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Women and Food Security

Published by IJHASS, 2021-04-19 06:29:36

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1 International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies (IJHAS) 3 (1) 18-20 ISSN: 2918-0890 International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies Copyright© 2020 AIRCC Publishing Corporation AIRCC ISSN: 2918-0890Corporation Assessment of Literature on Contribution of Rural Women to Food Security in Kenya Betty Cheruiyot University of Eldoret, Kenya ABSTRACT Women play important roles in food security. Women act as food producers, keepers of traditional knowledge; preservers of biodiversity, food processors, and providers for their families. Due to the women’s multiple roles, they are key players in enhancing food security. Despite the significant contribution of women towards food security, development interventions aiming to improve access to food often bypass women. Therefore, this study sought to evaluate the contribution of rural women towards food security at the household level in Kenya. The study was guided by the following research objectives; to determine the role of rural women in contributing to food security; to examine the level of contribution of rural women to food security; to investigate the effect of empowerment of rural women in contributing to food security and to establish the factors inhibiting rural women contribution to food security in Kenya. The study used a descriptive survey methodology. The study population comprised of studies conducted on the contribution of rural women towards food security. The study used purposive sampling to select studies conducted on the contribution of rural women towards food security. Mainly secondary sources of data were used. The findings of the roles of women towards food security were identified. All the data were organized systematically under various themes. All the studies reviewed revealed that women play crucial roles in agriculture as producers and providers of food hence contributing immensely to food security. It was concluded that women-related inequalities along the food production chain from farm to plate impede the attainment of food and nutritional security. The study recommends better understanding of household dynamics and creation of interventions that maximize the benefits of women involvement in decision making in matters food. There is a need to strengthen women's social capital by enhancing their active involvement and decision making. Key Words: Contribution, Rural Women, Food Security, Household Level

2 INTRODUCTION Food security has been defined as when all Background Information people, at all times, have physical and Kenya is home to more than 47 million economic access to sufficient, safe and citizens. It is culturally diverse with over 44 nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and tribes (Census, 2019). Kenya is in the Eastern food preferences for active and healthy life part of Africa, with the equator passing right (Liru, 2017). In the opposite condition, food through it bordering Somalia, Ethiopia, South insecurity is defined as limited or uncertain Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Indian availability of nutritionally adequate and safe Ocean. Kenya has only two climatic seasons, foods. Household food security context and rainy and dry (Jebet, 2017). Having gained its rationale for intervention is explained by the independence from Great Britain in 1963, food security framework applied in food Kenya is known for its wildlife, national parks security analysis. It covers two core aspects and Game reserves, and world conquering availability and access. Availability is the athletes. United Nations Environmental amount of food in the immediate reach by the Programme (UNEP) headquarters is in households and largely depends on domestic Kenya’s capital city of Nairobi. Kenya has food production and storage. Access mainly signed and ratified the following global refers to the ability of a household to obtain environmental conventions:-the Convention on food from the market and depends on its Biodiversity (CBD), the United Nations purchasing power which varies concerning Framework Convention on Climate Change market integration, prices, and temporal (UNFCCC), the United Nations Convention market conditions (Lutomia, 2019). Food on Combat Desertification (UNCCD), and the utilization which leads to nutritional security Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic refers to the proper biological use of food and Pollutants (POPS) (Kassie et al., 2012). is determined by the safety and quality of food, intra-household distribution, and health Currently, Kenya’s food policies are designed status (Jebet, 2017). by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries, with the guidance and advice of the Food insecurity as a global issue has caused UN, FAO and other international food policy millions of deaths (Jebet, 2017). There is yet bodies (Miller, 2019). The growing problem of to be a single solution on how to adequately food and nutrition insecurity is linked to the feed the growing world’s population, although disappointing growth of agricultural many solutions have been suggested, none production over the last two decades. Only 7% answers the question on how to ensure food of Kenya’s land has adequate and reliable security in a sustainable way (Liru, 2017). As rainfall, soil, and topography suitable for crop an issue falling under food studies, food production. Another 5% of the land can only security can be attained through the lenses of sustain crops when there is adequate rainfall. women empowerment. Majority of women The remaining arid and semi-arid lands roles revolve around food related activities constitute over 80% of the country’s landmass. despite the fact women lack the machinery to Land issues such as grabbing have been enhance their initiatives towards food security witnessed throughout Kenya’s history, (Lutomia, 2019). Throughout the world, especially within the pastoral tribes. Women women are the principal guarantors of and children are the most affected because this nutrition, food safety, and quality at the deprives them of the ability to provide for their household and community levels. They are the households through agriculture (Oluoko, ones who often produce, purchase, handle, 2016). Moreover, women are affected by prepare, and serve food to families and among others such as land ownership as well community institutions (Nthenya, 2018). as access to produce food. They are also left out in decision making process on utilization In Kenya, women play a pivotal role in food of available land. Women hence may be production (Nthenya, 2018). They produce 60- affected in their quest to contribute to 80 percent of food in most developing household food security (Nthenya, 2018). countries and are responsible for half of the food production in the world. In rural communities, women are often bestowed with

3 the responsibility of providing food in the needs, education, and cultural backgrounds or home (Miller, 2019). They often farm small their aspirations for improving the economic subsistence plots of land to provide food for and social conditions (Lutomia, 2019). their families. Women are also responsible for Therefore, many rural women working to at least half the tasks involved in the local secure the food security of their communities storing of food and raising of animals in have little access to investment, knowledge, isolated rural communities. Apart from food and tools afforded commercial enterprises. production, women increase their contribution Therefore, this study sought to evaluate the to household food security by earning income contribution of rural women to food security at to purchase food. They also try to do both to the household level in Kenya. fulfill basic family needs. For these reasons, women are the foundation of food security in Research Objectives the community (Owoo, 2015). This paper The study was guided by four research sought to assess literature on contribution of objectives. They are to:- rural women to household food security to justify this claim. i. determine the role of rural women in contributing to food security in Kenya Statement of the Problem Currently, over ten million people in Kenya ii. examine the level of contribution of suffer from chronic food insecurity, and rural women to food security in Kenya between two and four million people require emergency food assistance at any given time iii. investigate the effect of empowerment (the Republic of Kenya, 2018). Nearly 30% of of rural women in contributing to food children are classified as undernourished, and security in Kenya micronutrient deficiencies are widespread. Ensuring food security and nutrition in Kenya iv. establish the factors inhibiting rural is, therefore, a critical challenge (Jebet, 2017). women’s contribution to food security Food and nutrition insecurity is closely linked in Kenya to poverty. About half the Kenyan population falls below the poverty line some of whom Research Questions live in extreme poverty (the Republic of Kenya, 2008). This situation has serious Based on the four research objectives, four implications on the food security of people as research questions for the study were the chronically food insecure suffer from generated. They are extreme poverty. A growing problem of food and nutrition insecurity in Kenya is linked to i. What is the role of rural women in the disappointing growth of agricultural contributing to food security in production. The country has about 80% of its Kenya? population residing in the rural areas where agriculture dominates (the Republic of Kenya, ii. What is the level of contribution of 2018). rural women to food security in Kenya? Women play important roles in food security since they act as food producers, keepers of iii. To what extent does the empowerment traditional knowledge, preservers of of rural women contribute to food biodiversity, food processors, and food security in Kenya? providers for their families, and because of women’s multiple roles, they are key players iv. What factors inhibit rural women's in enhancing food security (Nthenya, 2018). contribution to food security in Despite the significant contribution of women Kenya? towards food security, development interventions aiming to improve access to food Justification of the Study often bypass women. Women are given little The role of women and situation in the rural attention in designing programs that suit their areas depend on their geographic region, social class, age, and ethnicity (Oluoko, 2016). Rural women carry out most home food processing, which ensures a diverse diet, minimizes losses, and provides marketable products. Women cultivate, harvest, and prepare the food (FAO, 2017). In developing countries, women work more hours than men in housekeeping,

