M A R C H-2017 March ProgramMarch 1 5 - at 6:00 PM - Selby Library, Sarasota, 1331 First St., Sarasota, FL 34236 “The Resurrection of Camp Lawton: the World’s Largest Prison” John K. Derden, Ph.D.Professor Emeritus of History, East Georgia State CollegeDear Member:March is Florida Archaeology Month; Florida Heritage Month begins March 15th; and Manatee Heritage Daysare celebrated all month. Time Sifters is sponsoring a couple of events and is invited to a couple more. The listis here; more information is below.- March 8 - Newtown Alive: Courage, Dignity, Determination. New College Public Archaeology Lab ishosting this program at Sainer Pavilion featuring Vicki Oldham, who led the project to document the historyof Newtown.- March 12 - Ice Cream Social. Curry Houses Historic District invites you to view completed renovations oftwo 1860s homes and speak with archaeologists, historians, and descendants.- March 15 - Radiocarbon Dating workshop at Phillippi Estate Park.- March 15 - Time Sifters “Resurrection of Camp Lawton”. We will be distributing Florida ArchaeologyMonth Posters.- March 23 - Time Sifters workshop at New College Public Archaeology Lab to train citizen-scientistsin Heritage Monitoring.Your membership renewal date is indicated on the mailing label If that date is March 2017 or earlier, pleaserenew now. You can renew by credit card online at www.Timesifters.org or with cash or check at the Marchmeeting.Thanks for being part of Time Sifters! [email protected] Svekis, PresidentMarch 15: “The Resurrection of Camp Lawton: the World’s Largest Prison”Camp Lawton, a Confederate the State of Georgia Historic Preservation Division.Prisoner of War Camp, was What archaeologists found was an intact site andconstructed in 1864, a stockade hundreds of artifacts that together shed light on thewhich held Union soldiers during experience of the POWs.the American Civil War. Once Dr. John K. Derden was born at Fort Benning, Georgia and has degrees from the University of Georgia (B.S.Ed.,called “the world’s largest pris- M.A. and Ph.D. in history). Dr. Derden has co-authored andon,” it was occupied for only six weeks before being edited several books and published articles.abandoned at the advance of Sherman’s armythrough Georgia. “The Resurrection of CampLawton” will contain a brief summary of the historyof the Confederate prison along with a discussion of theongoing archaeological work (started in 2010) that hasbeen done as a collaboration of the U.S. Fish andWildlife Service, Georgia Southern University, and
Notes from a Time Sifter the Holy Roman Empire closed two Protestant churches. That angered theCan't we all just get along? Protestants so a group of Bohemian Protestants went to a meeting in theEvery society since the beginning of triumphantly refused so Bologna castle in Prague and threw the Catho-civilization has gone to war for reasons declared war on Modena. lic governors and their secretary out ofthat do not always match the serious- The Pope’s army (defending Bologna) the window, a 50-foot drop! No oneness of the outcome. For example, in was much larger than the army of was hurt because they landed in a pilethe 14th century, two northern Italian the Holy Roman Emperor (defending of manure (DigitalExtropy) but thatcity-states fought over a bucket. incident, known as the “Defenestration of Prague”, launched the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648).(Wikimedia commons) Modena) when they met one after- The unfunny part of this silliness isThis war began as a dispute between noon in November near the small that there were between 3 and 11 mil-two northern Italian city-states, just 31 town of Zappolino. But even though lion casualties in the long Thirty Years’miles apart, as they fought over their outnumbered, the underdog army of War and at least 2000 casualties inborders in the 14th century: the town the Modenese took only two hours to the very brief Bucket War.of Modena that was supported by the rout their opposition and chased Another silly war, the “Pig War” had noEmperor of the Holy Roman Empire, them back to Bologna, taunting them casualties because it was never fought.and the town of Bologna that was sup- all the way. After the war the The Pig War was declared on Sanported by the Pope in the Vatican. The Modenese displayed the bucket as a Juan Island, one of the small islandsrivalry had been ongoing for several symbol of their city’s proud victory. in the channel that separates theyears when in September of 1325 a few The rivalry continued until 1529 North American continent fromModenese soldiers sneaked into Bolo- when Spain invaded Italy and forced Vancouver. Both the British and thegna’s city center and stole a bucket the two factions to unite but the Americans had quite peaceably settledfilled with valuables that was hidden in Modenese