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Home Explore 2021 Print Buyers Guide & Membership Directory

2021 Print Buyers Guide & Membership Directory

Published by Printing Industry Midwest (PIM), 2021-03-08 20:56:44

Description: Printing Industry Midwest's (PIM) 2021 Print Buyers Guide & Membership Directory is a tool all print buyers and print professionals should use. It is a guide to help you find printers and print suppliers that will be able to get your projects completed. Each print company listed in this guide is a one of a kind and is will to help you with your printing needs.

Keywords: 2020 Print Buyers Guide and Membership Directory, Printing Industry Midwest, PIM, Print, Print Buyers, Marketing Professionals, Resource, Directory, Print Industry, Graphic Communications, Local Printers, Binding, Folding, Gluing, Wide Format Printers, Flexo Printers, Digital Printers, Prepress, Advertising, Sales


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2021 PRINT BUYERS GUIDE AND MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY “Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful ”things can be achieved. Mattie J. T. Stepanek


ABOUT THE GUIDE ABOUT THE COVER DESIGN WHAT IS THIS GUIDE? Each year Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) asks our members Since 1989, Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) has published a to submit designs for our Print Buyers Guide & Membership Print Buyers Guide & Membership Directory of companies in Directory Cover Contest Competition. The 2021 theme was the print and graphic communication industry. This guide is “Because We’re Stronger Together.” With imagery and copy mailed to thousands of print buyers, printers, print suppliers, PIM asked the designers to make our tagline to come to life. service providers, manufacturers, marketing professionals, ad agencies and design firms. Every company listed in this A design from Annette Bach, a talented designer from guide is a proud member of PIM and is also listed online on the PrintAccess website - Graphic Design, Inc., located in Hastings, Minnesota, was chosen for the 2021 cover. Hear from Bach about her HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE? design... “The year 2020 has been an extremely difficult year The guide is designed to provide easy access to the printing for everybody. We must recognize that we are ALL services you may need for future projects. You can locate a Americans and that this country stands stronger when printer or supplier in several ways: we work together and help each other. Otherwise, we will MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY tear it apart further. I chose the dark background and ALPHABETICALLY: This section includes the contact frayed steel cable to symbolize the selfish destruction information and company descriptions for all members. and division within our communities. The joining of hands Membership Directory - pages 15 to 48. represents the unity that needs to take place. On the side, I chose a quote by a remarkable young man, Mattie CROSS REFERENCE SECTION Stepanek. In his short life, he accomplished so much for GEOGRAPHICALLY: Companies are sorted according to peace and unity. There is hope for a better world through where the company is located. his words.” State & City - pages 54 to 56. See Graphic Design, Inc. ad on page 27. CREATIVE SERVICES: A list of companies that can provide graphic designers, photographers, marketers, etc. Creative Service Section - pages 57 to 58. 2021 PRINTING: Specific capabilities such as prepress, printing, finishing & mailing companies provide. PRINT BUYERS GUIDE AND Printing & Finishing - pages 59 to 72. MEMBERSHIP SUPPLIERS: Vendors that can provide consultants, DIRECTORY training, insurance, equipment, paper, etc. Suppliers - pages 73 to 74. PRODUCTS: The type of finished products or specialty services a company can provide. Products - pages 75 to 80. “Unity is strength... WHAT IS PRINTACCESS? when there is teamwork and Every company listed in this book is also displayed online on collaboration, wonderful PrintAccess (, a national and regional online search engine specific to print services. PrintAccess is ”things can be achieved. the print industry’s most active online search tool for print buyers, with more than 16,000 active users per month. Use Mattie J. T. Stepanek this tool to learn even more about what our members can do. ABOUT THE COVER FINISHES WHY IS THIS GUIDE IMPORTANT? Annette Bach and the Konica Minolta Business Solutions Whether you are marketing the newest tech gadget, printing team worked together to make Bach’s design jump off the a brochure to educate your customers on medical advances, page. First Konica used the AccurioPress C6100 for the distributing credit cards & coupons... the print industry is CMYK printing. Next they used the MGI JETVarnish 3DS for involved in helping your business become successful. This the embellishments. guide showcases what PIM members are capable of and how they can help you! PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction | 1

WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE PIM CHAIR 2020 was a year to remember. We relied on each other to get through the difficult times. We had to adapt fast to the changing world and now in 2021 we are stronger than ever before. Printing Industry Midwest (PIM), a trade association representing the print and graphic communications industry in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota, is pleased to share with you our 2021 Print Buyers Guide & Membership Directory. We know you’ll find this directory a valuable reference tool for matching your print and graphic communications needs with the our region’s leading suppliers. This guide puts our members expertise, skill, and award-winning creativity at the fingertips of those like you - creative and print buying decision-makers. As you look for your next trusted business partner, choose a PIM member listed in this guide or go online to PrintAccess (, a national and regional online search engine specific to print services. PIM works to advance the reputation of our region’s outstanding print service providers, who are focused on environmental stewardship, maximizing new technologies, and staying ahead of industry trends. PIM members represent our region’s leaders in print innovation, but also have the tools to integrate print media with social media, web, email and other communication platforms to ensure your integrated marketing campaigns meet their objectives. Let our members help your company grow. Thank you for your continued support of PIM and the print industry. Sincerely, John Barnhart President, Barnhart Press THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT We would like to recognize and sincerely thank the following companies for their participation in the production of the 2021 Print Buyers Guide & Membership Directory. The talent and dedication of these member companies was critical to the successful production and distribution of this publication. We could not have completed this guide without their support! LAYOUT & DESIGN COVER DESIGN PAPER SUPPLIER Midstates Group Graphic Design, Inc. Lindenmeyr Munroe Aberdeen, SD Hastings, MN Fridley, MN Company listing on page 35 Company listing on page 27 Company listing on page 33 PRINTED THE COVER PRINTED THE TEXT BINDING BECAUSE IT HAS TO BE DONE RIGHT AND RIGHT ON TIME. Konica Minolta Business Solutions For web & sheetfed printing Bloomington, MN with fast delivery & on-site Company listing on page 32 mailing options contact Sheila Walter • (888) 836-6540 [email protected] Page 1CPOrMinMteERrsC,IAInL cP.RINTING AND MAILING Graphic Finishing Services, Inc. Slayton, MN Coon Rapids, MN Company listing on page 38 Company listing on page 28 DISTRIBUTION Pro Print, Inc. Duluth, MN Company listing on page 40 2 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction |

TABLE OF CONTENTS Connect with us INTRODUCTION 1 2 PUBLISHED BY About the Guide 4 Welcome 5 Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) About PIM’s Benefits 6 8085 Wayzata Blvd. PIM Staff 7 Suite 101A 2020-2021 Board of Directors 8 Golden Valley, MN 55426 Print Is Everywhere 9 Find a Certified Great Printer Phone: 612.400.6200 2020 Star Awards Website: MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY PRODUCTION NOTES Membership Directory - Listed Alphabetically 15 The publication cover was produced on a AccurioPress C6100 and embellished on a MGI CROSS REFERENCE SECTION 49 JETVarnish 3DS; on Blazer Digital Gloss, 80# 50 cover paper. The publication inside text pages Member Reference Map 54 was produced on a 40” Heidelberg Speedmaster Table of Contents 57 8 color perfector with a coater; Anthem Plus State & City 59 Gloss, 80# text paper. Primary font used was Creative Services 73 Louis George Café. Printing & Finishing 75 Suppliers Every effort has been made to ensure Products the accuracy of all materials contained in this publication. Printing Industry Remember it is easy to access more information, including photo Midwest (PIM), Midstates Group, galleries & hundreds of capabilities, about all PIM Members listed in Graphic Design Inc., Lindenmeyr this guide by visiting the PrintAccess website - Munroe, Konica Minolta Business Solutions, Page 1 Printers Inc., Graphic Finishing Services Inc., and Pro Print Inc. assume no responsibility for omissions and errors. Advertisers are completely responsible for the content of their advertisements. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the publisher. © Copyright 2021 Printing Industry Midwest (PIM). PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction | 3

ABOUT PIM’S BENEFITS Membership has its benefits! Discover how at: Enhance your skills and Engage with subject stay ahead of the curve matter experts and peers iLearning | Sales Coaching | OSHA Print Showcase | SmartCafe | Women Training | CSR, Sales, & Direct Mail in Print | Golf Tournaments | Mingle Certifications | & More Jingle | Continuous Improvement | & More Reduce injuries and Connect with prospects keep regulators at bay and keep up-to-date EHS Audits and Updates | Great Printer Print Buyers Guide | Wage & Benefits Program | Right to Know Training | Lockout/ Survey | The Loupe Newsletters | Tagout Training | & More Dynamic Ratios | & More Attract and retain Ensure production stays well-qualified personnel online and in top-form Job Board | Scholarships | Recruitment Technology Hotline | Inkjet and and Retention Resources | Workforce Automation Resources | Consulting | Apprenticeships | & More Centers of Excellence | & More Discover best practices Support efforts to and learn from peers reduce regulations and spur growth Financial Executives Council | HR Listserve | Young Professionals | Legislative Lobbying | Postal Reform | PIA Peer Groups | & More Print Advocacy Campaigns | & More Gain recognition for Reduce expenses with your quality work PIM purchasing power and employees Health & Business Insurance | Hardware | Star Awards | Leadership Awards | Software | Shipping | Materials | Best Workplace in Americas | & More Credit Card Processing | & More PIM SERVES PRINT SERVICE PROFESSIONALS IN IOWA, MINNESOTA, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA AND SOUTH DAKOTA 4 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction |

STEVE BONOFF PIM STAFF President PAUL GUTKOWSKI [email protected] 612.400.6203 Director of Safety & Environmental Services 612.400.6205 [email protected] BEN DALLY SADIE JOHNSON Director of Finance Marketing Specialist 612.400.6207 612.400.6204 [email protected] [email protected] KRISTIN DAVIS CATHY MALINOWSKI Director of Assistant Director, Safety & Education & Outreach Environmental Services 612.400.6208 612.868.6771 [email protected] [email protected] PIM offers trusted access to information, resources and education to help our members navigate the evolving print industry. Members gain stability and growth through our education, advocacy, networking and national buying power. Our comprehensive offerings and collective industry experiences make us the IDEAL PARTNER Because we're stronger together | | 612.400.6200 PIM 2020 Print Buyers Guide | 5

2020-2021 BOARD DIRECTORS CHAIR: CHAIR ELECT: VICE CHAIR: SECRETARY/TREASURER: John Barnhart Tom Murphy Mike Lane Perry Klein President, Barnhart Press President, CARDSource CEO/President, Meyers Printing Vice President, Mittera Group Company info on page 19 Company info on page 21 Company info on page 35 Company info on page 36 NATIONAL REP PIA: PAST CHAIR: Creston Dorothy Justin Feickert Brad Eslick Patrick McDermott CEO, Pro Print CEO, Quality Quick President, Record Printing VP of Sales, Wallace Carlson Company info on page 40 Print/Midstates Group Company info on page 41 Company info on page 47 Company info on page 35 Al Hillman Tim Johnson John Lynch Samantha Metcalf CEO, Standard Dynamics CEO, Impact CEO, Woolverton Principal, Clifton an EO Johnson Company Company info on page 29 Company info on page 47 Larson Allen LLP Company info on page 45 Company info on page 22 Ben Olk Tim Olsby Ryan Wenning President, NCCO President, Graphic President, Priority Envelope Company info on page 37 Finishing Services Company info on page 40 Company info on page 28 6 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction |

2019 PIM EVENTS PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction | 7

FIND A CERTIFIED GREAT PRINTER INJURY PROTECTION your marketing collateral is an indication to an OSHA inspector and print buyers that you are indeed going Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) offers an array above and beyond to comply with all areas of EHS of services designed to reduce injuries and keep regulations. regulators at bay. PIM’s Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) team, Paul Gutkowski and Cathy The Great Printer Certification process and outcomes Malinowski, offer on-site compliance audits to tell your employees that providing a safe workplace is ensure regulations and green compliance are being followed. important to the company standards. There are three criteria companies must meet before qualifying for the PIM GREAT PRINTERS program: PIM's Great Printer Environmental Initiative has been in 1. Commit to the PIM Great Printer Environmental place for over 20 years, recognizing printers for their efforts in environmental and safety operations. This certification requires Initiative Principles. that companies complete an audit conducted by PIM staff. Printers in this program have improved the environment by: 2. C omplete an Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Compliance Audit. • Using less hazardous solvents to clean the presses • Purchasing wind generated electrical energy 3. Pursue Beyond Compliance Projects. • Many other “green” initiatives For more information regarding PIM’s EHS programs, CERTIFICATION ADVANTAGES please contact Paul Gutkowski (612.400.6205) or Cathy Malinowski (612.868.6771). Or visit our website at Displaying the Great Printer logo on your front door and on all PARTICIPATING COMPANIES: The following PIM members have completed the Great Printer Environmental Initiative and are official “Great Printers.” Printers who participate in the PIM Great Printer Environmental Initiative have a positive impact on the environment and employee health and safety. AWT Labels & Packaging Graphic Design, Inc. Press Sure Print Minneapolis, MN - page 19 Hastings, MN - page 27 Minneapolis, MN - page 39 Bang Printing Impressive Print Pro Print Brainerd, MN - page 19 St. Paul, MN - page 30 Duluth, MN - page 40 The Bernard Group Japs-Olson Company Process Displays Chaska, MN St. Louis Park, MN - page 31 New Hope, MN - page 40 BIC Graphic Johnson Printing SeaChange Print Innovations Sleepy Eye, MN Rochester, MN - page 32 Plymouth, MN - page 42 Bolger Vision Beyond Print Johnson Printing & Packaging Seven Corners Printing Minneapolis, MN - page 20 Minneapolis, MN - page 32 St. Paul, MN - page 43 Daily Printing, Inc. The John Roberts Company Shapco Printing, Inc. Plymouth, MN - page 23 Coon Rapids, MN - page 31 Minneapolis, MN - page 43 Dolan Printing Larkin Industries Streamworks LLC Minneapolis, MN - page 24 St. Paul, MN - page 33 Blaine, MN - page 45 The First Impression Group, Inc. Mankato Packaging Target Corp, Printing Services Eagan, MN - page 25 North Mankato, MN - page 34 Brooklyn Park, MN - page 45 Flaire Print Communications Mark Thomas Co. Thomson Reuters Minneapolis, MN - page 25 Sleepy Eye, MN - page 34 Eagan, MN - page 46 Franklin Press, Inc. National Checking Company Plymouth, MN - page 26 St. Paul, MN - page 37 GLS Companies Nystrom Publishing Company Brooklyn Park, MN - page 26 Maple Grove, MN - page 38 8 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction |

INNOVATION REWARDS 2020 STAR AWARDS RECOGNIZING OUR LEADERS Every year PIM along with over 300 print The following individuals have risen to the top of our professionals honor individuals and companies industry and are recognized for their accomplishments for their outstanding accomplishments and and contributions. These professionals were nominated innovations in print! The annual Star Awards is by their peers for being strong leaders that have made an held for the Midwest Region to celebrate their impact in the print and graphic communications industry. commitment to quality and service. Members submit projects Congratulations to all for your accomplishments and created in the previous year to be judged and honored at a leadership! virtual celebration or in-person event. The following pages display the leaders of the year and category winners from the 2020 Star Awards. For more information about this annual awards competition visit our website THANK YOU STAR AWARDS SPONSORS 2020 GRAPHICS ARTS 2020 CREATIVE LEADER OF THE YEAR PROFESSIONAL Star Awards Signature Sponsor Lindenmeyr Monroe Hassan Igram OF THE YEAR Cedar Graphics, Inc. Jackie Marthaler Print Industry Sponsor GLS Companies Laird Plastics Beverage Sponsor 2020 CSR OF THE YEAR 2020 PRODUCTION Midland Paper Packaging + Supplies Chris Olson PROFESSIONAL Appetizer Sponsor OF THE YEAR IWCO Direct The John Roberts Tou Xiong Program Sponsor Company LB Carlson AWT Label & Package Best of Show Awards Sponsor Peters, Revnew, Kappenman & Anderson, P.A. 2020 YOUNG 2020 OUTSTANDING People’s Choice Award Sponsor PROFESSIONAL TEAM OF THE YEAR Bremer Bank Nahan Spoilage Team Creative Professional of the Year Award Sponsor OF THE YEAR Konica Minolta Business Solutions Tiffany Milbrandt Nahan Printing Customer Service Representative (CSR) of the Year Award Sponsor CARDSource Case Paper Outstanding Team of the Year Award Sponsor Anchor Paper Company Production Professional of the Year Award Sponsor Heidelberg USA Young Professional of the Year Award Sponsor Canon Solutions America Invites & Certificates Paper & Printing Sponsor Daily Printing Inc. Program Paper & Printing Sponsor Anchor Paper Company & Standard Dynamics Inc. an EO Johnson Company PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction | 9

2020 STAR AWARDS OUTSTANDING WINNERS 2020 BEST OF SHOW Award Sponsored by Peters, Revnew, Kappenman & Anderson, P.A. Category: Calendars \"Sappi Calendar 2020\" Produced by GLS/NEXT Precision Marketing Company listing on page 26 2020 BEST OF SHOW - RUNNER UP Award Sponsored by Peters, Revnew, Kappenman & Anderson, P.A. Category: Presentation Folders/Portfolios \"MBK Senior Living Portfolio\" Produced by The John Roberts Company Company listing on page 31 2020 BEST OF SHOW - HONORABLE MENTION Award Sponsored by Peters, Revnew, Kappenman & Anderson, P.A. Category: Diecuts and Pop-Ups \"The Criterion Collection - Karel Zeman Pop Up Book\" Produced by Bolger Vision Beyond Print Company listing on page 20 2020 PEOPLE'S CHOICE Award Sponsored by Peters, Revnew, Kappenman & Anderson, P.A. Category: Invitations \"Grand Casino - Roaring 20s Jubilee Invitations\" Produced by Visions Inc. Company listing on page 47 10 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction |

2020 STAR AWARDS BEST OF CATEGORY WINNERS Category: Flexographic Printing \"Veil Cranberry Lime Vodka\" Produced by AWT Labels & Packaging Company listing on page 19 Category: Print/Graphic Arts Self-Promotion \"Bolger Marketing Brochure\" Produced by Bolger LLC Company listing on page 20 Category: Product Catalogs \"Rapala 2020 Master Catalog\" Produced by Daily Printing Company listing on page 23 Category: Post-Secondary Students \"Flexo Tech - MPLS Skyline\" Produced by Flexographic Tech PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction | 11

2020 STAR AWARDS BEST OF CATEGORY WINNERS Category: Novelty Books \"AirBnb Yoshino Cedar House\" Produced by GLS/NEXT Precision Marketing Company listing on page 26 Category: Digital Printing— Brochures & Booklets \"Discovery Benefits: A WEX Company Seven City Executive Tours\" Produced by GLS/NEXT Precision Marketing Company listing on page 26 Category: Booklets \"Robert Thomas Homes Booklet\" Produced by The John Roberts Company Company listing on page 31 Category: Direct Mail Campaigns, Business-to- Business \"LinkedIn Talent Mailer\" Produced by The John Roberts Company Company listing on page 31 12 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction |

2020 STAR AWARDS BEST OF CATEGORY WINNERS Category: Miscellaneous Specialties \"Hunter Douglas Sonnette Sampling Photo Book Project\" Produced by The John Roberts Company Company listing on page 31 Category: Web Press Printing \"James Avery, Handbag Mailer\" Produced by Nahan Printing Company listing on page 37 Category: Cards \"UHC Engagement - Holiday Card with Seed Paper\" Produced by SeaChange Print Innovations Company listing on page 42 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction | 13

