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Published by The Endtime News, 2021-12-10 18:38:16


Keywords: newsletter, news paper, christian news, religious news, endtime news, endtime radio


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OCTOBER 2021 4 45 14 State Government in India Orders Colombian nun Investigation into All Christian Missionaries released in Mali after four years in captivity uuu FULL STORY ON - 07 India (International Christian Concern) – Ac- committee also discussed withdrawing gov- Resolution in Texas to cording to the International Business Times, ernment benefits from individuals who con- declare the Holy Bible the government in India’s Karnataka state as vert from Hinduism to Christianity. as the official book ordered officers to investigate both official In recent weeks, BJP members of the and non-official Christian missionaries. The order comes as Karnataka prepares to enact Karnataka government have made state- an anti-conversion law that would regulate religious conversions and criminalize forced ments supporting the enactment of an anti- religious conversions. conversion lawu. uAcucording to these politi- The decision to investigate Christian missionaries was taken during a meeting on cians, conversions to Christianity in Wednesday by the Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Committee. Several state Karnataka have gotten out of control and a legislators, including BJP MLA Goolihatti Shekar, took part in the meeting. Shekar re- law must be brought to regulate conversions portedly advocated for the registration of Christian missionaries and claimed that 40% and punish forced conversions. of churches in Karnataka are unofficial and not recognized by the state. “The government is studying laws imple- In addition to these actions, members of the mented in this regard by the various state AUSTIN — A Texas lawmaker filed a resolu- Abducted Christian Killed tion Wednesday to designate the Bible as During Rescue Mission governments in the country,” Chief Minister FULL STORY ON - 05 Basavaraj Bommai, said. “The law in this the official state Nigeria (International Christian Concern) regard will be enacted soon in Karnataka.” book The resolu- Apple Bows to – According to Morning Star News, 78-Year- Communist China, old Julius Oshadumo was killed on Satur- Shekar raised the issue of religious conver- tion, filed by State Removes Koran App ;Bible App sions on the floor of the Assembly during the Rep. Glenn Withdrawn Monsoon Session, claiming his mother con- Rogers, explained verted to Christianity without his knowledge. the Bible has Earlier this week, Shekar reported to the served as a source media that his mother participated in a ‘Ghar of “wisdom and Wapsi’ program and converted back to Hin- inspiration” for duism. FULL STORY ON - 07 FULL STORY ON - 05 \"Apple has taken down FULL STORY ON - one of the most popu- lar Koran apps in China, following a re- quest from officials,\" reported the BBC. Pastor Arrested, Falsely Accused of In addition, the popu- lar Olive Tree Bible app Forcefully Converting Hindus withdrew its app from FULL STORY ON - 05

2Editorial FEAR OF THE LORD AND OBEDIENCE What does it mean by “the fear of the for Abraham. He saddled his donkey and he Rev. Manuel Joseph Th.M. Lord”? Does it only mean “reverence to split the wood. Though he had plenty of God” as popular views hold? It is not so! servants to do this for him, Abraham did it Sub-editor, End-Time News The Fear of the Lord demands activities himself, even in his old age. Then Abraham that go beyond just reverence towards went right to the spot which God had told Abraham came God. It leads to obedience! him. He did this even though it would have to the place We examine a case from Genesis 22 been easier in Abraham’s eyes if God had where Abraham is asked to offer his son asked Abraham to lay his own life down on the third day. Isaac in the mount of Moriah. Signifi- instead of the life of his son Isaac. The region of cantly, God called Isaac ”your only son Abraham came to the place on the third Isaac”, when in fact Abraham had another day. The region of Moriah is associated Moriah is associ- son, Ishmael. Since Ishmael was put away with Mount Moriah, which is modern-day ated with from Abraham’s family (Genesis 21:8-14), Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 3:1). He made all as far as God’s covenant was concerned, the arrangements for the offering and he Mount Moriah, Abraham had only one son.God told bound Isaac on the altar. Then “Abraham which is mod- Abraham to offer him as a burnt offering. ern-day Jerusa- This was not an offering that was burned stretched out his hand alive, but