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Home Explore Yearbook 2019

Yearbook 2019

Published by ivanrdgs, 2020-03-13 07:40:47

Description: Yearbook 2019


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YEARBOOK 2019 Graduates of the 9th Grade of the Colégio Viva A dream can remain a dream or it can become something concrete, it all depends on the effort you expend to make it real.

© 2019 by Ivan Rodrigues da Silva & Ana Flávia Sabino Vilela Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser reproduzida ou transmitida de qualquer modo ou por qualquer outro meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia, gravação ou qualquer outro tipo de sistema de armazenamento e transmissão de informação, sem prévia autorização, por escrito. Colégio Viva - Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Médio - Diretoras Isabela Saad Jacomine Neida Gobbi Stein Coordenação do Projeto Ana Flávia Sabino Vilela Editoração e Arte Ivan Rodrigues da Silva Revisão ortográfica, gramatical e textual Ana Flávia Sabino Vilela Editoração eletrônica Ivan Rodrigues da Silva Projeto da capa Ivan Rodrigues da Silva

TEACHERS Ana Flávia English Teacher Claudinha Art Teacher José Nilton History Teacher

TEACHERS Juliana Essay Teacher Leonardo Entrepreneurship Teacher Luciana Science Teacher Robson Math / Geometry Teacher

TEACHERS Rosa Portuguese Teacher Flávia Geography Teacher Cris Physical Education Teacher

ANA ELISA COELHO ZANETI January, 6th, 2005 The sun will rise and we will try again / Stay alive, stay alive for me / You will die, but now your life is free take pride in what is sure to die. (Tyler Joseph); Be brave and be faind. (Cinderela); Mindless zombies walking around with a limp and a hunch. Saying stufflike: you only live once\". (Tyler Joseph) DREAMS Be the best person I can be, I want to have proud of me.

ANA LUIZA PAULINO FERREIRA December, 11th, 2004 The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want anything. (SALMOS 23:1) DREAMS Make a good college and be able to help people in need.

ANDREIA RIBEIRO CRUZ May, 23th, 2005 Make a plan, have goal. Work to reach then, but one in a while, book around and enjoy, because that's it...everything may and tomorrow. - Meredith Grey DREAMS My provisional dream is to be a medical graduate, my personal dream is one day to able to travel the world outside, meet a friend who lives far and live outside Igarapava.

BEATRIZ MONTELO CAMILO August, 18th, 2005 You gave me an eternity within our numbered days. - The Fault in Our Stars DREAMS My dreams are to graduate in medicine probably in cardiology or oncology, to do one year of research at Harvard or Oxford, revolutionizing medicine. I also want to do an exchange for England or Canada, travel the world, and a day live in England. And last but not last, I want somebody to meet my idols.

ELISA FLAUZINO MACIEL August, 08th, 2005 When everything for you is nothing, remember that for someone you are everything. DREAMS Live in Beverly Hills, be a doctor, marry, and have a daughter.

ESTELA MORENO DE PAULA January, 21th, 2005 Make your dreams the inspiration you need to make then. - Anonymous DREAMS My dream is to do architecture play more than touch instruments and review my friends.

FRANCIELLE STEFANY OLIVIO November, 30th, 2005 Don't let people you do give up what you more ei- ther in the life believe, fight, conquer,and alive all, to be happy. - Unknown DREAMS Became doctor to help people who don't have a condi- tion to take care of your health.

GABRIELA PEREIRADE ANDADE GOMES February, 04th, 2005 I don't like mondays, but unfortunately they come around eventually. DREAMS I want to study at FGV.

GLORIA BEATRIZ DA SILVA IZIDORIO November, 06th, 2004 \"We are what we choose to be destiny base a little to do with it.\" (Pedro Bial); \"You never know what results will be come from your action but if you do nothing, there will be no results.\" (Mahatma Gandhi); \"Dare, risk never give up and know to value who loves you, these yes, desires your respect as for the rest ,well, no one ever needed rest to be happy.\" (Clarice Linspector) DREAMS I want to know others countries i want to study in a good university and certainly have a good job. I intend to dedicate my self to my family and my work... I expect to be happy in the future.

