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Big Ideas Simply Explained - The Bible Book

Published by The Virtual Library, 2023-07-21 07:18:44

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["INDEX 349 Lord\u2019s Prayer 212\u201313 N hidden treasure 215 magi 186 Last Judgment 319 and Mary\u2019s conception 178, 179 Naaman 335 lost coin 221 Nativity 182, 183 Naboth\u2019s vineyard 334\u201335 lost sheep 215, 221 parables 214\u201315 Nahum 169 mote and the beam 209 Sermon on the Mount 204\u201309 Naomi 108\u201309, 240 Pharisee and the tax collector 243 temple tax 222 nard 246, 247 prodigal son 218\u201321, 219, 220 temptations of Christ 198\u201399 Nathan 119, 122, 335 sower 214\u201315, 214 Transfiguration 234\u201335, 234 Nativity 171, 176, 180\u201386, 182, 184 ten virgins 215 two sons in the vineyard 339 two sons in the vineyard 339 workers in the vineyard 223 date of 183, 185 unforgiving servant 215, 338 Matthias (Apostle) 202, 276 natural theology 24 unjust judge 215 Megiddo, Mount 320 Nazareth 185 wise and foolish builders 337 Menelik I 87, 122 Nazirites 105 workers in the vineyard 223 menorah 25, 87 Nebu, Mount 87 parousia 318, 321 Messiah Nebuchadnezzar II, King 25, 95, 128, 129, 129, Passion anointed one 95, 179 Agony of Jesus 254\u201355 Davidic Messiah 178\u201379, 183 130, 131, 158, 160, 164, 165, 336 crucifixion see crucifixion Messianic prophecies 155, 171, 179, 183, 185, Nehemiah 95, 133 Jesus before Pilate 260\u201362, 295 191, 195, 199, 245 Nero, Emperor 287, 291, 295, 304 Jesus before the Sanhedrin 192, 257, 257, 260 Micah 91, 131, 137, 168\u201371, 169, 183 New Jerusalem 163, 281, 319, 322\u201329, 324, Jesus foretells His coming death 246\u201347, 251, Michael the Archangel 302 252, 254\u201355 Michelangelo 27, 35, 145, 154 328 Last Supper 46, 177, 230, 248\u201353, 253 Midian 66\u201367, 68, 76 Nicene Creed 299 mockery of Jesus 260, 261, 262 Midianites 60, 101, 102, 102, 103 Nicodemus 238, 240, 241, 264 repentant thief 266\u201367 Nineveh 166, 167, 170, 233 Passover 72\u201373, 97, 188, 244 mikveh 119 Noah 18, 40\u201341, 173, 332 Last Supper 46, 177, 230, 248\u201353, 253 miracles Nod, land of 37 seder plate 73 Northern Kingdom of Israel 105, 129, 170 Paul 192, 195, 202, 304 Cana 179, 337 Numbers, Book of 33, 82, 91, 333 arrest and imprisonment of 280, 294\u201395, 294, coin in the fish\u2019s mouth 222 304, 308 of the disciples 284\u201387, 339 Balaam\u2019s donkey 89, 89 clashes with Peter 293 draught of fishes 201, 275 twelve spies 88 Council of Jerusalem 292\u201393 of Elijah 124, 126 numbers, significant death of 291, 295 of Elisha 127, 335 three 71 doctrine of original sin 34, 35, 197 feeding of the 4,000 231, 338 five 230 at Ephesus 303 feeding of the 5,000 (five loaves and two seven 25, 320 on Eve 35 fishes) 177, 191, 203, 228\u201331, 229 twelve 230, 276 on faith 238\u201339, 241, 281, 313 Gadarene swine 224\u201325 forty 199 hymn to love 296\u201397 healing 199, 241, 285, 286, 338\u201339 Nunc Dimittis 185 influence on Christianity 305 Jesus walks on the water 177, 232\u201333, 233 on the Last Judgment 321 of Moses 68, 75\u201376, 226 O letters see Colossians; Corinthians; raising the dead 176, 226\u201327, 286, 339 Ephesians; Galatians; Philippians; Romans; see also exorcism Obadiah 125, 169 Thessalonians; Timothy