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Home Explore Pioneer November 2019

Pioneer November 2019

Published by Mr. Miller, 2019-11-25 00:01:30

Description: The November 25, 2019 issue of The Pioneer, student newspaper of Maine East High School in Park Ridge, Illinois.

Keywords: the pioneer,maine east,newspaper,park ridge,illinois,high school


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ioneerThe November 25, 2019 Maine East High School Park Ridge, Illinois @mehspioneer 2019 V-Show gives talented student stars a chance to shine

Students’ different talents combine for amazing V-Show By Aviva Hurwitz swinging from above, curtains intimidating- if you could see types of talents!” Whether you’re behind going back and forth, instruc- them. Instead, the lights are In the background, the scenes or in the audience, tions being shouted. For some, near-blinding. Still, the thrill- V-Show is an exciting event for this would be torture. For the and the friendships- are well V-Show’s 2019 pit plays, their all of Maine East. Full of danc- crew, this is home. worth the trouble of rehearsal hard work paying off. Bringing ing, singing, and- of course- after rehearsal. the music and beat to all differ- acting, there’s a lot to discuss. “Working backstage is ent kinds of acts is no easy task. Backstage, all is dark. The really fun,” stated one crew “Everyone in V-Show is crew uses phone flashlights member, “but it’s also incredi- fun, supportive, and hardwork- Altogether, V-Show is an to get around, and there are bly stressful.” ing,” one singer recounted, “I impressive yearly event. Join people everywhere. Cables are am thankful that Maine East us in the audience, on stage, or Meanwhile, the actors are has such good opportunities behind the curtains next year, focused on their craft. Looking for all types of students and all for V-Show 2020. out at the audience would be 2 | THE PIONEER | November 25, 2019

November 25, 2019 | THE PIONEER | 3

Congress getting closer to invoking articles of impeachment By Dalal Hassane town University’s Institute partisan, nonpolitical national present in an ideal America. The House recently for the Study of Diplomacy. security professional focusing This, along with the many commenced the first public Her testimony against the on Europe and Eurasia and other detrimental and sinister impeachment hearings against president proved to be very especially the former Soviet decisions he has made as pres- President Donald Trump. powerful and sparked a stand- Union.” ident proves the threat that These hearings were centered ing ovation at the end of the Trump brings to a well-func- around testimonies from wit- five-hour hearing. America paints an image tioning, prosperous nation. nesses who spoke on behalf of of itself as the “Land of Op- Yovanovitch, Vindman, and their experience and position Alexander Vinman, a US portunity.” Many immigrants Hill demonstrate the great deal in the midst of the president’s Army Lt. Col. as well as an long for the chance at a fresh of hope evident in the future misdemeanors. All witnesses immigrant from Ukraine, also start and a safer and prosper- of the nation and resemble the made significant contributions made clear the significance of ous life. However, the racism comeback that immigrants to the hearings, but three immigrants wishing to build and bigotry that are prevalent and other minorities are witnesses in particular had the “American Dream.” in the behavior of President making despite this bully, this something quite interesting to Trump diminish the hope tyrant of a leader. bring to the table: they’re all “Next year will mark 40 and optimism that should be immigrants. years since my family arrived Marie Yovanovitch, Lt. in the United States as refu- Col. Alexander Vinman, and gees. When my father was 47 Fiona Hill all testified in the years old, he left behind his impeachment hearings against entire life and the only home Donald Trump. Although the he had ever known to start hearings are centered around over in the United States so unveiling the president’s that his three sons could have wrongdoings, there was an better, safer lives.” underlying message about im- migration and welcoming. The Vindman’s story is a re- witnesses emphasized the idea flection of the same experienc- that the beauty of our nation es many immigrants endure. comes from the many immi- All people immigrating to grants who sacrifice many America share the common aspects of their lives to find a desire to build better lives for home in America. not only themselves, but their Former US Ambassador families as well. to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch made a powerful statement In addition, British-born in her testimony on Friday, American foreign affairs November 15, “My personal specialist Fiona Hill had a history gave me both deep powerful opening statement gratitude towards the Unit- concerning her identity as a ed States and great empathy true American: “While his for others like the Ukrainian dream of emigrating to Amer- people who want to be free… ica was thwarted, my father My service is an expression loved America, its culture, of gratitude for all that this its history and its role as a country has given to me and to beacon of hope in the world. my family.” He always wanted someone Yovanovitch was abruptly in the family to make it to the ousted by Trump as Ambas- United States...Years later, I sador to Ukraine this past can say with confidence that spring, which may have been a this country has offered me result of his desire to clear the opportunities I never would way for a pressure campaign have had in England. I grew in Ukraine for his own benefit. up poor with a very distinctive Yovanovitch has since held working-class accent. In En- a position as a Senior State gland in the 1980s and 1990s, Department Fellow at George- this would have impeded my professional advancement. This background has never set me back in America. For the better part of three decades, I have built a career as a non- 4 | THE PIONEER | November 25, 2019

