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Home Explore งานนำเสนอ สนุก เกมเกร็ดเล็กเกร็ดน้อย เส้นตาราง เน้นภาพถ่าย สีเหลืองและสีส้ม

งานนำเสนอ สนุก เกมเกร็ดเล็กเกร็ดน้อย เส้นตาราง เน้นภาพถ่าย สีเหลืองและสีส้ม

Published by ploy-950211, 2022-05-04 10:34:07

Description: งานนำเสนอ สนุก เกมเกร็ดเล็กเกร็ดน้อย เส้นตาราง เน้นภาพถ่าย สีเหลืองและสีส้ม


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Herb and health care Start

What is a herb Means a drug derived from plants, animals, or natural minerals without any change in internal structure. Can be used as a medicine for various diseases. and nourish the body[1].

Thai herbal compress. Products obtained by taking various herbs through the cleaning process and then cut or chopped into pieces according to size. want to pound enough to break Use fresh or dried Wrapped or packed together in a cloth to get different shapes, such as spheres, used to compress different parts of the body to relax the muscles[2].

properties of herb TAMARIND LEAVES TURMERIC LEMON GRASS Relieves body itching and Reduce inflammation and treat fragrant smell. nourishes the skin. skin diseases.

properties of herb BORNEO CAMPHOR PLAI fragrant smell, cure dizziness Helps relieve pain Reduce inflammation and relieve menstrual pain.

properties of herb KAFFIR LIME SKIN GALANGAL CAMPHOR Helps to breathe easily and Helps to cure dysentery, Flavoring, reducing swelling and relieve dizziness. abdominal pain, diarrhea. nourishing the heart. Helps to cure food poisoning aid digestion and help relieve indigestion.

properties of herb HEMP ACACIA CONCINNA (SOM POI) Has properties as a blood tonic Helps to make you feel relaxed, Traditionally utilized as herbal refreshed, helps you sleep medicine to treat many health comfortably. Helps treat symptoms e.g. laxative, cough, dizziness headache or migraine antidandruff and skin diseases it and help quench thirst It is used also helps nourish the skin and to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and reduce blood pressure[3,4]. Part of the seeds. The wisdom of to help relieve pain. muscle the Hmong people to use fresh relaxant Treatment of gout. seeds as a medicine to break down gallstones. by being chewed fresh.

Reference 1. คณะแพทยศาสตร์โรงพยาบาลรามาธิบดี มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล [Internet]. [cited 4 May 2022]. Available from: 2. Trichaiyaporn S, Tangkhananon S, Niyomsa K, Thawilprapa K, Srisuk N. Determination of physical and thermal properties of herbal compress ball. Journal of Engineering, RMUTT. 2018 Dec 31;16(2):163-72. 3. ลูกประคบสมุนไพร [Internet]. [cited 4 May 2022]. Available from: 4. เมดไทย (Medthai) เว็บไซต์สุขภาพอันดับ 1 ของประเทศไทย [Internet]. Medthai. [cited 4 May 2022]. Available from: