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Home Explore Picture dictionary

Picture dictionary

Published by GH, 2021-10-25 01:10:15

Description: Picture dictionary


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‫‪Picture dictionary‬‬ ‫مجلة إلكترونية لمشروع مادة اللغة الإنجليزية‬ ‫ﻣﻦ إ(ﺪاد ا‪$‬ﺎ\"ﺔ ‪ :‬ر‪.‬ﻞ ‪4‬ﺪر اﻟ‪12‬ي‬ ‫إ‪9‬اف اﻟﻤﻌﻠﻤﺔ ‪ :‬أ ‪ /‬ا>ار ا=<ﺪي‬ ‫ا‪M‬ﺪاﺋﻴﺔ ﺗﺤﻔ‪ G‬ا‪F‬ﺮآن ا‪@AB‬ﻢ‬

1 Vocabulary

Unit1(feeling) I'm hungry I'm thirsty I'm hot

Unit1(feeling) I'm cold I'm sleepy I'm scared

2 Vocabulary

Unit2(Things we wear) A cap sunglasses A T-shirt A jacket

Unit2(Things we wear) Jeans A hat A blouse A sweater

Unit2(Things we wear) A skirt Shoes

3 Vocabulary

Unit3(Things we do) Doing my Watching TV Eating snacks homework

Unit3(Things we do) Doing karate Playing Playing football computer games

4 Vocabulary

Unit4(Beautiful nature) Long Short Big Small

Unit4(Beautiful nature) quiet noisy weak strong

5 Vocabulary

Unit5(friends, action, things) Apples are Lemons are Cherries are sweet. sweet. sweet

Unit5(friends, action, things) My soup is hot . Ice cream is Rice is hot cold

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