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Home Explore 1942


Published by wayne.jones, 2017-01-01 20:48:52

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FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA 11 Under the direction of the present officers, Owen Steadman andLeo lseki, the F. F. A. have enjoyed an entirely successful year, 11 announcesMr. Paul C. Boyce in summarizing his boys' work. After the wonderful time the group had in Yellowstone last year,they have planned trips to Bryce and Zion national parks. Because of his outstanding work, Verl Smart was awarded the UnionPacific scholarship. Wayne Smart, Lee Dimond and James Leak have won honors injudging contests. Mr. Boyce has done much to help the boys extend and increase theirprojects.Owen Steadman Harvest Ball Committee PresidentF. Front to back- Madsen, Clement, Proctor, Hall, Parker, Madsen, Ware, Pender, Fitzgerald, Jaynes,Fitzgerald. C e nter , across- Roper, Bills, Back, across- Hansen, Madsen. F. Front to back-Nelson,Dansie, Wilson, Howcroft, Smart, Crane, Browne, Smart, Smith, Cooper. Center, across-Fitzgerald.Back, across- Nielsen, Butterworth. A. Clockwise- lseki, Jensen, Gailey, Cowley, Mascaro , Gilbert,Nichols, Forman, Mr. Boyce, Smith, Dansie, Atkinson, Crane, Brothers, Peterson, Bennett, Parry, Barben,Spratling. Center, left to right- Beckstead, Newbold, Steadman, Steadman. Forty-seven

Evelyn Jensen HOME EC CLUB President Following their candle-light ceremony initiation last fall, the bran- new and the not so new and the veteran members of the Jordan High Home Ee. Club took up their duties and activities in earnest. The Sweetheart's Ball, one of the high-lights of the year, was spon- sored solely by the club members. Mothers of the girls were given a tea and fashion show, and a more elaborate show was presented later in the year. The club's entire membership attended the Home Ee. Convention at Salt Lake City in April. Evelyn Jensen, like any expert housewife, was efficient and inspiring 1n her office of president. Beth Shaw, as vice-president, made an able understudy for the same post next year. Janice Pixton was secretary, and Madge Burgan was the club reporter. Front row, left to right- MaDonna Stradley, Alice Beck, Velora Sorensen, Roberta Carlquist, Marjorie Lancaster, Mary Rasmussen, Wanda McNarney, Marian George, Beth Shaw, Bonnie Boberg, Willa Crane. Second row- Emily Mickelsen, Ale e n Warr, Mary Tripp, Bernice Atwood, Cleone Pixton, lvagene Olson, Farrell Naylor, Arlene Johnson, Edra Butterfield, Florence Dansie, Vauna Wood, Donna Van, Shirley Jensen, Miss Bennion, sponsor. Third row- Miss Smith, sponsor; Vivian Johnson, Iris Russell, Madge Burgon, Beth Walke, Betty Lou Campbell, GenEva Nichol, Etta Whiting, Patsy Williams, Bonnie Esperson, Shirley Fletter, Ramona Beckstead, Beth Burgen, LaRee Beckstead , Beth Jenson. Fou rth row- Miss Partridge , sponsor; Janiece Riding, Lois Jensen, Ila Olson, Mary Meldrum, Lola Marchant, Janice Pixton, Margaret Anderson, Mae Kemp, Mary Fairbourn, Beverly Washburn, Irene Goff, Myrtle Steadman, Beverly Otis, Bette Callas, Bette Anderson, Bee Howard. Back row- Mavis Page, LaJuana Page, Zola Adams, Caleen Adams, Virginia Russell, Dora Pearson, Viola Shulsen, Arlene Malstrom, Ruth Teerlink, Lois Vawdry, Betty Owsley, Sibil May Reeves, Shirley Draper, Oka Mangum, Dorothy Bateman, Vesta Nielsen.Forty-e ight

DEBATING TEAMFront row, left to right-Junior Jensen, Junior Frost, Joe Warner, Cleone Pixton,Glenn Sacos , Roberta Carlquist. Back row- Francene Crawford, Oral Birch ,Ciel Jensen, Raymond Wanberg, Maxine Hansen.Junior Frost explains the disadvantages Argie Benis argues for new of military training. legislation. Debating was met with new enthusiasm this year. Many more students com-peting in the try-o uts for the school team showed a growing interest in thisspeech art. Jordan debaters, very capably coached by Miss Hansen and Mr.Goldbransen, attained enviable recorGls in the tournament at the University ofUtah on March 27 and at the Brigham Young University on April 3. \"Honorable judges, worthy opponents, and friends-the question for de-bate today is: Resolved that every able-bodied male citizen in the United Statesshould be required to have one year of full time military training before attain -ing the present draft age.-\" Forty-nine

ART CLUB The Art Club, sponsored by Mr. Donald Olsen , has heard several lectures on art subjects , and has taken trips to various art exhibits. Rayola Parker is the president, Wayne .Sundberg, the vice-president, and Carol Clark , the secretary. LANGUAGE CLUB Sponsored by Miss Golda Fraser, and led by President Bill Pugmire, Vice-president Barbara Taft, and Secretary Jerry Kekos , the Language Club has enjoyed several foreign lectures . CHEM CLUB The Chem Club started the year with the best of intentions; but because of the war, could take no trips. Mr. Orson Smith, as the sponsor, suggested as a substitute , seeing movies-educational, of course. Front row, le ft to ri g ht -Shirley Anderson, Alan Evans , Ann Williams, Pete Yule, Carol Clark. Middle row-Ralph Madsen, Janiece Riding, Dorothy Rob- bins, Barta Hughes, Marjorie Payne, Carol Sanderson, Frankie Engebretsen. Back row- Harold Anderson, Mr. Olson, spo nsor; Gen Eva Nicholl, Bette Madsen, Lois Van, Ermile Park. Front row , left to rig ht- Reva Reid, Fern Johnson , Rachel Mascaro, Wanda Pearson, Yvonne Fowkes, Eva Mascaro , Elaine Vale, Nadeen Jensen, LaRee Beckstead, Jean Dumas. Second row- Norma Brown, Betty Herman, Phyllis Draper, Donnabel Spratling, Charlene Mason, Dawn Butler, Shirley McNamara, Marva Beckstrom, Madonna Stradley, Irene Goff. Third row-Edith Tea, Thelma Rindlesbach, Barbara Tuft, Florence Van, Dorma Polson, Shirley Coats, Mary Petrlich, Lucille Wallgren, Margaret Ontiveros, Coroline Trontel, Patsy Williams, Joyce Peterson. Fourth row- Helen Polson, Beth Marie Bills, Myrtle Kump , Veda Olson , Lola Marchant, Beth Whittle , Dora Pearson, Miss Fraser, sponsor; Evelyn Holm, Beth Jensen, Doris Pearson. Back row-Martin Winn, Wayne Van, Lola Jane Dumas , Jerry Kekos, Dorothy Wells, John Padjen, David Warner, Nick Padj e n, Barbara Taft, Donna Radovich, Beryl Erickson. Front row, left to rig ht -Argie Benis, Wanda Pearson, Lucille Wallgren, Norman Fitzgerald, Sherwood Boberg, Louise Hardman , Velora Sorensen. Second row-Lee Mickelsen, Horton McBride, Dorothy Bills, Marjorie Richardson, Shirley Fletter, Reid Boggess, Junior Jensen, Vern Hilton, Evelyn Crane, Hazel Butterfield. Third row- Bonnie Esperson, Janice Williams, Gen Eva Nicholl, LaGrande Poor, Calvin Jackson, Beth Shaw, Rae Bastian, Wayne Smart. Fourth row- Bob Wood, Mack Adams, Lewis Kasuga, Roger Carlquist, Stanley Simper, Paul Anderson, Verl Smart. Back row-Walter Dimond, George Deneris, Bryant Har- rison , Gerald Hartvigson, Tom Howells, Ray Sharp, Richard Hendrickson, Heber Hogan, Henry McCormick.Fif t y

