Statement of Work 8/20/2014 Version 1.0 Academy health Contact: William Griffith Project Manager Tel: (703) 564-5223
Summary - Statement Of WorkSummary PricingOperations Total T & M Estimate (Hours) Total 123.00 $ 20,775 Total for Required Tasks $ 6,300Grand Total for Open and Required Operations Tasks 36.00 $ 27,075 159.00e-Business Total T & M Estimate Total for e-Business Enhancements (Hours) Total for e-Business Required Tasks 602.00 $ 105,140 195.00 $ 34,125Grand Total for Requested and Required e-Business Tasks 797.00 $ 139,265Overall Grand Total 956.00 $ 166,340Personify, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 2 of 9 8/20/2014AH - Design and Development SOW - Final
Operations - Statement Of WorkRoles Senior Principal / Senior Senior Senior Project Consultant Managing Programmer Manager Consultant Consultant Consultant $175 $160 $160Rate / Hour $190 $175 $175 Functional Dev PMItem No. Module Screen/ Requirement Approach / Recommendation Status Design Technical QA Tech Mgmt Total T&M Process Detail Design (Hours) Estimate NameEstimates for Operations & Studio EnhancementsGap 5 Original join CRM360 1. Ability to track and display first a) Create a custom field to display the member Open 0.00 6.00 20.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 40.00 $ 6,745 date membership activation date on since date of an AH membership. CRM360 operations. i) CRM360 screen, place a new ‘Member Since’ field under Icons, right of profile picture of the constituent. • Member Since field will be captured and calculated by constituent’s 1st membership order activation date, (AH member group only) o At the time that a membership order goes from Proforma to Active, populate the system date into the Member Since field. ii) Remove Status date in CRM360 demographics in Background information task, Demographics screen/Individual screen. • Replace with Member since date o The field should be read only and cannot be manually changed by a Personify360 user. a) Create a new checkbox at the ‘Membership 1. Ability to see all individuals product maintenance’ screen for membership pending approval for Student, products. New Professional, and Fellow b) A new Member Approval screen shortcut to Membership CRM360 memberships. Customers and Committees menu ofGap 6 approval speed and new 2. Ability to view transcripts and Personify360 Open 0.00 12.00 38.00 10.00 12.00 6.00 78.00 $ 13,170 other required documents on the c) New ‘Membership Approval Speed Form’ with 0.00 1.00 form form speed form to determine eligibility. necessary logic to filter out the membership 3. Ability to activate orders while records based on set of provided parameters sending out notification on all d) j) Create new ‘Attached Documents’ Modal approved memberships. with necessary logic to add(upload) delete and open(download) documents.Gap 7 Meeting Product Develop a checkbox that will a) Add new custom column in Open 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 $ 860 registration Central disable the feature in PRODUCT_WEB_CONTROL table information Personify360 Meeting product USR_DISPLAY_AH_INFORMATION of eBusiness control YES_NO type. B) Modification to PRODUCTCentral screen's ebusiness control tab add the new checkbox control bind to this new column added.Personify, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 3 of 9 8/20/2014AH - Design and Development SOW - Final
Operations - Statement Of WorkRoles Senior Principal / Senior Senior Senior Project Consultant Managing Programmer Manager Consultant Consultant Consultant $175 $160 $160Rate / Hour $190 $175 $175 Functional Dev PMItem No. Module Screen/ Requirement Approach / Recommendation Status Design Technical QA Tech Mgmt Total T&M Process Detail Design (Hours) Estimate NameEstimates for Operations & Studio Enhancements Total 0.00 19.00 60.00 16.00 19.00 9.00 123.00 $ 20,775Estimates for Required Tasks for ALL Enhancements (with 'Open' Status) 12.00 $ 2,100 1 DBA (Hours) : Setting up the development and testing environments, backing up and maintaining the database during the development. Deploying to customer environment as required.2 IPR - I (Hours) : 1st In-Process Review - Demonstrate the Enhancement(s) to the client to get their feedback prior to delivery. 6.00 $ 1,0503 IPR - II (Hours) : 2nd In-Process Review (Optional)4 IPR - III (Hours) : 3rd In-Process Review (Optional) 6.00 $ 1,0505 Onsite System Testing (Hours): BC and TC - Testing the Enhancement in the customer's environment and on recent customer data. 0.00 $ - 12.00 $ 2,100 Total for Required Tasks 36.00 $ 6,300 Grand Total for Open and Required Operations Tasks 159.00 27,075.00Personify, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 4 of 9 8/20/2014AH - Design and Development SOW - Final
e-Business - Statement Of WorkRoles Senior Principal / Interactive Interactive Senior Senior Senior Project Consultant Managing Programmer Consultant Consultant ManagerRate / Hour Consultant $160 $160 $175 $175 $175 $175 $160 .net $190SR No. Module Control/Page Requirement Approach / Recommendation Status Functional Technical Visual Front End Dev QA Tech Mgmt PM Total T & M Estimate Name Design Design (Hours) Design Dev Customer Modify Registration Control to remove the base popup Registration e Registration Page and redirect to the new workflow Open 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 $ 890 0.00 B Create a new control with the following fields 1. Prefix u 2. Ethnicity 3. Gender s 4. Birthdate 5. Degrees i 6. Occupation 7. Organization Name: n 8. Change Company (Hyperlink) 9. Department e 10. Industry 11. Job Title s 12. Company Type 13. Employee Size s 14. Assistance Email 15. Alternate Email New control Additional Information Open 9.00 2.00 5.00 30.00 11.00 10.00 6.00 73.00 $ 12,715 l o g i n r e g Modify Demographic control to include the following i fields • Ethnicity s • Gender • Birthdate t • Occupation • Department r • Industry • Job title a Demographic Demographic Changes • Company Type Open 0.00 5.00 1.00 3.00 18.