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#2 Sustainability Tourism in Bali Indonesia - Samsul Bachri - Resource Economic

Published by samsulsulears07, 2022-05-24 05:04:08

Description: #2 Sustainability Tourism in Bali Indonesia - Samsul Bachri - Resource Economic


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SUSTAINABILITY TOURISM IN Prof: Jeongin Kim | By: Samsul Bachri

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background and Potential 1.1.1. Indonesia Country With Many Beautiful Islands Indonesia with the official name of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) or in full the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia which is crossed by the equator and is located between the mainland of Asia and Oceania, and between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Indonesia is the 14th largest country as well as the largest archipelagic country in the world with an area of 1,904,569 km2 and also the fourth most populous country in the world with a population of 270,203,917 people in 2020, as well as the most populous and largest Muslim country in the world. , with more than 230 million adherents. Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world. Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands, of which only about 7,000 are inhabited. Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra and Papua are the main islands in Indonesia where the islands in Indonesia are famous for being beautiful even to foreign countries such as the island of Bali. In addition to beautiful islands, Indonesia's tropical climate also makes Indonesia a major tourist destination. The best time to travel to Indonesia is during the summer which lasts from April to October. March and November are the change of seasons. At the change of seasons, the weather in Indonesia can be erratic. Rain, hot sun and heavy wind can come together in one day. Meanwhile, the rainy season usually lasts from December to March. 1.1.2. Bali Tri Hita Karana - harmonious relations between Nature, Man, and the Creator An internationally known Indonesian tourism destination is Bali, Bali is a province in Indonesia whose capital city is Denpasar, which has long experience in implementing sustainable tourism practices based on local cultural wisdom, namely Tri Hita Karana –

harmonious relations between Nature, Man, and the Creator. This concept has even brought to the international level in 2002 and has been recognized by the United National World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and leading regional industry organizations such as the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). Currently, many components of the tourism industry (hotels, restaurants, resorts) have received the Tri Hita Karana award, as a form of concern for the environment, culture and community welfare. Tri Hita Karana is a model that can be modified and adapted to the tourism industry in other regions of Indonesia. It is also an example of a framework for sustainable tourism practice and policy development for local and provincial governments to study permits. Image 1. Bali Tri Hita karana Source: Bali Becomes the First Province in Indonesia to Implement Plastic Waste-Free Rules, at the end of 2018, to be precise on December 21, the Bali Provincial Government issued Governor Regulation Number 97 concerning Restrictions on the Generation of Single-use Plastic Waste (PSP). The Governor's Regulation on Restrictions on the Generation of Single-use Plastic Waste is aimed at reducing single-use plastic waste and preventing environmental damage.

1.1.3. G20 Summit International Event in Bali Indonesia has held the G20 presidency since the handover from Italy on October 31, 2021, in the city of Rome, Italy. The G20 is a multilateral cooperation forum consisting of 19 main countries and the European Union (EU) which has a middle to high-income class, developing countries to developed countries. The G20 international forum is an important part of the world because it represents more than 2/3 of the world's population, 75% of global trade, and 80% of the world's GDP. The theme raised in the G20 forum is Recover Together, Recover Stronger, which is motivated by world conditions that are still trying to get out of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially for the economy. Through this theme, Indonesia wants to invite the whole world to work for hand in hand, support each other to recover together and grow stronger and more sustainable. The event will be held in Bali Province as the location centre for the G20 Summit. Bali, which will be the centre of the location for the G20 Summit, will be made more environmentally friendly through activities to improve regional infrastructure supported by massive reforestation. In the G20 agenda, there is an agenda for a Mangrove Showcase field visit at the Ngurah Rai Grand Forest Park (Tahura) in Bali Province, so it is necessary to improve the quality of the Ngurah Rai Tahura Mangrove Area Arrangement. 1.2. Purpose of the Paper provide guidelines and produce planning documents for the development and management of infrastructure development and supporting facilities for sustainable tourism in Bali. 1.3. Scope of the Paper Based on the type of data studied, the study uses primary data, namely data obtained or collected by researchers directly using surveys and questionnaires via google form with 113 participants, a short survey was carried out from 14 to 18 May 2022. The objects studied in this study were visitor satisfaction with tourism aspects in the form of Accessibility, Amenity and Attractions in Bali Indonesia. as well as conducting a comparative study with France which has succeeded in becoming the world's number one tourist destination.

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. France is the World's Number One Tourist Destination Judging by the United Nations World Tourism Organization rankings and reported from Monday September 27, 2021 France has a visitors count of 89.4 Million Visitors. Not only does France receive the largest number of tourists, but they also make the most of it. Tourism generated $62 billion last year. Tourism in France will continue to increase, especially when France hosts the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. But try to visit Mont Saint-Michel, the UNESCO World Heritage Center in Northern France. Image 3. France Source: France has the famous battle sites on the Somme and the D-Day landings, as well as the stunning Chateaux, churches and cathedrals that attract world tourists to France. Reporting from January 1, 2019, France has 39 sites on the Unesco World Heritage list. Museums and art galleries are also major attractions for tourists. Like the Louvre which is home to the Mona Lisa, it is one of about 35,000 artefacts and works of art that are owned by France.

2.2. French Strategy In Maintaining The World's Number One Tourism Destination France has been the world's leading tourist destination for more than 30 years. In 2019, 90 million international tourists visited France to discover our rich natural and architectural heritage and to enjoy our world-renowned hospitality and way of life. In France, tourism accounts for 8% of GDP. This is thanks to the millions of people, passionate about their jobs and their country, who uphold its excellent reputation day after day. During a trip to Amboise in the department of Indre-et-Loire, French Prime Minister Jean Castex – accompanied by the Minister of State for Tourism, French Nationals Abroad and Francophonie, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne – presented the goals set out in the Destination France plans. Announced on 2 June 2021 by the President of the French Republic, this plan aims to set a trajectory of 10 years for the tourism sector to bounce back after being hit particularly hard by the public health crisis. The plan will consolidate France's stable position as the world's number one tourist destination. Increasing the length of stays, making it easier to get around, becoming the world's leading sustainable tourism destination and focusing on quality will be the essence of French tourism for the coming decade.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1. Methodology Used Primary data used is data obtained or collected directly using surveys and questionnaires via google form with 113 participants. The object studied in this study is visitor satisfaction with tourism aspects in the form of accessibility, amenities and attractions in Bali Indonesia. The survey was carried out for 4 days from May 14 to May 18, 2022. Image 4. Capture Survey Online Via Google Form Source: Author Data, 2022 3.2. Research Design Image 5. Research Design Source: Author Data, 2022 3.3. Legal Basis Used 3.3.1. Presidential Regulation number 18 of 2018 concerning infrastructure development in 10 Priority Tourism Destinations

3.3.2. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 116 of 2016, on the Acceleration of the Implementation of Infrastructure Development for Support the Organization of International Events in Bali Province 3.3.3. Minister of PUPR Decree No. 2 of 2022 concerning the Scope of Activities and Locations of the President's Assignment to Implement Development or Renovation Supporting Infrastructure and Facilities, Organizing International Events in Bali Province 3.3.4. Minister of Forestry Decree No. 107/Kpts-II/2003 mandates that management be carried out by the Governor 3.3.5. Regional Regulation of the Province of Bali No 3 of 2020 concerning Spatial Planning for the Province of Bali 3.4. Initial Questionnaire Results NO JENIS LOCATION TOTAL 1 Gender 2 Been to Bali Male 72 Female 41 3 Interest 113 Yes 0 4 The Light Stay No 50 Tourist Attraction 23 5 Do you want to Culinary 24 visit Bali again? Culture 11 Architecture Building and Landscape 5 Other 12 1-3 Days 34 3-7 Days 67 More Than 7 Days 113 Yes 0 No

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION Based on French references and experiences, how is the French system and strategy in maintaining its position as the world's number one tourist destination is stated in the book \"Destination France Plan de reconquer et de transformation du Tourisme\" compiled by the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Recovery and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in 2021, there are four aspects of sustainable tourism implemented in France, namely (1) Increasing the length of stays, (2) making it easier to get around, (3) becoming the world's leading sustainable tourism destination and focusing on quality and (4) making tourism plans for the next 10 years. With the results of a short survey of tourists via google form and based on French analysis in maintaining the world's number one tourist destination, we try to implement the concept of sustainable tourism in France into the concept of sustainable tourism in Bali Indonesia, with the following results: 4.1. Increasing The Length Of Stays Survey data shows that many tourists come to Bali for more than 7 days, this is because Bali has interesting attractions throughout the day from morning to night. 12 Legenda: 34 : 1-3 Days : 3-5 Days : More Than 7 Days 67 Image 6. The Light of Stay Source: Author Data, 2022

The following is data on tourist attractions in Bali with the most visitors from 2018 to 2019 before the Covid 19 Pandemic. NO JENIS LOCATION 1 Pura/ Pura Tanah Lot Praying Pura Uluwatu Place Pura Ulun Danu Beratan Bedugul Pura Besakih Pura Tirta Empul Tampak Siring (meditation) Pura indah Kuta Beach Tanjung Benoa Beach Pandawa Beach 2 Beach Jimbaran Beach Nusa Lembongan Beach Nusa Penida Beach Gili Trawangan Beach Batur Kintamani Mountain 3 Nature Terasering Tegalalang ricefield Sekumpul Waterfall Bali Safari Marine Park 4 Zoo Ubud Monkey Forest Seminyak 5 Landscape Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK Bali) Penglipuran Village Image 7. Pura Indah Source: Author Data, 2022 It doesn't just end there, because Bali in October 2022 will host an international activity, namely the G20 Summit, the Government of Indonesia is carrying out a revitalization and construction of a new tourist spot, namely the Arrangement of the Tahura Ngurah rai Mangrove Area which is targeted for completion in August 2022. Location This will later become one of the focuses of the Indonesian government is looking at the 39 Heads of State who were present and directly involved in the activities of seeding mangrove seedlings. With this international event in Bali, it will certainly have a positive impact on Bali and it is targeted that by 2023 the number of tourists coming to Bali will increase up to eight times, both domestic and foreign. 4.2. Making It Easier To Get Around Infrastructure in Bali is integrated, making it easier for tourists to visit one place to another. To support this, the Indonesian government has built a toll road, namely the Bali Mandara toll

road which connects Benoa, Ngurah Rai Tuban, and Nusa Dua, spanning 12.7 kilometres above sea level. This toll road is the first toll road on the island of Bali, as well as the first floating toll road in Indonesia which began construction in March 2012 and was completed around May 2013 in 2022 the toll road optimization is carried out by beautifying the toll road gates. and adding vegetation to toll roads to create a green and fresh Bali Mandara toll road. Not only that, to achieve all connectivity between tourist attractions and areas, the Indonesian government in 2021 and 2022 will carry out road construction and road landscape planning, namely (1) Road Preservation and Sp Bridges. Pesanggaran-Nusa Dua, Jimbaran-Uluwatu, (2) Improvement of Jalan Sp. Siligita-Kempinski, Mangrove Showcase, and (3) Arrangement of Roundabout, Pedestrian, and Median Landscape for Ngurah Rai Airport-Venue road. and what's interesting in Bali is that tourists are pampered with bicycle facilities at every tourist spot, to reduce pollution and be able to see the beauty of Bali by going around using a bicycle. Image 8. Bicycle in Jatiluwuh Bali Source:

4.3. Sustainable Tourism Destination And Focusing On Quality The data survey showed that from 113 participants, all of them chose to come back, this shows that Bali gives a distinct impression to its visitors and has extraordinary charm for reasons of interest in Tourism Objects, Culinary, Culture, Architectural Buildings and Landscapes, etc. Other 5 Architect Building and Lanskap 11 Culture 24 Culinary 23 Tourist Attraction 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Image 9. Tourist Interest Source: Author Data, May 2022 Bali also attaches importance to quality and comfort for tourists the main thing, supporting facilities such as hotels, culinary, to souvenirs are very easy to reach and even every tourist destination is equipped with complete supporting facilities, not only that, tourists will also be directly involved such as participating in Balinese dancing, painting. Balinese batik, to making handicrafts from Bali. 4.4. Making Tourism Plans For The Next 10 Years one that is no less important for sustainable tourism is how the management system and procedures for tourism management are, France already has a detailed plan for structuring tourist areas in the short term, namely 1 to 2 years, and in the long term the next 10 years by paying attention to accurate data that owned by France, France has always carried out very good planning with very complete and detailed tourism aspects ranging from Attractions,

Amenities, Accessibility to the management system by paying attention to the rules according to UNESCO standards because several locations in France are included in UNESCO sites. Bali has started a plan for the next 10 years with the initial step of identifying the leading tourist attractions and facts about Bali, here are some facts related to Bali that we consider to be the centre and strength of Bali, namely: (1) The Bali Mandara Toll Road is the first floating toll road in Indonesia, located on the island of Bali. The Bali Mandara toll road connects Benoa, Ngurah Rai Tuban, and Nusa Dua, stretching for 12.7 kilometres above sea level. (2) The Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue in Bali is the tallest in Indonesia, and is the second tallest statue in the world. (3) Panglipuran Village in Bali is one of the most beautiful villages in Indonesia and has won the title of the cleanest village in the world (4) For 12 years in a row, the island of Bali has been named the best island by the Destination Asian Readers Choice Award (RCA). (5) Two luxury hotels in Bali are included in the list of 24 luxury hotels in the world 2018 version of Trip Advisor In 2018, two luxury hotels in Bali were selected and included in the list of 24 luxury hotels in the world according to Trip Advisor's version. The two hotels are Mandapa, a Ritz- Carlton Reserve located in Ubud, and Komaneka at Tanggayuda which is also located in Ubud. Image 10. Nusa Penida Island Source:

CHAPTER V CONCLUTION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1. Conclution Not only Attractions, Accessibility and Amenities must be considered but there is one aspect that is no less important, namely Awareness where the development and utilization of Tourism Strategic Areas must be accompanied by concern from all stakeholders, Regional Government, Business World, Community, tourists to achieve a Tourism actual sustainability and concern for using, caring for, maintaining, and even developing the facilities that have been built for the welfare of the wider community. 5.2. Timeline NO SCHEDULE 2022 2023 2024 1 2 3 4-9 10 11 12 1-6 7-12 1 Identification and grouping of tourist 1 attractions 3A (Attractions, Amenities and Accessibility) 2 Finding superior tours that are the main attraction and preparation for the G20 Bali 3 The G20 Bali event was held as a Tourism Promotion Making planning for the arrangement of 4 short-term tourist areas in the next 1-2 years 5 Evaluation of short-term structuring planning 6 Make a long-term tourism area planning plan for the next 10 years 7 Formation of planning documents and management of sustainable tourism areas 8 Become a template for other tourist areas in Indonesia 5.3. Recommendation Due to time constraints and the scope of activities in this research, it is only in the early stages, namely the identification and grouping of tourist attractions based on sustainable tourism aspects, namely Attractions, Amenities, Accessibility, and Awareness. But the author has made a timeline of activities to obtain planning documents and sustainable tourism area management. as well as being a template for other tourist areas in Indonesia.

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