The Boys' and Girls' Clubs, consisting of allthe boys and girls in Jordan High, have broughtabout a friendly organization through cooper-ative activities. A council member and an alter-nate from each home room make up the councils.Their outstanding event was Thanksgiving Day-H a r d -Times-Dance. Heber Hogan Betty Nielsen President Boys' Cl ub President Girls' Club BOYS' CLUB COUNCILFront row, left to rig ht -Clyde Crane, Lynn Ballard, Vere Densley, Billy Orr,Joe Warner. Seco nd row-Jack Silcox, Ted Peterson, Riggs Gardner, RalphOrgill, Bert Gause, Phil Maynard. Back row-Stanley Malstrom, Kay Heaton,Kenneth Griffith, Glen Kirk, Vern Hilton , Robert Bateman, Don Soffe. GIRLS' CLUB COUNCILFro nt row, le ft to righ t- Madge Burgon, Francene Crawford, Mary Kekos,Betty Nielson, LeeOra Fairbourn, Mary Fairbourne, Marjorie Paine. Secondrow-Virginia Russell, Dawn Butler, Carol Clark, Roberta Thaxton, Marie Smith,Shirley Fletter, Carol Thornton. Back row-Ann DeCisto, Mary Petrlich, HelenRoper, Lois Loveall, Janice Pixton, Vondean Peterson , Gwen Smith, BerniceWood. CAMERA CLUBFront row, left to right-Darlene Bateman, Rella Jaynes, Byron Peart, ArgieBennis, Ciel Jensen , Ejvor Johnson, Mary Saito, Donna Van. Second row-Marjorie Richardson, Clarence Wick, Rea Fae Beckstead , Dorothy Young ,Geneva Nicholl, Beth Shaw, Marion Long, Mary Harada, Leah Stocking, Vir-ginia Robbins . Back row-J aniece Riding, Billie Steadman, Glenn Sacos,LaWana Egbert, Junior Jensen, Rayola Parker, Reid Kimball , Leola Bateman,Arleen Christensen , Phyllis Fletter. Each year Mr. Orson Smith has taught the members of the CameraClub the fundamentals of good photography. This year larger mem -bership has made it possible to do a great deal of work in compositionand developing. Fifty-o ne

NEXT STOP, MURRAY TRAVELING ASSEMBLY The program, which was presented at Murray and Bingham , included a skit depicting the life of a bachelor girl, and also selected fill -in numbers. In exchange for our pro- gram, we received a re- turn program from each of these two schools.Front row, left to rig ht- Jane Atwood, Bill Hurd, Vern Welch, Brisbane Millett, Bill Steadman, OralBirch, Morris Page. Second row-Dorothy Young, Donna Crump, Louise Kosovich, Barbara Olson, EllenClark, LaDean Jones, Wanda Pearson, Lois Jensen, Jane Holt, Vesta Nielsen, Lois Isaac, Betty Condie,Louise Van, LaRue Barton, Roger Carlquist, Ciel Jensen. Third row- Reed Boggess, Bill Erdman, ShidaSoffe, Ted Peterson, Charlene Mason, Thelma Orgill, lvagene Olson, Leona Fairbourn, Marjorie Richard -son, Roberta Carlquist, Joyce Thorum, Dawn Butler, Doris Brady, Leola Bateman, Farrell Naylor, LaWanaEgbert, Evelyn Jenson, Bette Madsen, Paul Greer, Joyce Beckstead, Arleen Molyneux. Back row-Jerry Yates, William Nosack, Stanley Malstrom, Junior Jensen, Richard Nelson. SEMINARY FACULTY The three phases of education a re intel- Albert L. Paine , Carter E. Grant, Prin cipal, Ralph B. Keelerlectual, physical, and spiritual. The highschool affords us these firs+ two; but if weare to be completely educated, we mu st alsore ce ive some training in the latter. Thesethree men have surely done their part toguide the six hundred and sixty-five studentswhich are enrolled in the seminary this year,along the paths of spirituality.Fifty-i wo

FUTURE LEGISLATORS JORDAN'S REPRESENTATIVES TO STATE STUDENT LEGISLATURE Should a special tax be imposed on thechain stores in our state? Should all young Front row, left to right-Lynn Ballard, Roberta Carlquist, Wanda Pearson, Oralmen be required to have one year of mili- Birch, Edra Butterfield, Gwen Peckham. Middle row-Ann DeCisto, Laura Bethtary training before attaining the present Crump, James Nance, LaRue Barton, Betty Condie, Irene McGee, Maxinedraft age? These two questions received Hanson. Ba ck row-Raymond Wanberg, Clel Jensen, Junior Frost, lvage nemuch discussion in our state student legis- Olson, Junior Jensen , Cleone Pixton, Glenn Sacos, LeGrande Poor, Jerry Dunn.lature. Meeting with representatives from Not photographed-Maxine Greer.other high schools throughout Utah, Jor-dan's students capably displayed their pub-lic speaking ability. AMERICAN LEGION CONTEST In the oratorical contest sponsored byJordan Post No. 35 of the American Legion,Marydean Gilbert won first place, BrentJorgensen second, and Carol Thorntonthird. Miss Gilbert also won first in thedistrict and third in the state. The otherthree contestants reaching the final tryoutsbefore the Jordan student body on March27, were LaRue Barton, LaVon Neff, andBetty Evans. Mr. B. A. Rasmussen, of Mid -vale, gave each of the three winners a prizeof ten dollars. ESSAY CONTEST Of the thirty students who entered theLegion Auxiliary essay contest, Donna Rad-ovich won first place; Maxine Hansen,second place; and Joyce Beckstead, third.Each of the winners received ten dollars.Donna was awarded, also, a beautiful locketpin. The title of the essays was: \"The Char-acteristics of a Good American.\" WINNING ORATOR FINALS IN ORATORY CONTEST Left to right-LaVon Neff, Carol Thornton, Brent Jorgensen, LaRue Barton, Marydean Gilbert, Betty Evans.Marydean Gilbert Fifty-three

Lucille Wallgren BROADCASTER Editor Fulfilling its creed-\"To uphold the hig.h ideals of Jordan, to pro- mote sportsmanship and good will, to popularize the student body, and to support all worthy student activities\"-the Broadcaster was published each month by the journalism classes of Miss Oralie Ra\"\"<son and Mr. 0. D. Ballard. Lucille Wallgren did a masterly job as editor. She was ably assisted by Aaron Walker, the associate editor; Lynn Ballard and Richard Orgill, sports editors; Rayola Parker, artist; Maurine Greer, Cleone Pixton, Velora Sorensen, Bee Howard, and Ralph Pixton, typists; Bill Hurd, ex- change editor; Julian Brown, business manager; Merland Despain, assistant business manager; Marian Mazanis and Ejvor Johnson, junior associate editors, were the rest of the staff making possible the successful year. The Courier, a literary magazine containing contributions from all the English class, was substituted for the final edition. THE STAFF FEELS HAPPY THAT THE LAST EDITION IS OUT Front row, left to righr- Merland Despain, Marian Mazanis, Aaron Walker, Lucille Wallgren, Julian Brown, Velora Sorensen. Back row- Maurine Greer, Lynn Ballarcl, Cleona Pix+on, Bill Hurd, Rayola Paker, Richard Orgill, Ejvor Johnson.Fifty -four

REPORTERSFront row, left to rig ht -Cleone Pixton, Bonna Orgill, Roberta Carlquist, Doris Christensen, MarianMazanis, Carol Thornton, Betty Evans. Second row-Lynn Ballard , Janiece Riding, GenEva Nicholl,Madge Burgon, Faye Robinson, Gwen Peckham, Ruth Curtis, Barbara Taft, Donna Radovich. Thirdrow- Bill Hurd, Jackie Thaxton, Lucille Nokes, Lucille Wallgren, Ralph Nelson, Oral Birch, Joe Warner,Irene McGee, Zola Adams. Fourth row-Wanda Engebretsen, Veloy Winward , Rayola Parker, FayWilliams , Maurine Webb, Carol Callicott, Bee Howard, Alta Glover. Back row-Boyd Glazier, LelandFitzgerald , Richard Orgill , Ralph Brown, Rae Bastian , Maurine Greer, Mavis Page , Richard Hendrickson,Aaron Walker, Wendell Nix. BUSINESS MANAGERS Merland Despain Jul ian Brown Fifty-five

READY TO TAKE THE PRAISE-OR THE BLAME Maurice Ferguson, Photographer; Miss Gardner, Betty Evans, Mary Saito, Donna Radovich. Adviser; Rayola Parker, Arrisr; Velora Sorenson. Maurine Greer, Betty Nielsen, Maxine Greer. Pauline Boyce, Julian Brown, Mary Harada. YE ED \"Doc\" has been the busiest man in the school. \"Round and round he goes; and where he stops, Ciel Jensen nobody knows.\" \"Doc\" and his associates have put forth earnest endeavor toward making thisFifty -six a beautiful token for all those students who will cherish it as a remembrance of dear old school days.

