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VDH: Health District Infographics

Published by clay.aschliman, 2017-12-14 13:10:31

Description: VDH: Health District Infographics


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Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationAdults (18+) Reporting Poor MentalHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 OpioidsPrescription Opioid Overdose Mortality Rates Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality RatesPer 100,000 Population Per 100,000 PopulationSource: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

Rappahannock Health District2016 Population Maryland Hospital Fredericksburg Stafford Virginia Rappahannock Population by Race, 2016 8,411,808 City County Rappahannock King George 3.5% 0.7% 360,830 County 20.0% Spotsylvania County Caroline CountyVirginia Population by Race, 2016 0.6% 7.1% 20.6% 71.6% 75.8%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsPredominant Causes of Death, 2013 Local HD InformationBy Rate and Population and Growth Rappahannock Health District:Cause Rappahannock Virginia Rate Rappahannock HD 2016: 360,830 HD Rate Vs. Virginia Rate 2006: 309,483 161.3 Caroline County:Cancer 163.3 155.9 Worse 2016: 30,178 37.2 Better 2006: 26,731Heart disease 150.8 38.5 Fredericksburg City: 33.0 Worse 2016: 28,297Chronic lower respiratory 39.0 2006: 21,273disease Better King George County: Worse 2016: 25,984Cerebrovascular disease 36.4 2006: 21,780 Spotsylvania County:Unintentional injury 34.4 2016: 132,010 2006: 119,529Alzheimer’s disease 20.3 19.6 Worse Stafford County: 2016: 144,361Nephritis and nephrosis 20.0 18.0 Worse 2006: 120,170Diabetes mellitus 18.5 18.3 Worse County Health Rankings Caroline County: 73Source: VDH Division of Health Statistics Fredericksburg City: 49 King George County: 27Top Reportable Communicable Diseases by Incidence Rate, 2016 Spotsylvania County: 29 Stafford County: 8(Excluding Chronic Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections) Source: National Center for Health Statistics and University of Wisconsin Population Health InstituteState Health District Locality Disease Rate PerVirginia Caroline County Campylobacteriosis* 1180.08,000 Rappahannock Fredericksburg City Campylobacteriosis* 26.4 King George County Campylobacteriosis* 23.3 Salmonellosis* 24.9 Spotted Fever 35.3 Rickettsiosis** Spotsylvania County Salmonellosis* 21.5 Stafford County Campylobacteriosis* 36.6*Food-borne **Including RMSFSource: Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS)

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationAdults (18+) Reporting Poor MentalHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 OpioidsFentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality RatesPer 100,000 PopulationSource: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

Rappahannock/Rapidan Health District2016 Population Fauquier Hospital County Virginia Rappahannock Rappahannock/Rapidan Population by Race, 2016 8,411,808 CountyRappahannock/Rapidan Culpeper 1.8% 0.5% 175,151 Madison County 11.8% County Orange CountyVirginia Population by Race, 2016 0.6% 7.1% 20.6% 71.6% 85.8%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsChronic Disease Hospitalization Three-Year Rolling Rates, 2010-2012 Local HD InformationPer 10,000 Population Rappahannock-Rapidan’s mission is to attain optimal health for the people of our community through disease prevention, environmental safeguards, and health promotion.Source: Virginia Inpatient Hospitalization and Virginia Health Information For under-served members of our community, we provide healthTop Reportable Communicable Diseases by Incidence Rate, 2016 services, including care coordination, education, follow-up, referral, and case(Excluding Chronic Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections) management as needed. Additional health district servicesState Health District Locality Disease Rate Per include, but are not limited to: • Family planning and women’s healthVirginia Campylobacteriosis* 1180.08,000 • School physicals Rappahannock/ Lyme disease 28.1 • STIs Rapidan Salmonellosis* 24.3 • Nutrition services Culpeper County Lyme disease 32.0 • Restaurant inspections Fauquier County Lyme disease 68.5 • Well and septic permits Madison County Campylobacteriosis* 25.4 For more information, please visit Orange County Lyme disease 54.2 Rapahannock County rapidan.*Food-borneSource: Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS)