one with the life first taken by and took the knife to slay lem (2 sacrifice and then the body completely his son. But the Angel of Chronicles 3:1). burnt before the Lord. the LORD called to him So Abraham rose early: There is no sign from heaven and said, FULL STORY ON - 04 of hesitation on Abraham’s part. “Abraham, Abraham!” So Abraham rose early in the morning to do he said, “Here I am.” And this. It must have been a sleepless night He said, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now, EDITORIAL BOARD MANAGER ADVISORY BOARD CHIEF EDITOR Bovas Sreekaryam Pastor Shibu Thomas USA Pastor Asokan Eranakulam Baiju Yacob Edavila USA CO-ORDINATORS M.Jacob Trivandrum SUB EDITORS John Francis (Dallas) Br.Syam USA Manuel Joseph 125 Daniel Jacob Sis.Saritha Wheat land,6920.S. manin st Sis.Simi Oklahoma EDITORS box zip code-73097 Sis.Lesley Yacob PH-(405) 745-786(H) Pastor A Anilkumar Mob-001(405)778-4341(Whats app) Rev. Joseph Chacko REPORTERS Sis.Sherly Miniesh Kumar(Baharin) Pastor Stephen Disclaimer The views expressed in this online newspaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of HSM End Time News. The online newspaper will not bear any responsibility whatsoever for them. The images used in the newspaper have been downloaded from the Internet and we acknowledge that the copyright of those images remain with the original owners. HSM End Time News does not claim any copyright for them and does not intend to use them for commercial purposes.

FEATURE!! 3 FEATURE!! Five Bible Verses to Remember When You’re Overwhelmed by the News Social media can be great; it complex, and sometimes even scary things, to simply do the next right information, left with only a small thing in front of us, and take our provides a bridge to people with arsenal of often unhelpful options: burdens to the Lord in prayer. whom we might otherwise rarely — reacting rather than acting, repress- if ever — connect. As believers, it ing rather than expressing and pro- The 20th century pastor and author can also give us access to specific cessing, and retreating or isolating A.W. Tozer once wrote, “Sometimes, details, so that our prayers can be instead of pressing in and adapting. when we get overwhelmed, we more attuned to the myriad needs forget how big God is.” What a that exist in the world. But if ever Human beings weren’t designed to profound truth, particularly in the there was a double-edged sword, take in so much information, particu- social media age. this is it. larly when there is little immediate action we can take to address it. Below are five Bible passages to There is all kinds of research show- There’s no doubt in social media’s keep in mind as you use social ing social media use is inextricably usefulness, but we have to learn to media: linked to increases in depression master it so it doesn’t master us, and anxiety. It ’s no wonder: we’re and that starts with setting bound- PHILIPPIANS 4:6 trying to force a round peg into a aries, such as taking time away from square hole. As image bearers of it all, limiting who we follow, and “Do not be anxious about anything, God, we are designed to be co- remembering we don’t always have but in every situation, by prayer and creators through communication, to engage, and focusing on our pur- petition, with thanksgiving, present but social media is a poor tool for pose, which is to glorify God in all that. Rather than establishing space to create, social media calls upon our worst instincts: to react, repress, and retreat. We are unendingly assailed by the churn of social media, constantly bombarded with discouraging, FULL STORY ON - 08

E-TRACTS 4 uuu FULL STORY ON - 02 E-TRACTS GETING OUT OF THE WAY I know that you fear God, since you have OF GOD'S PROMISES not withheld your son, your only son, from Me (Genesis 22; 10-14). The Angel of the Geting Out of the Way of God's Promises Lord confirmed that the act of Abraham One could reason that God might, at least, give the church a little worldly power. that day was a testimony of his “fear of God” as it was said…I know that you fear For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God”. God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who Fearing God should result in obedience to Him. Those who do not obey do not have believe” (1 Cor 1:21). any fear of God. Amen! It is an outright scandal that God, in all the power thereof, has flat out turned Property for the divine nose up at power. At least as the world defines it. As shocking as that IMMEDIATE sale is, it is an even greater shock that God has also refused to give the church au- at Kozhuvalloor, Chengannur! thority to exercise any of that power, either. House plot (30 cents) for