BUSINESS MANAGERS LaRue Barton, Roger Carlquist, and LouiseHardman have been kept busy as birddogsscaring up ads and subscriptions. Though theyspent many a panting hour, they finally cap-tured enough of the illusive cash to enablethis book to go to press. Roger Carlquist Louise Hardman LaRue BartonSALESMENFro nt row, left to right-Mary Saito, Willa Crane , LaRue Barton, Glenn Clayton, Louise Hardman, RuthKim , Reginald Poor. Second row- Barbara Maxfield, Beth Shaw, Donell Rasmussen, Carol Clark, AudreyDewey, Ermile Park, Virginia Robbins, Oka Mangum. Third row-Billie Steadman, Janice Pixton, ZolaAdams, Shirley Anderson, George Butterfield, Gwen Hand, Shirley Searle, Florence Dansie. Back row-Eva Tesch, Anna Jeanne Malstrom, Ted Peterson, Arlene Malstrom, Don Morgan, Florence May, Donna-bel Spratling, Francis May, LeeOna Fairborn, Barbara Smith. Fifty-seven

the £/anrl Our bands have given moral encouragement to both the students and the athletic teams. Never have the students felt they were not giving support; nor have the boys who were fighting out on the field or dribbling down the gymnasium floor felt they were not being supported, as long as the band was there with its· marches and its anthems. Clockwise, center-Janis Allen, Shirley Searle, Barbara Deming, Gwen Hand . First row-Boyd Glazier, Vern Welch, Robert Dunyon, Veloy Winward, Delores Schmidt, Leslie Cozzens, Jan ice Pixton , Barbara Smith, Stewart Newbold, Melvin Malstrom. Second row-Bonnie Boberg, Fare( Mahoney, Marian George, Bonnie Esperson, Shirley Coats, Stanley Sharp, Eugene Miller- berg, Esther Patraca, Jessie Miller, Audrey Grant, Jacqueline Boberg, Willa Crane, Kay Heaton, Afton Greenwood, Nadene Stowe, Junior Frost, Beryl Erickson. Third row-Vere Densley, Junior Beckstead, Eldon McFarlane, Dewayne Tripp, Gale Crane, VaLoris Webb, Myron Lewis, Lee Ora Fairbourn, Vesta Nielsen, Ray Wanberg, Sheriman Maybey, Robert Petersen, Karl Ware, Ralph Leonard, Grant Hickman, Kenneth Griffiths, Sharon Burnham. Back row-Rae Bastian, Carol Callicott, Dean Schmidt, Bette Anderson, Lynn Ballard, Keith Hogan, William Nosack, Byron Peart, Clifford Hathaway, Clyde Crane, Richard Orgill, Rella Jaynes, Jeanne Steadman, Martha Brewer, Goldie Graff, Adelia Baird, Roger Roper, LaRue Barton.Fifty-eight

With the objective of exposing students to really great music, Mr.Donald Olson , in his first year as director of the Jordan High Schoolorchestra, has added to its repertoire , music by Schubert, Tschaikowsky ,Bach, Bizet, and Brahms. The orchestra has been enlarged by four new cellos , two string basses ,and two violas. The membership has risen to thirty-three. One of the highlights of the traveling assembly was the orchestra'splaying of Fibich's \"Poem \" and Lubom irski's \"Orientale Dance.\" Theyalso played for the opera and during the school play. \"Concert Mistress Roberta Carlqusit has led the string section withfinesse and authority,\" reports Mr. Olson. \"An interest in chamber music ,\" he continues, \"is an outgrowth ofthe orchestra , so we hope to further this interest by carefully selectinggood music.\" Center, left to right-Thelma Orgill, Beverly Thompson, Loraine Densley, Phyllis Draper, Margaret Smith, lvagene Olson, Roberta Carlquist. Fro nt row- Jane Atwood, Donna Crump, Lois Bennett, Albert Williams, Dorothy Young, Arlene Mullins, Bob Nacey. Back (s ittin g )-Vern Welch , Morris Page, Reed Newbold, Ted Peterson, Reid Alsop, Farrell Naylor, Roger Carlquist, Darrell Stewart, Lee Ona Fair- bourn, Evelyn Jenson; (sta nd ing )----'- Bill Hurd, Mr. Olson, Alice Tame. Fifty-nin e

SOLOISTSFirst row, left to right-Barbara Deming, Keith Hogan,Byron Peart, Gwen Hand. Second row- Lois Jensen,Eva Tesch, Myron Lewis, Ted Peterson, Vere Densley,Roger Carlquist, Ralph Leonard. STRING QUARTETLe ft to right - Roberta Carlquist, lvagene Olson,Phyllis Draper, Margaret Smith. SOPH BANDFront row, left to right- Fae Ostler, Dorothy Young,Adelia Baird, Goldie Graff, Leslie Cousins, MelvinMalstrom, Gwen Hand, Barbara Deming, Fern Jen-kins, Frank Butterfield. Second row-Stanley Sharp,Wilberta Gosman, Barta Hughes, Gale Crane, CliffordMousley, Robert Dunyon, Stuart Newbold, Eugene Mil-lerberg, Barbara Smith, Janice Pixton, Melvin Ballard,Keith Hogan, Leon Frost, Mr. Crapo. Third row-KayNorris, Lea Mae Page, Deloris Dansie, Thelma Holt,Wanda Densley, Joyce Thorum, Owen Evans, LaJuanaPage, Dale Brand, Valoris Webb, Clem McMullin,Tabetha Jenkins, Roberta Thaxton / Fourth row-Flor-ence Dansie, Shirley Coates, Andrew Ballard, BettyCallas, Esther Petrarca, Sharon Burnham, DorothyKichas, Bud Smith, Wayne Sundberg, Noel Page, JackJorgenson, Kelvin Richardson, Delos Richards. Fifthrow- Claude Densley, Richard Dunn, Don Morgan,Ralph Lerwill, Pete Peterson, Merlin Peart, Francis Jen-kins, William Nosack, Brooks Elkington, Gale Ainsworth,Sherman Mabey, Oliver Cline. Sixth row-BarrettSteadman, Grant Winward.Sixty

The choruses combined to present a Christmas pageant built upon\"The Glory of the Lord\" and \"Hallelujah\" taken from Handel's \"Messiah.\"They were aided in their interpretation of the birth of Christ by MissTuttle's speech classes. The opera, which was also an outstanding produc-tion of the choruses and speech classes, won great acclaim from boths:·ud8nts and patrons. This year something new has been added-the spring festival-in\·1hich the choruses played a major role. We can proudly say of our choruses, they have upheld the standardsof Jordan. GIRLS' CHORUS Front row, left to right-Jean Porter, Frankie Enge- bretsen, Marjorie Anderson, Marydean Gilbert, June Hedberg, Myoria Stowe, Beth Butterfield, Enid Olson. Second row-Fae Hales, Myrna Pack, Ta- betha Jenkins, Deon Smith, Frances Draney, Colleen Stephensen, Marjorie Payne, Ruth Ray, Joyce Ras- mussen. Thi rd row-Dora Pearson, Georgia Poulson, Eleanor Nelson, Eva Tesch, Mary George, Frances Jenkins, Hazel Butterfield, Evelyn Crane, Emeline Johnson, Mildred Jensen. Back row- Mr. Crapo, Doris Pearson, Vaundean Peterson, Pauline Guinn, Pearl Clayton, Beth Olson, Jackie Gould, Ruth Park, Betty Jensen, Anna Jeane Malstrom, Wilma Hogan. BOYS' CHORUS Front row, left to right-Elmer Gerber, Robert Dun- yon, Clarence Wick, Frank Butterfield, Guy Mace, Glen Robinson, Jimmy Condie. Middle row-Di- mond Hardcastle, Glenn Clayton, Paul Greer, Boyd Glazier, Maurice Ferguson, Arliss Goff, Leon Frost, Don Morgan. Ba ck row-Mr. Crapo, Donell Ras- mussen, Bill Erdman, Sharon Burnham, William No- sack, Kenneth Cope, Deryl Tichner. MIXED CHORUS Front row, left to right-Bill Hurd, Ray Draper, Ralph Butler, Clifford Hathaway, Kay Smith, Wood- ruff Butterfield, Horton McBride. Second row- Beverly Stephensen, Melva Jones, Audrey Middle- ton, Jackie Collett, Meri Kekos, Stella Pierce, Max- ine Greer, Alta Glover, Rose Price, Frances Draney, Bette Madsen, Reginald Poor. Third row-Barbara Tuft, Kathryn Newman, Gwen Peckham, GenEva Nicholl, Alice Beck, Shirley Henderson, Velora Sor- ensen, Veona Densley Faye Robinson, Madge Bur- gon, Virginia Mason, Virginia Faulkner. Fourth row- Ila Olson, Mary Meldrum, Doris Brady, Anne De- Cisto, Frances May, Joyce Thorum, lvagene Olson, Fay Williams, Bernice Wood, Oka Mangum, Barbara Cowdell, Jane Holt. Back row-Mr. Crapo, Virginia Swafford, Arlene Johnson, Janice Hayden, Ora Phelps, Phyllis Fletter, Phyllis Turner, Aleen Warr, Lois Jensen, Dorothy Bateman, Mada Beckstead, Lois Evans, Rella Jaynes. Sixty-one

