46 3. ประโยคทใี ช้คาํ กริยา to become ใชเ้ สมอื นเป็น Verb to be ใชไ้ ด้ ลกั ษณะ คือ become + adj และ become + noun ตวั อยา่ ง Walt Disney became very rich because of these cartoon characters. He worked hard and he became a doctor.
47 เรืองที 2 He found a vaccine for rabies. Read this story and do the following activities. Louis Pasteur was one of the greatest Frenchman bacteriologists. His discoveries in chemistry and biology have saved millions of human beings from death. He was born in France in 1822. His family was very poor, but he worked hard and became a doctor. In 1854 he became a professor at University of Lille. He discovered “microbes” or germs which are very small living things. These small living things often cause diseases. In 1865 he began to study of a disease that was killing silkworms in France. He was interested in the problem of rabies, a terrible disease. He experimented on animals. After many years he found a vaccine for rabies, but he was not sure that it would work for human beings. One day a small boy had been bitten by a mad dog. He was successful in saving the boy’s life. The boy did not get rabies. The Pasteur treatment to prevent rabies was a success. Pasteur became famous. He wanted to help people, and he succeeded. Nowadays vaccines help to prevent and to cure many diseases. The Pasteur Institute was founded in 1888 in gratitude to this great Frenchman. He became a director. The Institute today is a world center for the study cure and prevention of disease. Pasteur was buried in a magnificent tomb in this building. Word Study bacteriologist (n.) ผเู้ ชียวชาญเกียวกบั โรค director (n.) ผจู้ ดั รายการ chemistry (n.) การป้ องกนั biology (n.) วิชาเคมี prevention (n.) ความกตญั ู microbe (n.) มนุษย์ vaccine (n.) ชีววทิ ยา gratitude ป้ องกนั success (n.) เป็ นสาเหตุ professor (n.) เชือโรค, จุลชีวนั human being ทาํ สาํ เร็จ rabies (n.) ฝัง disease (n.) วคั ซีน prevent (v.) รักษา ความสาํ เร็จ cause (v.) ศาสตร์จารย์ succeed (v.) พษิ สุนขั บา้ bury (v.) โรค cure (v.)
48 Activity 21 Find the correct meaning for each word in B. Put a-e in ( ). AB (……….) 1. success a. that makes something happen (……….) 2. disease b. stop or hinder (……….) 3. prevent c. illness, disorder of body (……….) 4. gratitude d. the gaining of what is aimed at (……….) 5. cause e. thankfulness, being grateful Activity 22 A. Answer the questions. 1. Who was Louis Pasteur? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Write about how he succeeded in prevention rabies. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Describe the following name. 3.1 The Pasteur Institute. 3.2 The University of Lille ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B. Fill in the blanks with the underlined words from the passage. 1. He became a famous writer. He has a great ……………….. in life. 2. The ……………….. of the fire was carelessness. 3. A doctor always ……………….. the patients. 4. Who can ……………….. him from getting married? 5. Many great Englishmen were ……………….. in Westminster Abbey.
49 Study about words 1. คาํ คุณศัพท์ (Adjectives) คือ คาํ ทีใชข้ ยายคาํ นามและสรรพนาม มีหลายชนิดแต่จะกลา่ วถงึ ในเรืองนีเพียงหนึงชนิดจากเรือง ทีอ่านจะเห็นคุณศพั ท์ทีแสดงคุณสมบตั ิ (Quality Adjective) เช่น old, new, poor, rich, cheap, expensive, small, big etc. ตวั อยา่ ง He is twenty years old. He is still new to the work. He family was very poor. 2. คาํ วเิ ศษณ์ (Adverbs) คือ คาํ ทีทาํ หน้าทีขยายกริยา คุณศพั ท์ บุพบท สันธานและวิเศษณ์ดว้ ยกนั ยกเวน้ คาํ นามและ สรรพนาม มหี ลายชนิดเช่นเดียวกบั คาํ อืน ๆ จากเรืองทีอ่านจะเห็นคาํ วเิ ศษณ์ทีควรจะนาํ มากล่าวก็คือคาํ วิเศษณ์แสดงกริยาอาการต่าง ๆ (Adverb of Manner) เช่น hard, well, fast, slowly, dangerously, carefully, happily, immediately, sincerely, extremely, etc. ตวั อย่าง He worked hard and became a doctor. The house is well situated. Don’t speak so fast. He slowly walked up the path. 3. การใช้ one of ซึงเป็นคาํ สรรพนาม ตวั อย่าง Louis Pasteur was one of the greatest Frenchman bacteriologists. 4. การใช้ suffix ในคาํ success (n.) successful (adj.) ตวั อย่าง He was successful in saving the boy’s life. 5. การใช้ to be interested in หมายถึง สนใจ ตวั อย่าง Jane is interested in this book. This book is interesting. ใหส้ งั เกตการณ์ใชค้ าํ ใน ลกั ษณะนี และใชใ้ หถ้ กู ตอ้ ง
50 Study about structures 1. การใช้ประโยค Active and Passive Voice Active Voice มีประธานเป็นผกู้ ระทาํ อาการกริยาต่อกรรม เช่น She handed me a receipt. Passive Voice มีประธานเป็นผถู้ กู กระทาํ ซึงตอ้ งนาํ กรรมของประโยคมาขึนตน้ แลว้ เติม Verb to be ตาม tense เดิม แลว้ เปลียนกริยาเป็นช่องที แลว้ เติม by หนา้ ประธานซึงอยตู่ ่อทา้ ยประโยค ประโยค Passive Voice มีหลกั การคือ ใหค้ วามสาํ คญั กบั คน สัตว์ สิงของทีถกู กระทาํ มากกว่า ผกู้ ระทาํ และบางครังผกู้ ระทาํ อาจจะไมป่ รากฏชดั เจน เช่น The house was build last week. The Pasteur Institute was founded in 1888. One day 2. การใช้ประโยคทมี คี าํ กริยา to become ใชเ้ สมอื นเป็น verb to be ใช้ to become + noun และใช้ to become + adjective ตวั อยา่ ง He worked hard and became a doctor. He became a director of Pasteur Institute. Mary became very rich because of her hard work. 3. การใช้ The Past Perfect Tense มีลกั ษณะสาํ คญั คือ had + v ช่องที ใชก้ บั เหตุการณ์ดงั ต่อไปนี - ใช้ The Past Perfect Tense กบั ประโยค Complex Sentence โดยมีเหตุการณ์ทีเกิดขึนในอดีต เหตุการณ์ เหตุการณ์หนึงเกิดขึนก่อนอีกเหตุการณ์หนึง เหตุการณ์แรกทีเกิดก่อนใหใ้ ช้ The Past Perfect Tense ตวั อย่าง He had gone before I came. - The Past Perfect Tense นิยมใชค้ าํ เชือม when, after, before, till, until - One day the boy had been bitten by a mad dog.
