onecrowd was into it. It made it more addition, the Mini Chars. These girls unified team. HELL'S At'<GELS?!? With scootrrs 111 hand and hrads held high. the dancen. are read) to ~ur up the audience. The ~oote~ \\Cre u~d in the prop category at Reg•on. 81 CL L BS
CREATIVEIGNI?It 148 SI()NS Long practices and hard work re- few hours after spending most ofthe the audience. This was most apparentally paid off for the Dance Company. year in preparation, they felt the by the applause during both of thePerforming at the Night Rally, Charlo- Concert was very worthwhile. numbers. The choreographers werenian Showcase, Pep assemblies, and at Carrie Ljungberg remarked, \"This Dena Hullinger and Tera Goff.boys' basketball games during halftime is my third year on the Companyhelped to excite the crowd and improve and I feel this was the best concert During the performances andattendance at these event<;. Tera Goff we haveever put on.\" Every one on practices in which they were involved,commented, \"Everyone really put a lot the team agreed it was a success. and also because of its great officers,of time and hard work to make this year the team this year became very close.tons of fun!\" The Dance Company com- The officers were really involved with peted in a Christmas competition at the Company and helped out in every The Dance Concert, an annual Judge Memorial. The team per- way they could. Jaymi Lloyd, theevent the Dance Company stages every formed two dance numbers and out president, stated, \" 1 really enjoyedyear, was perfomed on April20 and 21. of all the schools there, Jordan by getting to know everyone and watch-Although the dancers only performed a far stood out as most impressive to ing them improve over the year.\"GRACFUL EXTENSIO !Tumin~. Kelli Wa\hbum whirls around '>hO'o'-ing her great;abtluy. Being able to do tum\ was a big pan of what Dancecompany does.WHAT A POSE!Smilinfl. Dena Hullinger, Amy Hendrick\cn. Diane Spot1,and Angie Graham wuit for the count. The dancet\"' startedpreparing for their concert many month\ in advance. 82 CL U8 S
DAZ ZLI '\G D \ '\Cf~RS! S~1ILE L,\DIES1\ 1tlt rilllwnsand ~11\"11 in hand, thedancel'\daz£1e the With dl'hwrr grace. the dancer' pose and wait for the mu\ic.audience. !laving guy' on Dance Company allowed Many seniors agreed that thi, years conccn was one of thethem to add more variety to their pcrfom1ances. best ever.SOF I CO'\TRAS IGrnth Jwlding 011. Yul) Colton 'JlO\" Tern Goff a'<,he ~mh her toe. Tcra wa., the corcographerof thi'beautiful dance.Dunce Company 1989-90 83Row I: Dena llul lingcr. Amy l lcndricksen, C:arric . . CL L BSI.Jungbcrg, Tcra Goff. Jaymi Lloyd. Jennifer De'patn. MtsliAndrev.,; R 0 11 2. P;tm Mo\"'er.l.on Robl\on. R;mtlte Jone,.\ltcnlc Capece. l'm:a Aagard. Otanc Spotz; Ro\" .l: \aronArnold, Tracy Buucrficld. El t'>a Pcay. Kathleen Bellon.Kelly Washburn; Row 4: M:1rricna Willianh, Kri'>tcnhanchow, Cathy Q,hom. Yury Colton. Troy Ra,mu.,o,en,I'<XId Stubb,
3RD P ERIOD YEA RBOOK ST AFFRo\" 1: MarjaLee Nelson, Julie Wihon Row 2: Car·lcen Bell. Colcne Hymas. Carrie Wc,l. Kristen Brad-~haw, Lori Robinson, Dan Peterson Row 3: RuS\Peacock. Jennifer Yorga,on. Nicole Cunningham.Angie Juke,, Row 4: Doug Garner. frank Camar.t.Mike OohclWORK AS USUA LDomg her u/1 011 the YeariHx1k computers. Kristy Brownworks on her ..ection. Kristy did her best all year. n1c\"'aff pur in a lor of rime and hours 10 make I he yearbooklook great.SEE. TH \T'S HOW IT'S DO:\E! WITII TH IS LEA DERSIII J> II OW CA N WE FA IL'! 