7 Promo Code Tips That Can Double Your Sales Created By : Andrea Paris
A smart customer always looks for a better deal before making a purchase. In most cases, the customer searches for new promo codes for the item that he or she needs. Others are smarter in the sense that they don’t have to wast e time browsing different sites to get the offers. They subscribe to newsletters and coupon alerts. Genuinely, promo codes are very convincing to the customers. The customers will see the coupons not just as a way to save but also
Tip 1 : Know Your Audience You don’t start to distribute your coupons without identifying a target market. Start by employing the ‘Personalization Tactic’. In this case, send customized promo codes to specific customers, especially people wh o are celebrating birthdays or any other anniversaries. You can collect their personal data when they sign up for newsletters or when they participate in a survey. The other tactic is to review the customer’s past transactions
Tip 2 : Promote Your Coupons Your coupons have to reach the right people, so you have to promote them. One way to do this is posting your coupons on Coupon Cause to target the dedicated online shoppers. The site has a massive influence online who visit it for discounted deals. The other method of promoting your coupons is using newsletters. You can email the offers to your email subscribers whenever you are running a marketing campaign. You can also post the promo codes on your site and blogs.
Tip 3 : Timing is Key It’s important that you time your offers if you want to get double sales. When the season is low, you should offer discounts or buy-one-get-one offers to encourage the customers to continue shopping. When it’s a high season, you can offer the customers free shipping to encourage them to buy more items at your store. Likewise, during the festive seasons, you should have special offers for the occasion.
Tip 4 : Don’t Expose the Coupons to Everyone A customer who has already made a purchase doesn’t have to be notified about a running discount offer for the same product. Instead of giving a discount offer to such a customer, you should target a newsletter subscriber who has never made a purchase. To make sure that the promo codes reach the right targets, you should: • Use plugins to hide the promo from current buyers and only to pop up when new customers visit the store. • Segment your subscription and email lists to know who has made a purchase and who hasn’t.
Tip 5 : Use Promo Codes to Sell Other Items You can offer coupons for one product to promote another. For example, by asking a customer to sign up for an account in order to get a coupon, you can direct him or her to your site where there are other discounted products. Promo codes usually generate traffic and if your landing page has relevant products and fair deals, you can double your sales.
Tip 6 : Use the ‘Referral Technique’ You can use the customers that you have to acquire new ones. Just offer the loyal customers coupons when they refer their friends and the friends make purchases. They are in a better position of convincing their mates since there is a valuable offer on the table. They’ll work extremely hard to bring them on board.
Tip 7 : Provoke the Customers to Buy Smart customers don’t like missing important deals. The easiest way to entice them into making a quick purchase i s by offering them a coupon deal that will expire soon. For example, use terms like: • Expires tomorrow • A few hours left • Today only It’s possible to double or triple your sales with promo codes. All you need are proven strategies and you can start
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