kept the bucket and it there, the British in the northern part,a well. The Bolognese were humiliated remains there still. (Military History the Americans in the south, until Juneand outraged that the Modenese could online and Ancient Origins). of 1859 when an American farmerbreak their security, and demanded the shot a British pig that had invaded hisreturn of the bucket. The Modenese Another silly cause happened in farm and ate some of his potatoes. An 1618 after the Catholic governors of argument ensued and although the American farmer offered to pay $10 in Ice Cream Social compensation, tensions grew so the You Are Invited! local American citizens asked for U.S. Military protection. The U.S. sent in Curry Houses Historic District the 9th infantry which alarmed the Sunday March 12th, Noon - 2:00 PM British who then sent three British 1302 4th Ave. East, Bradenton warships. The British governor demanded an engagement but, thank-Ice Cream Socials have long been a part of the community. Join us as we celebrate Manatee fully, the Commander-in-Chief of theCounty’s newest historic district and future museum complex, located on 4th Ave. between 14th British Navy refused to “involve twoand 12th Streets East and one block North of SR64 in today’s East Bradenton. great nations in a war over a squabble about a pig” so no shots were fired, but Tour the inside of the 1860 home of Amanda (Andress) and Samuel George Curry, an enlist- the military of both sides occupied the island. That lasted until 1872 when ed man of the Army and Navy during the Civil War. calmer heads in an international committee decided that the Americans View the renovation progress on the 1925 Theodosia (Curry) Lloyd craftsman bungalow. Visit with the local archaeologists, researchers, historians an descendants who helped in Notes continued next page ... documenting the history of the Curry Settlement. Archaeological artifacts from the on-site research which took place will be on display The event is free, but a donation or joining as a member ($15)is always appreciated! For more information contact 941-746-2035 or email [email protected]
Newtown represents the African-American community of Sarasota, Florida. For too long, its history was not included in the past of Sarasota. Over the last two years, Vickie Oldham has a led a team that documented the history, organized the stories, and recognized the places of Newtown. For March 8th, the public is welcomed to New College of Florida to hear Vickie Oldham tell of the heritage that inspires so many. Oral histories, architectural history, and the power of the past will be presented.MILDRED SAINER PAVILION - 5313 Bay Shore Road, New College of FloridaThursday,March 23rd, 1:00pmNew College PublicArchaeology LabMonitoring archaeological sites is a form of serviceto our community, the environment, and pastcultures. It honors all three to be able to say you'vebeen to these places, and with a purpose. And itcan be very simple. Join other Time Sifters'members for an introduction to this new citizen-scientist initiative.Notes continued ...should control the island and the dispute ended. Theisland eventually became a U. S. National HistoricalPark where American and British camps can still beseen. The British donated a flagpole and a Britishflag is raised daily with the American flag, the onlyU.S. national park where a foreign flag is regularlyflown over U.S. soil (Historic UK).There are many of these bizarre causes in ourhistory. It is time to ask, can we all just get along?Officers: Board of Directors Copyright © 2017Sherry Svekis, President Time SiftersArchaeologySociety,Inc.,Darwin \"Smitty\" Smith, Vice Pres. Directors: Evelyn Mangie All rights reserved.Bernice Jones, Secretary Valerie Jackson Bell Sharon McConnell We send newsletters to peopleCaroline Reed, Treasurer Robert Bopp Saretta Sparer who have attended or expressedKaren Jensen, Membership Glenn Cooper interestin our lecturesand given us their email address.
Membership Speakers & Events CalendarLifetime: $200 All to be held at 6:00 PMIndividual: $25 Selby Library, 1331 First St., Sarasota 34236Family: $35Sustaining: $50 March 15Student: $10 “The Resurrection of Camp Lawton: the World’s Largest Prison “ John K. Derden, Ph.DPay online at: Professor Emeritus of History, East Georgia State CollegeWWW.TimeSifters.orgOr mail checks to: April 12Time Sifters, Inc. 2017 Cornelia Futor Memorial Student Paper WinnersPO Box 5283 1st and 2nd Place Student Paper PresentersSarasota, FL. 34277 May 17 Etowah Indian Mounds, Carterville, GA Dr. Adam King, Research Associate Professor, University of SC Time Sifters Archaeology Society A Chapter of the Florida Anthropological Society http://timesifters.org/Time Sifters Archaeology SocietyP. O. Box 5283, Sarasota, FL 34277
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