MAY 2021 4 41 14 ROCKETS, RIOTS, SERMONS, AND SOCCER: CHRISTIAN VIEWS ON THE CONFLICT IN GAZA AND ITSesRt imAonEyL uuu FULL STORY ON -03 TOP NEWS uuuu Joe Biden orders review of COVID origins as lab leak theory Biden's unusual public disclosure about private and inconclusive U.S. intelligence assessments revealed a debate raging within his administration over where the novel coronavirus originated. (AP) debated President Joe Biudeunuordered aides to find an- likely scenarios but still lack strong confi- swers to the origin of the virus that causes dence in their conclusions and are hotly de- COVID-19, saying on Wednesday that U.S. in- bating which is more probable, Biden said. telligence agencies are pursuing rival theo- The conclusions were detailed in a report to ries potentially including the possibility of a Biden, who asked his team in March to de- laboratory accident in China. tail whether the novel coronavirus “emerged Intelligence agencies are considering two uuu FULL STORY ON -07 ISLAMIC RADICALS KILL 15 CHRISTIANS IN ATTACK AMERICAN CHRISTIANS HELP FUND THOUSANDS OF BOMB SHELTERS TO ON BAPTISM CELEBRATION IN BURKINA FASO PROTECT ISRAELIS FROM HAMAS Suspected jihadists ambushed a baptism cer- near the Mali border, according ATTACKS emony where they killed 15 Christians in to a report. northern Burkina Faso’s Oudalan province The attack occurred in the As Israel has been bombarded with thousands Adjarara area, about 4 miles from of missiles fired by Hamas over the past two Tin-Akoff, on Tuesday, the Sahel weeks, American Christians have provided region’s governor, Col. SalfoKabor, aid from afar by helping fund mobile bomb confirmed in a statement, the U.S.-based persecution watchdog uuu FULL STORY ON - 08 International Christian Concern reported Friday. “People are shocked and many are running,” FULL STORY ON - 08
2Editorial The Significance of Personal Evangelism Rev. Manuel Joseph Th.M. Sub-editor, End-Time News Personal evangelism is the relatives who need to hear the good one can work” (John 9:4). As long as obligation of every single believer. news about Jesus. Whether we’re we have breath, we can do personal God calls each of us to different called to lead evangelistic crusades or evangelism. As long as we stay responsibilities and bestows us with simply cultivate a relationship with an surrendered to the Holy Spirit, He will different gifts, but the goal is the unsaved neighbor, personal do it through us (Luke 12:12). same—the salvation of the lost (1 evangelism should be the driving When Jesus practiced “personal Corinthians 12:6–7; Luke 19:10). He force in our lives. Jesus’ words evangelism,” He often seemed to places us in strategic positions for spoken to His disciples more than two make it more difficult for those who influence, not privilege. We have thousand years ago still apply to His showed interest (Luke 9:57–62). His neighbors, coworkers, friends, and followers today: “As long as it is day, encounter with the rich young we must do the works of him who ruler in Matthew 19:16–24 is a good sent me. Night is coming, when no FULL STORY ON - 01 EDITORIAL BOARD MANAGER ADVISORY BOARD CHIEF EDITOR Bovas Sreekaryam Pastor Shibu Thomas USA Pastor Asokan Eranakulam Baiju Yacob Edavila USA CO-ORDINATORS M.Jacob Trivandrum SUB EDITORS John Francis (Dallas) Br.Syam USA Manuel Joseph 125 Daniel Jacob Sis.Saritha Wheat land,6920.S. manin st Sis.Simi Oklahoma EDITORS box zip code-73097 Sis.Lesley Yacob PH-(405) 745-786(H) Pastor A Anilkumar Mob-001(405)778-4341(Whats app) Rev. Joseph Chacko REPORTERS Sis.Sherly Miniesh Kumar(Baharin) Pastor Stephen Disclaimer The views expressed in this online newspaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of HSM End Time News. The online newspaper will not bear any responsibility whatsoever for them. The images used in the newspaper have been downloaded from the Internet and we acknowledge that the copyright of those images remain with the original owners. HSM End Time News does not claim any copyright for them and does not intend to use them for commercial purposes.