2020 STAR AWARDS PARTICIPATING COMPANIES The following companies submitted flawless printed pieces for the 2020 Star Awards, make sure to check out their information in the Membership Directory. Members, do not forget to save your best printed pieces for the next Star Awards! AWT Labels & Packaging - page 19 GLS/NEXT Precision Marketing - Panther - page 38 1 Best of Category page 26 1 Award of Recognition 1 Award of Recognition 8 Certificates of Merit 2 Certificates of Merit 1 Best of Show 3 Best of Category Quantum Graphics - page 40 Bolger Vision Beyond Print - 6 Award of Recognition 1 Award of Recognition page 20 4 Certificates of Merit 8 Certificates of Merit 1 Best of Show - Honorable Graphic Finishing Services - page 28 SeaChange Print Innovations - page Mention 1 Award of Recognition 42 2 Best of Category 1 Certificate of Merit 1 Award of Recognition 1 Best of Category 2 Certificates of Merit Ideal Printers, Inc. - page 29 2 Awards of Recognition 2 Awards of Recognition 4 Certificates of Merit Carlson Print Group - page 21 3 Certificates of Merit 3 Awards of Recognition Streamworks - page 43 3 Certificates of Merit The John Roberts Company - page 31 3 Certificates of Merit 1 Best of Show Runner-Up Cedar Graphics - page 22 4 Best of Category Visions, Inc. - page 47 1 Award of Recognition 2 Awards of Recognition 1 People's Choice Award 2 Certificates of Merit 3 Certificates of Merit 1 Best of Category 5 Award of Recognition Daily Printing - page 23 The Meyers Printing Companies - 3 Certificates of Merit 1 Best of Category page 35 1 Award of Recognition 5 Certificates of Merit 3 Certificates of Merit Embossing Plus- page 24 Mittera Group - page 36 1 Award of Recognition 4 Awards of Recognition 3 Certificates of Merit 8 Certificates of Merit Flexographic Tech- Nahan Printing - page 37 1 Best of Category 1 Best of Category 1 Award of Recognition 2 Awards of Recognition 2 Certificates of Merit 12 Certificates of Merit OUR FIRST VIRTUAL STAR AWARDS It should not be a surprise to find out that the 2020 Star Awards was not celebrated at a hotel in downtown Minneapolis like previous years. Just like almost all of our 2020 events, the 2020 Star Awards was held virtually! It was not an easy task and after rescheduling and postponing many times, we were finally able to celebrate our members at the end of August virtually. Thanks to all of the support from our Star Awards Sponsors and Justin McDonald from Cedar Graphics, our terrific emcee, we were able to make this virtual event special. We were able to deliver party packs to all attendees. The packs were filled with popcorn, party supplies, sweet treats and two bottles of wine. Hopefully in 2021 we can have an in-person event again! 14 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 1-2-1 Marketing Services Group 20195 S. Diamond Lake Road # 700 Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 428-8123 [email protected] Technology. Simplified. 121 Marketing Services Group is an experienced solutions provider for loyalty Advanced Imaging Solutions club and membership marketing programs. Established in 2000, 121 MSG has been the engagement program resource for clients in the hospitality, retail, 6121 Baker Rd., Suite 110 Michael Keating/Ryan Keating nonprofit, and financial services sectors. Our service mix is structured to allow clients to create individualized solutions for their marketing needs. Everyone Minnetonka, MN 55345 (952) 930-1882 in the production process - beginning to end, top to bottom - has a vested interest in each client’s success. We are flexible by design and diverse enough [email protected] to imagine, produce, and deliver successful print and promotional pieces. Whether it’s a national, multi-faceted loyalty campaign or a one-time print Advanced Imaging Solutions (AIS) offers best in class digital production run, we take great care and ownership of each program we handle. printers, multi-function copiers & foil and embossing solutions from Konica Minolta, Sharp, Lexmark, Epson, HP & MGI. AIS provides managed print 40 Employees services for desktop printer fleets as well as managed IT/network services and VOIP for an all encompassing partner for your print & office technology needs. EQUIPMENT We provide uncomplicated answers for workflow to speed up processes, NBS Horizon Plastic Card Embossing Systems (16) lower risk and reduce cost. We employ highly skilled, factory trained service Atlantic Zeiser Drop on Demand Card Ima ging System technicians to provide the important day to day support functions for all our NBS D40 Thermal Print System clients with exceptional on-site service. Our solutions, combined with our Nipson Continuous Laser Print System customer service, which is unparalleled in Minnesota makes AIS your premier Pitney Bowes AT2/AT3 Card Affixer with Camera Match Systems (2) partner for print & office technology solutions needs. 75 Employees Discover more about our company at EQUIPMENT Konica Minolta AccurioPress 6120, 6136, 6136p Production Digital B&W Presses Konica Minolta AccurioPress C12000, C14000 Production Digital Color Presses 1517 Media Konica Minolta AccurioWide 160,200 Wide Format 510 Marquette Ave., 8th Floor Douglas Hodgeman See our ad on page 19 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 330-3300 Discover more about our company at Adhesive Compounders, Inc. Customer Service (515) 244-0396 326 SW Fifth Street Des Moines, IA 50309-4602 Adhesive Label Company Steve Erickson (763) 746-2900 2916 Nevada Ave N New Hope, MN 55427 ADi Group Doug Freeman (515) 334-2200 4049 - 120th Street Urbandale, IA 50322-2312 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Introduction | 15

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Advanced Response Systems Wayne Reinking (763) 428-1430 13175 George Weber Drive Rogers, MN 55374 American Office Systems American Spirit Corporation Darren Carlson 7490 Golden Triangle Drive (952) 886-3400 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 [email protected] 2535 Pilot Knob Rd Suite 119 Lani Stewart/Kevin Rugg American Spirit Graphics Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651) 209-1005 2520 Delaware Avenue Brian Devore [email protected] Des Moines, IA 50317-3530 (515) 262-8213 A leader in digital and offset finishing. AOS is dedicated to providing a complete line of production and on-demand finishing solutions. We provide innovative slitter/ cutter/ creasers, sheet feeders/full-bleed bookletmakers, American Spirit Corporation provides a wide range of strategic, creative folders, perfect binders, cutters and automatic UV coaters . AOS provides service and training to our customers. You can see our products at the and production services, all designed to grow your business. Our service and following websites - production capabilities can be integrated as a full-service growth program, or as separate services to meet your specific objectives and budgets. Our ability is to leverage the strength of our marketing and data services along with our state-of-the art printing and converting capabilities which results in value 5 Employees and engagement with customers. Our service offerings include data, design, prepress, print (half, full, and double-web, sheet-fed, and digital), bindery and EQUIPMENT kitting and mail services. With a nationwide presence and serving Fortune Duplo - Full Line Dealer Baumfolder - Dealer 50/100/500 companies, American Spirit Corporation can unlock value that was previously trapped through marketing integration and powerful print. Discover more about our company at 300 Employees EQUIPMENT Heidelberg M-600 23x38; 6-color w/autoplate Zirkon [3] 17.75 x 26; 5-color w/ sheeter, inline, Toshiba 35x49; 4-color w/folder, trimmers variable imaging 8 and 6 color sheetfed UV and digital presses Bindery, lettershop, kitting, fulfillment CUSTOMIZED PRINT Discover more about our company at AND INTEGRATED MARKETING SOLUTIONS 16 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |


MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AP Graph, Inc. 1182 Cliff Rd East Bernie Bishop Burnsville, MN 55337 (952) 888-4340 Web Printing with In-Line Finishing [email protected] 1966 Benson Ave • St. Paul, MN • 55116 Discover more about our company at 651-690-2401 • 800-328-6502 p?pid=6622&aff=pimn Amidon Graphics 1966 Benson Avenue Karen Amidon/Paul Amidon St. Paul, MN 55116 (651) 690-2401 [email protected] Family-owned, full service commercial printing company. We run 8 half-web AssuredPartners presses capable of printing 5/5 on coated and uncoated stocks. Our specialty is inline finishing on press - we can fold, perf, glue pockets, remoistenable 2361 Highway 36 West Eric Klein tab, die-cut, apply fragrance, affix cards & stickers, and inkjet full pages of variable data. Perfect for Direct Mail. We also serve the food/retail industry St. Paul, MN 55113 (651) 294-0732 with custom printed bags, resealable deli bags, menus, placemats, kids’ activity books, and Fin-seal packaging. We offer innovative solutions, high [email protected] level customer service, quick quotes and turn-arounds. Member MPCA, Green Star and WindSource Program, FSC & SFI Certified. Established in 1951. AssuredPartners is an independent insurance brokerage specializing in providing competitive Property/ Casualty and Employee Benefits solutions to 85 Employees the printing industry. We offer customized insurance products and services to save you premium and add additional value to your business. Contact Eric to start saving today! EQUIPMENT 60 Employees 23 x 26 Harris M100 5 Unit with GMI Close Loop Color 18 x 26 Harris M110 5 unit with GMI Close Loop Color Discover more about our company at 18 x 26 Zirkon 6611 5 Unit with GMI Close Loop Color FS1200 Variable Inkjet System S.O.S & Pinch-bottom Bag Making Machines Discover more about our company at Anchor Paper Company Brooke Lee/Dan Anderson (651) 298-1311 480 Broadway Street St. Paul, MN 55101-2495 18 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AWT Labels & Packaging Jim Lundquist/Chip Fuhrmann Barnhart Press John Barnhart (612) 706-3700 11616 “I” Street (402) 341-1322 600 Hoover Street NE, Suite 500 Omaha, NE 68137 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Kurt Woltering (913) 529-2310 BASYS Processing AWT Labels & Packaging is a narrow and wide web flexographic printer/ 15300 W. 105th Terrance Mark Kilchenman/Dale Poe converter with label and flexible packaging solutions focused on the Lenexa, KS 66219 (612) 729-9000 medical, OEM/industrial, food & beverage, clinical labeling, household and personal care markets. Our Label Management Service is designed to help Michael Monson our customers reduce total applied cost and drive results. This service is BCT Heartland (763) 545-8826 comprised of supplier managed inventory, label audits, label re-engineering 2540 24th Avenue South and label material expertise. Our print capabilities range from multiple Minneapolis, MN 55406 Pete Larson substrates, 1 to 10 colors, digital, UV flexo printing, shrink sleeves, onserts and converting. We offer a wide variety of sustainable material options for labels Renatta Bolen/Jason Bolen and flexible packaging. Benson-Orth General Contractors (515) 265-4091 10700 Highway 55, Suite 310 300 Employees Plymouth, MN 55441 Discover more about our company at Bethany Press International 6820 W 115th St Bloomington, MN 55438 Bindery 1, Inc. 1631 East Aurora Ave Des Moines, IA 50313 STAR AWARDS WINNER A CJK Group Company A CJK Group Company Technology. Simplified. A CJK Group Company • Up to 140ppm AccurioPress • Up to 450gsm & 13” x 51” paper C14000 • Auto color & registration A CJK Group Company A CJK Group Company A CJK Group Company • Full bleed color Bang Printing 3323 Oak Street Doug Walter Brainerd, MN 56401 (800) 328-0450 [email protected] Founded in 1899, Bang Printing is an industry leader in high quality book manufacturing. We offer web, sheetfed and digital printing and an in-house bindery with perfect bound, lay-flat, saddle stitched, case, and mechanical bindings. We also provide warehousing and fulfillment. In 2017, the newly- incorporated CJK Group became the parent company to Bang Printing as well as Sentinel Printing in St. Cloud, MN. CJK Group encompasses print and communications companies across the US: Sheridan, Knowledgeworks Global Ltd., Hess Print Solutions, and Webcrafters Inc. See our insert Discover more about our company at Visit Us Online! (952) 930-1882 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 19

“A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.” – Neil Gaiman and dream-fulfi ing YOUR BOOK MANUFACTURING PARTNERS Sheetfed | Web | Digital | Hardcover | Softcover | Fulfillment A CJK Group Company A CJK Group Company A CJK Group Company Brainerd, Minnesota Madison, Wisconsin The CJK Group Companies Your Partners for Print, Distribution, eCommerce, and Workflow Solutions UNITED KINGDOM INDIA Brainerd, Minnesota Chelsea, Michigan Waterbury, Vermont Grand Rapids, Michigan Boston, Massachusetts Hanover, New Hampshire Richmond, Virginia Madison, Wisconsin Hanover, Pennsylvania London, England Versailles, Kentucky Noida, Uttar Pradesh Mumbai, Maharashtra Bengaluru, Karnataka Brimfield, Ohio Chennai, Tamil Nadu

