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Home Explore eBulletin - Oct 3 2020

eBulletin - Oct 3 2020

Published by carolannseymour, 2020-10-03 06:58:20

Description: eBulletin - Oct 3 2020


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Warwick Seventh-day Adventist Church 92 South Road, Warwick WK 08 Bermuda Tel: (441) 236-2813 Email: [email protected] ~ Website: Pastor: Hector M. Quinones – Tel: (441) 707-7751- Email: [email protected] Where we worship God!

Warwick Seventh-day Adventist Church October 3, 2020 Happy Sabbath! For Sabbath School and the Divine Worship Service: Zoom Meeting ID: 981 9750 5667 / Password: 797149 Simultaneously live on Facebook: @warwicksdachurchbda AND YouTube: Warwick Seventh-day Adventist Church Bermuda Suggested Checklist for Zoom Participants 1. 30 – 60 minutes before going live, give the router an extra five (5) minutes to reconnect. 2. Connect using a laptop or a desktop computer. If neither is available, use a mobile device (tablet – iPad/Galaxy Tab, cellphone – iPhone/Android, console) 3. Connect your computer to your router via ethernet cable (preferred method). 4. Select a location free of noise. The use of headphones and microphone is preferred for participants. 5. Turn off devices that are not needed during this time to reduce network bandwidth usage. 6. Position the camera at eye height and prevent any light shining directly into the camera. 7. Turn the microphone to mute when not speaking. Background noises can cause interruptions to presenters and participants. 8. Avoid unnecessary movements and activities which can be distracting to other meeting attendees. Sabbath Morning Prayer Meeting – 9:45 – 10:00 am Adult Sabbath School – 10:00 – 11:00 am Memory Text: “Behold, God is exalted by His power; who teaches like Him?” (Job 36:22, NKJV). Sunset Today – 6:58 pm Sunset Friday, Oct. 9 – 6:50 pm

Church Family at Worship – 11:00 am INTROIT Let There be Glory and Honor and Praises INVOCATION – Pas. Larry Carter OPENING HYMN Hymn #212 - Tis Almost time for the Lord to Come ANNOUNCEMENTS – Elder Dave Pearman CHILDREN’S STORY TITHES AND OFFERINGS – Elder Dave Pearman SCRIPTURE READING – Elder Dave Pearman Matthew 24:12 PRAYER – Sis. Debbie Kirkpatrick SONG OF MEDITATION King’s Heralds - Redemption Draweth Nigh SERMON/APPEAL – Pas. Larry Carter Touching CLOSING HYMN Hymn #602- O Brother be Faithful! BENEDICTION – Elder Dave Pearman

Announcements (all meetings held via Zoom) YOUR WEEK-AT-A-GLANCE: October 3 - 10, 2020 Tues 6:00 pm Prayer Meeting (ID 893 3455 6427, Password 958020) Thurs 6:00 pm Fri 7:00 pm Revelation of Jesus Christ Study WAY Meeting TODAY Mon, Oct 12 UPCOMING EVENTS Sun, Oct 25 Imm after divine We will have a celebration for the finished cabinets today. All worship service are welcomed to attend. 7:00 pm Board meeting 8:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast (see flyer for Zoom details) ATTENTION DEPARTMENT HEADS: When planning to use the church or fellowship hall, please contact the Head Deacon beforehand to confirm time and place. We want to keep our church sanitized and clean. Your safety is important to us. Thank you. ~ Submitted by Troy Pitcher, Head Deacon The Warwick Church family expresses its deepest condolences to the family Sis. Esther Faries who passed on October 1. May the Lord bring much-needed peace and comfort during this time. Read your Bible, 4-Oct Zechariah 11-14 pray every day, 5-Oct Malachi 1-4 and you’ll grow, Grow, 6-Oct Matthew 1-4 GROW! 7-Oct Matthew 5-6 8-Oct Matthew 7-9 9-Oct Matthew 10-11 10-Oct Matthew 12-13

Our new cabinets!