sale in Yes, God’s ways may not be our own. But one could reason that God might, at Kozhuvalloor, 10 minutes’ drive (7 least, give the church a little worldly power. After all, the church is God’s chosen kilometers) from Chengannurtown. instrument here on earth. And as anyone living on this side of eternity knows, a Original land with well water, that little power goes a long way. A show of grandeur could do the church a bunch of never runs dry even in summer. good. Frontage (30 ft.) Panchayath Road. Such logic, while reasonable, is unfounded. God’s eschewal of all that the world No flood area. Suitable for considers powerful runs deep. In fact, this upside-down operation is confessed residential and business needs. Very each week in the Apostles’ Creed. It is none other than Jesus Christ who sits at God’s right hand. In other words, God gets things done by the Son who flexes his close to all amenities including muscles on the cross. It is in weakness and death that God’s power shows most schools, colleges, professional colleges, banks, temples, churches, clearly. And this is no less true on earth as it is in heaven. government offices etc. Property of Pastor’s family. Anyone interested, I will grant you, theoretically, we can wrap our minds around this notion. The please contact Mr. A J John at +91 truth, though, is that none of us will ever stake our lives on it. At least, not of 9745862898 or 04722898033. Email – [email protected]. our own volition. Submissions Invited Nowhere is this demonstrated more plainly than the knots church leaders tie themselves up in. While the crucified savior may be the only power God has You are cordially invited given the church, all too often, the church’s stewards think they can do better to send submissions to with a show of worldly power. The secular shrug these antics tend to evoke ought to disabuse clerical CEOs out of such nonsense. But the temptation to The End Time News prove one's merits by the world’s standards doesn’t go away easily. Not even in magazine, including articles, short stories, the church. poems, cartoons, etc. If Unfortunately, though, worldly indifference is not the worst seed to be sown by you would like to such aggrandizing. While it may be easy to understand why someone would be contribute, please contact tempted to gin up the church’s operation, the impact of these escapades is a bit us at our email address : more ambiguous. An ecclesial spectacle may dazzle for the moment. In the end, [email protected] though, doubt is all that’s left in their wake.

5News Pastor Arrested, Falsely Accused of Forcefully Converting Hindus India (International Christian Concern) –Ac- have never offered money to convert people.” harassment due to the false accusation of cording to Asia News, a Pentecostal pastor In states where anti-conversion laws are en- forced conversions. was arrested on Tuesday after distributing acted, including Himachal Pradesh, they are In 2020, the religious freedom situation in evangelical pamphlets and Bibles in Lalas widely used to spread disinformation about India deteriorated to such a degree that the village, Himachal Pradesh. minorities and provide legal cover for radi- United States Commission on International Pastor John, accompanied by two Christian cal Hindu nationalists and their activities. Religious Freedom (USCIRF) recommended brothers, was confronted by a group of Hindu Christian leaders and evangelists are often India be designated a Country of Particular nationalists who ordered him to stop the dis- falsely accused of forcefully converting indi- Concern (“CPC”), a designation reserved for tribution process. They then accused the trio viduals to Christianity to justify harassment the world’s worst violators of religious free- of forced conversion activities, including giv- and assault. Local police often overlook this dom. ing people money in exchange for their con- version. naira ($24,315) for his release. When his China's App Store, and said Apple had ad- Pastor John pleaded not guilty, stating: “I only family replied that they could only raise 2 vised it to contact the Cyberspace Adminis- offered the Bible, and I gave it to those who million naira ($4,863), they refused to release tration of China (CAC).\"\"According to Apple, freely accepted the Good News. Some people him. our app Quran Majeed has been removed rejected the gospel I was giving them, and I from the China App Store because it includes didn’t insist.” FULL STORY ON -01 content that is illegal in China as determined He continued, “I am even willing to offer the by the CAC, which is not in compliance with Bible, which is the Word of God, to the po- China after its maker was told by Apple it the App Store Review Guidelines,\" Hasan lice. What we do is share the Good News had \"to provide a permit demonstrating our Shafiq Ahmed, head of growth at Pakistan with people, tell them about Jesus, but with- authorization to distribute an app with book Data Management, told Insider. out forcing anyone to convert. The accusa- or magazine content in mainland China.