GUILHERME BERTANHA CONSTANTE November, 05th, 2004 All we need is just a little patience. / Nothing last forever, even cold November rain\". - W Axl Rose DREAMS My dream is to make a postgraduate position in the area of mecatronic,engage the world and brane a fam- ily.

HUGO BATISTA BILIATO August, 03, 2004 DREAMS Graduate from a excellent college, travel aboard.

ISADORA BISINOTO CALDEIRA January, 24th, 2005 Enjoy the little things. - Anonymous DREAMS Being a better person every day a good professional and a great friend.

ISADORA DE FÁTIMA TERRA PEREIRA April, 15th, 2005 Never forget what changes us. - Lais Prates Fortunato DREAMS Pessoal: Is to be able to cure my grandfather's ill- ness and fix my family. Proficional: Is to be able to graduate in my dream job. (Computer Engineer)

JOÃO PAULO ALMEIDA COLMANETTI March, 22nd, 2005 We have the destiny we deserve. Our destiny is in accordance with our merits. - Albert Einstein DREAMS I want to join in a good university, have sons and daughter, learn everything my father has to offer me, be a me virtuoses man , have a good weeding with a good wife, continue being a good son and, if possible, I want to win in mega-sena.


JOÃO VITOR BRITO BARBOSA October, 28th, 2004 The impossible does not exist, it only exists if leaving them exists. DREAMS <FRASE>Graduating into something and getting a job that I enjoy and making a profit.

JOÃO VITOR CARRARA BASSO May, 16th, 2004 With big powers come Big responsibilities. - Stan lee DREAMS Travel the world and have your home.

JOÃO VITOR DE OLIVEIRA FLEXA January, 18th, 2005 Do not do for yourself what you think will please others, who you always wanted to be and when you read it again ask yourself. Would John of the past be proud of who you are today? This is a message from John of the past to John of the future and believe me everything will be alright and all your dreams will come true. - João Vitor Flexa DREAMS Have a great college, have my own flat in Sao Paulo and be very successful, know the US and speak Eng- lish fluently.




LETHICIA EDUARDA DOS SANTOS PITA November, 26th, 2004 Be you, To you, For you. - Anonymous DREAMS Keep the friendships that I have today, don't lose contact. And also meet new people. Mantain a good family relationship. To get into the medical school,that is will always be my dream and specialize in cardiology.


LUCAS ROQUE JACOMINE June, 20th, 2005 People who work hard get everything in life. DREAMS Sucess in Life.

LUIS DANIEL BARBOZA FILHO November, 24th, 2005 \"All those who are there blocking my way, They will pass... I bird. - Mário quintana DREAMS Travel to Europe countries, to the United states and Canada. Do a exchange and form in a good college of engineering.

LUIZ HENRIQUE DA CRUZ PERES September, 16th, 2004 No matter what kind of humans we are, it is only at the time of death that we discover our true nature, the true reason for our existence. - Uchiha Itachi DREAMS Be better person than I already am, to be a good profissional, to have a family, to achieve all my goals and can give pricle to my parents who always invested in me, who have always supported me.

MARIA EDUARDA DE OLIVEIRA August, 3nd, 2004 Not everyone who arrives in your life, comes with the intention of staying, gives the same way, that not everyone who left, wanted to leave. - The Fault in Our Stars DREAMS I want be a nurse so I can help people, however bad they are, I want to live in a big city, have a family and maybe 2 children and if my dream of being a nurse cloes not work , who knows how to be a teacher, I still I do not know because after all things change over time, and my best dream would be to help a poor institution because I find rome thing a very oprinous.

