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Home Explore meridians 2

meridians 2

Published by shaduraan, 2017-06-20 10:44:57

Description: meridians 2


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LUNG MERIDIAN PHYSICAL SYMPTOMSMUSCLES 1. Skin problems on the thumbs. 2. Shoulder / arm diseases.ANTERIOR SERRATUS - Raises ribs. Weakness makes it difficult to 3. Fullness of chest and pain in the chest. push things forward with arms out straight. Affects 4. Asthma. chest conditions and disturbs diaphragm’s ability to 5. Indigestion problems. regulate breathing. 6. Sore throats. 7. Facial oedema.COROCOBRACHIALS - Works with anterior deltoid in straightening 8. Stiffness of neck. arm when held overhead and in flexing shoulder with 9. Insomnia. elbow bent. Weakness makes it difficult to comb hair. 10. Aching back and shoulders. Massaging this muscle helps chronic coughs. 11. Common cold. 12. Tendency to faint.DELTOIDS - This is the muscle that caps the shoulder. Difficulties may 13. Hollow cheeks. be experienced in raising the arm if weak. PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESDIAPHRAGM - Difficulties in breathing, hiccough and reduced breath- holding time. May cause digestive problems or a hiatus 1. Difficulty in relationships. hernia especially after eating. 2. Stubbornness. 3. Mental instability.FUNCTION 4. Anxiety and depression.Vitality -- intake of energy from air -- being able to take in new influences. PSYCOLOGICAL BALANCESORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED 1. Making boundaries and structures. 2. Positive.Lungs, respiratory passages, colon, stomach, skin. 3. Expression of grief. 4. Feeling of self worth. 5. Self as an individual.

LARGE INTESTINE MERIDIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESMUSCLES 1. Lacking determination 2. Always disappointed.FASCIA LATA - Legs tend to bow. There can be chest soreness and breast 3. Over dependency on others. pain during menstruation. 4. Depression. 5. Grudges against others.HAMSTRING - Either bowlegged or knocked-kneed. Important muscle 6. May have a tendency to sloppiness. for walking. PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCESQUADDRATUS LUMBORUM - This flexes the vertebral column sideways. Weakness will show in a curve of the lumbar 1. Being able to let go. region. 2. Boundaries between self and outside.FUNCTIONVitality -- elimination -- excretion.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTEDColon, bronchi, lower spine, nose sinuses.PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS1. Diarrhoea, constipation, spastic colon, Candida, haemorrhoids, indigestion problems.2. Sore throat, mouth, tongue and teeth.3. Excessive wax in ear.4. Snoring, nose, sinuses, Trigeminus Neurology.5. Poor sleeping.6. Burning pain between the shoulder blades and spinal cord, neck vertebrae diseases.7. Breast pain at menstruation.8. Outer thigh muscle pain, hamstring pains.

STOMACH MERIDIAN 5. Dry skin, allergies, eczema and fungus in groin area. 6. Any gastric disturbance, lack of appetite, indigestion problems.MUSCLES 7. Sore throat, spit glands in mouth, sinuses. 8. High fever, sweating.PECTORALIS MAJOR CLAVICULAR - Affects both stomach 9. Tightness in solar plexus, psychological diseases (especially and emotional centre of brain and could explain stress related to digestive problems. Sinuses are the stress) acid regurgitation. drainage system of the head and scalp which 10. Eczema and fungus on 2nd and 3rd toes, pain on front of leg, contributes to the protective immunisation of the body. neck pains and pain under arm along lung meridian. 11. Ovarian, uterine and breast feeding problemsLEVATOR SCAPULAE - May need Chiropractic adjustment. PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESBRACHIOLADIALIS - Flexes elbow. May have difficulty getting arm up and back. Insomnia and general nervous 1. Blaming others. tension. 2. Thinking too much. 3. Excessive worrying.FUNCTION 4. Moodiness. 5. Reluctance to change.Nurturing -- intake of food -- other forms of nourishment. 6. Cynical. 7. Overacting.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED 8. Over sympathetic.Stomach, Oesophagus, duodenum, spleen, pancreas. PSYCOLOGICAL BALANCESPHYSICAL SYMPTOMS 1. The mind and intellect in balance. 2. Feeling in harmony with family and home.1. Spots on face along jawbone.2. Weak eyes, eye infections3. Feeling cold down front of the body.4. Goitre, function disturbance of the thyroid.

