OUD around the globe A speaker series Hosted jointly by the HMS Center for Global Health Delivery and the BWH Program in Opioid and Pain Innovation (POPI) TUESDAYS in june | 2021
OUD around the globe A speaker series This workshop, hosted jointly by the Harvard Medical School Center for Global Health Delivery and Brigham Health Program in Opioid and Pain Innovation (POPI), aims to bring together stakeholders and scientists from different countries to examine and showcase a number of practice-based approaches and public health policies from around the world that address opioid use disorder and opioid-related overdoses and deaths. The following pages contain short biographies for the speakers as well as the date and time at which each presentation will occur. If you would like more information about this series or either of the organizations listed above, you can reach out to [email protected]. You may also use the button below to register for the series. Register Here 2
june 1 12:00-1:00 PM The United States & Canada Elinore McCance-Katz, MD, PhD Former Assitant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Mental Health and Substance Use Elinore McCance-Katz was the first Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Sub- stance Use and served from 2017-2021. In that role, she advised the Secretary for Health and Human Services on mental health and substance misuse issues facing the American people and led the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin- istration or SAMHSA. She obtained her PhD from Yale University in Infectious Disease Epidemiology and is a graduate of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. She is board certified in General Psychiatry and in Addiction Psychi- atry. She is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Academy of Addiction Psychi- atry with more than 30 years as a clinician, teacher, and clinical researcher. Prior to returning to federal service at the Department of Health and Human Services, she served as the Chief Medical Officer for the Rhode Island Department of Behavior- al Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals. She was also Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown University. From 2013-2015, she served as the first Chief Medical Officer for SAMHSA. During her tenure at SAMHSA, she focused on the implementation of evidence-based care and increasing access to com- munity recovery supports for those living with serious mental illness and substance use disorders. She continues advocacy in these areas with her return to private life. Mark Tyndall, MD, ScD Professor, University of British Columbia School of Population and Public Health Dr. Mark Tyndall is a Professor at the UBC School of Population and Public Health. He is an infectious diseases specialist and epidemiologist with a focus on urban health, drug use and harm reduction. He was formerly the Executive Director of the BC Centre for Disease Control and the Deputy Provincial Health Officer. His cur- rent work includes innovative solutions to prevent overdoses and the adverse health outcomes of drug use. Dr. Tyndall is a strong advocate and leader for public health in Canada and has fostered a number of community-based collaborations that have led to health policy changes. Building on years of clinical experience and research work in harm reduction, his main goals are to establish a safer drug supply and work to change drug policy. 3
june 8 12:00-1:00 PM germany Heino Stöver, PhD Professor, Social Scientific Addiction Research, Frankfurt Uni- versity of Applied Sciences Heino Stöver is a social scientist, PhD and Professor of Social Scientific Addiction Research at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in Germany, Faculty of Health and Social Work. Since 1987 he has been director of the Archive and Doc- umentation Centre for Drug Literature and Research at the University of Bremen (www.archido.info). He is the president of the national umbrella organisation work- ing on harm reduction for drug users, called akzept e.V. (Bundesverband für akzep- tierende Drogenarbeit und humane Drogenpolitik; www.akzept.eu). Since 2009 he is the director of the “Institute of Addiction Research” (Frankfurt-university.de/isff). Heino Stöver’s main fields of research and project development expertise are health promotion for vulnerable and marginalized groups, drug services, prison health care and related health issues (especially HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, drug dependence, and gender issues), and the potential of e-cigarettes. His international research and con- sultancy expertise includes working as a consultant for the European Commission, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), World Health Organization (WHO), European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Open Society Institute (OSI) in various contexts. He has published several articles in peer reviewed international journals and books on preventing and treating infectious diseases adequately (HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, STIs, and TB), opioid substitution programmes (including the provision of heroin) in the community and in prisons, and general health care issues. He is co-founder of the International Journal of Prisoner Health (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ Heino_Stoever). Heino Stöver has gained project experiences by participating in and leading of sev- eral projects in the European Union, Africa, Central Asia, and Asia (https://twitter. com/HeinoStoever). 4
