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Published by, 2016-12-15 16:25:53

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“Greek Hoplite “Greek Hoplite Commander With With Brass Armor Brass Armor and Sparta Shield” and Chalcis Helmet” (ref. AG001). (ref. AG014).“Greek HopliteWith Bronze-Reinforced LinenArmor andChalcis Helmet”(ref. AG009). But the resilient Greeks drew strength might have used some of its signature seeing so many types of helmets all atfrom the cohesive simplicity of their real steel weapons with these Iron Age once is reminiscent of visiting the Britishhallmark hedgehog-like formation to warriors. But they look mighty sharp Museum's collection in London.defeat the Persian Empire time and again. nonetheless. And, after all, I wouldAt Plataea, for example, hoplites managed imagine that few collectors these days I am also impressed by how theto cut their way through an elite, 1,000- would care to pay a premium for tiny detailing has gone to the extent of puttingman bodyguard to reach Mardonius on his ironwork doomed to rust. several of these well-proportioned figureswhite horse and slay him, spurring a rout in “linothorax.”of his “barbarian” horde. “I am blown away by how many helmet-style variants   the maker has opted to model. The Corinthian style tends to be the most ubiquitous in history and inEXTENSIVE DETAILING miniature. Therefore, seeing so many types of helmets all at once is reminiscent of visiting the BritishFirst Legion’s first foray into ancient Museum's collection in London.”history was the continuing “Glory ofRome” series. Now comes the varied On the other hand, I am blown away When one thinks of a hoplite, thehoplites of this brand new “World of the by how many helmet-style variants the “classic” look most likely visualizedGreeks” range. Designed in Russia, these maker has opted to model. The Corinthian is metal body armor highlighted by aare superb 1:30-scale sculptures. The style tends to be the most ubiquitous muscled cuirass. However, that type ofconvincing characterizations and authentic in history and in miniature. Therefore, protection was usually only worn by thedetails are enhanced by matt shading andhighlighting done by skillful painters inChina. The only anachronism I can detectoffhand is that it looks like First Legion “Greek Hoplite With Bronze- Reinforced Linen Armor and Medusa Shield” (ref. AG010).“Greek Hoplite “Greek Hoplite WithWith Thracian Bronze-ReinforcedHelmet and Linen Armor andBrass Armor” Corinthian Helmet”(ref. AG006). (ref. AG007). TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 51

“Greek Hoplite With “Greek Hoplite With Snake Bronze-Reinforced Shield and Linen Armor” (ref. AG004). Linen Armor and Illyrian Helmet” (ref. AG013).more well-to-do warriors. Hobbyists can also collect hoplites with about the fifth to fourth centuries B.C. In contrast, the most popular and the “Bronze-Reinforced Linen Armor and It was a time when the Greeks fought Chalcis Helmet” (ref. AG009), “Bronze amongst themselves, repulsed Persianprevalent type of armor was actually Reinforced Linen Armor and Medusa invasions and marched out to conquer thelinothorax made of layers of laminated Shield” (ref. AG010), “Bronze Armor and known world while laying the foundationslinen. Sometimes it was reinforced with Thracian Helmet” (ref. AG011), “Archaic of modern Western civilization in themetal scales or animal skins. Not only was Corinthian Helmet and Owl Shield” fields of politics, literature, art, drama,white linen armor more cost-effective, it (ref. AG012), “Bronze-Reinforced Linen philosophy, architecture and science.afforded an astonishing level of protectionconsidering the base material was fabric. “I strive to use superlative words like ‘classic’ very sparingly. But these ancient Greek hoplites fromIN-DEPTH VARIETY First Legion definitely rate as instant classics.”First Legion’s Greeks can march to a tune Armor and Illyrian Helmet” (ref. AG013), Believe it or not, all these hoplites areplayed on a pan flute by a “Musician” and “Brass Armor and Chalcis Helmet” just for starters, according to First Legion(ref. AG002) priced at $49.95 U.S. A (ref. AG014). partner Matthew Pavone. In the workstransverse horsehair helmet crest and are Alexander the Great’s MacedonianLacedaemon crimson cloak set apart the Rounding out this in-depth debut phalanx of pikemen and Companionhoplite “Commander With Brass Armor batch is a dramatic piece priced at $119.95 Cavalry, Persian opposition, and muchand Sparta Shield” (ref. AG001). This called “Greek Hoplite Protecting Fallen more.Spartan costs $59.95, as do all of the rest Comrade Vignette.” Both figures haveof the single heavy infantrymen. their shields raised as if to ward off foes’ Other recent releases from First Legion spear thrusts or a shower of Persian depict Roman Julius Caesar’s Xth Legion Showing variety is the spice of life, arrows. at the Battle of Alesia, the medievalhoplites are modeled with an “Illyrian Battle of Agincourt, Renaissance periodHelmet and Linen Armor” (ref. AG003), I strive to use superlative words Landsknecht artillery and arquebusiers,“Snake Shield and Linen Armor” (ref. like \"classic\" very sparingly. But these Seven Years’ War Russians and Prussians,AG004), “Brass Armor and Pegasus ancient Greek hoplites from First Legion and equestrian figures of France’s EmperorShield” (ref. AG005), “Thracian Helmet definitely rate as instant classics. Napoleon I and other personalities fromand Brass Armor” (ref. AG006), “Bronze- his period. nReinforced Linen Armor and Corinthian They are remarkable little reflections ofHelmet” (ref. AG007), and “Bronze Classical Greece, a period ranging fromScale Armor and Chalcis Helmet”(ref. AG008).“Greek Hoplite “Greek Hoplite WithWith Bronze Bronze Scale ArmorArmor and and Chalcis Helmet”Thracian (ref. AG008).Helmet”(ref. AG011). “Greek Hoplite With Archaic Corinthian Helmet and Owl Shield” (ref. AG012).52 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

POLISH LANCERS OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARSBY THE COLLECTORS SHOWCASEReviewed by: Stuart A. Hessney One hundred handpicked Poles from above left: \"Polish Lancer Officer\" (ref.   the “Chevau-légers lanciers” accompanied CS00687). Scenery is not included. Napoleon into exile on the island of Elba Back in TS&MF issue 141, I reviewed in 1814. These TCS figures are linked to above middle: \"Polish Lancer Canting\" (ref.Polish lancers of the Napoleonic Wars 1815’s decisive Battle of Waterloo, where CS00692).produced by The Collectors Showcase a squadron of Polish lancers was said to(TCS). They proved to be so popular that be one of the only French cavalry units above: \"Polish Lancer Flag Bearer\" (ref. CS00688).proprietor Brian Levy has trotted out a that wore full dress uniform. They tookhalf-dozen more all new versions. part in Marshal Michel Ney's massive but below left: \"Polish Lancer Charging\" (ref. futile cavalry attacks on the British center CS00689). French Emperor Napoleon I stayed in during Napoleon’s final defeat.Warsaw prior to 1807’s Battle of Eylau. below middle: \"Polish Lancer Attacking\"He was so favorably impressed by the These 1:30-scale, matt-finished lancers (ref. CS00690).panache of a guard of honor mounted by are dressed in plume-topped \"czapkas\"the Poles, that he decided to add a Polish (lancer caps), blue \"kurtkas\" (lancer below: \"Polish Lancer Posting\" (ref. CS00691).cavalry unit to his elite Imperial Guard.  jackets) and blue trousers with red stripes. Their equipment includes carbines, CS00689), \"Attacking\" (ref. CS00690), In French, this regiment was named sabers, portmanteaus and lance sockets \"Posting\" (ref. CS00691) and \"Canting\"the \"Chevau-légers Polonais,\" The light attached to stirrups. Crimson and white (ref. CS00692). They retail for $74.90 U.S.horsemen would go on to distinguish pennons flutter from separate, all-metal apiece.themselves in campaigns ranging from Spain Russia during the Napoleonic Wars. These spirited Poles exude pride TCS has a flair for producing vigorous and prowess. They should be welcome Though the lance was a traditional horses in dynamic poses and these reinforcements for hobbyists who collectedPolish weapon, they did not acquire their chestnut steeds are no exception. The the first batch or anyone just getting on thesignature weapon until after the Battle of tack includes wire reins and blue saddle bandwagon. My only gripe, which I wroteWagram July 6, 1809. After driving off blankets painted with the crowned \"N\" back in issue 141 and will repeat again hereAustrian uhlans with a furious charge, for the Emperor and the Imperial Eagle. is: Please make a trumpeter too! nthe Poles picked up their foes’ discarded The eye-catching details include battlefieldlances and used them to good effect debris littered across the horses' terrain-against fresh infantry cavalry. Afterwards covered bases.the regiment's commander, Gen. CountVincent Krasinski, asked the Emperor for The new figures include an officer (ref.permission to arm his men with lances. CS00687) brandishing his sword and an Eagle standard-bearer (ref. CS0688). The \"Since they know so well how to use lancer poses are listed as \"Charging\" (ref.them, let them keep them!\" Napoleondecreed. TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 53