\" \"We are trying to get in touch with CAC and tions made against me are totally false: I The Koran app is called \"Koran Majeed,\" and relevant Chinese authorities to get this is- is used by 35 million people worldwide. sue resolved as we had close to a million FULL STORY ON -01 According to the BBC, Koran Majeed was re- users for our app in China that have been moved for allegedly \"hosting illegal religious impacted,\" said Ahmed. day during an attempted rescue mission in texts,\" i.e., The Koran.The Communist Chi- In May of this year, The New York Times re- Kogi state. nese government did not respond to the BBC ported, \"Apple proactively removes apps to Oshodumo and two other Christians were when asked for comment. However, Apple placate Chinese officials. Apple has created being held by militant Fulani herdsmen, who directed the BBC to its human rights policy, an internal bureaucracy that rejects or re- kidnapped them on September 19th while which states, \"We're required to comply with moves apps the company believes could run they were at church. local laws, and at times there are complex afoul of Chinese rules. Apple trains its app Nigerian security forces attempted to save issues about which we may disagree with reviewers and uses special software to in- the three Christians by storming the enclave governments and other stakeholders on the spect apps for any mention of topics Apple in which they were being held. One of the right path forward. \" has deemed off limits in China, including abducted Christians was shot multiple times \"Apple told the BBC that Chinese officials Tiananmen Square, the Chinese spiritual and is now receiving hospital treatment. The had said the apps [Koran and Olive Tree movement Falun Gong, the Dalai Lama, and other remains in captivity, according to po- Bible] breached laws on hosting illegal reli- independence for Tibet and Taiwan.\" \"Since lice. gious texts,\" reported Business Insider. 2017, roughly 55,000 active apps have dis- During the September 19th attack, militant Business Insider further reported, \"The de- Fulani stormed the Evangelical Church Win- veloper of the Quran Majeed app confirmed FULL STORY ON - 09 ning All church in Okedayo-Kabba, killing to Insider the app had been removed from church member Reuben Gbenga, 45, and se- riously wounding Oshadumo’s wife. “There were six armed herdsmen who stormed the church while I was conducting the call to worship, and they were shooting randomly,” Pastor Atayi said in a text mes- sage to Morning Star News. “They disrupted the worship service as members of the church scampered to escape.” According to Oshadumo’s wife, the Fulani militants demanded a ransom of 10 million


7FULL STORY FULL STORY ON - 01 Colombian nun released in Mali after four years in captivity A Colombian nun who was abducted in 2017 by several intelligence services,” the presi- Group to Support Islam and Muslims (GSIM), by fighters in Mali has been freed. dency said in a statement. the largest alliance of armed groups in the Gloria Cecilia Narvaez was released on Sat- A source close to the negotiations to release Sahel, had kidnapped him. urday after more than four years in captivity. her told the AFP news agency that the nun Gunmen abducted three Chinese nationals She was kidnapped by the Macina Liberation had not been ill-treated during her captivity, and two Mauritanians from a construction Front, an al-Qaeda-linked group, in February during which she had learned the Quran. site in southwestern Mali in July. 2017 near the border with Burkina Faso. “The negotiations lasted months, years,” Following her release, Narvaez met with said the source, without giving further de- Submissions Invited Mali’s interim President Assimi Goita.“I first tails. thank God, who is the light and the peace, I In Colombia, National Police Director Jorge You are cordially invited to send thank the Malian authorities, the president Luis Vargas welcomed news of Narvaez’s re- submissions to The End Time News for all the efforts made so that I am free,” lease. magazine, including articles, short stories, she said in a brief statement made on state “Today is very good news for Colombia, but poems, cartoons, etc. If you would like to television. also for the national police for all the efforts contribute, please contact us at our email “I am very happy, I stayed healthy for five made over the years to secure the safe re- years, thank God,” she added.Photos posted lease of our compatriot,” he said.Vargas said address : on the Malian presidency’s Twitter feed meetings had been held with several Euro- [email protected] showed Narvaez, smiling and dressed in a pean and African ambassadors to try to se- yellow robe and headscarf, as she met with cure the nun’s release. Goita.