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY CUSTOMIZED PRINT AND INTEGRATED MARKETING SOLUTIONS Member FDIC Bremer Bank Nick Brinkman (651) 726-6008 372 St. Peter Street Bolger Vision Beyond Print Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 3301 Como Avenue S.E. Erik Norman Bremer Bank has roots in the places where we live and work that go back to 1943, and a history of making a real-world difference in the lives of our Minneapolis, MN 55414-2809 (651) 645-6311 customers that begins with our founder. Otto Bremer believed that if banks helped businesses in good times and bad, communities would thrive. [email protected] Today, we’re proud to work with the people who grow our food, build our economy, and serve our neighbors. We offer banking, mortgage, investment, Bolger Vision Beyond Print creates print and software services to encompass wealth management, trust and insurance in Minnesota, North Dakota and all facets of communication in today’s ever-changing marketing landscape. Wisconsin. We’re here to help you solve your toughest problems, seize your Our tools enable companies across multiple industries to communicate biggest opportunities, and achieve success on your terms, now and in the and connect with their clients, including meeting the security and privacy future. protocols required for highly regulated communication. We help clients succeed at creating and delivering their marketing, product, regulatory and 1800 Employees visual communication objectives through a combination of sheetfed offset and digital print, large format print, mailing, kitting, fulfillment, and SaaS IT Discover more about our company at services. Your success is at the center of everything we do, and it’s why we apply a unique combination of craftsmanship, sustainability, and applied ingenuity to all your projects. 200 Employees EQUIPMENT Canon Solutions America Jeff Tripp KBA, 10-color 29 x 41 fully automated perfecting press (515) 290 - 5201 KBA, 6-color 29 x 41 fully automated press 7002 S. Revere Parkway, Suite 80 Heidelberg, 6-color 28 x 40 Speedmaster Classic perfector (2/4) Centennial, CO 80112 Heidelberg, 6 color, 23 x 29 Speedmaster CD HP Indigo 12000 HD See our ad on page 16 Discover more about our company at STAR AWARDS Adam Kellogg/Joe Schneider WINNER (651) 767-2049 Bottcher America Corp. 5332 Glenbrook Ave N Suite 100 Oakdale, MN 55128 20 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY CARDSource 1286 Trapp Road Tiffany Milbrandt Carlson Print Group Eagan, MN 55121 (651) 686-0660 7490 Golden Triangle Drive Earl Guinter [email protected] Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (952) 886-3400 CARDSource, a third-generation family run business has built a reputation [email protected] as one of the most reliable card printers and fulfillment providers in the industry. Our ordering process is quick and straightforward. We manufacture Carlson Print Group offers so much more than ink on paper by delivering high-quality, digitally printed, hydraulically-laminated PVC cards and added value to your brand and products with creative print techniques that polyester laminated Teslin® style cards, as well as an impressive array of communicates and exceeds customers’ objectives. Since 1996, Carlson, a custom-shaped plastic cards and key tags. Additionally, we offer a variety division of American Spirit Corporation, brings experience and technical skill of fulfillment and personalization options, including but not limited to to our print and converting capabilities which provides to our clients’ solutions embossing, thermal, encoding, DOD inkjet, match, affix, mail and inserting. that differentiate them in their market and above their competition. Whether it’s merging cold foil into images or creating eye-popping lenticular graphics, 30 Employees we’ve created solutions for just about every application you can imagine. We work within your budget to design and execute a fabulous printed piece that Discover more about our company at makes an impression. Let us “exceed your impression in print” on your next project! 100 Employees EQUIPMENT 29 x 41 Koenig & Bauer (KBA) Rapida 105 Pro 6 color UV, LED /w coater 29 x 40 Manroland 700 HiPrint 8 color/w UV, Inline Foil and Cast & Cure 28 x 40 Heidelberg 2 color Perfector HP Indigo 12000 Die cutting, Fold and Gluing, Bindery kitting, fulfillment Discover more about our company at PIM Member Savings STAR AWARDS WINNER on PrinterTaTkoewAedvlsantage of 2019  PIA Member Savings! Complimentary week of service for new customers Earn up to a 3% Rebate Case Paper Company Arika Stoecker - MN Earn up to a 3% rebate  Reuse program supports 900 West 45th Street Jim Argianas - IA & NE Chicago, IL 60609 (800) 621-8837 sustainability goals [email protected] Case Paper is one of the largest privately held distributors and converters of paper and board for the printing and packaging industries. We have a strong commitment to being “on the case” for every customer, providing precisely what they need, when and where they need it. We are Tri-Certified (FSC, SFI & PEFC) and have a 220,000 sq.ft. warehousing and converting facility in Chicago offering paper, board, and specialty grades from mills around the world. Some of our grades include: coated Alta Gloss and Dull text, uncoated FSC and 10% PCW Sunshine Plus Opaque text and cover, Metsä Pro FBB and Prime FBB, GPI Everest SBS, CMPC folding boxboards, and laminated paper and board through Case Makes such as our Sonata Silver (silver metpet). Discover more about our company at Preferred Supplier for PIM Members! PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 21

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Catapult ME, Inc. Chuck Klein Copeland Buhl & Company PLLP Aaron Thomas 2229 Edgewood Ave. S. (612) 359-5600 800 East Wayzata Blvd., Suite 300 (952) 476-7100 Minneapolis, MN 55426 Wayzata, MN 55391 Hassan Igram/Humza Igram Mark Theis/Chris Boesche (800) 393-2399 (320) 753-3660 Cedar Graphics, Inc. Crow River Press 311 Parsons Drive 170 Shady Ridge Road, PO Box 99 Hiawatha, IA 52233 Hutchinson, MN 55350 STAR AWARDS WINNER CGS ORIS | Americas Marcus Goerlitz D & G PACKAGING (612) 870-0061 100 N. 6th St., Suite 242A Serving your packaging & bindery Minneapolis, MN 55403 needs for over 50 years. Cintas D & G Packaging 685 Olive Street Adam Stansbury 12039 Riverwood Drive Mike Reierson/Barb Nelson St. Paul, MN 55130 (715) 563-0724 Burnsville, MN 55337 (952) 890-7525 [email protected] CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Samantha A.U. Metcalf Specialty bindery and packaging services include high speed fin sealing (612) 376-4821 (coupons, mailings, booklets, retail packages with peg hole), high speed 220 South Sixth Street, Suite 300 shrinkwrapping (retail, bundling, industrial), diamond wrapping, blister Minneapolis, MN 55402 packaging, banding, padding, high speed labeling, automated card/magnet/ sample affixing, transfer taping, wafer sealing, perf/score/slitting and assembly (promotions/displays). Established 1962. The Coghlan Communications Group, Inc. Kevin Coghlan 35 Employees (651) 492-7339 5865 Neal Avenue N., Suite 317 EQUIPMENT Stillwater, MN 55082 Kirk-Rudy Automatic Card Affixer/Folders Fin Seal/Shrink wrap/Polybag (High Speed) Automatic Magnet Applicators Cole Papers, Inc. Mike Hluchy Strip Tape Applicators (605) 335-7123 Marden Edwards Diamond Wrap / Pemko Ream Wrapper 100 E 40th Street N Sioux Falls, SD 57104-0718 Discover more about our company at Color & Coating Services, Inc. Philip Mentzer (402) 763-2296 5915 South 118th Circle, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68137-4437 CONQUEST BINDERY House of Craftsmen 9633 85th Ave North Maple Grove, MN 55369 Phone: 763-591-1730 Dave Carpentier President Bea Carpentier Estimator/CSR John Carpentier Production Manager Conquest Bindery 9633 85th Avenue N Dave Carpentier Maple Grove, MN 55369 (763) 591-1730 [email protected] Conquest Bindery is a finisher for the Graphic Arts Industry. We are a trade bindery offering a full spectrum of services to meet your bindery needs. We specialize in creative solutions for your unique trade bindery needs or complex projects. Discover more about our company at 22 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 14350 Azurite Street NW N Ramsey, MN 55303 N Phone: 763-235-4141 Diamond Graphics, Inc. 14350 Azurite Street NW Kim Griesmann/Bob Montgomery Ramsey, MN 55303 (763) 235-4141 [email protected] Daily Printing, Inc. Diamond Graphics is a total solution card and packaging manufacturer, serving the stored value gift card, reward and loyalty card and direct mail 2333 Niagara Lane Tom Moe markets for over 20 years. Utilizing UV offset and Digital print technologies to produce plastic, paper and Teslin cards. Diamond offers a wide variety of Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 475-2333 card formats CR 80’s, M6 snap and no snap laminated and surface printed. Finishing processes included DOD imaging with encoding, match affixing [email protected] card to carrier, RF sealing, multi packs, high speed inserting, mailing and fulfillment. A full service communication provider utilizing 1-8 color conventional and UV offset printing along with the Xerox iGen 150 and Iridesse 120 digital 160 Employees platform. With Web to Print and Print on Demand literature management, Daily offers a full digital platform for true integrated marketing. A full mailing EQUIPMENT services provider, Daily is your expert in Direct Mail and Postage Optimization 21 x 28 - 6 Color Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 75 programs. Daily also offers a large mix of in-house bindery and finishing 6 Color ManRoland services including Die-Cutting, Embossing, Kitting, Fulfillment, Warehousing HP 30000 Digital press 20 x 29 and Distribution. Let us show you what a little ink, paper and imagination can Konica 4cp digital press do for you! Daily is An Employee Owned Company! MGI EVO 3D jetVarnish spot coating with iFoil 75 Employees EQUIPMENT See our insert 28 x 40 Komori 840GLPC HUV color +AQ & UV Coating Perfecting Press 29 x 41 Heidelberg XL-105 6 color + Aqueous Coating Discover more about our company at 28 x 40 Heidelberg, SM102 2 color perfecting press Xerox iGen 150 w. in-line CP Bourg booklet maker Xerox Iredesse 120 6 color digital press Discover more about our company at STAR AWARDS Jon Leinen/Matt Fox WINNER (763) 268-2000 Data Recognition Corporation Susan K. Dripps 13490 Bass Lake Road (507) 288-9297 Maple Grove, MN 55311 Davies Printing Company 2715 Pennington Court NW Rochester, MN 55901 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 23