2 ND PERIOD YEA Ril OO K STAFFImpressing hu editonlttfl .1Wis, Julie Wilson demon- In the illustrwu\ yt•ariHICik mom. LeeAnn Whicker andstrates the new computer program 10 Mindy We lling. l:ric MarJitLee l\elson work on rhc computer wh1le Dan l~ Top: Jamc) War-on. \"-ancne Davl\, Ben Cow dell. Keynellagen, Angie G rah;un, and Joani Scad lock. The Year JorgcJNlll, Qumn Nuc Body: Km1y Brown, Karen Albrc-Tech progam wa.~ both a ble,~ing and a cur\C. lah uryobscrvcs Ihem. Both A\\1\lanl Ed i101\"· LccAnn was chl, Penny Mauin .,on, L:mi Chri ..rcnson. Angil' Graham, a pam and Marj worked hard on the Bool... Joani Scadlocl... Loop: Marl.. Elhon. Eric Hagen. Ja.'>on \"'bwander. Tony \,1md} Welling. Julie Wilson. LeeAnn Whicker84C L UBS
If you have never been on a year- except they did yell a lot,\" commented with all the many deadlines it wasbook staff, you probably have no idea Mark Elliott. easy to get close.\"the hours and stress it takes to make thebook you're holding in your hand. This This year the staff used a new Year There were two classes of year-year's \"Beetdiggcr\" staff was almost Tech program which often made book; both classes all worked veryall completely new people. With vet- things more difficult. hard for success throughout the yeareran yearbookers Julie Wilson as edi- and did their best to make sure thistor, LeeAnn Whicker and MarjaLee The many diverse people on the book looked good. Mr. Shelton wasNelson as assistant editors, and Ben staff, throughout the year, became the main pizza supplier.Cowdell as head photographer, the closer together and developed as astaff steamed forward into a new year family. Eric Hagen retorted, \"It was At the end of the year, with a loudand \"Stepping to the Beet\" became a sort of like we were family, so when cheer from the yearbook staff, thereality. \"The editorial staff was great, anyone yelled at me it reminded me of my mother.\" Jason Niswander replied, completed book was sent to the los- \"We spent so many long hours here tens plant for publication. Julie Wilson yelled, \"THANK YOU!\" CLU8 S
DRAMA CLUBRow l: LceAnn Whicker- pre.,tdent. Tammie Chmten..en- vice pre\ldem.Diana Baddley- \ecrctary. Row 2: Jason Steadman. Row 3: CariAnnAndrus. Michelle Willey. Andy Gill. Ryan Christoffer\on, J.D. MarriotStephanie Giii,Jackie Bringhur..t, Row 4:Julie Davis Tina Andrus, BillJanie. Orlcy Bills. Richard llarkness, Laurie Johnson. Tam Goff. LaralynnThroel.monon. Row 5: Krbty Deem. Marc Albn.\"Cht. Ron 6: LyncucMonimor. Karen WarnkeJenntf.:r Shultz. Dan Wright Jeremy Clawson.Eric Llyod.Corie Schofield. Ro\" 6: Jeremy Butler. Mani Callbtcr. JaronWinder. Krickell Widdison. Tmvis Sevy, Tiffany Whicker, WendyReiben. Andrea Beckstead. Phil Christensen. Jody Sho11, Joe Young, Row7: Carrie Dalton, Rebecca Webb. Teresa Vis~er. Naneue Davis. R:tndallBrady. Jeremy Gilger Row 8: \llr... Sandstrom. Tccia Crawford. HctdtSteincd.en. Garrcue Hanson. D<tn Hood. Rebecca \1clntyrc. Jake AdamsNot in photo: Rainie Mounteer- hiStorianDEBATE CLUBR011 I: Kyle Lcavin. Jason Stcadm;m Ron 2: Shalcnc Parsons. Btll Janie.Orley Bills, Karyn Boyack. Tony Mad..en Row 3: Travis Sevy. 'llicolc Pclch.Debie Petcr..on, Laurie John..un Row 4: Diane G ilgen, Mary Tafuna . AmyBrady 86 GIM'\1E A BREAK!CLL 8 S A1 Ill<' II'III Uf'from a Ion~tnmric<'. Diana Baddlcy· drama club sclrctary . contemplate., the hectic wccb ahead of her. More times than not . .,tudcms found thcrmelvcs involved in more than one theartrc proJect. which bogged down their mind'>.