51 เรืองที 3 He was a famous English dramatist. Read this story and do the following activities. William Shakespeare was an English dramatist ant poet. He was born in beautiful Stratford-on- Avon, Warwickshire, England on April 26, 1564. His father was a rich glove-maker and a dealer in wool and timber. William Shakespeare attendee the Stratford Grammar School, learning Latin and Greek. His father failed in business and William Shakespeare had to go to work. In 1582 he married Ann Hathway. During the year 1591 – 1594 his popular plays were presented, He wrote mostly for public performance. His creative work has been called the “joyous comedies.” Among these were A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice and Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare became rich in 1597. When he bought a large house and move his family to live in it. Shakespeare retired about 1610. Though less active in his retirement, he continued to write. During the opening of the play, the theater caught fire and burned to ground. He died on April 23, 1616 at the age of 52 years. The cause of his death is unknown. His works have been translated into more languages than any books in the world except the Bible. One of the reasons for Shakespeare’s world wide appeal is the number and variety of characters he created. They included persons of all types. He could use every type of words for every type of persons. dramatist (n.) นกั เขียนบทละคร Word Study ไฟไหม้ poet (n.) จินตกวี catch fire ไหม้ glove-maker (n.) ผทู้ าํ ถงุ มือ burn (v.) สาเหตุ dealer (n.) พ่อคา้ cause (n.) แปล joyous (adj.) ยนิ ดี, รืนเริง translate (v.) การดึงดดู presented (adj.) ถกู นาํ เสนอ appeal (n.) กวา้ งขวางไปทงั โลก retire (v.) ลาออก world wide (adj.) ชนิดต่าง ๆ retirement (n.) การลาออก variety (n.) ใส่เขา้ ไป, รวมดว้ ย continue (v.) ทาํ ต่อไป include (v.) แบบ type (n.)
52 Activity 23 Find the correct meaning for each word in B. Put a-e in ( ). AB (……….) 1. appeal a. give, offer (……….) 2. dealer b. give the meaning of something said or written in (……….) 3. present (……….) 4. continue another language (……….) 5. translate c. go father d. trader e. earnest call Activity 24 A. Answer the questions. 1. Who was William Shakespeare? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Write about his family. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Write about his life during the year 1591 – 1594. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Write briefly the following names - As You Like It - Romeo and Juliet 5. Have you ever read any of Shakespeare’s book.? If yes, what is the name of the book.? Tell the class briefly about the story of the book which you have read. B. Fill in the blanks with the underlined words from the passage. 1. That sort of music has not much ________________ from them. 2. I hope this wet weather will not ________________ . 3. He ________________ this English book into French. 4. John became ________________ of crops. He buys and sells them everyday. 5. He ________________ a report on water to the class.
53 Study about words . คาํ บุพบท (Preposition) คือ คาํ ทีทาํ หนา้ ทีเชือมคาํ คาํ หรือวลี วลีเขา้ ดว้ ยกนั คาํ บุพบทอาจจะเป็นคาํ คาํ เดียว เช่น in, up, against, except, between, etc. ตวั อยา่ ง Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. He was born in June, 1990. He gets up early every day except Sunday. His works have been translated into more than any books except the Bible. The Letter B. comes between A. and C. The ladder was placed against the tree. 2. การใช้ one of เป็ นคาํ สรรพนาม ตวั อย่าง One of the reasons for Shakespeare’s world wide appeal is the number and variety of characters he created. Study about structures 1. การใช้ประโยค active and Passive Voice Active Voice มปี ระธานเป็นผถู้ กู กระทาํ อาการกริยาต่อกรรม เช่น He killed a crocodile. Passive Voice มีประธานเป็นผถู้ กู กระทาํ ซึงตอ้ งนาํ กรรมของประโยคมาขึนตน้ แลว้ เติม Verb to be ตามtense เดิม แลว้ เปลียนกริยาเป็นช่องที แลว้ เติม by หนา้ ประธานซึงนาํ ไปอยทู่ า้ ยประโยค ประโยค Passive มีหลกั การ คือ ให้ความสาํ คัญกบั คน สัตว์ หรือสิงของทีถูกกระทาํ มากกว่า ผกู้ ระทาํ และบางครังอาจจะไม่ปรากฏชดั เจน เช่น The building was built last year. A crocodile was killed by him. During the year 1591 – 1594 his popular plays were presented. His works have been translated into more languages than any books in the world except the Bible. 2. การใช้ to become ใช้เสมอื นเป็ น Verb to be - ใช้ to become + adjective เช่น Shakespeare became rich in 1597, when he bought a large house. - ใช้ to become + noun เช่น Jane worked hard and became an engineer.
54 บทที Would you like to know the interesting festivals? สาระสําคญั การรู้ศพั ท์และสาํ เนาเกียวกบั เทศกาลต่าง ๆ ทาํ ใหก้ ารใชภ้ าษาองั กฤษเพือการสือสารได้อย่างมี ประสิทธิภาพ ผลการเรียนรู้ทีคาดหวงั ผเู้ รียนสามารถ . อ่านเรืองสนั เกียวกบั ประเพณีลอยกระทง ตอบคาํ ถามและทาํ กิจกรรมทีกาํ หนดใหไ้ ด้ . อา่ นเรืองเกียวกบั Thanksgiving Day ตอบคาํ ถามและทาํ กิจกรรมทีกาํ หนดใหไ้ ด้ . อา่ นเรืองเกียวกบั Valentine’s Day ตอบคาํ ถามและทาํ กิจกรรมทีกาํ หนดใหไ้ ด้ ขอบข่ายเนือหา เรืองที When is Loy Kratong Day? เรืองที 2 What is Thanksgiving Day? เรืองที 3 What do they do on Valentine’s Day?
55 เรืองที When is Loy Kratong Day? Today is Loy Kratong Day. Bob told the class about this day. His said Loy Kratong is a Thai famous festival. It is the Thai tradition of offering tahnks to Mae Kongka, the Goddess of water. It is held on the full moon night of the twelfth lunar month. It is usually in November. The Kratongs are made of banana leaves. They are made in many shapes, usually in the shape of lotus and furnished with flowers, incense sticks, candles and coins. They are put on the water. On the Loy Kratong night we can see hundreds of the leafy boats. They float down in rivers. In Bangkok, a huge crowd gathers at the foot of the Memorial Bridge to launch their kratongs on the Chao Phraya River. There are also some entertainments such as the movies, the Likae and the music at the temples. There are also some entertainments at Dusit Zoo. Some small boats and castles are floated in the zoo canals. To the Thai people, the kratongs are supposed to carry their sins away downstream. Both adults and children enjoy this festival. It’s a wonderful and charming night. tradition (n.) ประเพณี Word Study เหรียญ Mae Kongka แมค่ งคา coin (n.) สะพานพระพทุ ธยอดฟ้ า the Goddess เทพธิดา, นางฟ้ า The Memorial Bridge แม่นาํ เจา้ พระยา the full moon พระจนั ทร์เตม็ ดวง The Chao Phraya River มหรสพ lunar month เดือนทางจนั ทรคติ Intertainments (n.) ลเิ ก shape (n.) รูปร่าง The Likae สวนสตั วด์ ุสิต lotus (n.) ดอกบวั Dusit Zoo ปราสาท furnish (v.) เรียก castle (n.) คลอง call (v.) มเี ครืองตกแต่ง canal (n.) เชือกนั ว่า suppose (v.)
