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Home Explore BISD School Zone Back to School 2022

BISD School Zone Back to School 2022

Published by tmadden, 2022-08-04 19:37:10

Description: BISD School Zone Back to School 2022


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Beaumont Independent School District Non-Profit org. 3395 Harrison Avenue US Postage Paid Beaumont, TX 77706 Houston, TX Permit No 509 The BISD Preparing Our Next Generation BACKTOSchool Zone SCHOOL 2022-23

TABLE OF CONTENTS Beaumont ISD Board Page 4 Message from the Superintendent Credit by Exam Page 5 BISD is on the Move! Page 6 Goodside Health Brings Telemedicine to the Campus Level Student Accident Insurance Meet the Teacher Sales Tax Holiday School Supplies Page 7 Safety Update Registration Page 8 New Comer Program Help English Learners to Become Successful Dress Code USDA Nondiscrimination Statement Page 9 ACE Program Joe A. Evans, Jr. - Trustee, Tillie Hickman - Trustee, Attendance Matters Dr. Shannon Allen - Superintendent of Schools, Stacey Lewis, Jr. - Secretary, Page 10 Track Your Child’s Progress Robert C. Dunn, Sr. - President, Denise Wallace-Spooner - Trustee, Update Your Contact Information Kevin Reece - Trustee, Woodrow Reece, II - Vice-President CTE Program Offers Real Estate Track in 2022-23 Emergency Alerts and Notifications Page 11 BISD is the State Model for Daycare and Pre-K Partnerships Board Meeting Dates Volunteer Information (Meeting dates subject to change, check Page 12 Teacher of the Year regularly for the most up to date schedule of meetings.) Page 13 Immunizations Special Meetings may be called throughout the year. Notices are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting and Page 14 Football Schedules distributed to local news media. Page 15 Calendar Goals Night BISD Board Room School Hours 6:30 p.m. (Open Meeting) Page 17 Child Find   The Beaumont ISD Board is BISD Board Room Credit By Exam comprised of community leaders Thursday, August 18, 2022 who are entrusted to govern the Thursday, September 15, 2022 Page 19 Directory district. Governing the school Thursday, October 20, 2022 district is the primary role of a Tuesday, November 15, 2022 Page 20 Promoting a Positive Learning Environment Using Preventive Programs school board. These policies dictate Tuesday, December 13, 2022 the standards and philosophy by Thursday, January 19, 2023 Beaumont ISD which schools are run and the Thursday, February 16, 2023 3395 Harrison Avenue criteria used to judge whether Thursday, March 23, 2023 Beaumont, Texas 77706 they are being run well. The Thursday, April 20, 2023 (409) 617-5000 board serves as the advocate for educational excellence for the Thursday, May 18, 2023 A publication produced by the community’s youth and puts those Thursday, June 15, 2023 Office of Community and Media Relations. interests first. Thursday, July 20, 2023 It is the policy of the Beaumont Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, hand- icapping condition, or age in its programs, services, activities, or employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. The Beaumont Independent School District is committed to providing a free and appropriate public education for all students.

Page 4 Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Message from the Public Notice of Nondiscrimination Superintendent in Career and Technology Education Programs   Welcome to the 22-23 school year! It is with great pleasure that we open our doors this fall   The Beaumont Independent School Education Amendments of 1972; the Age to returning families as well as new ones to District offers career and technology Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; the Beaumont Independent School District! I education courses in Agricultural Science, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation can hardly believe that we are just a few short Business Education, Career Investigation, Act of 1973, as amended. The Beaumont weeks away from seeing thousands of students Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Independent School District is committed back in our schools and classrooms. Science Technology, Marketing Education, to providing a free and appropriate public Every new year ushers in hope, optimism Technology Education and Trade and education for all students. and so many possibilities. For our students, Industrial Education.   The Beaumont Independent School it’s a time to start over, make new friends and   Admission to these courses is open to District has procedures in place to assure reconnect with old ones–a time to build on all Beaumont Independent School District that lack of English language skills will not relationships and on previous learning. We students based on Texas Education Agency be a barrier to admission and participation value this time and believe that this school grade level recommendations. Information in all academic and career and technology year will be a phenomenal one where we concerning any course requirements and education programs. work to prepare the next generation by making every moment matter. restrictions may be obtained from the   Detailed information concerning Parents can expect us to focus on meeting our students’ needs and creating Career Counselor at each high school. individual rights or grievance environments where students thrive.   It is the policy of the Beaumont procedures can be provided at the This year we will continue to: Independent School District not to Beaumont Independent School District • Build of the foundation of academic growth for all students discriminate on the basis of race, color, Administration Building, at 3395 Harrison • Create learning environments that meet the academic and social national origin, gender, handicapping Street, Beaumont, TX 77706. Contact the emotional learning needs of our students condition, or age in its programs, services, Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator by • Prioritize student and staff safety activities, or employment practices as calling • Increase communications with our families and stakeholders required by Title VI of the Civil Rights 409-617-5000.   We have worked continually throughout the summer to plan and Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the prepare for the upcoming year, but in order to best support learning, we first need them to be present in school. As we launch into 2022-23, Credit Testing Dates for School Year – 2022-2023 I am asking that all families prioritize student attendance daily so that by Exam Location: Grades K-12 Acceleration and Prior Instruction-Admin. Bldg. our students meet their academic goals. We cannot do the work alone Time: 8:30-11:30 and 1:00-4:00 and need the support from our parents to ensure that education is a top Location: Spanish Exams- at Secondary Schools where applicable priority. Put simply, our kids need to be in school daily. We are intensifying Time: TBD by each campus our efforts to acknowledge and reward student attendance this year through incentives and recognitions at each campus. Grade Level Eligible for Testing Testing Dates Registration Deadline   As August 10 gets closer and closer, this edition of the School Zone will serve as an excellent resource to assist you with preparing for the new Grades K – 12th 2022 Register by May 25 year. Here you will find all the information you will need for your back-to- Acceleration and Prior Instruction June 14-18 Register by June 16 school planning from school calendars and start times, uniform guidelines Administered at Admin. Bldg. July 12-14 Register by July 29 and other important information. As we get closer to the start of the **Spanish I and II August 23-25 Register by August 19 year, I want to remind parents to take advantage of the early registration Acceleration and Prior Instruction September 6-8 Register by October 21 opportunities available at campuses. If you have not already done so, Administered at each Secondary School November 8-10 Register by December 14 please register your child for the 2022-23 school year. Every parent must where applicable. Register by March 30 ensure that the process is complete prior to the start of the school year. Register by May 24   We have a busy and exciting year before us! I am honored, humbled For more information contact: 2023 and excited for the privilege of serving your family, your children, and our Dannette Menéndez January 11-13 community. Director of Assessment April 18-20 Dr. Shannon Allen and Accountability June 13-15 409-617-5046 Superintendent of Schools

Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 5 BISD IS ON THE MOVE! Texas Education Agency 2022 Preliminary Campus Performance “A”RATED CAMPUSES “B”RATED CAMPUSES Increased from one to two “A” rated campuses Increased from one to eight “B” rated campuses UP 3 GRADES UP 1 GRADE UP 2 GRADES MAINTAINED Preliminary results are in and BISD campuses are JoUP 1 GRADE NTARY UP 1 GRADE making progress! Several campuses demonstrated remarkable growth on the 21-22 STAAR assessment. MARTIUP 2 GRADESmy N ELEME Twelve campuses overall made significant progress and hn P. Odom Acade UP 3 GRADES increased at least one letter grade. MAINTAINED UP 1 GRADE

Page 6 Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Goodside Health Brings Telemedicine to the Campus Level the mental health needs of our students.” be out of school an additional entire day,” Meet the   Beginning in the 2022-23 school   The program does not intend to said Nezat. “This causes them to miss out Teacher year, Beaumont ISD will partner with replace a primary care physician, but on important education provided in the Goodside Health (GSH) to provide classroom. Having a telehealth system at All elementary campuses pediatric telemedicine at the campus to supplement when they may not be school will help these students be seen in Tuesday, August 9, 2022 • 3-5 p.m. level. available or the most efficient a timely manner, allow treatment and get   When students are not option. This program also back to class more quickly.” Bingman and Lucas feeling well at school, helps those students who   Parents and guardians will receive more Tuesday, August 9, 2022 • 2-4 p.m. campus nurses and athletic need to be seen and have information in the coming weeks on how trainers will have the not established a primary to enroll in the program. GSH accepts REGISTER NOW ability to connect with care physician. medicaid and most insurance plans and pediatricians through   “For example, you have offers an option for cash pay for those Sales Tax a two-way video chat in a student that may start who are currently not insured. Holiday order to receive further feeling ill after lunch. By the   “We are very excited about this August 5-7 medical care. time a parent comes to pick up opportunity that we are able to give to our   “Partnering with GSH will allow students and staff of BISD,” said Nezat. This year’s Sales Tax Holiday is Aug. families an opportunity to be seen quickly the child, it may be 1 p.m. in the “We ask that you are patient with us as we 5-7. As in previous years, the law and receive treatment by a medical afternoon. The parents would be unable launch this program, as we are the first exempts most clothing, footwear, professional the same day,” said BISD to get a same-day appointment and have district in this area to bring this to our school supplies and backpacks Health Services Coordinator Julie Nezat. to wait until the following day. By the students and staff.” priced less than $100 from sales “GSH also has an opportunity to evaluate time they would be seen, be prescribed and use taxes, which could save and started medications, the student may shoppers about $8 on every $100 they spend. Student Accident Insurance   The BISD Board approved Student Accident Insurance at the May 2022 meeting. This insurance is supplemental to parents’ health insurance and applies to K-12 students attending district field trips and grades 7-12 students participating in UIL events. Additional supplemental insurance is available for parents to purchase through Several premiums and coverage options are available, including School Time Coverage, Full-Time Coverage, Varsity Football Coverage and Extended Dental Coverage. Participation in additional insurance is optional to parents. Information is available in a pamphlet provided in your student’s registration packet or by calling 1-800-366-4810. School Supplies For a complete listing of school supplies, please visit your child’s school website at

Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 7 Safety Update   Securing school grounds goes beyond staff up to date on training and new Several officers are mental health the doorsteps of the campus. Safety information,” said Malbrough. “This is certified by the Lamar Institute of   Beaumont ISD continually officers conduct exterior door checks to not limited to our police. We must all Technology’s Regional Police Academy. emphasizes that the safety and security ensure that the building is secured at all come together to work towards keeping of our students and staff is the top times. They also patrol parking lots and our campuses and students safe.” MAJOR UPDATES: priority. But, what does that include? serve as guards placed at the entry of   Civilian Response to Active Shooter   “As we see an increase in incidents high schools to take note of each visitor Events training has been administered Major changes for next throughout the nation, I know our who enters, radio in information and to teachers and administrators. Police year will include: parents are anxious to know what we assure that visitors are not entering the officers have received Advanced Law • Clear or mesh are doing to secure our schools,” said grounds without an escort. Enforcement Rapid Response Training Beaumont ISD Chief of Police Joseph   “In addition to hardening our facilities, active shooter training and emergency backpacks at all Malbrough. “We also want all staff on we know it is important to keep our drills have increased on campuses. levels our campuses to be assured that they • Cell phone use only allowed before or are safe while they work to educate after school our students.”   When students arrive at school, they Four-Year-Old Pre-Kindergarten Registration are directed through a main port of Information entry. All other entries into the school building are locked, and remain To be eligible for Pre-K4 program, you must A child must be four years old on or before locked, for the entirety of the school qualify in one of the following categories: September 1 to be eligible for the day. • Economically Disadvantaged Four-Year-Old Pre-Kindergarten   “Locking exterior doors helps us •  Limited English Proficiency Program. control and monitor who enters the •  Homeless building,” said Malbrough. “We want •  Foster Child Four-Year-Old Schools Feeding into to do our due diligence in making •  Military sure that each and every individual is Register at your zoned Pre-K4 campus. Pre-K4 Campuses...................Pre-K4 Campuses approved to enter the campus.” Bring appropriate documentation:   At the secondary level, all students •  Child’s birth certificate Amelia........................................ Amelia, Curtis and visitors must pass through a •  Child’s Social Security Card Charlton-Pollard ...................... Blanchette, Charlton-Pollard walkthrough metal detector and •  Two proofs of Parent/Guardian’s residency Dishman..................................... Dishman receive a bag search upon entering the   (recent utility bill, drivers license, etc.) Fletcher....................................... Fehl-Price, Fletcher building. Mesh or clear backpacks are •  Child’s immunization records Homer Dr................................... Guess, Homer Dr. now required for students at all levels. •  Proof of income: All pay check stubs Lucas Pre-K4............................. Caldwood, Lucas, Jones-Clark, Martin All visitors will be directed through   for previous month   The Lucas Pre-K4 Center is OPEN to all students the campus front office, where they •  Proof of SNAP or TANF   who meet the state requirements. are required to show state ID to be run •  Oral Language Proficiency Test if bilingual Pietzsch-MacArthur................. Pietzsch-MacArthur through the Raptor Security System •  Proof of Military Status Regina-Howell........................... Regina-Howell before being granted access into the •  DFPS- Foster care letter school.   In order to further secure school Online Registration Available NOW! grounds, vestibules have been installed on all elementary buildings. Visitors   Beaumont ISD is pleased to offer the registration process, families are The options include the following: must buzz in and meet with the front convenience of online registration to our encouraged to have the required • Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten desk before entering the building. families for the 2022-23 school year. paperwork available to reference or They will then be escorted to their   Through the online registration upload into the registration portal. students designated location or classroom. process, parents have the opportunity   Visit the district website at www. • Brand new students to BISD   BISD police officers will continue of verifying and updating all student and click the online • Returning in-district students to be present at secondary level information in a matter of minutes. This registration link on the homepage. Once • Returning out-of-district students campuses to respond and assist with can be done when most convenient from on the site, you will click the appropriate • Previously withdrawn students coming day-to-day safety. Public safety officers homes using most electronic devices. icon on the page to begin enrollment/ are stationed across all campuses,   Before beginning the online registration for your student(s). back to re-enroll at BISD providing additional support and For further assistance, please contact coverage throughout the school day. Student Services at 409-617-5109.