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Bob Lorence (651) 292-4845 Education Minnesota Print Shop 41 Sherburne Avenue Jeff White St. Paul, MN 55103 (563) 359-3696 Elanders Americas 5440 Corporate Park Drive Davenport, IA 52807-2990 DL’s Die Cutting, Inc. 3800 Williston Road Jeff Pugh/Jason Hedlund Minnetonka, MN 55345 (763) 509-9966 [email protected] At DL’s Die Cutting, Inc. our focus is on the customer. Providing fast EMBOSSING PLUS, INC. turnaround time on quotes, the best pricing in town and delivering a quality finished piece every time. Our CSR’s will make sure you have top notch Embossing Plus, Inc. service and know everything about your project from start to finish. Our capabilities include providing services for steel rule dies, laser die making, 1809 East Hennepin Leon Spencer/Jim Flannery diecutting, foil stamping, embossing, gluing, folding, auto lock bottom boxes, affixing, shrinkwrapping, wafer sealling, labelair application and creative full Minneapolis, MN 55413 (612) 362-9301 service cad for sample making. 50 Employees [email protected] EQUIPMENT Embossing Plus is a premier print finishing company in the Midwest. 28 x 40 Bobst Die Cutter (5) Celebrating our 30th year of providing high-quality craftsmanship and 29 x 41 Iijima Foil/Emboss/Die Cut services including, but not limited to, die cutting, foil stamping, embossing, 32 x 45 Die Cutter, Foil & Emboss (3) fold and glue, steel rule dies and sample making. We also provide digital laser Fold & Gluers (7) cutting for all your intricate design needs. We have also added mounting, 14 x 22 Kluge Die Cutter Foil/Emboss/Die Cut (4) film lamination (1 and 2 sided), UV capabilities (both traditional and digital). Digital foil stamping, and embossing without needing dies now available with Discover more about our company at our new Konica Minolta MGI/3DEvo. 50 Employees Dolan Printing LLC John Wallenfelsz EQUIPMENT (612) 379-2311 Bobst 28” - 40” die cutters (4) 2301 East Hennepin Avenue Bobst 102BMA foil/Embossing presses 28” - 40” (2) Minneapolis, MN 55413 Kluge 14” - 22” presses (6) Bobst, Kluge, and Moll gluers (10) Konica Minolta MGI/3DEvo Discover more about our company at Dordt College Fred Haan STAR AWARDS (712) 722-4735 WINNER 498 - 4th Avenue NE Sioux Center, IA 51250-1606 Dunwoody College of Technology Print Services (612) 381-8120 Empire Screen Printing Douglas Billings (608) 783-3301 818 Dunwoody Blvd. N5206 Marco Road Minneapolis, MN 55403 Onalaska, WI 54650 (507) 645-4421 Engage / NCG,Inc. 1000 Fifth Street West Northfield, MN 55057 24 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Federated Mutual Insurance Co. Ben Cox Finishbinders, Inc. Curtis Cass (507) 455-5200 1900 Delaware Avenue (515) 263-1800 121 East Park Square, P.O. Box 328 Des Moines, IA 50317-6343 Owatonna, MN 55060-3046 Bart Harvey/Kevin Finley (651) 683-1125 The First Impression Group, Inc. See our inside back cover ad 2700 Blue Water Road, Suite 450 Mark E. Kuzma Eagan, MN 55121 (612) 789-2446 Flaire Print Communications, Inc. 2110 Washington Street N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55418 Discover more about our company at Focus 33, Inc. 2525 Fernbrook Ln N Plymouth, MN 55447 Detroit Lakes, MN • Fargo, ND • Sioux Falls, SD Feiereisen, Inc. Forum Communications Printing 5203 16th Ave. S.W. Greg Ortmann/Eric Olson 4601 16th Ave N Dave Erstad/Laura Feldner Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-1230 (319) 396-1987 [email protected] Fargo, ND 58102 (701) 476-2000 [email protected] Feiereisen, Inc established in 1935. Leader in High quality finishing services Quality heatset web, non-heatset web, UV web press, sheetfed and color for the Printing Industry nationwide. We service the largest of printers to the digital commercial printer specializing in sheet-web booklets, publications, smallest of printers. Feiereisen, Inc. have a staff of experienced dedicated manuals, directories, catalogs, flyers and direct mail. In-line glue, associates to get your projects done right and when promised. Our estimators saddlestitch, perfect binding, plastic spiral, polybagging, UV and Aqueous are driven to get your quotes back to you fast and accurate. We are coatings. Color and black variable image and variable data printing committed to the print industry by always investing in the latest technologies capabilities. Complete mailing and fulfillment. Established 1907. to bring printing to life with capabilities such as Digital UV and Digital Foil stamping, Scratch Off Inks, Encapsulated Glitter Coating, die-cutting, Folding 250 Employees & Gluing all types of Cartons and Pocket Folders, Mechanical Coil and Wire binding, Perfect Binding, Collating 4-Knife Trimming and all other finishing EQUIPMENT services to numerous to mention. Our 80,000 square foot facility is climate 22 x 36 Beiren Heatset Web, 8 Unit controlled to assure the best results for all of your finishing needs. 28 x 40 Komori 6-Color Sheetfed w/ Inline UV Didde 860 UV Press w/ Inline Perfing, Folding & Sheeter, 8 Unit 45 Employees 22 x 35 Goss Community Non-Heat Web, 19 Unit 2- Ricoh Pro C9210 color press with inline Duplo 600 stitcher See our insert Discover more about our company at Discover more about our company at PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 25

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY IT’S NOT JUST SMARTER MARKETING, IT’S EVOLVED MARKETING PRECISION MARKETING Franklin Press, Inc. 2545 Fernbrook Lane North James Franklin/Larry Franklin Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 546-7656 [email protected] The latest equipment is essential and the greatest craftsmanship is a given. GLS / NEXT Precision Marketing What we are is the most customer-focused and genuinely concerned partner you will ever encounter. We realize that’s a grand claim and one we don’t PIM Ad.inCdodrp1orate Office, 6845 Winnetka Circle Todd1M0/a3/t1u8sk1a0:45 AM make lightly. At Franklin Press, our third-generation attitude, coupled with the fact that we were simply raised to treat people right, will serve you beyond Brooklyn Park, MN 55428-1537 (763) 535-7277 [email protected] expectations. Your project and all the aspects of that project will be handled GLS / NEXT Precision Marketing is a strategic solutions provider delivering as if it were our only job - because your satisfaction IS our only job. end-to-end marketing innovation, from ideas to implementation. Celebrating 25 Employees 35 years of experience supporting successful brands, GLS / NEXT offers a portfolio of marketing technologies, insights and creative development, digital EQUIPMENT and print strategies, publicity an d media services, sheetfed, digital and web HP Indigo 5500 6 color digital press printing and finishing, global deployment, advanced metrics, and a HiTrust, 14 x 20 Heidelberg 52 Printmaster - 4 Color SOC-2 secure environment. Locations in Brooklyn Park, Minnetonka, and 20 x 29 MAN Roland 2 color Saint Paul, MN. 28 x 40 Komori 6 color sheetfed w/inline Aqueous 321 Employees 28 x 40 MAN Roland 6 color Discover more about our company at EQUIPMENT HP PageWide Variable Web Press T240 HD 3 - HP Indigo 12000 Digital Presses 2 - HP Indigo 7800 Digital Presses 28 x 40 6c Heidelberg Speedmaster CD102, UV, aqueous 22 x 38 Komori Web, 6 unit and 23 x 20 Web Komori System 20, 6 unit Fresh Color Press Brian Johnson Discover more about our company at (952) 513-7001 7625 Golden Triangle Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3700 STAR AWARDS WINNER FUJIFILM North America Corporation, Graphic Systems Division The Goodprinter France Avenue Business Park IV, 3769 Dunlap Street North Michael Cahill St. Paul, MN 55112 (651) 483-5430 4001 Lakebreeze Ave. N., Suite 400 Mark Harpke Brooklyn Center, MN 55429-3844 (847) 778-8741 Globe Publishing Co., Inc. William Horst/Dan Horst GPA Customer Support (651) 451-2261 (800) 395-9000 224 Concord Exchange North 8701 West 47th Street, Suite A South St. Paul, MN 55075 McCook, IL 60525 26 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY print. finish. communicate. Graphco/RMGT 1400 Wilkening Road Derek Gordon Schaumburg, IL 60173 (800) 458-2769 [email protected] Graphco is the industry’s leading provider of digital, offset and print finishing Graphic Design, Inc. Tom Kranz solutions. In addition to RMGT (Ryobi MHI Graphic Technology) Offset Presses, (651) 230-4581 Graphco proudly represents other premium product lines such as Horizon 315 Second Street East, PO Box 307 [email protected] Finishing Solutions, Foliant Single-Sided and Double-Sided Laminators, Konica Hastings, MN 55033-0307 Minolta Digital Production Presses, GEW LED-UV Curing Systems, Graphic Whizard Print Finishing Solutions, Petratto Specialty Finishing Solutions and Colter & Peterson Paper Cutting Systems. Since 1976, Graphco has thrived GDI has been a family-owned and operated business for over 50 years. Our in an ever-changing market place by loyally adhering to the firm’s original mission is to exceed our client’s expectations of service and communication, model for success through devotion to customer’s print production needs, and to provide the highest quality of printed and promotional products reliable and assured technical service and constant attention to the changing available. We’ve spent considerable time honing our customer-centric industry. processes, investing in cutting-edge technology and equipment and retaining employees with passion and drive to set the bar high for our clients. We pride 22 Employees ourselves on being a complete source for all business communications needs and to help our clients make great impressions. Because, when our clients EQUIPMENT win, we win. RMGT 10 Series RMGT 1050ST-6 Six Color with Coater RMGT 1050PF-10 Ten Color with Perfector RMGT 1050TP-10 Ten Color with Tandem Perfector RMGT 970 Series See our ad on page 31 25 Employees Discover more about our company at EQUIPMENT HP Indigo 5500 6-color HP R1000 Hybrid Latex Printer Kongsberg XL24 Flatbed Cutter Shinohara & Ryobi Offset Presses (6) Discover more about our company at We proudly designed the front cover for this guide! DESIGN | PRINTING | FINISHING | FULFILLMENT 27 2607 Sixth Street NE | Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-788-1884 | [email protected] [email protected] | [email protected] PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Graphic Finishing Services, Inc. Great River Printing (763) 633-6050 6999 Oxford Street 11490 Xeon Street N.W. Tim Olsby/Brian Fahey St Louis Park, MN 55426 Brent Halverson (507) 454-2920 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 (763) 767-3026 Hal Leonard LLC Randy Wiersma [email protected] 965 East Mark Street, P.O. Box 227 (770) 419-6500 Winona, MN 55987 GFS is a full service soft cover book bindery formed in 1998. Committed to Kay Owens/Jerry Owens servicing the commercial printing industry using state of the art equipment. Heidelberg USA (651) 222-0251 With a high level of customer satisfaction, service and quality finishing, we 1000 Gutenberg Drive NW deliver what customers need at competitive prices. Long, medium and Kennesaw, GA 30144 Erik Nelson short runs, we offer a wide range of binding services. Communication is (651) 270-9741 the key to maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. From start to finish and beyond, we take care of our customers and strive to exceed their expectations. Honsa - Binder Printing, Inc. 320 Spruce Street 22 Employees St. Paul, MN 55101 EQUIPMENT HP Indigo 2017 Kolbus KM610 16 pocket Perfect Binder W/Camera Signature ID Bill Kallenberg 2007 Kolbus Ratio 20 pocket Perfect Binder W/Camera Signature ID (612) 270-4383, 2016 D&K 3210.1 One sided Laminator Polar ED 137 Cutter MBO 30x40 Continous Feed 6-4-4 ICS Corporation 1009 Hilloway Circle Burnsville, MN 55306 Discover more about our company at We proudly bound this guide together! STAR AWARDS WINNER Want more information about the companies listed in this guide? White layer behind. Video Gallery Photo Gallery Social Media By using the ultimate resource for printing, design and marketing services you can discover more information about these companies. Try it out today at 28 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Impact Innovations by Design Group One E. Industrial Blvd. Gary Meyer Maynard, MN 56260 (320) 847-1210 Print. Mail. Fulfill. [email protected] From concept to doorstep Impact Innovations by Design Group specializes in the design, production 40Creative | Digital | Sheetfed | Bindery | Mailing | Fulfillment and fulfillment of marketing and merchandising products including printed/ for over personalized paper and plastic cards, insert media and direct mail vouchers, in-store signage and a wide variety of merchandising displays. Our services years include UV sheet-fed offset and screen printing, DOD personalization and in-line card affixing, laminating, die cutting/optically registered punching/ Ideal Printers, Inc. PMC finishing, shrink-wrapping, custom display design, vacuum-forming and other variations of plastic fabrication. Impact Innovations was recently 645 Olive Street Lana Siewert-Olson purchased by Design Group. IG Design Group plc is one of the world’s leading designers, innovators and manufacturers of celebrations, gifting, stationery St. Paul, MN 55130 (651) 855-1100 and creative play products with our products being sold in over 80 countries around the world. [email protected] Our service is Customized…and never Compromised. These are more than EQUIPMENT just words, they are a promise, made to ourselves and to you 40 years ago 28 x 40 Heidelberg Litho press and still relevant today. Ideal Printers offers in house design, 1-6 color printing, 46 x 68 Patriot flatbed screen press variable print, mailing and fulfillment. Sakuri cylinder screen press Svecia flatbed screen press 75 Employees Sugano die-cutter EQUIPMENT Discover more about our company at HP Indigo Ricoh C9210 14 x 20 Komori w/Aqueous 5 color 28 x 40 Heidelberg 2 color 28 x 40 Heidelberg w/Aqueous 6 color Discover more about our company at ® STAR AWARDS FSC® C009042 WINNER The mark of responsible forestry iJetColor by Printware Bill Frederick/Tim Murphy (651) 456-1400 2935 Waters Road, Suite 160 Eagan, MN 55121 Impact Erik Anderson (612) 638-4323 4600 Lyndale Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55412 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 29