THE LEADS IN THE OPERETTAFront row, left to right-Frances Draney, Doris Brady, London Millet, Audrey Dewey, Paul Greer.Second row-Don Morgan, lvagene Olsen, Junior Frost, Elmo Turner, Jane Holt, Glenn Sacos, CleonePixton, William Nosack, Bill Erdman, Velora Sorensen , Sharon Burnham, Wendell Nix, Frank Butterfield .Myron Lewis and Bob Dunyon were absent when picture was taken. THE MARRIAGE OF NANETTE Our annual opera met with great success; fa ilu re would have been impossible considering the talented cast who ably portrayed the char- acters in 1 'The Marriage of Nannette.\" lvagene Olson did a splendid characterization of Heloise, Countess de Martigny. Jane Holt ably played the part of Heloise's sister. London Millet stole the show in the ro le of Frederic! Due D'Antin. Doris Brady was Madelon 1 daughter of Frederic. His nephew Henri, Marquis de Hauteur, was played by Wendell Nix; Hilaire 1 ste ward to the Due D1Antin by Junior Frost; Mme. Zenobie 1 outspoken keeper of the inn, by our fiery red-head 1 Cleone Pixton. Francis Draney won for herself the coveted part of Nannette 1 Zenobie 1s daughter. Edmond 1 Mm e. Zenobie's son, was played by Don Morgan. Elmo Turner as Roderique, Bill Erdman as Baptiste, Sharon Burnham as J ea n-a ll friends of Edmond-were a band of highway-men.Sixty-two

Glenn Sacos, talented in song and speech , made a dashing Reporello ,Chief of the Gypsies. Marydean Gilbert's ability to dance made her anatural for the part of Zingara , a Gypsy girl. Rene , a village youth inlove with Nannette, was played by Myron Lewis; Robert Dunyon andVelora Sorensen played Emile and Yvette, a village boy and a village girl.Susanne, Audrey Dewey, and MarceL Paul Greer, were servants at theinn. William Nosack played Pierre Partheway; Frank Butterfield was castas Paulino, a peddler. And last, but not least, was Reporello's bear, who Smiling Village Maid s Gypsy LeadsFront row, left to rig ht- Veona Densley, BeverlyStephensen, Alta Glover, Rella Jaynes, NormaShay, Dawn Butler, Elene Nicolette. Back row-GenEva Nicholl, Phyllis Fletter, Barbara Cowdell ,Francis May.Marydean Gilbert, Glenn Sacos.Cleone Pixton , Frances Draney.Junior Frost, Doris Brady, Wendell Nix, JaneHolt. Mad am Ze nobie advises' Wh e n Lovers Meet He r Da oghter Sixt y- t h r e e

RIP VAN WINKLE Jordan High presents - Rip Van Winkle! Miss Tuttle, director, expresses satisfaction. Joe Warner as Rip Van Winkle expresses satis- faction. Cleone Pixton as Dame Van Winkle-who dies between the second and third acts as the result of a rage of anger at a peddler- expresses absolute and complete satisfaction. Members of the audience show their enjoyment of the play. The elaborate scenery, beautiful lighting effects, and background music of the orchestra helped put the audience in a receptive mood as the curtain rose on Act I, a village scene in the Catskill Mountains. First seen on the stage were Lois Isaac as Judith, John Borg as Herman, and Glen Bateman as Wilhelm. Heber Hogan was seen next, as in his role of Nick Vedder, he tried to brush the children from his door yard. Villagers Will:am Nosack and Frank Butterfield then appeared; and then, with enough noise to give away her apoplectic nature, Dame Van Winkle-Cleone Pixton-burst on the stage. THE CAST POSESFr o nt row, left t o ri g ht- Gwendolyn Smith, Glen Sacos, Joe Warner, Betty Evans, William Nosack, Elaine Brown,Lois Isaac. Middl e ro w- John Borg, Brisbane Millett, Glen Bateman, Frank Butterfield, Elmer Gerber. Backro w- Oral Birch, Loa Beth Beckstead, Brent Jorgen ~ en Cleone Pixton, Heber Hogan, Ciel Jensen, Arnold Last.Six t y-fo ur

Crew of the \"Half Moon\" A Sharp Tongue Had Dame Van WinkleClockwise-Richard Nel-son, Glen Bateman , New-ell Garff, Reggie Poor,John Borg, Jimmy Con-die. Center-Glen Furse.Cleone Pixton, Joe War-ner.Joe Warner as Rip VanWinkle.C lockwise - Richa~Boyce, Myrna Dowding,John Dewey. After Twenty Years Forest Fairies Joe Warner, keeping everyone in stitches with his portrayal ofthe redoubtable \"Rip\"; his daughter Judith-Betty Evans-now grownto womanhood and in love with Wilhelm-Bud Allgood-also grown up;Glen Sacos as the learned schoolmaster, Knickerbocker, later turnedCongressman; and Margaret Robins'On as his beautiful wife, Alice VanWinkle; all succeeded in getting themselves done dirt by the treacherousDerrick Van Slous-Elmo Turner-and his nephew-William No~ack. The comically dignified dwarfs of the second act were Reginald Swozzer; Newell Garff, Wo; Jimmie Condie, Loon; Glen Furse, Hud-.son; Richard Nelson, Nub; Glen Bateman, first dwarf; and John Borg,.second dwarf. In the final act Nick Vedder was still puttering around; but ElaineBrown, a girl; Arnold Last, a boy; Brisbane Millet, a fat boy; Oral Birch ,.as Kary; Elmer Gerber, as Otto; Brent Jorgensen, a villager; Clel Jensen,the bartender; and Loa Beth Beckstead and Gwen Smith as village women,were all new characters. In the end, Rip comes home, all wrongs are righted, the villains gettheir just deserts, and the audience goes home thri!led and satisfied. Sixty-five

SENIOR HOP Front row, left to ri g ht -Lois Erickson, Farrell Naylor, Ramona Beckste ad. Back row-Walter Dimond, Clel Jensen, Maurine Webb, Glenn Sacos. SWEETHEART BALL Front row, left to rig ht -GenEva Nicholl, Evelyn Jensen, Cleone Pixton. Seco nd row-James Nance, Madge Burgon, Fa ye Robinson, Velora Sorensen, Beth Burgon, Shirley Jensen, Be th Walke , Junior Beckstead. JUNIOR PROM Front row, left to rig ht -Mary Saito, Mada Beckstead, Jean Burgon, Ralph Leonard, Vern We-lch. Back row- LaVerl Fair- bourn, Leone Oakeson, Shirla Soffe, Grant Hickman, Julian Brown , Bud Allgood, Marydean Gilbert, Marian George.Sixty-s ix


Joseph \"Joe\" Workman John \"Johnny\" Vranes Dunn \"Snide\" Taylor Baseba ll Coach Basketball Coach Footbal l Coach FOOTBALL SUMMARY For the third consecutive year the mighty Beetdigger grid machine , under \"Snide 's\" able directions, rolled over the majority of its opponents in convincing fashion. In fact , it didn 't stop rolling until it was in undis- puted possession of the State Class \"A\" Championship trophy. This feat was accomplished after the \"champs\" had lost all three pre-season games to out-of-state teams. After this all league teams , with one exception, were beaten; and the Maroon and Grey were c rowned regional kings. In the semi-finals at B.Y.U. stadium, the Provo Bulldogs fell before the onrush of the Jordanites, who had only one more line to cross. This they did when a highly-touted Box Elder team found themselves in second place at the end of the Beetdigger-Bee game. Jerry Kekos Elmer Williams Ma nagersSixty-e ig ht

THE TEAM 7oot6allFront row, left t o rig ht- Elmer Williams, Bill Erdman, Ralph Brady, Bob Brown, Bert Nichols, Andrew Ontiveros, Henry Mc-Cormick, Don Polson. Seco nd row- Coach Dunn Taylor, Jerry Yates, Bill Whitehead, Arvid Bowles, Kent Bodell. Th ird row-Edwin Gardner, Lowell Thomson, Ronald Reading, Vere Densley, Donell Rasmussen, Wayne Van, Stanley Malstrom, PaulAnderson , Coach Joe Workman. Back row- Bill Anderson , Don Soffe, Harold Beardon, Ralph Holt, Orin Van, Jack Silcox,Brigham Gardner, Ray Malmberg, George Rasmussen. SOPHS Front row- Rulon Cook, Ellis Jackson, Langay Cann ing, Dee Swensen, Ray Draper, Don Morgan. Back row-Gale Winward, Robert Petersen , Frank Butterfield, Darrell Stewart, Morris Page, Coach John Vranes, Calvin Jaynes, Ferris Fitzgerald , Paul Sjoblom. Si xty-nine

7'oot6all Ralph Holt, ''Rat'' Co-captain Left Half Do n Soffe, \" Boon\" Co -captain Tackle Brigham Gardner, \"Brig\" Tackle Harold Bearden, \"C hubby\" Guard Wendell Cook, \"W indy\" Guard Paul Anderson, \"Fisher\" Guard Orin Van, \" Pete\" End Lowell Thompson, \"Thomps\" End Jerry Yates, \"Tiger\" Center PRE-SEASON SCORES POST-SEASON SCORESSept. Jordan Semi-finals at B.Y.U., November 1412 6 Butte 19 at Butte J orda n 14 Provo 019 0 Casper 12 at Casper26 6 Grand Junction 7 at G rand J unct'n Championship Game at U. of U., November 22 Jordan 20 Box Elde r 12Seventy

