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Home Explore Content Cards v3

Content Cards v3

Published by tom.kelk9, 2016-07-05 16:26:37

Description: Content Cards v3


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This is your quick guide to content.You will find more detailed material in the content playbook and theMarketing Toolkit; relevant chapters are referenced at the bottom of each card.Created by the Digital Accelerator team.For more information, contact Eva Krydowska or Tom Kelk

Planning Briefing ProducingLaunching Measuring Glossary I want to… Be clear on the role of content in the overall1 communications mix for this campaign/activity.2 Align content objectives with APC objectives.3 Understand my target audience.4 Understand target audience demand for this type of content. Create compelling content and channel5 strategy that lands the content with the audience.Content Playbook: 2.2 planning framework | 2.3 ideation workshop | 2.4 APC objectives | 2.5 brand story | 2.6 customer story

Planning Briefing ProducingLaunching Measuring Glossary I need to…1 Define the content objective. Why is content the right solution?2 Define the KPIs, using APC metrics. Understand the audience. What is their3 mindset? What do I want them to think/do? Why would they not want to interact with this content? Understand the competitive landscape. What4 is audience interested in? Where do they look for it? What are our competitors doing?5 Create a clear strategy, setting out the key insights and frame the big ideaContent Playbook: 2.11 project summary template | 2.14 timing plan template

Planning Briefing ProducingLaunching Measuring Glossary I want to … Create a great customer journey to and through the content: clarity on where the1 content lives (hosting), who will find it and how (traffic drivers), and what they will do as a result (onward journeys).2 Be clear on how and when will the content be published3 Plan early for ease and speed of delivery4 Create a clear, future-proof brief Produce the most effective content formats,5 served on the channels which will help connect with my audience(s)Content Playbook: 3.2 content principles | 3.4 channels overview

Planning Briefing ProducingLaunching Measuring Glossary I need to…1 Define is the framework of channels and touchpoints Create a content calendar showing live dates2 for each piece of content, including main traffic drivers (paid, owned and social) Engage Group Digital stakeholders: Content3 Strategist, DDR, DCX. Feed all your plans, and keep them updated, on the GB&M content calendar Include campaign background, insights,4 content objectives, details of ecosystem inc. paid, owned and shared media, KPIs Understand how audiences use different5 content formats, and adapt your content strategy to maximise the resultsContent Playbook: 2.13 content calendar |2.15 creative brief | 3.4 & Marketing Toolkit: Content Channels | 3.5 SEO

Planning Briefing Producing Launching Measuring GlossaryI want to …1 Ensure a smooth and efficient production2 Effective stakeholder sign-offs3 Content that customers can find fast, interact with intuitively and action easily4 Accurate reporting and optimisation Evergreen, re-usable content with a lifetime5 beyond an individual campaign; content that consistently delivers on the brand values and promiseContent Playbook: 2.8 Assess and plan content ideas

Planning Briefing Producing Launching Measuring GlossaryI need… A content calendar with details of each asset, formats, production details, sign-off, go-live1 location, media drivers. Set up a working team and run frequent regular stand-ups (weekly or even daily). Keep the worksheet up to date.2 Agreed sign-off process and timings. A ‘home’ for content: where will it live, how will3 people find it and navigate it, metadata for SEO. Content tagging and tracking. Create an4 analytics dashboard and set up a framework for reporting/optimisation.Content Playbook: 2.12 content calendar | 2.12 RACI template | 2.14 timing plan template

Planning Briefing Producing Launching Measuring GlossaryI want to …1 Enjoy a successful, timely, stress-free launch2 Ensure customer centric approach Define objectives and KPIs for each of the3 traffic drivers across various available channels: paid, earned, owned.4 Optimise content for Search Engines (SEO)Content Playbook: 3.4 & Marketing Toolkit: Content Channels | 3.5 SEO

Planning Briefing ProducingLaunching Measuring Glossary I need… A detailed timing plan inc. media Daily stand-ups. Don’t rely on emails1 Contingency plans in case it goes wrong Be clear about your MVP Consider staggered delivery for efficiency Tested content as part of the overall2 ecosystem. Measure vs strategy to ensure all requirements are met. To clarify the role of media. Include IB/app3 messaging, email, .com display formats and content links Ensure content is Search-Engine friendly, has4 metadata and tagging. Place it on .com and using the new Help & Guidance content strategy Content Playbook: 2.13 Timing Plan | 3.5 SEO

Planning Briefing ProducingLaunching Measuring GlossaryI want to …1 Reach my content objectives and achieve demonstrable results2 Provide timely and clear reporting3 Issue an executive dashboard4 Grow our understanding of customers and improve focus on their needs 5 Make my content ever-greenContent Playbook: 4.1 optimisation process | 4.2 optimise best practice | 4.4 research | 4.5 design

Planning Briefing ProducingLaunching Measuring Glossary I need… 1 KPIs for all content activity 2 Consistent tagging/tracking on paid, owned and social channels before launch A working group that will review the content MI from various perspectives (SEO, UX, paid 3 & owned media, social) Set up a single dashboard to present various channels including benchmarks 4 Customer testing post-launch to gain insights into content performance To extend content lifetime apply the three Rs5 of content marketing: reorganise, retire, rewrite Test and optimise content in line with MIContent Playbook: 4.6 reporting template | 4.7 optimising content| 4.8 optimisation glossary

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