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Home Explore Energy Manager (Customer Support Manual)

Energy Manager (Customer Support Manual)

Published by Pinergy, 2018-09-25 06:55:38

Description: Energy Manager (Customer Support Manual)


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Energy Manager Portal Customer Support Manual

ContentsLogin ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3Home Page.................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Top Up..................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Automatic Top Up.................................................................................................................................................. 4 Schedule Top Up.................................................................................................................................................... 4 Alert on Low Balance............................................................................................................................................. 4 Schedules................................................................................................................................................................ 5Transactions ............................................................................................................................................................... 6Payment Accounts ..................................................................................................................................................... 7Invoices........................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Billing Period Selection ......................................................................................................................................... 8 View Invoice............................................................................................................................................................ 8Submit Reading .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

LoginEnter the following link into the address bar - the Email Address user name with your temporary Password and click ‘Sign In’.On the next screen you will be asked to create a new password, this is the password used going forward.

Home PageOn the home page you will see various property information including a list of addresses, MPRN numbers,the midnight meter balance and premise card number.You will also see four functional buttons, ‘Top Up’, ‘Automatic Top Up’, ‘Schedule Top Up’ and ‘Alert onLow Balance’.Before using one of these functions tick the box or boxes (for multiple selections) on the left hand side ofthe meters you want to alter:Top Up: use this function to apply a once off top up to a meter.Automatic Top Up: use this function to set up an automatic top up on a meter when the credit runsbelow €5.00.Schedule Top Up: use this function to set a top up to take place on a particular day of the month.Alert on Low Balance: use this function to set up an alert notification when the balance runs low on ameter.

Schedules The schedule section shows a list of premises which have been set up for scheduled top ups. Here you can see how much a top up is every month, the associated MPRN, premise card number and address. You can also edit or delete a scheduled top up here at any time.

TransactionsThe Transaction section displays a historic list of top ups for the various properties that have been appliedthrough the Portal. You can find transactions for a premise by searching the premise number in the searchbox, further to this you can sort transactions by the various headings and date ranges.You can also export transactions to Excel or in PDF format. On the top right of the page click the ‘CSV’button for an Excel export or the ‘PDF’ button for a PDF export.

Payment AccountsIn the Payment Accounts section a credit or debit card can safely be added to the Energy Manager portal.Begin by clicking ‘Create New’. Enter a nickname for the card being added, then enter the card details and click ‘Register’. Any top ups done through the portal will be charged to this card, and more than one card can be added to the portal if required.

InvoicesFor bill pay clients, the Invoices section allows customers to view and download recent and historicinvoices.Billing Period Selection: on the top left you will see the drop down menu whereby the monthly billingperiod required can be selected, simply select the month and click ‘Apply’. You can also have a summary ofthe monthly invoices emailed to you, simply click ‘Email Summary & All Detailed Invoices’.View Invoice: to view an invoice click the ‘View’ button beside the MPRN of the premises, a PDF will open,this may take a minute to generate. You can also email multiple invoices by ticking the boxes of therequired premises on the left and clicking the ‘Email Selected’ button on the right hand side of the page.Next to this you will see the ‘CSV’ button, you can click this to export the invoices to Excel.

Submit ReadingIn the Submit Reading section meter readings can be directly submitted to ESB Networks. You can submitreadings for multiple properties simultaneously if required, simply tick the boxes on the left side of thepage to select the necessary premises.On the right hand side click on the empty field under ‘Read Date’ to enter the date the read was taken*.Then, enter the reading/s in the relevant fields depending on whether the meter is a 24 hour meter, orDay/Night meter**.Once complete click ‘Submit’ on the top of the page.* Generally ESB will only accept readings up to 3 days old** Exactly 5 digits must be entered into the reading fields