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY impressive print This may be the new NORM, but not everything has changed. We offer the same great QUALITY, SERVICE, LIVE STAFFING, ONLINE ORDERING and FLEXIBLE SHIPPING to support your business needs. design  print  mail  and service you deserve Impressive Print International Packaging 1995 Oakcrest Avenue David Haugland/Mike Baca 8921 Wyoming Avenue Jon Butkovich/Todd Sether Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 644-5979 Minneapolis, MN 55445 (763) 315-6200 [email protected] [email protected] For over 30 years our vision has been simply - We Impress. Our team IPI delivers the complete package! With over 45 years of experience, we have of trained and highly experienced experts live by this vision everyday in the right solutions for all of your packaging needs, from ideation and design everything we do and offer. Our Web to Print services include print on through print production, packaging, warehousing, and distribution services. demand/personalized design services/ digital variable projects/large format IPI’s production services include Fin-seal overwrapping (flow/cello wrapping), printing/mail services/ online procurement and a full array of management high-speed shrink wrap, padding, guillotine cutting, drilling, automatic reports to help run your business more efficiently than ever before possible. labeling, collating, ink-jetting, banding, pharmaceutical folding, in-line Our SOC2 accreditation lets you rest easy knowing all your data is secure. Call folding and gluing, wafer sealing, cartons/inserts, and assembly, corrugated us for a tour or a live demo of our online creative solutions. packaging, printed plastic folding cartons/thermal, thermal forming medical grade packaging, paperboard cartons, high-end folding boxes, blister EQUIPMENT packaging, POP displays, full-service printing, kitting, assembly, warehousing, HP Indigo 7900 digital press and distribution. New in 2020: Liquid Packaging! Liquid filling, pouching, gel 14 x 20 Shinohara 52IVP 4 Color Perfector packaging, sachets and more. Great for health, beauty and food service 10 x 13 Digital Envelope Press - 4 Color products. HP Z6100 Large Format Displaymaker - 60” Intelligent Mail Inserter 65 Employees Discover more about our company at Discover more about our company at Infinity Direct Jake Bruhnding/Jaime Strom International Paper Recycling Denise Brennan 13220 County Road 6, Suite 200 (763) 559-1111 2425 Terminal Rd (651) 635-1401 Plymouth, MN 55441 St Paul, MN 55113 (612) 522-7000 William Peter (402) 341-8028 Ingersoll Rand Interstate Printing Company 2505 Kennedy St NE 2002 North 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55415 Omaha, NE 68110-2411 Jackie Wurm/Chelsie Schmid IntegriPrint, Inc. (763) 682-3750 309 12th Avenue South Buffalo, MN 55313 30 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY PRINT | PACKAGING | FULFILLMENT | MAILING | MARKETING ITU AbsorbTech 2700 S. 160th St Customer Response Center New Berlin, WI 53151 (888) 729-4884 [email protected] ITU AbsorbTech is an environmental services company offering reuse pro- grams such as SorbIts® oil absorbents, uniforms, shop towels, printer towels, and floor mats for industry. ITU AbsorbTech is one of the largest family-owned industrial laundries in the country. We are family-owned and operated by Jim and David Leef and focus on sustainable business practices. See our ad on page 21 MAXIMIZING BRANDS WITH CREATIVE SOLUTIONSTM The John Roberts Company Discover more about our company at 9687 East River Road NW Marnie Janezich p?pid=18271&aff=pimn Minneapolis, MN 55433 (763) 755-5500 [email protected] IWCO Direct John Ashe The John Roberts Company offers a variety of print & digital solutions (952) 474-0961 designed to bring brands to life. Our industry expertise helps navigate the 7951 Powers Boulevard best solution to meet our clients’ needs by maximizing marketing investment Chanhassen, MN 55317-9502 and delivering results. J & A Printing, Inc. 275 Employees 1155 Sherman Drive Scott Cadwallader/Mark Brehmer EQUIPMENT Hiawatha, IA 52233-1240 (319) 393-1781 Mitsubishi GCX 6-Color Full Web Press w/ Inkjet & Inline Finishing Harris M-110 6-Color 3/4 Web Press w/ Inkjet & Inline Finishing Heidelberg XL 106 6-Color UV Sheetfed Press w/ Coater J.P. Gasway Company, Inc. Scott Gasway/Debbie Lovetinsky HP Indigo 12000 HD 7-Color Digital Production Press (800) 255-5885 Sitma 950-E Poly and Paper Wrapping Machine 1460 Sherman Road Hiawatha, IA 52233-4707 Japs-Olson Company Discover more about our company at 7500 Excelsior Boulevard St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Monica Murphy/Mike Beddor (952) 932-9393 STAR AWARDS WINNER Introducing The RMGT 970 8-UP+ Offset Press 北⽶向け RMGT 970(⽚⾯機)印刷サンプルデザイン企画(案) New Features: 1.表⾯ • 8-UP+ Sheet Size: 25” x 38” *レイアウト:9x12 インチリーフレット(英語版)の 8 ⾯付(印刷幅=930.4mm) *⽤紙:25x35 インチ(北⽶でポピュラーな Uncut basic paper size) • ASAP Make-Ready System *表⾯は、印刷画像の仕上がり品質を⾒てもらう。 (Automated Smart Assist Printing) • Single Pressman Operation • LED-UV Curing (Of Course...) • Straight Printing @ 16,000 SPH • Long Perfector @ 15,000 SPH 8-UP+ THE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE 25” X 38” Exclusively from: 2.裏⾯ Discover New RMGT 970 8-UP+ Here *表⾯の版⾯設計を解説 print. finish. communicate. *970 モデルの写真、基本スペックを掲載し、印刷品質+商品 PR を兼ねたサンプルとする。 (800) 458-2769 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 31

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Keith M. Merrick Company, Inc. Michael Fleming (712) 754-2503 1009 Third Avenue, P.O. Box 257 Sibley, IA 51249-1810 Kempf Paper Corporation Brian Ripley (612) 781-9225 3145 Columbia Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 Kenning Outsource Group Darren Kenning (320) 656-0188 7242 Old Highway 52 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Johnson Anderson and Assoc. King Solutions 5010 Valley Industrial Boulevard S Pete Anderson 11011 Holly Lane North (763) 428-5464 Dayton, MN 55369 Shakopee, MN 55379 (952) 496-6663 [email protected] Johnson Anderson is a full-service envelope manufacturing company Konica Minolta Business Solutions Teig J. Olson specializing in die-cut convert, web-flexo, and quick turn jet printing to cover (952) 229-6132 all your envelope needs. In business for 37 years, we take pride in providing 8201 Norman Center Drive, Suite 200 industry leading service to our customers. Bloomington, MN 55437 140 Employees We proudly printed the cover for this guide! EQUIPMENT Laird Plastics Joe Cairl/Mary Mogensen W&D 627 Web/Die Cut Combination Envelope Converter- 5C Enhanced Flexo (763) 535-2118 W & D 102 Web Envelope Converter 1C - 5C Flexo (3) 40 51st Way NE, Suite 200 W & D 527 Web/Die Cut Combination Envelope Converter 2C/1C Flexo (3) Minneapolis, MN 55421 RA 800 Web/Die Cut Combination Envelope Converter 2C/1C Flexo (4) W & D 249 Web/Die Cut Combination Envelope Converter 3C Flexo (1) Discover more about our company at Johnson Printing Mark Johnson/Geoff Warner (507) 288-7788 1416 Valleyhigh Drive NW Rochester, MN 55901 Johnson Printing & Packaging Charles Silverman Whether you’re looking for a local printer for small (763) 571-2000 jobs or a highly specialized company, PrintAccess 4077th Avenue NE has you covered. PrintAccess connects you to Minneapolis, MN 55432 thousands of printing, graphics, design and marketing companies across the United States. Video Gallery Photo Gallery Social Media Try it out today at 32 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY LB Carlson 605 Highway 169 N, Suite 650 Mel Enger/Rick Riesgraf 9001:2015 Minneapolis, MN 55441 (763) 535-8150 [email protected] Larkin Industries Full-service CPA and business management consulting. LB Carlson has been serving the graphic arts and printing industries for over forty years. 2020 Energy Park Drive Michael S. Larkin/Chuck Katz We understand the unique challenges of this specialized industry and our experienced staff have helped us to become the service provider of choice St. Paul, MN 55108 (651) 645-6000 for graphic arts companies nationwide. Our professionals focus on bringing value-added solutions to your operation, going beyond financial reporting [email protected] and aggressive tax planning. We work to discover unrealized opportunities and help you create the best plans for your business’s future. Larkin Industries is a full-service, one-stop foil stamping, embossing and die cutting firm with folding, gluing, affixing, shrink wrapping, wafer sealing, 60 Employees labeling and strip taping capabilities. Also providing industrial parts manufacturing. Established 1977. Larkin Industries has also received its ISO See our full page ad on page 17 9001-2015 certification in quality control management. 65 Employees Discover more about our company at EQUIPMENT 28 x 40 Bobst BMA autoplaten die cutter,foil stamper,embosser (3) 29.25 x 41.25 Bobst Expercut 106 autoplaten high speed die cutter (2) Star Evolution continuous shrink wrapper (1) MCS Falcon Ink Jetting (variiable data, matching, read and print) (2) Moll Friction Feeders (5) Discover more about our company at DRIVEN TO deliver PAPER WIDE PA C K A G I N G F O R M AT 5TH GENERATION FAMILY D I G I TA L CONVERTING ENVELOPES OWNED & OPERATED S U B S T R AT E S Lindenmeyr Munroe - Minneapolis 41 Northern Stacks Drive Mike Markwardt/Mike Duffey Fridley, MN 55432 (877) 634-0024 [email protected] Lindenmeyr Munroe is the leading independent paper, packaging and wide format solutions provider in the United States. With financial stability, we continuously invest in our people, local inventories with diversified products, and the latest technologies that provide innovative solutions. We are locally available in every facet, making us easily accessible and allowing us to maintain our commitment to providing exceptional service and selection to our customers. See our ad on the inside front cover Discover more about our company at We proudly supplied the paper for this guide! PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 33