O ct. LEAGUE PLAY SCORES J o rdan 3 14 JO 12 Tooefe 0 at Tooele 17 3524 7 Granite 0 at Jordan31 40 Bingham 20 at Jordan Davis 12 at DavisNov. Grantsville 6 at Jordan4 207 26 Cyprus 0 at Jordan Murray 6 at Murray Ray Malmberg, \" MoII yII Fullback Phil Maynard' \" PappyII Quarterback Ja·ck Silcox, \"Y uk\" Halfback Bill Whitehead, \" Lige \" Cente r Elmer Williams, \" Rangy \" Back Bert Nichol, \" Herb \" Back Gayle Holt, \" Big Holt \" Tackle Bob Brown, \" Brown \" End Kent Bodell, ,,Kent'' Back

Jordan SOPHOMORE SCORES Jordan 33 Jordan Jordan 27 Granite Jordan 36 Cyprus 12 Murray 13 Davis Bingham Don Polsen, \" Slats\" End \" Ras\" Donell Rasmussen, Back Bill Eardman, \" Chubby \" Center \" Ford \" Edwin Gardner, Tack le Ronald Reading, \"Ron II Back Vere DensIey, \" Tinker \" G ua rd Wayne Van, ' 'Pooch '' Ba< k Andy Ontiveras, \"AndyII Back Not photographed: \" George Rasmussen, \"Ras Backy-two

fla~k.etftall Although the Jordan five did not live up to the hopes of their mostardent followers , they were second only to the three teams that carriedoff the tropies in the state tournament. When the regular season ended , it found three teams-Jordan,Cyprus , and Murray-tied for third place in this district. The runner-upof the Summit District, Park City, was brought in for a play-off but fellbefore the tournament-bound Maroon and Gray in the first round of thatplay-off. The decisive game , however, was lost to a high-scoring Murrayteam and the hopes for another first-place trophy to adorn the shelvesof the Jordan trophy case, were shattered by the final whistle of the gameand a Smelterite victory. THE TEAM Front row, left to rig ht - Richard Webb, Verlyn Olson, Leo lseki, Don Polson. Ba c k ro w- James Nance, Donald Nelson, Brigham Gardner, Ray Malmberg, Jack Silcox, Coach John Vranes. Se venty-three

Ray \"Molly\" Malmberg Guard Brigham \"Brig\" Gardner Guard Jack \"Yuk\" Silcox Forward James \"Fearless\" Nance Forward Don \"Fritz\" Nelson Center Verlyn \"Mungus\" Olson Guard Leo \"Leek\" lseki Forward Forward Donald \"Slats\" Polson Guard PRE-SEASON SCORES LEAGUE SCORES Dec. Jordan Jan. Jordan 8 42 Roosevelt 13 at Jordan 9 37 Grantsville 17 at Jordan 11 22 Box Elder 15 at Jordan 19 21 South Ca che 23 at Davis 16 20 Granite 38 at Granite 20 25 South Cache 3 I at South Cache 23 26 Bingham 36 at Jordan 21 27 Box Elder 26 at Box Elder 30 13 Davis 32 at Davis 26 23 Tintic 29 at Tintic 30 24 Provo 29 at Jordan Feb. Murray 16 at Jordan Jan . 3 27 2 24 Provo 44 at Provo 6 29 Tooele I5 at TooeleSeventy-four 13 34 Bingham 26 at Bingham 20 30 Davis 38 at Jordan 27 20 Granite 42 at Jordan Marc h Cyprus 22 at Cyprus 6 25

DINGS PRE-SEASON SCORESLeft to right- Keith G ill en, Calvi n Fl a nde rs , G e rald Ha rt vigse n, Dec. Jordan Rob e rt C ra ne, Ma rland Despa in. 30 33 Provo 29 at Jordan Jan. Grantsvil le 19 at J ordan Granite 30 at Granite 9 35 Bingham 13 at Jordan 16 14 23 30 Feb. Murray 9 at Jordan Tooele I 8 at Tooele 3 20 Bingham 18 at Bingham 6 22 Davis 17 at Jordan 13 35 Granite 23 at Jordan 20 19 27 28 March Cyprus 2 I at Cyprus 6 17 POST-SEASON SCORES March Jordan 9 40 Park City 25 at Gran it e 12 27 Murray 42 at Granite Th e so ph omo res had better luck than the main team as they lost onlyone gam e t o become the district champions. This defeat was sufferedat the hand s of th e Davis sophomores. cHAMP\ON soPHS - e Sundberg , Marvin Ralph Lerwill , Wayn . Donel\ Ras- \ . Malstrom, I y Canning. d left to right-Me v1n Second row-Lange din • Riggs Gar -front row. Sherman Mayby. C llett Ronald Rea g AndrewBuckley, Don Kemp. t Dick Butte Id • Don o D•ale Bran d • J ay Hansen .muss e;~cBk lraionwe -GFrearnris• . Id Robert Petersen• F1ti.gerah Or ill , Coach Taylor.ner. I s ·oblom. Ralp gOnti ve ros , Pau I Seventy-five

Fro nt row, leH to ri g ht- Roscoe Griggs, Eldon McFarlane, Ralph Lerwill, Reid Fitzgerald, Louis Nelson,Paul Greer, Elmer Williams, Bob Brown, Bill Pugmire. Second row- Dimond Hardcastle, Don Morgan,Leon Hardcastle, Robert Petersen, Billie Steadman, Junior Frost, Karl Ware, Bryant Harrison, Nils Carl-son, Bill Orr, Vern Hilton, Frank Butterfield, James Hunter. Under the tutelage of \"Joe\" Workman , the baseball team of '42shows good prospects for becoming a contending team in the JordanDistrict. Although made up mostly of green material, Joe had a fewreturning regulars with which to form the backbone of his squad. Theseboys are expected to give a good account of themselves before theseason 1s over. Baseball schedu le unfinished as \"Beetdigger\" goes to press. PRE-SEASON SCORES April I0- J ordan (3) at Ogd en (14) April 14-0gden (7) at Jordan (3) Apr il 21 - Cypru s (19) at Jordan (7) (ca lled in fifth) Apr il 30- J ordan (4) at Cypru s (15) Joe gives his boys th eir final instru ction s before th e Cypru s gam e.Seventy-six

haclcFront row, left to right- Jay Maxfield, Clyde Gailey, Lynn Ballard, Marvin Buckley, Sam Misccushia.Second row- Ralph Butler, Richard Webb, Kent Bodell, Richard Orgill, Walton Parker, Eugene Miller,Jerry Yates. Although they did not take first place, the track team made a veryfavorable showing in the triangular meet held at Granite. In this meet,Gailey took first place in the mile run, Parker won the 200-yard sprint,and the crack mile relay team-Butler, Webb, Bodell and Parker-coppedfirst place in that event. To add a few more points, Parker placed amongthe first three in the I 00-yard dash, Webb placed in the 440-yard dash,Bodell placed in the half-mile run, Maxfield placed in the hurdles, andMiller and Buckley placed in the high jump. The mile relay team, however, became the pride of the school whenthey took third place in a relay meet held at the University of Utah . In the regional meet held at the Universtiy of Utah, Parker won the440 sprint for the only first place taken by a Jordanite. The followingplaced in their respective events: Webb in the 440, Bodell in the 880,Gailey in the mile, Maxfield and Butler in the low hurdles, Miller in thehigh jump, and the mile relay team again placed in that event. Parker,Webb, Bodell, Maxfield and Butler qualified for the state meet. Track season unfinished as yearbook goes to press. Seventy-seven

THE CHAMPS AT WORK Holt converts to put Jordan a head in championship game. This Box Elder Bee didn 't buzz any farther. A touchdown! Jordan scores against Granite. Grantsville kicks extra points .Seventy-eight

Pass interference-t he J ordan-Granite ga me ! Reac h! W ho got it?/Jctlon Seventy-nine

TUMBLERS- Left to righ t : Mada Beckstead, Jane Holt, Betty Evans, Farel Mahoney, Vesta Neilsen. Kn ee lin g : LaDean Jones, LaWana Egbert- form a pyramid . C rea tive ... as demonstrated by Marydean Gilbert, Betty Evans, Mada Beckstead, and Farel Mahoney. Mary Saito, Francene Crawford, Donna Radovich, Barbara Taft try th eir skill at pi ng pong. O.K.-let her come ! Jane Holt, LaWana Egbert.Ei ghty

PARENTS' VISITING DAY COMMITTEE Front row, left to right-Maurine Greer, lvagene Olson, Joyce Beckstead, Billie Steadman, Paul Greer, Farrell Nay- lor, Maxine Greer. Back row-Ralph Brown, Henry Mc- Cormick, Betty Neilsen, Ralph Leonard, Ciel Jensen, Brig- ham Gardner. The \"Spinach Eaters\"-winners of the gym basketball league-left to right-Glenn Bateman, Marvin Fairbourn, Paul Sjoblom, Andrew Ballard, Kenneth Jones. Beth Jensen, Kenneth Griffiths, Junior President Lee Mickleson, Beverly Blasius, Lee Ora Fairbourn, and Wen- dell Nix snapped at the annual Junior Prom.W ell, at least a few of the boys came back this year.Wh en you and I were young, Gordie-GordonAnderson, Alvin Malstrom, Heber Thornblad.Just waiting for the bus to take us to THOSEteachers.Go on and swing it, Sop hs-Get-Acquainted Dance. Eighty-two