Plastic n Len CookseyParade crafts reviews of the latest REVIEWS OF THE LATEST PLASTIC RELEASES releases for collectors of plastic toy soldiers and figures.WAR OF 1812 BRITISH & AMERICAN INFANTRY AIP’s blue plastic version of the set represents U.S. infantry. (Photos by Dave Norton)BY ARMIES IN PLASTICReviewed by: Len Cooksey state, Baltimore and NewLooking back with the advantage of 200 Orleans between Septemberyears’ separation, this conflict seems like avery silly war.The 32-month War of 1812 1814 and January 1815.between Great Britain and the United Statesdid, however, resolve some issues left over What little we knowfrom the American Revolutionary War.  in Britain of the climatic Seeing that Britain was still embroiledin a major war in Europe against France events in this war seems toand its Emperor Napoleon I, the UnitedStates decided to declare war for several focus on the burning of thereasons. They included trade restrictionscaused by the war between France and White House. However,Britain and insults to national honor suchas the impressment of American merchant my Canadian relationsseamen into the Royal Navy. do keep reminding me of Americans also objected to Britainsupporting Indian tribes in their attempts their role in this war. At itsto curtail American expansion. On theother hand, Britain was quite worried end, sensibly all occupiedabout whether America harbored anyplans to take over Canada. territory was returned to its The war saw naval clashes on the high rightful owners. ABOVE: Box art for the new British infantry set.seas, Great Lakes and Lake Champlain.  Land battles were fought along the borderregion between the United States and 3 SET VARIANTSCanada, in the Chesapeake Bay area, andin the South. U.S.-based Armies in Plastic (AIP) of this column will be able to anticipate British troops captured and burned the recently released a basic 1:32-scale set what poses are available. Regrettably,U.S. national capital of Washington, D.C.,in August 1814. But Americans repulsed of 16 figures in eight poses designed of the eight poses, only two are firing.attempted British invasions of New York to portray three types of combatants Consequently, several sets will be required in either the American War of 1812 or to build up a semblance of a firing line.  Europe’s Battle of Waterloo in 1815.  Each boxed set sells for about £10 A version of the set molded in dark U.K./$15 U.S., a bargain in anyone’s blue plastic represents the U.S. Army currency. (ref. 5616). Gray figures (ref. 5618) AIP proprietors Marilyn and Anthony depict U.S. Brig. Gen. Winfield Scott’s Ciccarello have apparently invested a great gray-clad regulars who prevailed in the deal of time and money in preparing new Battle of Chippawa July 5, 1814. The sets covering various periods of history same figures molded in red plastic serve recently. For instance, their other War of as what else but British Army infantry 1812 offerings include Upper Canada’s (ref. 5617) of either the War of 1812 or Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles (ref. Waterloo.  5607) and American artillery at the Battle I would suspect that regular readers of New Orleans (ref. 5604).n54 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

WWI Japanese infantry in khaki dress by AIP. A white plastic version of the same set that wouldn’t photograph well stands in for Russo- Japanese War summer dress. (Photos by Dave Norton)JAPANESE INFANTRY OF THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WARBY ARMIES IN PLASTICReviewed by: Len Cooksey NAVAL FARCE was soundly thrashed. The main land engagements wereThe latest releases from Armies in Plastic The Russian naval campaign was a farce. To(AIP) include Japanese infantry of the take the naval war to the Japanese, Russia’s the Battles of Sandepu in January 1905Russo-Japanese War. The conflict, which rather ramshackle navy had to sail from the and Mudken from February to Marchofficially commenced in February 1904 Baltic Sea to the Pacific, refueling in various 1905. Despite Russia sustaining a majorand petered out in September 1905, was ports during its long journey. blow ashore, the outcome of the war wasthe first but not the last great war of the decided at sea.20th century. While en route, the inept imperial armada managed to mistake a fleet of Japan lost three torpedo boats and 116 Two great powers -- the old and North Sea fishing boats hailing from Hull, sailors while scoring a decisive victory increaking Russian Empire and upstart Yorkshire, England, for Japanese naval the Battle of Tsushima May 27-28, 1905.Japan -- had conflicting territorial torpedo boats. The Russian fleet opened fire Russia lost eight battleships, numerousambitions in Korea and Manchuria. and killed two Hull trawler men. A more smaller vessels and about 5,000 men. This serious crisis was only averted by smooth forced Russia to sue for peace. Japan sought to acquire and control diplomacy by the British and a Russianthe mineral resources of Manchuria, realization that providing compensation to  having relatively little in the way of such the fishermen would be cheaper than a warassets at home. with the United Kingdom. JOY TO PAINT Russia wanted a warm water port Inevitably, Japan and Russia moved to So what of the 1:32-scale figures? Thealong the coast of the Pacific Ocean for commence war, as negotiations proved set of 16 Japanese infantrymen comesboth its navy and merchant trade. At impractical. Japan invaded Korea in 1904. in eight poses. The poses are by andthe time, Russia’s only Pacific port at The Russian army being shockingly ill large pretty standard AIP fare, includingVladivostok was frozen during all but the organized and incompetent, as well as soldiers advancing with the rifle leveled,summer season. being at the end of a very long supply line, two different figures charging with rifles at ready, kneeling firing, standing firing, attacking, walking with a rifle, and an officer advancing with sword. AIP uses the same figures for summer dress/white plastic (ref. 5613) of the Russo-Japanese War, winter dress/blue plastic (ref. 5614) of the Boxer Rebellion and khaki dress/brown plastic (ref. 5615) of World War I. I know that wargamers and converters already love these Japanese infantry figures. On their own, they are very good. Priced at £10 U.K./$15 U.S., they would fill the gaps quite cheaply in any collection. I find that they are a joy to paint. n about the reviewerABOVE: AIP’s box art for the Japanese infantry in summer dress features Japan’s Rising Sun military flag. Len Cooksey is a keen collector of old and new 54-mm toy soldiers. Operating as Ivanhoe Figures, he runs a stall at toy soldier fairs in England, selling his own products and items by various manufacturers. TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 55