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationAdults (18+) Reporting Poor MentalHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015Prescription Opioid Overdose Deaths OpioidsVStiragtienia Health District Locality 2012 2405143 2409184 2309125 2406156 Rappahannock/Rapidan Culpeper County 429 26 22 18 17 Fauquier County 11 8 6 6 3 Madison County 2 8 6 6 9 Orange County 3 0 1 2 0 Rapahannock County 2 9 8 4 5 3 1 1 0 0Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables 1 2300193 2305114 2406165 2800136Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Deaths 12 15 20 42 5 5 7 14VStiragtienia Health District Locality 2012 3 3 9 18 Rappahannock/Rapidan Culpeper County 181 1 0 0 0 Fauquier County 4 3 6 4 10 Madison County 0 0 1 0 0 Orange County 3 Rapahannock County 0 1Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables 0

Richmond City Health District2016 Population Hospital Virginia Richmond 8,411,808 CityRichmond City 223,170 Richmond City Population by Race, 2016 Virginia Population by Race, 2016 2.8% 0.7% 0.6% 7.1% 45.9% 20.6% 50.6% 71.6%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsChronic Disease Hospitalization Three-Year Rolling Rates, 2010-2012 Local HD InformationPer 10,000 Population For too long, low-income and minority residents of Richmond have experienced unequal access to quality housing, education, healthy food, transportation, employment, and health care. With poverty, sexually transmitted infection, heroin overdose, and asthma rates all more than double the state average, Richmond is working hard to develop solutions that address the underlying causes of health inequality.Source: Virginia Inpatient Hospitalization and Virginia Health Information In 2017, Richmond received the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize forTop Reportable Communicable Diseases by Incidence Rate, 2016 our progress toward health equity. We still have a long way to go, but Richmond is building a(Excluding Chronic Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections) strong foundation by: • Recognizing our city’s long history of injusticeState Health Locality Disease Rate Per and racism; • Rethinking unfair and ineffective policies; Virginia District Campylobacteriosis* 1180.08,000 • Trusting residents to lead change in their own Richmond City Richmond City Campylobacteriosis* 14.1 communities; and • Making neighborhoods safer, greener, and*Food-borne more inclusive while improving access toSource: Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS) quality housing and resources. By coming together, we can achieve long-term solutions that really work and build a true culture of health for all Richmond residents.

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationAdults (18+) Reporting Poor MentalHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 OpioidsPrescription Opioid Overdose Mortality Rates Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality RatesPer 100,000 Population Per 100,000 PopulationSource: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

Roanoke City Health District Hospital2016 Population West Virginia Virginia Roanoke City 8,411,808Roanoke City Roanoke City Population by Race, 2016 99,660 3.2% 0.4% Virginia Population by Race, 2016 0.6% 7.1%20.6% 31.1% 71.6% 65.3%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsChronic Disease Hospitalization Three-Year Rolling Rates, 2010-2012 Local HD InformationPer 10,000 Population The Roanoke City Health District is working to prevent epidemics and the spread of disease, protect the environment, prevent injury, promote and encourage healthy behavior, respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery and assure the quality and accessibility of health services for all members of our communities. Source: Virginia Inpatient Hospitalization and Virginia Health Information In 2016, the district provided the following activities/services:Teen Pregnancy Rates • Clinical activities: 10,035 (FY16)Per 1,000 Teenagers (Ages 15-19) • Dental sealants and varnish: 130 • EP&R exercises/drills: 15 • Early Intervention services for children: 10,030 • Flu vaccines: 1,420 • Long-term care screenings: 320 • Pool/tourist establishment inspections: 140 • Rabies exposure investigations: 270 • Restaurant inspections: 1,200 • Vital records requests: 10,855 • Women, Infants, & Children (WIC) participants: 3,728 Note: These numbers do not include health education, car seat distribution, vector control activities, outbreak investigations, community planning, TB activities, communicable disease investigations, or complaint investigations. For more information, please see Virginia Vital Records and Health Statistics Electronic Birth Certificates

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, Adults (18+) Reporting Tobacco Use*,2014 2014Source: US Census Bureau *Have smoked 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and now smoke every day or some days or use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snusAdults (18+) Reporting Poor Mental Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance SystemHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014 STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationSource: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 OpioidsPrescription Opioid Overdose Mortality Rates Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality RatesPer 100,000 Population Per 100,000 PopulationSource: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