june 15 8:00-9:00 AM Australia & Malaysia Paul Dietze, PhD Program Director, Behaviours and Health Risks, Burnet Institute Professor Paul Dietze is one of Australia’s leading alcohol and other drug epidemiol- ogists with a significant national and international profile. With over 20 years’ experi- ence he is one of the leading researchers in the alcohol and other drug sector in Aus- tralia with an extensive history of significant and innovative research into the impact of alcohol and other drugs in the community. The recipient of numerous awards and prizes, Professor Dietze is currently supported by a National Health and Medi- cal Research Council (NHMRC) Senior Research Fellowship. He has been awarded a large number of competitive grants from funding bodies such as the NHMRC for work that has had significant impact, particularly in the area of opioid overdose. He has been involved in work examining naloxone for the reversal of heroin overdose since 2000, and was part of the Guidelines Development Group whose work under- pinned the guidelines for community management of opioid overdose produced by the WHO in 2014. Vicknasingam Balasingam Kasinather, PhD Director, Centre for Drug Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia Vicknasingam B Kasinather is currently Director and Professor of Addictions at the Centre for Drug Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia. His research is focused on understanding and developing behavioral interventions for people who use drugs. He conducts behavioral surveys to identify treatment gaps and barriers for people who use drugs. His research also focuses on the integration of substance use treatment with other medical services. Currently, he is the Malay- sian principal investigator of a nationwide 5-year study entitled “Implementation of seek, test, treat and retain strategies among people who inject drugs in Malaysia” funded by the National Institute of Health US. Since 2015, he has been member of the Scientifc Advisory Committee of the World Drug Report, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Vienna. In 2014 the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) USA presented the Award of Excellence in International Collaborative Research to Marek Chawarski from Yale University and Vicknasingam for their collaborative research work. He is also an EXCO member of the newly formed, International Society for the Study of Emerging Drugs (ISSED) based in Europe and is Associate Editor of the society’s recently launched journal “Emerging Trends in Novel Psychoactive Sub- stances and the Health Consequences”. 5
june 22 12:00-1:00 PM South africa & Portugal Michael Wilson, MPH Advance Access and Delivery Michael Wilson is the Executive Director of AA&D South Africa and the Global Harm Reduction Lead for AA&D. He is a co-founder and Director of the Bellhaven Harm Reduction Centre, Durban, South Africa’s first comprehensive harm reduc- tion center. Michael also works to establish and support existing partnerships across AA&D’s global TB, harm-reduction, and refugee health projects and activities. In his current role, Michael is supporting the rollout of a service delivery grant to integrate screening and linkage to care for TB and non-communicable diseases in Durban, South Africa. João Goulão, MD Director General of the Service for Intervention on Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies João Castel-Branco Goulão is currently Portuguese Drugs and Alcohol National Coordinator and Director General of the Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies General Directorate (SICAD), the body within the Health Ministry responsible for the policy coordination in this field. He was Chairman of the Euro- pean Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) from 2009 to 2015 and he has a long experience in addictions field at international level. He is the Chair of the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe for the period 2019-2022. A medical doctor by profession, Dr. Goulão has over 20 years’ experience regarding drug-related issues, working in this field since 1987 as general practitioner and since then all his professional life has been devoted to drugs and health. He was also a member of the Portuguese Committee which, in 1999, prepared the report on which the first Portuguese Drug Strategy was based and that included decriminalization proposal. 6
june 29 12:00-1:00 PM vietnam Robert Heimer, PhD Professor, Yale University School of Public Health Robert Heimer is a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Dis- eases at Yale University School of Public Health and a Professor of Pharmacology at Yale University School of Medicine. Dr. Heimer has spent three decade conduct- ing research at the intersection of infectious diseases and substance abuse. Areas of investigation have included syringe exchange and other harm reduction programs, HIV and hepatitis C survival in syringes, overdose prevention and resuscitation, and treatment of opiate use disorder. This work, conducted in domestic and international settings, seeks to provide prevention and healthcare practitioners with information needed to assist their educational and advocacy efforts. John Hamilton, LMFT, LADC President and CEO, Liberation Programs John Hamilton is the president and CEO of Liberation Programs, having previously served as the agency’s Vice President of Clinical Services and Senior Vice President from 1996-2006. He is nationally recognized as an expert in the field of addiction treatment and prevention, and brings three decades of experience to his role as President and Chief Executive Officer. John chairs the advisory board for the Con- necticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) and serves on the Governors Alcohol and Drug Policy Council. Previously, John was the Chief Clinical Outreach Officer at Mountainside Treatment Center, a nationally acclaimed drug rehabilitation center with locations in New York and Connecticut. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of Recovery Network of Programs, a non-profit behav- ioral health agency serving the Greater Bridgeport Community. John is Past Chair of the Dissemination Committee for the National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA) Clinical Trials Network, Past Chair of the Community Treatment Providers Caucus, Register Here 7
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