NEWS AND VIEWS 3 Rockets, Riots, Sermons, and Soccer: Christian Views on the Conflict in Gaza and Israel Bombs fall in Gaza as rockets target jured, and 52,000 displaced from their build Gaza. The US would prevent such aid homes. from restocking Hamas’s arsenal, while al- Israel. Frustrated Arab rioters are met by ex- But 160 of these have been militant fight- lowing the replenishing of the Iron Dome’s tremist Jewish settlers. ers, said Israeli authorities. Hamas’s indis- defenses. And in the middle of it all, Danny Kopp sent criminate barrage has launched more than The weapons evolve, though the animosity his boys out to play soccer. 4,000 rockets and killed 12 people—includ- is familiar. Numbers were down at the Jerusalem ing two children—while injuring hundreds. But what has shocked and saddened a dozen neighborhood park frequented by Jew and Israel’s Iron Dome defense system has in- sources interviewed by CT—half Jewish and Arab alike, but his 13-, 10-, and 8-year-old tercepted most rockets, but Iranian spon- half Palestinian—is the ethnic violence that sons still translated between the sides. has torn through previously peaceful towns “These encounters, as small as they are, re- sorship of Hamas has led to a dramatic in- of coexistence. In Lod, Haifa, Nazareth, and mind belligerents that coexistence is still crease in missiles able to target Jerusalem. elsewhere, Arab rioters have set 10 syna- viable,” said the chairman of the Evangeli- Such long-range weapons represent 17 per- gogues and more than 100 Jewish homes cal Alliance in Israel. cent of the thousands of missiles fired this on fire, while looting or damaging hundreds “Wholesale vilifying is simply inaccurate.” month. Nine years ago, they represented more. only 1 percent. Israel called up 7,000 reservists to quell the But it is easy to do, if attached to a favored A ceasefire is now in place. President Joe violence. But reports say police have been narrative. Biden pledged to work through the United far more lenient with Jewish settlers who Since the outbreak of fighting on May 10, Nations and the Palestinian Authority to re- have responded in kind, though with less Israeli bombs have leveled almost 450 build- damage. Video recordings, however, depict ings in Gaza, including six hospitals, nine settler attempts to seize Arab Israeli prop- health centers, and the headquarters of the erties. Associated Press. Hamas authorities count The outbreak of violence is tied to Israeli 232 dead, including 39 women and 65 chil- legal proceedings to evict Palestinians from dren. More than 1,900 people have been in- their homes in the East Jerusalem neighbor- hood of Sheikh Jarrah. The families have re- sided there for generations, and the land dispute has alternate explanations. Protests were met with violence, which then spread to the al-Aqsa Mosque. Hamas fired rock- ets in solidarity. And amid the backdrop of this quagmire, Kopp sent out his children. On Saturday, he preached the same mes- FULL STORY ON - 04
4 NEWS AND VIEWS uuu FULL STORY ON - 03 president of Shelanu TV, Israel’s only 24/7 can be strengthened in him no matter the digital Hebrew gospel channel. “But in all circumstance we are in.” sage to his mixed Jewish-Arab Narkis Street honesty, there is mistrust on both sides.” But this does not take away the “disgust” Congregation in Jerusalem, asking his flock This past Saturday, Messianic Jewish con- most Messianic Jews have for Hamas and to purposefully hear both sides. gregations preached against racism and for its disdain for both Jewish and Arab life, said “Jesus constantly broke out of his informa- Arab-Jewish unity, Cantor said. The settlers David Friedman. tion bubble,” he said, “engaging every kind provoking the violence are tied to a politi- In contrast, in their fellowships Jewish and of person imaginable and on a consistent cal movement he believes is rejected by the Arab believers are praying together—with- basis.” vast majority of Israelis. out blame. Across the separation wall, however, But while most Arabs—who comprise a fifth “I am impressed with the sincerity of our Munther Isaac’s Sunday sermon had a dif- of Israel’s population—and Jews get along, unity,” said the Messianic Jewish Theologi- ferent tone. most Palestinian Christians do not believe cal Institute professor and former dean of “What is required is not calm and restraint,” in a unique divine role for Israel. And while King of Kings College in Jerusalem. said the pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Cantor understands—but rejects—their “No matter what side of the political spec- Christmas Church in Bethlehem. “What is claim that Zionists stole their country, most trum we may be on, the current rocket war required is to call things by their names.” Palestinians are at odds with what he says is no breaking point.” This includes antisemitism, Isaac told CT. Yet he also highlighted the 2020 Jerusalem is a clear baseline standard. Similarly, David Katz, deputy general man- Declaration, created by Jewish scholars to “It is important that people stick to their ager of Sar-El Tours which serves many clarify when criticism of Israel or Zionism Bibles and not the news,” he said. “Israel is evangelical clients, said he believes most crosses the line while specifying that criti- a fulfillment of prophecy.” Messianic Jewish congregations would jus- cism in itself is not antisemitism. But this does not mean Messianic Jews are tify Israel’s response to Hamas attacks on But Isaac’s focus was on “occupation” and without fear. Discipling believers in the Is- Israel. Many Messianic Jews live in “ethnic cleansing ”—and “apartheid.” rael Defense Forces, Eli Birnbaum protects Ashkelon and Ashdod, within range of the B’Tselem, a leading Israeli human rights or- them from hate and resentment. shortest-range missiles. ganization, recently published that the “Growing up in Israel, you get used to the But they are also praying for Gaza, mourn- state’s effective control of the West Bank fact that there is a group of terrorists who ing the loss of life and longing for a lasting and Gaza makes the controversial term ap- will kill you if given the chance,” said the solution to the conflict. propriate. Jews for Jesus Israel ministry director, not- Katz attended the solidarity rallies that fol- Isaac then asked Palestinian Christians to ing this is not true of Palestinians at large. lowed the violence. Arabs and Jews in mixed act appropriately: with nonviolent resis- “These rockets aren’t targeting the military; neighborhoods came together to clean up tance. And he asked believers in the West they are targeting my children.” their streets, repair damage, and raise to likewise act: with vocal advocacy. As such, Jews who believe in Jesus and who money for the victims. In Jerusalem, they “Christ died a victim of raging violence and are frustrated with war have a recourse other created a “peace chain.” religious extremism,” he preached. “But be- than turning on political leaders or in anger Solidarity, however, can go only so far. cause we believe in the Resurrection, the toward enemies. Pastoring a small congre- “We extend love and prayers, but don’t go last word is justice.” gation in Tel Aviv, Birnbaum is preparing a too deeply into the source of the conflict,” Such preaching, however, riles fellow Pal- sermon on 1 Samuel 30, in which David’s said Katz. “Now is not the time for that dis- estinian evangelical Khalil Sayegh. men wanted to stone him after the cussion.” “The Palestinian church response has been Amalekites burned Ziklag and took captive Lisa Loden, with much frustration, agrees. largely in line with our society’s polarized their wives and children. “At this stage, talking with those who hold state,” said the Philos Project fellow. “One- “David turned that frustration toward different political views is useless,” said the sided narratives only inflame people’s an- prayer,” said Birnbaum. “And ultimately, ger.” Jesus gave his life on the cross so that we FULL STORY ON - 05 Born and raised in the Gaza Strip, Sayegh acknowledges the appropriate call for jus- tice. But it is simultaneously necessary for each group to reach out to the other. Israel and Hamas will eventually reach a ceasefire. But given the ethnic strife, popu- lar wounds now run deeper than before. “If we are not comforting each other while suffering,” Sayegh said, “we won’t be any closer to a solution when the situation be- gins to improve.” Sources told CT they are doing so, but the impact has been mixed. Sayegh has experi- enced a lack of empathy from some. Ron Cantor said a Palestinian Christian pastor sent him well wishes for his birthday. But reconciliation is difficult. “We have made attempts,” said Cantor,
