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Home Explore English professional development plan

English professional development plan

Published by jaafrehnesreen, 2021-02-06 19:42:11

Description: English professional development plan


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The Ministry of Education Southern Al-Mazar Directorate of Education Educational Supervision and Training “A summary of the main steps to build up your professional development plan” Prepared by: English supervisors 2020/2021

The main steps to build up your own professional development plan: 1- Self-reflection: to go through the national standards teacher’s professional development and national standards of the foreign language teacher (part 3). 2- Defining the main domains and sub-domains that you decide to be improved through determining the points of strengths as well as the points of weakness in light of the description of the sub-domains. 3- Selecting three domains at least that you need to work on by designing your professional development plan. 4- Building up your professional development plan by defining the general results, direct results, activities, indicators and time. Professional Development Plan Self refeecton Building up your plan Following up the plan Analyzing the Seleectng the Defining the Proeedural Supervisor nactonal professional priorictes of plan and prineipal standards domains needed development teaeher’s to be developed professional development and nactonal standards of the FLT

Example: Suppose that you decide to select the main domain” learning and teaching” as one of your priorities of the national standards teacher’s professional development and “ knowledge” from the National Standards of the FLT. You are going to use this table to define the level that you are going to work on to improve yourself and reach the indicators of this level. Suppose it is the “proficient teacher level”. Ministry of Education Priorities of professional development Domain Priorities in light of the criteria Notes Main domain ( learning and 1-bulding up plans with your teaching) colleagues cooperation 2-applying new strategies in teaching 3- designing new assessment tools with your colleagues cooperation Main domain( knowledge) 1-decoding and comprehending Linguistic fluency complex texts 2-using effective communication strategies.

Ministry of Education Professional Development Plan School:…………………………………… Directorate of education:………………….. Teacher’s name :………………………… Result: increasing the process of applying of new teaching strategies Direct results Activities Indicators Time Notes Improving the Reading books, research -Teacher’s Time is teacher’s and articles concerning performance assigned awareness of the new teaching level in accurately the strategies. classroom 14/9/2020 significance of -Going over other teaching applying new teachers’ success stories Base 2/5 teaching -Visits to other specialist Target 4/5 strategies and experienced teachers -percentage of Workshops and training students’ courses participation 1/10/2020 -Edraak Platform during the to teaching and learning 30/10/2020 process Base 50% Target90%

Result: improving the level of teacher’s linguistic fluency Direct results Activities Indicators Time Notes Time is Improving the -possessing linguistic -Teacher’s assigned teacher’s fluency through teaching performance accurately awareness of students by using the level in 14/9/2020 the three modes of classroom significance of communication teaching 1/11/2020 speaking, ( interpersonal, Base 2/5 to performing, interpretive and Target 4/5 producing and presentational) -numbers of 30/12/2020 using the FL -decoding and the texts that fluently. comprehending texts that match the match the content of the students’ levels grades. Base 20% -Edraak Platform Target 60% -ICT

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