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Rich People Problems-2

Published by Htay Win, 2018-10-02 07:21:19

Description: Rich People Problems-2


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Reading Journal By Htay Win 6031006240 English Reading and Writing 1This journal is submitted for fulfilling of the requirement of the independentreading works for English Reading and Writing 1 course of Liberal Arts in EnglishProgram, Mae Fah University. First Semester 2018

Rich People ProblemsBy Kevin KwanSummary The story is about rich family which originated in Singaporeand South-East Asian. The family’s members live in differentplaces, such as New York City, Shanghai, Hongkong, Thailandetc. In the beginning, Su Yi is a wealthy grandmother who ownsTyersall Park. Her Shang-Young family are doing their usualbusinesses. Nicholas Young is her grandson , he and his wife,Rachel are happy of staying in New York. Eddie is enjoying lifein Paris with outfits likes Parisian. Astrid is going to divorce.Others are busy with their Singapore’s finest. When Su Yi has had heart attack, she is coma. Nicholas hasbeen called that Su Yi has little time to live. At first, he didn’twant to come, because he had fought with his grandmotherthat she rejected him not to get married with Rachel. Finally,Richel could persuade him to be back from New York toSingapore to see Su Yi and be by her bedside. Furthermore, theentire of Shang-Young family members are on their ways tocome from all corners of the globe to see their matriarch. Somewant to see Su Yi for the last moment for her life. Some arehoping and wishing for owning the properties. Some want toown the Tyersall Park which worth more than hundreds ofmillions.

Reflection This novel is showing the problems of the rich family and thecomplicated relations in a big family. I think this novel has toomany characters with different names which made me a bitconfuse. It shows that when people have got willing to getsomething, they can do everything to get that even though it isbad.Source- Rich people problems novel.New words Definition New words Meaning: an old and powerful woman in a family, or the female leader of a society in which power passes Matriarch from mother to daughter. (Noun) Ex: In the main house lived his eighty-year-old, the Fratricide matriarch, reliably dressed in black in the custom of (Noun) Italian widows. Meaning: the crime of murdering your brother, or Intrigue killing members of your own group or country (Verb) Ex: The fratricide also is said by some to have been committed in this place. Meaning: to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious Ex: India really does intrigue against Pakistan in the same way Pakistan plots against India.

Trophy Meaning: a prize, such as a gold or silver cup, that is(Noun) given to the winner of a competition or race, and often returned after a year to be given to the winnerObscene of the competition in the following year.(Adjective) Ex: The charity gets its name from the symbolic date when the America's Cup trophy left the U.K. Meaning: offensive, rude, or shocking, usually because of being too obviously related to sex or showing sex. Ex: Anything involving that obscene level of cash will definitely have juicy stories behind it.Rubric for Independent Reading Journal (10%)Articles 1 234 5 5-4 321. 1-0Summary Provides a(4 %) somewhat muddled,2. unclear andReflection(3%)3.VocabularyLearned(3%)ScoresCategorySummarizing Provides a Provides a Provides athe content very thorough clear and clear but and clear and concise shallow concise summary of summary of

Identifying summary of the article the article; ramblingDetails the article context and may be summary of context content. the article. and content. excessively Student brief or may Student Student recalls details include some cannot locate recalls several for most main details with details for point. extraneous accuracy. each main information. point. Student is not able to locate most of the details of the main point.Paraphrasing Is Is Is Is characterized characterized characterized characterized by by by the by the paraphrasing paraphrasing substantial substantial of the main of the main copying of key copying of idea and idea and phrases and indiscriminate significant significant minimal ly selected details details paraphrasing phrases or sentences.Spelling & There are few There are There are Serious errorsGrammar or no errors in some errors in serious errors in mechanics, usage, usage, in usage, usage, grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, or punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, spelling that sentence sentence sentence make the fragments, or fragments, fragments, or summary spelling. or spelling. spelling. difficult to understand.Total________/20÷5=4%2. Reflection on the Articles (3%)Students who have completely and clearly responded to the guided questionsstated in the reading journal form will get

3 marks. _3. Vocabulary Learned (3%)All correct = 3 marks ≥ 70% correct = 2 marks 1 ≥ 70% = 1 mark

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