From Santa to Superman! What will that Pep Club think of next?Tom Sawyer came to school! Or did she?Too cute for words!Jordan debutantes? Any resemblance to cheer leaders is purely coincidental.Oh, Jerry- sigh.First down and no place to go-Charlonians play football.Nothing to do but stand around. Ei g hty-three

Royalty of t he Harvest Ball- Beth Shaw, attendant; Audrey Grant, queen; Florence May, attendant; and t heir partners. Marlowe Branagan, from the Tribune, praises our football champs. How about a ride? The Amateur Hour winners- Jackie Collett, second; London Millet, third; and Betty Condie, first. \"Peggy\" (Mrs. Epperson) entertains.Eighty-four

Goodies for the good-or do Paul and Betty have a priority, Reid?Just Joe, Ri·chard, and Jack Frost sunning themselves.You moved, Faye .More last year's J -day-Cal and Jerry at Libe rty Park .Jolly J -dayers.W hat do you want?President Maxine and Lynn at the Charlonian Ball. Eighty-five

Prince Charming, Ralph Brown , and Cinderella, Rae Ba stian , are honored at the Sweetheart Ball. Our jolly janitor crew on \"Hard- times\" Day. Elmer's football legs-remember how one was always hurt? Je rry keeps his man cool at the Gym Jamboree. School's out for the day-Raymond Nystrom homeward bound. \" Gosh, but she's swell !'' Ike te ll s Guy and Vern all about Ruth. You look sick, Gene-better eat a \" kawott' ' (carrot).Eighty-six

Seminary le ad ers plan May 15th graduation. Far- re l Naylor, organist; Lu- cille Wallgren, secretary; Clel Jensen , pres ident; Maurine Webb, vice-pres- ident; Glenn Sacos, chor- ister. Eeeeek! ... Shirley unex- pectedly meets Oscar. Twirlers take a lesso n. The most popular time of the day .. . bus fleet waits to escort t he \" Beetdig- gers\" ho me. Mr. Hicks pla ys for us-a lyceum progra m. SENIOR ROLL CALL By \"MUG\" and \"BET\" Name Known As Ambition Weakness Name Known As Ambition Weakness Bernice Atwood Bern Vocalist with High school Loa Beth Beckstead Squ irt an orchestra operas Beauty A ta ll blonde Betty Anderson Andy Marriage Softball LuRee Beckstead Lu Operator hailing from Emery All e n Al Farm School Midvale Henry Albertson Kaiser Hitch -hiking Responsibility Lynn Ballard Percy Lynn Ainsworth A ins Farm Basketball Madge Burgon Slug nutty Marriage Cooking Paul Anderson Fisher Grease \"Fisher\" has Sherwood Boberg Bo monkey the upper hand Ronald Beckstrom Bush (she's alreadyZola Adams Adam over slot Attend machines Robert Brown Bob well on her way)Alice Beck Becky college Education Robert Bate man Bob A good job Lynn Bills Ace Airplane pilot Hot musicBeth Burgon Tanglefoot Hay (Alice Tobeanice, suffers from Reid Boggess Bur ley Bachelor girl Bowling . AndBlaine Berrett Berry refined lady Hayfever) is it weak! Aeronauetics Cultured Ralph Byetheway ByeDarlene Bateman Dez young men Rae Bastian Rae Engineer Photography Bea uty Elaine claims Oral Birch CedarDeYon Burton Swede operator he has no weak- Rea Fay Beckstead Fea Rae Aeronautics School com-Douglas Butterfield Doug Mechanic nesses. Um . . ? Romona Beckstead Becky bined with de-Duane Bateman Bates Farm Brunettes (men Ralph Brown Lightning fense work (4Dorothy Bateman Dot Machinist preferred ) Nathan Butterworth Hatch hours a day)Edwin Baratto Ed C lerk Grease Leone Marjorie Brown Brownie Miner His wife Be a bachelor His mentalElmo Bill, Elmo Smooth talk abilityHazel Butterfield Haze ??? Sunny Calif. RemingtonIvan Bills Ike T.N.T. (Blonde Arms Lure of wolfin~Joyce Beckstead Jo Nu rse and otherwise) Far m Student Court Service station Student courtJunior Beckstead Bugs Private Good Books (Ohl theseKent Bodell Dell Secretary Stude nt Court Bil ls boys ) Farm T-Bone Steaks Defense W ork School teacher The hometown Automobiles bishop's daughter ????? Machinist An audience Airline Brown stewardess Engineer Marion Civil Service A state of stenographer dis ruption C le rk My Bud dy Manager of Rae J.C. Penney Defense work Sleep Defense work Books Eighty-seven

SENIOR ROLL CALLName Known As Ambition Weakness Name Known As Ambition Weakn ess Arli ss Goff IkeDoris Brady Porky Clerk \"Bert\" Ruth Curtis His employe r'sBa rbara C ran e Babs Alta Glove r Altemay wifeBen Crebs Bud Defense work Horses Donald Green DonBetty Condie Bet Jap-slapper in Lure of the Sea Anni e Gol esh Melinda Concert pianist Walter U. S. Navy Be rt Gaus e Little Al Pidgeon Bob Graham Gray Accountant. Strawberry U.S. Navy Seasickness Vocal teacher Picking Boyd Glazier Glaze after qradua- Brigham Gardn e r Rock Clerk Dancing tion from LaMar Gr een Green McCune Forest Ranger \"Porky\" Maurine Greer Mug Air Pilor At least ten Max in e Gre e r Max weaknessesClaude Christensen Christy Farm Speeding Pa ul Greer MouseCarol Callicott Red B. Y. U. Learn 12 children Virginia Gr ee n Dinna Chicken Ranch Car man ia to be a good Heber Hogan Oars housewife College Coeds Harold Howcroft Hoagy Glen H amm e r Sledge Quit school Cottage for twoDon Crane Da.ddy Farmer Take your Dimond Hardca stf 1:1 DutchDoris Christensen Christy choice C a lv in Hutching ) HutchEvelyn Cran e Evey Will iam Wind e rs H urd Bill Privare Senior Dive Bomber Inner Sanctum secretary roll call mysteries Be nni e Howells Ben Bee Howa rd Bertlebum Nurse Slacks Clerk Saying what J ac k Ha milt on Ham Beaman of Wine, women, she thinks be- Keith Ha rrison Pensecola the world and song fore she thinks LaVe l Han se n Hans Office job Curly ha irFred Cooper Red Utah Copper Self-control Maxin e Hanse n Mack DentistGlen Clayton Clay Temp+ation ofJacqu e line Collett Jackie Aeronautics His smile Ralph Hol t Rat dissipation Richard He ndri ckson Super Marry a rich Any old Welding Geometry old man with capitalist Sh irely He nd e rson Shirl one foot in the Th e lm a Holm Tiny Defense work Throwing grave and the Ve rn Hilton Tiny missiles other on a banana peeling J ean Isaac Ike Farmer Blonds Alb e rt J e nkin s Abe Elm e r John son Icky Architect Ambition Ci e l J e nse n DocLaura Beth Crump Lura Stenography Chocolate cake Music (West- Good carsLaMar Christensen Lefty C a lvin J ackson Cal minster)Nils Carlson Put Carpentry Milk ShakesRob e rta Carlquist Bobby Arl e ne Beth Johnson Cope Religious work Bashfulness Air Corps Arhletics Brent Jorgenson Chester Stenographer Convertible School teacher Music and coupe (Ec.andSoc.) curly headed Evelyn Jensen Swede M.D. Clothes glamour boys Edwin Jackson JuckWendell Cook Windy Athletic coach Ice cream Lois Jensen Esmeralta Go to Blondes (2qts.aday) Pens cola Paul Jones Just one ofMarquerite Christensen Chris Art teacher R. B. the J ones Get a job WomenKenneth Curtis Ken boysWilliam Cardwell Bill Air Corps Timidity Nurse GeHing toAnnie DeCisto DeCisto Kid school on time Welding Teasing Agriculture Football Red Cross Corn (not in Mechanic Love of a nurse application good hme to jokes) Ger a job PieDerrell Dansie Pansy Farm Getting out of bed Waitress FoodBoyd Dahl Dolly Sell cars. Blond bombers Airplane BarbaraLila Douglas Doug What cars? welder OlsonJared Dunn Jerry Marriage Men in Stenographer OystersMelvin Dunn Mel uniforms Farm Roller skatingOren Dansie BobWalter Dimond Walt To be 6 ft. tall Short girls Get a job DamesBonnie Esperson Born Be a play boy He's Miss Gar- Fli hr This yearbookLois Erickson Butterba ll rett' s weakness surgeonReed Ernstrom Speed Farm Farmerettes University Ventri ll oqu ismWanda Engebretsen Suney (Science)Junior Frost Freeze Aviator Senior classLeland Fitzgerald Fitz Go to B. Y. U. Benny Another col- Sweets Goodman leqe coedLeon Forman PogMaurice Ferguson Fergy Private Pineapple Orihepoligist W ine, wome nShirley Fletter Penny secretary ma lts (dentistry and songYvonne Fowkes BonneCharles Furse Chuck Air Corps Fords to us) Go to college Worrying A model on Shoes 5th Avenue College- Tough red Music major heads A grease Women monkey Airplane Chocolate mechanic ice cream To be another Songs Lily Ponds Success Incendiary Clerk blonds Another grease Automobiles Photography monkey. (To bad there Inherit a Clothes aren't goi ng to be ca rs to million dollars use his tal- en ts on) Mechanic Leaping Lena Naval Ai r Can't keep Corps moneyEig ht y-eig ht