Miriam 76, 77, 85 Olives, Mount of 233 on the message of the cross 265 Moab, Moabites 89, 91, 108, 172 oral tradition 215 on the resurrection 271, 273, 281 monotheism 18, 45, 64\u201365, 90\u201391, 126, 149, 312 Original Sin 34\u201335, 197 works and miracles 286 Mosaic Law 14, 82, 91, 207, 219, 230, 245, Paulicians 199 257, 292, 294, 305, 312, 313, 315 P Pentateuch 18, 27, 75, 141, 230, 293, 310 Moses 25, 33, 39, 48, 64, 67, 80, 96, 118, Pentecost 280, 282\u201383 127, 143, 144, 145, 147, 184, 315, 332 Palm Sunday 245 second Pentecost 286 books of Moses see Torah parables 214\u201315 Pesach 72, 73 brazen serpent 238, 336 see also Passover and the burning bush 39, 64, 66\u201369, 145 banquet for the poor 339 Peter 202, 203, 222, 250 called by God 67\u201368 Good Samaritan 216\u201317 before the Sanhedrin 285\u201386 death of 75, 96, 333 clashes with Paul 293 Exodus see Exodus Council of Jerusalem 292 monotheism 90\u201391 crucifixion of 287 parallels with Jeremiah 157, 159 declarations of love for Jesus 233, 275\u201376 Ten Commandments denial of Jesus 233, 256\u201357, 256, 287 see Ten Commandments in the Garden of Gethsemane 254 Muhammad, Prophet 45, 123 imprisonment 287 murder 37, 118, 119 Jesus\u2019s calling of 200\u2013201 fratricide 36\u201337 infanticide 77, 187","350 INDEX leadership 275\u201376, 287 of Asaph 141 Romans, epistle to 34, 35, 157, 241, 297, letters of 155, 235, 299, 305, 309, 310, authors 143 315, 329 314, 315 collective praise 143 Pentecost 283 early sources 140\u201341 Rosh Hashanah 53 and the resurrection 270, 271, 273, 275 joyous 142\u201343 Ruth 94, 108\u201309, 108, 240 and the Transfiguration 234\u201335 laments 141\u201342 walks on the water 233 Messianic prophecies 191, 245 S washing of the feet 250, 251 poetry 141 works and miracles 280, 284\u201386, 285, 339 Psalm 90 144\u201345 Sabbath 23, 80 Pharisees 201, 207, 238, 240, 243, 287, 288, Psalms of David 141, 143, 264, 310 Day of Preparation 262 291, 295, 338 of Solomon 143 Kiddush 151 Philip (Apostle) 202, 280, 289, 289 songs of creation 23, 24, 143, 144 Philippians 201, 239, 264, 304\u201305 purgatory 329, 329 sacraments 253 Philistia 105, 172 Purim 132 sacrificial offerings 52, 87, 102, 173 Philistines 94, 105\u201306, 107, 113, 114, 333, 334 Goliath 116\u201317 Q Abraham and Isaac 50\u201353 plagues Cain and Abel 36\u201337 Israelites 85 Quakers 197 child sacrifice 52, 124, 171 Philistines 333 Quirinius 183 Passover 72, 73 plagues of Egypt 64, 70\u201371, 70, 72 Qur\u2019an 35, 61, 75, 122, 166, 211 Temple 123, 184 poetry, Hebrew 141 St. Catherine\u2019s Monastery, Egypt 68, 69 polygamy 118 creation story 29 Salome 195, 337 polytheism 28, 90, 91, 126 Samaria, Samaritans 109, 133, 217, 261, Pontius Pilate 231, 260\u201362, 263, 265 R 276, 289 Potiphar 60 Good Samaritan 216\u201317, 216 prayer Rachel 55, 56, 57 woman at the well 337 as confession 39 Rahab 99, 313, 313 Samson 14, 94, 95, 101, 104\u201307, 105, 106, 107 Lord\u2019s Prayer 212\u201313, 213 rainbow 41, 173 Samuel 59, 110\u201315, 113, 116, 117, 182, 184 origin of 38\u201339 Ramesses II 71 anoints Saul 95, 114\u201315, 114 petitionary prayer 38, 39 Raphael 162, 234, 270, 285 called by God 94, 113 prayer in peril 39 ravens 124, 124 Messianic prophecies 191 silent prayer 39 Rebekah 39, 54, 55, 332 Samuel, books of 59, 