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY LithecUSA (678) 701-1470 Lofton Label and Packaging Mike Gaughan (651) 457-8118 103 Smokehill Lane, Ste 100 6290 Claude Way East Woodstock, GA 30188 Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 Mike Crowell • 952.285.2164 • [email protected] LSC Communications - MapleGrove (763) 315-8100 1101 E. 78th St., Bloomington, MN 55420 7401 Kilmer Ln N Maple Grove, MN 55369 Bill LeVoir Loffler Companies, Inc. (612) 378-6219 1101 East 78th Street, Suite 200 Mike Crowell MackayMitchell Envelope Company Terry Nelson 2100 Elm Street SE (605) 336-3007 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Mailway Printers 1504 West 51st Street Sioux Falls, SD 57105-6622 Bloomington, MN 55420 (952) 925-6800 [email protected] Mallard Ink & Offset Blanket Companies Loffler’s suite of powerful, high-speed, high-performance and versatile 2800 Anthony Lane South Gary Lee/Mike Flanders solutions satisfy the demanding needs of organizations of all sizes. With Minneapolis, MN 55418 (612) 788-0880 nationally recognized service, the best and brightest professionals to design workflow solutions and industry-leading manufacturers as our partners, you’re sure to find the perfect solution for your production printing needs. Mankato Packaging 550 Employees 1640 Commerce Drive Brian Fingerson/Scott North Mankato, MN 56003 (507) 388-7999 EQUIPMENT Canon imagePRESS and VarioPrint Series Marathon Press, Inc. Konica Minolta AccurioPress Series 1500 Square Turn Blvd., P.O. Box 407 Xerox Versant & PrimeLink Series Norfolk, NE 68702-2292 Xerox Iridesse Canon Wide Format Marco 7003 W. Lake Street, Suite 100 Discover more about our company at St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Bruce Price (402) 371-5040 Mark Thomas Company Clint Dorgan 120 Pine St. N.E., P.O. Box 527 (651) 634-6193 Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 (507) 794-5100 Marketing Ideas For Printers (800) 736-0688 5990 14th Street South Fargo, ND 58104 34 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Midland Paper, Packaging Supplies 1860 Elm St. S.E. David Hewes Minneapolis, MN 55414-2500 (866) 339-0414 [email protected] McIntosh Embossing, Inc. David McIntosh After more than 100 years in business, Midland Paper, Packaging + Supplies (612) 339-0901 has grown from a single Midwest location to a national company with offices 2701 East 33rd Street from coast to coast. This type of growth requires relentless effort and a Minneapolis, MN 55406 continual focus on doing things right. We bring the best products, the best people and the best service to all of our customers. We invite you to see how We focus on foil stamping, embossing and decorative die cutting, as we with Midland, Success Breeds Success. have for fifty years, partnering with print clients who value quality and dependability. The world class nature of our craftmanship has helped earn See our ad on page 23 our work museum exhibits and Vatican showings, but more often it is used to support the brands of companies who seek extraordinary print outcomes. Discover more about our company at From packaging, corporate collateral, book covers, stationery and invites, we maintain a library of samples that allow our print partners and their clients to envision the result at the design stage. We do the simple superbly; and we Midland Paper, Packaging Supplies - Iowa/Nebraska process the complicated with skill and experience.  Processing sheet sizes from 36” x 49” to 2” x 3.5”. 801 S. 19th Street Jim Caligiuri Wes Des Moines, IA 50265 (866) 422-3174 20 Employees Discover more about our company at Midland Paper, Packaging Supplies - North & South Dakota 5031 Woodhaven Street S. Brad Kosir Fargo, ND 58104 (866) 339-0414 MCS, Inc. Roger Spooner Midlands Packaging Corp. Brett Judds (763) 286-6211 (402) 464-9124 7877 Woodland Drive, P.O. Box 738 4641 N. 56th St. Woodruff, WI 54568 Lincoln, NE 68504-1716 Meyers Chris Bixler (763) 533-9730 7277 Boone Avenue N. Minneapolis, MN 55428 STAR AWARDS Midstates Group Justin Feickert WINNER (605) 225-5287 4820 Capital Avenue NE, PO Box 940 Aberdeen, SD 57402-0940 Our mission is to add value to the products and services we provide through outstanding customer service, cutting edge technical knowledge, innovative production technique and best value pricing. We excel in using our knowledge and experience in driving high-value print and media solutions deep into our customer’s print and marketing projects. From innovative production techniques and ultra efficient materials usage, co-mailing, fulfillment and distribution, we deliver best value at every point in the process. Discover more about our company at We proudly created the layout & design for this guide! PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 35

EYE-POPPING COLOR. SURREAL DETAIL. TEXTURE THAT BEGS TO BE TOUCHED. Create engaging print materials with Feiereisen—your complete graphic finisher.

WHAT WOULD YOU CREATE IF THERE WAS NOTHING STOPPING YOU? IF YOU COULD LET YOUR BEST AND BRIGHTEST IDEAS SWIM FREELY? Dive into the world of digital print finishing with in-line hot-stamped foils and UV coatings from Feiereisen. Create high quality materials with remarkable depth and dimension without constraints like traditional dies, film screens or plates to hold you back. THE DIGITAL ADVANTAGE n Create tactile print materials with astounding color and depth. n Faster and more affordable than traditional methods. n No makeready, no plates, no screens, no dies. n Flexible for quick prototyping, variable data and short-run customization. n Add hot-stamped foil and UV coatings without debossing the back side of your paper stock. n No limits on run size—print large or small quantities as needed. CAPABILITIES n UV Coating n Specialty Coating n Scratch Off n Film Lamination n Die Cutting n Foil Stamping n Embossing n Mylar & Tab Cutting n Perfect Binding n PUR n Collating n Wire-O Bind n Plastic Coil Bind n Pocket Folder Gluing n Straightline Crash Lock n 4 & 6 Corner Gluing n Capacity Folding & Gluing 5203 16th Ave SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 (319) 396-1987 |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Midwest Editions, Inc. Jason Johnson MITTERA 1060 33rd Avenue SE (612) 378-2620 Minneapolis, MN 55414 1312 Locust Street, Suite 202 Perry Klein Dave Loeffelmacher/Jon Giesar (651) 361-7500 MINNCOR Industries 242 0 Long Lake Road Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 249-2589 Roseville, MN 55113 [email protected] Minnesota Label Mittera® is a family of communications companies that provide multiplatform marketing services and printed materials to clients throughout 4260 Centerville Road Pat Hoppenstedt the U.S. Our locations in Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Texas, Colorado, New Jersey, New York and Florida provide a national footprint giving clients logistical advantage in the fulfillment and distribution of their materials. We specialize in print and digital marketing and communications strategies including data analytics, fulfillment, creative and production in industries such as: retail, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, financial services, higher education, healthcare, sports, political and government organizations, automotive, editorial publications, and more Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 (651) 762-1811 1300 Employees [email protected] Minnesota Label’s full-service flexographic printing capabilities fulfill your EQUIPMENT label printing and converting needs from initial concept to final production. Printing (25 sheetfed presses, 13 web presses, 33 digital presses) Let us know how we can help with your next project. Bindery, Finishing & Fulfillment Mailing Lists & Shipping Services Discover more about our company at Wide Format / Out-of-Home Creative, Data & Digital Services Minuteman Press Uptown Discover more about our company at 2101 Hennepin Ave, Suite 112 Minneapolis, MN 55405 Frank Brown (612) 870-0777 STAR AWARDS WINNER INTRODUCING Modern Press Kelley Frain 808 1st Street S.W. (651) 633-4000 Insignia Die New Brighton, MN 55112 Cutting Series Josh Grimsley (763) 331-3624 Add this easy-to-operate, fast Morris Packaging changeover die cutter to your line up! 4 model sizes with 17100 Medina Road Steve Borowiak in-line folder/gluer option fully automates finishing! Minneapolis, MN 55447 (763) 553-1630 INTRODUCING The MPX Group 7105 Medicine Lake Road Rollem Jetstream Golden Valley, MN 55427 Fully-automated XY slit/score/ perf/fold/glue finishing for postcards, business cards, shelf tags and more! JEFF BURTON TJ OSBORNE [email protected] [email protected] | youtube/rolleminternational VISIT OUR MIDWEST SHOWROOM SCHAUMBURG, IL | (847) 923-0100 36 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Nahan Printing, Inc. 7000 Saukview Dr. Curt Tillotson/Mike Nahan St. Cloud, MN 56303 (320) 251-7611 [email protected] Nahan Printing is a family-owned, award winning, full service Direct Mailer. NCCO We specialize in custom print and direct mail solutions for growing businesses and Fortune 500 brands. Our digital presses offer quality, cost-effective 899 Montreal Circle Angela Henchen solutions for high-volume print. Trust our experts to handle your project from prepress to data processing to on-site USPS. Sustainable Green Printer, PCI & St. Paul, MN 55102 (651) 251-1500 SOC 2 Compliant and G7 Certified. [email protected] 400 Employees For more than 100 years, NCCO (National Checking Company) has developed and manufactured products that drive success for the foodservice EQUIPMENT industry, such as POS system essentials like guest checks, register rolls and Heidelberg Harris M-600 6 Unit Heatset with Inline Imaging & Finishing ribbons; disposable food safety products, smart labeling solutions, and online 2 - 20 Inch Digital High Quality, High-Speed Inkjet Web Presses food safety training. We are also passionate about the environment and 2 - 40 Inch Heidelberg Sheetfed Presses with Aqueous Coating whenever possible, use sustainable sourced materials such as BPA-Free, 38 Inch Heidelberg Sunday Press - 8 Unit with UV Coater FSC-Certified and Sustainable Forestry Initiative-Certified materials to Former Folder and Sheeter, 38 Inch Man Roland Rotoman - 10 Unit Single Web manufacture our USA-Made products. or 5C/5C Double Web Press 120 Employees Discover more about our company at Discover more about our company at STAR AWARDS WINNER North Star Publishing Jerry Flansberg/Brenda Jones (218) 285-7411 1602 Highway 71 International Falls, MN 56649 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 37