56 sin (v.) บาป downstream (adj.) ลงแม่นาํ ลาํ ธาร launch (v.) ปลอ่ ยลงนาํ adult (n.) ผใู้ หญ่ float (v.) ลอยไป wonderful (adj.) พเิ ศษ incense stick (v.) ธปู charming (adj.) สวยงาม, มเี สน่ห์ candle (v.) เทียน Activity 25 Find the correct meaning for each word in B. Put a-e in ( ). AB (……….) 1. sin a. piece of metal used as money (……….) 2. tradition b. put furniture in (……….) 3. shape c. from of an area or a figure (……….) 4. lotus d. passing of beliefs or customs from one generation to the next (……….) 5. coin e. put something into motion (……….) 6. castle f. type of typical water lily (……….) . furnish g. large fortified building or a group of building with thick (……….) 8. launch walls and towers h. the breaking of a religious or moral law Activity 26 A. Choose the best answer. 1. When is Loy Kratong Day? a. It’s on the full moon night of the twelfth lunar month. b. It’s on the full moon night. c. It’s on Friday, November. b. It’s on Saturday, November. 2. What do Thai people do on Loy Kratong Festival Day? a. They make the kratongs for their friends. b. They launch the kratongs on the river or the canal. c. They enjoy the party at home. b. They stay at home.
57 3. What are the Kratongs supposed to do for them? a. To show the kratongs beauty. b. To go to Mae Kongka. c. To carry their sins away downstream. b. To give thanks to their friends. 4. What are the kratongs made of? a. Only paper b. Only flowers c. Only foam b. Banana leaves, flowers, incense sticks, candles and coins. 5. Where do they usually celebrate Loy Kratong Day? a. At home b. At their offices c. At the temples b. At the City Hall B. Write true of false. (……….) 1. Loy Kratong Day is held on the full moon night of the twelfth lunar month. (……….) 2. Loy Kratong is usually on December. (……….) 3. It is the tradition of offering thanks to the Memorial Bridge. (……….) 4. The kratongs are made in many shapes. (……….) 5. The kratongs are supposed to carry their sins away down-stream. Study about words 1. การให้ Suffix การนาํ อกั ษร หรือกลุม่ อกั ษรมาเติมทา้ ยคาํ หลกั หนึงคาํ ทาํ ใหเ้ กิดคาํ ใหม่ขึน อกั ษรหรือกลุ่มอกั ษร ทีนาํ มาเติมนีเรียกว่า suffix ตวั อยา่ ง I don’t wonder at her refusing to marry him. They were filled with wonder. It is a wonderful and charming night.
58 ใหส้ งั เกต suffix และความหมายต่อไปนี Example wearable, trainable Suffix Meaning builder, writer able able to be wonderful, playful er on who flexible ful full of careless, restless, hopeless ible able to be doctor, sailor less without frighten or one who leafy en fill with y with 2. Adverb of Frequency คือ คาํ วิเศษณ์ทีบอกความบ่อย ความถี ไดแ้ ก่คาํ never, seldom always, often, usually และ sometime ใหผ้ เู้ รียนสงั เกตประโยคทีใชค้ าํ วเิ ศษณ์ทีบอกความบ่อย ความถใี นเรืองนี ตวั อย่าง It is usually in November. They are made in many shapes, usually I the shape of lotus and furnished with flowers, incense sticks, candles and cons. Study about structures การใช้ some และ any ในหนา้ ทีของคาํ คุณศพั ท์ (Adjective) ดงั ต่อไปนี . ใช้ some ในประโยคบอกเลา่ ส่วน any ใชใ้ นประโยคคาํ ถาม และประโยคปฏเิ สธ . ใช้ some และ any กบั คาํ นามเพือแสดงจาํ นวนทีไมท่ ราบแน่นอน ตวั อย่าง Please give me some milk. Have you any sugar? There are also some entertainments such as the movies, the Likae and the music at the temples. There are some entertainments at the zoo. Some small boats and candles are floated in the zoo canals.
59 เรืองที 2 What is Thanksgiving Day? Read the story and do the following activities or the exercises. Today is Thanksgiving Day. We are all interested in this day. So we asked Janet, my American friend, to tell us about this day. Please tell us about Thanksgiving Day. Janet. “Thanksgiving is an American holiday. It’s a day when the whole country stops working and give thanks to God, “said Janet. “Is it always in November?” asked Sura. “Yes, it’s always on the fourth Thursday in November. The Pilgrims came to the United States I November.” Answered Janet. “Who are the Pilgrims?” asked Suchitra. “They were the first Europeans who went to live in America and were the who celebrated Thanksgiving” answered Janet. I asked “Why did they give thanks to God?” Janet answered, “Because it was very cold when they came. They were very tired and sick after a long trip. They had no place to live and very little food to eat. Many of them died.” “What a pity of them!” I exclaimed. “When spring came, they were glad. Friendly Indians came and showed them how to plant corn which they did very carefully,” said Janet. “The corn grew well. At the end of the summer the Pilgrims gathered in a good harvest,” said Janet. She explained, “They felt very grateful and invited the Indians to come for a feast. Everyone had a great time. They felt very grateful to God.”
60 “Oh! I see, so you give thanks to God for having plenty of food to eat and good houses to live in,” said I. “That’s right” said Janet. “What’s about the American activities on this day? Asked Kanlaya. “Families try to be together on this day. In most places there are church services in the morning where people can go and give thanks to God. It is also a time for religious thinking, church service, and personal prayer,” answered Janet. “Families try to be together on this day. In most places there are church services in the morning where people and go and give thanks to God. It is also a time for religious thinking, church service, and personal prayer,” answered Janet. “What do you do next?” asked Tongchai. “Afterwards we go home and enjoy a big dinner together. It’s also a special day to invite away- home friends to our houses. This is one time to treat guests as members of the family,” answered Janet. “It’s so good. What’s about the food on Thanksgiving Day?” I asked her. “The traditional food on Thanksgiving celebration is usually turkey. The Pilgrims ate wild turkey for the first Thanksgiving.” Answered Janet. “There are also many other kinds of food. A typical menu might include turkey, gravy, vegetables, and pumpkin pies,” explained Janet. “What is gravy?” asked Suchada. “Gravy is a sauce made of the juice from the turkey, milk and flour. It is put over the turkey.” Replied Janet. “What’s about the drink?” asked Sura. “Wine is often served with the dinner and coffee with the dessert, answered Janet. “Do you decorate you house on this day?” asked Suchart. “Yes, we usually decorate our houses with the fruits and vegetables of winter,” answered Janet. I said “Thank you for telling us about Thanksgiving. I wish I could join this celebration with you sometime.” “All right.” said Janet.