SPLEEN / PANCREAS MERIDIAN PHYSICAL SYMPTOMSMUSCLES 1. Stiffness pain in tongue. 2. Very thirsty (diabetic) sugar metabolism diseases.LATISSIMUS DORSI - Holds shoulder down and keep back 3. Irregular appetite and cravings, indigestion, nausea, straight. If weak will have a high shoulder on weak 4. hiccough. side. Pancreas problems. 5. Stiff navel. 6. Tiredness, fever.TRAPEZIUS - Turns shoulder blade. Problems concerning immune 7. Anaemia, depression. system. Anaemia. 8. Puffiness or dark colouring at temple. 9. Cracking at heel and rough skin on feet.EXTENSOR POLLICIS LONGUS - The wrist bones, radius and 10. Eczema and fungus on the big toe. ulna are not held in position resulting in strain of 11. Muscles that control little finger and thumb. elbow and may be because of “tennis elbow”. 12. Stimulation of immune defence against infection andTRICEPS - Work opposite biceps straightening elbow. poisoning. 13. Headaches on top of head.FUNCTION 14. Irregular or heavy periods.Nurturing -- transportation -- transformation of energy and digestion PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESinclude the reproductive cycles. 1. Extreme joy and deep sorrow.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED 2. Change mind and moods. 3. Nervous laugh.Spleen, pancreas, small intestine, stomach, liver, lungs, reproductive 4. Communication difficulties.organs, thyroid, circulation. 5. Crying for no reason. 6. Irritability. PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCES The mind and intellect. Feeling in harmony with family and home.

HEART MERIDIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESMUSCLES 1. Lack of emotions. 2. Hysteria.SUBSCAPULARIS - Behind scapula cannot be seen or felt. Draws 3. Speech problems. arm in when above head. Palpitations, dizziness, 4. Inability to communicate. shoulder or chest pains and bleeding gums. 5. Dream disturbed sleep. 6. Memory problems.FUNCTION 7. Change of mind and moods. 8. Nervous laugh.Awareness -- emotional centre through which we interpret out 9. Insomnia.environment -- blood circulation. 10. Lack of compassion.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCESHeart, kidneys, sigmoid colon. 1. Consciousness. 2. Balanced emotions.PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS 3. Long-term memory good. 4. Compassionate.1. Angina, palpitations.2. Stiffness of upper arms, nerve pain on inner side of left arm with radiation towards neck, lower left side jaw and left side of face, pain in shoulder blade.3. Yellowish eyeballs.4. Sweaty palms, dizziness, excessive sweating at night.5. Nervous “lump in throat”.6. Sensitivity at root of tongue, speech disorders.7. Dryness in mouth, bleeding gums.8. Face red – nose swollen, purple around mouth.9. Cannot lie on left side, breast pain.

SMALL INTESTINE MERIDIAN 10. Abdominal muscle pain, frontal thigh muscle pain from hip to knee.MUSCLES PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESQUADRICEPS - Straightens knee and flexes thigh. Difficulty in climbing stairs, sitting down and getting up, pain in 1. Inability to make decisions, cloudy judgement. kneecap. Indigestion when standing up. 2. Deep sorrow with a tendency to suppress sorrow. 3. Great patience.ABDOMINALS - Keeps organs in place. Indigestion, breathing 4. Over sensitive. difficulties, pain in lower back. 5. Affected by shock or anger creating an inappropriate reactionFUNCTION to shock. 6. Changeable mind.Assimilation -- absorption -- separation of nutrition and waste. 7. Tend to over work.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCESSmall intestine, heart, ileocaecal valve. 1. Clarity of judgement. 2. Balanced way of dealing with anxiety.PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS 3. Balanced in handling emotional excitement, shock, mental1. Poor circulation. anxiety and determined.2. Stiffness of neck, sore over or on bridge of nose, lips.3. Facial oedema, infection on the lymphatic glands of the throat.4. Arm, shoulder and neck pain.5. Neuralgia.6. Indigestion problems.7. Laxity in rectum.8. Low blood pressure.9. Hearing diseases.

BLADDER MERIDIAN PHYSICAL SYMPTOMSMUSCLES 1. Back pain, stiffness of neck. 2. Prostate, cystitis and bladder problems, incontinence.PERONEUS - Outside calf in leg. Causes pigeon toes i.e. foot and 3. Head aches on the crown, neck and forehead. ankle problems. 4. Eye problems, excessive tears and sinus. 5. Eczema and fungus between the 4th and 5th toes.SACROSPINALIS - Group of muscles causing 19 different areas 6. Haemorrhoids. of pain. Is associated with problems of arthritis, 7. Bone diseases, osteoporosis, arthritis and poor teeth. rheumatism and bursitis, shoulder pain, elbows and 8. Grey hair early, balding, hearing problems and vertigo. snapping finger problems. 9. Lower back pain. 10. Inappropriate reaction to stress being too laid back.ANTERIOR / POSTERIOR TIBIAS - Rectal fissure, urethra and bladder problems. Bunions may be present if PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCES weakness is causing flat feet. 1. Easily frightened.FUNCTION 2. Takes no risks. 3. Concerned with small detail.Purification -- storage -- excretion of urine. 4. Complains excessively. 5. Fear.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED 6. Timid. 7. Reckless.Bladder, kidneys, abdominal, bones, teeth, head hair ears, spine andgenital organs. PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCES 1. Courageous. 2. Fluidity in life.

