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Home Explore The Fi Formula

The Fi Formula

Published by colin, 2020-06-04 22:56:01

Description: The Fi Formula

Keywords: Financial Independence Retire Early


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How NOT To Achieve Financial Independence: Working the 9 to 5 Have you ever come home after a long, stressful day at work and just collapse from exhaustion, only to wake up and go do it again? What about found yourself staying up at night unable to sleep because you are dreading the thought of going to work and being surrounded by people you cannot stand. Are you scared to check at your bank account just a few days after pay day or wondered how you are going to make it till the next payday? Have you ever just stopped and wondered when you'll ever begin to start saving, pay down your debt, invest for a better future or take a real vacation for once? All of this hard work just for a small reward of possibly retiring when you're 65 years old but being to tired to enjoy it. This is a sad existence. Financial Advisor's estimate we'll need 2.5 million dollars in order to live that shitty existence and retire at 65. That 2.5 million dollars would give us roughly $100,000 per year in retirement. Most people think this is too much but carelessly forget about inflation. $100,000 will half in value 30 years from today. The FI Formula COLIN MATTHEW

A new study called the 4 Percent rule came out in 2019 that helps us determine how much money we need to retire. If we keep our retirement fund invested in the S&P 500 and only pull out 4 percent per year to live off of in retirement, our principle will never run out. This study has been time tested through every boom, bust and crash in history over the last 100 years... and it works. Simply take the amount of money you'd like off of each year and multiply it by 25 to find out how much money you need to keep in the S&P 500. $100,000 X 25 = $2,500,000 How do you get that 2.5 million dollars? Invest $10 per day from age 20 till 65 However there are two problems with this. (Note: Me and my students have already wisened up to this and adopted a new, proven and better system to achieve financial independence, which equates to much more freedom and security. Connect with us here on how we can help you do the same! The FI Formula COLIN MATTHEW

The first problem is the average person doesn't start investing until age 31. This amount of money would mean living off of roughly $40,000 per year in retirement. The other problem is waiting till 65. From ages 20 to 60, the greatest years of our life, 10 years will be spent asleep, another 2 years commuting, another 2 practicing hygiene and another 15 years or so spent working the 9 to 5. There has to be a better way than this. In fact, There is a better way and I've found it. Book a time to talk with me here. The FI Formula COLIN MATTHEW

The NEW and PROVEN Way To Achieve Financial Independence: The Financial Independence Formula The fastest way to achieve financial independence is to acquire passive income that exceeds our expenses. We should all be investing our hard earned money in the market and allow it to compound and grow. Meanwhile, we should also be leveraging other people's money to invest in assets. That's how the rich become richer, they use leverage. They aren't hindered to only the amount of money they have available. They also don't have to risk all their money or keep it tied down in an opportunity. The poor have access to this leverage as well except they use it completely wrong. The FI Formula COLIN MATTHEW

The poor use credit to acquire liabilities. They go shopping or buy things that don't earn income. The rich use credit to invest into assets or start a business like ATM's, Real Estate, Laundromats. This is the true path to wealth. You could have an asset that produces passive income to exceed your expenses in less than a single year. Retiring the traditional route takes a LIFETIME. You can keep your money invested and compounding while using other people's money to take risk and acquire assets. Whats more, when done strategically you can not only acquire this asset for COMPLETELY FREE but it can also earn you miles and points to travel the world for free on complete autopilot. The FI Formula COLIN MATTHEW

Step 1. Advanced Credit Score Optimization This is all about priming your credit to get your BEST possible score so you can acquire large lines of 0% interest credit to be used to invest. We take care of this for you with 35 different strategies to optimize any credit score along with our automated credit repair system that will repair any credit score. We can help you optimize your score too, here. Step 2. Business Credit Formation Accelerator In this step we help you form a business and build business credit. This takes the risk and liability off of you and separates your personal credit. This way you’ll never have to worry about hurting your personal credit score again while growing your assets. Step 3. Personal Credit Leverage Mastery While building your business credit we'll show you how to leverage your personal credit to earn over 1,000,000 airline miles and points($10,000 value) so you can travel the world for free without spending your own money. The FI Formula COLIN MATTHEW

Step 4. Strategic Application Sequence This is where we strategically sequence your applications to get you as much business credit as possible at 0% interest so you can invest it into assets! Step 5. Generating True Passive Income Here's where I'll help you invest in a completely automated business that produces passive income every single month and earns THOUSANDS of miles and points on autopilot. This business also pays itself off in 12 months, so you'll own it free and clear without ever using your own money. The FI Formula COLIN MATTHEW

It’s our hope that this book will provide clarity and help you get a better idea of what really works to achieve financial independence and travel the world without waiting till 65 . This system eliminates all of the guesswork in acquiring funding and investing in true passive income producing assets. If you’d like to speak with us on how we can help you incorporate this system and start your own business, we’d love to talk to you. There is never any pressure on our clarity calls. Our objective is to figure out where you’re having the most trouble achieving financial independence and then help you figure out what the best plan of action is. If you’d like to set up a clarity call with us, follow the URL below to do that: Feel free to send us an email (if you need anything) or if you just want to say ‘thanks for the guide’. ([email protected]) Looking forward to talking soon! Colin Matthew Dedely Founder/ CEO The FI Formula COLIN MATTHEW

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