NEWS AND VIEWS 5 FULL STORY ON - 04 Israel and Palestine, I sympathize with you,” The Board of National Pastors and Elders in 4 co-chair of the Lausanne Initiative for Rec- she said. “As your Palestinian brothers and Israel released a statement. onciliation in Israel/Palestine (LIRIP). sisters, we are weary of enduring it.” “In light of the current situation … [of] po- “It is a time for intercession and lament. The human rights organization Adalah— larization and hatred between Arab and Jew- May the Lord have mercy on us all.” meaning justice in Arabic—counts 65 dis- ish citizens, we Israeli Jews and Arabs, who Beginning in 2010 after a similar surge in criminatory laws in Israel, roughly half of share the same faith in Jesus as Messiah Gazan missiles and deaths in 2009 strained which have been enacted since 2009. and Lord: declare that we are united in ministry in the Holy Land, LIRIP sought to For Loden, this is the main cause of the ri- brotherly love,” they stated, expressing their have honest but intense discussions about ots. agony. “With blessings and hope for quieter the different perspectives Messianic Jews Arab Israelis face inequality and an unspo- and better days.” and Palestinian evangelicals have toward ken second-class citizenship, she said. This Arab churches have conducted online prayer the conflict. was enshrined especially in the 2018 na- gatherings asking God to protect both Arab A decade later, Loden sees this relationship tion-state law that made primary the and Jewish towns. Jewish congregations nearer a breaking point rather than getting Jewishness of Israel. have asked God to intercede for both com- better. Though believers sing and pray in “The pain, anger, and sense of betrayal in munities. each other’s languages, “what was gained the Arab community has not been ad- Jamie Cowen, a Messianic Jewish lawyer, is at risk of being lost.” dressed,” Loden said. “It was buried.” said that in his congregation, the leader tes- Her LIRIP co-chair, Botrus Mansour, is a little And Christian youth are growing frustrated tified that God had changed his heart to- more optimistic. with their churches, said Salim Munayer. ward Arabs when he first became a believer. His recent interactions with Messianic Jews “Most evangelical churches have limited “For those I’m in touch with, there’s a sense have encouraged further work toward rec- their message to ‘let us pray for peace,’ and that something needs to change in the coun- onciliation. As director of operations of some claim they don’t want to get involved try,” he said, “to heal the wounds and deal Nazareth Baptist School, Mansour said joint in politics, sticking only to spiritual mat- with the Palestinian issues.” programs with Jewish schools help promote ters,” said the executive director of the For Katz, active in the peace movement, this the values of love and tolerance. Musalaha reconciliation ministry, based in will not be easy. The same atmosphere is present at Hand in Jerusalem. (He explains more on CT’s Quick Jewish settlement expansion in the West Hand School, a mixed bilingual public school to Listen podcast.) Bank has made a two-state solution nearly in Jerusalem. Parents called frantically, said “The silence is loud.” impossible. But a one-state solution will the principal, worried about the impact of Stuck in their own narratives, the youth turn present demographic problems for the Jew- clashes. to social media. There has been some in- ish state, as all Palestinians under their con- Looking outside her window, she saw the teraction between communities, and trol must be given passports and the right students playing soccer. Munayer has seen discussion of proper poli- to vote. Other youth, however, are moving the tics in view of the gospel message. “Reconciliation, equity, and respect be- wrong direction. But on the ground in mixed cities, the real- tween the sons of Abraham,” Katz said. In February, Hebrew University polled over ity does not facilitate reconciliation. The gov- “That’s a big call. But it’s what we need.” 1,000 students ages 16 to 18. Nearly half ernment, he said, has actively placed Zion- And it will not happen, said Kopp, unless of the ultra-Orthodox and religious nation- ist yeshiva students there to “Judaize” the creative solutions can be found to address alist Jews said they “hated” Arabs, and fa- neighborhoods. the core concerns of each group. God has a vored stripping their citizenship. Jack Sara, president of Bethlehem Bible Col- unique calling for both Jews and Palestin- Nearly one-quarter of secular Jews said the lege, said that the coexistence touted in ians. same. mixed cities was never built on peace and But each must give up their treasured nar- Arab Israeli students polled at 22 percent justice, only pragmatism. Reconciliation can- ratives in joint pursuit of the truth. hatred toward the religious Jews and 12 per- not be built on unequal relationships. Hamas’s indiscriminate rocket fire should cent toward secular Jews. But in March, the For example, the government invests $8,000 not be equated with Israel’s precision-seek- Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Re- per year per Arab high school student in ing self-defense, he said. But neither should search found 37 percent of all ages favored these areas, compared to $13,000 per Jew- Israel’s flawed democracy be considered armed resistance. ish student. above reproach. “The atmosphere is polluted with racism,” Sara cited Sheikh Jarrah as an example of And until consensus is found, a soccer ball said Mansour. “It starts from leaders of Is- Judaizing efforts. Like the biblical Ahab and will help. rael and goes down to the regular people.” Jezebel, Jewish settlers found a “legal” way “It’s a mundane, Sisyphean effort of tiny He urges more examination of the root to steal land. strides,” Kopp ended his sermon to his con- causes of the violence versus the current “Today, the Palestinians are calling for gregation. focus on the symptoms. ‘Elijahs’ of the world to confront ‘Ahab’ for “But it’s the only way to reduce our striving Shadia Qubti, co-producer of the Women his crimes,” said Sara. “If so, maybe he will for greatness, and end up the humble, Behind the Wall podcast, which uses repent and return what he has stolen.” peacemaking, and merciful children God storytelling to highlight the experience of But whereas Isaac called against calm in wants to see in his kingdom.” female Palestinian Christians under occu- the face of injustice, Sara—equally resolute JAYSON CASPER pation, said Palestinians have been suffer- in an open letter as Middle East coordina- Christianity Today ing from years of political incitement and tor for the World Evangelical Alliance—ap- preciates joint efforts seeking to tone down dehumanization. “If you are tired of this repetitive news from the anger.