“The presidency of Mali salutes the “With Interpol, and with other international courage and bravery of the nun. This libera- organisations, we have always sought to tion is the crowning achievement of four bring those responsible to justice.” years and eight months of combined efforts He did not say whether any ransom was paid for Narvaez.Mali has been struggling since uuu FULL STORY ON - 01 2012 to contain violence linked to al-Qaeda and ISIL-affiliated groups. Across India, radical Hindu nationalists use The fighters have now expanded their opera- the specter for mass conversions to Chris- tions from their strongholds in the country’s tianity and Islam to enact laws limiting the desert north to its centre as well as religious freedom of minorities. According to neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger. these nationalists, masses of low caste Hin- Kidnapping, once rare, has now become a dus are converted to Christianity and Islam lucrative source of cash for the armed groups. through illicit means and a law must be en- acted to stop this from happening. In April, a French journalist was abducted in northern Mali. Article 25 of India’s constitution, how- ever, protects the rights an individual to freely In a hostage video, Olivier Dubois said the profess, practice, and propagate the religion of their choice. The anti-conversion laws en- acted in other states limit this constitutional right by requiring individuals to have their conversions approved by the government. In addition to this, individuals from low caste backgrounds face the consequence of los- ing government benefits when converting from Hinduism to Christianity or Islam. Radical Hindu nationalists also use anti-con- version laws as legal cover when persecut- ing Christians and closing churches. After assaulting a pastor or disrupting a church service, radicals falsely accused their victims of engaging in conversions to justify their criminal actions. As a result, police arrest the Christians and allow the radicals to go free.

FEATURE!! 8 FULL STORY ON -03 and lack. brilliant colors that quickly fade, your requests to God. And the how much more does God care for peace of God, which transcends all COLOSSIANS 3:1-2 you, for whom He sent His Son, understanding, will guard your Jesus, to die? hearts and your minds in Christ “Since, then, you have been raised J e s u s .” with Christ, set your hearts on things ROMANS 12:2 above, where Christ is, seated at the Main takeaway: We don’t have to right hand of God. Set your minds on “Do not conform to the pattern of carry our concerns, worries, and things above, not on earthly things.” this world, but be transformed by the fears in isolation. The Apostle Paul renewing of your mind. Then you will said that in every single circum- Main takeaway: While we should be able to test and approve what stance, we can tell God what we certainly be informed and engaged, God’s will is — His good, pleasing, are feeling and, as a result, the we should not despair as if we have and perfect will.” Lord will protect our hearts and no hope. Ultimately, as Paul wrote, minds from the weight of this our lives are not determined or con- Main takeaway: While we certainly world. trolled by forces on this earth. Our ought to engage in the world, Paul security is in Jesus, and that should warned against becoming so con- ROMANS 8:26 guide our thinking. sumed by its trappings that we begin to mirror it. Instead, we should set “In the same way, the Spirit helps MATTHEW 6:30 boundaries and see the temporary us in our weakness. We do not circumstances around us through the know what we ought to pray for, but “If that is how God clothes the grass lens of our renewed minds, which the Spirit Himself intercedes for us of the field, which is here today and come through sanctification as a through wordless groans.” tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will result of salvation through Jesus. He not much more clothe you — you Main takeaway: More often than of little faith?” The Lord is eager to meet us in every not, it seems, the issues before us situation and circumstance, including are too complex and troubling to Main takeaway: Even if His provision when we’re overwhelmed by the understand. In this passage, Paul doesn’t look the way we think it constant flow of information fed to made it clear the Holy Spirit helps should, God can be trusted to meet us by our newsfeeds. Take some time us communicate our requests to our greatest needs. If He cares today to turn off your phone and God. We can rest assured He is enough about the earth to cover it in focus on our priority: Jesus. advocating for us in our confusion FULL STORY ON - 10