SEPTEMBER 29 Michael Lamb OCTOBER 3 Robert Packwood 5 Michelle Spencer 13 Grace Seymour 14 Kaleyo James 1 Gina Richardson 17 Ryan Tacklin 19 Cheryl King 11 Monica Kelly 21 Janet White 22 Cora Rayner 16 Carl MacKenzie 25 Nerah-Lynn Wilson 27 David Rego 19 Justin Stowe 25 Lerma Spring 30 Aaron Spencer II If your birthday or anniversary is not listed or is listed incorrectly, please contact Sis. Miranda Lister at 234-1773 or the bulletin secretary for the month. Worshipping at Warwick church this Sabbath? How to . . . Scan the weekly church bulletin You will find the QR Code as you enter the church. 1. Open your phone’s camera or the QR Code reader on your phone (you may need to download one from the app store). 2. Hold your device over the QR Code so that it’s clearly visible and in focus within your smartphone’s screen. • The phone will automatically scan the code, OR • On some readers, you’ll have to press a button to snap a picture similar to the button on your smartphone camera. If necessary, press the button. 3. Your smartphone will read the code and navigate to the bulletin. It may take a few seconds.

Finance Report – 31 July, 2020 $12,338.00 12,901.68 Budget for 2020: $12,338/month Received: ($ 563.68) Funds needed to operate the church and all departments $7,602.44 Let’s all do our part! Committee of 600 (Student Aid) Feed My Lambs (Haiti) $ 50.00 ($20,127.36) Church Improvement Fund: (Goal: each member gives $200.00) TBD Funds Needed: $22,203.16 3,356.00 1,600.00 Upgrade Kitchen Special Projects: o Community Service Food Pantry o Organ Fund Offering this Sabbath – Local Church Budget Offering next Sabbath – World Budget (Emphasis: NAD Voice of Prophecy/La Voz de la Esperanza) Thank you to everyone for continuing to return tithes and offerings. These are the other ways to return your tithes and offerings: - At Church on Sabbath mornings - Online: BNTB #20006060133110100 (send allocation details to the treasurer - [email protected]) - Dropoff at Conference office - please write WARWICK CHURCH on outside of the envelope

CHURCH OFFICERS 2020 - 2021 Pastor: Pastor Hector Quiñones [email protected] 707-7751 Head Elder: Darrell Vickers [email protected] 236-7221 Head Elder (Sp. Min.) Carl MacKenzie [email protected] 335-7788 Head Deacon: Troy Pitcher [email protected] 232-9759 Head Deaconess: Diana DeSio 236-7927 Church Clerk: Miranda Lister [email protected] 332-1773 [email protected] Prayer Coordinator Waverley Minors [email protected] 333-7929 Church Treasurer: Anita Peets [email protected] 292-0457 Comm Services Leader: Carolina Carter 705-0966 AY Leader Orlyn Williams [email protected] 537-0037 [email protected] 707-7099 Pathfinders: Gina Richardson [email protected] Adventurers: Verlina Bishop [email protected] Warwick AV Team: -please send info by Friday evening Church Pictures: Ricardo Clarke Website: Ricardo Clarke Bulletin Secretaries: Carol Seymour [email protected] 236-7639 Sherma Webbe Clarke [email protected] 333-3113 Please email or call in your bulletin announcements and information no later than 9 pm Wednesday evenings. Like and share our Facebook page - Warwick Seventh-day Adventist Church Bermuda Watch on Vimeo - WarwickSDAChurchBda

IGLESIA ADVENTISTA DE LA HERMANDAD 92 South Road, Warwick WK BX, Bermuda - (441) 236-2813 SERVICIO RELIGIOSO 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM MÚSICA DE ALABANZA Y ADORACIÓN Geneva Ingham INVOCACION BIENVENIDA Dr. Carl MacKenzie ANUNCIOS Y COMENTARIOS Dr. Carl MacKenzie SERMON Dr. Carl MacKenzie ORACIÓN Elder Dave Pearman DIEZMOS Y OFRENDAS HIMNO FINAL Fidia Lightbourne BENDICION Fidia Lightbourne ESCUELA SABÁTICA Fidia Lightbourne Fidia Lightbourne DIVISIÓN DE CLASES 11:30 – 12:30 PM Sábado, 3 de octubre, 2020 Anuncios Unidos en Oración - los miércoles a las 7pm por Zoom - Meeting ID: 879 4945 3541 Password: 868898 3 de octubre a las 11am – Anciano David Pearman 10 de octubre a las 11am – Anciano Dr. Carl MacKenzie Hablen con el pastor si desea dar estudios en su hogar. El pastor regresa 28 de septiembre. Nuestro culto se puede ver por: • Facebook: @MHBDA • YouTube: Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Dia Bermuda

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