61 Word Study Thanksgiving Day วนั ขอบคุณพระเจา้ wine (n.) เหลา้ ไวน์ Pilgrim (n.) ขนมหวาน trip (n.) ผแู้ รกตงั ถนิ ฐานในอเมริกา dessert (n.) ฤดหู นาว spring (n.) ฉลอง Indian (n.) การเดินทาง winter (n.) รวบรวม corn (n.) มาเพอื harvest (n.) ฤดูใบไมผ้ ลิ celebrate (v.) ปฏบิ ตั ิต่อ feast (n.) อทุ าน activity (n.) ชาวอนิ เดียนแดง gather (v.) ตบแต่ง guest (n.) ทงั หมด, ตลอด, ทงั gravy (n.) ขา้ วโพด come (v.) กตญั ู, ขอบคุณ เพียงพอ pumpkin (n.) การเก็บเกียว treat (v.) หลกั , สาํ คญั pie (n.) หลกั จากนนั away-from-home พธิ ีฉลอง exclaim (v.) เพอื นผไู้ กลจากบา้ น juice (n.) flour (n.) กิจกรรม decorate (v.) การระลึกถึงพระเจา้ แขก, ผมู้ าเยอื น whole (adj.) พธิ ีกรมภายในโบสถ์ สว ดม นต์ตา มลําพัง นาํ เหนียวทีใชร้ าดบนอาหาร grateful (adj.) คนเดียว เนือหรือมนั ฝรังอาจะจะได้ plenty (v.) จากเนือยา่ งหรือทาํ ขึน typical (adj.) ฟักทอง afterwards ขนมพาย away from home friends นาํ ผลไมค้ นั religious แป้ ง thinking church service personal prayer Activity 27 Find the correct meaning from B for each word in A. Put a-e in ( ). AB (……….) 1. pilgrim a. cutting and gathering in of grain and other food crops. (……….) 2. trip b. religious festival (……….) 3. harvest c. a person who visits to another’s house (……….) 4. feast d. a person who travels to a sacred place as an act of religious (……….) 5. guest devotion e. journey
62 B. a. act or behave towards (……….) 1. celebrate b. bring together (……….) 2. treat c. cry out suddenly (……….) 3. decorate d. to show that a day or an event is important (……….) 4. gather e. put ornaments on (……….) 5. exclaim Activity 28 A. Choose the best answer. 1. When is Thanksgiving Day? a. It’s on the first Monday in November. b. It’s on the fourth Thursday in December. c. It’s on the fourth Thursday in November. b. It’s on the second Friday in January. 2. Who are the Pilgrims? a. They were the first Europeans who went to live in America. b. They were the first group of people who celebrated Thanksgiving c. They were the Indians. b. Both a and b 3. Who showed the Pilgrims how to plant corn? a. The Indians b. The Pilgrims c. The Farmers b. The Americans 4. What do Americans do on Thanksgiving Day? a. They go to work and study. b. The stay home. c. They go to church in the morning. b. They sleep and eat food all day. 5. What are the food on Thanksgiving Day? a. Bread, cake and milk. b. Turkey, wine and pumpkin pies. c. Sandwich, milk and corn. b. One turkey.
63 B. Write true of false. (……….) 1. Thanksgiving is an American holiday. (……….) 2. The Indians came and showed the Pilgrims how to plant com. (……….) 3. There are church services in the morning. (……….) 4. They enjoy a big dinner together at school. (……….) 5. The traditional food on Thanksgiving celebration is usually turkey. Study about words ใหผ้ เู้ รียนสงั เกตคาํ ศพั ทจ์ ากเรืองทีอ่านองั ต่อไปนี . การใช้ประโยค Gerund หรือคาํ ทีมาจาก verb + ing และใชเ้ ป็นคาํ นาม ตวั อย่างIt’s day when the whole country stops working and give Thanks to God. Thank you for telling us about thanksgiving 2. การใช้ to be interested in หมายถงึ สนใจ ตวั อย่าง We are all interested in this day. Pat is interested in this dress. This dress is interesting. ใหส้ งั เกตการณ์ใชค้ าํ ใน ลกั ษณะนี . คาํ วเิ ศษณ์ (Adverbs) คือ คาํ ทีทาํ หนา้ ทีขยายกริยา คุณศพั ท์ บุพบท สนั ธาน และวเิ ศษณ์ดว้ ยกนั ยกเวน้ คาํ นามและสรรพนาม คาํ วิเศษณ์ทีบอกความบ่อย ความถี ไดแ้ ก่ คาํ never, seldom, always, often และ sometimes 3.1 Adverb of Frequency ตวั อย่าง “Is it always in November?” asked Sura. “Yes, it’s always on the fourth Thursday in November.” “Wine is often served with the dinner and coffee with the dessert.” answered Janet. “Yes, we usually decorate our houses with the fruits and vegetables of winter” answered Janet. 3.2 Adverb of Manner เป็นคาํ วเิ ศษณ์ แสดงกริยาอาการต่าง ๆ เช่น hard, well, slowly, friendly, carefully, etc. ตวั อย่าง He worked hard in his English lesson, so he got a good grade. “Friendly Indians came and showed them how to plant corn which they did very carefully” said Janet.
