2 Why visual media has a BIG IMPACT in schools. Let’s get visual, shall we? From a scientific perspective, it’s been found that using visual media helps the audience remember the information more effectively. The reason is that images make a more immediate impact and are more rapidly processed into longer term memory. Addressing Bullying, Character, Diversity,Inclusion, School Spirit, Sexual Discrimination, Equality, Attendance and Motivation. Is this what you’re expected to do while teaching? We can help This is a clear example of a daily consistent reminder of three important key aspects that effect everyone in today’s advancing technology. It addresses cyberbullying, social media, i.e. the hashtag #stopcyberbullying, and it leaves a lasting impression of a victim and the effect one’s actions have on another human being i.e. empathy. The world needs more empathy and unfortunately with all the video gaming and internet it has taken the human out of humanity and thus we are now having to teach empathy. Empathy is something that kids once learned playing with other children, now kids stay indoors and play video games and texting, thus making it easier to not see the effect their actions may have on another person
3 Using visual Using visual communication is crucial to an overall strategic communication is school-wide message campaign plan. Incorporating images havecrucial to planning a benefits for both the sender and the receiver. Creating images mayschool-wide message seem easy with the ease of access to images online, but as campaign to impact educational professionals we know that copyright violations are student behavior, something we must teach and practice. Taking your idea to full impact professional media products may seem like a simple task character and that can grow into a valuable time waster for the busy educational emotions professional. Our company employees highly trained and educated graphic design professionals that work with our content departments and current educators to stay on the cutting edge of information and trends for the educational environment of today.“The soul does not think Visual media helps create a safe and positive learning environment so without a picture.” you can focus on what you do best, teaching. -Aristotle. Most people are visual learners Per Mind Tools, 65% of the human population are visual learners. That’s two out of every three people you will communicate with today. An even greater percentage of people thinks, utilizing pictures. If I were to say the word not the letters “elephant” to a group of students, most would picture a big gray animal, not the letters “E-L-E-P- H-A-N-T.” Approximately nine out of ten brains work this way. According to 3M corporation, the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. People comprehend (in their head) faster when they form a picture in their heart. This is a simple reminder that people think using imagery. So, if your message to students is to penetrate, then this is how you must get it across. Putting together, a visual plan for your entrance, school hallways, and classrooms makes sense, students are slammed with images via their smart phones and the internet from when they leave your campus to when they arrive, so now you can give them the calm safe and encouraging positive learning environment they need, with of course the help of your well researched, visually tested image experts at Jaguar Educational Inc. & The School Co. Request a custom image design for your specific campaign today. Hundreds of to get their point across with impressionable media publishing by http://www.jaguared.com/. Are images currently a part of your communication strategy? Do you have a bulling or character issue that needs to be addressed? Your school is exceptional, but does it look it? Studies show that first impression matter most and the impact is everlasting. Visit our website www.jaguared.com or call us Toll Free (877)524-8400 today to see how we can make your learning environment the best it can be.
4An Example of just one of our effective print media campaign products.Motivate to graduate is very effective print media campaign that schools aredisplaying across the nation, to stamp out the dropout rate and encourage studentsto become active and stay on top of their grades, study and graduate. It useseffective imagery and short statements and quotes that have a lasting impact withdaily reminders that help to mold a positive learning environment.
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