Southside Health District2016 Population Hospital Virginia Halifax Brunswick8,411,808 County CountySouthside Mecklenburg 82,127 County North CarolinaVirginia Population by Race, 2016 Southside Population by Race, 2016 0.6% 0.8% 0.4% 7.1%20.6% 40.2% 58.6% 71.6%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsChronic Disease Hospitalization Three-Year Rolling Rates, 2010-2012 Local HD InformationPer 10,000 PopulationSource: Virginia Inpatient Hospitalization and Virginia Health Information Southside Health District serves Brunswick, Halifax, and MecklenburgTop Reportable Communicable Diseases by Incidence Rate, 2016 Counties. The district’s mission is to achieve and maintain(Excluding Chronic Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections) optimum personal and community health by emphasizing healthState Health Locality Disease Rate Per promotion, disease prevention, and environmental protection. In addition Virginia District Campylobacteriosis* 1180.08,000 to environmental health services, Southside Salmonellosis* 19.3 vital statistics, and community Brunswick County Campylobacteriosis* 12.0 outreach programs, numerous clinic Halifax County Salmonellosis* 31.3 services are offered by the district: Mecklenburg County Salmonellosis* 12.9 • Family Planning*Food-borne • ImmunizationSource: Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS) • Pregnancy Testing • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) • Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) • Every Women’s Life (EWL)

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationAdults (18+) Reporting Poor MentalHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 OpioidsPrescription Opioid Overdose Mortality Rates Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality RatesPer 100,000 Population Per 100,000 PopulationSource: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

Thomas Jefferson Health District2016 Population Greene Charlottesville Hospital County City Virginia Albermarle Louisa Thomas Jefferson Population by Race, 2016 8,411,808 County County Thomas Jefferson 4.3% 0.4% 249,537 Nelson County Fluvanna 13.7% CountyVirginia Population by Race, 2016 0.6% 7.1%20.6% 71.6% 81.5%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsChronic Disease Hospitalization Three-Year Rolling Rates, 2010-2012Per 10,000 Population Local HD InformationSource: Virginia Inpatient Hospitalization and Virginia Health Information MAPP2Health Mobilizing for Action through PlanningTop Reportable Communicable Diseases by Incidence Rate, 2016 and Partnerships (MAPP2Health) is a strategic framework to engage community(Excluding Chronic Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections) stakeholders, key organizations, and citizens to come together and review healthState Health District Locality Disease Rate Per indicators and determine community health priorities for focus and improvement.Virginia Campylobacteriosis* 1180.08,000 Overall, 105 community partners and 10 Thomas Jefferson Lyme disease 27.1 community coalitions from across the health district participated in the third round of Albemarle County Lyme disease 24.6 MAPP2Health with the publication of a final Charlottesville City Salmonellosis* 25.8 report in December 2016. After completing Fluvanna County Lyme disease 41.9 four assessments, including a community Greene County Lyme disease 47.0 survey of 2,885 residents, TJHD and Louisa County Campylobacteriosis* 34.7 MAPP2Health community partners will be Nelson County Salmonellosis* 33.8 focusing on four district-wide priorities over the next three years:*Food-borne • Promote Healthy Eating and Active LivingSource: Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS) • Address Mental Health and Substance Use • Reduce Health Disparities and Improve Access to Care • Foster a Healthy and Connected Community

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationAdults (18+) Reporting Poor MentalHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 OpioidsPrescription Opioid Overdose Mortality Rates Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality RatesPer 100,000 Population Per 100,000 PopulationSource: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