4 childcare, fetching water, collecting firewood, processing and marketing, and food and in the fields (Kassie et al., 2012). Women preparation for both domestic consumption contribute three-quarters of the labor required and sale (Oluoko, 2016). to produce the food consumed in Africa, averagely they work sixteen hours a day (Liru, In Kenya, many factors explain the weakness 2017). Women play a decisive role in food of the productivity of women in agriculture. security, dietary diversity, and children’s For instance, women farmers have health (FAO, 2017). In Kenya, women carry quantitatively and qualitatively less access to out up to 80 percent of small-scale farming information, technology, land, inputs, and while men often dominate larger commercial credit (Miller, 2019). Policy-makers, activities (Liru, 2017). The large proportion of managers, agents, and participants in agricultural production attributable to women agricultural support services are generally in Kenya makes them important agents of males who are not always sufficiently aware of economic development and food security. the specific problems and needs of women Hence this study seeks to evaluate the farmers (Oluoko, 2016). Lack of access to contribution of rural women to food security at credit by women is a serious obstacle to the household level in Kenya. improving their agricultural productivity, as without credit women farmers are unable to LITERATURE REVIEW buy inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and Women and Food Security improved technologies or they are unable to Women play an indispensable role in farming hire labor. The limited autonomy of women and in improving the quality of life in rural implies that they control far fewer marketable areas (Nthenya, 2018). However, their assets and, thus, may lack the opportunity to contributions often remain concealed due to build independent reputations for some social barriers and gender biases. Even creditworthiness (Jebet, 2017). government programs often fail to focus on women in agriculture. This undermines the RESEARCH METHODOLOGY potential benefits from programs, especially Research design those related to food production, household The study used a descriptive survey income improvements, nutrition, literacy, methodology to establish the contribution of poverty alleviation, and population control. rural women towards food security in Kenya. Equitable access for rural women to This research design was selected for this educational facilities would certainly improve study because it allows for quick data their performance and liberate them from their collection at a comparatively cost-effective marginalized status in society (Liru, 2017). rate. According to Creswell and Creswell (2017), survey research design has the In Kenya, as in many other parts of Africa, capacity for wide application and broad women play crucial roles in agriculture as coverage and that this gives it its great producers and providers of food (Jebet, 2017). usefulness. The researcher will prefer this More than 80 percent of women in Kenya live design because it facilitates the smooth sailing in rural areas, playing multi-faceted roles in of the various research operations, thereby the rural sector as small-holder farmers, making research as efficient as possible income earners, and family caretakers. Women yielding maximal information with minimal contribute most of the labor required for the expenditure of effort, time and money cultivation of food crops on family holdings (Sekaran, 2000). Descriptive design allows the and have increasingly contributed much of the researcher to provide an explanation of labor in small and medium-size holdings in the phenomena which is attached with the main production of cash crops. In Kenya, it is population of the topic, project the proportions estimated that women solely manage 27% of of the study having these characteristics and the small-holdings in Kenya. Women are, discover associations among the variables. therefore, prominent economic actors in land- related activities, with a major stake in crop and small stock husbandry, crop preservation,

5 Study Population Findings The study population comprised of studies conducted on the contribution of rural women Kassie, Ndiritu, and Shiferaw (2012) in their towards food security. The unit of analysis study on the determinants of food security in was the individual studies, not more than five Kenya, a gender perspective, revealed that years ago. women-headed household’ food security increases with the quality of extension Sample Size and Sampling Procedures workers; land quality, farm size while the distance to the market reduces the probability The study sampled only studies conducted on of food security. For the quality of extension the contribution of rural women towards food staff, policymakers should focus on improving security in Kenya. The study used purposive the skill of extension staff for efficient and sampling to select studies conducted on the effective dissemination of technologies and contribution of rural women towards food other important information that has an impact security in Kenya. on food security. Data Sources and Instruments Liru (2017) studied the contributions of women towards food security in Malava Secondary sources such as journal articles, Constituency, Kakamega County, Kenya. As periodicals, and the internet about the per the findings of this study, women are contribution of women towards food security crucial and key contributors to food security in were used to supplement information gathered Malava constituency. This they do through from primary sources. farming, provision of farm labor, processing agricultural products into a palatable food, and Data Analysis and Presentation storage of food products. They are also the Kombo, (2006) noted that analysis of data keepers of traditional knowledge and varies with the purpose of the research, the preservers of biodiversity, food preparers, and complexity of the research design and the providers for their families. The study extent to which conclusion can be reached concluded that Women in Malava constituency easily. Qualitative data is evaluated by actively contribute to food security in their studying the documents and data which are households and have developed coping based on themes emanating from information strategies to ensure their families are food sources. All the data were organized secured. Such coping strategies should be systematically under various themes. Mainly strengthened to help achieve food security in qualitative data analysis technique was applied Malava constituency in particular as well as in this study. Qualitative information collected Kenya in general. from key informants and focus group discussions were transcribed, analyzed Lutomia, Obare, Kariuki, and Muricho, (2019) thematically, and presented in a narrative looked at the determinants of gender form. differences in household food security perceptions in the Western and Eastern regions RESULTS of Kenya. The results reveal that the factors Introduction that influence food security perceptions vary This study sought to evaluate the contribution across gender. The education level of of rural women to food security at the household head and the number of relatives household level in Kenya. Several studies on were negatively associated with women's the contribution of rural women to food perceptions of household food insecurity, security in Kenya have been conducted. This whereas the household dependency ratio was section presents the analysis of their findings positively associated with women's and contributions. perceptions of household food insecurity. In contrast, age and gender of household head were positively correlated with men's perception of household food insecurity. The findings suggest that gender matters in

