INTRODUCTION We are so grateful that you have taken the time to consider partnering with Social Mapping to serve you. While we are proud of our work and the results we will help you achieve. it is the relationships we build that will endure. We look forward to working closely with you and your team. Social Mapping is one of the Website Development and Social Media Marketing Company in Surat. We, offering you technology - driven digital marketing solutions. We helps you scale your business by offering growth techniques with the digital marketing. We are here to create brands and market products. We look at your product from every angle and can help you to make strategy for making amazing brands.
ABOUT US “PLACING YOU IN FRONT OF RIGHT CUSTOMERS” is our primary motive. We are Surat OUR VISION, based Best digital marketing company providing customized digital Marketing solution MISSION according to clients requirement and goals, which includes: Website Development, Social Media Marketing, Advertising, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Branding & Planning Strategy, Search Engine Optimization (Seo),software Design And Development, amazon Store Setup, google AdWords Setup Etc... Our vision is to offer the best digital marketing solutions to our clients through unique strategic planning and constant innovation. We want to continue providing digital services, and solutions to all small and large business to grow their business to next level. Overcoming the hurdles to succeed is Something we endeavor to do within the virtual world. At social mapping, we do this through planning unique strategy to fight againt competitor than creating of an eye-catchy website, generating complete social media presence for brands and maintaining it with full dedication and passion to generate maximum leads.
STARTUP DIGITAL LEVEL IN YOUR BUSINESS You have taken the bold step to go at digital market, and looking for an attractive, affordable result in your business. Let get it off the ground and running. Your business is going to need a Start-up website and an effective website can start generating your business succeed, with the best in design combined with sales generating features. We will not just build websites, we guide you through every area of Online Marketing, SEO and Social Media Marketing. Achievement of small and medium enterprise is higher than E-Commerce. We, use the latest technologies create attractive design layouts and develop business oriented features to upscale user experience. A well built website for SEM can create visitors into buyers by creating strong impression among your target audience. We help SEM to increase revenue and growth of business. We create beautiful brands, bespoke websites and promo items that empower our clients, create results, and help them grow.
WHAT WE DO Do You Want To Grow Your Business Faster ? Discover Our Services & Strategies You Can Use To Jump-start Your Business Growth. We Enjoy Doing Stuff Like WebsiteDesign & Social Media Branding, Identity & Content Search Engine Software Mobile App E-Commerce MultiMedia Development Marketing Optimization Development Development Solutions Technology Marketing Digital Strategy Your businessis Wedesign brand The purposeof Content writers If your target Wedevelop Weprovides the Weprovide Multimedia unique andwe experiences that abrand isto prepare proper audience can’t Technology is the believe your connect through increasesales find you onfirst software solution best mobile app solutions for combination of website shouldbe by makingthe drafts for page.Youare visual andaudio the most product or engaging online not reaching asperyour development businessesto go representations. too! powerful → platforms. service. users. them requirement. We service. If youare online andsale → → → → → developtailored looking for mobile their products and software for version of your services to the your business. website, we canhelp consumersor → you out.→ other businesses. →
WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Your business is unique and we believe your website should be too! We offer full range of website design and development. A Website That Represents Your Brand on Global Platform. Website structuring and advancement is earlier and mostsignificant strides to be taken when you are going into the computerized world. It will enable you to create a viable online nearness. Our web developers and designers knows the fact that usability, functionality and visualization are the three most important factors for website. We can deliver ready-to-use and innovative customized solutions for your website needs. REQUIREMENTS DESIGN CONTENT FRAMEW ORK AND RESPONSIVE SEO GATHERING AND AND CREATED AS PER ADD REQUIRE AND MOBILE FRIENDLY FINALIZATION YOUR BUSINESS & TOOLS DEVELOPMENT FRIENDLY SERVICES
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Social media is the one strong platform where you can market any business whether it is B2B or B2C. Social Media Marketing services are fully focused on placing our client brands and products on top in the competition. We open two-way conversation channels for visitors and help them to understand the brand value. With audience winning strategies, we bring-in quality leads. DEVELOP BRAND BUILD BUILD TRUST AND INCREASING VIRAL CONTENT LEAD AWARENESS RELATIONSHIPS LOYALTY WEBSITE EXPOSURE MARKETING GENERATION ENGAGEMENT TRAFFIC
E-COMMERCE SOLUTION The world is moving more and more into the digital realm each and every day. More than 80% of the population has used the Internet to purchase something. E-Commerce allows you to make your products globally available 24*7 and 365 days of year. Both small and big businesses are today using E-Commerce website to gain larger profits. An E-Commercesite is the best platform to bring retailers, manufacturers and clients at the same place. As we all know, today’s buyers are getting addicted of online shopping. People are avoiding going out and buying products because they can do it from their homes. It is increasing business possibilities for small businesses and offering them a great chance taking quick progress. Quick progress in online business is possible only when a business owner is providing his services through an E-Commerce website. Social Mapping has a huge experience over a E-Commerce Solutions. We have an expert E-Commerce development team of exceptionally talented, trained and well experienced Front End Developers and Back End Programmers who have strongly contributed in producing outstanding custom E-Commerce. E-COMMERCE AMAZON FACEBOK SHOP FLIPKART & OTHER ANALYTICS & PLAN MONITORING AND WEBSITE MAKING SHOP SETUP SETUP & MAINTAIN E-COMMERCE HOW TO GET MORE REPORTING & MAINTAIN BUSINESS THROUGH & MAINTAIN PLATFORM SETUP & MAINTAIN E-COMMERCE PLATFORM
BRANDING, IDENTITY & STRATEGY Your Website \"Home Base The purpose of abrand is to increase sales by Inquiry or Targeted Web making the productor service. Brandingis not just Purchase Content aboutthe logos,but aboutthe levelandthe kind of relationship that the businesswants to have.It is Calls to Action Social Content Mapping Promotion becomingapromiseof quality andreputation! Congrates You Agood strategy can make or break outcome for 're Generate you.Wearehereto ensureyoustay onwinning side. Website Traffic CreativeandEffective strategy wil give usa competitive edge.