1/6TH ARMY n Scott J. Dummitt covers the latest SHOWCASE action figure- related items. If Reviews of the Latest Action Figure-Related ITEMS it’s new in the hobby, you’ll findWORLD WAR II SOVIET RED ARMY SOLDIER & AEROSAN it here first!BY DRAGON MODELS LTD.Reviewed by: Scott J. Dummitt warfare. Aerosans saw service during Shvetsov M-11 five-cylinder, air-cooled,   World War I, the Russian Civil War and 110-horsepower radial aviation engine. the Russo-Finish Winter War of 1939-40. In deep snow, these machines could reachDragon Models Ltd. (DML) has celebrated speeds of 25 to 35 km/h (around 30 mph).its 13th anniversary year of military action The KM-5 and OSGA-6 (renamed the Combat-loaded, the aerosan weighedfigure production by releasing a World War NKL-6 at a later date) were used in the war 0.892 tonsII Soviet Red Army light machine gun against Finland.These versions were built in(LMG) gunner, “Igor Ivanovich Bazarov,” Moscow at the Narkomles factory. Improved Aerosans could operate in areas andwith an aerosan RF-8. versions of the NKL were introduced conditions which would bog down during the war, with the NKL-16/41 and wheeled and tracked vehicles. These   NKL-16/42 being produced at the ZiS and off-road snow machines were used in a GAZ automobile factories, as well as the multitude of jobs, including transport,PROPELLER-POWERED Stalingrad Bekietovskiy Wood Works. communications, mail delivery, emergency recovery and medical evacuation.The aerosan was a snow vehicle on skis  powered by a large propeller -- basically However, aerosans did not work tooa flightless aircraft. In Russian, aerosan VERSATILE VEHICLES well on steep inclines. As a result, theyliterally means “aerosled,” or propeller- were used basically in open country and ondriven sleigh. As WWII unfolded, an armored version frozen lakes. They were also employed for designated NKL-26 was produced at reconnaissance and light raiding. ANT-I versions, up to and including the Narkomles factory in 1941. This wasthe ANT-V, were made in the 1920s and followed in 1942 by a smaller unarmored Larger aerosans could be equipped1930s. These snowmobiles were designed version known as the GAZ-98, or RF-8, with a machine gun on the roof. Theyby the famous Soviet aircraft engineer which inspired DML’s 1/6th-scale model. were also capable of carrying four to fiveAndrei Tupelo. This smaller aerosan was powered by a men in the interior while towing up to GAZ-M1 truck engine with a metal four more on skis. While aerosans were used in Northern propeller.Europe by the armies of several countries, Aerosan responsibility came under theit appears that the Soviet Union utilized The GAZ-98K was powered by a GAZthem more than anyone else for wintry “Igor” features a newly sculpted head. The Soviet soldier comes with a propeller-driven aerosan for winter warfare mobility.56 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

The unique aerosan set was Aerosan units were also designated NEWLY SCULPTED HEAD issued to celebrate the maker’s as either transport or combat battalions, 13th anniversary. consisting of 45 vehicles in three DML’s unique RF-8 aerosan set was companies. These units would be deployed truly a surprise release and has beenauspices of the Soviet Armored Forces with ski infantry, which in turn would be eagerly sought after by collectors.(GABTU) during the war. This directorate carried or towed by the vehicles.issued orders for the design and The vehicle measures approximatelymanufacture of lightly armored versions.   33 inches long by 13 inches wide byThese aerosans were protected by 10-mm 15.5 inches high. It comes finished inof steel plate located at front. a weathered white motif. The skis are designed to be angled up and down and Weaponry supplied with can be set up in a turned position. The the figure includes a large propeller can actually be rotated. submachine gun. There is a machine gun ring attached to this vehicle and the figure is identified as being a LMG gunner. However, the Soviet Degtyaryov LMG pictured on the box is not included with this set. “Igor Ivanovich Bazarov” has a newly sculpted head fitted to a DML Neo 3 body. The figure is dressed in a Soviet M1943 Gymnastiorka tunic and trousers, Sapogi boots, Red Army belt, hooded winter smock and trousers, and a choice of either a SOV M40 white-washed helmet or a Soviet tanker helmet (both are included in the set). Equipment items include a PPSh-41 stick magazine pouch, M1891 ammo pouch, M1891-30 ammo clips, PPS-43 stick ammunition clips, goggles and a canteen with cover. Weapons supplied are models of the M1891/30 Mosin-Nagant rifle and PPS-43 submachine gun. This 13th anniversary set is truly unique, but then that is something collectors have come to expect of DML. The set retails for about $250 U.S. and should be available to all major 1/6th- scale dealers. My thanks to DML’s U.S. distributor for this wonderful sample that it made available. n The model replicates a multipurpose Soviet snowmobile. about the reviewer Scott J. Dummitt retired from the Royal Canadian Navy after 25 years of service. He is an avid collector of action figures and toy soldiers. He is also the proprietor of Scott J. Dummitt Presents, which sells 1/6th-scale action figures and accessories. In addition, he produces 54- mm toy soldiers representing Canadian units. Scott serves as president of the Ontario Model Soldier Society. TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 57

The Ontario Model Soldier Society On Parade 2013 Canada’s Largest Model Soldier ShowSaturday, Visit our website at:September 7, 201310 am to 4 pm www.omss.caHistoric Fort YorkToronto, ON25+ vendor • Massed displays Figure by William Britain Ltd.tables offering a of Toy Soldierswide variety of hobby products • Miniature Bands • Connoisseur Figures • Dioramas, Vehicles, Artillery and More! • 1/6th Scale Action Figures • Open Competition This Year’s Theme: Remembering Canada’s Korean War Vets Fort York Historic Site - 100 Garrison Road, Toronto, M5V 3K9 For maps and directions see the Fort York website at: Admission to the show is included with regular Fort York admission ($8 Adults, $4 Seniors & Youths) Show Contact: Norm White 416-285-5600 or email [email protected] TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

Putting History in Your Hands Visit for more informationOrder your W. Britain figures and receive information about the entire W. Britain line from the retailers listed The History StoreDUTKINS’ We Specialize in Retired BritainsCOLLECTABLES1019 West Route 70 Store hours: Email: [email protected] Hill, NJ 08002 Tuesday – Friday 10 am – 5 pm Saturday 10 am – 4 pm. COME VISIT OUR STORE AT: 1-800-LIL ARMY Closed: Sunday & Monday 101 North Paint Street, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 (545-2769) 3775 S. 108th St., 740-775-7400 Fax: 856-428-9640 Greenfield, WI 53228 (414)302-1850 [email protected] Maitland Toy Sierra Toy Soldier CompanySoldier Shoppe Canada’s place for Toy Soldiers!108 Victoria Street South, Goderich, 29 N. Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Ontario, Canada N7A 3H9 Toll Free (866) 869-7653 • International (408) 395-3000 Tel: (519) 524-6804 Email: [email protected] Are you a 16 makers –  W. Britain dealer? covering most  This spot is very affordable and gives you time periods  great exposure in the #1 magazine for toy soldier collectors worldwide! email 3749E. UniversityAv e. [email protected] DesMoines, IA50317Call or email Sara at: [email protected] or 605-646-1100 for more information. 973p-6h2o7n-e4961 515-266 -8697  StOoyLDIER                   Why not join the largest toy soldier club in the world? WBA1709 are © 2009 FIRST GEAR, INC FIRST GEAR®, design, W. Britain®, and registered trademarks of First Gear, Inc., Peosta, IA