6Meditation Pastor Shibu Thomas THE PROFIT AND THE EARNING Oklahoma, USA SET APART FOR THE LORD! The LORD detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him. (Proverbs 11: 1). God is interested and cares for the way we generate our income and the way how we transact it. Those who want to be rich in anyway do not seem to be heeding the commandments of the Lord. People do all sorts of deception in order to add houses and plots to their existing ones. The society has become the playground of cheating and betrayal. Bribery, a crucial peril, has been found infected among the people in the Yet her profit and her earnings will be set apart bureaucracy like Loranthus. Now unless we for the LORD; they will not be stored up or bribe the officers through the back doors, it hoarded. (Isaiah 23: 18) seems that nothing will happen on time. This should be changed and then only our land and our people will become good. In commercial enterprises, people get cheated and looted in weight and quality. If we look at the eagerness of the man to become rich, we will feel that they plan to stay in this universe for hundreds of years. sleep.Everyone comes naked from their mother’s Earn money according to the will of God. Spend Solomon, the wise man, said, “As goods womb,and as everyone comes, so they it in the day as per His will. Like we spend money increase, so do those who consume them. And depart.They take nothing from their toilthat they for our own needs, we should spend for the work what benefit are they to the owners except to can carry in their hands.All their days they eat in of the Lord in the world. May our earning and feast their eyes on them? The sleep of a laborer darkness,with great frustration, affliction and our spending be holy in the sight of the Lord. is sweet, whether they eat little or much, but as anger (Ecclesiastes 5: 10-20). Prayer – Lord, help me make money and spend for the rich, their abundance permits them no it with a clean heart and a clean hand!Amen!
7FULL STORY uuu FULL STORY ON - 01 animal, and that “introduction through a A report issued by House Intelligence Com- from human contact with an infected animal laboratory incident was considered to be an mittee Republicans earlier this month fo- or from a laboratory accident,” according to extremely unlikely pathway.” cused particularly on the Wuhan Institute of the president’s written statement. ‘Specific questions for China’ Virology. Biden’s unusual public disclosure about pri- Washington’s frustration has mounted in re- The Republican report asserted that “signifi- vate and inconclusive U.S. intelligence as- cent weeks over what it sees as insufficient cant circumstantial evidence raises serious sessments revealed a debate raging within cooperation from China into the international concerns that the COVID-19 outbreak may his administration over where the novel investigation. have been a leak” from the institute, sug- coronavirus originated. “I have now asked the Intelligence Commu- gested the Wuhan lab was involved in bio- It also lent credence to a theory that the vi- nity to redouble their efforts to collect and logical weapons research, and that Beijing rus may have emerged from a Chinese re- analyze information that could bring us closer had attempted to “cover up” the virus’ ori- search laboratory instead of in nature. to a definitive conclusion, and to report back gins. China’s embassy in the United States said to me in 90 days,” Biden said. Washington has called for the WHO to open late on Thursday that politicizing the issue “As part of that report, I have asked for ar- a second phase to its investigation on COVID- would hamper investigations into the origins eas of further inquiry that may be required, 19’s origin. On Wednesday in Geneva, WHO of COVID-19. including specific questions for China.” emergency director Mike Ryan said the China supports “a comprehensive study of U.S. agencies have been pursuing COVID-19’s agency expected to provide an update on its all early cases of COVID-19 found worldwide origins since the government first recognized proposed next steps “in the coming weeks.” and a thorough investigation into some se- the virus as a serious health risk in early China’s delegation to the WHO said on Tues- cretive bases and biological laboratories all 2020. day it was calling on “all parties” to “adopt over the world,” the embassy said in remarks Earlier this week, U.S. government sources an open and transparent attitude” to coop- attributed to a spokesperson, posted on its said a still-classified U.S. intelligence report erate with the WHO’s attempts to trace the website. circulated during former President Donald virus’ origin. Trump’s administration alleged that three The pandemic has killed more than 3 researchers at China’s Wuhan Institute of Property for IMMEDIATE million people worldwide and battered the Virology became so ill in November 2019 that sale global economy because of lockdowns and they sought hospital care. other restrictions to slow its spread. The source of that early intelligence or how at Kozhuvalloor, The origin of the virus remains contested reliable U.S. agencies rate it is not known. It Chengannur! among experts. remains unclear whether the afflicted re- The first known cases emerged in the cen- searchers were hospitalized or what their House plot (30 cents) for sale in tral Chinese city of Wuhan in December symptoms were, one of the sources said. Kozhuvalloor, 10 minutes’ drive (7 2019. Intelligence committees of both the U.S. Sen- kilometers) from Chengannurtown. In a report issued in March and written jointly ate and House of Representatives are inves- Original land with well water, that with Chinese scientists, a World Health Or- tigating how U.S. agencies have reported on ganization-led team that spent four weeks and gathered information about COVID-19’s never runs dry even in summer. in and around Wuhan in January and Febru- origin, how it spread and how governments Frontage (30 ft.) Panchayath Road. ary said the virus had probably been trans- have responded to it. mitted from bats to humans through another No flood area. Suitable for residential and business needs. Very You are cordially invited to send submissions to The End Time News close to all amenities including magazine, including articles, short stories, schools, colleges, professional colleges, banks, temples, churches, government offices etc. Property of Pastor’s family. Anyone interested, please contact Mr. A J John at +91 9745862898 or 04722898033. Email – [email protected]. poems, cartoons, etc. If you would like to Submissions Invited contribute, please contact us at our email address : [email protected]