MARIA JÚLIA ANASTÁCIO DE MELO January, 6nd, 2005 In real life, tears last longer than a scene. Sad epi- sodes take months to end and seasons change, so They say, but things stay exactly the same inside you. - Paula Pimenta (My life out of serious 2) DREAMS My dreams are those of any teenager, meeting their idol, going to their shows, traveling to various coun- tries, and meeting various people, but what I want most is to succeed in architecture, have a stable fam- ily, several friends, be happy and that god always bless my choices.

MARIA LUIZA FERREIRA DE CARVALHO February, 10th, 2005 Love is suffering, it is kind; love is not envious; Love does not treat lightly, it does not boast. It does not behave indecently, it does not pursue its interests, it does not irritate, it is not suspected badly; Not of- fense with injustice, but offense with truth; Ever- ything suffers, everything believes, everything ex- pects, everything supports. (1CORINTIOS 13:4-7) DREAMS My biggest dream is to graduate in medicine (special- ization: pediatrics) because I have a lot of love for children I want to know many places in the world, and I have faith that I will have great success, good willing!

MARIANA MORENO DE PAULA January, 21th, 2005 No one can go back and make a fresh start, but any- one can start over and make a new end. - Chico Xavier. DREAMS My dream in the area of work is to train in engineer- ing, and my personal dreams is to have the opportu- nity to meet other countries and learn to play more instruments.

MILENE FERREIRA ALVES PINTO August, 6nd, 2004 Will I aren't, well I do, I want you, peace I bring you. DREAMS Form and have a good life.

MURILO COLMANETTI January, 14nd, 2005 The only way to reach the impossible and below that u is possible DREAMS Turn a youtuber or an engineer.

OTAVIO TAVARES PINHEIRO January, 21st, 2005 Happy is the one who have stories to tell. DREAMS I'd like to form in a great university, at engineering area,and travel to Europe or EUA, or the both if.

PAULO HENRIQUE SARRETA February, 04th, 2005 Do you want to know the meaning of life? Foward DREAMS My dream is... in the near future I want to lead a good life and avoid to the maximum, problems with society now speaking, about careers, I wish to be na agronomist because I take facility with farms, for example in agriculture, and anoter dream is to be a doctor, but it will probabily only be in the dream.

RAYSSA MEDEIROS SILVA April, 12th, 2005 You are what you choose to be. - Unknown DREAMS My dream is to form and have a successful career, I am untecided in which college to do.In my personal lifl, I hope to be will with the people I Love my friends and family. I want to stay in vouch with my childhood colleagues so we can remember how much time files. I want is travel and see places that I have always dreamed of.

SERGIO RENATO OLIVEIRA TOLEDO FILHO November, 4th, 2004 Secrets saned, weapons wasted. DREAMS My dream is to be a great streamer and make a liv- ing from it.

SOFIA FERNANDES GONÇALVES February, 21, 2005 The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of call. - Mulan DREAMS LMy dream is to achieve all the goals of my live all ready planned, I hope my wishes come true , that I can a gain a federal college, guarahteeing a post graduate, a master's degree and doctorate. For now, I want study psychology, learn to play the keyboard, speak English fluently, and travel to places inside and out side Brazil. I hope my future knows that all cliffcultives are heeting, sometimes we get better than we think, I also want you have an apartamenty a passaport and a lot of love.

SOFIA SCANDIUZZI DAVID February, 17th, 2005 We keep this love in a photograph / We made these memories for ourselves / Where our eyes are never closing / Our hearts were never broken / And time's forever frozen still. - Ed Sheeran (Photograph) DREAMS Help the world get a little better warking at the red cross.

SOPHIA COLMANETTI VANCIM May, 26th, 2005 I'd climb every mountain / And swing every ocean / Just to be with you / And fix what I've broken / Oh, 'cause I need you to see / That you are the reason'. - Calum Scott (You are the reason) DREAMS I want to go to Canada, live there and adopted a baby. I want to be a math teacher and teach at the university.

VITÓRIA APARECIDA MOREIRA October, 17th, 2004 If you can dream you can do. - Walt Disney DREAMS In ten, I want to be trained in direct and working in the incredible aty of New York.

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