WHAT J\ DEVIL OF All/IDEA Reading from hu .fa1pt. Carleen Bell practices for acia\\ \Cene. Throughout the year drama \tudents \"'ere given an oppur- tunity to perform all l..inds of drama1ic piece~. IT SLIPPED MY MIND As she desperately tries to remeber her line. Tera Goff \tails before her audience. It \\as often dif- ficult to recover from a mtstake \"'hen you per· formed in front of an audience ~ Drama Club found.COULD Yot GIVE ME 111/\ I Ll\"o'E AG \1 .? The Drama club cele- loween. Tammie Christensen,Prumm1~ fm theu rlu\\ pmducl/o/1, Caprice l:'vl.n\ and Arika \lliles run brated it 's fifth yearasaclub vice president complained, \"It this year and it did it in a was a BIG headache!!! But wethrough thc1r lmc\. A' Theatre 1,tudcnt\ they leamed the drama basics. spectacular way. \" We knew did get a lot of money and every- the club would be big, but one did support us. \" ove r 90 members just seemed like too much to The Debate team was revived ask for,\" boasted LeeAnn this year with the addition of new Whic ke r, c lub Pres ident. sophomore team members who With so many me mbers added new life to the club. Mr. Drama had a lot to do and a Rawlings returned to coaching lot of people to please. the team after his recovery from his summer surgery. Their biggest project of the year was the room they Both clubs had successful ran in the Old Mill over Hal- years with all members enjoying and getting the most. ,, 87 CL UBS
SMARTY MRT\i The National Honor Society The Academic Decathalon was an eluded spontaneous study sessionswas for elite juniors and seniors opportunity for students with varying with theircoach, Mrs. Ensign. Just forwith high academic performance. grade point averages to come together fun, Napolean the Rat was electedIn order to become a member, stu- and compete against other team mascot. Those placing for thedents had to have had a 3.7 GPA; schools.They competed in the follow- Jordan team were MaryAnn Owens,while in the club, members must ing categories: speech, interview, taking second in essay; Carleen Bell,maintain a 3.5 GPA. NHS com- impromptu, rine arts, language, sci- taking third in interview; and Ryanbined their opening social with an ence, math, super quiz, economics, Christofferson who placed second ininduction ceremony for new mem- speech and third in science.bers. The officers include: Alaina and social science. It is interesting toStone, president; Scott Blake, vice note that Jordan was the only 3a Carleen Bell stated: \"After it waspresident; Trina McGowan, secre- school to compete. Members of the all said and done, our team walkedtary; and Tiffinie Mendenhall, team all experienced stressful nights around proud at their accomplish-treasurer. of studying more information than ments and the opportunity to repre- they could retain. These nights in- sent Jordan High.\"0 11 NO! I'IIATIO'IAL JIO\ORS SOCIETYGi••infi the team a worried look. Mn,. En\ign stresse\out about another year of the Academ1c Dccathalon. Ro\" 1: Chm Lynch. Scou Blake. Penny Goff. K1m Trcgcaglc. Julie Wil\on. !Ioney Garmon. K1m Quinn. JamcyThe \tudents spent many ho~ '-\"llh her prepanng forthe competiton ahead. Wahon, Brian Bennion; Row 2: Troy Mumford, Karyn Boyack, Tilfanic Mendenhall, Trim\ McGow;m, Ala ina Stone. Margie Byrd. Noel Kunt, Julie Bulllx:~. Cclc\tc Derricott, Melanic Shult\en; R0\1 3: Toni Mad'>Cil. Quyen Ngu. . Mickey Yang. Lani Chi\lensen. Jcnmli:r Ra~e. Jeremy Outler. Andy G1ll. R)<ln C'hri\toller..