Kurdish women fighters hold ground against ISIS and others By Dalal Hassane In the past decade, ISIS made a phenomenal impact must get married and have ing housewives and having has been faced with a force on the fight against ISIS. One children, and nothing more. children. This notorious idea that is challenging the course of these courageous fighters, that women are incapable of of history in numerous ways: Beratan, comments on her “If you want to protect achieving high standards has Kurdish women. experience in the midst of yourself and live free, you proven to be detrimental to the fight against ISIS: “When can’t reach it in our tradi- a well-functioning society. Kurdistan, the autono- I fight against them, I feel tional marriages. The slavery However, these female fighters mous region consisting of stronger, empowered, because begins in the family. When have represented Kurdistan in parts of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, when they see women, they go you follow the mentality that ways that no one has before. and Iran, has been fighting weak at the knees. you should marry at a certain for independence and the age and have children, then They are rewriting history formation of a new country According to their belief, you choose to live in a cage. I and making clear to the world for nearly a century. This they must not be killed by a didn’t want to belong to any- that women are not mere ob- desire for a homeland has woman. When they see us, one and I shared this directly jects, but are capable of reach- been expressed by many, but they prefer to run away, not to to my family, and also my ing a high potential like no has constantly been erased be killed by us.” friends,” Beratan remarked. other. The future of Kurdistan and shut down by terrorists is unknown to the world, but and animosity from govern- This feminist movement Society has painted an these inspirational women are ments such as that of Turkey. has sparked much controversy, image of women that rep- providing hope for a prosper- The majority of Kurds are in however there is no doubt that resents them as helpless ous and thriving future nation Turkey, and approximately it has inspired many women and vulnerable objects, with of Kurdistan. 15 million Kurds live in the living in patriarchal societies the sole purpose of becom- country. to challenge the status quo and make their voices heard. Despite the significant These female Kurdish fighters amount of the Kurdish pop- have confronted the misog- ulation in Turkey, the Kurds ynistic expectation that they still face much hostility and discrimination by the Turkish government. They continue to suffer attacks by racist gov- ernments such as this one, as well as the infamous terrorist group, ISIS. There have been various political parties that have aris- en to defend the human rights of all Kurds, primarily their right to a homeland. These groups have made immense efforts in order to fight against ISIS and other dangerous extremist groups. However, Kurdish female fighters have November 25, 2019 | THE PIONEER | 5

Students using extra morning time mostly for more sleep By Aviva Hurwitz The popular presumption of sleep on average and 15 of Maine East High School is that most teenagers don’t 35 used the extra time gained Park Ridge, Illinois get enough sleep. The reason from our school’s delayed start November 25, 2019 for this is clear: teens have an time to sleep. This shows that @mehspioneer internal body clock that says the administration’s strategy is bedtime should be later and helping at least a few students PIONEER STAFF high schools tend to give stu- get a better night’s sleep. dents a huge workload. In an EDITOR attempt to counteract this, over Of course, there is plenty Dalal Hassane the past two years Maine East to do in the morning as well. 8 REPORTERS has moved its daily start time of 21 students polled reported Carmen Oraha back from 7:45 to 8:20. Did it using the extra time for be- Aviva Hurwitz work? fore-school activities or just to The Pioneer reports on news, entertain- travel. Altogether, a later start ment, and sports events for Maine East A recent Pioneer student time has been helping stu- High School and the surrounding commu- poll shows that it did. Out of dents be up and prepared for nity. The Pioneer is distributed in school approximately 35 students school. Who’s up for pushing to students and staff; digital copies of polled, 21 students reported it even later? each issue are available at The Pioneer that they got six to eight hours website: Readers can send story suggestions, photos, letters to the editor, or com- ments to sponsor Matt Miller or assis- tant sponsor Dave Hessert via email: [email protected] [email protected] Scan this code with your Snapchat app or a QR scanner to read this issue digitally in COLOR : 6 | THE PIONEER | November 25, 2019