KIT n Paul NewmanKORNER nails down news about the latestTHE LATEST MODEL FIGURE KITS AND MORE model figure kits and more.BUILDING & PAINTING PEGASO MODELS’ PIRATE & PARROTHi again readers. Lately, I’ve been   crossed defiantly as befitting a “lord of the busy organizing the British Model high seas.”  Soldier Society Annual Show for SALTY ATTITUDEApril 27, and hope to deliver a report on Pirates have been around ever sinceit for next month’s edition of TS&MF. In Pegaso is based in Siena, Italy. It is a there were merchant ships that could bethe meantime, I’ve also received a figure market leader in the field and its products plundered for their goods. This figure is offrom Pegaso Models for review: “Pirate, are synonymous with quality. Its figures the “classic” period, beloved by Hollywood.XVII Century” (ref. 75-097). are eagerly awaited by hobbyists around the world. If there is a criticism of the figure, it is I was really eager to get this 1:24/75- that it looks like someone from a movie,mm figure because Pegaso is one of my This pirate is one of the latest 75-mm especially with a parrot on his shoulderfavorite makers and this white-metal figures by Pegaso, which has moved away and arms crossed. The figure’s attitudekit would me to experiment with a few from the traditional 1:32/54-mm scale dares anyone to approach him rather thantechniques. That is, after all, one way in to larger sizes. They cost more, but you depicting a true hardworking, sea saltwhich we learn in this hobby, isn’t it? can get greater detail! Sculpted by Allan pirate (if you know what I mean). This side Carrasco, this pirate retails for 37.19 to his character will have to come out in I talked to a few fellow modelers about euros/£39 U.K./$80 U.S. the painting then!painting the kit and their thoughts andhints on painting “faded” clothes. Some The kit comes in seven parts, including  suggested using pigments to stain the edge a pet parrot! The head is separate andof the clothing. Others advocated trying shows great detail, as is the norm with PIRATE LIFEto just to keep “washing out” the color by Pegaso’s 75-mm kits. This will makeapplying lighter and lighter-toned washes. painting his eyes, face, etc., easier. The “classic” pirate took form beginningSo, this fueled my eagerness to have a go in the 16th century, when the British,at the kit. This kit assembles into a traditional- French, Spanish and Dutch governments looking pirate, complete with parrot on commenced their commercial rivalry in his shoulder. A large-bladed sword/cutlass overseas trade. The Caribbean Sea became hangs from a broad leather strap across an important trade center, located in a his shoulder. He is posed with his arms strategic location. Huge Spanish ships carrying gold and silver from Latin America encouraged many seafarers to become pirates. Pirates, despite being criminals, were very organized. As well as having crew members assigned certain duties, pirates found ways to reduce conflict among themselves and maximize profits. They used a democratic system, spelled out by written “articles of agreement,” to limit the captain’s power and keep order on board the ship. The captain was elected by the entire crew and could be replaced by a majority vote. Cowardly or brutal captains were quickly voted out of their position. Captains were expected to be skilled and dependable seamen. They were also expected to be bold and decisive leaders since they made the most important decisions, including how to engage a target, pursue prey, escape the authorities and deal with an attack. In the latter situation, there was no time for taking a LEFT: The seven-piece pirate kit and its box.60 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

ABOVE: Close-up of the pirate’s detailed headcasting. RIGHT: The sculpture’s clothing has great detailand texture.BELOW: The initial coloring of the eyes. vote to settle conflicting opinions! every morning and reported its condition the ship’s master, boatswain, gunner or The quartermaster had the same to the captain. The boatswain also carpenter as an apprentice. Mates also supervised deck activities, including the outfitted the ship with ropes, pulleys, sailsauthority as a captain (except during handling of the sails and the weighing and and other rigging as needed.battle). The crew elected him to represent dropping of the anchor.their interests. He commanded the captain The common sailor would be familiarand the rest of the crew. His other jobs The carpenter, working under the with the rigging, sails and the steering ofincluded keeping order, settling disputes boatswain and quartermaster’s directions, the ship. They kept watches and handledbetween crew members and determining repaired the ship. Sometimes, the cannons during battle. A rigger workedthe amount of food and drink distributed carpenter would also be the ship’s surgeon. the running rigging and furled andto each crew member. released sails. The master gunner ensured that the The sailing master oversaw navigating cannons and weapons were in working Young boys or men on a pirate shipthe ship. Often, because of their skills, order. The mate (often there were first were often servants known as cabin boys.sailing masters were forced into service by and second mates) usually worked under During battles, powder monkeys ranpirates. The boatswain took care of the ship.He supervised supplies, inspected the ship LEFT: The eyes after application of additional detail.   BELOW: Flesh tones are painted around the eyes. TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 61

ABOVE: The darkest coloring is applied to thepirate’s clothes as the base color. BELOW: Lighter shades are applied to thebuccaneer’s attire.  RIGHT: Back view showing lighter shades painted onthe clothes except in the creases. gunpowder from below deck to cannon beard tied with ribbons. It is even said that crews and relayed messages. during fights he would set the end of his beard on fire! The quarter bill, which listed duties in battle, was written before any clashes took   place and posted in a public place on the ship. BUCCANEER ‘FACTS’ During an actual battle, most of the Most of what we “know” about buccaneers crew stayed under cover flat on their comes from hearsay or records of stomachs until the time came to engage their eventual capture. So, here’s a few with the target, with the exception of those interesting “facts” about pirates, which may commanding and sailing the vessel. Once or may not be true: the target was close enough, the captain • Pirates believed that wearing pierced often remained on the quarterdeck, poop deck or near the tiller. earrings would improve their eyesight. • Pirates believed that having women on The sailing master, boatswain and mates managed the sailing of the vessel while the board their ship was bad luck. rest of the crew handled small arms or took • Pirates believed that whistling on a responsibility for the cannons. A gun crew was responsible for two cannons: one on ship would cause the weather to turn the starboard and its opposite cannon on stormy (as in “to whistle up a storm”). the larboard or port side. • Pirates would take over island ports and make them a safe haven for This was the period of famous pirates pirates. like Edward Teach (“Blackbeard”), who • Pirates did not bury their treasure! was born around 1678 in England and • Pirate captains would change out of died in battle in 1718. Teach got the name their expensive, flashy clothes, if there Blackbeard because he always had a long was a chance they might be captured, pretending they were only one of the crew.62 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

LEFT: A worn look is created on the leather strap.   ABOVE: Note the detail achieved on the pirate’s arm, especially the tattooing.   BELOW: Painting and weathering enhance the cummerbund.• Pirates probably didn’t have talking of the pirates was the macaw. Highly parrots. It’s possible to understand intelligent birds that love nothing why pirate ships would keep a cat more than being taught tricks and as a pet to catch any mice or rats on learning to speak, these medium to board. But why would a pirate want large parrots are native to Africa and a parrot? The only reason could be South America and can live for up to perhaps that pirates would sometimes 30 years. Therefore, a parrot really was capture parrots or monkeys due to the an ideal companion for a pirate who price they fetched back home. It isn’t spent most of his life at sea! generally believed that many pirates   actually kept them as pets though. This image most likely began with the BUILDING THE FIGURE book “Treasure Island,” in which Long John Silver carried a parrot as a pet. If The casting and sculpture details of this anything, they would have been more pirate figure are of the highest order, likely to become fresh meat on a more including the textures of the different difficult voyage. clothes. There were no mold lines to carve or file. I only needed to do a small• Pirates probably got their wild parrots bit of carving in the join for the neck to from islands they visited or they stole shoulders. them in the same way they stole gold and jewels. No pinning was required for the main figure. But I decided to drill and pin the• There are more than 300 different parrot to the back of the pirate’s shoulder species of parrots across the world, for added strength, although any glue ranging from 7.5 cms. (3 inches) could be hidden by the bird’s body and tail. in height to a meter (33 inches). However, the favorite parrot species Though the pirate’s head comes separate to allow for painting details before attaching it to the rest of the model, TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 63

ABOVE: Close-up showing how the cummerbundwas painted to indicate fading. RIGHT: Brightly colored plumage modeled after ascarlet macaw breathes life into the pirate’s pet parrot. BELOW: Close-up of the finished pirate and hisparrot.I attached it first. I did this because thejoin between the neck and the shoulders isa necklace, which is a very delicate featurethat might be easily obliterated by mymodeling skills!  PIRATE PAINTINGTo get the correct character, effect of wornequipment and clothing, it is all in thepainting for this figure! As usual, I primedthe figure with a spray of white primer. Iundercoated the face, arms and legs in abase flesh color and the eyes in white witha large black cornea. I decided to give the pirate blue eyes,following a suggestion by a fellow modeler,who said that the pupils are more obviousthan on brown eyes. I therefore added asmaller light blue to the eye for the irisand a central black pupil. I finished theeyes with a dot of red in the corner forthe teardrop. The eye surround was thenshaded and highlighted with flesh colormixes. The finished face was given a blue/gray stubble to help give him a bit of arugged appearance. I wanted to emphasize the work doneby the sculptor on the extremely well-textured jacket that he wears, so I useddry-brushing techniques for the lightesthighlights on the jacket. Mix up the lighttone paint, then wipe off most of the painton the brush on a tissue and quickly sweepback and forth on the model as if you areremoving dust from an object. The moreit is dusted, the more the difference incontrast between the raised area and thesurrounding surface.64 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