<m, Jac~ic Bell. Steve Pctcr..on. Man Jamc\, Ron 4: Da\"'n Blomqul\t, David Wil\"on. AngieJu~c'>. Malani B011ler. Hale) Locke. Amy lien drichon. Jenmfcr K\"'ant, An Hunter Jac K1m. Carlo' Scuertlcrg. Yut) Colton; Ron 5: T) Loml>;ardi. Am) \"<o'a~. Jenn1fcr Wood. An)!IC Blodgeu. Kmt) Brown. LecAnn WhKkcr, Nathan AndcNm, Kmty Deem. Sunnne Beardon, Ben 01\ 88C L UBS
ACADEMIC DEC\THALOI'i ROW 1: Alaina Stone. LeeAnn Whicker. Joam Scadlock, MaryAnn Owem•. Carleen Bell: Row 2: Karyn Boyack. Ryan Christoffcr~on. Brian Bennion OKAY GUYS! H01·ing bunreawd by her class mares all morning. Joani Scadlock put\ up a defense by saying \"Such and stones may break m) bones but words -..ill never hun me.'CHECK IT OUT 89 CLU8 SExcited alwur {/ /IOOd wadt• at/a.\/, Julie Bullock showsoff her writing a\\ignmcnt to Troy Aubrey. Students hadto keep very high grade\ to stay mthe Honor Society.
KEY CLUB Ron 1: Michael Marquardt. Tecia Crnwford. Stacy Wilham\, Dawn Blomqui\t, Rabecca SancheL, Ryan Chri,tofferson. Katie Scheller.JeffLeavltt. Andrew Gill Row 2: Maria Raja. Seiha Phlong, Karl Jensen, Jocelyn Jen,en, Kyle Leavin,Trina McGowan,Su1annc Bearden. Alaina Stone Row 3: Kristin Larson, Teresa Mechling. Jenny Hackwell, Carleen Bell. Lori Robinson Row4: Michele Baker, Dan Delahunty,Collette Hymas. Lori Burningham. Noelle Kunz. Chelsea Bean, Amy Price Ro\" 5: Ben Welling. Nancy Soto. Amy Ander,on, Wendi Weaver, Nanette Davis. Ty Lombardi. Jeremy Powell Ro\" 6: Julie Bull()(;k, Celeste Dcrricou. Anna Hirst, Lori Taylor.Lori Fa1rbanks. Lauric Johnson, Daniel Wright, Chrb Lynch.PEER LEADERSlllP TEAMRO\\ 1: Jenmfer Mangum. Kristie Budd.Cnstal Meenteer. Kill') n Albrect,Jcnnifcr ButcherRow 2: Melinda Chri,tensen. Penny \1attm~on. R1chard Evan~. Nicole Cunningham.Andrea Taylor. Chnt Brock Ro•• 3: Coach Noble. ShayIa Sm1th, Judy Evan\, Nathan Lund.Tracy Boyd. COULD YOU IIA VE ANY MORE FUN? With a smile, Amy AndcN>n put' together her proJeCt for the Key Club. Thi' \"\"'ofone ofthe many proJect\ Key Club pamc1pated in this year. 90 CLL8 S
. . . . . . . . . . .sELFLESs . . . . . . . . . .. . SERVICE Key Club is the serv- Jordan's Peer Leader- club at Jordan. They ship Team (PLT), made PRIDE is a districtplay a large part in sub- up of students from Mr.for-santa; they also Noble's psychology II wide organization pro-honor our teachers dur- class, helped raise stu- moting a drug free soci-ing teacher appreciation dent self esteem by en- ety. Their performancesweek by giving them a couraging a drug free stu- include singing and danc-day off and teaching dent body. They also ar- ing at most of the localtheirclasscs. Inaddition, ranged such projects as: elementary schools. Theythe c lu b decorated a Parent Awareness Night, teach young children ofChristmas tree at South PLT Week, Red Ribbon the dangers of drugs.Towne Mall for the Week, the Great Ameri-Make a Wish Founda- can Smokeout, and e le- Key Club, PRIDE, andtion. mentary school presenta- PLT provide great service to the school as well as being fun. ARMED AND DANGEROLS! \"Stop.' ar 1'/1.