KIDNEY MERIDIAN PHYSICAL SYMPTOMSMUSCLES 1. Ringing in the ears. 2. Dry mouth.PSOAS - Is part of the hip-flexing group. Weakness causes lower 3. Large and small intestine diseases (especially imbalance in back to flatten, ankle to turn in and hip to be lower. Nagging back pain. Acne, pimples, boils and stomach juices and enzymes). eczema. 4. Shoulder and hip joint pain, pain, cold or weakness in lowerUPPER TRAPEZUIS - Tilts the chin and pulls the shoulder blades. spine. Problems will be associated with ears and eyes e.g. 5. High blood pressure. strain, blurred vision painful. 6. Black rings under the eyes. 7. Kidney disorders.ILIACUS - This muscle if weak could indicate problems with the 8. Endocrine and hormonal problems. ileocaecal valve which in turn would give rise to 9. Irregularities in normal physical growth, chronic tiredness. the following symptoms:- nausea, lower back pain, 10. Fluid retention, hearing and balance problems. shoulder pain, headaches, sudden thirst, dark puffy 11. Weak bones and teeth. circles under the eyes and pallor being dark. 12. Congenital and hereditary diseases.FUNCTION PSYCOLOGICAL IMBALANCESWillpower -- impetus in progress of life -- governs reproductive and 1. Timid, insecure.sexuality. 2. Fearful, forgetful. 3. Cannot complete jobs.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED 4. Complaining to excess. 5. Lack of determination.Kidneys, bladder, abdominal and genital organs, ears, bones, teeth, 6. Phobias, restless.lower spine, hormones and endocrine systems. PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCES 1. Willpower, courageous. 2. Fluidity of emotions. 3. Good short-term memory.

CIRCULATION / HEART GOVERNOR PHYSICAL SYMPTOMSMERIDIAN(Pericardium) 1. Problems with reproductive organs, menstrual cramp, prostate, impotency and hormone imbalance.MUSCLES 2. Sciatic nerve.GLUTEUS MEDIUS - Is used to pull the thigh out and rotate the 3. Bladder problems, burning urination. leg. Problems may include hip and shoulder pulled 4. Lack of blood in the head, arms and neck, circulation higher, bowed legs and/or peculiar limp. 5. problems due to low blood pressure. 6. Leg pains, stiff neck and pain in buttocks.ABDUCTORS - Rotate thigh inwards. Problems cause pelvis to tilt 7. Heart problems, circulatory disorders, hardening of the arteries, down. Used the most by horseback riders, problems causing bowlegged posture of cowboys. and varicose veins. 8. Poor circulation, blood pressure problems.PIRIFORMIS - Important muscle for posture. In seated position 9. Angina, tight chest, palpitations. allows legs to move outwards. Weakness makes one-foot turn in and the other foot out. PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESGLUTEUS MAXIMUS - One of the largest and strongest muscles 1. Inability to express emotions. in the body. It stabilises lower back. It will twist the 2. Overprotective and over protected. pelvis or make the crease of the buttocks go off to 3. Vulnerable emotionally. one side. 4. Shy. 5. Excessive or disturbed dreaming.FUNCTION 6. Insomnia.Circulation -- protects heart. PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCESORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED 1. Balanced emotions. 2. Social relations balanced.Heart, stomach, reproductive organs, circulation, veins, arteries. 3. Sleep and dreams undisturbed.

TRIPLE WARMER MERIDIAN FUNCTIONS(Endocrine, Lymphatic and Immune Systems) Protects and harmonises the functions of all body thermostats --MUSCLES protects the immune system via the lymphatic and endocrine systems -- opens the waterways.TERES MINOR - The hand on one side may turn differently if arms are allowed to hang down. Thyroid ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED conditions, digestive disturbances, infections and weight changes. Lungs, heart, circulation, stomach, spleen, kidney, bladder, liver, small and large intestines, lymphatic and immune systems.SARTORIUS - Longest muscle in body. Pelvis twisting, unstable Regulation of body temperature, absorption and elimination. knee joints and knee pain. Adrenal problems (tired in morning and then improving during the day) low PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS blood pressure on standing up, hypoglycaemia, hyper-insulinism, allergies, hives and especially 1. Sensitive to temperature changes, poor circulation. asthma. 2. Excessive sweating. 3. Abnormal blood pressure fluctuating from high to low.GRACILIS - Weakness makes it difficult to band knee without 4. Regularly catches cold. flexing hip. 5. Allergies, restlessness, depression and tiredness. 6. Swollen hands and feet.SOLEUS - This muscle flexes the foot and lower part of the leg. 7. Shoulder, arm, elbows pains, stiffness of neck. Imbalance may occur after shock or trauma. 8. Indigestion problems. 9. Temple headaches and ears ringing.GASTROCNEMUIS - Works with soleus in flexing the foot and 10. Lymphatic problems. lower part of the leg. Imbalance can result in the 11. Weak immune system. knee being pushed too far back or interfere with bending of the knee. PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCES 1. Excessive crying. 2. Tense. 3. Disorganised. 4. Lacking warmth socially.