Page 8 Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Newcomer Program Establishes Path for Success   In conjunction with the Curriculum District has seen an increase in new core content classes according to the the Rosetta Stone program for all our and Instruction Department, the students whose families have chosen data tracking student progress. Another students and their parents as well,” said Beaumont ISD Bilingual and English as Beaumont as their new beginning. Every vital aspect of the program being a McClelland. “Parents can do it offline or a Second Language Department opened year, the District enrolls an average of 40 success is parent participation and the use the app on their phone on their own Beaumont ISD’s first-ever program students who are recent arrivals and have full engagement of the family units in the time.” explicitly designed for students new little or no proficiency in English. program.   McClelland and Smith both urge to the country during January 2022.   “We reached 29 students, and we   “We are anticipating new enrollments newcomer students enrolling in the With language acquisition, vocabulary are really excited that we are no longer in the fall,” said Julie Smith, BISD program to find/locate their student development and a focused graduation going to be busing students from Coordinator of ESL/Bilingual/ELL transcript from their home country, plan, the goal of the program is to Beaumont United to West Brook,” said Foreign Language. “We are expecting to ensure that they receive credit for create a safe and inclusive environment Maria McClelland, BISD Newcomer 40 brand new students. The 29 students courses they have already completed. for students to acclimate during the Program and ESL Dropout Prevention from our winter semester will continue Students would be classified as a often difficult time of moving to a new Coordinator. “We are expanding the for a second semester because the freshman if they do not have a transcript. country. program to both high schools, so our program is designed so that they can   For more information about the   This program strives to give new students will not have to travel anymore.” receive services for their first year of newcomer program, please contact arrivals a solid foundation to become   Additionally, the Newcomer Program enrollment at BISD.” your child’s campus first. Should you successful members of their new is thrilled to announce that 100 percent   The program also offers an accelerated need additional help, contact Maria community. In the last few years, the of the students enrolled are passing all language program. “We are offering McClelland or Julie Smith at 617-5220. Dress Code Elementaries–Red, white or navy polo-style shirts; Khaki or navy bottoms. • NO HOODIES • STUDENTS IN ALL Pietzsch-MacArthur –District-approved dress code, 6th grade white polo-style shirt ,7th GRADES MUST grade grey polo-style shirt and 8th grade dark USE A CLEAR OR green polo-style shirt. PK-5 will follow the MESH BACKPACK BISD elementary uniform dress code. King –School-issued black polo with logo for all grade levels. Black and khaki uniform pants. Middle Schools –6th Grade white, 7th Grade grey and 8th Grade school color polo-style shirt; Black, khaki or navy uniform pants. For more information on Elementary and Middle School dress code visit bmtisd/backtoschool. USDA Nondiscrimination Statement In accordance with Federal civil rights alternative means of communication discrimination, complete the USDA law and U.S. Department of Agriculture for program information (e.g. Braille, Program Discrimination Complaint U.S. Department of Agriculture Office (USDA) civil rights regulations and large print, audiotape, American Sign Form, (AD-3027) found online at: of the Assistant Secretary for Civil policies, the USDA, its Agencies, Language, etc.), should contact the Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW offices, and employees, and institutions Agency (State or local) where they a-program-discrimination-complaint, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; participating in or administering applied for benefits. Individuals who and at any USDA office, or write a letter (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or USDA programs are prohibited from are deaf, hard of hearing or have addressed to USDA and provide in the (3) email: discriminating based on race, color, speech disabilities may contact USDA letter all of the information requested This institution is an equal opportunity national origin, sex, disability, age, or through the Federal Relay Service at in the form. To request a copy of the provider. reprisal or retaliation for prior civil (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. rights activity in any program or activity information may be made available in Submit your completed form or letter to conducted or funded by USDA. languages other than English. USDA by: Persons with disabilities who require To file a program complaint of (1) mail:

Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 9 Homer Drive & Martin Elementary Schools to Serve as Flagships for District-led School Improvement Programs   The BISD office of Innovation is Director of Innovation. “Our goal is that increased instructional time to focus the community and then intentionally spearheading several new district-led we can improve in every facet of our on critical subjects like reading and reenvisioning the school day. The design redesigns of schools to improve the organization.” math, targeted interventions/tutoring, components include traditional high- learning experience of our students.   Cheatham believes that it is beneficial homework help and more. The ACE quality instruction, blended learning, Homer Drive is the district’s first that BISD leads the redesign, because campus will also leverage extended enhanced materials and high dosage Accelerating Campus Excellence (ACE) the district team is familiar with the school hours to offer a variety of tutoring. The other components consist campus and Martin is the district’s first community, systems and processes. enrichment activities. Because a priority of social-emotional wellbeing and Transcend model school. With the redesign efforts, BISD would of the program is to provide for social extended learning time. One of the   The district decided to be infusing best practices from these and emotional care, many other basic offerings includes an opportunity for bring the two different program designs and bringing in needs are also provided for students and students to learn more about different models to each campus historical and organizational knowledge families. skills and careers. after careful consideration, to ensure that both campuses have a   “There’s a focus on parent and   “I am excited about the passion block research and feedback strong implementation period. community involvement as well as our on Fridays,” said Tamara Long, Martin from our community. Both   The ACE program features an strategic staffing,” said Dr. Charisma Elementary Principal. “I think that’s the campuses will serve as extended school day, which allows for Popillion, Homer Drive Principal. “We most exciting piece of the redesign to be flagships as the district works want to ensure our parents know that able to offer students the opportunities to improve the quality of we have sought out high-quality, high- to focus on skills and activities that the learning experience for performing teachers based upon data. It’s they’re very interested in when we survey. students without taking on a very objective process to get the greatest Students were very interested in learning another school partner/charter. teachers for our students.” about cosmetology, gardening, STEM and   “In innovation, the one thing that we   The redesign plan for Martin technology. We already have community are charged with is looking at district- Elementary is based on a blended members excited about this opportunity wide systems as a whole and thinking learning model called Transcend and as well. It is a way to grow, expand, and about how we can drive improvement, will be utilized as a tool to turn around move into a different level and give our which aligns with one of the core the campus. It is a community-driven students a different experience.” beliefs that our superintendent has set design planning process that focuses for us,” said Anetra Cheatham, BISD on identifying the desires and needs of Attendance Matters   A high attendance rate is an incredibly   The Office of Students Services important factor in the success of the supports our campuses to help increase Beaumont Independent School District. attendance and provide resources to Attending school consistently increases those students and families that may be academic success, behavior and all- struggling to maintain regular attendance. around student engagement in the “We want to do everything we can to school. Starting as early as pre-K and support our campuses in helping those kindergarten, chronic absence—missing students who may be affected by issues 10 percent of the academic year—can outside of their control,” said Senecia leave third-graders unable to read Saveat, Director of Student Services. “The proficiently, sixth graders struggling with key is for parents to maintain an open line coursework and high school students off of communication with the leadership on track for graduation. Chronic absence is their campus, should an issue arise.” especially problematic among students   Absenteeism is a solvable problem that living in poverty, who are most likely to can be significantly reduced when we have poor attendance over multiple years come together to make every moment and least likely to have the resources matter more. to make up for the lost time in the classroom. !

Page 10 Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Track Your Child’s Progress through Parent Self-Serve Emergency Alerts and Notifications   Parent Self-Serve is a portal in which Parents/guardians will be held Sharing passwords with anyone parents/guardians can access valuable accountable for the proper use of the (including their children) or using   Every school year, parents are asked information to help monitor their account. The District monitors the Parent Self-Serve for any illegal activity to complete an emergency release form child’s success. Portal access allows for accounts and will suspend or revoke (including violation of data privacy laws). to provide contact information in the review of grades, attendance, classroom access if rules are violated. Inappropriate   Maintaining the security of your child’s event of school closures, early dismissals, assignments and the ability to email behavior includes: information is a priority for Beaumont or other emergencies that may take teachers directly through your student’s Using someone else’s place during the 2022-23 school year. schedule. account. ISD. Setting up individual Emergency decisions are made by the   Parent Self-Serve access requires the   Accessing another parent access involves several superintendent and disseminated as soon student’s parent/guardian to apply online individual’s records. detailed steps that guarantee as possible. via the Parent Self-Serve link located on Gaining or attempting this security. Once these have   Once the decision is made, the district the District’s website. Only individuals to gain unauthorized been completed, the parent utilizes its Blackboard Connect messaging identified in the student’s records as the access to restricted will only need to enter a system that automatically calls the parent or guardian may apply for access. information or username and password to telephone number listed as the primary resources. access the information. contact number for the student or their parents or guardians. Calls are distributed Stay Connected with Us! Update Your Contact to 16,000 students within 15 minutes to Information alert our community about emergency   BISD is asking parents to please uses the Blackboard Connect messaging   Parents/guardians are responsible closures and other pertinent details. complete the emergency release form system that automatically calls the for keeping their contact information   Parents or guardians are responsible and provide contact information in the telephone number listed as the primary updated with their child’s campus. for keeping their contact information event of school closures, early dismissals contact number for the student or their Should you change a number, please updated with their child’s campus. or other emergencies that may take parents/guardians. Calls are distributed make sure to update it promptly.   BISD also uses the district’s mobile app place during the school year. Emergency to nearly 16,000 students within 15   BISD also uses the district’s mobile app push notification, Twitter, and Facebook decisions are made by the superintendent minutes to alert our community about push notification, Twitter and Facebook pages to alert our community about and disseminated as soon as possible. emergency closures and other pertinent pages to alert our community about emergencies. Follow us at the following.   Once a decision is made, the District details. emergencies. Follow us at the following. BISD Mobile App........... Android or Apple Store BISD Mobile App Android or Apple Store Facebook........................ Twitter............................ @BeaumontISD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram@bmtisd @BeaumontISD   Parents, students and staff members company/beaumont-isd are asked to also tune in to radio and television broadcasts for information in CTE Program Offers Real Estate Track in 2022-23 the event of inclement weather conditions or other emergencies that may necessitate   Students can obtain their real estate marketing/real estate pathway for the the closing of schools. BISD partners with license, at no cost to them, while still upcoming school year and hope to see our radio and television stations to share in high school through the Beaumont many students taking advantage of this the district’s decision and the procedures. ISD Career and Technical Education opportunity.” (CTE) program.   Through an online, self-paced CareeErdauncdaTtieocnhnical   “In an effort to keep up with program, juniors and seniors will in-demand career fields and learn the in’s and out’s of real estate interests of students, the College, and, upon approval, will have the Career and Military Readiness/ opportunity to complete an internship CTE team is continuously seeking with a licensed realtor, real estate or new opportunities,” said Dr. Donna construction companies. Students will Prudhomme, Director of CTE. “We be eligible to take their Texas Real are excited about the addition of a Estate Exam at the end of their studies.

Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 11 BISD is the State Model for Daycare and Pre-K Partnerships   The Texas Association for the skills and we made the decision to the partnership. that report directly to World of Color Education of Young Children (Texas pair up,” said BISD Early Childhood   “We are extremely excited about it to work with the students and staff. AYC) encourages districts and daycare Coordinator Valerie Maclin. “We were because the resources and support were Lucas teachers Jennifer Wolf and Megan centers to partner to enhance really honored to be part of the something that we really needed for our Thomas are well-versed in the Texas the learning experiences Texas AYC cohort which is kids,” said Kourtney Lynch, World of Pre-K guidelines, as well as the state made up of all of these Color Assistant Director. “I was speaking adopted curriculum. of Color Dfor children. Beaumont different schools, with my mom who owns a daycare and   “World of Color students are d ayISD has a unique school districts and I said, well, how do you know that your getting more of that hands-on and kids are learning anything here?” innovative work,” said Crystal Gans, model that is the   Lynch sought a partnership and Lucas Instructional Coach. “We know state example by Worl carelearning centers, contacted a Region 5 representative, who that our students learn more through partnering with and to be the put her in touch with Maclin in BISD. play. They learn through touching and local daycare model.” “We know that learning starts early on manipulating things. They are able to give World of Color   The goal and that language, social-emotional those opportunities for those children Development was to partner development and physical development to get their hands in and work with Center to align with a daycare are all important. Being able to provide the curriculum in a way that is most curriculum for to provide BISD various services for them has been one appropriate.” pre-K students that instruction at the of our biggest goals. The partnership   As young learners continue to gravitate transition into the daycare facility, in between the two has been a benefit, not towards the program, there are plans District. order to help facilitate only to families, but definitely to these to expand. Next year, World of Color   “We have a large learning alignment and children,” said Dr. Karen Davis with the will offer this program at the newly number of our kids who are provide a healthy transition into Texas Workforce Commission. redesigned Paul A. Brown Learning passing through World of Color. It was the district. The partnership began in   The program has been implemented Center. really inspiring because we just went February 2020 and students at World at Lucas Pre-K Center, with two teachers about it by looking at the needs of of Color saw a 30 percent increase in children, trying to improve readiness reading abilities within two months of Online Volunteer Applications Beaumont ISD encourages members of our community to serve as volunteers within the District. All community partners and volunteers are required to have an active application on file. The annual process requires that anyone serving in a volunteer capacity undergo a background check using the online volunteer management system. The Texas Education Code complex utilizes a criminal history check to ensure student safety. Volunteers can submit their application online at The Volunteer Tracker system is designed to help screen, coordinate and communicate with volunteers. Once a profile has been created, volunteers can manage and track hours online. Hard copy applications are not accepted. New initiatives include Parents and Community Support (PACS) with volunteers serving as campus safety monitors and Campus Champions that include partnerships with area churches.

Page 12 Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Hodgkins and Hall Named BISD 2022 23 Teachers of the Year   Beaumont ISD named Randee Hodgkins,   Hodgkins and Hall are representing of Sallie Curtis Elementary, as the elementary BISD at the regional level. If successful, division and Chaz Hall, of M.L. King, Jr. Middle they will compete for State Texas Teacher School, as the secondary division Teachers of of the Year. This program is facilitated the Year at the 2022-23 Teacher of the Year by the Texas Association of School Celebration of Excellence Gala. Administrators, who claim the Texas   Hodgkins has spent 25 years teaching, most Teacher of the Year is the highest honor recently dedicated to BISD third-graders. She is that the State of Texas can bestow upon a a graduate of Pennsylvania State University with teacher. a Bachelor’s of Science in Health Planning and   BISD would like to thank the following Administration. She received her Reading Grade sponsors for their partnership: 1-8 Early Childhood and Master Reading K-12 Star Sponsor - ExxonMobil Beaumont Teacher Certificates from Lamar University. Silver Sponsor - Regina Rogers, H-E-B   Hall began his teaching career in BISD in Bronze Sponsors - Lamar University the fall of 2009, moved to Port Arthur ISD College of Education and Human for five years, then returned to BISD and has Development, CommonCents Credit taught eighth-grade U.S. History for the past six Union, Blackboard, Legacy Community years. He holds a Bachelor of Administration, Health, Raising Cane’s USA, L.L.C., Management and Marketing from Lamar Centerpoint Energy and Roy West Team University and a Masters of Education, Home Loans. Curriculum and Instruction from American Intercontinental University. The campus nominees for Teacher of the Year, in alphabetical order by school, were:   The 2022-23 Teacher of the Year Selection Committee was composed of business partners, Amelia Elementary School PLA @ Mae E. Jones-Clark Elementary School community stakeholders and students. They Domonique Gibbs Shannon Trotter reviewed applications and interviewed the top five scoring elementary and secondary campus Beaumont United High School Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School teachers of the year. The committee included Janie Carr Chaz Hall Chair Alena Savoie, ExxonMobil Beaumont; Co-chair Margaret Swope, Lamar Institute of Bingman Head Start Lucas Pre-K Center Technology; Co-chair Taylor Brown, Beaumont Yolanda Bradley Carla Berotte United High School; Fannie Brown, Beaumont Public Schools Foundation; Shirlene Cook, Blanchette Elementary School Marshall Middle School Beaumont Area Retired Teachers; Abigail Patrice Morris Willis Simien Hickman, West Brook High School; Gladys Oliva Guillen, Early College High School; Greg Sholl, Paul A. Brown Learning Center Martin Elementary School Beaumont Teachers Association; Dr. Teresa Jola Waggener Nancy Tellez Simpson, Lamar University; and Kristie Young, Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce. Caldwood Elementary School John P. Odom Academy   All campus Teachers of the Year received gifts Alexis Smith Gerald Domoneck from ExxonMobil, Raising Cane’s, Education First Federal Credit Union, Jason’s Deli, One City Cares Charlton-Pollard Elementary School Pathways Learning Center with One City Church, Mobiloil Credit Union Karenton Nelson Cory Long and Amerigroup, along with a $250 stipend from the District. Sallie Curtis Elementary School Pietzsch-MacArthur PK-8 Center   In addition, Hodgkins and Hall received prizes Randee Hodgkins Jenny Rubin including $1500 and gifts from Imagine Learning/ Edgenuity, Lakeshore Learning, Outback Dishman Elementary School Regina-Howell Elementary School Steakhouse, Beaumont Community Players, Diane Jenkins Courtney Cumby Raising Cane’s, Southeast Texas Food Bank and WGU Texas. Early College High School PLA @ Smith Middle School Melissa Chapman Jamie Mundy-Lewis Fehl-Price Classical Academy Career and Technical Education Center Marida Chaisson-Joubert Reese Meadows Fletcher Elementary School Vincent Middle School LaCosta Guidry Angelia Joseph Roy Guess Elementary School West Brook High School Pamela Segura Tiffany Nguyen Homer Drive Elementary School Quarde Alfred

Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 13 2022 - 2023 Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K - 12 This chart summarizes the vaccine requirements incorporated in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 25 Health Services, §§97.61-97.72. This document is not intended as a substitute for the TAC, which has other provisions and details. The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is granted authority to set immunization requirements by the Texas Education Code, Chapter 38. IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS A student shall show acceptable evidence of vaccination prior to entry, attendance, or transfer to a public or private elementary or secondary school in Texas. Vaccine Required Minimum Number of Doses Required by Grade Level (Attention to notes Grades K - 6th Grade 7th Grades 8th - 12th Notes and footnotes) K123 456 7 8 9 10 11 12 Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis 3 dose primary 3 dose primary For K – 6th grade: 5 doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine; 1 dose must (DTaP/DTP/DT/Td/Tdap) have been received on or after the 4th birthday. However, 4 doses meet the requirement if the 4th dose was received on or after the 4th birthday.1 For students series and 1 series and 1 aged 7 years and older, 3 doses meet the requirement if 1 dose was received on or booster dose booster dose of after the 4th birthday.1 5 doses or 4 doses of Tdap / Td Tdap / Td For 7th grade: 1 dose of Tdap is required if at least 5 years have passed since the last dose of tetanus-containing vaccine.* within the within the last For 8th – 12th grade: 1 dose of Tdap is required when 10 years have passed since last 5 years 10 years the last dose of tetanus-containing vaccine.* *Td is acceptable in place of Tdap if a medical contraindication to pertussis exists. Polio 4 doses or 3 doses For K – 12th grade: 4 doses of polio; 1 dose must be received on or after the 4th birthday.1 However, 3 doses meet the requirement if the 3rd dose was received on or after the 4th birthday.1 Measles, Mumps, and Rubella 2 2 doses For K – 12th grade: 2 doses are required, with the 1st dose received on or after (MMR) the 1st birthday. 1 Students vaccinated prior to 2009 with 2 doses of measles and one dose each of rubella and mumps satisfy this requirement. Hepatitis B2 For students aged 11 – 15 years, 2 doses meet the requirement if adult hepatitis B vaccine (Recombivax®) was received. Dosage (10 mcg /1.0 mL) and type of 3 doses vaccine (Recombivax®) must be clearly documented. If Recombivax® was not the vaccine received, a 3-dose series is required. Varicella2, 3 2 doses For K – 12th grade: 2 doses are required, with the 1st dose received on or after the 1st birthday.1 Meningococcal (MCV4) For 7th – 12th grade, 1 dose of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine is 1 dose required on or after the student’s 11th birthday. NOTE: If a student received the vaccine at 10 years of age, this will satisfy the requirement. Hepatitis A2 2 doses For K – 12th grade: 2 doses are required, with the 1st dose received on or after the 1st birthday.1 NOTE: Shaded area indicates that the vaccine is not required for the respective grade. Rev. 03/2022 ↓ Notes on the back page, please turn over.↓ COVID-19 Vaccines Beaumont ISD continues COVID-19 mitigation and prevention throughout our campuses and facilities. It is highly encouraged for all staff and students to continue to wear a mask. We also ask all staff and students/parents to self-monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms before attending school each day. Vaccines are available to those six months of age and older at the Beaumont Health Department. Boosters are available to those aged 5 and older. To make an appointment, contact 409-654-3647.

Page 14 Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 2022 High School Football Beaumont United High School Date Opponent Place Time 6:30 p.m. Friday, August 12, 2022 Aldine Nimitz (Scrimmage) BISD Memorial Stadium 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 19, 2022 Channelview (Scrimmage) BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 26, 2022 Brazoswood Hopper Field 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 2, 2022 Port Neches-Groves BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 19, 2022 Alvin (Middle School Night) BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 16, 2022 OPEN 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 23, 2022 *North Shore (Teacher Appr. Night) BISD Memorial Stadium Saturday, October 1, 2022 *Kingwood Turner Stadium Friday, October 7, 2022 *Atascocita (Homecoming) BISD Memorial Stadium Friday, October 14, 2022 *C E King (Pink Out/Sr. Night) BISD Memorial Stadium Thursday, October 20, 2022 *Summer Creek Turner Stadium Friday, October 28, 2022 *West Brook (V) BISD Memorial Stadium Saturday, November 5, 2022 *Humble Turner Stadium *Denotes District Games West Brook High School Date Opponent Place Time Friday, August 12, 2022 PA Memorial (Scrimmage) PA Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Thursday, August 18, 2022 Nederland (Scrimmage) BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 26, 2022 Houston Lamar Abshier Stadium 7:00 p.m. Thursday, September 1, 2022 Manvel Friday, September 9, 2022 Deer Park Friday, September 16, 2022 OPEN Thursday, September 22, 2022 *Summer Creek Turner Stadium 7:00 p.m. BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 30, 2022 *Atascocita (Alumni Night) BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Galena Park Stadium 7:00 p.m. Thursday, October 6, 2022 *Humble (Homecoming) BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Friday, October 14, 2022 *North Shore BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Friday, October 21, 2022 *Kingwood (Pink Out) Friday, October 28, 2022 *Bmt. United (H) Friday, November 4, 2022 *C E King (Sr. Night) *Denotes District Games

Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 15 2022-2023 BISD Hosts Instructional Calendar Goals Night JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Beaumont ISD campuses will host their annual Goals Night at the S M TW T F S S M TW T F S S M TW T F S start of the school year. Goals Night 12 1 23 456 123 is an opportunity to visit your 3 4 5 67 89 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 child’s campus and receive valuable 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 information. The Parent Teacher 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 Association (PTA), as well as local 31 NOVEMBER DECEMBER organizations, will be in attendance. OCTOBER Make sure to attend! S M TW T F S S M TW T F S S M TW T F S TEuleesmdaeyn,tSaerpytSemchboeorls6 1 2 3 45 1 23 TuMesidddayl,eASuchguosotls30 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MoHnidgahy,SAcuhgouoslts 29 23 4 5 678 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 New School 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hours for the 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY MARCH 2022-2023 School Year JANUARY S M TW T F S S M TW T F S –H3e:a3d0Spt.amr.t S M TW T F S 1234 1 23 4 8:05Lau.mca.s–P3r:e2-5Kp.m. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7:45Hao.mme. r–4D:0r0ivpe.m. 1 2 3 4 56 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18–3a:c3A0rpt.hmu.r 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 E8l:0em0 ae.nmta. r–y3:S3c0hpo.omls. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31 8:4M5 iad.mdl.e–S4c:h1o5opls.m. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7:15Hai.gmh. S–c2h:o4o5lps .m. 29 30 31 JUNE Earl7y:1C5oal.lmeg.e–H2:4ig5hpS.mch. ool 7:20 aP.mat.h–w2a:y3s5 p.m. APRIL MAY S M TW T F S–C2e:5n5tepr.m. Br3o:w45npE.mxt.e–n7d:e1d5 S M TW T F S S M TW T F S 1 23 Career7:a2n5daT.mec.h–n2i:c3a0l pE.dmu.cation 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 2 3 456 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 3 4 5 6 78 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 KEY 30 - First/Last Day of School NEWSCSHCOHOOLOHLOHUORSURS GRADING PERIODS - Staff Development or Teacher Work Days Bingman ................................8:10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 1st grading period: Aug. 10 - Oct. 12 Lucas......................................8:05 a.m. - 3:25 p.m. 2nd grading period: Oct. 17 - Dec. 16 - Teacher Work Day Homer Dr................................7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 3rd grading period: Jan. 4 - March 10 Pietzsch-MacArthur ...............8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 4th grading period: March 20 - May 26 - End of Grading Period Elementary ............................8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Middle....................................8:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. GOALS NIGHT - Half Day/Early Release High School............................7:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. ECHS.......................................7:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. High School - August 29 - Staff/Student Holiday Pathways ...............................7:20 a.m. - 2:35 p.m. Middle School - August 30 Brown ....................................7:35 a.m. - 2:55 p.m. Elementary - September 6 - New Teacher Orientation Brown Extended Hours..M-Th 3:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Career Center .........................7:25 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. GRADUATION DATES - Intersession Days Beaumont ISD ECHS- May 19 - 7 p.m. – West Brook PAC Center BOARD APPROVED 12-14-21 Administration Building Beaumont United - May 25 - 10 a.m. – TBD REVISED 7-20-22 West Brook - May 25 - 6 p.m. – TBD 3395 Harrison Avenue Beaumont, Texas 77706 (409) 617-5000 • Fax (409) 617-5184


Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 17 Do you know a family whose CATTAIL MARSH child may have a disability? Child Find can help. Wetlands Education Center & Boardwalk What is Child Find? Scenic Views | Education Center | Free Weekly Activities | Gift Shop | Pet Friendly   Child Find is a process designed to identify, locate and evaluate Open monday - friday : 9am - 6pm | saturday : 11am - 2pm infants, children and young adults through age 21 who have, or are suspected to have, a disability. Saturday Yoga Binocular Rentals Who Provides Child Find Services? Education Center   Beaumont ISD offers comprehensive special education services to eligible students birth through 21 years of age. What Kind Of Help Is Available?   A free, appropriate, public education with a full continuum of services is available to eligible children. All referrals are considered confidential and services are provided at no cost to the family. Who Do We Call?   If you know of a child, please urge his or her parents to contact the Department of Special Education at 409-617-5117. Child Find Can Open The Window Of Hope For A Brighter Future, One Child At A Time. Gift Shop Disc Golf Free Kids Crafts Over 10,000 FREE E-books available to BISD students!

Page 18 Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022

Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 19 2022-2023 BISD Directory Main Number: 409-617-5000 High Schools Elementary Schools Martin Elementary School (K-5)..........................617-6425 3500 Pine Street, Beaumont 77703.................. Fax 617-6446 Beaumont United High School (10-12)...............617-5400 Amelia Elementary School (PK-5)........................617-6000 Principal—Tamara Long 3443 Fannett Road, Beaumont 77705............. Fax 617-5496 565 Major Drive, Beaumont 77707................. Fax 617-6024 Pietzsch-MacArthur (PK-7)...................................617-6475 Principal—Wiley Johnson, Ed.D. Principal— Yvonne Dupont 4301 Highland, Beaumont 77705.................... Fax 617-6498 West Brook High School (9-12).............................617-5500 Blanchette Elementary School (PK-5).................617-6300 Principal—Audrey Collins 8750 Phelan Boulevard, Beaumont 77706..... Fax 617-5582 2550 Sarah Street, Beaumont 77705................ Fax 617-6296 Regina-Howell Elementary School (K-5)............617-6190 Principal— Nicholas Phillips Principal— April Johnston 5850 Regina Lane, Beaumont 77706............... Fax 617-6199 Early College High School.....................................617-6600 Caldwood Elementary School (PK-5)..................617-6025 Principal—TBA 3410 Austin St., Beaumont 77706................... Fax 617-6624 102 Berkshire, Beaumont 77707...................... Fax 617-6048 Principal—Melanie Pharis Principal—Julie Corona Education Centers Charlton-Pollard Elementary School (PK-5).....617-6075 Middle Schools 1695 Irving Street, Beaumont 77701............... Fax 617-6098 BISD Administration Annex.................................617-5200 Principal— Ariane Moore 4315 Concord Road, Beaumont 77703 King Middle School (6-8).......................................617-5850 Curtis Elementary School (K-5)............................617-6050 Bingman Head Start (Head Start/PK)...................617-6200 1400 Avenue A, Beaumont 77701................... Fax 617-5873 6225 North Circuit, Beaumont 77706............ Fax 617-6073 5265 South Kenneth Avenue, Beaumont 77705..... Fax 617-6203 Principal— Marian Williams Principal—Cheryl Tripplett Principal—Sue Little Marshall Middle School (6-8)................................617-5900 Dishman Elementary School (PK-5)....................617-6250 Paul A. Brown Learning Center............................617-5720 6455 Gladys Avenue, Beaumont 77706.......... Fax 617-5924 3475 Champions Drive, Beaumont 77707..... Fax 617-6274 88 Jaguar Drive, Beaumont 77702 Principal— Murrell Stewart, Ed.D. Principal—Kareem Nelson Principal—Calvin Rice, Ed.D. Odom Academy (6-8)..............................................617-5925 Fehl-Price Classical Academy (PK-5)...................617-6400 BISD Memorial Stadium........................................617-5270 2550 West Virginia Street, Beaumont 77705 .Fax 617-5949 3350 Blanchette Street, Beaumont 77701....... Fax 617-6423 5250 Bayou Willow Prky., Beaumont 77705 Principal—TBA Principal— Marilyn Pace-White Frank Planetarium...................................................617-5100 Phalen Academy at Fletcher Elementary School (PK-5)......................617-6100 3370 North Street, Beaumont 77706 Smith Middle School (6-8).....................................617-5825 1055 Avenue F, Beaumont 77701.................... Fax 617-6123 Lucas Pre-K Center (PK)........................................617-6450 4415 Concord Road, Beaumont 77703........... Fax 617-5898 Principal—Gloria Guillory 1750 East Lucas Drive, Beaumont 77703.................Fax 617-6448 Principal— Loretta Mack Guess Elementary School (K-5)............................617-6125 Principal—Mellow Tatmon Vincent Middle School (6-8)..................................617-5950 8055 Voth Road, Beaumont 77708.................. Fax 617-6148 Pathways Learning Center.....................................617-5700 350 Eldridge Street, Beaumont 77707............. Fax 617-5974 Interim Principal—Sylvia Jenkins 2300 Victoria, Beaumont 77701 Principal—Shyulanda Randle-Filer, Ed.D. Homer Drive Elementary School (PK-5).............617-6225 Interim Principal—Joseph Bowser 8950 Homer Drive, Beaumont 77708............. Fax 617-6248 Career and Technical Education Center.............617-5740 BISD DIRECTORY Principal—Charisma Popillion, Ed.D. 2330 North Street, Beaumont 77702............... Fax 617-5759 Principal—Michael Shelton Phalen Academy at Jones-Clark Elementary School (K-5)..................617-6350 BISD Agricultural Farm 3525 Cleveland Street, Beaumont 77703........ Fax 617-6346 6150 North Keith Road, Beaumont 77713............617-7077 Principal—Stephanie Hayes Safety/Police Department......................................617-7001 1025 Woodrow St., Beaumont 77705

Page 20 Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Promoting a Positive Learning Environment Using Preventive Programs Addressing the needs of our students in real-time to prevent negative behaviors and outcomes Creating a conducive learning environment is key in increasing student achievement, campus climate and culture, and staff satisfaction. The Beaumont ISD Department of Student Support continues to develop strategies that take a positive, proactive approach to preventing disciplinary responses and to promote a harmonious workspace for all. As the modern day stressors add additional pressures and challenges to students, it is a goal of the district to give students tools to adapt, practice making better choices and address behaviors in order to meet expectations.

Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 21 CHAMPS-Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation, Success What Happens When There is a Need for   Beaumont ISD implemented the CHAMPS behavior management program in 2016 in an Intervention? effort to better support teachers in the classroom and throughout campus with unified behavior expectations. The acronym, standing for Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation and CPI-Crisis prevention and Intervention Success, explicitly teaches behavioral expectations, acknowledges appropriate behavior, and provides corrective consequences for students.   When in a crisis situation, teachers and administrators are   “These expectations are set forth at the pre-kindergarten level and carried on throughout all grades, trained in techniques to intervene and work with students to so that there is a uniform understanding of appropriate behavior,” said Dr. Diana Valdez, title. “It promote a safe, least-restrictive response. provides a consistent roadmap for all staff and campus leadership to use, so that expectations are Training includes verbal and physical de-escalation tactics to maintained as students transition.” address students who are disruptive, without escalating the   CHAMPS is a proactive approach used by stating expectations before the start of every activity and situation, with the ultimate goal to not escalate a situation to be transition, there is greater chance of reducing misbehavior in the classroom. harmful.   “CHAMPS has been extremely successful and is being used with fidelity on all BISD campuses,” said Valdez. CRD- Campus Restorative Discipline Classroom De-Escalation Strategies and Spaces   Once a student has committed an offense, depending on the severity, they may be referred to join a Campus Restorative   Across campuses, classrooms are equipped with a de-escalation area to arm students with skills Discipline (CRD) classroom. This course is an on-campus needed to process and manage their own emotions, and ultimately, behavior. placement of students who need additional support to improve   Students who are reactive, need to calm down before they can move onto an academic task or be their behavior in a structured setting. Interventions include successful in the learning environment. However, he de-escalation space in the classroom is not a social-emotional learning. punishment or a “time-out corner,” a place for students to go without purpose or the answer for every   “Through these proactive and responsive actions, we are behavior. These spaces often contain an assortment of grade-level appropriate sensory items, guided taking a multi-tiered approach to discipline,” said Maxwell. breathing exercises, sand timers, complex coloring pages, self-reflective writing prompts and other “We are making every effort to avoid out of school suspension, supplies to refocus the brain from the trigger that is causing stress or anxiety to the student. time out of the classroom and loss of learning time.”   “We are working to create a culture of de-escalation, where students learn to manage their own emotions and advocate for their needs, before a crisis occurs,” said Randall Maxwell, title. “The Pathways Redesign ultimate goal is to proactively help students so that they may remain in the learning environment rather than be removed from class, therefore addressing our goal to maximize learning time.   Pathways is the BISD Disciplinary Alternative Education All teachers are trained in strategies to respond to students who are escalating in their behavior and Placement for students who have exhibited a qualifying will continuously receive strategies and tools to meet the needs of students. They are expected to disciplinary infraction. Pathways is currently undergoing a establish clear norms for students who wish to use the de-escalation space, as well set expectations for redesign that will both update the facility and enhance the how it is utilized. behavior program to modify student behavior in a meaningful way, before transition back to their main campus. SEL-Social Emotional Learning   “The expansion and increase in enrollment will enable an initial placement of students between 30 and 90 days based on   All students are provided a social-emotional learning (SEL) lesson integrated into their daily severity of infraction and the ability to accomodate students academic work. until their behavioral goals have been met,”   “SEL is a way of incorporating concepts that build character and social skills into a child’s school   “Adjustments to the programming at Pathways will support experience,” said Jacqueline Shirey, title. “Some of these lessons include peer-conflict, making good students in meeting those goals, making for a more meaningful choices, health and wellness and creating self goals.” placement.”   The district utilizes a variety of curriculum and resources to integrate SEL into all grade levels, such   Staff at Pathways will undergo intensive training on academic as Sanford Harmony, Everfi, Panorama and additional district created programs. For the 2022-23 rigor, differentiated learning and classroom management skills. school year, Marshall and Pathways were among only 100 schools in the state of Texas to win a grant They will also receive a training in Trust Based Relational for the BASE Curriculum for one year. Intervention through a partnership BISD has with the Karyn Purvis Institute of TCU. PACS-Parent and Community Support   “This priority to have a highly trained staff at Pathways will   Beaumont ISD has developed the Parent and Community Support program, or PACS, to assist allow educators to offer more support to students while they are there,” said Principal Joseph Bowser “This increases the campus leaders in monitoring behavior in common areas during transition times and serving as opportunity for them to grow as learners and citizens in our positive role models. community.”   “Parent involvement is extremely important in the educational process both at home and on campus,” said Randall Maxwell, Senior Director of Student Support Services. “We invite our families to support us in these areas and to be a familiar face and authoritative presence on their student’s campus.”   Through PACS, the district reinforces the idea that the education of our students is important to everyone, not just students.