SENIOR ROLL CALL Nam e Known As Amb ition Weakne ss Na me Known As Am bitio t1 W e akn essSh irley J e nsen Shirl To be a gum- Manua (loco- Rub y Mora ndi Rube Work out at DancingViolet Johnso n Swede chewing sten- ti on withheld) Phi llip Ma yn a rd Phil the Arms Pia ntNoal J e nsen PeterJ unior J e nsen Dutch qrapher Oka Mang um Kay Become an- TeachersMaurice Jon es Jonesy Wanda McNarney Mickey other John D.Louis e Ko sovich Kasie A cab driver Driver LaMar New bold Bold Rockefeller Betty Ni els on BetMa ry Ke kos Tom To help win Brunettes the war We nde ll Nix SauseMa e Ke mp Peg Just get BoysArnold Last Sam hitched Civil aeronau- The GreerMarjori e Lan cast e r Midg. tics engineer family Just a \"Pat\" housewifeMe lba Lovendahl Mil li e None CarsAlvin Malmstrom Babe A phys. ed . Ice cream To be a col- Sleeping inArle e n Molyn e aux Kitty career looks lege sucker classesAudrey Middleton Midd letai l good to this gal A private sec- This SeniorBarbara Maxfi e ld Bobby reta ry and be Roll CallBarbara May Bob A clothes Men with a success at itDon Me ye rs Meyers designer for convertibleDorothy Maxfi e ld Dot aristocrats coupes An architect HomesGl en McCarthy GuineaJ esse J ea ne Mill e r Jess Raymond Nystrom Gus Farmer SportsViola McDonald Vi To be a Bus drivers Luc ille No ke s Boots To make a \"My husband J ames Nance Fearless good home MoneyLloyd Mciff Bud Power's model for \"Mel\"Mary Me ld rum Lum Get an \"A\" Sleep An air pilotRon a ld Mad se n Ronnie from A. F.G uy Mace Duggins SmithRay Ma lmb e rg Molly To continue Embroidery He rbert Nic hols Herb Cabinet maker WomenSta nl e y Ma lstrom Stan her career countersToola Murphy Murph as a good G e neva Nickol! Blondie To design Men Farrel l Naylor FairwellW a ll ace Mads e n Steve seamstress Ralph Nelson Stubby under Adrian Donald Nelson Fritz A key board Eating Be a Travel pounder. stenographer Blonds (Typist) Airplane Mechanic To be a mayor Girls To be the \"A certain Blues singer Clothes manager of blond\" 0. P. Skaggs To move to Men, Wine town and go Royce Nelson Roy Become a pi lot Dancing to college Ve rlyn Olsen Mungus To own Blond women fifty ca rs Togo places Flowers in dramatics Food in general Richard Orgi ll Dick Bach it at Sports the B. Y. U. A secretary lvag e ne Olson Ivy To find an Spring fever Civil Service Women (all Il a Olson Ila ambition Sewing shades) Become a housewife Become a Strawberry dress designer ice cream Bonna Org ill Bon Find a man Eating A prizefi.ghter \"Florence\" and get hitched Become a pri- Country hicks W illiam Justin Pugm ire Joe To work up on Baseball (and vate secretary the Copper it is not weak) and sit on the boss's lap Cleone Pi.;ton Red Be a dancer Ice cream and or actor or Beet hoven champion Be on the Dancing fencer payroll at the Arms Plant G eorge Phelps Danny Machinist Spring-fever Keith Powell Kay A bookkeeper Flying LeGrande Poor Popsicle A greasy Basketbal l (airplanes) Mavis Page \"Page'' mechanic Nick Padjen Baron Follow in the Sewing Ra lph Pixton Pork A government Shorthand (a no steps of Miss Rayol a Parker Parky clerk it is weak) Bennion An interior Men in Farmer Saturday nights decorate; anything Foreman Wine, women An employee Women (W. P.A.) of Uncle Sam and song Brunettes (I'm To get in the trying to get Join the army Women army and get over that) or work at my quota of Hill Field Japs Women of all kinds Creator of Tunafish Air Corps Uniforms sandwiches (truck drivers') another (Things of Operate a \"Mona Lisa \" the past ) truck line. Dangling a (Home office, pole in the rive1 Ru by Price High price Sing in the Uniforms in Midvale) trying to hook Da rw in Ray Dar Air Corps a sucker (a Metropolitan general fish) Opera House Radio operator Fishing E:rma Ren Wren Another dress Dancinq designer (Gov- ernment pri- orities, too) Eighty-nine

SENIOR ROLL CALL Name Knowu As Ambit ion W eak ness Na me Known As Ambitio n Weakn essEarl Richard son Whirl J acqu e lin e Thaxt on Radio Radios Lol a Tea Jackie To be an inte- DreamsMary Rasmussen Pinky repairman Lowe ll Thom son Teo rior decoratorGeorge Ra smussen Ras ThompsJa niece Riding Jannie Get hitched Redheads Mary Tripp Work in a de- Cute clothesJessie Reed Willy De ryl Tischn er Tripp Keep my job Gals Phyllis Turn e r partment storeMargaret Rob inson Dot Cl are Thompson To join the Pleasure ridingDorothy Richardson Dot Donn a Va n Va lke nburgCla ire Sm ith Smittie A seamstress \"Bob\" Lois Van Va lke nburg navy (Sunday after-Billie Steadm a n Willy O rin Van Va lke nburg Just another Food Ve loy Winwa rd noons withElizabeth Soley Liz housewife Patsy Willi ams Richard Sharp Dick Aaron W a lker Carolyn) Fae Spence r Squeekie Alb ert Willi ams A housewife SewingGwendolyn Smith Gwen Be rn ice Wood Private Spaghetti Beth W alke Tish Get married \"Bernice \"Glen Sacos Soc secretary Esthe r WrightWayne Smart Art To be a nurse \"Fronk\" J ack W e nn e rstrom Pat A traveler Food J ac k Wa ts onVirgin ia Swofford Ginnie Be a housewife Blonds Do rothy W oo di e \"Burley's Be more Burley Verl Smart Verl Erta Whiting girl\" than just \"Gene\" Velora Sore nson Pinkie To be a A black- Burley's girlStanley Simper Spindle soda jerk haired girl Fa y Will ia ms Shorty De lb e rt W e ng ren Seamstress Ray Stuart Finn Elm e r Willi ams Kay Smith Smittie Working Men Dar lene W inn Lo Become an Dogs (Men Don Soffe Boone Lu cill e W allgre n Pete artist whoare?) Rob ert Stoker Bob Find a job Welding Funy Shirle y Jean Searle Bugs Cla re nce Wi ck Pat Be married Babies (wonts Herring Continue to be Eat Ray Sharp Razor next summer fifteen) Ma urin e W e bb o baker Gi! I W ilso n Become a Dr. Tall. dark men Myrtle Steadman My rt. Play ball in o Sports Dorothy Yo un g big league Ric ha rd Young in uniforms Mari e Sm ith Rerie Loui se Young Leon Smart Pinky J e rry Yat es To marry a Money Jack Silcox Yook millionaire Elmo Turn e r Skeeter Another John Row carrots Heber Thornblad Heb Barrymore and cabbage An engineer Not girls Be an Sweets Bally A job in a Staying home ag rominist ship -building nights Niecie yard Clerking Sweets Alias Olives ond Beth Walker A beauty Tisch Farming Sweets, too Blondie operator Diamonds Go to college Pets Continue to Brunettes be a good Go through Gals housewife college and be an accountant Get married Be a sailor Cars Strom Ambition less Young chickens Agriculture School Watson Electrician Skiing rly in Navy School Woodie Cartoonist Saturday serials A foreman School Whity Ambulance Love of driver adventure To change her Swee ls last name Fake Typist Olives Be come a fly- Spring fev e r Rabbit Carpenter People ing cadet, and Rangy U.S. Navy Disability fly a bomber over Japan Leany Nurse \"Fisher\" Become a Scrapbooks Luo Estab lish a Unconcen- me mber of the protfitable tra ti on Wright family. racket which (She has a wil l put her diamond, inci- through college dentally.) Pauncho Telegroph Poor operator constitution Be a seam stress Don r ing Mechanic- a Sl e ep Mose College Odd purses grea se monkey William Form Hogs Farming Not women Dot Lap -s i t t e r \"Kenny\" Anoth er Fe ed 'em a long Gin Air Corps Forwardness Caesar Romero To take Ice cream Weesie College Singing life easy Jerry Engineer FootballNinety