CONTENT MARKETING Content marketing, as the term indicates, is a marketing technique that uses “content” to drive a targeted audience to take an action intended by the marketer. Infographics, videos, podcasts, and web pages are examples of content that a business can use. Understanding the target audience is key to success. We will guide a well-defined process Refining who the target audience is Defining what the business need and objectives are Deciding on what content is appropriate to meet those objectives TRADITIONAL CONTENT MARKETING MARKETING talks at people talks with them
SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION If your target audience can’t find you on first page. You are not reaching them, We help you bridge the gap. Why SEO? It’s because only SEO can bring you most targeted traffic than any other marketing technique in very cost effective way. We knows how to rank on top keywords and drive targeted traffic from search engines. With the implementation of short and long term strategies we generate good quality leads for our valued clients. COMPETITOR ON PAGE & LINK INCREASE MOBILE MONITORING AND AND KEYW ORD OFF PAGE BUILD UP TRAFFIC & FRIENDLY REPORTING ANALYSIS OPTIMISATION CONVERSIONS STRUCTURE
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Social Mapping Software Development provides custom software development and product development services. Our custom software development service will help you to obtain best tailored software for your business. We develop software solution as per your requirement. Custom ERP Solution is an essential requirement of businesses mainly involved in manufacturing. We offer best in class Tailored ERP Software at truly affordable price. DESKTOP BASED APPLICATION ERP SOLUTIONS CUSTOM SOFTWARE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Every business has unique processes and Desktop Software’s are those software needs, but ultimately, every business Social Mapping was establish with the that runs on desktop or laptop needs technology with comprehensive aim to provide Customized Solutions to computer. The word is used either to business functionality that ties the entire the Industry. Till date we remain compare such “native” softwares with enterprise together, connecting all the committed to our basic principals as we Web-based software that also run in moving parts and providing better visibility strongly think that Customized Solutions the same computer, or to distinguish into operations. We offers integrated are the way to a proper implementation Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) of a Project and everyone requires it. personal computer or laptop software. solutions that help businesses operate We offer all our Solutions with more effectively and see the big picture - Customization. Every Company / Desktop softwares can be developed so they can make strategic decisions that Industry is using different strategy, in different technologies. We offers keep them efficient and profitable business process and different business services for Desktop software also as logic. hence its required to design a branch of enterprise resolution or customized software. exact solution in numerous technologies.
MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT Social Mapping has extensive experience in developing feature-packed, performance-driven native mobile app designs for key platforms such as iOS, and Android OS. Our mobile app development process comprises three key elements - flexible strategy, optimized design concepts and technological acumen ensuring the final deliverable are secure, scalable and sustainable. Our apps can boost branding and engagement, cut costs, improve productivity and generate new revenue for your business. ANDROID APP ISO APP HYBRID APPLICATION WEB API APPLICATION PUBLISH RE-MODIFICATION DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES & MAINTANANCE APPLICATION
MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY We also work on Multimedia Technology. Multimedia Technology is the combination of visual and audio representations.These representations could include elements of texts, graphic arts, sound, animation, and video. VIRTUAL REALITY PLATFORM AUGMENTED REALITY PLATFORM Virtual Reality (VR) is one the Augmented Reality (AR) also one of the Multimedia Technology Platform. In platform of Multimedia Technology. In AR Virtual Reality Technologyis the use of computer technology to create a Technology includes computerized content onto a live camera feed, making that advanced simulated environment. Unliketraditional substancelook asthoughit is apieceof the user interfaces, VR places the user physical world around you. Practical y inside an experience. Instead of viewing speaking, this could be anything from making a screen in front of them, users are your face resemble a giraffe to overlaying immersed and able to interact with 3D computerized headings onto the physical worlds. roads aroundyou.