95, 110\u201319, 225, 333, 334 prayer beads 38 Red Sea 64, 75\u201376, 75, 76 David and Bathsheba 118\u201319 predestination 35, 157 Rehoboam 335 David and Goliath 116\u201317 prodigal son 218\u201321, 219, 220 repentant thief 266\u201367 Sanhedrin 238, 257, 260\u201361, 265, 285\u201386, 287, Promised Land 46, 75 resurrection 177, 193, 196, 241, 268\u201371, 288, 295 see also Canaan Sarah 39, 46\u201347, 46, 50, 51, 51, 52, 55 prophets 270, 329 Satan 303 false prophets 158, 170, 208 empty tomb 268\u201371, 269, 272 Armageddon 320 female prophets 77 Jesus\u2019s appearances after 270\u201371, 272\u201373, Old Testament characteristics 147 first 115 274\u201376, 275 temptation of Eve 32\u201333 Major Prophets 13, 137 power of 304\u201305 temptation of Jesus 176, 196, 198\u201399, 311 Minor Prophets 13, 137, 166, 169, 172 Reuben 39, 57, 59 tests Job 136, 146 \u201coral\u201d prophets 156 Revelation 18, 25, 33, 49, 71, 199, 201, 276, 281 Saul 97, 113, 114\u201315, 116, 117, 333\u201334 speaking from God 309 Last Judgment 316\u201321 first king of Israel 95, 114\u201315, 114, 333 \u201cwriting\u201d prophets 156 New Jerusalem 281, 322\u201329, 324, 328 jealousy of David 117, 334 see also individual index entries Roman Catholic Church 203, 313 Saul of Tarsus proselytes 288 and the apocryphal texts 13, 310 conversion of 240, 280, 290\u201391, 291 Protestantism 197, 212, 313 Eucharist 252 persecution of Christians 288, 290 and Original Sin 34\u201335 and Original Sin 34 see also Paul and the Ten Commandments 83 and the Ten Commandments 82\u201383 scapegoat 87 Proverbs 136\u201337, 148\u201351, 221, 311 Roman centurion at crucifixion 263, 264 Sea of Galilee 200\u2013201, 206, 224, 229, 232\u201333, arrangement 149 Roman Empire 321, 324 233 authorship 149, 310 census 182, 183 Sea Peoples 105 Eshet Hayil 151 law and punishment 267 Second Coming 46, 217, 305 instructions 150 taxation 243 self-righteousness 118, 208, 221 maxims of the elder 149, 150 Sennacherib, King 43, 131, 170 paradoxes 150 Septuagint 307, 310 personified Wisdom 150, 151 Sermon on the Mount 176, 204\u201313, 207, 285 poetry 141, 150, 151 Beatitudes 206 sayings 150 Golden Rule 210\u201311 Psalms 12\u201313, 46, 83, 136, 138\u201345, 167, 198, Lord\u2019s Prayer 212\u201313 221, 231, 263, 276","INDEX 351 Servant Songs 154\u201355 Sumerians 41 U Seth 39, 40 swine Seven Last Plagues 71 uncleanliness 124, 163, 184, 217, 219, 225, 242, Shadrach 336 Gadarene swine 224\u201325, 224 260, 315, 339 Shavuot 73, 109, 282 unclean 219 Sheba, Queen of 87, 122, 123 Synoptic Gospels 177, 221, 226 Ur, Great Ziggurat of 43, 43 Shem 40, 332 Synoptic problem 177 Uriah the Hittite 118, 119 Shema 65, 312 see also Luke; Mark; Matthew sheol 167 V shepherds T vineyards 152, 264, 334\u201335, 339 David as shepherd-king 143, 184 Tabernacle 65, 86\u201387, 97, 121\u201322 Virgin of Guadalupe 179 Jesus as shepherd 143, 256 Tabitha 286, 339 visions Nativity 182, 184, 184 Tabor, Mount 234 symbolism 67, 143 Talmud 27, 82 Ezekiel 137, 162\u201363 Shiloh 97, 112, 113 taxation Samuel 59 Shinar 42 see also dreams and interpretations; see also Babylonia Roman 243 Revelation shofar 53 tax collectors 201, 222, 242\u201343, 242, 243, 267 Shulammite 152 Temple (Jerusalem) 52, 163 W Sicarii 255 Babylonian destruction of (586 BCE) 95, 123, Simeon (devout