LEFT: Back view of the completed model figure kit.   ABOVE: A wooden base and name plate complete the barefoot pirate project. I thought all of the equipment and in a uniform pattern over the top of the depth in the sculpt. Then I added dry-clothing needed to have a worn, faded look. head and spread the pattern left and right, brushed lighter tones. The model was putI achieved this by painting the base color as with random dots at the back. I only on a suitably sized wooden base and giventhe darkest color, then adding lighter and highlighted the dots with a pure white at a nameplate (by Name It!) as ever! lighter tones giving the edges of clothes and the very top of the head. I then added abelt, etc., the lightest tone, almost white dry-brushed light blue/white mix over the Thanks to Pietro Balloni at Pegaso forin most cases. I went over the area with a creases to indicate a faded head scarf. the review figure. I thoroughly enjoyeddark tone applied only where the creases making and painting the figure, especiallyare deep. The faded trousers/shorts, for The cummerbund was painted in as the choice of colors is really broad. Ainstance, were painted white at the edges. a dark red and given a pattern (orange hobbyist can go to town on the shading dots and “leaf ” types in yellow). The and highlighting, if you want. As such, it The leather strap was given a “worn” cummerbund was then highlighted several would make a great figure for both neweffect by painting very thin light lines times with lighter red/pink, going to an and experienced modelers. If you have notacross the belt, simulating tears, etc., in the almost white on the very lightest areas to tried making a 75-mm figure, why notleather. further indicate faded clothing. have a go with this one? I wanted to give the pirate some The parrot was painted in bright colors Next month I will be taking a breaktattoos, so I painted a ship and a couple to create a contrast to the worn-out, faded from a figure review to bring readersof crossed cutlasses on his upper arms in clothes of the figure. I drew inspiration for news of the BMSS show in London, adark gray. the bird’s colors from the Internet. It is yearly event that many U.K. toy soldier roughly based on a scarlet macaw. and model soldier enthusiasts look Whether true pirates had polka-dot forward to. nheadscarves, I’m not sure, but this pirate Finally, I painted the figure’s base adoes! I painted the scarf in light blue dark brown base color and a medium about the reviewerand added highlights and darker areas as brown for the upper surfaces, followed byrequired, then added the dots in off-white a dark brown/black stain to bring out the Paul Newman is a keen modeler whose main interest is the Napoleonic Wars, particularly British cavalry. He is a longtime member of the British Model Soldier Society and serves as its treasurer while his wife, Julie, is its secretary. Paul’s memberships have also included Planetfigure and The Basement. In addition, the Newmans operate Name It! providing engraved nameplates to model figure enthusiasts. They can be found manning their stand at many major European shows. TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 65

RBEoVoIEkWS n Reviews of READ ALL ABOUT IT... books of interest to history buffs as well as toy soldier and model figure enthusiasts.THE OTHER SIDE OF AIRFIXAuthor: Arthur Ward This 192-page, hardcover book filled license from Hasbro and other U.S.Published by: Remember When with color photos has been published by companies during the 1950s, 1960s andISBN: 978-1-848848-51-1 Remember When, an imprint of Pen & 1970s. His book ranks as the first effortPrice: £19.99/U.K./$34.95 U.S. Sword Books Ltd. It features a forward to document the many successful productReviewed by: Stuart A. Hessney written by Darrell Burge, who served as lines besides model kits that fueled the marketing manager for both Airfix and company’s dramatic growth.   Humbrol, which owned Airfix from 1986I credit Airfix’s superbly sculpted and to 2006. Airfix is currently owned by Airfix’s offerings included everythingincredibly diverse range of cheap plastic Hornby. from games to arts and crafts project kits.toy soldiers with getting me hooked on There were merchandising tie-ins withhistory and collecting as a young boy. Ward taps extensive interviews with Doctor Who and other famous names.And, of course, Airfix is synonymous with former employees to chart the rise and Through its subsidiary Crayonne, Airfixplastic model kits. fall of Airfix from its founding in 1939 even tried to employ the design talents of by Hungarian Nicholas Kove to its 1981 Terence Conran to give its plastic home But the U.K. company made many bankruptcy and acquisition by U.S.- products designer chic.other types of things, according to based General Mills through its Britishhistorian Arthur Ward, who is considered subsidiary Palitoy. While it was diversifying, Airfix wasa leading expert on Airfix. He tells the rest also acquiring other famous toy lines.of the story with a touch of warm affection Kove was a tenacious businessman By the 1970s, it owned notables suchin “The Other Side of Airfix: Sixty Years with a flair for the art of deal making. as Dinky Toys, Meccano, Tri-ang andof Toys, Games & Crafts.” He managed to keep Airfix afloat during Romper Room. World War II by This book is packed with insider securing government perspectives from former employees. Plus, contracts for applying his readers will learn new tidbits such as how cutting-edge, injection- formerly uncredited Bill Stallion was molding technology responsible for some of the thrilling box to produce various art for soldier sets, and sometimes used plastic items for the war himself as a model. effort. Airfix emerged from wartime as the Airfix made a mark. Not only is the U.K. market leader in brand name synonymous with the kit manufacturing combs. hobby like Britains is to toy soldiers, Airfix has joined the pantheon of company The company was names used as nouns or verbs, for already established as a instance, Xerox for copying a document or leading pocket money Hoovering for running a vacuum cleaner. toy brand in 1952, when When anyone of a certain age makes any it released its first proper plastic model, we do an Airfix. construction kit: a tiny model of Sir Francis “The Other Side of Airfix” is an Drake’s flagship the engaging look at the company’s history Golden Hind. Model and a nostalgic trip down memory lane. n kits such as perennially popular WWII British Write A Book Review! Spitfire fighters became reliable money-spinners Do you have a non-fiction book for the firm while of interest that you’d like to review financing expansion. in TS&MF? Then please get in touch with Editor Stuart A. The author recounts Hessney about requirements via how Airfix invested e-mail at [email protected]. heavily in designing, developing and marketing new toys or making them under66 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