64 Learn about structures. การใช้ประโยค Active and Passive Voice Active Voice มีประธานเป็นผกู้ ระทาํ หรือแสดงโดยตรงกริยา ตวั อย่าง He killed a tiger. Passive Voice มปี ระธานเป็นผถู้ กู กระทาํ แลว้ เติม Verb to be ตาม tense เดิม แลว้ เปลียนกริยาเป็ น ช่องที แลว้ เติม by หนา้ ประธานซึงนาํ ไปอยทู่ า้ ยประโยค ตวั อย่าง Wine is often served with the dinner. It is put over the turkey. ทงั สองประโยคไม่ระบุผกู้ ระทาํ และไมม่ ี by ผเู้รียนทบทวนเรืองนีไดจ้ ากบทเรียนตน้ ๆ ในตอนที -
65 เรืองที 3 What do they do on Valentine’s Day? Read this story and do the following activities or exercises. Today is the 14th of February. It’s Valentine’s Day. Students give red roses to their friends. They give some to their teachers too. “Could you please tell us about the history of Valentine’s Day? Asked Mrs. Wiboonpan.? Bob said “Years ago people held many beliefs in connection with Valentine’s Day. One of the oldest beliefs said that birds choose their mates on February 14th “The Roman celebrated their feast of Lupercalia, It is a lover’s festival for young people on February 15th said Bob. “Young men and women choose partners for the festival by writing names by chance. Then the partners exchange gifts as a sign of affection. Finally most of them end in marriage,” said Bob. Chaiya said “Some people told us about Saint Valentine. They said that St. Valentine was a priest who lived in Rome. The Roman jailed him for aiding persecuted Christians. Then the Roman beheaded him about A.D 270.” Kowit said, “I’ve read a book. It told that St. Valentine was a bishop. He was persecuted for converting a Roman family to Christianity. He was beheaded in Rome about A.D 273.” “What a pity of him! The both histories of St. Valentine were so sad,” exclaimed Kanlaya. “What’s about the activities on Valentine’s Day?” asked Mrs. Wiboonpan. “People send greeting cards called valentines to their sweethearts, their friends, and members of their families,” explained Albert. Valentines may include humorous pictures and saying,” said Bob. “Do people stop working in your home town on this day?” asked Panya. “No, Valentine’s Day is not a business or bank holiday in Europe and America. Schools and business remain open as usual,” replied Bob. “How do they celebrate Valentine’s Day.” Asked Pinya.
66 “There are parties and dances. During the weeks before the festival merchants sell valentine’s decorations for Valentine’s Day.” answered Bob. “How do the school children celebrate Valentines?” asked Pracha. “They decorate their classroom with bright and ribbon and paper hearts.” They exchange Valentines with their school friends. answered Bob. In some school, the children hold a classroom party and place all the Valentines in an attractive box that they have made. At the end of the day, the teacher or one child distribute the valentines,” said Bob. “What do they do for their sweetheart?” asked Suchitra. Bob answered, “Men often send their wives of sweethearts flowers of boxes of candies which are usually in heart shapes with bright red ribbon.” Some young persons send valentines through the mail without signing their names. They simply write “Quess Who?” “Do they make their own valentines?” asked Suchitra. “School children like to make their own valentines. They are made from red paper, wall paper samples, and pictures cut from magazines. Sometimes they buy do it yourself valentine boxes that contain all the materials needed to make valentines,” answered Bob. Mrs. Wiboonpan asked “What do you usually do on this day, Bob?” “I send valentine cards to my teacher, my friends and also my parents in the United States too,” answered Bob. “It sounds nice Thank you very much for telling us about Valentine’s Day, Bob. It’s very interesting.? “You’re welcome.” Said Bob. symbol (n.) สญั ลกั ษณ์ Word Study คาํ กล่าว festival (n.) ประเพณี, เทศกาล saying (n.) พอ่ คา้ affection (n.) ความรัก merchant (n.) บตั รวาเลนไทน์ history (n.) ประวตั ิศาสตร์ valentine (n.) กระดาษปิ ดฝาผนงั belief (n.) ความเชือ wallpaper (n.) ตวั อยา่ ง mate (n.) เพอื น sample (n.) กามเทพ Roman (n.) ชาวโรมนั cupid (n.) แลกเปลียน partner (n.) คู่, ผมู้ ีส่วนดว้ ย exchange (v.) คุมขงั marriage (n.) การแต่งงาน jail (v.) ข่มเหง persecute (v.)
67 historian (n.) นกั ประวตั ิศาสตร์ behead (v.) ตดั ศีรษะ priest (n.) นกั บวช convert (v.) เปลียนศาสนา sweetheart (n.) คู่รัก contain (v.) บรรจุ member (n.) สมาชิก humorous (adj.) ขบขนั verse (n.) บทประพนั ธ์ Activity 29 Find the correct meaning from B for each word in A. Put a-e in ( ). AB (……….) 1. symbol a. trust (……….) 2. festival b. love, kindly feeling (……….) 3. historian c. sign, mark (……….) 4. affection d. public celebrations, rejoicing or merry-making (……….) 5. belief e. writer of history or branch of knowledge dealing with past events A B (……….) 1. persecute a. cut off the head (……….) 2. convert b. punish, treat cruelly? (……….) 3. contain c. change his belief (……….) 4. exchange d. have or hold within itself (……….) 5. Behead e. give or receive one thing in place of another Activity 30 A. Choose the best answer. 1. When is Valentine’s Day? a. January 14th b. February 14th c. February 15th b. January 15th
68 2. What do they do on Valentine’s Day? a. People send greeting cards called valentines to their sweethearts, friends, and members of their families. b. People stop working on this day. c. There are parties and dances. b. Both a and c. 3. How do the school children celebrate Valentine’s day? a. They decorate their classroom. b. They exchange valentines with their friends. c. They go to the churches. b. Both a and b. 4. What do they do for their sweethearts? a. They send some cakes and cookies to their sweethearts. b. They go to see the movie. c. They take photographs together. b. They send their sweethearts flowers, boxes of candies or valentine cards. 5. What are “do it yourself valentine boxes?” a. The red boxes. b. The boxes of candy. c. The boxes that contain all the materials needed to make valentines. b. The boxes that school children send to their friends. B. Write true or false. ……….1. One of the oldest beliefs said that birds choose their mates on Valentine’s Day. ……….2. St. Valentine was a priest who beheaded by the Roman. ……….3. Another St. Valentine was a bishop who was not beheaded. ……….4. Valentine’s Day is a business or bank holiday in Europe and America. ……….5. The school children decorate their classroom with bright red ribbon and paper hearts.