Three Rivers Health District2016 Population Hospital Westmoreland County Essex County Richmond County Virginia King and Queen County Northumberland8,411,808 King William County County Lancaster County Middlesex CountyThree Rivers Mathews County 140,950 Gloucester County Atlantic OceanVirginia Population by Race, 2016 Three Rivers Population by Race, 2016 0.6% 1.0% 0.7% 7.1% 20.8% 20.6% 71.6% 77.5%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsChronic Disease Hospitalization Three-Year Rolling Rates, 2010-2012 Local HD InformationPer 10,000 Population Three Rivers Health District (TRHD) was createdSource: Virginia Inpatient Hospitalization and Virginia Health Information in 1990 through the consolidation of the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck Health Districts.Top Reportable Communicable Diseases by Incidence Rate, 2016 TRHD provides clinical, environmental, disease(Excluding Chronic Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Diseases) prevention, and health education services in a rural ten-county area covering over 2,000 square miles. A staff of approximately 83 serves a population of over 140,000 residents with the mission of preventing disease, promoting health, preparing for emergencies, and protecting the environment. Services are provided at all ten local county health departments and throughout the community. Environmental staff protect our citizens from hazards in food, drinking water, recreational water, and diseases like rabies that are spread by animals or insects.Disease Three Rivers Rate Per Virginia Rate Per The Health Promotion and Education staff 100,000 100,000 provide prevention and care services to populations with specific needs in the district.Salmonellosis* 25.5 14.2 Clinical services include family planning, 18.8 pregnancy testing, STI evaluation and treatment,Campylobacteriosis* 12.8 0.5 immunizations, WIC, dispensing of Narcan, rabies 16.1 post-exposure treatment, and screenings forVibriosis, non-cholera* 5.7 2.9 infectious disease. 3.7 Community-based services include homeLyme disease 5.0 2.7 visits for elevated lead levels, long term care 3.7 screenings, teen and high-risk pregnancies,Cryptosporidiosis* 3.5 1.7 disease investigations, and follow up of 4.3 hazardous substance exposures.Giardiasis* 2.1Group A Streptococcal disease, invasive 2.1Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis** 1.4Legionellosis 1.4Shigellosis* 0.7*Food-borne**Including RMSFSource: Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS)

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Adults (18+) Reporting Poor Mental Health in the Past 30 Days, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance SystemGonorrhea STI Rates (Per 100,000 Population) Chlamydia HIV and Total Early SyphilisSource: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention,Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 Opioids Prescription Opioid Overdose Mortality Rates Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality Rates Per 100,000 Population Per 100,000 Population 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015Virginia 6.0 5.2 5.5 6.0 4.7 1.9 2.2 3.7 4.2 5.6Three Rivers HD 4.9 2.8 2.1 5.0 2.8 0.7 0.0 0.7 1.4 8.5Essex County 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Gloucester County 5.4 2.7 2.7 8.1 0.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.5King and Queen County 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 0.0 0.0King William County 0.0 6.3 0.0 0.0 12.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.1Lancaster County 8.9 0.0 0.0 9.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Mathews County 11.2 0.0 11.2 22.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.3 0.0Middlesex County 9.2 0.0 0.0 9.3 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.4 0.0 8.2Northumberland County 0.0 16.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.2 0.0 5.7 17.0Richmond County 10.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.2Westmoreland County 5.7 0.0 0.0 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

Virginia Beach Health District2016 Population Hospital Virginia OAtcleaanntic 8,411,808 Virginia Virginia Beach Beach 452,602 Virginia Population by Race, 2016 Virginia Beach Population by Race, 2016 0.6% 0.6% 7.1% 8.0% 21.5% 20.6% 70.0% 71.6%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsChronic Disease Hospitalization Three-Year Rolling Rates, 2010-2012 Local HD InformationPer 10,000 PopulationSource: Virginia Inpatient Hospitalization and Virginia Health Information The Virginia Beach Health District serves the largest and most populous city in VirginiaTop Reportable Communicable Diseases by Incidence Rate, 2016 and 41st most populous city in the United States. It is located at the southeast corner(Excluding Chronic Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections) of Virginia, bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bay. With 38+ miles of beachesState Health Locality Disease Rate Per and almost 80 miles of scenic waterways, the Virginia Beach Department of Public Virginia District Campylobacteriosis* 1180.08,000 Health monitors beach water quality for Virginia Beach Virginia Beach City Salmonellosis* 14.1 22 public beaches. Other services include clinical operations, community outreach,*Food-borne population health, emergency preparednessSource: Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS) and response, infectious disease, WIC, and environmental health. In January 2017, the Healthy Virginia Beach Steering Committee, comprised of diverse leaders in multiple sectors such as government, non‐profit organizations and coalitions, reviewed the top concerns identified in the 2016 Virginia Beach Community Health Assessment and then proposed the following health priority areas for the city to focus on over the next three years: • Access to Health Services • Healthy Behaviors • Mental Health • Healthy Aging

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationAdults (18+) Reporting Poor MentalHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 OpioidsPrescription Opioid Overdose Mortality Rates Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality RatesPer 100,000 Population Per 100,000 PopulationSource: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