8Fullstory FULL STORY ON - 01 FULL STORY ON - 01 even technically in a situation of war and Moha A.G. Agraz, a Tin-Akoff native, was shelters that will protect Israeli civilians from [there have] been more rockets over Tel Aviv, quoted as saying. the attacks. Jerusalem than ever before in the history of The al-Qaeda and Islamic State terror groups The International Fellowship of Christians Israel,” Eckstein detailed. have been launching attacks in West Africa and Jews [The Fellowship] placed 13 mobile “And so, I guess what makes this unique is since January, but no group has claimed re- bomb shelters in the heavily bombarded city just the range that Hamas terrorists are able sponsibility for the latest attack. of Ashkelon last Wednesday, along with to [reach]. The amount of people who are in Last May, 58 people, including children, were several other mobile shelters throughout the their bomb shelters who have never [had] to killed within 24 hours in three separate at- week, to protect from Hamas terrorist missile get in their bomb shelters before and the tacks in the provinces of Loroum, Kompienga fire. ongoing barrages that are targeting civilians and Sanmatenga by armed Islamic militants The Fellowship also provided security staff and not specifically military or IDF bases.” who were targeting Christians, the U.K.-based in Ashkelon, a coastal southern Israel city, The Fellowship has operated on the Gaza aid agency Barnabus Fund reported at the with 25 protective vests. Strip for 15 years to prepare for emergencies time. The Fellowship, a leading nonprofit founded through building bomb shelters, providing Burkina Faso, one of the most impoverished in 1983 that bridges the gap between secure trauma centers and protective vests. countries in the world, has been fighting American evangelicals and Jews by providing But the attacks of the past couple of weeks armed groups with links to al-Qaeda and the humanitarian aid to Israel and Jewish people, have affected more Israeli civilians than ever Islamic State for about five years. has placed nearly 3,000 bomb shelters in before, according to Eckstein. Since 2016, extremist groups including the Israel to date. She said seeing the support millions of Islamic State West Africa Province and The support of American Christians who Christians have shown for Israel, despite the Ansaroul Islam have carried out hundreds of desire to see Israel protected has allowed media’s often misleading narrative, is attacks throughout the Sahel region of West thousands of permanent or mobile bomb encouraging. “What’s inspiring to me Africa. But attacks increased in 2019 — shelters to “truly provide security and safety personally is to see the millions of Christians deaths rose from 80 in 2016 to 1,800 in 2019. from these rocket attacks to the people of who, despite the media totally misportraying “Attacks on both Muslim and Christian Israel.””It’s mostly on behalf of Christians in what is happening, they see through it and houses of worship and religious leaders have America who want to provide that shelter continue to stand with Israel and be Israel’s spiked as jihadist and other militia groups and protection just as the Bible says to be most vocal supporters,” Eckstein said.”And expand their area of influence throughout the the watchmen on the walls [of Jerusalem],” for Christians, obviously, who stand for life, country,” the U.S. Commission on Interna- The Fellowship CEO Yael Eckstein, whose who stand against killing, who have these tional Religious Freedom said in a report last father founded the organization, told The very, very strong values of freedom, to see year. “The government is struggling to rein Christian Post. how they recognize there’s one side in the violence, and poor performance and Despite the pandemic and subdued terror defending themselves and one side waging misconduct by government-affiliated forces activity during 2020, The Fellowship war and targeting civilians, for me is just the are exacerbating the situation.” continued to prepare for future conflicts in most encouraging thing. ...”She said millions “Analysts posit that the selection of religious Israel and successfully placed 59 permanent of Christians are going against the targets, even by fighters with jihadist-affili- and mobile bomb shelters and 1,000 “mainstream opinion” because they ated armed groups, may not always be reli- protective vests in the past 18 months. understand that “Israel stands for freedom.” giously motivated. Attacks against religious Factories can produce a mobile bomb shelter Eckstein explained how Israel is surrounded leaders and houses of worship resemble in six days, she said. And in times of conflict, by enemies that seek its destruction though other attacks on local authorities and sym- these shelters can be purchased and placed it is peace-seeking and has never provoked bols of foreign influence, as these groups in “key, strategic, vulnerable locations [under a war in its history since 1948. “Israel yearns attempt to establish control over certain ar- rocket fire].” for peace,” she stated. “Israel does not want eas for political and economic gain,” the re- Especially in the last week, Israel is aware war. Israel doesn’t want to kill anyone. Israel port added. of the constant threat of attack from wants to make sure that its citizens are safe. USCIRF explained that many jihadists fled to enemies surrounding the small Middle …”Eckstein stated that while Israel is building the border region of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Eastern country of about 9 million people. bomb shelters to protect its civilians, the Niger, where they regrouped after the French “Every night before we go to sleep and say designated terrorist group Hamas uses defeat of insurgents and jihadists in north- the bedtime prayers to ask God to watch over women and children for shields and will build ern Mali in 2012 and 2013. “Since 2016, both us, we’re giving our plans for if there’s a its weapons factories under schools and al-Qaeda and Islamic State affiliates have [bomb] siren — who is going to grab who to hospitals. expanded their reach deep into the Burkinabe go down to the shelters,” the mother of four In reference to former Israeli Prime Minister territory, aggravating other local tensions and shared. Golda Meir’s quote, Eckstein said, “the day triggering a security crisis.” “Things have definitely changed, and it’s a that our enemies love their children more Jihadist violence has spread from the constant balance between making sure our than they hate us is the day there will be country’s north to the western Boucle du children are aware and that you’re honest peace.””[Israel] is really this beacon of light Mouhoun region where rice and maize are with them and that they’re aware of the and Judeo-Christian values, just like America produced and transported to other areas, threats and aware of where the closest bomb stands for with the same democratic process, resulting in a food shortage and might cut shelter is.” same value for life and freedom,” she said. off food for millions more in the region, The She said it is challenging to find the balance “And one of the hardest things is being Associated Press reported earlier. of not being afraid and trusting in God’s surrounded by terrorists … who have no value It is feared that the COVID-19 pandemic protection while knowing individuals who for life.””If the Arabs would put down their might exacerbate the situation at a time have been killed in war and terror in Israel. arms, there would be no more war,” she when 2 million people in the country are al- “What’s really unique and unprecedented continued. “If Israel would put down their ready facing food insecurity. about this situation now is that we’re not arms, there would be no more Israel.”
