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Home Explore 12.Host Hand Book

12.Host Hand Book

Published by lsixsenses, 2023-01-28 04:49:08

Description: 12.Host Hand Book


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willful act or gross negligence, please note that it will be your responsibility to cover the replacement cost. All uniforms and accessories must be returned in the instance of separation of employment. Take pride in your uniform, as it is an important part of the Six Senses Laamu experience. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 51

6. HOST CONDUCT & WORK RULES 6.1 Conduct Having a few simple guidelines set out is really useful whenever people are required to work together for any purpose as it helps people govern their personal conduct and relations. Here at Six Senses Laamu we consider conduct and work rules to be an important responsibility. They are a necessary part of managing our business so you can work safely and effectively. We’ve put a few guidelines and rules together that apply to all hosts in all departments. Six Senses Laamu makes every effort to enforce these standards and guidelines on a fair and consistent basis. Their violation may call for some form of disciplinary action. In some cases, the action may result in either verbal or written warnings, suspension or termination of employment, as determined by the company. Please have a look at the Six Senses Laamu Work Regulations for more information on our expectations on host conduct and the disciplinary action taken where a host does not comply with these expectations. Every organization needs to have a set of rules, which are clear and well understood by its members. Such rules help us work together effectively as a team and to understand what we may expect from each other. It is important to be familiar with, accept and follow the work rules of Six Senses Laamu. The company will enforce them on a fair and consistent basis. If I engage in conduct that violates a Six Senses Laamu standard or rule, I will be subjected to disciplinary action in the form of a verbal warning, written warning, suspension or discharge. The nature of the discipline will depend on the severity of the work rule violation and therefore all of the aforementioned disciplinary actions are not required steps prior to termination. Code of Conduct (Things to Avoid) 1- Discourtesy to an guest 2- Dishonesty 3- Theft, unauthorized possession of, or use of Resort, guest or other host’s property, as well as failure to report or turn-in lost and found items. 4- The presence and possession of illegal drugs and other substances. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 52

5- Consumption of alcohol while on duty/under the influence of alcohol while on duty. 6- Falsification, carelessness or lack of completion of records. 7- Altering or forging a guest check or credit voucher or adding an unauthorized tip to a guest check 8- Behavior, which creates an intimidating, hostile, offensive, or inappropriate work environment 9- Non-compliance of the resort's health and safety / hygiene procedures including breaches of the smoking policy, spitting in front or back of house areas and any actions that may endanger the resort property or hosts. 9- Inappropriate verbal or physical behavior towards another host or guest. 10- Willful damage or destruction of Resort, guest or host property. 11- Fighting, use of threatening, obscene or abusive language, or harassment of guests or other hosts through verbal or physical conduct. 12- Refusal or failure to perform assigned work or follow a supervisor’s instructions, or any act of insubordination. 13- Sleeping on the job. 14- Causing injury to another host or guest or any act of excessive carelessness or negligence, which results in a potential or real loss or damage to another host, the Resort, a guest or myself. 15- Providing confidential information and/or access and/or removal of any Resort records or proprietary information to an unauthorized person. 16- Unauthorized presence in a guest area or unapproved use of guest facilities. 17- Conduct while off duty that damages the company’s business operation, image, reputation, profits or other hosts. 18- Failure to report for my scheduled shift, or ‘walking off the job” during my scheduled shift. 19- Failure to support the Resort’s environmental initiatives, conservation goals or committing gross environmental offence. 20- Frequent absence or tardiness. 21- Switching work schedule, failing to work on a scheduled shift, or arranging my own replacement without permission from my Supervisor. 22- Failure to cooperate with reasonable overtime when it is required to handle Resort business. 23- Leaving my department or work area without authorization. 24- Failure to follow the Resort’s uniform or Grooming standard. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 53

