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Home Explore 3rd grade

3rd grade

Published by Hassan Kalaldeh, 2020-12-06 08:57:21

Description: 3rd grade


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Administration of Private Education Modern Arab Academy Schools (Secondary – Primary - K.G) Work sheet for Third Grade Unit Two Name: Sama Kalaldeh 13th Oct.2020 Read the poem again then answer the following questions: 1. Where will Mole go during winter? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 2. When will he get up? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 3. What won’t Mole see if he hibernates? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 4. Who is lazy – Mole or Squirrel? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 5. Who is fun-loving – Mole or Squirrel? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 6. Who will see the snow and feeling the fresh air – Mole or Squirrel? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 7. What does Squirrel like in winter? a. -------------------------------------------------------------. b. -------------------------------------------------------------. c. ------------------------------------------------------------. 8. What does Mole like in winter? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Best wishes… T.Alaa’ Habeh

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