69 Study about words ใหผ้ เู้ รียนสงั เกตการณ์ใชค้ าํ ในเรืองทีอา่ นดงั ต่อไปนี . ใช้ who เป็ นสรรพนามทีเป็ นตวั เชือม (Relative pronoun) ใชแ้ ทนนามหรือสรรพนามทีมา ขา้ งหนา้ ตวั อย่าง This is the man who wanted to see you. The man who is standing in the room is my boss. They said that St. Valentine was a priest who lived in Rome. 2. การใช้คาํ บุพบท (Preposition) คาํ บุพบท คือคาํ ทีทาํ หนา้ ทีเชือมคาํ คาํ หรือวลี วลี เขา้ ดว้ ยกนั ในเรืองนีจะให้ผเู้ รียนไดร้ ู้จกั กบั คาํ บุพบททีแสดงการเคลอื นไหวของประธานจากสถานทีหนึงไปยงั สถานทีแห่งหนึงในลกั ษณะต่าง ๆ ซึงได้ เคยเสนอไวใ้ นชุดวิชาภาษาองั กฤษอา่ น + เขียน มาแลว้ ขอใหด้ ภู าพและประโยคต่อไปนี around across toward through into around ตวั อย่างPongpat went across the street and walked around the corner. Tongchai went into the park and walked through it. Chaiya walked toward the bank and went into it. Some young persons send valentines through the mail without signing their names. 3. การใช้คาํ ทีมี Prefix และ Suffix Prefix คือการเติมอกั ษรหรือกลุ่มอกั ษรเขา้ ขา้ งหนา้ คาํ หลกั (คาํ ทีเป็ นพืนฐาน base) ทาํ ให้เกิดคาํ ใหมแ่ ละความหมายเปลยี นไป เช่น dishonest unhappy pretest posttest
70 ตวั อยา่ ง Nursing at that time was reputable. Taking that book was dishonest. Then the partners exchange gifts as a sign of affection. Then the Roman beheaded him about A.D. 270. Suffix คือการเติมอกั ษรหรือกลุ่มอกั ษรเขา้ ขา้ งหลงั คาํ หลกั (คาํ ทีเป็นพืนฐาน base) ทาํ ใหเ้ กิดคาํ ใหม่ และความหมายเปลยี นไป เช่น successful, reasonable, singer ตวั อยา่ ง The sailors on the ship were very brightened. Other valentines may include humorous pictures and saying. Study about structures 1. ประโยค Passive Voice ลกั ษณะประโยค object + verb to be + past participle อาจจะ + by + subject. ตวั อย่างThat book is written by John. He was persecuted for converting a Roman family to Christianity. He was beheaded in Rome about A.D.273. 2. The Present Perfect Tense ผเู้ รียนไดท้ ราบถงึ ลกั ษณะสาํ คญั ของประโยค Present Perfect Tense มาแลว้ ในเรืองนีมปี ระโยคใน Tense นีดงั นี In some schools, the children hold a classroom party and place all the valentines in an attractive box that they have made.
71 บทที How can we write good English? สาระสําคญั การเขียนบนั ทึก จดหมาย การกรอกแบบฟอร์มต่างๆ มีหลกั การโดยเฉพาะสาํ หรับการเขียนแต่ละ รูปแบบ ผลการเรียนรู้ทีคาดหวงั ผเู้ รียนสามารถ . เขียนเรืองเกียวกบั ครอบควั ตามแบบทีกาํ หนดใหไ้ ด้ . เขียนกิจวตั รประจาํ วนั ตามแบบทีกาํ หนดใหไ้ ด้ . เขียนเรืองเกียวกบั บา้ นและหอ้ งต่างๆ ภายในบา้ นตามแบบทีกาํ หนดใหไ้ ด้ . บอกส่วนสาํ คญั ของจดหมายได้ . กรอกแบบฟอร์มสมคั รงานได้ . เขียนจดหมายส่วนตวั ถงึ เพือนพร้อมเขียนหนา้ ซองได้ . จดบนั ทึกขอ้ ความทางโทรศพั ทใ์ นฐานะเป็นพนกั งานรับโทรศพั ทข์ องโรงแรมได้ . เขียนขอ้ ความบรรยายถงึ ของขวญั ปี ใหม่ทีจะซือใหบ้ ิดามารดาพสี าวและพีชายได้ . เขียนขอ้ ความบรรยายถงึ ครอบครัวเพอื นบา้ นได้ ขอบข่ายเนือหา เรืองที Did the helicopter rescue all of the sailors? เรืองที 2 Wiwat’s daily activites. เรืองที 3 What does transportation mean? เรืองที 4 Tell what part of the letter it is. เรืองที 5 Taking a telephone message. เรืองที 6 Pongpat’s new job. เรืองที 7 New Year’s presents. เรืองที 8 This is my neighbour’s family.
72 เรืองที Did the helicopter rescue all of the sailors? Look at this family tree. Read about Sura’s family Sura’s father is a farmer. His name is Boonchoo. His mother, Nuansri is a housewife. Sura has one brother. His name is Suwit. He has two sisters. Their names are Suchitra and Siriwan. Sura and Suwit study at a secondary school. Suchitra and Siriwan study at an elementary school near their farm. Activity 31 Write about your family. Draw a picture of your family tree. My family tree My family …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………
73 เรืองที 2 Wiwat’s daily activites. Read Wiwat’s daily activites. Wiwat always gets up at five o’cloce in the morning and takes a bath. At half past five he has breakfast. He feeds the chickens and ducks before he goes to school. At half past six he goes to school by bus. His first class begins at eight. He studies until noon. Then he has lunch. He finishes school at half past three. After that he plays football with his friends. He usually goes home at five. He helps his father in the garden. He waters the plants and cuts some flowers. At six o’clock in the evening he has dinner. After dinner he does his homework. When he finishes his homework he watches the television and listens to the radio. He goes to bed at about ten o’clock. Activity 32 Write your daily activities. In the morning I always………………………………………………...........…….…………. . After breakfast I ………………………………………………. . I study ………………………………………………. Then I ………………………………………………. in the cafeteria. In the afternoon I study until……………………………………………………………………. . After school I usually…………………………………………. . before I go home. In the evening I usually………………………………………………. . before I have dinner. After dinner I ………………………………………………. . Then I ………………………………………………. And go to bed at………………………………………………. .
