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Home Explore Active learning สู่สมรรถนะ ศตวรรษที่ 21 ปทุมธานี (28 มีนา

Active learning สู่สมรรถนะ ศตวรรษที่ 21 ปทุมธานี (28 มีนา

Published by Wan Piti, 2022-04-27 02:35:48

Description: Active learning สู่สมรรถนะ ศตวรรษที่ 21 ปทุมธานี (28 มีนา


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Active Learning 21 2565 2 2565

21 Foundational Literacies Literacy) Fostering Social and Emotional Learning through Technology, World Economic Forum Numeracy) ICT Literacy) Scientific Literacy) Cultural & Civic Literacy) Financial Literacy) Competencies Critical Thinking) Creativity) Communication Collaboration) Character Qualities Curiosity) Initiative) Persistence/Grit) Adaptability) Leadership) Social & Cultural Awareness)

VUCA WORLD COVID-19 Thailand SCHOOL STUDENT Volatility = Uncertainty = FAMILY & Complexity = COMMUNITY Ambiguity = Ketthip VUCA World

21 > PBL + PLC + Attitude + Value CBE Thailand 1 > Active Learning 2* > > 90 % > STEM Education > STEAM * 3 65 > > STI > GPAS 5 Steps > > > > 5E > > Ketthip


Active Learning is .. KK K KA A S S my project Ketthip

: OECD Active Learning Ultimate Outcome Output Ketthip > > > Project Presentation > Open House > > Independent Study

Active Learning 2551 2560 (12 ) 8 8 5 > PBL + PLC Active Learning > > > > > GPAS 5 Steps Project Presentation > > > Open House > > STEM Education > > > > 5E Independent Study > > Ketthip > Output Ultimate Outcome

Active Learning Ketthip

Active Learning Ketthip

Active Learning Ketthip

Active Learning Ketthip

Active Learning Authentic Assessment Ketthip

41 PLC Ketthip PLC

1 PLC Ketthip

Open House 14.30-15.30 5 Ketthip -

Active Learning Ketthip

Montessori // Ketthip


(High Scope) 1 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ketthip

(High Scope) Ketthip


1 One Team Ketthip


ACTIVE LEARNING Active Learning GPAS 5 Steps + PLC 3 Ketthip


STEAM Education STI) 1. 2. Ketthip 3. 4. 5. 6.





. 4 . . 2562 25 20(4) 25 25 25 21 2563 25 Ketthip

467 4 2565 242 307 Website : Ketthip 7 2565 06.00 65 60 100 % 192

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: : 15 65 Ketthip

Ketthip 22 2565

48 7 2565 06.00 19 45 Ketthip 17 192 145 47 14 14-24-11


Active Learning Ketthip

\"Active Learning \" .. 4. Ep. 1-3 Ketthip

NARIT EP.1 \"Active Learning \" .. Ketthip 2 NARIT 2565 Ep. 1-4

One Team 5 Active Learning Active Learning 1 100 Active Learning 2 : 15 .. 3: .\" Ketthip

Active Learning 15 21 65 1. 2. 1 3. DLTV 15 65 4. 5. 6. 3 7. 8. 9. 10. Ketthip

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