25- Wasting the company’s resources, such as electricity and water, at work or in host accommodation. I understand that a record or counseling is an opportunity for me to improve my performance and that this may be documented in my personal file in Human Resources. If I have a concern about a warning that I have received, I may follow the problem solving process using the grievance procedure 6.2 Courtesy Six Senses Laamu specializes in delivering rare and unique experiences but what should not be rare or unique in any way is the courtesy of our hosts. Courtesy is the responsibility of everyone. Dignity has no borders so we expect you to be courteous, polite and friendly to guests and your fellow hosts. Please ensure that you use the local greeting: Maruhaba. No one should be disrespectful to another, use bad language or engage in any activity that injures the image or reputation of our company. It is essential that while you are working you demonstrate proper demeanor with guests. Here are a few ways in which you can do this: ❖ Always greet guests with an unsolicited salutation when coming into contact with them. ❖ Always use proper manners with guests as dictated by the situation (a few simple words like Thank You or Excuse Me can go a long way). ❖ Always let the guest enter or leave an area or doorway first. ❖ Smile and project a confident and helpful attitude. ❖ Always treat every guest with dignity, kindness and respect. ❖ Whenever possible, make every effort to address the guest by their name. They’re a part of the Six Senses family now and we want to make them feel at ease. 6.3 Disciplinary Steps If you fail to follow company guidelines or policies and procedures, it is important that you understand that we will need to take steps to correct the situation. When possible and appropriate under the circumstances, Six Senses Laamu generally follows a “progressive discipline” process so that you have an opportunity to conform your conduct to the expectations of the company. Of course, in many instances, the company may determine that it is unable to Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 54

follow “progressive” steps due to the seriousness of the problem, repetition of the problem, the occurrence of multiple problems, or other factors. The progressive discipline process is as follows: Step 1: Verbal Record of Discussion – with a note to file. If your performance is not satisfactory or there is a minor violation of the work rules then a verbal warning will be issued. The verbal warning is used to address infrequent or minor infractions. A Host Disciplinary Form is used to record the discussion, indicating a verbal warning has been given. The form is to be signed by both the host and the manager or supervisor conducting the session and forwarded to the Director of Human Resources, the Division Head then the General Manager. The signed warning will be filed on your personal file in Human Resources. Step 2: Written Record of Discussion/Warning – This is used where there is a repeat of a matter addressed by a verbal warning or where you display unacceptable behavior or a serious violation of a work rule occurs. A formal Host Disciplinary Form will be completed, indicating a written warning has been given. The signed warning will be filed on your personal file in Human Resources. Step 3: Final Written Record of Discussion/Warning – This is used when a repeat of the same or another violation of similar severity and has already been issued with a written warning. You will be advised that this is a final written warning and any further incidents will result in the termination of your employment. 6.4 Job Responsibilities Work as a host is varied and you will do a range of tasks from day to day to help us best serve our guests and suppliers. Where possible we cross-train our hosts so that you know how to perform as many tasks as possible. This is great for the company as it helps achieve maximum efficiency and it’s also great for you because it keeps your day varied and gives you better job security. Whenever customer service needs require us to assign hosts to a new task, either temporarily or permanently, we will provide any additional training required. From time to time, we may publish lists of tasks to be performed by hosts as part of their jobs. These lists are only guidelines intended to facilitate Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 55

communications with hosts and they should not be viewed as an exhaustive listing of a particular host’s job requirements. All of our hosts are responsible for compliance with the various laws that apply to and regulate their job duties. 6.5 Use of Company Property and Equipment As a host we expect you to learn and follow all operating instructions, perform preventive maintenance, where applicable, and observe all safety practices. Of course if you’re unsure about the proper operation or maintenance of the company’s property or equipment, ask your manager. Property and equipment that appears damaged, defective, unsafe, or in need of repair should be reported promptly to your manager. If you are found to have caused damage to the company’s property and equipment, you may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination of employment. This includes loss or damage due to carelessness, negligence, improper use, or unsafe practices. 6.6 Workplace Violence Violence is the complete opposite of what our company stands for. Six Senses Laamu does not tolerate violent acts or threats of violence by anyone against our hosts, customers, guests, owners, or vendors. Acts or threats of physical violence, including intimidation, harassment, and/or coercion, that involve or affect Six Senses Laamu, that occur on company property or in the conduct of company business, whether on or off company property, will not be tolerated. Violations of this policy, by any individual including but not limited to hosts, contract workers, temporary hosts, and anyone else on company property or conducting company business, may lead to disciplinary measures, up to and including immediate termination of employment, and/or legal action as Six Senses Laamu deems appropriate. If you are subjected to or threatened with violence by anyone or are aware of another individual who has been subjected to or threatened with violence, you should report this information to your manager immediately. Any person who engages in a threat or violent action on company property may be removed from the premises as quickly as safety permits and may be required, at the company’s discretion, to remain off company premises. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 56