Sparkling Wisdom! 9 FULL STORY ON - 02 Sparkling Wisdom! example of showing an unbeliever v.If you are too busy to pray, you are busier than God wants you to be. what true discipleship costs, but this type of personal evangelism is rare – Wanda E. Brunstetter today. Jesus was not interested in what has come to be known as “easy v. What you are is God’s gift to you, what you believism.” Some modern methods of personal evangelism are so become is your gift to God. – Hans urs von Balthasar mechanical that salvation is presented almost as a business v. Focus on giants – you stumble. Focus on God – arrangement: “Plug in this sinner’s prayer and surprise! Eternal life!” This Giants tumble. – Max Lucado presentation may result in many responses, but is that real salvation? v. We fear men so much, because we fear God so Paul exemplified effective personal evangelism. After his radical little. – William Gurnall conversion to Christ (Acts 9), Paul’s entire life changed. His new life motto v. We may have done what the devil said we did, but was encapsulated in these words from Galatians 2:20: “I have been we are NOT who the devil says we are! – April crucified with Christ and I no longer Cofield Essix live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in v. If you measure your life by what you own, the the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Paul lived cavern of your heart will never be filled. – James D. evangelism. Everything he did was Maxon for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). He sought ways to impart v. Freedom is not doing what we want, but what we truth everywhere he went, in every cultural context (1 Corinthians 9:20– should. – Victor Manuel Rivera 22). The other apostles practiced personal evangelism in the same way. v. Jesus first, others next, and yourself last spells J-O-Y. At times, they gained massive responses, and churches were – Linda Byler started on the spot (Acts 9:35, 42; 11:24). Other times, the first v. What the world neglects, the Lord accepts. – Christians were mocked, beaten, jailed, or run out of town (2 Deborah Brodie Corinthians 11:34–35; Acts 16:22– 23). So even the best methods of v. There is no greater reward in this life than having personal evangelism won’t always produce converts. your family together, loving one Personal evangelism is the act of a another, and serving God. – person sharing the gospel with DrendaKeesee another. There are many different methods of personal evangelism, but Abigail Thyvilayil John Not every method is effective or biblically supportable; according to Bible Teacher Dr. John MacArthur, “Jesus would have failed personal
10News ‘NOT SUITABLE FOR LIVING’: GAZA'S CHRISTIAN POPULATION DWINDLES AMID HAMAS RULE, JOB STRUGGLES As much global attention has been focused Bank in search of a great difficulties,” George added. “Our con- this month on Israel and Hamas, the violence better life, he ditions are no longer the same, and there are may have caused Gaza's once-thriving Chris- says.\"Since 2006, some harassment by the Hamas government, tian population to further dwindle as thou- we have been suf- in addition to the difficulty of moving to the sands of Christians in the region have fled fering from both West Bank at Christmas. So we did not enjoy poor economic conditions and discrimination problems. We have freedom and comfort in the Gaza Strip; There- over the last 15 years. not obtained a job fore, immigration is our highest Many don’t know that Gaza has its own Chris- opportunity due to aspiration.”\"Our stay in Gaza is a duty for us tian community, and the history of the pres- the difficult eco- because we come from this country,” he ence of Christians in the Gaza Strip goes back nomic conditions in added. “And despite that, we no longer tol- to the beginnings of the Roman state's per- Gaza, because of erate more than that, and we tried to accept secution of followers of the new religion. It the ongoing war in this reality, but to no avail. The situation in was one of the areas Romans visited before the Gaza Strip, Gaza will not change and will worsen if the the conversion of Emperor Constantine to Fatah–Hamas con- Palestinian reconciliation is not imple- Christianity and the adoption of the Roman mented. This is another reason makes me Empire’s official religion at the beginning of flict, as well as discrimination in The Gaza think of immigration to a European country, the fourth century A.D. Strip, is between Muslims and Christians by in search of freedom and a decent life.” Despite this authentic historical presence of the Islamists,\" he said in an interview with Abu George explains that, at first, he rejected Christians in this region, their numbers have The Christian Post. the idea of immigration. He said many of his gradually decreased, especially since 2006, Earlier this month, the Hamas-controlled friends and Christian relatives left several after internal and external circumstances Gaza Strip began firing missiles toward Is- years ago.Although he wanted to stay in the colluded. Since the takeover of the Gaza Strip rael after clashes between Jews and Arabs Gaza Strip, when they told him about the dif- in 2007, Christians and others have been sub- in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusa- ference between Gaza and life outside its ject to restrictions of Hamas and the Islamic lem. This led to an air response from Israel borders, he reconsidered and became deter- Jihad Movement. Today, estimates suggest Defense Forces, which pummelled the Gaza mined to immigrate. that only about 1,000 Christians remain in Strip with airstrikes that have led to the dis- Dangerous indications the Gaza Strip. placement of thousands from their homes. A A Greek Orthodox Church priest in Gaza, Christians in the Gaza Strip today are divided ceasefire was reportedly reached Friday. whose name is withheld to protect his iden- into three sections. There are Christians from The losers of this conflict are only the civil- tity, agrees that \"the economic conditions in the original inhabitants of Gaza, who have ians who will be subjected to various types the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian conflict be- inhabited it since ancient times, and others of abuse, especially in the Gaza Strip. tween Fatah and Hamas and the harassment immigrated to it after Israel declared its in- The Islamic Jihad Movement and Hamas both