Sparkling Wisdom! 9 FULL STORY ON - 01 Sparkling Wisdom! Texas historical figures like Davy Crockett and Sam Houston. The resolution also said 30 v.“When you understand that life is a test, you realize that nothing is governors have been sworn in with a Bible believed to have belonged to Houston, who insignificant in your life.” — Rick Warren was the first president of the Republic of Texas, then later a U.S. senator representing v“Whoever is spared personal pain must feel himself called to help the state. “As a prominent element in the rich fabric of in diminishing the pain of others. We must all carry our share of the our Texas heritage, the Bible is truly deserv- misery which lies upon the world.” - Albert Schweitzer ing of such acknowledgment,” the resolution said. v“A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to The short resolution doesn’t outline seek Him just to find her.” – Max Lucado which Bible would become the state’s offi- cial book, however. Cambridge University v“Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the explains 11 of the most popular versions in English include the English Standard Version, Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees.” - Corrie Ten the New American Standard Bible, the New Boom International Version (NIV), and the most popular, the King James. v“Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good Data from the Pew Research Center shows that about 77% of religious adults in Texas works.” - Martin Luther identified as Christian. Non-Christian faiths accounted for about 4% of the state’s reli- v“Having the answers is not essential to living. What is essential is gious composition, while about 18% of those who answered identified as non-religious or the sense of God’s presence during dark seasons of questioning.” atheist. — Ravi Zacharias Earlier this year, a Tennessee lawmaker pushed for official Bible designation in his v“He said “ I have loved you.” We cannot love too much.” own state. Similar resolutions failed in Loui- siana in 2014 and Mississippi in 2015. — Amy Carmichael FULL STORY ON - 05 v“He who lays up treasures on earth spends his life backing away appeared from Apple’s App Store in China, with most remaining available in other coun- from his treasures. To him, death is loss. He who lays up treasures tries,\" reported The Times. in heaven looks forward to eternity; he’s moving daily toward his Communist China is a totalitarian regime that treasures. To him, death is gain.” – Randy Alcorn has killed more than 65 million of its own people since 1949-50, when Mao Zedong v“Let this encourage those of you who belong to Christ: the storm established his dictatorship. Today, an esti- mated 1.5 million Muslim Uighurs are being may be tempestuous, but it is only temporary. The clouds that are held in Chinese \"reeducation\" concentration temporarily rolling over your head will pass, and then you will have camps, where not a few are tortured and forc- fair weather, an eternal sunshine of glory. Can you not watch with ibly sterilized. Christ for one hour? “ - Williams Gurnall \"People of faith are severely persecuted through imprisonment, torture, forced medi- v“Life is wasted if we do not grasp the glory of cal regimens, organ harvesting, and arbitrary executions,\" reported the Heritage Founda- the cross, cherish it for the treasure that it is, tion. and cleave to it as the highest price of every pleasure and the deepest comfort in every pain. \"Apple's earnings for Greater China in Q2 What was once foolishness to us-a crucified 2021 were up 87.5% from this time last year, God-must become our wisdom and our power to $17.7 billion,\" reported Apple Insider. CEO and our only boast in this world.” Tim Cook said, \"We were very pleased with – John Piper our performance in China. We set a March quarter revenue record and grew strong Abigail Thyvilayil John double digits across each of the product cat- egories.\"

