1M Miliar POHON
Di Indonesia?
➢Ar Rahman : 11, 68 ➢Al Isra : 91 ➢Qaaf : 10 ➢Al Kahfi : 32 ➢As Syu’ara : 148 ➢Thahaa : 71 ➢Ar Radu : 4 ➢Al Mukminun : 19 ➢Maryam : 23, 25, 26 ➢Yasiin : 34 ➢Al Baqarah : 266 ➢Al Qamar : 20 ➢Al An’aam : 99, 141 ➢Al Haqaah : 7 ➢An Nahl : 11, 67 ➢Abasa : 29
Where the date palm originated is not known. Although widely cultivated, no truly wild plant has ever been found. Its progenitor is believed to be Phoenix reclinata Jacq from tropical Africa, orPhoenix sylvestris (L). Roxb. from India, or a hybrid between these two. Both these species have palatable, although inferior fruits. http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y4360e/y4360e06.htm
http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y4360e/y4360e08.htm CLIMATIC REQUIREMENTS OF DATE PALM 1. Temperature requirements Rata-rata suhu normal Indonesia berkisar 20-35 derajat Celsius The zero vegetation point of a date palm is 7°C, above this level growth is active and reaches its optimum at about 32°C; Rata-rata curah hujan di Indonesia the growth will continue at a stable rate until the temperature reaches 38 °C/40°C 2000-3000mm / tahun when it will start decreasing. 2. Rain Effect In fact, rain does not seriously damage the dates when they are still at the early Khalal stage, but rather has a beneficial effect by washing away all dust and sand particles from the fruits. 3. Air relative humidity Kelembapan Udara di Indonesia 50% - 85% Averages of Relative Humidity (%) 37-77 % 4. Wind Kecepatan angin di wilayah Indonesia umumnya Compared to other plant species, di bawah 5,9 meter per detik the date palm shows no damage under windy conditions. In fact, date palm can withstand strong, hot and dusty summer wind Intensitas sinar matahari and consequently protects the other cultures by breaking the force of the wind Indonesia sepanjang tahun and sheltering more susceptible vegetation 5. Light The growth of a date palm is inhibited by light rays at the violet and yellow end of the spectrum, but enhanced by rays at the other end of the spectrum i.e. red light. These latter rays are most active in promoting photosynthesis
Suhu Tertinggi di Indonesia Suhu 41 40 39 Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi 38 mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mum 37 36 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 35 34 37.4 35.8 36.7 39.9 35.9 36 38.8 36.8 33 Maksi mum 2005 Series1 37.2 Semarang Juanda Kayu Watu Juanda Sleman Sultan Syarif Polonia Supadio Banjar baru Ja-Teng Ja-Tim Sul-Ut Ja-Tim Yogyakarta Riau Sum-Ut Kal-Bar Kal-Sel Average Suhu Maksimum Tabel Rata-Rata Suhu Maksimal 35 34.5 34 33.5 33 32.5 32 Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi Maksi mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mum 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Series1 34.413 34.0517 33.5781 33.0879 33.931 33.488 33.6871 34.1258 33.95 http://www.bps.go.id/linkTabelStatis/view/id/1347
Berlimpah Kaya h Manfaat (Kemakmuran)
DATE PALM PRODUCTS and BENEFITS http://www.fao.org/docrep/t0681E/t0681e00.htm
Pohon Kurma Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat Masa Depan
Kebun Kurma Berkontribusi
Kebun Kurma Berkontribusi Sumber Pangan Sentra Kerajinan Tangan Sumber Obat Pengobatan dan obat alternatif Pusat pendidikan Produsen Bioethanol
Program Penghijauan dengan Pohon Kurma Rencana Pola Ruang di Kabupaten Wonogiri No Rencana Pola Ruang Luas (Ha) 1 Kawasan Lindung a) Kawasan hutan lindung 11.512 b) Kawasan resapan air 90.273 c) Kawasan sempadan pantai 110 d) Kawasan sempadan 6.011 sungai dan saluran irigasi 901 e) Kawasan sekitar waduk, embung, dan telaga f) Ruang Terbuka Hijau 14.429 g) Kawasan suaka alam, 1.266 pelestarian alam dan cagar budaya h) Kawasan cagar alam geologi 23.977 http://penataanruangjateng.info/detail-kab-kota.html?content_name=pola_ruang_Wonogiri
http://www.mongabay.co.id/2013/09/22/tambang-kuasai-7-juta- http://www.chinaranch.com hektar-lahan-di-kaltim/
http://www.suara-islam.com/read/index/8190/Setiap-Tahun-500.000- Rakyat-Indonesia-Umrah-ke-Tanah-Suci
Program Pengendalian Pencemaran Emisi Kendaraan Dengan Penanaman Pohon Potensi: 121 juta Unit Kendaraan Bermotor http://databoks.katadata.co.id/datapublish/2017/05/23/berapa- jumlah-kendaraan-bermotor-di-indonesia INTERIOR DALAM POT TAMAN Tanam di rumah Pemilik kendaraan
Pembangunan Pusat Pengembangan Kurma Indonesia
Tahun 1-5 * Rincian Program Kerja Terlampir Produksi Bibit Promosi & Sosialiasi Program Pendistribusian Periode 1-7 Periode 1-7 Distribusi ke Masjid, Perumahan, Showroom,DLL Produksi Bibit Penanaman Bibit Penanaman Bibit Periode Selanjutnya Di Lahan persawahan di Lahan Kebun Wisata Sebagai percontohan Dari hasil produksi Dari hasil produksi Periode 1-7 Periode 1-7 http://africa- regreening.blogspot.co.id/2012/01/highlights- of-2011-and-perspectives-for.html
Tahun 5-6 * Rincian Program Kerja Terlampir Produksi Bibit Promosi & Sosialiasi Program Pendistribusian Periode 7-8 Periode 7-8 Distribusi Masjid,Showroom,DLL Target : Launching Pembangunan sarana Pusat Informasi Kurma Pusat Pengembangan Puslitbang Kurma •Wisata Pendidikan Kurma di Indonesia Penghijauan •Paket Bibit dan Buah Kurma •Penjualan Buah Kurma •Penjualan Makanan dari kurma •Penjualan Bibit
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