OUR SERVICE PROCESS GUIDELINES We believe in keeping things simple and clear for our clients. Therefore, we follow a step process: LISTEN AND GUIDE DESIGN AND DEVELOP It all starts over coffee with a pen and At this stage, our designers and paper. We sit down with you to developers will begin after we understand your vision, what you want carefully evaluate and adopt the best to achieve, and what makes you technology to implement your unique. we will help you formulate and requirements. You will remain engaged refine the concept. throughout the process until the final services are delivered as promised. AGREE REQUIREMENTS SUPPORT To ensure coherence between what your business needs and what we do, Once your service is tested and we will agree the final requirements delivered, wel’l continue to provide on- with you. We do understand, however, going support when and however that needs may change throughout the needed. engagement process. Our team will be happy to integrate new requirements and will guide you through.
TECHNOLOGIES WE USE MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES Android (Native) React iOS (Native) Native Ionic Flutter JAVA SCRIPT TECHNOLOGIES Angular React Vu js js Node js BACKENDTECHNOLOGIES Laravel Code igniter C# (.NET)
TECHNOLOGIES WE USE AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES Python Raspberry Pi AI (Artificial Inteligence) ML (MachineLearning) MULTIMEDIATECHNOLOGIES VR (VirtualReality) AR (AugmentedReality)
CUSTOMIZED SERVICES Web Designing & Development Desktop Application Development Customized SoftwareDevelopment API Making and Integration MobileApplication Designing& Development CloudApplication Development AR + VR Development
SOME OF OUR PRODUCTS AMC Management System ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) School Management System Class Management System Taxi Booking System Hostel Management System Delivery Tracking System Office Management System Hotel Management System CRM (Client Resource Management) HRM (Human Resource Management)
METHODOLOGY MODEL The prototype methodology is the which Software development process al ows developers to create only the prototype of the solution to demonstrate its functionality to the clients and make necessary modifications before developing the actual application. The best feature of this software development methodologies is that it solves many issues which often occur in a traditionalwaterfal model.
WHY YOU CHOOSE US Your search for a firm that provides you the most advanced offshore software development services at cost effective prices without compromising on quality and professionalism ends here! We, at Social Mapping, provide custom solutions to help you accomplish your business objectives and followings are the benefits with Social Mapping. Professional attitude seamless Communication Innovations Quality Good Development skill justified the client need deliver work on time.
OUR APPROACH Together we are better. From there we determine how to create your story across the world, and provide the tools and technology to ensure your success. Every story is unique, and we’re interested in understanding and telling yours. We combine wisdom and technology, experience and creativity, in order to realise your vision and tell your unique story. We understand that every company wants to INCREASE Website traffic INCREASE Social Media followers INCREASE Lead Sales INCREASE Converting Leads into Increase sales, Because we understand how to bridge the gap between Marketing and Sales. Our approach to every project is to design for the maximum alignments of sales and marketing initiatives from the begining. This ensures that you will achieve the greatest possible results.
OUR VISION Our vision is to offer the best digital marketing solutions to our clients through unique strategic planning and constant innovation. We want to continue providing digital services, and solutions to all small and large business to grow their business to next level. OUR MISSION OUR VALUE Overcoming the hurdles to succeed is something we our approach for client is to make sure the way forward endeavor to do within the virtual world. At social mapping, for success in industry. we have a tendency to push we do this through planning unique strategy to fight arduous to supply 100% answer to grow business. our against competitor than creating of an eye-catchy website, consultancy, strategy, planning, decision making can generating complete social media presence for brands help you the best results to come. and maintaining it with full dedication and passion to generate maximum leads.
LET'S CONNECT W EBSITE www.soci alm a pp in g . in FAC EBO O K www.facebook. com/ socialmapping. in I N STAG RA M www.instagram . com/ socialmapping . in TW ITTER www.twitter .com/ social_ mapping PIN TEREST www.pinterest. com/ socialmapping _ in M EDIUM www.medium . com/@ socialm ap p i ng . in Tumblr www.t u m b l r . c o m / b l o g / s o c i a l m a p p i n g
LE T 'S G ET S TARTED W E K N O W YO U HAV E S O M E T H I NG G R EAT AN D W E’D LO V E T O G ET I N V O LV E D . Whether you want to work on branding and identity, a bespoke website or brand activation campaign, we are all about exceptional results. Lets talk +91-95371- 43221 [email protected] E- 2255 , Millennium Market Ring Road, Surat
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