West Piedmont Health District2016 Population Hospital Virginia Franklin 8,411,808 CountyWest Piedmont 138,882 Patrick Henry Martinsville County City County North CarolinaVirginia Population by Race, 2016 West Piedmont Population by Race, 2016 0.6% 0.7% 0.4% 7.1% 17.5% 20.6% 71.6% 81.4%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsChronic Disease Hospitalization Three-Year Rolling Rates, 2010-2012 WPHD in 2016Per 10,000 PopulationSource: Virginia Inpatient Hospitalization and Virginia Health Information Environmental Health Restaurant Inspections: 798Top Reportable Communicable Diseases by Incidence Rate, 2016 Rabies Investigations: 729 (7 positive) Well Applications: 175(Excluding Chronic Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections) Sewage Applications: 286 (123 repairs) NursingState Health District Locality Disease Rate Per Nursing Home Screenings: 786 Car Seat Program: 137Virginia West Piedmont Campylobacteriosis* 1180.08,000 WIC Campylobacteriosis* 17.2 Total Enrolled: 2,604 Franklin County Campylobacteriosis* 16.0 Public Health Emergency Preparedness Henry County Campylobacteriosis* 19.3 (Number of EP&R Flu Vaccines Given) Martinsville City Salmonellosis* 14.7 Franklin County Drive-Thru Flu Clinic: 99 Patrick County Spotted Fever 27.7 Patrick County Drive-Thru Flu Clinic: 38 Rickettsiosis** Nautica Flu Clinic: 109*Food-borne **Including RMSF Population HealthSource: Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS) Community Health Assessments/Improvement Plans were completed for Franklin County, Henry County, and Martinsville City; they are in progress for Patrick County. WPHD partnered with the Martinsville City Police Dept. and the Near Southwest Medical Reserve Corps to distribute 2,161 Zika prevention door hangers in Martinsville. Go Healthy West Piedmont Highlights of WPHD’s CDC Chronic Disease Prevention grant include community giving gardens donating ~20,000 pounds of fresh produce to food banks, installation of bike racks, conducting of walkability assessments to encourage localities to adopt “Complete Street” policies, and implementation of Diabetes Prevention Programs.

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationAdults (18+) Reporting Poor MentalHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 OpioidsPrescription Opioid Overdose Mortality Rates Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality RatesPer 100,000 Population Per 100,000 PopulationSource: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

Western Tidewater Health District2016 Population OAtcleaanntic Hospital Virginia Isle of 8,411,808 WightWestern Tidewater County 152,232 Southampton County Franklin City Suffolk City North CarolinaVirginia Population by Race, 2016 Western Tidewater Population by Race, 2016 0.6% 1.8% 0.5% 7.1% 20.6% 38.9% 58.8% 71.6%Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: National Center for Health StatisticsChronic Disease Hospitalization Three-Year Rolling Rates, 2010-2012 Local HD InformationPer 10,000 Population The Western Tidewater Health District team proudly supports Isle of Wight County, Southampton County, and the independent cities of Franklin and Suffolk in southeastern Virginia.Source: Virginia Inpatient Hospitalization and Virginia Health Information Like much of the Commonwealth, the health of the people of Western TidewaterTop Reportable Communicable Diseases by Incidence Rate, 2016 varies from one city or county to another, and often varies from one neighborhood(Excluding Chronic Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections) to another. These differences in health, or health disparities, between communities areState Health District Locality Disease Rate Per preventable, but they are also complex and require the communities to work together onVirginia Campylobacteriosis* 1180.08,000 solutions that will work for them. The health Western Salmonellosis* 19.9 district, in collaboration with the central Tidewater Campylobacteriosis* 58.9 offices of the Virginia Department of Health, Franklin City Salmonellosis* 22.0 strives to create and maintain community Isle of Wight County Campylobacteriosis* 16.6 partnerships that work to reduce and Southampton County Salmonellosis* 19.3 eliminate these health disparities. Suffolk City Ultimately, the health district aims to*Food-borne support strategic, data-driven initiatives that collectively promote the well-being and protect the health of all people in Western Tidewater.Source: Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS)

Population in Poverty and Uninsured, 2014 Source: US Census Bureau STI Rates Per 100,000 PopulationAdults (18+) Reporting Poor MentalHealth in the Past 30 Days, 2014Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Source: STD*MIS, Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System (eHARS), Division of Disease Prevention, Virginia Department of Health; data reported as of 12/31/2015 OpioidsPrescription Opioid Overdose Mortality Rates Fentanyl and/or Heroin Overdose Mortality RatesPer 100,000 Population Per 100,000 PopulationSource: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables Source: Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Fatal Overdose Tables

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