Page 22 Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 HHeyaoelyutahoclcuatanhrceca cocuontuonnt. o 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) 1-800-600-4441 (TT www.myamerigroup

BBeeauaummonotnItSIDSD– –ZoTnhaeESscchoolaorl–ZEojneem–plBaarcdketRoeSgcrheosoolaIsCslausee–s –2022022 Página 23 The BISD Zona Escolar Beaumont ISD Board INDICE Página 24 Mensaje de la Superintendente Joe A. Evans, Jr. - Trustee, Tillie Hickman - Trustee, Crédito por Fechas de exámenes Dr. Shannon Allen - Superintendent of Schools, Stacey Lewis, Jr. - Secretary, Página 25 Goodside Health lleva la telemedicina al nivel del campus Seguro contra accidentes para estudiantes Robert C. Dunn, Sr. - President, Denise Wallace-Spooner - Trustee, Conozca al maestro Kevin Reece - Trustee, Woodrow Reece, II - Vice-President Fin de semana exento de impuestos Página 26 Actualización de seguridad Fecha de Juntas Registro de Pre- K Jardin de Niños de cuatro años Registro en línea disponible AHORA! (Las fechas de Juntas están sujetas a cambio, Página 27 El programa para recién llegados establece el camino hacia el éxito Revise el sitio con regularidad para el horario de las Reglamento de Uniforme 2022-23 juntas las Juntas especiales pueden ser USDA No discriminación programadas durante el año. Las notificaciones se Página 28 BISD es el modelo estatal para asociaciones de guarderías y pre kínder publican 72 horas antes de las juntas y se distribuyen Solicitudes en línea para ser voluntario Página 29 Hodgkins y Hall nombrados maestros del año 2022-23 de BISD en las noticias locales y en los medios. Página 30 Requisitos de Inmunización Página 31 Horarios de fútbol Sala de juntas de BISD Página 32 Calendario 6:00 p.m. (Reunión abierta) Noche de metas Horario escolar Página 33 Página 34 Calendario Noche de metas Horario escolar Página 35 Directorio de BISD Beaumont ISD   La Junta del Distrito Escolar BISD Board Room 3395 Harrison Avenue Independiente de Beaumont está Jueves, 18 de agosto de 2022 compuesta por líderes comunitarios Jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2022 14Beaumont, Texas 77706 a los que se les ha confiado la tarea Jueves, 20 de octubre de 2022 de gobernar el distrito. Gobernar el Martes, 15 de noviembre de 2022 (409) 617-5000 distrito escolar es la función principal Martes, 13 de diciembre de 2022 de una junta escolar. Estas políticas Jueves, 19 de enero de 2023 dictan los estándares y la filosofía Jueves, 16 de febrero de 2023 A publication produced by the por la cual se dirigen las escuelas y Jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023 Office of Community and Media Relations. los criterios utilizados para juzgar Jueves, 20 de abril de 2023 si se están ejecutando bien. La junta Jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023 sirve como defensora de la excelencia Jueves, 15 de junio de 2023 educativa para los jóvenes de la Jueves, 20 de julio de 2023 comunidad y antepone esos intereses. El distrito escolar independiente de Beaumont no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen, nacionalidad, sexo, edad, estado civil o condición de discapacidad, en sus programas, servicios, actividades o practicas de empleo como lo requieren el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, en su versión modificada; Título IX de las Enmiendas de Educación de 1972; Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según la enmienda; y la Ley de Discriminación por Edad de 1975. BISD está comprometido a proporcionar una educación pública gratuita y apropiada para todos los estudiantes.

Página 24 Beaumont ISD – Zona Escolar – Ejemplar de Regreso a Clases – 2022 Mensaje de la Superintendente Aviso público de no discriminación en programas de educación profesional   ¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 22-23! ¡Es un gran placer abrir nuestras puertas este otoño a las familias y tecnológica. que regresan, así como a las nuevas en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Beaumont! Apenas puedo   El Distrito Escolar Independiente de de 1964, según enmendada; Título IX de las creer que estamos a solo unas pocas semanas de ver Beaumont ofrece cursos de educación Enmiendas a la Educación de 1972; la Ley a miles de estudiantes regresar a nuestras escuelas y vocacional y tecnológica en Ciencias de Discriminación por Edad de 1975; según aulas. Agrícolas, Educación Comercial, enmendado; y Sección 504 de la Acción de   Cada nuevo año trae esperanza, optimismo y Investigación de Carreras, Ciencias de Rehabilitación de 1973, según enmendada. tantas posibilidades. Para nuestros estudiantes, la Familia y el Consumidor, Educación El Distrito Escolar Independiente de es un momento para comenzar de nuevo, hacer Tecnológica en Ciencias de la Salud y Beaumont se compromete a proporcionar nuevos amigos y volver a conectarse con los viejos, Educación Comercial e Industrial. una educación pública gratuita y apropiada un momento para construir sobre las relaciones y el aprendizaje previo.   La admisión a estos cursos está abierta para todos los estudiantes. Valoramos este tiempo y creemos que este año escolar será fenomenal en el a todos los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar   El Distrito Escolar Independiente de que trabajaremos para preparar a la próxima generación haciendo que cada Independiente de Beaumont según las Beaumont cuenta con procedimientos momento importe. Los padres pueden esperar que nos concentremos en recomendaciones de nivel de grado para asegurar que la falta de habilidades satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y crear entornos donde los de la Agencia de Educación de Texas. en el idioma inglés no sea una barrera estudiantes prosperen. La información sobre los requisitos y para la admisión y participación en todos Este año seguiremos: restricciones del curso se puede obtener los programas académicos y de educación   Construyendo la base del crecimiento académico para todos los del Consejero de Carrera de cada escuela profesional y tecnológica. estudiantes. Creando entornos de aprendizaje que satisfagan las necesidades secundaria.   Se puede proporcionar información académicas y socioemocionales de aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes.   Es política del Distrito Escolar detallada sobre los derechos individuales La seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal será nuestra prioridad. Independiente de Beaumont no discriminar o los procedimientos de quejas en el Aumentaremos la comunicación con nuestras familias y partes interesadas por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, Edificio Administrativo del Distrito Escolar   Hemos trabajado continuamente durante el verano para planificar y género, condición de discapacidad o edad Independiente de Beaumont, en 3395 prepararnos para el próximo año, pero para apoyar mejor el aprendizaje, en sus programas, servicios, actividades Harrison Street, Beaumont, TX 77706. primero necesitamos que estén presentes en la escuela. A medida que o prácticas laborales según lo requiere el Comuníquese con el Coordinador de Título avanzamos en 2022-23, pido a todas las familias que la asistencia de los Título VI de la Ley Civil. Ley de Derechos IX y Sección 504 llamando al 409-617-5000. estudiantes diariamente sea su prioridad para que nuestros estudiantes alcancen sus metas académicas. No podemos hacer el trabajo solos y Crédito por Ubicación : Aceleración e instrucción previa de grados K-12 - necesitamos el apoyo de nuestros padres para garantizar que la educación Fechas de Administration Building sea una prioridad principal. En pocas palabras, nuestros hijos necesitan exámenes Horario: 8:30-11:30 a.m. y 1: 00-4:00 p.m. estar en la escuela todos los días. Estamos intensificando nuestros esfuerzos Ubicación : Exámenes en Espanol - En las escuelas secundarias que les para reconocer y premiar la asistencia de los estudiantes este año a través de correspondan Horario- Designado por cada escuela incentivos y reconocimientos en cada campus. A medida que se acerca el 10 de agosto, esta edición de School Zone servirá Grade Level Eligible for Testing Testing Dates Registration Deadline como un excelente recurso para ayudarlo a prepararse para el nuevo año. Aquí encontrará toda la información que necesitará para la planificación Grades K – 12th 14 al 18 de junio Regístrese antes del 25 de mayo de su regreso a la escuela desde calendarios escolares y horarios de inicio, Acceleration and Prior Instruction pautas de uniformes y otra información importante. A medida que nos Administered at Admin. Bldg. 12-14 de julio Inscríbase antes del 16 de junio acercamos al comienzo del año, quiero recordarles a los padres que **Spanish I and II aprovechen las oportunidades de inscripción anticipada disponibles en los Acceleration and Prior Instruction 23-25 ​de agosto Inscríbase antes del 29 de julio campus. Si aún no lo ha hecho, registre a su hijo para el año escolar 2022-23. Administered at each Secondary School Todos los padres deben asegurarse de que el proceso esté completo antes del where applicable. 6-8 de septiembre: Regístrese antes del 19 de agosto comienzo del año escolar. For more information contact: ¡Tenemos un año lleno de actividades y emocionante por delante! Me siento Dannette Menéndez 8 al 10 de noviembre Regístrese antes del 21 de octubre honrada y emocionada por el privilegio de servir a su familia, sus hijos y Director of Assessment nuestra comunidad. and Accountability 2023 Regístrese antes del 14 de diciembre Dra. Shannon Allen 409-617-5046 11 al 13 de enero Regístrese antes del 30 de marzo 18 al 20 de abril Inscríbase antes del 24 de mayo Superintendente de escuelas 13-15 de junio

BBeeauaummonotnItSIDSD– –ZoTnhaeESscchoolaorl–ZEojneem–plBaarcdketRoeSgcrheosoolaIsCslausee–s –2022022 Página 25 Goodside Health lleva la telemedicina al nivel del campus   A partir del año escolar 2022-23,   El programa no pretende reemplazar adicional”, dijo Nezat. “Esto hace que se Conozca al Beaumont ISD se asociará con Goodside a un médico de atención primaria, pierda la importante educación que se Maestro Health (GSH) para brindar telemedicina sino complementarlo cuando no esté brinda en el salón de clases. Tener un pediátrica a nivel del campus. disponible o sea la opción más eficiente. sistema de telesalud en la escuela ayudará Primarias   Cuando los estudiantes no se a que estos estudiantes sean atendidos de 9 de agosto, 3-5 p.m. sientan bien en la escuela, las Este programa también ayuda manera oportuna, permitan el tratamiento Bingman y Lucas enfermeras del campus y a aquellos estudiantes que y regresen a clases más rápido”. 9 de agosto, 2 p. m.-4 p. m. los entrenadores atléticos necesitan ser atendidos y no   Los padres y tutores recibirán más podrán conectarse con los han establecido un médico información en las próximas semanas sobre Registro en línea pediatras a través de un de atención primaria. cómo inscribirse en el programa. GSH disponible AHORA! chat de video bidireccional   “Por ejemplo, tiene acepta Medicaid y la mayoría de los planes para recibir atención un estudiante que puede de seguro y ofrece una opción de pago en Fin de semana exento médica adicional. comenzar a sentirse mal efectivo para aquellos que actualmente no de impuestos:   “La asociación con GSH después del almuerzo. Para están asegurados. permitirá que las familias cuando un padre venga a   “Estamos muy entusiasmados con 5 - 7 de agosto de 2022 tengan la oportunidad de ser recoger al niño, puede ser la 1 esta oportunidad que podemos brindar atendidas rápidamente y recibir tratamiento a nuestros estudiantes y personal de El fin de semana exento de de un profesional médico el mismo día”, p. m. por la tarde. Los padres no BISD”, dijo Nezat. “Le pedimos que tenga impuestos para el año escolar 2022- dijo Julie Nezat, coordinadora de servicios podrían obtener una cita para el mismo paciencia con nosotros mientras lanzamos de salud de BISD. “GSH también tiene la día y tendrían que esperar hasta el día este programa, ya que somos el primer 23 es del 5 al 7 de agosto. Como oportunidad de evaluar las necesidades de siguiente. Para cuando sean atendidos, distrito en esta área en llevar esto a nuestros en años anteriores, la ley exime de salud mental de nuestros estudiantes”. recetados y cuando comiencen a tomar estudiantes y personal”. impuestos a la mayoría de la ropa, medicamentos, el estudiante puede estar el calzado, los útiles escolares y las fuera de la escuela por un día completo mochilas que cuestan menos de $100, lo que podría ahorrarle a los Seguro de accidentes para estudiantes compradores alrededor de $8 por   La Junta de BISD aprobó el seguro contra accidentes para estudiantes en la reunión de mayo de 2022. Este seguro es complementario al seguro cada $100 que gastan. médico de los padres y se aplica a los estudiantes de K-12 que asisten a excursiones del distrito y a los estudiantes de los grados 7-12 que participan en eventos de UIL. Los padres pueden adquirir un seguro complementario adicional a través de Se encuentran disponibles varias primas y opciones de cobertura, incluida la cobertura de horario escolar, la cobertura de tiempo completo, la cobertura de fútbol americano universitario y la cobertura dental extendida. La participación en un seguro adicional es opcional para los padres. La información está disponible en un folleto provisto en el paquete de registro de su estudiante o llamando al 1-800-366-4810. Útiles Escolares Para obtener una lista completa de útiles escolares, visite el sitio web de la escuela de su hijo o visite www.