PLATAEA 479 BCAuthor: William Shepherd near the city of Plataea in Boeotia. offensive going forward in the Greco-Illustrator: Peter Dennis The Greeks wisely refused to be drawn Persian Wars.Published by: Osprey Publishing,Campaign 239 into the terrain surrounding the Persian The author’s detailed reconstructionISBN: 978-1-84908-554-0 camp because it would have favored the of Plataea campaign draws from ancientPrice: £14.99 U.K./$19.95 U.S. enemy’s vast superiority in cavalry. sources (predominately Herodotus), closeReviewed by: Gage Bell An 11-day stalemate ensued. scrutiny of the battlefield and fairly recent  studies of hoplite warfare. WonderfulWilliam Shepherd concisely yet vividly The August battle was sparked when color plates by Peter Dennis highlight therecounts one of the largest and most Greek forces began to withdraw due to a illustrations and maps that enliven thisimportant land battles of pre-20th century disruption in their supply lines caused by 96-page paperback. nhistory in “Plataea 479 BC: The Most more mobile Persians and their harryingGlorious Victory Ever Seen.” missile tactics. Thinking the Greeks were in full retreat from their defensive line, The previous year Persian King Xerxes Mardonius seized the moment by orderingI had personally led his huge, multiethnic his men to give chase. However, thearmy to victories over the Greeks at the Greeks halted and gave battle.Battles of Thermopylae and Artemisium.He added Attica, Boeotia and Thessaly to The Persian Empire’s host numbered anhis conquests. estimated 350,000 men, including 50,000 of their Greek allies as well as troops from However, the allied Greek navy notched as far away as India. They were opposeda decisive victory at the ensuing Battle of by more than 100,000 Greeks, includingSalamis that prevented the subjugation 41,000 armored hoplites.of the Peloponnesus. Afterwards Xerxesretreated with a great portion of his army Athenians, Spartans and Tegeanswhile leaving a general named Mardonius to spearheaded the rout of relatively lightlyfinish off defiant Greeks the following year. armed Persian infantry caught up in close- quarters combat. Mardonius was slain in The alliance of Greek city-states the melee. Many Persians were trapped inopposing the invaders included Athens, the camp and slaughtered.Corinth, Megara and Sparta. During thesummer of 479 B.C., they assembled a large The destruction of this Persian landarmy and marched out of the Peloponnesus. force and the remnants of their navy atThe Persians withdrew to a fortified camp the Battle of Mycale, purportedly on the very same day, ended the second Persian invasion of Greece. The Greeks took theX-PLANES: GERMAN LUFTWAFFE PROTOTYPES 1930-1945Authors: Manfred Griehl private testing of new engine systems and toy soldier hobby, German experimentalPublished by: Frontline Books advances in technology such as radar. aircraft have inspired models by makersISBN: 978-1-84832-555-5 such as King & Country Ltd. and mostPrice: £25 U.K./$50 U.S. Projects covered in this 288-page book recently Thomas Gunn Miniatures. nReviewed by: Keith Koliada include gigantic flying boats, helicopters,Aviation expert Manfred Griehl flying wings, rocket-powered planes andhas mustered a unique collection of jet fighters. The author also documentsphotographs in “X-Planes: German alternations made to existing aircraft soLuftwaffe Prototypes 1930-1945.” they could perform new roles like serving aboard Germany’s proposed aircraft Though there is some exposition for carriers.context, this book is more like a catalogfull of black and white photos and Ultimately these aircraft never madespecifications of projects that never took it beyond the drawing board or thewing in battle during World War II. prototype stage because they were either deemed unsuitable or the developers More than 340 original photos from simply ran out of time before the warmajor aviation manufacturers’ archives ended. The Allied bombing campaignenhance the author’s listings of 200 or against Axis industry was apparentlyso prototype and experimental aircraft. effective in restricting supplies ofGriehl details the reasons why they were necessary materials.designed, whether they ever flew andtheir ultimate fates. Following the war, the Allies raced each other to get their hands on German The government of Nazi Germany technology. Even though many of thesefunded development of bigger, faster experimental aircraft never left theand/or specialized aircraft from Dornier, ground, some had a major impact on theFocke-Wulf, Heinkel and Junkers. development of postwar military aviation.BMW, Daimler-Benz and Siemenswere among others who invested in “X-Planes” is a fascinating look at an amazing chapter in aviation history. In the TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 67

PARATROOPER: THE LIFE OF GENERAL JAMES M. GAVINCoauthors: T. Michael Booth pistols traditionally favored by officers. Postwar Gavin earned as much respect& Duncan Spencer Gavin’s first combat jump was in Sicily from policymakers as he had from hisPublished by: Casemate Publishers troops. He retired as a lieutenant general inISBN: 978-1-61200-127-2 in 1943. It was one of airborne warfare’s 1958 and joined the industrial research andPrice: £19.99 U.K./$32.95 U.S. greatest fiascos. As a battalion commander, consulting firm Arthur D. Little Inc. InReviewed by: Hayden Hammersmith Gavin found his men were scattered all over 1961, President John F. Kennedy tapped the landscape. But starting out with a band Gavin to become the U.S. ambassador to   of only eight paratroopers, he marched France. He died at age 82 in Baltimore.Coauthors T. Michael Booth and Duncan toward the sound of the guns. His standSpencer deliver a riveting account of an with just a few men at Biazza Ridge was Sixteen pages of illustrationsexceptional American soldier in credited with saving the U.S. invasion front. complement this comprehensive, 496-page“Paratrooper: The Life of General James biography. It reveals that Gavin had hisM. Gavin.” Gavin was assistant division flaws, but he was an extraordinary person commander of the “All-American” 82nd in every sense, especially as a leader of men World War II erupted at the juncture Airborne during 1944’s D-Day invasion of in combat during WWII. nbetween air transport capability and the French Normandy. Again his paratroopersinvention of the helicopter. As a result, it were scattered and faced German fire fromwas marked by history’s first and only all sides. But his cool leadership inspiredmass use of paratroopers. Getting dropped the paratroopers to coalesce and hold afrom a perfectly good airplane into the bridgehead behind enemy lines until theythick of battle must rank as modern could be relieved by infantry advancingwarfare’s most courageous combat task. By from the beaches.all accounts, “Jumpin’ Jim” Gavin was theU.S. Army’s best leader of paratroopers.   By the time of Operation Market Garden, Gavin commanded the 82nd. Gavin was born in New York City in Despite suffering a serious spinal injury on1907, placed in an orphanage at age 2 and landing, the “Jumping General” led his menadopted by a coal mining family from in heroically seizing all of their objectives.Mount Carmel, Pa. He joined the Army in To his dismay, Gavin was portrayed by1924. The following year Gavin gained actor Ryan O’Neal in “A Bridge Too Far,” aadmission to the U.S. Military Academy at 1977 film about the Holland operation.West Point. The cadet gave his age as 21instead of 18 to hide how he was not old Next the paratroopers were called uponenough to join the Army when he did. to stem the German onslaught during the Battle of the Bulge. The U.S. 101st Gavin was only in his mid-30s when he Airborne famously made a valiant stand atbecame the youngest U.S. major general Bastogne. However, the coauthorscommanding a division during WWII. In underscore how the stand made by Gavin’scombat, he became known for carrying an 82nd at St. Vith, where the GermansM1 Garand rifle – the typical weapon of really hoped to make their breakthrough,an enlisted man – rather than the M1 equally foiled Adolf Hitler’s last majorcarbine or Colt Model M1911 .45-caliber offensive in the west. GARIBALDI Author: Ron Field and Italy. He became known as the Illustrator: Peter Dennis “Hero of Two Worlds” because of his68 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE Published by: Osprey Publishing, efforts in both Europe and South Command 14 America. ISBN: 978-1-84908-321-8 Price: £11.99 U.K./$18.95 U.S. Starting in 1848, he led a disparate Reviewed by: Grant Peterson group of freedom fighters known as “Redshirts” in a prolonged struggle for   Italian independence. He could offer Ron Field has authored “Garibaldi,” a look only “hunger, cold, forced marches, at the amazing life of one of the 19th battles and death” to those who century’s key revolutionary figures. followed him. Despite several set- backs, their dogged efforts led to the Giuseppe Garibaldi was born in Nice unification of the Italian peninsula July 4, 1804. The turning point in his life in 1870. happened in April 1833, when he met Giovanni Battista Cuneo, a member of a Field aptly captures the spirit of secret movement known as Young Italy. Garibaldi and his times in this 64-page Garibaldi joined the society, taking an paperback. Excellent artwork by Peter oath to dedicate his life to liberating his Dennis and detailed maps enhance this homeland from domination by Austria. chronicle of a remarkable man and military campaigns that shaped the In the years that followed, Garibaldi course of history. n fought in Brazil, the Uruguayan Civil War