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LEO ARD NEWBOLD Center Street Service ENJOY A SHOW GA - OIL ACCESSORIES al TEL. Mm. 349 MlDVALEBURK THEATRE Hick's Cleaning SA DY Cult for and Deliver MIDVALE ALTERATIO s D REPAlRI G P110NE Mm. 296 TATE Compliments of S. H. KRESS & COMPANY 5 -10 -25c STORE ALT LAI E CITY \"L. D. S. Training Pays\" For the world's leading network programs Yes! America i a land of opporlunily ... but only for those who do lune in something about it! KDYL Thorough bu ine . training will help you to uc eed ... and thi i the right Tim PoPULAH TATLO school for Lhal Lraining. IJ20 NBC on your dial L. D. S. BUSINESS COLLEGE red network SALT LAI E CITY, UTAH JORD 'U CE Lo (Mail us a card for information) JJIGll CJIOOLNinety-two T DE T COOK COAL & LUMBER COMPANY , A DY, TAH Pno E Mm. 10

S. J. MICKELSEN Eat at the U. S. Cafe TELPHONE Mm. 83R2 Well Cooked Food - Efficient Service DRAPER, UTAH HARRY THOMAS, Proprietor MIDVALE, UTAH \"SAVE WITH SAFETY\" Harold's ServiceMany a success has started with the opening of a bank account. UTAH OIL PRODUCTS Our deposits are insured by the HAROLD WENNERSTROM, Operator Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PHONE MID. 275 SANDY CITY BANK State Cash Grocery SANDY, UTAH PHo E Mm. 340 or MEATS A n FRESH VEGETABLES Midvale Branch of Sandy Bank SANDY JUNCTION MIDVALE, UTAH Midvale Hand Laundry Compliments DRY CLEANING to 132 North Main St. Phone Mid. 56 Jordan High School Y. SAITO, Proprietor MIDVALE, UTAH JENSEN & KUHRE CO. See us for LUMBER - COAL - HARDWARE PAINT - OIL - GLASS and NEW SPRING WALLPAPER Midvale 148 Sandy, UtahDRAPER POULTRYMEN SAFEWAY STORES INCORPORATED COURTEOUS SERVICE DEPENDABILITY RIGHT PRICES DRAPER, UTAH MIDVALE Ninety-three


J. P. Jensen & Sons Beckstead Service SANDY, UTAH RELIABLE - DEPENDABLE SERVICE Success from The Oldest Hatchery in the World THE PIONEER HATCHERY-California Seniors Not Photographed Elvin Atkinson Dean Gull Phil Maynard Grant Stephensen Sandy Sandy Riverton Sandy Paul Anderson Bee Howard Footba ll Jack Silcox Sandy Riverton Basketba II Riverton Football Soph. Vice-Pres. Ray Malmberg Football Band Junior Vice-Pres. Sondy Basketball Broadcaster Blaine Berrett Forensic Club Football Kay Srr;iith Union Basketball Draper Ben Howells Broadcaster Union Wallace Madsen Ray Stewart Student Council Riverton Midvale Band Bill Hurd Ath letics East Midvale Herbert Nichols At hletic Manager Draper Co un cil Junior Beckstead Band Riverton Council Royce Nelson Richard Sharp Union Mur ray Future Farmers Calvin Hutchings Band So ut h Jordan Verlyn Olsen Deryl Tischner East Midvale Riverto n Nathan Butterworth Council West Jordan Basketba ll Future Farmers Lynn Hulse C horus Ben Crebs Midvale Bill Pugmire Pageant Sandy Mi dvale Orc hestra Ralph Holt Carol Callicott Union Max Parry Lowell Thomson Riverton Riverton Riverton Football School Play Basketball Footba ll Posture Parade Elmer Johnson Basketball Debating Sandy Ralph Pixton Band Band Union Junior Jensen Orin Van Jackie Collett Sandy Jr. Prom Committee Union Midvale Sr. Hop Committee Broadcaster Bus. Mgr. Stage Decorating Aaron Walker C horus Co un cil Union Opera Cheer Leader Rayola Parker Jr. Prom Committee Cresce nt Ann WebbJerry Dunn West Jordan Union Noal Jensen Beetdigger Artist Sandy Broadcaster Artist Bill Wilson Melvin Dunn F.T.A. Union Mi dvale A rt Cl ub Presi dent Vaughn WareArt Ecklund Louise Kosovich Darwin Ray Sa ndy Union Crescent Midva le Frank YoshiokaBrigham Gardner Co un cil Earl Richardson Granite West Jordan Gy m J ambo ree W est J o rd a n Ope raFootball George RasmussenBasketball Lynn Lake Midva leCouncil UnionJudge Foot b all Band Basket ba ll Beetdigger Nine t y-five

WILLIAMS CLASS A D CLUB PI S A D RINGS MEDALS, PIUZE CUPS, ETC.BUILDING SUPPLY CO. In facl-everything in Emblematic LineComplete Building Service FRESHMAN'S2200 So. 9lh Easl Slate SL. al Midvale Salt Lake Cily - Dial 7-1548 \"The Class Pin llouse\" Phone Mid. 700 31 7 oulh Main alt Lake City Manufaclurer of CASEY'S WINDMILL INNFI E CHOCOLATES A D BAR 5566 OUTll TATE GLADE CANDY CO. Try our SALT LAKE CITY PER I E REAM GIA T MALTS and All Kinds of andwiche AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY COMPANY s LT LAKE C1TY, UTAH USE CLOTH TOWELS-\"IT PAY TO r EEP LEAN' lli gh school students sho uld boost and support tah products. Thi will mak jobs for th m af l 'r graduation. Juniors Not Photographed Blain Anderson, Sandy; Bud Allgood, Midvale; Gloria Sam Matsushita, Union; Robert Maynes; Butler; ElaineAnderson, Midvale; Arvid Bowles, Herriman; Darwin Bag- McCormick, Uni on; Dushon Narovich, Midvale; Calvinley, Sandy; Lawrence Butterfield, Riverton; Max Beckstead, Nielsen, Riverton ; Billie Newbold, Bluffdale; LaWana Niel-Riverton ; Raeola Brady, Un ion; Reed Bills, Riverton; Bud sen, Union; Kathryn Newman, Midvale; Bob Nacey, Sandy;Clement, Draper; lerome Cushing, Midvale; Norris Carter, Alfred Pedersen, Union; Walton Parker, Midvale; Don Pol-Sandy; Robert Crane, Riverton; George Deneris, Midvale; son, Sandy; Malcolm Petersen, West Jordan; OsborneFerris Dansie, Riverton; Kent Duffin, Midvale; Merland Pender, West Jordan; Theora Powell, Midvale; DarrellDespain, Granite; lee Dokas, Midvale; Betty Evans, South Petersen, East Midvale; Dorma Polson, Sandy; John Pavlas,Jordan; Beryl Erickson, Murray; Donna Ennis, Draper; Carl Midvale; Rose Price, Midvale; Wanda Pearson, W est Jor-Ecklund, Uni on; Glen Ebert, Granite; Norman Fitzgerald, dan; Jackie Petersen, South Jordan; Calvin Price, Uni on;Draper; Arden Gull, Sandy; Clyde Gailey, South Jordan; Edna Peterson, Sandy; Gene Rose, West Jordan; BruceEdwin Gardner, West Jordan; Kenneth Griffith, Midvale; Robinson, Draper; Douglas Robertson, Riverton; FloydKeith Groves, South Jordan; Mark Green, Butler; Don Rhodes, Midvale; Thelma Rendlesbach, Bluffdale; AleenHansen, West Jordan; Tom Howells, Uni on; Kay Heaton, Sanderson, Draper; Jacqueline Scoggon, Midvale; CliffordEast Midvale; Dawna V. Hiatt, Idaho; Faye Holt, Murray; Sundell, Murray; Max Spratling, West Jordan; Bill Stoker,Gayle Holt, South Jordan; Carlos Jensen, West Jordan; Uni on; Chester Stephensen, Sandy; Max Turner, Midval e;Glen Kirk, Midvale; Margaret Koss, Midvale; Melvin Lyon, Barbara Tuft, Draper; Dewayne Tripp, East Midvale; LilaW est Jordan; Darrell Lloyd, Sandy; Maydolin long, East Mae Tucker, Draper; Caroline Trontel, Midvale; Galen Midvale; Leona Lee, Midvale; Alice Lowe, Sandy; Ellis Whetman, Draper ; Eunice M. Walbeck, Draper; Richard Myers, Riverton; Eugene Millerberg, Midvale; Ross Moon, Webb, Sandy; Dorothy Wells, Murray. Riverton; Charles Mascaro, Uni on; Bill Maynard, Sandy;Ninety-six

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