Jew) 182, 184\u201385, 192 128, 130, 142, 245 Weeping Prophet see Jeremiah Simeon (son of Jacob) 57 cleansing of 244\u201345, 244 Whore of Babylon 318 Simeon\u2019s Song 192 Herod\u2019s renovation of 245, 251, 251 wilderness Simon of Cyrene 262, 263 Jesus\u2019s presentation in 184 Simon Peter see Peter Jesus teaches in 188, 188 Elijah in 124, 124 Simon the Zealot (Apostle) 201, 202 Roman destruction of (70 CE) 73, 243 Hagar and Ishmael in 39 sin 34 Second Temple 140, 173, 251 Israelites in 65, 76\u201377, 81, 86\u201387, 88, 230, atonement for 155 Solomon\u2019s Temple 86, 95, 121\u201323, 123, 245 238, 241 forgiveness 267, 338 temple tax 222 Jesus in 196, 198\u201399 Original Sin 34\u201335 temple worship 141, 142 wisdom sinful cities 48\u201349 Temple of Artemis, Ephesus 303 of Solomon 95, 120\u201323 sins of commission 33 Ten Commandments 37, 64\u201365, 67, 78\u201383, 84, wisdom literature 136\u201337, 149 sins of omission 33 85, 87, 96, 118, 122, 207, 262 see also Proverbs Sinai, Mount 67, 68, 80, 81, 82, 96 Ten Lost Tribes of Israel 129 Witch of Endor 334 Sisera 101 tetragrammaton 163 the Word 25, 151, 190\u201391, 193 snakes 32, 33, 33, 35, 68 Thaddaeus (Apostle) 101 Sodom and Gomorrah 18, 48\u201349, 49 theocracy 114 YZ Solomon 87, 118, 121, 335 theodicy 146 Book of Proverbs 149, 221, 310 theological fatalism 33 Yahweh 38\u201339, 68, 90, 147, 163, 235 dreams 59 theophany 69 Yom Kippur 87, 123, 167 Psalms 143 Thessalonians 241, 320, 321, 326, 329 Zacchaeus the tax collector 242\u201343, 242 Solomon\u2019s Temple 86, 95, 121\u201323, Thomas (Apostle) 193, 202, 271 Zadok 120, 123, 335 123, 245 Thutmose III 64, 71 Zealots 202, 255 Song of Songs 152 Tiamat 22, 22 Zechariah (father of John the Baptist) 85, 195 wisdom of Solomon 95, 120\u201323 Tigris River 26, 41 Zechariah (prophet) 169, 245, 256, 263 Son of God 178, 179, 187, 188, 190, Timothy 308, 309 Zedekiah 128, 129, 130, 158, 158 192, 196, 198, 226, 227, 232, 233, Timothy, letters to 35, 202, 280, 308\u201311 Zephaniah 137, 169, 172, 185 263, 264, 287 tongues, gift of 282\u201383, 297 ziggurats 42, 43, 43 Son of Man 59, 155, 179, 235, 243, Torah 18, 53, 75, 82, 109, 282, 283, 312 254, 318, 319 authorship 18 Song of Deborah 101 Tower of Babel 18, 42\u201343, 43 Song of the Sea 76 Transfiguration 177, 196, 234\u201335, 234 Song of Songs 132, 137, 152\u201353, 297 transubstantiation 252 Songs of Ascent 141 Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 26, 27, sons of Asaph 140 28, 32, 55 Sophia, St. 150 Tree of Life 26, 28, 33, 245, 276 Stephen 288, 339 Trinity see Holy Trinity suffering 314 Turin Shroud 269 God 161 Twelve Prophets see prophets\u2014Minor Prophets nature of 146\u201347 Twelve Tribes of Israel 57, 57, 87, 159 sin and 35 Suffering Servant 136, 154\u201355, 177, 289 Sukkot 73, 133, 245","352 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dorling Kindersley would like to thank Anukriti Arora, Photo: Heritage Image Partnership Ltd. 114 Getty Alamy Stock Photo: World History Archive. 238 Jomin Johny, and Meenal Goel for design assistance; Images: Bettmann. 116 Alamy Stock Photo: Alamy Stock Photo: Hemis. 239 Alamy Stock Tina Jindal for editorial assistance; Rajesh Kumar Archivart. 119 Alamy Stock Photo: Heritage Image Photo: 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