Please do not assume that any threat is not serious. Please report all threats to your manager and/or the Human Resources department, so that appropriate action may be taken. All threats will be thoroughly investigated, and all complaints which are reported will be treated with as much confidentiality as possible. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 57

7. HEALTH, SAFETY & SECURITY Six Senses Laamu recognizes the importance of a healthy and safe working environment in general. We are committed to our values of “responsible and caring” and “pioneering wellness”, and so we manage our operations in such a way as to prevent injury to hosts, guests and visitors within our premises. To that end, we will provide a place of employment for hosts and an environment for guests and visitors that are free from recognized and anticipated hazards that could cause physical harm. Zero accident and illness at work remains our goal. Management will be responsible for ensuring that hosts are trained to perform work safely and for abating potential hazards in the workplace. To achieve this Six Senses Laamu will comply with all national legislation pertaining to Occupational Health and Safety. You are expected to participate in all phases of our health and safety plans and procedures and to conduct your daily tasks in a manner consistent with the company’s objectives and regulations. Occupational Health and Safety is a responsibility that must be shared equally and without exception by each individual within the company. 7.1 Hazardous and Toxic Materials If your job requires that you use hazardous or toxic materials, you are expected to comply with all laws and regulations concerning their safe handling and disposal. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with proper handling and safety procedures. If you have any questions, please discuss them with your manager. 7.2 Key Control All keys issued to you are the property of Six Senses Laamu. Please keep all keys issued to you in a safe and secure place. If a key is lost or stolen, you should report this to your manager immediately and if it is not found you may be charged for the replacement cost of the key(s). Under no circumstances should you exchange or lend keys issued to you. 7.3 Lost and Found All items found within the resort must be immediately handed into Security. Security will hold these items for three (3) months then hand them over to Housekeeping for storage and disposal or donation to a local charity after a period of time. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 58

7.4 Reporting of Accidents and Hazards All accidents, including those that do not involve serious injury, and those involving guests, must be reported immediately to your manager. A full knowledge of accidents is the key to the resort becoming a safer, healthier place to work for everyone. Immediately report any unsafe conditions, defective tools or equipment, or other hazards to your manager. It is expected that you will assist the company in maintaining safe working conditions. Safety is a state of mind, and requires constant vigilance and common sense. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. 7.5 Safety People are at the core of what we do so naturally the safety of hosts and guests on resort property is of critical concern. We strive to obtain the highest possible level of safety in all activities and operations. Work safely, follow instructions, and use only equipment you have been trained to use being sure to report safety hazards to your supervisor immediately. Should you be injured while working, report it immediately to your supervisor so you can receive proper care. An Accident Report must be completed and given to Security so that corrective action can be taken to prevent a similar accident. Take care when working in guest areas not to create hazards resulting in injuries to guests. Immediately inform your supervisor and Security of guest injuries. If medical treatment, other than first aid, is required, your supervisor or Security will arrange this for you. Benefits for on-the job injuries will be covered by the Host Insurance Policy or other specific insurance as arranged by the resort. Six Senses Laamu is equipped with smoke and heat detectors and a central alarm system as required by law. The safety of our guests and hosts is of the utmost importance. Should you encounter smoke, flames or a potentially combustible situation proceed to the nearest exit and activate the fire alarm by pulling the “alarm station” and immediately notify the telephone operator then your supervisor. Do not attempt to put out the fire unless you are specifically trained to do so. By reporting the fire and evacuating the immediate area, you will be doing your part as a fire safety representative. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 59