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EPXREIRZCEISE n Beau Geste, TS&MF MONTHLY COMPETITION Treefrog Treasures and TS&MF join forces to offer readers a great prize.WIN WWI HARLEM HELLFIGHTERS BANDThis month readers have a chance to Great War earned the nickname “Harlem who believed he was not being treated Beau Geste’s stunning band of the Hellfighters” for its men’s ferocity and Beau Geste’s 60-mm musicians areU.S. Army’s 369th Regiment, which was valor in action against the Germans. Thenicknamed as the “Harlem Hellfighters.” French government awarded the 369th cast from metal and very handsomely with several unit citations. Individuals hand-painted in gloss colors. A drum This attractive set of 14 black musicians were presented with one U.S. Medal of major leads the marching band made up of(ref. 360) is generously being made available Honor and several Distinguished Service percussionists, horn players and woodwindas a prize by Argentina-based maker Ana Crosses. The French Legion of Honor was musicians.Donzino and her U.S. distributor, Shannon given to 171 members of the regiment.Reuss of Treefrog Treasures. This band is valued at $316 U.S. The 369th’s regimental brass band, However, TS&MF readers can have a The 369th hailed from New York directed by Lt. James Reese Europe (see chance of winning one simply by sendingCity, where it had originated as the 15th TS&MF issue 141), became famous during in the correct answer to the followingInfantry Regiment of the New York Army the war. It was thought that the musicians’ question:National Guard in 1913. It was led by contribution to morale by entertainingblack and white officers commanded by troops and civilians exceeded the need for  Col. William Hayward. It shipped out their services in the front line. Europe and Which genre of music did the HarlemDec. 27, 1917, and became the first black his men were among the first black soldiers Hellfighters band help popularize whileregiment to serve with the segregated to enter Germany after the 1918 Armistice. performing in France and Britain duringAmerican Expeditionary Force. WWI? Europe’s Harlem Hellfighters band Initially, the black enlisted men were returned to the USA to great acclaim as part A) Ragtimerelegated to labor-intensive service duties of the most famous black unit of WWI.rather than combat training. Then April People were eager to hear his music.The B) Polka8, 1918, the 369th was assigned to the bandleader landed a recording contract. ButFrench Army for the duration of the war. his promising career was cut short in 1919, C) Jazz when he was fatally stabbed by a drummer After going into the trenches, the D) Rockfirst African-American regiment of the   Beau Geste’s set No. 360 -- “369th Regiment, Harlem Hellfighters, Military Band, U.S. Infantry, WWI.” 70 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

PREVIOUS WINNERS ANNOUNCED The West Point color party includes three standard-bearers and a pair of escorts.Cadet DouglasMacArthur in1903, when thefuture generalwas graduatedfirst in his class.Congratulations to the very lucky winners reader whose name was drawn with the NEXT TIME WINof TS&MF issue 178’s Prize Exercise correct answer: Woodard E. Nunis of PRPERVIIZEEWfeaturing two different prizes from Birmingham, Ala., USA.W. Britain based on the U.S. MilitaryAcademy at West Point, N.Y. Both The MacArthur figure depicts thewinners correctly answered that the official future five-star general as a first classWest Point mascot is a mule. (senior year) cadet captain in 1903. His rank of captain is indicated by the four The prizes generously provided by W. gold chevrons on each shoulder.Britain General Manager Richard Walkerincluded a figure depicting famous Cadet As a cadet officer, MacArthur wearsDouglas MacArthur (ref. 10034) and a a cadet saber, red sash and black cockpresent-day color guard (ref. 10033). These feathers on his shako instead of the usual1:32-scale, matt-painted items in summer wool pompom. He returned to West Pointdress are part of the maker’s Museum to serve as superintendent from 1919 toCollection. 1922. The color guard, valued at £149.99 The MacArthur figure retails forU.K./$180 U.S., is composed of three £26.99/$32. It was won by Col. Robert R.standard-bearers with the Stars and Rice of Glendale, Wis., USA.Stripes, Army flag, and Corps of Cadetscolors. They are escorted by two color Kudos to the issue 178 Prize Exercisesergeants. The prize goes to the first winners, and many thanks to all of the other readers who entered. Please keep on trying because you’ve got to be in it to win it!HOW TO WIN! Next month in TS&MF issue 183 readers will have a chance to winAll entries must be submitted in writing with your complete contact World War II U.S. Army medicdetails, including an e-mail address if available. Entries can be sent sets, including this one titled “Thevia fax to 01903 885514 or mail to Issue 182 Prize Exercise, TS&MF, Rescue,” courtesy of King & CountryAshdown Ltd., Unit 5E, Park Farm, Chichester Road, Arundel, West Ltd. and its Kings X shop. TheseSussex, England, U.K. BN18 9EY. Entries can also be sent via fax to specially made sets will be unveiled(507) 634-7691 or mail to Issue 182 Prize Exercise, TS&MF, Ashdown at the 2013 Texas Toy Soldier ShowInc., 68132 250th Ave., Kasson, MN, USA 55944. All entries must be Memorial Day weekend, May 25-26,received by July 31, 2013. at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio. TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 71

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PRICES CORRECT AT TIME SPECIAL SECTION ON TOY SOLDIER MAKER BIRMINGHAM FAYRE BLITZ EGYPTIAN-THEMED OF GOING TO PRESS. OFFER WEST POINT CADETS LANDS ON SUPERCARRIER 2011 CHICAGO SHOW RECAP EAST COAST SHOW SPECIAL SECTION AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST. QUEBEC STRIKES MILITARY HISTORY SUPER SATURDAY WIN THIS DYNAMITE DIORAMA! PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE UP THE BANDS! WEEKEND IN VIRGINIA BIG TOP CIRCUS THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY WITHOUT NOTICE. PLEASE ATS ASKS: HOLIDAY TREATS BALACLAVA BATTERY PHOTOCOPY OR RE-WRITE CRICKET, ANYONE? THE LIFE OF JESUS CONFEDERATE GENERALS DETAILS IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BRiTAiNS SHiFTS GEARS THOMAS GUNN’S STONEWALL JACKSON CUT YOUR MAGAZINE KRUPP TRUCK SEVEN YEARS’ WAR DEATH OF PONSONBY W. BRITAIN’S ELITE FORCESGeRMAN FiGHTiNG MAN BRITISH GRENADIERS ATTACK! THOSE WERE THE DAYS! 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Call the US Toll Free: 1 866 606 6587 25 years service Phone: (760) 758-5481 SOLD HERE The only authorized distributors for the Americas Toy Soldier is available around the world from any of the specialist shops listed below We stock the book and everything in it! AVAILABLE IN Michigan Toy Soldier St. Louis, Mo, USA USA 314-567-3311 THE USA FROM: 1406 E. 11 Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48067The Treasure Bunker Militaria Shop Hobby Bunker 33 Exchange Street, The History Store 21 King Street, Glasgow G1 5QZ, Scotland, UK. Malden, MA 02148 101 North Paint Street, 10% off all Toy Soldiers Tel.0141 552 8164 Chillicothe, OH 45601 Sierra Toy Soldier Co.King and Country | Collectors Showcase | First Legion | W.Britain 15466 Los Gatos Blvd. #108, Toy Troops 7561 Center Ave. #17, w w w. t r e a s u r e b u n k e r. c o m Los Gatos, CA 95032 Huntington Beach, CA Joseph Saine AVAILABLE IN 628 Dixie Highway, CANADA FROM: Rossford, OH 43460 Scott J. Dummitt Presents 1754 Carmel Line, Bailieboro, The Toy Soldier Shoppe Ontario, Canada K0L 1B0 3775 S 108th St. (HWY 100), Maitland Toy Soldier Shoppe 108 Victoria St. South, Goderich, Greenfield. WI 53228 Ontario Canada N7A 3H9 Troops of Time 1602 Copeland Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204 Phone: 928-717-1698 If you wish to see Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazines in your area, please encourage favorite shop to call and order at 1-866-606-6587 or 507-634-3143. We are also available in all UK newsagentsQuality Collectible Figures TSMF is now for your tablet and phone USA: 603-552-5069 UK: 020300 48058Advertisers index Visit www.pocketmags.comAG FARM TOYS......................................................59 Military History Weekend........................36 Tarrant’s ToyANDREA DEPOT USA INC..................................37 MINUTEMEN TOY SOLDIERS............................13 SoldiersBRUNTON’S BARRACKS....................................73 PETER NATHAN TOY SOLDIERS......................13COLLECTORS SHOWCASE (THE).......................3 Rodney’s Dimestore Gallery...................69 The following are available:COTSWOLD COLLECTABLES.............................58 SCOTT DUMMITT PRESENTS.....................36, 58 Rank & FileCRAIG MCCLAINS OLD SIERRA TOY SOLDIER Also available from Seaview CuriosTOY SOLDIER HOME............................................73 COMPANY.........................................................13, 59 and Collectables, Seaton.CROWN MILITARY MINIATURES.....................73 South Carolina Military Latest Rank & File set is Joe Smith’s War.DUTKINS COLLECTABLES............................59, 73 Miniatures Society........................................69 16 Oxbarton, Stoke Gifford,FIRST LEGION LTD................................................11 TARRANT’S TOY SOLDIERS...............................73 Bristol BS34 8RPGREEN’S COLLECTABLES...................................59 THE HISTORY STORE...........................................59 Tel: 01454 777278HOBBY BUNKER......................................................2 THE TOY SOLDIER MUSEUM............................69 Email: [email protected] & ALLEN STUDIO...............................58 THE TREASURE BUNKER...................................73IVANHOE FIGURES...............................................36 THOMAS GUNN MINIATURES.........................12KING & COUNTRY-HK..........................................76 TOY SOLDIER SHOPPE..................................13, 59LE PETIT SOLDAT..................................................73 TOY TROOPS...........................................................36MAITLAND TOY SOLDIER TREEFROG TREASURES.........................27, 73, 75SHOPPE (THE)........................................................59 TROOPS OF TIME..................................................36MEMPHIS TOY SOLDIER....................................73 WILLIAM HOCKER................................................73Call the US Toll Free: 1 866 606 6587 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE 73