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 42.00 $ 7,320 t control • Employee Size i o n Join APA Page Modify the membership listing page and display the 5 Open 0.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 12.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 29.00 $ 5,060 unique memberships Membership i) Regular Listing ii) International iii) Student iv) New Professional v) Fellow For Approval based membership display a warning modal and the text within the modal will be configurable Remove 2-3 year membership options from the control Membership Step 1 -- Tell us About Yourself Modify the base MembershipJoinRegistrationControl Open 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 15.00 $ 2,640 and use the custom page in between the work flow 890 Membership Step 2 - Membership Details Remove auto renewal feature Open 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 $ Members 5 of 9 8/20/2014 hip onlineGap 1 join Personify, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential AH - Design and Development SOW - Final Membership registration
e-Business - Statement Of WorkRoles Senior Principal / Interactive Interactive Senior Senior Senior Project Consultant Managing Programmer Consultant Consultant ManagerRate / Hour Consultant $160 $160 $175 $175 $175 $175 $160 $190 .net Requirement Approach / Recommendation Status Functional Technical Visual Front End Dev QA Tech Mgmt PM Total T & M EstimateSR No. Module Control/Page Design Design (Hours) Design Dev Name Membership Step 3 - Get more involved Change title of the page from Make a bigger impact to Members Get More Involved hip onlineGap 1 join ii) Customize and Remove Add to Cart functionality Membership iii) Special Interest groups: Display all AH specific registration interest group in a format depicted in the image below. • Display all Interest group Open 0.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 16.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 37.00 $ 6,460 • Sort in alphabetical order • Collapse descriptions as pictured below iv) Below Special interest groups add Subscriptions: • Allows AH to display up to 3 purchasable subscription products • AH will configure the 3 subscription products via cross sell, upsell promotional controls o Display cross sell, upsell promotional products (subscriptions) in the optional membership products workflow, below interest groups as pictured below. (ii) Checkbox format, with description, similar format as interest groups to be used as depicted below. Member Join with Approval Check to choose membership type of Student Open 0.00 8.00 1.00 4.00 24.00 8.00 8.00 5.00 58.00 $ 10,120 Renewal Document Upload 0.00 Renewal a) Remove Auto renewal options in the renewal Open 15.00 2.00 7.00 44.00 15.00 15.00 8.00 106.00 $ 18,520 process. b) Term dates to be updated automatically c) Stop the renewal if another proforma membership order is pending on the record d) Give user the opportunity to change their membership type at the renewal process. !) Drop down to display current memberships available by AH. If the user chooses a different type of membership, a new order will be created with the chosen membership type. If the user chooses to renew with the same membership type, the membership will renew normally. ii) User to be able to edit, interest groups, additional benefits, options and subscriptions at any time. Prefill all previously chosen options with the option to change their options. iii) If the user chooses to change their membership to an approval type (student, new professional, Fellow) populates the document upload modal as previously mentioned so the user can be properly verified and approved for the specific member type. • Display the modal when the user chooses to pay the renewal Personify, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 6 of 9 8/20/2014 AH - Design and Development SOW - Final
e-Business - Statement Of Work Renewal Senior Principal / Interactive Interactive Senior Senior Senior ProjectRoles Consultant Managing Programmer Consultant Consultant Manager ConsultantRate / Hour $175 $160 $160 $175 $175 $175 $160 $190 .net Requirement Approach / Recommendation Status Functional Technical Visual Front End Dev QA Tech Mgmt PM Total T & M EstimateSR No. Module Control/Page Design Design (Hours) Design Dev Name Ord650 Changes for Renewal a) ORD650 process to be modified to process the membership types customized for AH. i) Process future membership renewals overlapping Open 0.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 16.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 39.00 $ 6,825 the years, extending the term dates. 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 • For multiple renewal option within the individual year, process the renewals for future term dates. • Example, 2014 renewal processed for 2015, user returns a week later and processes the renewal again for the same membership type. Term dates will change for 2014-2016. Membership Summary Control change Modify the membership summary, .NET control, to Open 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 7.00 $ 1,225 Membership Detail changes always display the ‘Renew Now’ button for active members Member iv) On the Membership Details page, modify theGap 2 Online membership renewal .NET control as shown below. • Include all logic to display the ‘Renew Now’ button at renewal all times, same logic to be carried over to the Membership details page. Open 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 20.00 $ 3,500 Member Verify and align AH membership sign up with b) If the registrant is a current member, have the Pricing meeting registration system verify their membership end date For Meetings i) Verify the meeting date is within the membership period of the individual excluding grace. ii) If the membership is current and valid through the meeting date, allow the user to continue the meeting registration via base meeting workflow with member pricing. iii) If the user’s membership expires before the day of the meeting, or expires within the days of the meeting, display a modal to give the user the option to renew. • Within the meeting registration .NET control, give AH configurable options to the specific text to be displayed in the (renew now/continue) Modal.Gap 3 Open 0.00 6.00 1.00 3.00 20.00 7.00 7.00 4.00 48.00 $ 8,370 Personify, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 7 of 9 8/20/2014 AH - Design and Development SOW - Final
Member Verify and align AH membership sign up with Pricing meeting registration ForMeetings e-Business - Statement Of WorkRoles Senior Principal / Interactive Interactive Senior Senior Senior ProjectRate / Hour Consultant Managing Programmer Consultant Consultant Manager Consultant $160 $160 .net $175 $175 $175 $175 $160SR No. Module Control/Page $190 Name Requirement Approach / Recommendation Status Functional Technical Visual Front End Dev QA Tech Mgmt PM Total T & M Estimate Design Design 20.00 (Hours)Gap 3 Design Dev • Display a modal after the user selects to register for Open 0.00 6.00 1.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 4.00 48.00 $ 8,370 the meeting stating; (i) By renewing your membership now, you will continue to enjoy member pricing. If you choose not to renew your membership at this time, you will receive non-member pricing 1. Place Renew Now button in the modal that will start the renewal workflow. 2. Place a Continue button that will decline the membership and the meeting registration will continue at list price. 3. At the new renewal screen discussed in Gap 1, if the user decides to change their membership type to one that requires approval, member pricing for the meeting will be granted. If they are not approved, they will be notified at a later time and adjusted accordingly by AH administration. c) Once the user completes, pays, and activates the renewal,, redirect them to the meeting registration workflow. Add Edit Create a new link and control as Current Create a new control with the following fields Relations Employment 1. Company hip 2. RelationShip Type 3. Your Role Open 0.00 8.00 1.00 4.00 26.00 9.00 9.00 5.00 62.00 $ 10,820Gap 4 4. Related as 2.00 5. Begin date Original 6. End dateGap 5 Join Date The control will open in view mode and on click of the Add new Employment or Edit link will open a popup with the fields editable. The control will use the base company search with some customization. Add Member since field to Membership Join with Customer table to get the Member Since Open 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 13.00 $ 2,275 Summary control data to be shown on Membership Summary Control.Personify, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 8 of 9 8/20/2014AH - Design and Development SOW - Final
e-Business - Statement Of WorkRoles Senior Principal / Interactive Interactive Senior Senior Senior Project Consultant Managing Programmer Consultant Consultant ManagerRate / Hour Consultant $160 $160 $175 $175 $175 $175 $160 $190 .net Requirement Approach / Recommendation Status Functional Technical Visual Front End Dev QA Tech Mgmt PM Total T & M EstimateSR No. Module Control/Page Design Design (Hours) Design Dev Name Meeting Modify Additional Information step in the Add below fields in the additional information control/ Registrati meeting registration workflow page on Informatio Race n Ethnicity GenderGap 7 Degrees Open 0.00 6.00 1.00 3.00 18.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 43.00 $ 7,510 Occupation Department Job Title Assistance Email Industry ExpertiseTotal for e-Business Enhancements 0.00 83.00 12.00 38.00 250.00 86.00 86.00 47.00 602.00 $ 105,140 Estimates for Required Tasks for e-Business Enhancements (with 'Open' Status)1 DBA (Hours) : Setting up the development and testing environments, backing up and maintaining the database during the development. Deploying to customer environment as required. 60.00 $ 10,500 0.00 $ -2 Base Site Skinning - Develop CSS and Visual Design for base controls (Standard 120 hours) 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 5,2503 IPR - I (Hours) : 1st In-Process Review - Demonstrate the Enhancement(s) to the client to get their feedback. 0.00 $ 5,2504 IPR - II (Hours) : 2nd In-Process Review (Optional) 75.00 $5 IPR - III (Hours) : 3rd In-Process Review (Optional) - 13,1256 Onsite System testing (Hours): BC, TC and Interactive - Testing the Enhancement in the customer's environment and on recent customer data. Total for e-Business Required Tasks 195.00 $ 34,125 Grand Total for Requested and Required e-Business Tasks 797.00 $ 139,265 Personify, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 9 of 9 8/20/2014 AH - Design and Development SOW - Final
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