7.6 Searches From time to time the resort will initiate inspections of tool boxes, bundles, bags, extra clothing, any other packages or containers on or leaving the premises. This is in order to protect the resort as well as hosts from theft or other misconduct, including possession of illegal or unauthorized items or substances. Permission to bring items such as bags onto company property is conditional on you agreeing to resort inspection therefore the company reserves the right to search, without further advance notice any item or area or any other property on company premises or in company vehicles. Your cooperation in regard to this policy will be expected and appreciated. Failure to cooperate may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. 7.7 Security We strive to foster a safe and secure environment and as such we remind you that everyone is responsible for taking reasonable care in the protection and security of guests, fellow hosts, buildings, equipment and supplies. We need everyone to be aware and assist with this effort. Here are a few handy guidelines to help us maintain our security standards: ❖ Never open a guestroom door for anyone. If the guest has lost his/her key, call Reception and ask a host to come and identify the guest. ❖ Never give out a key without positively identifying the guest using a second form of identification. ❖ Do not discuss who is staying at Six Senses Laamu at any time or give out a guest’s name, room number or any other information about their stay. ❖ Be respectful of our guest’s privacy. ❖ Never leave cash banks, resort keys and mobile phones unattended. ❖ Do not give out any information about fellow hosts, including names, addresses, or phone numbers. ❖ Do not bring valuables to work. 7.8 Environmental Emergencies Generally speaking, weather, pollution and political situations should not affect resort operations. However, there may be instances under extreme conditions where you are not able to report to work or the property may close part of an operation. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 60

In the event of an emergency, you will be advised what you are required to do. In the rare circumstance of extreme weather, political turmoil or a natural disaster, the resort may close or limit operations. If the resort closes, you will be notified. 7.9 Host Insurance Cover If you sustain an injury at work, you may be eligible for treatment and payment under the resort’s Hot Insurance Policy. This is managed by the resort’s Human Resource department and doctor. Any injury occurring at work must be reported immediately to your supervisor/manager. An Accident Form must be completed, and a full accident report completed. Any injury not reported within the same working day will not be considered as being a work-related injury. Failure to follow the correct reporting procedures could result in disciplinary action and difficulties in the processing of a claim. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 61

8. PAY & BENEFITS 8.1 Final Pay If you leave the company your leaving payment will usually be provided before your departure from the resort. If this is not feasible you will receive your final pay by the next regularly scheduled pay date. 8.2 Leave As idyllic as Six Senses Laamu is, we know that even the most dedicated of workers will need a holiday. There are several types of leave available to you during your employment. You should note that if you are absent from work for more than thirty (30) days in any one year, the company may deduct or cancel any bonus, benefits or salary increments you would otherwise have been entitled to. If you take leave without approval or which is in breach of regulations or company policy, you will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 8.3 Meals The good news for your tummies is that you will be provided with complimentary meals while on duty. Meals must be taken within the Host Restaurant at advertised meal times, and in accordance with your departmental schedule of work. 8.4 Overtime It might be that you are asked to work overtime in order to provide continuity of service to a guest or for emergency reasons. Hosts shall not be required to work over time unless this has been agreed in the employment agreement. An employee working overtime shall be supplemented for the overtime worked. Some positions are required to work more than the stipulated time on which overtime is not paid. 8.5 Payment of Salary Let’s talk money: Your salary and public holiday payments, will be paid into your bank account on the last working day of each month. You will receive a pay slip with details of the payment made. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 62