6 household food security perceptions and that have less access to, and control of, agricultural the determinants of food security perceptions assets and inputs than men. In addition to vary across gender. discrimination in gender differences in observable characteristics, there are other Nthenya (2018) carried out a study on the role forms of discrimination in terms of accessing of women farmers in household food security different services such as extension and in Mpeketoni Location, Lamu County, Kenya. education and unobservable gender difference The study indicated that household food in characteristics including ability and security differed by demographic motivation. Furthermore, women carry most of characteristics. On farming practices, the burden for housework, child care, and care households which practiced mixed cropping, for the sick and elderly. crop rotation and weed control were associated with higher food security and vice versa. The Recommendations roles played by women farmers in producing food for their households included ensuring There is a need to strengthen women's social dietary diversity and undertaking various capital by enhancing their active involvement farming practices and farm inputs. These roles and decision making. There is also a need for were however hindered by low acreage put creating a rural economic environment that under farming and inadequate farm inputs would attract and encourage women such as fertilizers and hybrid seeds. participation in off-farm income-generating activities. Women-sensitive financial and In Kenya, women play crucial roles in lending institutions would reduce barriers of agriculture as producers and providers of food. access to credit for investments in off-farm More than 80 percent of women in Kenya live economic activities. in rural areas, playing multi-faceted roles in the rural sector as small-holder farmers, Household food security policy interventions income earners, and family caretakers. Women could be made most effective in reaching the contribute most of the labor required for the targeted members of the household through a cultivation of food crops on family holdings better understanding of the internal dynamics and have increasingly contributed much of the of decision-making within the households, and labor in small and medium-size holdings in the more importantly the inherent or latent production of cash crops. In Kenya, it is perceptions that inform the decision-making estimated that women solely manage 27% of outcomes by women. the small-holdings in Kenya (the Republic of Kenya, 2018). Women are, therefore, References prominent economic actors in land-related Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. activities, with a major stake in crop and small stock husbandry, crop preservation, processing (2017). Research design: Qualitative, and marketing, and food preparation for both quantitative, and mixed methods domestic consumption and sale (the Republic approaches. Sage publications. of Kenya, 2018). Jebet, K. (2017). Food Insecurity and How It CONCLUSIONS AND Affects Women at the Community RECOMMENDATIONS Level. Climate and development, 3(4), Conclusions 298-309. Gender-based inequalities all along the food Kassie, M. N. (2018). Determinants of food production chain from farm to plate impede security in Kenya; A gender the attainment of food and nutritional security. perspective. 2012, 354-2016-18147. Although women are disproportionately responsible for providing food to their families Kombo, A. (2006). Techniques of writing both in women and men-headed households research Proposals. Nairobi: they are faced with many constraints. They Masola publishers.

7 Liru, P. (2017). The Contributions of Women towards Food Security in Malava Constituency, Kakamega County, Kenya. Lutomia, C. K. (2019). Determinants of gender differences in household food security perceptions in the Western and Eastern regions of Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 5(1), 1694755. Miller, J. D. (2019). Greater household food insecurity is associated with lower breast milk intake among infants in western Kenya. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 15(4), e12862. Nthenya, K. T. (2018). Role of Women Farmers in Household Food Security in Mpeketoni Location, Lamu County, Kenya. Oluoko, O. (2016). Food Security and Poverty among Small Scale Farmers in Nyando District, Kenya. Owoo, N. S.‐Y. (2015). The gender dimension of the effects of land tenure security on agricultural productivity: some evidence from two districts in Kenya. Journal of International Development, 27(7), 917-928. Sekaran, U. (2000). Methodological and theoretical issues and advancements in cross-cultural research. Journal of international business studies, 14(2), 61-73.

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