BNI Nakshatra had gathered for their socials at one of the resorts in Nov 2014. the members had a great time with Swimming, cricket, Volleyball, Badminton & all activities along with their families. these activities strengthened our relationships in our chapter. this was the day, when Praveen jain came up with the idea of playing cricket across chapters of BNI in Bangalore. LIke minded guys like Manish, Pradeep & Sunil came together. the thoughts poured in & a tournament for cricket across chapters started taking shape. Our chapter President Mr. Amarnath & Mr. Srinivas Anagolum supported the initiative & the same was placed in front of our Executive Directors of BNI Bangalore. they welcomed the initiative & the purpose of uniting all the BNI members across chapters started. What a way to begin...... 3CT, Cross Chapter Cricket Tournament came into being and the first one was held on Feb 7-8, 2015. From then on, it is no seeing back. we have been growing year on year with 24 teams playing in the last season. Let us now come together, Play Cricket, Eat Cricket, Drink Cricket, Chat & discuss Business & enjoy with family & friends. Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome to the 5th Season of 3CT 2019 on May 4th & 5th. We thank & Appreciate every member involved in making this initiative a Grand success. May 4th & 5th, 2019 May 5th For Non participants chapters, we have a lot of facilities at the resort like Badminton, Swimming (attire is a must), Indoor games & Fun extravanganza for family & Children apart from Cricket. we request all the members of BNI to come together & participate & network over cricket.
1300/- 5. Benefits of Sponsoring the event. a. Package 1 - Cricket Kit @ Rs. 54,990/- I.Tennis Balls - 100 nos ii. Bat stickers - 10 nos iii. Wicket stickers - 18 nos iv. Company name Umpires T-Shirt - 6 nos v. Company name on Scorers T-Shirts - 6 nos vi. Boundary Banners - 2 nos vii. Company name on Co-Ordinators T-Shirt viii. Entry for 1 person for 2 days with Breakfast & Lunch till 5pm. ix. Space for Kiosk will be provided x. 30 sec video will be played atleast 50 times in a day xi. Continous announcement of the sponsors name xii. Write-up about the sponsorer xiii. 1 award will be presented by the sponsorer at the award’s night ceremony
1 Approx: 50 times in a day Approx: 50 times in a day Rs. 3000/- 1 Rs. 149,990/- Approx: 50 times in a day 1 Approx: 50 times in a day
1 Approx: 50 times in a day Rs. 64,990/- 30 Approx: 50 times in a day 1 J. Food Court Sponsorship - Rs. 75000/- I. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner by the sponsorer ii. All the food counters will have the Sponsors banner iii. Standee of the sponsor at the beginning & end of the food counter iv. 60 secs video (provided by you) of the sponsour comor will be played atleast 60 times a day v. Write-up about your company vi. Boundary Banner vii. Announcement of the sponsor’s name throughout the day viii. 1 Award will be presented by the sponsorer at the award’s night ix. 30 sec video will be played in the ground atleast for 50 times a day K. DJ Night Sponsorhip - Rs. 51,990/- I. Bar Counter will have the sponsors banner ii. will serve 800 beer cans iii. Standee of the sponsor at the DJ floor iv. 30 secs video (provided by you) of the sponsour will be played at the food counter v. Write-up about your company vi. Boundary Banner vii. Continuous announcement of the sponsor’s name at the DJ floor viii. 1 Award will be presented by the sponsorer at the award’s night
K. Title Sponship I. Entire Event will be name after the sponsor ii. Company name of the sponsor on all the T-Shirts iii. Sponsor’s name will be added in all the promotions from today - till the tournament iv. 60 secs video (provided by you) of the sponsor will be played throughout v. Big stall will be provided as per the sponsor’s requirement vi. 1st Day Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner will be in the name of the sponsor vii. Banner display at all the food stalls for the 1st day viii. Exclusive LED vidio display at the food counter ix. Write-up about your company x. Boundary Banner xi. 2 people will be allowed for marketing your products xii. Continuous announcement of the sponsor’s name at all commentary boxes xiii. Awards will be presented by the sponsorer at the award’s night xiv. Title sponsor will get 1 counter extra for organising games for the promotion of their brand. this will be arranged by the sponsor, the same will be announced in all the commentary boxes continously
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