History lessons and talent combine in Pumpkin Carving Contest BEST CARVED PUMPKIN BEST OVERALL PUMPKIN BEST HISTORICAL PUMPKIN Claudia Domusiewicz Martyna Golebiewska Paulina Golebiewska David Bowie led the way for bold style and lifestyle By Juhee Dave allowed to openly serve in the Fashion helps people ing my mind” she stated. He also and Tawer Matloub military, Bowie encouraged express themselves and it could inspired her alter ego Madame David Bowie, one of people to be expressive and open also be used to create another X. ‘As an adolescent,” said Bowie, America's greatest and most about who they are as a person. personality. Bowie’s interest in “I was painfully shy, withdrawn. influential performers came out science fiction and space travel I didn’t really have the nerve as gay in 1972, at the height of Apart from being an Icon led him to create his alter ege, to sing my songs on stage and his stardom. When asked about for society’s outcasts, he also Ziggy Stardust, a bisexual alien nobody else was doing them. I his sexuality, Bowie replied, “It’s heavily influenced artists of vary- god. Ziggy Stardust had flam- decided to do them in disguise true – I am a bisexual. But I can’t ing genres. His flamboyant use boyant red hair and a two-piece so that I didn’t have to actually deny that I’ve used that fact very of makeup and strange, colorful suit that made him look interga- go through the humiliation of well. I suppose it’s the best thing costumes has been passed down lactic. Marilyn Mason, a heavy going on stage and being myself. that ever happened to me. Fun, through many artists over the metal and rock artist, claimed I continued designing charac- too.” This openness was rare in years. The costume and makeup that Ziggy Stardust inspired his ters with their own complete anyone as successful as Bowie, designs of the famous band KISS own onstage personas. Lady personalities and environments. especially within the music owe a lot to Bowie’s alternate Gaga had a drag alter ego called I put them into interviews with industry. persona, Ziggy Stardust. Lady Jo Calderone. me! Rather than be me — which In a time when the DSM-1, Gaga’s use of costumes and make must be incredibly boring to the prime disorder manual for up were quite obviously inspired Madonna accepted Bowie’s anyone — I’d take Ziggy in, or psychologists, classified homo- by the late legend, She even stat- award when he was inducted Aladdin Sane or The Thin White sexuality as a mental disorder, ed in an interview with Rolling into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Duke. It was a very strange thing and gays and lesbians were not Stones that “My entire career is a Fame.”He was so unconventional to do.” tribute to David Bowie.” Defying logic and basically blow- November 25, 2019 | THE PIONEER | 7

SPORTS GIRLS BASKETBALL Head Coach: Nicole Rinaldi KEY PLAYERS: Guard – Colleen Oribello (Sr.); Center – Emina Hanic (So.); Point Guard – Mahima Chokshi (So.) SEASON PREVIEW: Our strengths this year start with our leadership. We struggled with vocal leadership last season and is a big emphasis this season. We have outstanding captains with this group who work hard daily. Their work ethic is contagious. If we keep up with this momentum, improve our defensive mindset, and not go back to old habits fundamentally, we will be a very special team. I think we surprised a lot of people last season. Our goal is to build off last year’s successes. In order to do that, we need to work really hard as a team and focus on playing good team defense, rebounding well and controlling the tempo on the offensive end. COACH’S COMMENT: The leadership and team chemistry I’ve seen already will be a huge impact on our success this season. Building out vocal leadership and team building activities will continue to help us grow as a team and create positive relationships with each other. FOLLOW THE TEAM ON SnapChat, Instagram, and Twitter at MEgirlshoops WRESTLING Head Coach: Austin Bautista KEY PERFORMERS: SEASON PREVIEW: Angel Villegas (Sr.) Baltazar Cabrales (Sr.), Much work has been put in this summer and there is more Roger Beiza (So.) work to be done. The goal for this season is to earn multiple conference wins and be competitive in all levels. The Maine Chris Kish (So.) East wrestling team will face Hersey on November 27th as Jonathan Gonzales (Sr.) their home opener and then travel to Vernon Hills over the Thanksgiving weekend for a 10-team tournament. Jeffrey Becerra (Jr.) COACH’S COMMENT: Much work has been put in this summer and there is more work to be done. The goal for this season is to earn multiple conference wins and be competitive in all levels. The Maine East wrestling team will face Hersey on November 27th as their home opener and then travel to Vernon Hills over the Thanksgiving weekend for a 10 team tournament. COMPETETIVE DANCE Head Coach: Sue Kawecki KEY PERFORMERS: SEASON PREVIEW: Captain Mariah Barber (Sr.) We are looking to reclaim our IDTA State Champion title, and we are Sidney Van Dyke (Sr.) confident that we will be heading to IHSA State Finals in January. Coming Daniela Butman (Sr.) into the season, with a pre-season first place for our sophomore trio and a Lieutenant Josie Fleischel (So.) first place in the jazz category at a pre-season competition/fundraiser for Ashley Velasquez (Fr.) pancreatic cancer (Power of Purple). Senior Sidney Van Dyke was recently crowned as the IDTA Grand Champion at IDTA Start the Beat which awards her a spot in the IDTA TOP TEN Solo competition in February 2020. COACH’S COMMENT: With only one returning varsity dancer, one might think that maintaining our standard of excellence would be difficult. However, our young dancers, coupled with our three seniors, are extremely talented and ambitious. This season promises to be an exciting and fulfilling one! 8 | THE PIONEER | November 25, 2019

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