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Home Explore 19 James Ruse Close buyer booklet

19 James Ruse Close buyer booklet

Published by Wilkinsons Real Estate, 2017-07-10 00:42:36

Description: 19 James Ruse Close buyer booklet


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19 James Ruse Close, Windsor 322 Beds Baths CarsMUST BE SOLD!VENDORS COMMITTED ELSEWHERE!AGENT: Chas Groom 0467 346 648

101 George Street, Windsor PH:02 4577 4344 [email protected] Groom0467 346 648


PROPERTY INCLUSIONSLounge/Living Bed 2 GarageS/S air-conditioning Large 3.6m x 2.7m 2 car GaragingTimber floors Built in robe Internal access Space for Work bench orOpen plan Ceiling fan storageKitchen Bed 3 External Featuresspacious 3.0m x 2.4m concrete salt water poolLoads of cupboard space Solar panelsBreakfast Bar BathroomModern Newly renovated Construction Beautiful outlook Brick veneerMain Bedroom Tile RoofLarge 3.6m x 3.8mLarge spacious roomBuilt in ward robeCeiling fanAbout the PropertySet on two levels with unobstructed HawkesburyRiver views, this prime Windsor home boasts 3 Address: 19 James Ruse Close, Windsorbedrooms in total. 2 bathrooms, two extra downstairsrooms used as study, office plus separate games Sale Methodroom, the endless options offer a plethora of Private Treatyboundless opportunity. Holiday rental, invest or livein as is, there is no doubt that this magnificent 3 Bedroomsoffering is unique & rare – an absolute crown on the 2 BathroomsHawkesbury. 2 Car GarageCall Chas Groom on 0467 346 648


PURCHASING STEPSImportant Steps When Buying Property Step 3. The OfferPurchasing real estate can be a very exciting process, A buyer’s natural instinct is to start with a lowhowever it can also be a confusing time for the prospective offer. This is not always the best approach. Somebuyer. As you may already be aware, different agencies owners will be offended and not want to reply. Beusually have different sets of rules and standards, so we fair when making offers and don’t hesitate too long,would like to inform you of the general buying process. many buyers miss out on properties by letting theProperty owners receive all types of interest – some negotiation process stall.genuine, some not. Some people submit offers to test thepossibility of sale, but do not actually stay true to their offer. Ultimately, the final offer should be presented to theThis can lead to frustration and concern for the owners as owner in writing.they try to assess who is actually a genuine buyer. The bestway to present a strong offer on any property is to follow the Step 4. The Paperworksteps below that allow you to understand what is required in With the final offer in place, the contract suppliedpreparation. by the vendor will need to be completed. By supplying all your relevant information, full legal Step 1. Be Prepared name/s, address and your legal representative’s When buying a property, time is of the essence. details, a contract can be signed. When all parties Having a pre-determined budget and finance have authorised both contract, the exchange can approved can strengthen your position when take place. The contracts and relevant documents making an offer. will be processed and delivered.A pre-approval of finance from your lending Summaryinstitution needs to be in place before safely Preparation is the key. Understanding the salesproceeding with your property purchase, however, process and having everything in place is imperative tomany banks will approve you in principle yet may reaching your property goals. Whether you arerequire a valuation. considering purchasing this property or another and in need of advice, please feel free to contact myself or anyHave you investigated finance options? There of our team, with questions that you may have.are many options available and can take timeto organise. We can help point you in the right We are always available to assist you.direction to help expedite the process. Whatmethod will you use to pay the deposit? E.g.Cheque, bank transfer, deposit bond/other.Step 2. Time FrameHow soon do you need to occupy the property?This needs to be taken into consideration whenmaking an offer. Typically contracts have a 42day settlement period. Have you allowed enoughtime for settlement to coincide with your idealoccupation date?

WELCOME TO THE HAWKESBURYThe Hawkesbury, situated north west of Sydney, close to Greenway. Sporting grounds covering a large variety of sportsNorwest Business with rail links to the CBD, has a lot to offer. including all football codes, netball, cricket, baseball andThe Hawkesbury river offers activities such as skiing, fishing, many more sports, there is a large equine community, withbush walking or just relaxing on the water. The historic towns of showjumping, polo and the Hawkesbury Race Club. TheWindsor and Richmond have antique and craft shops, Hawkesbury has number of primary and high schools bothgalleries, restaurants clubs and family friendly pubs, historic public and private, and tertiary education facilities -churches and graveyards to visit and the Hawkesbury Richmond TAFE and Western Sydney University HawkesburyRegional Gallery in Windsor. There are many fine examples of Campus and regular public transport make this an idealearly colonial buildings, many designed by Sir Francis location for a lifestyle change.

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