\IJoor! .\" \\ams Katie Scheller a' she. '-oelle KunJ and Jae Kun glue together gumdrop remdeeer . The ammab were later used a' Chri\lmas ornament\ on the tree do- nated by Key Club to the Make a Wish Foun- dation. PRIDE Ro\" l:Ja,on Mounteer. Jack1e Bell. Ban Palmer Ro\" 2: Daniel Wnght,SutyVersluis, Mel iss<~ John'>on Row 3: Amy Stevens, Jen- nifer Rake RO\\ 4:Donna Newbold (advi'>or). Wendy Dahl, Alicia Maughn. 91 C L UBS
SOUND OF MtJSI(J The Madrigals and mixed choir Some of the traditional places the choir was improving dai ly. Evenworked hard this year not only to de- Madrigals performed were the Church though they on ly had about3 boys, thevelop their voices, but to gain unity. Administration Building and Temple blend turned out fine and they per-President ofthe Madrigals, Andy Gill, Square. They were also busy with formed with the Madrigals in theirstated,\"Everyone in the group agrees their Christmas and Spring concerts. Chri stmas and Spring concerts. Ra-we need to know each other better and The practicing and rehearsing that chel Mclff expressed,\"Mr. Z said webecome a closer group.\" The Madri- went into making all of the Madrigal were going to pass the Madrigals up,gals started out the year working on and mixed chorus concerts really paid but I think it was only because wemusic for All-State Choir. Then, they off when the concert was over and thegot into the holiday spirit as they applause was sounded. \"It makes the behave better than they do.\"started praticing Christmas songs at work worth it,\" said Caryn Thornwall. Both the Madrigals and mixedthe end of October. With about 40 members, the mixed choir strove for quality and perfec- tion within their group.VOI CES CARRYEnjovinx what thev are doinx. Krhtin Seamon\ andSutanne Beardon wait for cla~s to get over Although\mgmg wa.\ fun cia\\ could at times on.SI !'IGING PROL.DSmxinx a duet. Lani Chrbtneson chuckles a' JeremyHan\en hits a sour note. It wus tough for \Oille \tudents tocontrol their laughter when others were: smgmg 92 C L U US
MA DRI GA LS Ro\1 1: Sharon Frampton, Jeanine King, Jamie Brewi\. Brenda Thanye,Cindy Patocka :Row 2: Mark Chri\ tcwnscn, Mari James, Lani Christensen, Jeremy Hansen: Row 3: Melinda Wall, Kristen Seamons, Caryn Thornwall: Row 4: Dawn Blomquist, Ryan Tarr, Terry Osborne, Yury Colton. Suzanne Bearden. MIXED C HORUS R0\1 I: Tracy Purles. StaC} Williams. Rainie Mounteer. Bccca Mclnl}re. Penny Goff. Jennifer Anderson. Ulri((a ·eller. ~1are} '\erden: R0\1 2: Lisa Lyons. Melissa' Stone, Amber Boss. Jennifer Thomas. Corinne Dr;llogue.April Tufb, Connie Allred. Tonya Allen: RO\\ 3. AI Bohis. Cindy White. Ginny Go,.ler. Heather Egelund.'.1eh\"a \1illerterg. ~1ichelle Despain, Rhonda Benne11: Ro'' 4 : Jeff Mc'\ees, Sco11 Stone. Terry Osborne. Wendy Dahl, Jenine Sear... Sara BarkerRI NG O UT THE BELLS 93Accompanied byMari Jarm'.l,lhe lady Madrigal\cxprc\s CL UBStheir talents through song. This Chnsllnas performancewas very impressive this year.