74 เรืองที 3 What does transportation mean? Look at the pictures of the rooms in a house. A. Read the words and the passage then do the activity below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. a living room 5. a bathroom 2. a bedroom 6. a toilet 3. a dining room 7. a garage 4. a kitchen 8. a garden
75 B. My house. My house is in Nonthaburi. It is in Muang Tong Thani Village. My address is 29/65 Soi 3 Changwattana Road, Parkkred District, Nonthaburi. My house is a two-storey grey house. There is a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen in my house. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There are also a garage for two cars. There are some fruit trees and some flowers in the garden. It is a nice and comfortable house. Activity 33 Write a description of your house. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
76 เรืองที 4 Tell what part of the letter it is. Activity 34 A. Tell what part of the letter it is. Use the word below. Put it in the box of each part. ใหผ้ เู้ รียนอ่านจดหมายต่อไปนี แลว้ บอกว่าแต่ละส่วนคือส่วนใดของจดหมาย 1404 W. Ashland Ave. Muncie, Indiana U.S.A. 47303 July 16, 1999 Dear Sir, My name is John Brown. I am interested in being a part-time teacher in your school. I was born on May 20, 1980. I am American. I am studying at Ball State University, I am six feet fall. I weigh 58 kilos. I am Christian. My hobby is playing violin. My telephone number is 5032919. I hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely, John Brown 1. Body 2. Greeting 3. Signature 4. Heading 5. Closing
77 B. Read the letter in A and fill in the application form. Application Form Name : Sex : Male Female Age : Birthdate : Nationality : Religion : Buddhist Christian Muslim others Height : Weight : Education Background : Hobbies : Address : Telephone No : C. Jane wrote this letter to her friend, Pat. Heading 15 Ashland Street Greeting Muncie, Indiana 44648 Body April 9 th, 1999 Dear Pat, I went shopping with my mother at the Central Plaza Department Store yesterday. I bought a new summer dress. I like it very much. In the afternoon I went swimming at the swimming pool near my house. What have you been doing? Write soon and tell me. Closing Yours friend Signature Pat
78 This is the envelop of Jane’s letter. Stamp Jane Miller Return Address 15 Ashland Street Munice, Indiana 04648 Receiver’s Pat Brown Address 1404 Maple st. Denver, Colorado, 80233 D. Pretend you are Pat, the girl who received Jane’s letter. Write a letter to Jane. ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………
79 E. This is an envelope. Write your return address and Jan’s address. ___________ ___________ ___________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________
80 เรืองที 5 Taking a telephone message. Read the passage and study the following message form. Mr. John Anderson from U.S.A. made an international call at 9.00 a.m. to Mr. Jim Nelson who is staying at the “Asia Hotel” Room 510. He left a message with the hotel operator that he’ll arrive at the Bangkok International Airport on June 10, 1999 at 11.30 by UA 52. He’ll meet Mr.Jim Nelson on June 11, 1999 at the “Asia Hotel” at 11.00 a.m. Mr Asia Hotel Mrs. Jim Nelson Date June 10, 1999 Miss Room 510 You were called at 11.00 a.m. Who left the following message : Mr. John Anderson will arrive in Bangkok on June 10, 1999 at the Asia Hotel at 11.00 a.m. Operator Suwimon Wongpaiboon
81 Activity 35 Suppose you are Weekender Hotel operator. Mrs. Pat Nelson made an international call at 9.00 a.m. from London on May 15, 1999 to Mrs. Ann Anderson who is staying at the Weekender Hotel Room 484. She plans to meet Mrs. Ann Anderson on June 15, 1999 at 10.00 a.m. the “Weekender Hotel” The operator fills the telephone message form for Mrs. Pat Nelson. Weekender Hotel Date ………………………….. Mr Room ………………………… Mrs. ………………………….. Miss You were called at …………………………………….. AP..MM.. By Mr Mrs. ………………………….. Miss Who left the following message : ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Operator ……………………………..
82 เรืองที 6 Pongpat’s new job. Read the following advertisement which appeared in the daily newspaper Waiter wanted! Reliable young person to work full time from 8.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. in a restaurant serving Thai and European food. Duties include taking care of the customers, suggesting speciallity checking the bills and so on. The wages are ฿ 7,000 per month. Application forms from Mr. Johnson, Pinocchio Restaurant, Muang Tong Thani Village, Changwattana Road, Parkkred District, Nonthaburi. Read about Pongpat Sirwat Pongpat Siriwat is twenty years old now. He was born on May 15, 1980. He lives with his parents at 25/65 Suriyon Road, Muang District, Nonthaburi. His telephone number is 5034991. His social security number is 055-17740. He finished Mathayom Suksa 3 from Pramote Ram Indhra School. He has studied in this school for twelve years. After he finished from this school in 1994, he worked as a clerk at Paiboon Company for two years. In 1996 he became a waiter of Ratchanee Restaurant. He has got a certificate in English from a Teacher Colleage. His parents are going to move to live on Changwattana Road, Nonthaburi next year. So he decided to work in the new restaurant on Changwattana Road. Pongpat wants to apply for the job. He fills out the form.
83 Activity 36 Suppose you are Pongpat, fill out the form. Application Form Pinocchio Restaurant Name : ……………………………………………………………….. Birthdate : ……………………………………………………………. Address : …………………………………………………………….. Telephone No : ……………………………………………………… Social Security Number : …………………………………………… Education : ……………………..…………………………………… Elementary School : ………………………………………………… Secondary School : ………………………………………………… Special Skills : ……………………………………………………… Previous Jobs (list latest job first) 1. …………...…………………………………………………. From…………………….. to ……….……………………. 2. …………...…………………………………………………. From…………………….. to ……….…………………….
84 เรืองที 7 New Year’s presents. Pretend that you are going to buy New Year’s presents for your parents, your sisters or brothers. What presents would you buy? Why would you choose each one? ………………………………………………..………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………… …………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………… ………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………… ……………………………………………………………………..………………………………………… …………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
85 เรืองที 8 This is my neighbour’s family. Look at this picture and write a story about this family. Here is Mr. Paiboon Sirisak’s family. Mrs. Suchitra Sirisak is his wife. They have four children, two sons and two daughters. Pretend that you know this family. Write all you can about them : where they live, what they do and so on. Use these words in writing this story. Hose, garden, radio, garage, games, school, housewife, television, homework, friends, holiday etc. Begin in this way : Paiboon and Suchitra have four children, two sons and two daughters…………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………… …………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………… ………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………… ……………………………………………………………………..………………………………………… …………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
86 แบบทดสอบหลงั เรียน Part I Match the following expressions with the signs and signals. 11. No Parking a. 12. Park the cars here b. 13. No smoking c. 14. Don’t drop litter here d. 15. Turn left e. 16. A school is here f. 17. Make a U. turn g. 18. Turn right h. 19. Bus stop i. 20. There is a telephone here j.
87 Part II Find the correct meaning in B for each word in A. Put a-j in ( ). A B (……….) 1. Health center a. light waste or worthless material (……….) 2. litter b. reach a place (……….) 3. depart c. everyday (……….) 4. arrive d. closed van for carrying sick people (……….) 5. rescue e. leave, go away (……….) 6. transport f. group of local medical service (……….) 7. character g. the gaining of what is aimed at (……….) 8. success h. a person who is well-known in a novel or play (……….) 9. daily i. carry goods or persons from one place to another (……….) 10. ambulance j. make safe from danger Part III Read this passage. Jim visited John. His cousin, during the holidays. He stayed at John’s house in the country. If the weather was good they went out and played football. If the weather was bad they stayed home and played games or watched the television. Yesterday they watched the television together. It was a story of a farmer. He went to the market and bought some animals : a sheep, a chicken and a fox. On his way he came to a stream. It was wide and deep and he could not walk across it. Then he found a small boat. There was a room in it for the farmer with only one of the animals. He could take the animals only one at a time but not all together. He couldn’t leave the fox with the sheep or the chicken. He thought for a while and at the end he found a way. First he took the fox and left it on the opposite side of the stream. Then he went back and brought the sheep to the other side. He took the fox back into the boat. He brought the fox back to the first side and left it there. He took the chicken away and brought it to the sheep. The last time he took the fox. In this way all animals were safe.