Página 26 Beaumont ISD – Zona Escolar – Ejemplar de Regreso a Clases – 2022 Actualización de responder y ayudar con la seguridad para tomar nota de cada visitante que respuesta civil a eventos de tiradores diaria. Los oficiales de seguridad pública ingresa, enviar información por radio activos a maestros y administradores. seguridad están estacionados en todos los campus, y asegurarse de que los visitantes no Los oficiales de policía han recibido brindando apoyo adicional y cobertura ingresen a los terrenos sin una escolta. Capacitación Avanzada de Respuesta   Beaumont ISD enfatiza durante todo el día escolar.   “Además de fortalecer nuestras Rápida para el Cumplimiento de la Ley, continuamente que la seguridad de   Asegurar los terrenos escolares va instalaciones, sabemos que es importante capacitación sobre tiradores activos y nuestros estudiantes y personal es la más allá de las puertas del campus. mantener a nuestro personal actualizado se han incrementado los simulacros máxima prioridad. Pero, ¿qué incluye Los oficiales de seguridad verifican las sobre capacitación e información nueva”, de emergencia en los campus. Varios eso? puertas exteriores para garantizar que el dijo Malbrough. “Esto no se limita a oficiales están certificados en salud   “A medida que vemos un aumento edificio esté asegurado en todo momento. nuestra policía. Todos debemos unirnos mental por la Academia Regional de en los incidentes en todo el país, sé También patrullan los estacionamientos para trabajar para mantener seguros Policía del Instituto Tecnológico de que nuestros padres están ansiosos y sirven como guardias colocados en nuestros campus y estudiantes”. Lamar. por saber qué estamos haciendo para la entrada de las escuelas secundarias   Se ha administrado capacitación de proteger nuestras escuelas”, dijo el jefe de policía de Beaumont ISD, Joseph Malbrough. “También queremos Registro de Pre- K Jardin de Niños de cuatro años que todo el personal de nuestros campus tenga la seguridad de que está Para ser elegible para el programa Pre-K4, debe seguro mientras trabaja para educar a calificar en una de las siguientes categorías; nuestros estudiantes”. • En desventaja económica El estudiante debe tener cuatro años   Cuando los estudiantes llegan a la • Dominio limitado del inglés cumplidos el 1 de septiembre o antes para escuela, son dirigidos a través de un • Sin hogar puerto de entrada principal. Todas las • Hijo adoptivo demás entradas al edificio de la escuela • Militar ser elegible para Pre-K4 están cerradas y permanecen cerradas Regístrese en la escuela de Pre-K4 de su zona. Escuelas para Escuela que le durante todo el día escolar. Por favor traiga la documentación apropiada: estudiantes Pre-K4 corresponde   “Cerrar las puertas exteriores nos •  Acta de nacimiento del niño ayuda a controlar y monitorear quién •  Tarjeta de seguro social del niño Amelia........................................ Amelia y Curtis ingresa al edificio”, dijo Malbrough. •  Dos comprobantes de residencia del padre / tutor Charlton-Pollard ...................... Blanchette y Charlton-Pollard “Queremos hacer nuestra diligencia (factura reciente de servicios públicos, licencia Dishman..................................... Dishman debida para asegurarnos de que todos de conducir, etc.) Fletcher....................................... Fehl-Price y Fletcher y cada uno de los individuos estén •  Registros de vacunación del niño Homer Dr................................... Guess yHomer Dr. aprobados para ingresar al campus”. •  Comprobante de ingresos: todos los talones de pago Lucas Pre-K4............................. Caldwood, Lucas, Jones-Clark y Martin   En el nivel preparatoria y del mes anterior   El Centro Lucas Pre-K4 está abierto a todos los estudiantes que secundaria, todos los estudiantes y •  Prueba de SNAP o TANF cumplan con los requisitos estatales. visitantes deben pasar por un detector •  Prueba de dominio del lenguaje oral si es bilingüe Pietzsch-MacArthur................. Pietzsch-MacArthur de metales y recibir un registro de •  Poof of Military Status Regina-Howell........................... Regina-Howell bolso al ingresar al edificio. Ahora •  DFPS - Carta de cuidado de crianza se requieren mochilas de malla o transparentes para los estudiantes de todos los niveles. Todos los visitantes serán dirigidos a través de la oficina principal del campus, donde deben mostrar una identificación estatal Registro en línea disponible AHORA!para pasar por el Sistema de seguridad Raptor antes de que se les otorgue acceso a la escuela.   Beaumont ISD ofrece la conveniencia electrónicos. Una vez en el sitio, haga clic en el ícono   Para asegurar aún más los terrenos de registrarse en línea a nuestras familias   Antes de comenzar el proceso de apropiado en la página para comenzar escolares, se han instalado vestíbulos para el año escolar 2022-23. registro en línea, se alienta a las familias la inscripción/registro para su(s) en todos los edificios de primaria. Los visitantes deben llamar y reunirse   A través del proceso de registro en a tener la documentación requerida estudiante(s). con la recepción antes de ingresar al línea, los padres tienen la oportunidad de disponible para consultar o cargar en el   Para obtener más ayuda, comuníquese edificio. Luego serán escoltados a su verificar y actualizar toda la información portal de registro. con la Oficina de Servicios Estudiantiles ubicación designada o salón de clases. de los estudiantes en cuestión de   Visite el sitio web del distrito en www. al 409-617-5109.   Los oficiales de policía de BISD minutos. Esto se puede hacer desde casa y haga clic en el enlace de continuarán estando presentes en los utilizando la mayoría de los dispositivos registro en línea en la página de inicio. campus de nivel preparatoria para

BBeeauaummonotnItSIDSD– –ZoTnhaeESscchoolaorl–ZEojneem–plBaarcdketRoeSgcrheosoolaIsCslausee–s –2022022 Página 27 El programa para recién llegados establece el camino hacia el éxito   Junto con el Departamento de han elegido Beaumont como su nuevo datos de seguimiento del progreso de los padres pueden hacerlo sin conexión o Currículo e Instrucción, el Departamento comienzo. Cada año, el Distrito inscribe estudiantes. Otro aspecto vital para que el usar la aplicación en su teléfono cuando Bilingüe e Inglés como Segundo Idioma un promedio de 40 estudiantes que son programa sea un éxito es la participación lo deseen”. de Beaumont ISD inauguró el primer recién llegados y tienen poco o ningún de los padres y la plena participación de   Tanto McClelland como Smith instan programa de Beaumont ISD diseñado dominio del inglés. las unidades familiares en el programa. a los estudiantes recién llegados que explícitamente para estudiantes nuevos   “Llegamos a 29 estudiantes y estamos   “Anticipamos nuevas inscripciones se inscriban en el programa a buscar/ en el país durante enero de 2022. Con muy emocionados de que ya no vamos para el otoño”, dijo Julie Smith, ubicar el expediente académico de su adquisición de idiomas, desarrollo de a transportar a los estudiantes de coordinadora de ESL/Bilingüe/Lengua país de origen, para asegurarse de que vocabulario y un plan de graduación Beaumont United a West Brook”, dijo Extranjera de BISD. “Esperamos 40 reciban crédito por los cursos que ya enfocado , el objetivo del programa es Maria McClelland, coordinadora del estudiantes nuevos. Los 29 estudiantes de han completado. Los estudiantes serían crear un entorno seguro e inclusivo para programa para recién llegados de BISD nuestro semestre de invierno continuarán clasificados como estudiantes de primer que los estudiantes se aclimaten durante y prevención de la deserción escolar de un segundo semestre porque el programa año si no tienen una transcripción. el momento a menudo difícil de mudarse ESL. “Estamos ampliando el programa en está diseñado para que puedan recibir   Para obtener más información sobre a un nuevo país. ambas preparatorias, para que nuestros servicios durante su primer año de el programa para recién llegados,   Este programa se esfuerza por brindar estudiantes ya no tengan que viajar”. inscripción en BISD”. comuníquese primero con la escuela a los recién llegados una base sólida   Además, el Programa para recién   El programa también ofrece un de su hijo. Si necesita ayuda adicional, para convertirse en miembros exitosos llegados se complace en anunciar que programa de idioma acelerado. “Estamos comuníquese con Maria McClelland o de su nueva comunidad. En los últimos el 100 por ciento de los estudiantes ofreciendo el programa Rosetta Stone Julie Smith al 617-5220. años, el Distrito ha visto un aumento inscritos están aprobando todas las clases para todos nuestros estudiantes y sus de nuevos estudiantes cuyas familias de contenido básico de acuerdo con los padres también”, dijo McClelland. “Los Reglamento de Uniforme 2022-23 • SIN SUDADERAS CON de 7° grado, polo verde oscuro de 8° grado. CAPUCHA PK-5 seguirá el código de vestimenta del uniforme de primaria de BISD • TODOS necesitan una   Escuela King- Polo negro emitido por w. mochila transparente o Logotipo para todos los grados. Pantalón de de malla uniforme negro + caqui   Secundarias –Playeras tipo Polo blanco   Primaria: camisas tipo polo rojas, blancas (6.° grado), gris (7.° grado), color de la o azul marino; Pantalones caqui o azul escuela (8.° grado) Pantalones de uniforme marino. negro, caqui y azul marino   PMac: código de vestimenta aprobado por (8th Grade) black, khaki, navy uniform pants el distrito, polo blanco de 6° grado y polo gris USDA No discriminación inglés. de quejas, llame al (866) 632-9992. Envíe su   De acuerdo con la ley federal de derechos que requieran medios alternativos de   Para presentar una queja de formulario completo o carta al USDA por: civiles y las regulaciones y políticas de comunicación para la información del discriminación del programa, complete el (1) correo: Departamento de Agricultura de derechos civiles del Departamento de programa (por ejemplo, Braille, letra Formulario de queja por discriminación EE. UU. Agricultura de EE.UU. (USDA), el USDA, grande, cinta de audio, lenguaje Americano del programa del USDA, (AD-3027) que se Oficina del Subsecretario de Derechos sus agencias, oficinas y empleados y las de señas deben de comunicarse con la encuentra en línea en: Civiles instituciones que participan o administran agencia (estatal o local) donde solicitaron 1400 Independence Avenue, SW programas del USDA tienen prohibido los beneficios. Las personas sordas con program-discrimination-complaint, y en Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; discriminar por motivos de raza, color, problemas de audición o con discapacidades cualquier oficina del USDA, o escriba una (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; o nacionalidad, sexo, discapacidad, edad o del habla pueden comunicarse con el USDA carta dirigida al USDA y proporcione en la (3) correo electrónico: program.intake@ represalia por una actividad anterior de a través del Servicio de retransmisión carta toda la información solicitada en la derechos civiles en cualquier programa o federal al (800) 877-8339. Además, la forma. Esta institución es un proveedor de igualdad actividad realizada o financiad por el USDA. información del programa puede estar   Para solicitar una copia del formulario de oportunidades.   Las personas con discapacidades disponible en otros idiomas además del