10Bible Study When hardships aid us to gallop ahead BIJO MATHEW ships to propell.One gigantic prob- the top of the supremacy. lem that cannot be solved by any- Life may compared as one may becomes Helper to make I heared of story that a man had the movement faster! one horse.He decided to give up oceans.Because there are prob- the horse because that was old lems as a chain in life, just as Christian life is troublesome and weak.He took a huge pit and waves in the oceans one after always.Jesus Himself discribed it pushed the horse in to it.But each another.While we resolve a prob- as \"the narrow gate\".But each bag of soil he threw on the horse lem the next enter into the picture. God's child must understand the which was in the pit shaken away God who turns the trouble as by it.The last bag of soil was the The Roaring Fourties are ex- goodness. Joseph was a man who last step for the horse to the tremely powerful winds that blow had dreams but persecuted for his ground! in the southern Hemisphere be- dreams.Each trouble turned as tween latitudes 40 degrees and fuel for his moving.His brothers Therefore endure in your prob- 50.This gale blows 200 km per and his master, all of them brought lems.. all hardships may turn as hour and produce open ocean hardships for him,but they were all fuel for you to propell ahead and waves of up to 10 meters!.But this helping him to ascend on high.He can reach in to another relam of same huge wind has been shaping was born in a shepherd family and your life. shipping routes for centuries.They reached in the high helped profile.Struggles pushed him to captains and clipper ships to sail faster from west to east when there were no engines for the

11News Nearly 70% of born-again Christians say other religions can lead to Heaven: study Nearly 70% of born-again Christians disagree “If you think that there are multiple ways to lief,” “We shouldn’t impose our ideas on oth- with the biblical position that Jesus is the Heaven, why would you want to go out of ers,” and “The Bible tells us not to judge oth- only way to God, according to a new survey your way to convert someone to your reli- ers” as their top three responses, respec- from Probe Ministries, a nonprofit that seeks gion? Of course, you could be sharing with tively. to help the Church in renewing the minds of an unaffiliated person who needs to choose “At first glance, this may seem surprising. believers with a Christian worldview. a valid religion,” noted Steve Cable, senior But in a culture where pluralism is a domi- The survey, which looked at religious beliefs vice president of Probe Ministries, in his nant part of all religious groups, it begins to and attitudes toward cultural behaviors, analysis of the data. make sense. And the pluralistic reasons were polled 3,106 Americans ages 18 to 55 from The survey also found that among the top dominant, attracting around two-thirds of the all religious groups, including 717 respon- reasons given by born-again Christians for population across all religious groupings,” dents who identified as born-again Chris- not telling others about their faith is the ac- Cable said. tians. ceptance of pluralism. When asked why they Cable argued that pastors and churches need Born-again respondents were identified don’t share their beliefs with others, born- to make the exclusivity of Jesus as the only based on their affirmative response to the again respondents chose “They can get to way to Heaven a stronger focus in teaching question, “Have you ever made a personal Heaven through their different religious be- their congregations in order to push back commitment to Jesus Christ that is still im- against the tide of pluralism. portant in your life today?” They were also identified by their belief about what happens after they die. Born-again believers agree that “I will go to Heaven because I confessed my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my Sav- ior.” Despite this claim by the self-identified born- again Christians in the study, however, among all respondents ages 18 to 39, who profess an affiliation with some religion, fewer than 1 out of 5 of them strongly disagree with the statement that Muhammad, Buddha and Jesus all taught valid ways to God. Still, some 60% of this cohort said they shared their faith with someone else at least annu- ally with the intent of converting them. You are cordially invited to send submissions to The End Time News magazine, including articles, short stories, poems, cartoons, etc. If you would like to contribute, please contact us at our email address : [email protected]