88 A. Put a in front of the correct answer. 1. If the weather was good Jim and John……… a. Played games b. Watched the television c. Stayed home d. Play football 2. “it” in “There was a room in it for the farmer with only one of the animal,” refers to……… a. The boat b. The stream c. The chicken d. The sheep 3. The farmer could not take the animals at the same time because……… a. The fox was big b. The boat was broken c. The boat was small d. The stream was wide and deep 4. Which animal came on the opposite side of the stream first? a. The sheep b. The fox c. The chicken d. The fox and the sheep 5. Which animal came the second? b. The fox a. The sheep d. The fox and the chicken c. The chicken and the sheep 6. Which animal came the third? b. The fox a. The chicken d. The chicken and the fox c. The sheep and the fox 7. Which animal came last? b. The fox a. The chicken d. The chicken and the sheep c. The sheep 8. What happened at the end of the story? a. The fox killed the chicken. b. The fox killed the sheep. c. All the animals arrived the farmer’s house. d. All the animals were drown.
89 9. Which is the good name of this story? a. A stupid sheep b. A careless chicken c. A clever famer d. A clever fox 10. “On his way” means the way to……… a. John’s house b. The farmer’s house c. Jim’s house d. The market B. Fill in the blanks with underlined words in the passage. 1. In will be ………. If you walk on the footbath. 2. Traffic is so bad ………. The rush hours. 3. This river is very ………. And deep. 4. Let’s sing this song ……….. . 5. The hospital is on ………. Side of the bank. 6. What time does the train ………. Bangkok? 7. I like the ………. in the north in the cool season. 8. She lost her handbag yesterday and her sister ………. It this morning. 9. Be careful when you walk ………. the street. 10. Which do you want, coffee ………. tea ? Part IV Fill in the application form. Application form. Name : Sex : Male Female Birthdates : Age : Nationality Christian Religion : Buddhist Muslim others Height : Weight : Education Background : Hobbies : Address : Telephone No :
90 เฉลยแบบทดสอบก่อน และ หลงั เรียน Part I 1. c 2. g 3. e 4. h 5.a 6. i 7. f 8. b 9. j 10.d Part II (f) 1. (a) 2. (e) 3. (b) 4. (j) 5. (i) 6. (h) 7. (g) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. Part III A. 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b 5.a 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. c 10.b B. 1. safe 2. during 3. wide 4. together 5.the opposite 6. leave 7. weather 8. found 9. across 10.or Part IV Fill in the application form. Application form. Name : ชือ – นามสกุล Sex : เพศ ชาย หญิง Birthdates : วนั เกิด Age : อายุ Nationality : สญั ชาติ คริสเตียน Religion : ศาสนา พทุ ธศาสนา มสุ ลิม อืน ๆ Height : ความสูง Weight : นาํ หนกั Education Background : พนื ฐานความรู้ Hobbies : งานอดิเรก Address : ทีอยู่ Telephone No : หมายเลขโทรศพั ท์
91 เฉลยกิจกรรม บทที Activity 1 (d) 1. parking (e) 2. smoking (a) 3. stop (c) 4. litter (b) 5. keep Activity 2 1. Do not go in here. / Do not enter. 2. No Parking 3. Turn right 4. No smoking 5. No eating. / Food and Drinks is not allowed. 6. Bus stop 7. No Parking (between 06.00 – 12.00) 8. Don’t walk on the grass. 9. No play football here. 10. Make a U-Turn. Activity 3 1. It leaves Buri Ram at eight o’clock. 2. The first station is Lamplaimas. 3. I will come to the station at about eleven-forty. (not after eleven-fifty) 4. It takes about an hour. 5. It takes about thirty minutes.
92 Activity 4 (d) 1. programme (c) 2. depart (b) 3. arrive (e) 4. stay (a) 5. visit Activity 5 . He will take a trip to Chiang Mai. 2. He will stay there for three days. 3. He will go to Chiang Mai by train. 4. He will visit Wat Doy Sutep. 5. He will stay I Wiang Ping Hotel. 6. He will visit Wat Phra Singh on the seventh and Wat Chaiang Mun on the eighth. 7. He will leave Chiang Mai on the ninth. 8. He will arrive in Bangkok on the ninth. Activity 6 (b) 1. (d) 2. (e) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. Activity 7 1. g 2. a 3. b 4. j 5.d 6. i 7. f 8. h 9. e 10. c Activity 8 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5.c Activity 9 1. Bon Vivant Restaurant at Tawana Ramada Hotel. 2. Gourmet Gallery Restaurant. 3. Six days a week. 4. Tandoor Restaurant at Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza. 5. All 7 Restaurants of the Imperial Queen’s Park.
93 บทที (e) 2. ladder (a) 3. Frighten (d) 5. sink Activity 10 (c) 1. noise (b) 4. rescue Activity 11 2. two 1. to sink 4. all of them 3. twelve 6. Six 5. make safe 8. Sailors 7. the ladder which is made of a rope 10. to move smoothly 9. afraid Activity 12 (2) 1. (9) 2. (10) 3. (6) 4. (4) 5. (5) 6. (3) 7. (7) 8. (c1 9. (8) 10. Study about cause and effect effect cause They were glad and they A sailor heard a noise in knew that the helicopter the sky. will rescue them. The helicopter took They were safe. them to the land. Study about main idea and details. 2. Main Idea - hug airplane Details - all the other sentences 3. Main Idea - different reasons for travelling. Details - all the other sentences
94 4. Main Idea - Mr. Johnson travels a lot. Details - all the other sentences Mrs. Jane Brown wrote a lot. 5. Main Idea - all the other sentences Details - Activity 13 (c) 1. ambulance (e) 2. wire (a) 3. loop (b) 4. post (d) 5. save Activity 14 (8) 5. (6) 1. (2) 2. (7) 3. (1) 4. (5) 10. (10) 6. (9) 7. (3) 8. (4) 9. Activity 15 2. a loop 1. ambulance 4. was better 3. helped 6. telephone 5. the post 8. thanked 7. carries 10. was broken 9. was hurt
95 Activity 16 The boy was hurt by the electricity. Tongchai and some other men saved his life. Study about cause and effect The boy was pulled from the post 2. Tongchai pulled hard The ambulance came and carried the with both hands. boy to the hospital. The boy was saved. 3. The man telephoned for an ambulance. 4. The doctor helped the boy. Activity 17 (c) 1. transport (d) 2. fuel (e) 3. engine (b) 4. wheel (a) 5. invent Activity 18 A. . fuel (หรือ stell, rubber), the wheel 2. carry 3. oil, coal, rice and other kinds of food B. 1. Carrying 2. move 3. mean 4. invented 5. used
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