by the Hamas government are the most im- dependence in 1948. And the third group were receive hundreds of millions of dollars in portant reasons that prompted Christians in those who were abroad and came in 1994 support from Qatar and Iran. The civilians in the Gaza Strip to think about immigration.” with the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat Gaza, including Christians, are persecuted in “It was not suitable to live, so they wanted and are still there today. the Gaza Strip by the authorities of Hamas. to search for a better life,” He warned that Khalil Hassan, 25 years old, is a Christian who Why do Christians leave their lands? the continuous migration of Christians from has lived in the Gaza Strip since his birth. Over the years, many Christians of Gaza have the Gaza Strip and their orientation to live in But he left the area four years ago, accom- left their lands and migrated to other parts European countries and the West Bank \"is a panied by his family. He went to the West of the country and world.“With the beginning dangerous indicator that affects the Chris- of each year, we expected conditions to im- tian presence in the strip.”“By immigration, prove and to live in dignity. But to no avail. which means that there will be no new gen- So we were surprised by new crises that are erations of Christians in Gaza,” he feared. more severe than the previous ones, such as \"Perhaps among the reasons that pushed the increase in unemployment rates, the lack Christians to leave the Gaza Strip is that holi- of work opportunities and the continuous days are limited to religious rituals in the blackout,” Hassan said. church only and that public places and parks [have no celebrations], as was done in the As for the 46-year-old Christian resident of past during the era of the Palestinian Author- Gaza Abu George, who preferred not to re- ity before the Hamas-Fatah conflict. So the veal his full name, he dreams of leaving the celebrations were spread all over the strip Gaza Strip and heading to a European coun- by that time and were lit Christmas trees and try to live away from the conditions of Gaza, wandering the streets with big celebrations. which he described as \"not suitable for But now the situation has changed.” living.\"\"Since 2006, we have been facing
11News TURKISH CHURCH ATTACKED, DESECRATED IN VILLAGE WHERE PRIEST’S PARENTS WERE KIDNAPPED A Turkish church in the same village where the attackers.”My main parents of a Catholic Chaldean priest were concern, for the time abducted last year has been attacked and being, is to get the desecrated, according to a report. prosecutor to open a Unidentified people destroyed crosses, case against the pictures of Jesus and rosaries at Marta Shimoni perpetrators in the Church, a cave church in the mountainous abduction of the Diril village of Mehre in Turkey’s southeastern couple, which ended Sýrnak province, last Tuesday, the U.S.-based with the murder of Mrs. persecution watchdog group International Diril,” the attorney was Christian Concern reported. quoted as saying.”I Video footage ICC obtained shows that the have delivered more destruction was primarily against the Christian than a dozen petitions items and relics inside the church, ICC said.The to the prosecutor so far, group explained that the church is “built into the mountains, and thus cannot be destroyed to urge him to look at the matter from different angles, as well as calling him to deliver his in the same way as other churches.” indictment as soon as possible,” he continued.”Unfortunately, I could not have any positive Last January, suspected Kurdish militants result yet. I believe there is a strong correlation between the lack of indictment in this case and kidnapped elderly Turkish Christians the recent attack against the chapel in the village in which the Diril couple went missing. The HurmüzDiril and his wife, ªimuniDiril, from the prosecutor’s refusal to introduce an indictment against the perpetrators emboldens the same village. On March 20, ªimuni’s son found perpetrators and the people behind them,” he added. her dead and dismembered in a river. Hurmüz’s The lawyer believes there could be “links between this attack and the kidnapping of the Diril fate remains unknown, and the government couple.” He warned that if the impunity in the case of the abduction and killing of the Diril has not found the killers. couple continues, “more attacks would follow.” The pair’s son, Fr. AddayRamziDiril, serves as a The Sýrnak province borders both Iraq and Syria and Mehre is a historically Assyrian Christian Catholic priest, ministering to thousands of village that has often been victimized by ongoing conflicts. Iraqi refugees who live in Turkey. ICC had earlier said that the couple’s abduction was carried out by PKK members, also known as A close relative of the Diril couple told ICC, “It the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. Turkey considers the PKK to be a terrorist group. is obvious that the people who did this are very The village was evacuated in 1989 and 1992 because of conflict between the PKK and the Turkish uncomfortable with our presence on our lands Army. and with our beliefs. This assault of our presence in the village is an indication that Turkey has a long history of Christian persecution, and its government still refuses to admit that somebody is disturbed, and they do not want the Ottoman Turks committed genocide of Christian Armenians in 1915. us here.”The relative said the family suspects Turkey is 99% Muslim, according to its own statistics. Although its constitution provides for that the attack “was linked to the murder and freedom of religion, the government uses regulations that demand the registration of religious disappearance of my parents.” groups to make it more difficult to practice non-Islamic faiths. Hatred toward Christians and The lawyer for the Diril family, Orhan Kemal Jews in the country often leads to discrimination, stigmatization and attacks. Cengiz, also spoke to ICC about the attack on Last July, Turkish President RecepTayyip Erdogan turned the Hagia Sophia, an ancient Christian the church, saying the unsolved case of the cathedral, from a museum into a mosque, undoing its transformation in 1934 from a mosque to Dirils might have emboldened the a cathedral. You are cordially invited to send submissions to The End Time News magazine, including articles, short stories, poems, cartoons, etc. If you would like to contribute, please contact us at our email address : [email protected]