CONCERT BA 0Ron 1: Brian Bennion. Kylan Lovell, Richard Russell,Jcron Collin\; Row 2: Jen Nei\On, Judy Sloddard. AllenGos~. David Wan. Randy Dal1on: Row 3: Sracy Ell ion,Lori Taylor, Anneue Allmon. Jared English. GregRichardson: Row 4: Amy Sorensen. Lori Fairbanks.Veronica DeKorver, Gerril John'>On, Todd We1gh1. Ryan\"liebuhr. Laurie Johnosn. Richard Morrb.John Sorensen.Jason While, Shanon Benne!.TIMEOUT!!£\'1!11 musicwmnuda breaA. Greg Richard~on makes thisfac1 obviou' a' he lakes five on h1s mu\lc \land. Reslperoids were oflen necessary 10 revive tired lip\. JAZZ BA 0 Ro\' 1: Rachel lhmna\, Todd Wc•ghl, Brian Bcnmon. Allcra Blake: Ron 2: Aaron PcNm, Dean Bcnmon, Row 3: David Wil\on, Brcnl Tarr, Shannon Benne!, Kylan Lovell. Randy Dallon, Jaron Burkhan 94 CL 8s
SOUNDS OF¥1(]1~Qit\fu The Jazz and Concert Bands have Kelly Whytock, ajunior in the Concert gave all the members a chance tobeen very busy this year. They were at Band, commented, \"We've really im- show their individual talents. Mr.all home basketball and football proved since the first of the year, and Buys was very pleased with the clubsgames supporting our teams in both next year we' ll be even better.\" Under this year. He stated that the Jazz Bandvictories and defeats. Often when the the direction of Gary Buys, both Con- is great at tackIing challenges and thatgame was at a low point, the band cert and Jazz Bands participated in the Concert Band is destined for suc-seemed to pep up the crowd with their region and state competitions. They cess! Greg Richardson summed upmusic. During our school Pep Assem- also participated in the school musi- the year by saying,\"It was an excitingblies they were there also, exciting our cals and helped set the mood for the year .We all learned a lot, and madestudentbody for the upcoming game action. During the year they also had new friendships that will hopefullythat day. The Band always added life an opportunity to participate in an indi- last throughout and following our highto the game, the crowd, and the team. vidual competition at Tooele, which school career.\" I\"LL HLFF \''iO I'LL PUFF... I'll bri11g thr lum.1r dm•·11 Extended cheek\ and all, Stacey Ellion put\ her full effon into creating beautiful music. A ONE AND A TWO ..• All together no11 the row of musician~ play a mclodiou~ metod}. It tool. hour. of practice to get everyone on the same note at the '<\me ume. 95 CL 8S
FOREIGNFRIISNilS This year Jordan High has re- participated on the soccer team, with many cultures. The advisor, Mr.ceived four new foreign exchange Atushi on the wrestling team and Boskovich, exclaimed, \"It's just onestudents. Magnus Feldt and Ulrika Osamu participated on both the wres- big party!\"Netzler came from Sweden; Osamu tling and cross country teams. UlrikaKurosawa, and Atushi Yusui are was involved with drama club. To be in the Four Winds Club thefrom Japan. Despite their different members were not required to pay anybackgrounds, all four commented on This year the four winds club cen- fees, but they were expected to payhow much they like Utah; specifi- tered their interests in the exotic life- their own way to each activity. Notcally, not having to wear uniforms to styles and languages of different cul- only did the club have many funschool. tures around the world. The students experiences together, but they also had in the club had the opportunity to par- the opportunity to travel down lifes The students were all involved in ticipate in many fun activities through- path of learning, which will lead themextra-curricular activities; Magnus out the year, which familiarized them to a challenging future.WHO ME?Flustered , Leonard Ayers stumbles for the answer to aquestion about the Spanish culture. Leonard was o ftendumbfounded when asked any question. 96 C LUBS
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