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY BECAUSE IT HAS TO BE DONE RIGHT AND RIGHT ON TIME. For web & sheetfed printing with fast delivery & on-site mailing options contact Sheila Walter • (888) 836-6540 [email protected] COMMERCIAL PRINTING AND MAILING Page One Printers, Inc. 1929 Engebretson Avenue Sheila Walter Slayton, MN 56172 (888) 836-6540 [email protected] Northland Binder Products, Inc. We are a commercial printing company with over 38 years experience in web and sheetfed printing for publishers all across the Midwest and beyond. 11600 95th Avenue N Mike Allbee We offer high-quality printing and on-site mailing services with the utmost customer service, including guaranteed turnaround and delivery, so you can Maple Grove, MN 55369-5557 (763) 424-6621 be confident that your job will be done correctly and on time. [email protected] Northland Binder Products and Northland Litho Services are specialists in 60 Employees trade coating. Providers of flood and spot UV coating, specialty coatings such as: high profile, texture, glitter, remoist glue, contest scratch off, glow in the EQUIPMENT dark, blister and skin coating. We also manufacture custom loose leaf binders 35 x 22-3/4 Goss/Dauphin 430, 25 unit and do custom creasing. We have now added die cutting, perfing and scoring. Heidelberg 40” 4/4 perfector w/coater UV coatings applied and binders produced in our Maple Grove location. Kodak CTP (2 units) Established 1987. O.R.I.S. Color / Epson SureColor P9000 8 Pocket Muller-Martini Prima Plus w/Cover Feeders 20 Employees EQUIPMENT Discover more about our company at 28 x 40 Cylinder Screen Press (5) 22 x 28 Semi Auto Screen Press (2) Thermatron Heat Sealer (4) We proudly printed the inside text pages of this guide! 2012 Brausse 29 x 41 Die cutter CMC Creaser Discover more about our company at Panther Premier Print Solutions Justin Feickert/Aaron Mell (605) 335-1103 600 E. 52nd Street North Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Northstar Tony Orsello/Ken Riles STAR AWARDS (763) 531-7340 WINNER 7130 Northland Circle Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 Northwood Solutions, Inc. Bo Hibbs (952) 217-5009 2641 Louisiana Ave. S. St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Nystrom Publishing Co., Inc. Gerald Nystrom/Lynn Reemtsma (763) 425-7900 9100 Cottonwood Lane N. Maple Grove, MN 55369 PackEdge Corporation John Hanson 3003 North Pacific Street (612) 607-5700 Minneapolis, MN 55411 Craig Fitzsimmons (612) 406-2142 Packsize International, LLC 6440 South Wasatch Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84121 38 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY DESIGN | PRINTING FINISHING | FULFILLMENT Press Sure Print, Inc. 2607 Sixth Street N.E. John P. Warian/Tim Wright Minneapolis, MN 55418 (612) 788-1884 [email protected] Patriot Converting, Inc. Full service commercial printer providing design, printing, finishing, on-demand fulfillment, electronic inventory management and on-site 12698 Industrial Blvd. warehousing. 12,000 square feet manufacturing and 24,000 square feet warehouse. Prepress services specializing in customer data merging, Elk River, MN 55330 (763) 427-5710 formatting, and graphic design. Press Sure Print gives you a choice and handles every detail. [email protected] 15 Employees Patriot Converting is a local, independent, Midwestern converter specializing EQUIPMENT in custom sheeted, quick-turn, paperboard products. We stock a variety of Heidelberg Speedmaster 74P color Perfecting (2) grades including SBS, CCNB, CNK, Chipboard, and we source a variety of Fuji Screen 4600 with XMF Workflow specialty paperboard grades as well. We serve the print, packaging, POP, Epson Sure Color P9000 with Oris Color Management and folding carton markets. Additionally, we offer toll sheeting and rewinding RICOH Pro C7 100SX services. With our plants in Elk River, MN and Newton, IA, we are located close RICOH 8100 High Speed BW Production to many major printing and packaging markets. Let us show you how to save time, money, and reduce waste on your next job. See our ad on page 27 Discover more about our company at Discover more about our company at Peters, Revnew, Kappenman, & Anderson, P.A. Thomas Revnew (952) 921-4622 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55439 Petersen Printing Scott Petersen (402) 597-1100 4121 S. 87th St. Omaha, NE 68127 Pioneer Paper Stock / Pioneer SecureShred Kim Conrad Print & Mail Services - Otter Tail Power Co. Dawn Tenneson (612) 374-2280 (218) 739-8780 155 Irving Avenue N 215 S. Cascade St. Minneapolis, MN 55405 Fergus Falls, MN 56537 [email protected] Plaza Printers Cindy Gross Print & Mail Services is a full-service in-plant print shop that specializes in (515) 278-4695 short to mid-size print runs. Our services include design, high-speed digital 6762 Douglas Avenue printing, 2- and 4-color offset printing, inserting, mailing, and bindery. We Urbandale, IA 50322 produce a high quality finished product that makes our customers proud. Preferred Printing Co. 11 Employees 107 W. Main Street Dan McCabe/Deb McCabe EQUIPMENT Madelia, MN 56062 (507) 642-3600 14x20 Heidelberg GTO 52, 4 color Horizon Perfect Binder Bell & Howell 12 Pocket Inserter iGen 5120 Discover more about our company at PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 39

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY The Printer Larry Moon Prisco (Printers’ Service) Dave Hurlbut/Peter Alexander (402) 477-0253 (800) 654-1357 5609 S. 49th St., Suite 1 312 Stewart Avenue Lincoln, NE 68516 Addison, IL 60101 The Printer, Inc. Lisa Wells Pro Print, Inc. Creston Dorothy/Ed Hendrickson (515) 288-7241 (218) 722-9805 1220 Thomas Beck Road 3920 Airpark Blvd Des Moines, IA 50315 Duluth, MN 55811 We proudly assembled and mailed this guide! Printers 401k® - Diversified Financial Advisors, LLC 14323 South Outer Forty Drive, Suite 210 South John Moynihan Town & Country, MO 63017-5734 (800) 307-0376 Process Displays Roger Green (763) 546-1133 7108 31st Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55427 Protac, Inc. Joseph Genosky/John Genosky (800) 466-5247 1630 99th Lane NE Blaine, MN 55449-4429 Publication Printing of Nebraska Phil Crews (402) 779-4696 208 Third Street, P.O. Box 130 Waterloo, NE 68069-3818 Priority Envelope, Inc. 2920 Northwest Boulevard Paul Siegle Plymouth, MN 55441 (763) 519-9190 [email protected] 200 customer focused employees across three plants located in Minnesota, Iowa & Kansas specializing in fast turnaround printing and converting of custom and standard envelopes. By utilizing State of the Art industry leading equipment, Priority offers: In-line enhanced flexo print/convert 5 color, converting custom envelopes from 2-1/2”x 4” up to 12-1/2”x 15-1/2”. Quick turn printing 1 to 4 colors on stock envelopes and off-line Latex finishing and Peel- n-Seal application. Established in 1996, “Your Business is our Priority”. 200 Employees Quantum Graphics, Inc. 7000 Shady Oak Road Guy Peterson EQUIPMENT Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (952) 564-6650 “W&D 326BC Die Cut Envelope Converter • 2/1 color flexo (4) W&D 627C Die Cut Envelope Converter (3) [email protected] RA800 Die Cut Envelope Converter • 2/1 color flexo (9) W&D 627RC Web Envelope Converter • 5 color flexo (3) From concept to delivery, Quantum Graphics is a single-source provider of W&D 202RE Web Envelope Converter • 5 color flexo (2)” print in any size or quantity, and offers promotional products, kitting, mailing and fulfillment services to match. For anything from brochures to banners, pocket folders to presentation boxes, signage to self-mailers, contact the Q. Discover more about our company at 95 Employees EQUIPMENT 28 x 40 Komori 6 Color w/AQ (2) 20 x 28 Komori 6 Color w/AQ Agfa Jeti Tauro 2500 sheet/roll large format press Agfa Jeti Titan UV flatbed printer 14.33 x 26” Xerox iGen Digital Presses (3) Discover more about our company at STAR AWARDS WINNER 40 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Quazar Capital Corporation die cut. kiss cut. score. slit. perf. drill. deliver. 3535 Plymouth Boulevard, Suite 210 Bruce Behm/Adam Webb Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 550-9000 [email protected] When it comes time to sell or buy a business, experience counts. For 30 years, ENDLESS DIE CUT POSSIBILITIES! Quazar Capital has been advising Midwest-based companies on their M&A strategies. If you are looking to sell or buy a business with $5 million to $250 VISIT OUR SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS SHOWROOM million in revenues, please contact us for a confidential meeting. Our clients (847) 923-0100 | WWW.ROLLEMUSA.COM appreciate the experience, knowledge, and unique approach we bring to each transaction. 6 Employees Rollem International Discover more about our company at 506 Pratt Avenue N. Jeff Burton/TJ Osborne Schaumburg, IL 60193 (847) 923-0100 [email protected] Quincy Recycle Paper Alan Schumacher Rollem is the industry leader specializing in high volume print finishing 6281 North Gateway Drive (319) 930-6332 systems and sheet-fed die-cutting systems. The Insignia die cutting system is Marion, IA 52302 ideal for folded cartons, packaging, gift cards and carriers and promotional Shawn Sundquist products. The Jetstream is our bi-directional slitting, scoring, perforating 1-888-632-8844 system, ideal for postcards, business cards and sheets of retail shelf tags Range Printing requiring cutting The Semi-Slitter model performs kiss-cutting on PSA stock 1022 Madison Street, PO Box 978 Bill Dessert for stickers and labels. The Slipstream card converting system is used by top Brainerd, MN 56401 (651) 633-4600 manufacturers to produce playing cards and game cards. Durselen is our line of automated paper drilling machines. Our goal is to learn about your Mark Ullestad/Brad Eslick finishing issues or bottlenecks and then provide you with options to streamline Rapit Printing, Inc. (800) 247-6212 production, eliminate excess labor and improve your bottom line. We look 1415 1st Avenue N.W. forward to assisting your team. New Brighton, MN 55112 EQUIPMENT Insignia Die Cutter Record Printing Company Jetstream XY Slitter 120 Industrial Park Road Semi-Slitter Story City, IA 50248-1903 Slipstream Card Converter Durselen Paper Drills See our ad on page 36 Ricoh Commercial & Industrial Print Group Rita Anderson Discover more about our company at (952) 885-7932 2740 American Blvd. West Bloomington, MN 55431-1203 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory | 41

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY SeaChange Print Innovations 14505 27th Ave. N. Wendi Breuer Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 586-3700 [email protected] Royal: Your Success Is Our Business Since launching in 2014, SeaChange Print Innovations has been busy finding new ways to transform its customers’ print, structural design, packaging, 4000 83rd Avenue North kitting, mailing, web-to-print storefront, fulfillment and digital needs by offering refreshing solutions. We have invested in new equipment and Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 (800) 843-5325 technology as well as people, creating a team of curious, driven experts who believe in relationships and thrive on solving complex print challenges. Our [email protected] GATHER online portal enables easy ordering, secure online proofing and real-time production tracking. SeaChange prioritizes security, is HIPAA- compliant and has active accreditations in SOC2 and HITRUST. In addition to Great Printer certification, SeaChange is the largest WBENC-certified printing Royal is ready to partner with you on your next label, form, cut sheet, check, company in MN. jumbo roll or digital print opportunity. With over 40 years of print experience and innovation, we understand that our distributors need partners that are dedicated to the long-term success of the independent print market. We actively seek ways to help our distributors succeed, which might involve investing in new technology, developing new processes or providing test samples. We will work with you to provide the customized solutions you need, one of which may include finding ways to reduce costs. Our versatility ensures 129 Employees that we can be your complete forms and labels supplier. Together, we can EQUIPMENT HP PageWide Web T240 HD Inkjet Press with in-line UV Coating succeed in a rapidly changing economy and an increasingly competitive Xerox iGen4 with Heavy Weight Kit and Variable Digital Print up to 24PT Xerox 1000i Color Variable Digital Print with 877 Silver Metallic industry. Komori 28 x 40” 6 Color UV + Coating Sheetfed Presses Zirkon 6 Color Web Press with in-line finishing EQUIPMENT Variable x 10 inch UV flexo press 6 color with inline variable ink jet Discover more about our company at Variable x 10 inch UV flexo press 4 color 22 x 18 inch UV web press 8 color with inline variable ink jet 14 x 17 1/2 inch UV web press 7 color 22 x 20 1/2 inch UV web press 4 color Discover more about our company at STAR AWARDS WINNER RR Donnelley - Shakopee (952) 233-2697 5500 12th Ave. E. Shakopee, MN 55379 RR Donnelley - Twin Cities (952) 937-9764 18780 W 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Sanford Health Lisa Stelter (605) 328-6520 1305 West 18th St. Sioux Falls, SD 57117-0401 Schawk Minneapolis Jerry Buhl (612) 789-8514 2626 2nd Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 42 PIM 2021 Print Buyers Guide | Membership Directory |

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