5. Overprotective or overprotected.PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCES1. Emotionally stable.2. Socially interactive.

GALL BLADDER MERIDIAN 9. Exhaustion.MUSCLES PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESANTERIOR DELTOID - Flexing shoulder with elbow bent. Many 1. Anger and frustration. headache cases are related to toxicity of diet. 2. Depression. 3. Indecision.POPLITEUS - Turns foot and knee in and flexes leg, which may 4. Lack of creativity. cause knee problems. 5. Overwork. 6. Attention to detail.FUNCTION 7. Impatience. 8. Constant irritation.Stores and distributes bile -- movement of body -- judgement. PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCESORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED 1. Balanced decision-making.Gall bladder, liver, spleen, pancreas, joints, muscles, tendons, and 2. Creative.eyes. 3. Good-humoured. 4. Not easily irritated.PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS1. Jaundice.2. Shingles.3. One-sided headaches, trigeminus neurology, ears ringing, eye sufferings and sinuses, migraine.4. Constipation, indigestion and feeling sleepy after eating fat.5. Lumbar, sciatic pains, shoulder pains and neck pains, stiffness in movement.6. Depression.7. Heart sufferings, muscle cramps and dizziness.8. Gall bladder problems, stones, and inflammation.

LIVER MERIDIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESMUSCLES 1. Anger and frustration. 2. Revenge.PECTORALIS MAJOR STERNAL - Responsible for moving the 3. Impatience. arm in and one gets spots before eyes. 4. No humour. 5. Violent outbursts.RHOMBOIDS - Muscle in back of shoulders. 6. Over control or feeling of being out of control. 7. Inflexible.FUNCTION 8. Excessive planning. 9. Temper tantrums.Control and detoxification -- storage and distribution of bile -- 10. Frustration.nutrients and waste -- harmonise emotions and plans. 11. Repression.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCESLiver, gall bladder, lungs, large intestine, eyes, muscles, detoxifying 1. Controlled.and storing blood. 2. Planning. 3. Harmonious emotions.PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS 4. Hardworking.1. Headaches on one side of head.2. Glaucoma, eye infections.3. Jaundice / liver conditions.4. Indigestion problems.5. Pains between the right shoulder blade and the spinal cord.6. Chest pains, heart problems.7. Muscular pains.

GOVERNING MERIDIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCESMUSCLES 1. Nervous. 2. Emotional.TERES MAJOR - Weakness may indicate a need for a chiropractic 3. Hypersensitive. adjustment. 4. Rigidity in thinking – own opinion best.FUNCTION 5. PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCESBalances the spine. 6. Balanced nervous system. 7. Clear mind.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTED 8. Uplifted spirits.Spine, head, brain, genital organs, urinary system.PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS1. Back pains.2. Headaches.3. Epilepsy.4. Any paralysis means G7 is disturbed.5. Multiple sclerosis (m.s.).6. Nervous disorders.7. Tremors.8. Lack of vitality.9. Sexual disorders.

CENTRAL / CONCEPTION MERIDIAN PSYCOLOGICAL IMBALANCESMUSCLES 1. Difficulty with sexual relationships. 2. Low self esteem.SUPRASPINATUS - People who do a lot of thinking or sit at a 3. Difficulty in communicating with other. desk may have brain fatigue. Children who are 4. Lack of willpower. slow learners often display a lack of tone in this muscle. PSYCOLOGICAL BALANCESFUNCTION 1. Balanced relationships. 2. Good self esteem.Influences on the reproductive system. 3. Balanced willpower.ORGANS POSSIBLY AFFECTEDHead, bladder, heart, abdominal and genital organs, chest, fertility,childbirth, menopause.PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS1. Diseases of the genitals, fibroids, lumps.2. Coldness in the abdomen.3. Bed-wetting.4. Impotence.5. Stomach pains.6. Bladder problems.7. Heart problems.8. Multiple sclerosis (m.s.).9. Hernia.

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