8.6 Public Holidays The following 10 public (or traditional) holidays are provided at Six Senses Laamu. The actual date of each of these holidays will be communicated to you each year prior to the 1st January. If you are required to work on any of these public holidays you will receive an additional one (1) times your normal hourly rate for the duration of the time worked. National Day (Depends on Islamic Calendar) (Depends on Islamic Calendar) Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (Depends on Islamic Calendar) The day Maldives Embraced Islam (Depends on Islamic Calendar) First of Ramazan (July 26th on Gregorian Maldives Independence Day (Depends on Islamic Calendar) Calendar) (Depends on Islamic Calendar) (Depends on Islamic Calendar) Eid al- Fitr Hajj Day (November 3rd on Gregorian Eid al-Adha (November 11th on Gregorian Maldives Victory Day Calendar) Maldives Republic Day Calendar) 8.7 Tips and Gratuities It’s always nice to know that your hard work has been appreciated and tips are a sign that the guests think you’re doing something right. The company will collect any tips guests make by adding an amount to their guest check. These will then be distributed to hosts on the next pay period after the company has deducted appropriate taxes from the tips. Cash tips will be distributed according to individual departmental tip guidelines. If you leave the company’s employment prior to the tip payment due date, you will forfeit any right to your share of the tips. Soliciting tips from guests is not permitted. 8.8 Transport We want to help take the hassle out of the daily commute for you so the company will provide transport from neighboring inhabitant island(s) to the resort each day. The transport schedule will be posted by Human Resources on a regular basis. Hosts wishing to make use of KDO Airport or travel to/from Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 63

the islands Gan and Fonadhoo, may make use of the guest transfer boats subject to availability. Please contact Human Resources to book. 8.9 Working Hours Your working hours are outlined in your employment contract. Being in the hospitality industry, our organization operates around the clock on a 24-hour basis. As such, most positions require that hosts work on a roster system. This roster will be established and communicated to you by your Department Head. You may also be required to work overtime hours depending on the needs of the business, as well as public holidays. Standard contracted hours are 48 hours a week (6days/1 day off). 8.10 Your Employment with Six Senses Laamu We have developed a comprehensive set of guidelines across all functions within Six Senses and you are expected to adopt these guidelines within the scope of your work. The employment relationship which exists between you and Six Senses Laamu is governed by several labor laws. If you have any questions about the laws that affect your employment, please discuss this with the Director of Human Resources. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 64

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF HOST GUIDEBOOK I hereby acknowledge having received a copy of the Six Senses Laamu Host Guidebook. I have been provided with a thorough explanation of their contents and have been given the opportunity to ask any questions. I understand that if I do not fully understand any part of the Host Guidebook. I will ask the Human Resources Department. I confirm having fully read and understood the company’s rules and regulations and that I shall at all times strictly abide to same and understand and agree that it does not necessarily represent all such rules and regulations in force. The company may at any time add, change or rescind any rule, regulation, guideline, policy or practice at its sole discretion, without notice. It is also understood by me that this Host Guidebook should be returned to the Human Resources Department in the eventuality that I leave Six Senses Laamu. I understand and agree to abide by and be bound by the rules, regulations, guidelines, policies and practices outlined in the Host Guidebook and Work Regulations. _________________________ ______________________ Host Signature Date _______________________________ Name (Printed) Host Copy – Please keep in the book for reference Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 65

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECIEPT OF HOST GUIDEBOOK I hereby acknowledge having received a copy of the Six Senses Laamu Host Guidebook. I have been provided with a thorough explanation of their contents and have been given the opportunity to ask any questions. I understand that if I do not fully understand any part of the Host Guidebook. I will ask the Human Resources Department. I confirm having fully read and understood the company’s rules and regulations and that I shall at all times strictly abide to same and understand and agree that it does not necessarily represent all such rules and regulations in force. The company may at any time add, change or rescind any rule, regulation, guideline, policy or practice at its sole discretion, without notice. It is also understood by me that this Host Guidebook should be returned to the Human Resources Department in the eventuality that I leave Six Senses Laamu. I understand and agree to abide by and be bound by the rules, regulations, guidelines, policies and practices outlined in the Host Guidebook. ________________________ ______________________ Host Signature Date _______________________________ Name (Printed) Employer Copy – Please sign, date and return to Human Resources. Six Senses Laamu – Host Guidebook – March 2020 66

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