12News 79-year-old American pastor kidnapped 2 weeks be- fore missionaries in Haiti still missing Nearly two weeks before the notorious 400 still holding them. They have to let them go. Earlier this week, Christian Aid Ministries Mawozo gang in Haiti kidnapped 17 mostly We did everything we were supposed to do.” said an 8-month-old baby is among the 16 American missionaries and demanded a $17 The Christian Post reached out to Michel’s American missionaries and Canadian col- million ransom, Pastor Jean Pierre Ferrer family for further comment Thursday, but they league waiting to be rescued from the 400 Michel, another American, was abducted weren’t immediately available. Mawozo gang. from his church along with two others. And Haitian Justice Minister Liszt Quitel con- like the missionaries, Michel is still missing. While the missionaries and Michel firmed Tuesday that the gang, which kid- are now getting widespread international napped the missionaries Saturday while they “They don’t talk about it, like they are attention, the targeting of the church by kid- were working with Christian Aid Ministries, talking about the case of the group of 17. nappers in Haiti has been ongoing for months demanded $1 million each for their safe re- But this man is an American citizen, too,” a and has resulted in at least one casualty. turn. family friend told the Miami Herald on the On Sept. 26, as they prepared to enter the Christian Aid Ministries said Tuesday that condition of anonymity in a recent interview First Baptist Church of Port-au-Prince, 60- officials in the troubled Caribbean nation and about the kidnapping of Michel, who is a year-old deacon Sylner Lafaille and his wife, the U.S. are working to negotiate the release founding member of the church Jesus Cen- Marie Marthe Laurent Lafaille, were attacked of the missionaries, which include six men, ter in Delmas 29. “It’s not the same atten- by a heavily armed group. They tried to kid- six women and five children. tion that the 17 people who they abducted nap the deacon’s wife, but he fought back The international charity has been calling for in Croix-des-Bouquets are getting.” the gunmen and was fatally shot for his brav- prayers for the abducted group since the first ery. Some church members who witnessed day they were reported missing but called A Haiti Libre report said at about 8 the attack were injured, a Haiti Libre report for a day of fasting on Thursday. a.m. on Oct. 3, heavily armed individuals said. “We are entering day number five since our dressed in different uniforms of the National In April, gunmen were also recorded in a workers and loved ones were kidnapped in Police of Haiti kidnapped Michel, 79, Isabelle livestream broadcast on Facebook and Haiti. We, along with government authorities, Devendegis and Norman Weiner in front of YouTube kidnapping a pastor and three mem- continue to work hard to bring them home the Jesus Center Church of Delmas 29. bers of the Seventh-day Adventist Gospel safely. We appreciate the work of those While the gang released the female Kreyol Ministry Church in Diquini on the out- knowledgeable and experienced in dealing congregant, Michel and Weiner are still be- skirts of the capital Port-au-Prince. The pas- with kidnapping cases,” the charity said in a ing held hostage even though they have paid tor and his congregants were released three statement. “As CAM associates, we plan to a ransom that was initially $15 million for days later. It is unclear if a ransom was have a special day of fasting and prayer…, the three Christians, including $8 million for paid.Gregory M. Figaro, whose father, Greger October 21. We invite believers around the Michel. Figaro, founded the church, told the Miami world to join us in seeking God for His mighty “When they (gangsters) say dollars, you Herald that eight to 10 gunmen were involved hand to work.” don’t know if they are talking about Ameri- in the attack.“If this can happen, then any- can dollars or Haitian,” the family friend said. thing is possible in the country because there Christian Aid Ministries also drew attention “They asked us for a ransom, the two fami- is no respect for any institution, whether it’s to the worsening crisis of governance unfold- lies came together and paid a ransom and a church or school,” Figaro said. after we paid it, they called and said the money wasn’t enough and they cannot re- lease them. Since then, there has been no contact.” While there have been rumors that Michel had been released, the pastor’s wife, Maryse Michel, released a video Tuesday in Haitian Creole begging for his freedom. “They have yet to release him after 17 days,” she said. “He’s without his medication. He’s an old man who is nearly 80 years old, and doesn’t have a lot of years in front of him. I’ve come to plead, and I came to ask every- one who it concerns: Release the pastor. Release my husband. Give the children back their father. Give the family back their brother because we did everything already. They are


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