shows and clubs Event organizers are invited to submit information for inclusion in the Toy Soldier Calendar.Toy Soldier CalendarJune to August 2013JUNE Columbia, S.C., USA. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every month at the Sale Moor Methodist Contact: Dennis Fontana, tel: (803) 419-6747 Church Hall, Northenden Road, Sale Moor,Sat., June 1, Summer 2013 Model Show, or e-mail: [email protected]. England. Adults £1 (children free).Hawkinge Community Centre, Heron Information: Tom Cunningham, tel:Forstal Avenue, Hawkinge, Folkestone, Sat., Aug. 31, Norman Joplin’s Old Toy 01614 992803.Kent, England, U.K. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Soldier and Figure Show, Holiday InnAdmission £1; under age 16 50p. The annual Bloomsbury, Coram Street, London. Nearest Irish Model Soldier Society, Garda Club,event is staged by the Shepway Military Tube: Russell Square. 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Harrington Street, Dublin 8, Ireland.Modelling Society. Contact: e-mail: Admission £5; early bird admission £15 Meets on the first Thursday of [email protected]. starting at 6:30 a.m. Contact: Norman month. Information: Tony Foley, tel: Joplin, tel: 001 (262) 692-3913 or  00 353 1 4932248.Fri. and Sat., June 21-22, 15th Annual Marx e-mail: [email protected];Toy & Train Collectors National Convention, Website: Letchworth Scale Model Club, host of theKruger Street Toy & Train Museum, 144 British Model Soldier Society North HertsKruger St., Wheeling, W.Va., USA. 10 a.m. Society Meetings Branch. Meets on the third Wednesday ofto 4 p.m. Friday. 9 to 3 p.m. Saturday. every month from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at the FourAdmission $18 per person or $25 per person Bognor Regis Modelling & Wargaming Emblems Club, 2 Station Road, Letchworthwith swap meet table (spouse/children free). Society, Community Hall, West Meads, Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, U.K.Contact: Chairman Allan Miller, tel: (304) Bognor Regis, West Sussex, England, U.K. All welcome. Guests must pay a £1 club guest242-8133 or toll-free 1-877-242-8133, Usually meets from 7:30 to 10 p.m. every membership fee to comply with the socialWebsite: or Monday. Contact the joint secretaries: club venue’s bylaws. Information: Rode-mail: [email protected] Stephen Pidwell, tel: 01243 855449; Johnson, club secretary and BMSS areaor  [email protected]. or Dilip Sethi, tel: 01403 780637; representative, tel: 01438 814225; Website: e-mail: [email protected]. British Model Soldier Society (National), Ontario Model Soldier Society. UsuallySat. and Sun., July 20-21, FigureWorld 2013, Napier Hall, Hide Place, Vincent Square, meets on the second Sunday of each monthOundle School, Oundle, Near Peterborough, London, SW1. Usually meets from 5 to (except July and August) at Branch 210 ofNorthamptonshire, England, U.K. 9:30 a.m. 7 p.m. on the third Friday of every month. the Royal Canadian Legion, 110 Jutlandto 4 p.m. Admission £3. Show July 20. Upcoming meeting themes and dates: Road, Toronto, Ont., Canada. Doors openPaint-a-thon July 21. Contact: Website: Artillery/Transport June 21 and Militaria at 11 a.m. and the formal meeting begins July 19. Information: Arthur Smith, 1 p.m. Next meeting June 23. Information: tel: 02088 560064; or Website:  Gary Lenius, tel: (416) 261-6494 orThurs. to Sun., July 18-21, Historicon, e-mail: [email protected];Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center, Website: Carl D. Silver Parkway, Fredericksburg, British Model Soldier Society (BristolVa., USA. Noon to 6 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. to Area Branch). Quarterly meetings. South Carolina Military Miniature Society.6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 9 a.m. to noon Information: Peter Sturgeon, tel: 0117 Meetings are held at members’ homes inSunday. The Historical Miniature Gaming 9732067 or e-mail: [email protected]. two U.S. cities: the second Thursday nightSociety-sponsored event features tournaments, of every month in Columbia and onseminars, figure painting classes, contests and British Model Soldier Society (Ealing Sunday afternoons every six weeks invendor sales. This year’s convention theme is Branch), Northfields Community Centre, Charleston. For meeting details, contact:“The American Civil War -- 1863: Year of 71a Northcroft Road, Ealing, England. Society President Dennis Fontana, tel:Decision.” Visit the Website at www. Meets on the second Friday every month. (803) 419-6747 (Columbia); or for information on the Information: Bruce Harron, tel: Leader, tel: (843) 795-8720 (Charleston).convention fees and schedule. Contact: 07847 855 850. For membership and club information,convention Director Paul Delaney, e-mail: contact: Geoff Walker, tel: (803) [email protected]; or British Model Soldier Society (Essex or e-mail: [email protected].  e-mail: [email protected]. Branch), Two Brewers, Springfield Road, Chelmsford, England. Meets at 8 p.m. Southern California Toy Soldier CollectorsAUGUST on the second Wednesday of every month. Society. Meets on the last Saturday of every Information: Les Bickmore, tel: other month at members’ homes. NewSat. and Sun., Aug. 3-4, Toy Soldier 01621 744234. members are welcome. Contact: MikeExtravaganza presented by Joseph Saine Tarantino, tel: (909) 861-4252 orToy Soldiers, Holiday Inn, I-275 and 6 Mile British Model Soldier Society (Northants e-mail: [email protected], Livonia, Mich., USA. Auction at Branch), Wellingborough Bowls Club,1 p.m. Saturday. Show opens at 10 a.m. Hatton Park Road, Wellingborough, Sydney Model Soldier Society. NewSunday. Contact: Joseph Saine, tel: (419) Northants, England. Meets at 7:30 p.m. members needed and welcome! Meets662-8697; Website: on the first Tuesday of every month. every second Wednesday in every second Information: Terry O’Neill, tel: month at Earlwood-Bardwell Park BowlingSat., Aug. 10, 22nd Anniversary 01933 681536. Club. Send all inquiries concerningSoutheastern Toy Soldier Show sponsored membership and meetings to the secretary:by the South Carolina Military Miniature British Model Soldier Society (Northern Tom Thorpe, 29 Chaleyer St., WilloughbySociety, State Museum, 300 Gervais St., Branch) and the Manchester Association of 2068, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Military Modelling Societies meet jointly Tel: (612) 94172162. from 1 to 5 p.m. on the third Saturday of74 TOY SOLDIER & MODEL FIGURE

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