12News CHRISTIANS ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE HOLY LAND: PALESTIN- throughout the Middle East, during a meeting IAN FOREIGN MINISTER RIYADH MALIKI with him at the Vatican. \"With the Holy See\" the Minister tells Fides \"we want to stress the Rome - When you say that Palestine is the Holy they should be over-repre- importance of our bilateral relations, to tell Land, \"you cannot talk about the Holy land sented in the parliamentary them about about the situation in Jerusalem, without Christians\", and Palestinian assembly\". where there is an increased tendency to at- Authorites consider Palestinian Christians as tack mosques and churches and to prevent an \"integral, essential and solid part of the When you say that both Muslims and Christians from having ac- Palestinian people, it doesn 't matter what the Palestine is the holy land, cess to their holy places and participate in percentage of Christians is in Palestine\", em- you cannot talk about the mass and prayers\". He also touched other is- phasizes Riyad al Maliki, Minister of Foreign Holy land without Chris- sues with Archbishop Gallagher al Maliki, in- Affairs of the State of Palestine, enumerating tians\". In fact, in Palestinian cluding \"this phenomena of evangelism in this regard also some institutional measures society there have also re- spreading all over the world\", a phenomena ordered by the Palestinian Authority with the cently been signs of intoler- that \"really should worry the Catholic Church aim of countering the progressive numerical ance towards Christians. In but it worries us as Palestinians, because the erosion of the Christian component of Pales- December the Palestinian Is- evangelists are having anti- Palestinian ten- tinian society. \"We\" - Minister al Maliki ex- lamist Party Hamas had in- dency\". Al Maliki's visit to Rome took place in plains in an exclusive interview to Agenzia structed Muslims to limit the context of a European tour carried out by Fides \"don't see Christians as a different com- their \"interaction\" with the Palestinian Minister to meet, among oth- munity. They were in Palestine before the Christian Christmas celebra- ers, the Russian foreign Minister Muslims. Therefore if we talk about seniority, tions, in the Gaza Strip. \"This SergheiLaveov and the Italian foreign Minis- they have priority over Muslims in Palestine\". kind of approach\" remarked categorically Min- ter Luigi Di Maio. The intent was to verify The representative of the Palestinian govern- ister al Maliki, \"is something we do not accept what European institutions and countries can ment also traces the decision to increase the because it is not part of our culture, tradition, do \"in order to push Israel to allow us to hold minimum quota of seats reserved for Chris- our history ... and this is why so many reli- elections in Jerusalem, not only in west bank tian citizens in the future Parliament of Pal- gious and non-religious leaders have ex- and Gaza but also in Jerusalem. estine from 5 to 7 (out of a total of 132): \"Chris- pressed dissent from that pronouncement in tians\", Al Maliki explains, \"are a solid part of other parts of Palestine, and Hamas eventu- The Palestinian Authority were forced the Palestinian People. Even if they represent ally withdrew it… What is important to us\" adds to postpone the elections because Israel did less than 7%, they should get minimum 7% in the Minister \"is what President Mahmud not respond to their request to do it in Jerusa- order to show that we want Christians who Abbas does. He is personally attends the lem. The foreign Ministers of the European emigrated back. This is why it was decided that Christmas midnight mass, he is a Muslim. What Union are having a meeting on Monday \"and the President does, should reflect what Pal- we also want the countries to raise the issue estine should do. Our message is brother- in the meeting in order to collectively pres- hood, coexistence, we are the same family, sure Israel so it allows us to hold elections in one is Muslim and one is Christian. One can- Jerusalem\". There have been no elections for not play with the composition of the Pales- 15 years, and some observers say Palestinian tinian society. For us\" continues the Palestin- Authorities could find an alternative solution. ian Government Representative \"Christianity \"Jerusalem\" Minister Maliki responds to these is an essential component. That's why we have comment \"is located in Jerusalem, it is not in a presidential decree that the mayor of Ramallah ... voting there means voting there. Bethlehem has to be always Christian .... the It is not a technical issue, it is connected with mayor of Ramallah has to be always Christian, the issue of the status of Jerusalem, as a part and the same is for Beit Sahour, and Beit Jala of the occupied Palestinian territory. I have ... it doesn't matter what the percentage of heard: why don't you hold elections in consu- Christians in such cities, we want them to stay lates, or in embassies or in UN offices ... or as Christians\". even in churches or mosques… but this\" con- Minister al Maliki was able to speak tinues the Minister \"is not acceptable. The on Thursday, May 6 with Archbishop Gallagher whole issue of elections is about Jerusalem. on the condition of Christians in Palestine and To go towards elections without Jerusalem, it is like accepting what Trump said. Jerusalem is an eternal and undivided Capital of Israel. It's a political issue. It's not technical. We have postponed the elections for 15 years, we can do that more for 1, 2, 3 months but you can't give up on the Jerusalem issue\". In the previ- ous elections, the Minister recalls, Palestin- ian polling stations were also opened in East Jerusalem, because \"there is an agreement signed in 1995 in Washington, and in that agreement Israel accepts that Palestinian carry out elections on all Palestinian territory including Jerusalem. Then, the Israelites heard what Trump told them, and now they say that if they allow the elections to take place in Jerusalem they are giving up that part of east Jerusalem to the Palestinians. The name is elections, but in reality the real issue is about Jerusalem\".
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