Página 28 Beaumont ISD – Zona Escolar – Ejemplar de Regreso a Clases – 2022 Siga el progreso de su estudiante a través del autoservicio de Padres Alertas de emergencia   Realice un seguimiento del progreso enlace de autoservicio para padres que restringidos Manténgase conectado de su hijo a través del autoservicio para se encuentra en el sitio web del Distrito.   Compartir contraseñas con cualquier padres Solo las personas identificadas en los persona (incluidos sus hijos) o usar el   Cada año escolar, el distrito solicita a   Parent Self-Serve es un portal en el registros del estudiante como el padre o Autoservicio para padres para cualquier los padres que completen un formulario que los padres/tutores pueden acceder tutor pueden solicitar acceso. actividad ilegal (incluida la violación de de autorización de emergencia para a información valiosa para ayudar a   Los padres/tutores serán responsables las leyes de privacidad de datos) proporcionar información de contacto controlar el éxito de sus hijos. El acceso al del uso adecuado de la cuenta. El Distrito   Mantener la seguridad de la en caso de cierres escolares, salidas portal permite revisar las calificaciones, monitorea las cuentas y suspenderá y/o información de su hijo es una prioridad tempranas u otras emergencias que la asistencia, las tareas del salón de revocará el acceso si se violan las reglas. El para BISD. La configuración del acceso puedan ocurrir durante el año escolar clases y la capacidad de enviar correos comportamiento inapropiado incluye: individual de los padres implica varios 2022-23. Las decisiones de emergencia las electrónicos a los maestros directamente a Usar la cuenta de otra persona pasos detallados que garantizan esta toma la superintendente y se difunden lo través del horario de su estudiante. Acceder a los registros de otra persona seguridad. Una vez que se hayan antes posible.   El acceso de autoservicio para padres Obtener o intentar obtener acceso no completado, el padre solo necesitará   Una vez que se toma la decisión, el requiere que el padre/tutor del estudiante autorizado a información o recursos ingresar un nombre de usuario y distrito utiliza un sistema de mensajería presente la solicitud en línea a través del contraseña para acceder a la información. Blackboard Connect que llama automáticamente al número de teléfono ¡Manténgase conectado con nosotros! Actualice que figura como el número de contacto su información de contacto principal para el estudiante o sus padres   BISD les pide a los padres que Blackboard Connect que llama de contacto con el campus de su hijo. o tutores. Las llamadas se distribuyen a completen el formulario de liberación de automáticamente al número de teléfono Si cambia un número, asegúrese de 16,000 estudiantes en 15 minutos para emergencia y proporcionen información que figura como el número de contacto actualizarlo de inmediato. alertar a nuestra comunidad sobre cierres de contacto en caso de cierre de escuelas, principal para el estudiante o sus padres/   BISD también utiliza la notificación de emergencia y otros detalles pertinentes. salidas anticipadas u otras emergencias tutores. Las llamadas se distribuyen a automática de la aplicación móvil   Los padres o tutores son responsables que puedan ocurrir durante el año casi 17,000 estudiantes en 15 minutos del distrito, las páginas de Twitter de mantener actualizada su información escolar. Las decisiones de emergencia para alertar a nuestra comunidad sobre y Facebook para alertar a nuestra de contacto con el campus de su hijo. son tomadas por la superintendente y cierres de emergencia y otros detalles comunidad sobre emergencias. Síganos   BISD también utiliza la notificación difundidas tan pronto como sea posible. pertinentes. en las siguientes páginas. automática de la aplicación móvil del   Una vez que se toma una decisión, el   Los padres/tutores son responsables distrito, las páginas de Twitter y Facebook Distrito utiliza el sistema de mensajería de mantener actualizada su información para alertar a nuestra comunidad sobre emergencias. Síganos en lo siguiente. BISD Mobile App Android or Apple Store BISD Aplicación móvil........Android oTienda de Apple Facebook........................ Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram@bmtisd Twitter............................ @BeaumontISD @BeaumontISD   Se les pide a los padres, estudiantes company/beaumont-isd y miembros del personal que también sintonicen las transmisiones de radio y El programa CTE ofrece oportunidad de bienes raíces en 2022-23 televisión para obtener información en   Los estudiantes pueden obtener para el próximo año escolar y esperamos caso de condiciones climáticas adversas u su licencia de bienes raíces, sin costo ver a muchos estudiantes aprovechar esta CareeErdauncdaTtieocnhnical otras emergencias que puedan requerir el para ellos, mientras aún están en la oportunidad”. cierre de las escuelas. BISD está asociado preparatoria a través del programa de   A través de un programa en línea a su con nuestras estaciones de radio y Educación Técnica y Profesional (CTE) de propio ritmo, los jóvenes y los adultos televisión para compartir la decisión y los Beaumont ISD. mayores aprenderán los pormenores de procedimientos del distrito escolar.   “En un esfuerzo por mantenerse al día los bienes raíces y, una vez aprobados, con los campos profesionales en demanda tendrán la oportunidad de completar un y los intereses de los estudiantes, el equipo examen con un agente de bienes raíces de preparación universitaria, profesional autorizado, un grupo de bienes raíces o y militar/CTE busca continuamente empresas de construcción. Los estudiantes nuevas oportunidades”, dijo la Dra. Donna serán elegibles para tomar el Examen Prudhomme, directora de CTE. “Estamos de Bienes Raíces de Texas al final del entusiasmados con la incorporación de programa. una vía de mercadotecnia/bienes raíces

BBeeauaummonotnItSIDSD– –ZoTnhaeESscchoolaorl–ZEojneem–plBaarcdketRoeSgcrheosoolaIsCslausee–s –2022022 Página 29 Hodgkins y Hall nombrados maestros del año 2022-23 de BISD   Beaumont ISD nombró a Randee Hodgkins, Outback Steakhouse, Beaumont Community de la primaria Sallie Curtis, como la Maestra del Players, Raising Cane’s, Southeast Texas Food Año de primaria y a Chaz Hall, de M.L. King, Bank y WGU Texas. Jr. Middle School, como Maestro del Año de la   Hodgkins y Hall representan a BISD a división secundaria en la Gala de Celebración de nivel regional. Si tienen éxito, competirán la Excelencia del Maestro del Año 2022-23. por el título de Maestro del Año del Estado   Hodgkins ha pasado 25 años enseñando, de Texas. Este programa es facilitado por la recientemente se ha dedicado a los estudiantes de Asociación de Administradores Escolares de tercer grado de BISD. Se graduó de la Universidad Texas, quienes afirman que el Maestro del Año Estatal de Pensilvania con una Licenciatura en de Texas es el honor más alto que el Estado de Ciencias en Planificación y Administración de Texas puede otorgar a un maestro. la Salud. Recibió sus Certificados de Maestra   BISD desea agradecer a los siguientes de Lectura de Grados 1-8 de Primera Infancia y patrocinadores por su colaboración: Maestro de Lectura K-12 de la Universidad de Patrocinador estrella - ExxonMobil Beaumont Lamar. Patrocinador de plata - Regina Rogers, H-E-B   Hall comenzó su carrera docente en BISD Patrocinadores de bronce: Facultad de en el otoño de 2009, se mudó a Port Arthur Educación y Desarrollo Humano de la ISD durante cinco años, luego regresó a BISD Universidad de Lamar, CommonCents Credit y ha enseñado Historia de EE. UU. en octavo Union, Blackboard, Legacy Community grado durante los últimos seis años. Tiene una Health, Raising Cane’s USA, L.L.C., Centerpoint Licenciatura en Administración, Gerencia Energy y Roy West Team Home Loans. y Mercadeo de la Universidad Lamar y una Maestría en Educación, Currículo e Instrucción Los nominados del campus para Maestro del Año, en orden alfabético por escuela, son: de la Universidad Intercontinental Americana.   El Comité de Selección del Maestro del Amelia Elementary School PLA @ Mae E. Jones-Clark Elementary School Año 2022-23 estuvo compuesto por socios Domonique Gibbs Shannon Trotter comerciales, partes interesadas de la comunidad y estudiantes. Revisaron las solicitudes Beaumont United High School Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School y entrevistaron a los cinco maestros de Janie Carr Chaz Hall escuelas primarias y secundarias con mejores calificaciones del año. El comité incluyó a la Bingman Head Start Lucas Pre-K Center presidenta Alena Savoie, ExxonMobil Beaumont; Yolanda Bradley Carla Berotte Copresidenta Margaret Swope, Instituto de Tecnología Lamar; copresidente Taylor Brown, Blanchette Elementary School Marshall Middle School Beaumont United High School; Fannie Brown, Patrice Morris Willis Simien Fundación de las Escuelas Públicas de Beaumont; Shirlene Cook, maestras jubiladas del área de Paul A. Brown Learning Center Martin Elementary School Beaumont; Abigail Hickman, Preparatoria West Jola Waggener Nancy Tellez Brook; Gladys Oliva Guillén, Preparatoria Early College; Greg Sholl, Asociación de Maestros de Caldwood Elementary School John P. Odom Academy Beaumont; Dra. Teresa Simpson, Universidad Alexis Smith Gerald Domoneck Lamar; y Kristie Young, Cámara de Comercio de Greater Beaumont. Charlton-Pollard Elementary School Pathways Learning Center   Todos los Maestros del Año del campus Karenton Nelson Cory Long recibieron obsequios de ExxonMobil, Raising Cane’s, Education First Federal Credit Union, Sallie Curtis Elementary School Pietzsch-MacArthur PK-8 Center Jason’s Deli, One City Cares con One City Randee Hodgkins Jenny Rubin Church, Mobiloil Credit Union y Amerigroup, junto con un estipendio de $250 del Distrito. Dishman Elementary School Regina-Howell Elementary School   Además, Hodgkins y Hall recibieron premios Diane Jenkins Courtney Cumby que incluyen $1500 y obsequios de Imagine Learning/Edgenuity, Lakeshore Learning, Early College High School PLA @ Smith Middle School Melissa Chapman Jamie Mundy-Lewis Fehl-Price Classical Academy Career and Technical Education Center Marida Chaisson-Joubert Reese Meadows Fletcher Elementary School Vincent Middle School LaCosta Guidry Angelia Joseph Roy Guess Elementary School West Brook High School Pamela Segura Tiffany Nguyen Homer Drive Elementary School Quarde Alfred

Página 30 Beaumont ISD – Zona Escolar – Ejemplar de Regreso a Clases – 2022 Requisitos mínimos de vacunas en el estado de Texas de 2022 - 2023 para estudiantes de kínder a 12.o grado Esta gráfica resume los requisitos de vacunación incorporados al Código Administrativo de Texas (TAC), título 25, Servicios de salud, secciones 97.61 a 97.72. Este documento no tiene como propósito sustituir al TAC, el cual contempla otras disposiciones y detalles. El Código de Educación de Texas, capítulo 38, confiere al Departamento Estatal de Servicios de Salud (DSHS) la autoridad para establecer los requisitos de inmunización. REQUISITOS DE INMUNIZACIÓN Los estudiantes deberán mostrar comprobantes de vacunación aceptables antes de inscribirse, asistir o ser transferidos a una guardería o una escuela primaria o secundaria pública o privada de Texas. Vacuna requerida Número mínimo de dosis requeridas por nivel de grado (Vea las notas y notas De kínder a 6.o grado 7.o grado De 8.o a 12.o grado Notas de pie de página) K12 3456 7 8 9 10 11 12 Una serie Para los grados kínder a 6.o: 5 dosis de la vacuna contra la difteria, el tétanos y la tosferina; debe primaria de haberse recibido 1 dosis en o después del 4.o cumpleaños. Sin embargo, con 4 dosis se cubre el 3 dosis y requisito si la 4.a dosis se recibió en o después del 4.o cumpleaños.1 Para los estudiantes de 7 años Difteria, tétanos, tos ferina 5 dosis o 4 dosis Una serie primaria de edad o más, con 3 dosis cumplen con el requisito si recibieron 1 de las dosis en o después del (DTaP, DTP, DT, Td, Tdap) 1 refuerzo de de 3 dosis y 1 4.o cumpleaños.1 la vacuna refuerzo de la Para el 7.o grado: Se requiere 1 dosis de la vacuna Tdap si han pasado al menos 5 años desde la Tdap / Td última dosis de una vacuna que contenga tétanos.* dentro de vacuna Tdap / Td Para los grados 8.o a 12.o: Se requiere 1 dosis de la vacuna Tdap cuando hayan pasado 10 años los últimos dentro de los desde la última dosis de una vacuna que contenga tétanos.* últimos 10 años 5 años *La vacuna Td es aceptable en lugar de la vacuna Tdap si existe una contraindicación médica para la vacuna contra la tosferina. Para los grados kínder a 12.o: 4 dosis de la vacuna contra la polio; debe recibirse 1 dosis en o Polio 4 dosis o 3 dosis después del 4.o cumpleaños.1 Sin embargo, con 3 dosis se cumple con el requisito si la 3.a dosis se recibió en o después del 4.o cumpleaños.1 Para los grados kínder a 12.o: Se requieren 2 dosis de la vacuna, la 1.a de las cuales debe recibirse Sarampión, paperas y rubeola2 en o después del cumpleaños.1 Los estudiantes que fueron vacunados antes de 2009 con 2 (MMR) 2 dosis dosis contra el sarampión y una dosis contra la rubeola y una dosis contra las paperas cumplen con este requisito. Para los estudiantes de 11 a 15 años de edad, con 2 dosis cumplen con el requisito si recibieron la vacuna contra la hepatitis B para adultos (Recombivax®). Tanto la dosis (10 mcg / 1.0 mL) como Hepatitis B2 3 dosis el tipo de vacuna (Recombivax®) deben documentarse claramente. Si la vacuna recibida no fue Recombivax®, se requiere una serie de 3 dosis. Para los grados kínder a 12.o: Se requieren 2 dosis, de las cuales la 1.a dosis debe recibirse en o Varicela 2, 3 2 dosis después del cumpleaños.1 Vacuna antimeningocócica 1 dosis Para los grados 7.o a 12.o, se requiere 1 dosis de la vacuna antimeningocócica tetravalente (MCV4) conjugada en o después del 11.o cumpleaños del estudiante. Hepatitis A2 2 dosis Para los grados kínder a 12.o: Son necesarias 2 dosis, la 1a de las cuales debe recibirse en o después del 1er cumpleaños.1 NOTA: Las casillas sombreadas indican que no se requiere la vacuna para el grupo de edad correspondiente. ↓ Notas al reverso, por favor dé la vuelta. ↓ Vacunas COVID-19 con el Rev. 03/2022 Departamento de Salud de Beaumont   Beaumont ISD se ha asociado con el 785-4700. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a Departamento de Salud de Beaumont para Julie Nezat al 409-617-5879 o envíe un correo ofrecerle la oportunidad de inmunizar electrónico a También fácilmente a su estudiante de 12 a 18 años con continuaremos teniendo oportunidades para la vacuna COVID-19. Llame para programar que su estudiante reciba una vacuna COVID-19 una cita para su hijo al 409-550-2536 o al 409- en el futuro.

BBeeauaummonotnItSIDSD– –ZoTnhaeESscchoolaorl–ZEojneem–plBaarcdketRoeSgcrheosoolaIsCslausee–s –2022022 Página 31 2022 High School Football Preparatoria Beaumont United Fecha Oponente Lugar Horario 6:30 p.m. Friday, August 12, 2022 Aldine Nimitz (Scrimmage) BISD Memorial Stadium 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 19, 2022 Channelview (Scrimmage) BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 26, 2022 Brazoswood Hopper Field 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 2, 2022 Port Neches-Groves BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 19, 2022 Alvin (Middle School Night) BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 16, 2022 OPEN 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 23, 2022 *North Shore (Teacher Appr. Night) BISD Memorial Stadium Saturday, October 1, 2022 *Kingwood Turner Stadium Friday, October 7, 2022 *Atascocita (Homecoming) BISD Memorial Stadium Friday, October 14, 2022 *C E King (Pink Out/Sr. Night) BISD Memorial Stadium Thursday, October 20, 2022 *Summer Creek Turner Stadium Friday, October 28, 2022 *West Brook (V) BISD Memorial Stadium Saturday, November 5, 2022 *Humble Turner Stadium *Denotes District Games Preparatoria West Brook Fecha Oponente Lugar Horario PA Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 12, 2022 PA Memorial (Scrimmage) BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Thursday, August 18, 2022 Nederland (Scrimmage) BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Abshier Stadium 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 26, 2022 Houston Lamar Turner Stadium 7:00 p.m. Thursday, September 1, 2022 Manvel BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 9, 2022 Deer Park Galena Park Stadium 7:00 p.m. BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 16, 2022 OPEN BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. BISD Memorial Stadium 7:00 p.m. Thursday, September 22, 2022 *Summer Creek Friday, September 30, 2022 *Atascocita (Alumni Night) Thursday, October 6, 2022 *Humble (Homecoming) Friday, October 14, 2022 *North Shore Friday, October 21, 2022 *Kingwood (Pink Out) Friday, October 28, 2022 *Bmt. United (H) Friday, November 4, 2022 *C E King (Sr. Night) *Denotes District Games *Denotes District Games

Página 32 Beaumont ISD – Zona Escolar – Ejemplar de Regreso a Clases – 2022 2022-2023 Noche de Calendario Escolar metas de BISD JULIO AGOSTO SEPTIEMBRE Los campus de Beaumont ISD organizarán su Noche de metas anual S M TW T F S S M TW T F S S M TW T F S al comienzo del año escolar. La Noche 12 1 23 456 123 de Metas es una oportunidad para 3 4 5 67 89 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 visitar el campus de su hijo y recibir 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 información valiosa. La Asociación 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 de Padres y Maestros (PTA), así como 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 las organizaciones locales, estarán 31 NOVIEMBRE DICIEMBRE presentes. ¡Asegúrese de asistir! OCTUBRE S M TW T F S S M TW T F S P2r9edpearaagtoosrtioa S M TW T F S 3S0ecduenadgaorsitao 1 2 3 45 1 23 6 dePrsiemptaiermiabre 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 23 4 5 678 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Horario escolar 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2022-2023 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 –H3e:a3d0Spt.amr.t 30 31 FEBRERO MARZO 8:05Lau.mca.s–P3r:e2-5Kp.m. 7:45Hao.mme. r–4D:0r0ivpe.m. ENERO S M TW T F S S M TW T F S–3a:c3A0rpt.hmu.r E8l:0em0 ae.nmta. r–y3:S3c0hpo.omls. S M TW T F S 1234 1 23 4 8:4M5 iad.mdl.e–S4c:h1o5opls.m. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7:15Hai.gmh. S–c2h:o4o5lps .m. 1 2 3 4 56 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Earl7y:1C5oal.lmeg.e–H2:4ig5hpS.mch. ool 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7:20 aP.mat.h–w2a:y3s5 p.m. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31–C2e:5n5tepr.m. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Br3o:w45npE.mxt.e–n7d:e1d5 29 30 31 JUNIO Career7:a2n5daT.mec.h–n2i:c3a0l pE.dmu.cation ABRIL MAYO S M TW T F S S M TW T F S S M TW T F S 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 2 3 456 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 3 4 5 6 78 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 KEY 30 - Primer Y Último Día De Clases HORARIO ESCOLAR PERIODOS DE CALIFICACIÓN - Capacitación del Personal - Día de trabajo para Maestros Bingman ................................8:10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 1st grading period: Aug. 10 - Oct. 12 Lucas......................................8:05 a.m. - 3:25 p.m. 2nd grading period: Oct. 17 - Dec. 16 - Termina Periodo de Calificaciones Homer Dr................................7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 3rd grading period: Jan. 4 - March 10 - 1/2 Día Salida Anticipada Pietzsch-MacArthur ...............8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 4th grading period: March 20 - May 26 - Día Festivo Estudiantes/Personal Elementary ............................8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Orientación para los nuevos Maestros Middle....................................8:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. NOCHES DE METAS High School............................7:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. - Día de mal clima ECHS.......................................7:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. High School - August 29 Pathways ...............................7:20 a.m. - 2:35 p.m. Middle School - August 30 BOARD APPROVED 12-14-21 Brown ....................................7:35 a.m. - 2:55 p.m. Elementary - September 6 REVISED 7-20-22 Brown Extended Hours..M-Th 3:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Career Center .........................7:25 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. FECHA DE GRADUACIÓN Beaumont ISD ECHS- May 19 - 7 p.m. – West Brook PAC Center Edificio de Administracón Beaumont United - May 25 - 10 a.m. – TBD West Brook - May 25 - 6 p.m. – TBD 3395 Harrison Avenue Beaumont, Texas 77706 (409) 617-5000 • Fax (409) 617-5184

BBeeauaummonotnItSIDSD– –ZoTnhaeESscchoolaorl–ZEojneem–plBaarcdketRoeSgcrheosoolaIsCslausee–s –2022022 Página 33 ¡BISD ESTÁ EN MOVIMIENTO! Rendimiento preliminar del campus de la Agencia de Educación de Texas 2022 CAMPUS CLASIFICADOS “A” CAMPUS CLASIFICADOS “B” Aumento de uno a dos campus con calificación “A” Aumento de uno a ocho campus con calificación “B” HASTA 3 GRADOS SUBIERON 1 GRADO HASTA 2 GRADOS SE MANTUVO CON LA MISMA CALIFICACION ¡Los resultados preliminares están listos y los campus de SUBIERON 1 GRADO SUBIERON 1 GRADO BISD están progresando! Varias escuelas demostraron un crecimiento notable en la evaluación STAAR 21-22. Doce N ELEME escuelas en general lograron un progreso significativo y Jo NTARY aumentaron al menos una letra de calificación. MARTImy HASTA 2 GRADOS HASTA 3 GRADOS hn P. Odom Acade SE MANTUVO CON LA SUBIERON 1 GRADO MISMA CALIFICACION

PáPgaignea3344 Beaumont ISD – Zona Escolar – Ejemplar de Regreso a Clases – 2022 2022-2023 BISD Directorio Línea principal : 409-617-5000 Fletcher Elementary School (PK-5)................................617-6100 ¿Conoce alguna familia Escuelas Preparatorias 1055 Avenue F, Beaumont 77701.............................. Fax 617-6123 cuyo hijo pueda tener una Principal—Gloria Guillory discapacidad? Child Find Beaumont United High School (10-12).........................617-5400 Guess Elementary School (K-5)......................................617-6125 puede ayudar. 3443 Fannett Road, Beaumont 77705....................... Fax 617-5496 8055 Voth Road, Beaumont 77708............................ Fax 617-6148 Principal—Wiley Johnson, Ed.D. Interim Principal—Sylvia Jenkins ¿Qué es Child Find? West Brook High School (9-12).......................................617-5500 Homer Drive Elementary School (PK-5).......................617-6225 8750 Phelan Boulevard, Beaumont 77706............... Fax 617-5582 8950 Homer Drive, Beaumont 77708....................... Fax 617-6248   Child Find es un proceso diseñado para identificar, Principal— Nicholas Phillips Principal—Charisma Popillion, Ed.D. ubicar y evaluar a bebés, niños y adultos jóvenes hasta Early College High School...............................................617-6600 Phalen Academy at los 21 años que tienen o se sospecha que tienen una 3410 Austin St., Beaumont 77706............................. Fax 617-6624 Jones-Clark Elementary School (K-5)............................617-6350 discapacidad. Principal—Melanie Pharis 3525 Cleveland Street, Beaumont 77703.................. Fax 617-6346 Principal—Stephanie Hayes ¿Quién proporciona los Escuelas Secundarias Martin Elementary School (K-5)................................................ 617-6425 servicios de Child Find? 3500 Pine Street, Beaumont 77703.........................................Fax 617-6446 King Middle School (6-8).................................................617-5850 Principal—Tamara Long   Beaumont ISD ofrece servicios integrales de 1400 Avenue A, Beaumont 77701............................. Fax 617-5873 Pietzsch-MacArthur (PK-7)......................................................... 617-6475 educación especial a estudiantes elegibles, desde el Principal— Marian Williams 4301 Highland, Beaumont 77705...........................................Fax 617-6498 nacimiento hasta los 21 años de edad. Marshall Middle School (6-8)..........................................617-5900 Principal—Audrey Collins 6455 Gladys Avenue, Beaumont 77706.................... Fax 617-5924 Regina-Howell Elementary School (K-5).................................. 617-6190 ¿Qué tipo de ayuda está Principal— Murrell Stewart, Ed.D. 5850 Regina Lane, Beaumont 77706......................................Fax 617-6199 disponible? Odom Academy (6-8)........................................................617-5925 Principal—TBA 2550 West Virginia Street, Beaumont 77705 .......... Fax 617-5949   Los niños elegibles tienen a su disposición una Principal—TBA Centros de Educación educación pública gratuita y apropiada con una Phalen Academy at gama completa de servicios. Todas las referencias se Smith Middle School (6-8)...............................................617-5825 BISD Administration Annex...........................................617-5200 consideran confidenciales y los servicios se brindan 4415 Concord Road, Beaumont 77703..................... Fax 617-5898 4315 Concord Road, Beaumont 77703 sin costo para la familia. Principal— Loretta Mack Bingman Head Start (Head Start/PK).............................617-6200 Vincent Middle School (6-8)............................................617-5950 5265 South Kenneth Avenue, Beaumont 77705............... Fax 617-6203 ¿A quién llamamos? 350 Eldridge Street, Beaumont 77707....................... Fax 617-5974 Principal—Sue Little Principal—Shyulanda Randle-Filer, Ed.D. Paul A. Brown Learning Center......................................617-5720   Si conoce a un niño o joven que necesite estos 88 Jaguar Drive, Beaumont 77702 servicios, aconseje a sus padres que se comuniquen Escuelas Primarias Principal—Calvin Rice, Ed.D. con el Departamento de Educación Especial al 409- BISD Memorial Stadium..................................................617-5270 617-5117. Amelia Elementary School (PK-5)..................................617-6000 5250 Bayou Willow Prky., Beaumont 77705 565 Major Drive, Beaumont 77707........................... Fax 617-6024 Frank Planetarium.............................................................617-5100 Child Find puede abrir la ventana de la esperanza Principal— Yvonne Dupont 3370 North Street, Beaumont 77706 para un futuro más brillante, un niño a la vez. Blanchette Elementary School (PK-5)...........................617-6300 Lucas Pre-K Center (PK)..................................................617-6450 2550 Sarah Street, Beaumont 77705.......................... Fax 617-6296 1750 East Lucas Drive, Beaumont 77703.............................Fax 617-6448 Principal— April Johnston Principal—Mellow Tatmon Caldwood Elementary School (PK-5)............................617-6025 Pathways Learning Center...............................................617-5700 102 Berkshire, Beaumont 77707................................ Fax 617-6048 2300 Victoria, Beaumont 77701 Principal—Julie Corona Interim Principal—Joseph Bowser Charlton-Pollard Elementary School (PK-5)...............617-6075 Career and Technical Education Center.......................617-5740 1695 Irving Street, Beaumont 77701......................... Fax 617-6098 2330 North Street, Beaumont 77702......................... Fax 617-5759 Principal— Ariane Moore Principal—Michael Shelton Curtis Elementary School (K-5)......................................617-6050 BISD Agricultural Farm 6225 North Circuit, Beaumont 77706...................... Fax 617-6073 6150 North Keith Road, Beaumont 77713......................617-7077 Principal—Cheryl Tripplett Safety/Police Department................................................617-7001 Dishman Elementary School (PK-5)..............................617-6250 1025 Woodrow St., Beaumont 77705 3475 Champions Drive, Beaumont 77707............... Fax 617-6274 Principal—Kareem Nelson Fehl-Price Classical Academy (PK-5).............................617-6400 3350 Blanchette Street, Beaumont 77701................. Fax 617-6423 Principal— Marilyn Pace-White

Beaumont ISD – The School Zone – Back to School Issue – 2022 Page 35

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