ioneerThe December 18, 2018 Maine East High School Park Ridge, Illinois @mehspioneerThe Maine East Poetry Slam team won the Northwest ChicagoSuburban Poetry Slam competition known as Louder Than aLawnmower. Sophomore Ash Golebiewska won top honors byearning the highest individual score. Next up for the team isthe statewide Louder Than A Bomb Poetry Slam competition.
For many, especially teenagers,December can be particularly stressful By Elizabeth Urban gerous for the students and Staff if they do not deal with their stress in a healthy December is one way.of the busiest times ofthe year for students. Healthy ways toWith finals right around relieve stress could in-the corner, stress levels clude just simply talkingare at a new high. Tests to a friend or trustedthat would’ve originally adult. Bottling up yourseemed like no big deal, stress and not talkinghave immediately risen about will only make itin importance. Grades increase more, ultimatelybecome many students’ leading to releasing it in amain focus. unhealthy way. However this anxiety There are manythat a lot of students may other was to relievebe experiencing now, stress, according tomay have already been Tamar Chansky, authorhappening to their peers. of Freeing Yourself from Anxiety: According to asurvey conducted by the Advice for Reducing Stress from the APAAmerican PsychologyAssociation recently, the 1. Stay in the present.stress level reported by Anxiety is worrying about the future, so instead of worrying about what’s going to happen, focus on the present.teens was much higher Are you safe? Is there something you need to do right away? If not, make a list of things to do in the future,than those of adults. then focus on one task at a time.Many of the teens thatwere surveyed also said 2. Relabel what’s happening.they had felt depressed, Panic attacks can often feel overwhelming. Remind yourself: “I’m having a panic attack, but it’s harmless, it’soverwhelmed, or sad as a temporary, and there’s nothing I need to do.”result of their stress. 3. Breathe in and out. While the survey Deep breathing helps you calm down. You don’t need to worry about specific exercises, just focus on evenlymay not have specifically inhaling and exhaling. This will help slow down and re-center your mind.asked for the cause ofthe teenagers’ stress, we 4. Follow the 3-3-3 rule.can assume that tests Look around you and name three things you see. Then, name three sounds you hear. Finally, move three partsand school are probably of your body -- your ankle, fingers, or arm. Whenever you feel your brain going 100 miles per hour, this mentala huge part of that. Add trick can help center your mind, bringing you back to the present moment.on to that the stress ofsocial pressures, extra- 5. Stay away from sugar.curriculars, and family It may be tempting to reach for something sweet when you’re stressed, but that chocolate bar can do more harmobligations, the reason than good, as research shows that eating too much sugar can worsen anxious feelings. Instead of reachingbehind why teens’ high into the candy bowl, drink a glass of water or eat protein, which will provide a slow energy your body can use tostress levels becomes recover.pretty clear. 6. Stay away from social media and Netflix. The survey also con- It may also be tempting to scroll through Instagram or watch a few episodes of your favorite program to “un-cluded that the students wind,” but studies show a high correlation between social media use and anxiety; those who use social mediathat experienced large more experience more anxiety. While there are no studies about binge watching and anxiety, at the end of a twoamounts of stress, were hour Netflix session you still have everything you need to do, but now you have two fewer hours to do it all in.less likely to talk aboutthe effects that stress washaving on their body,mind, and life. This couldbe potentially very dan-2 | THE PIONEER | December 18, 2018
Make-A-Wish better at gift-giving than Santa By Dalal Hassane power in order to grant They gave Chris a gift. said, ‘Let’s do it.’” Since timely and comfortable This holiday season Chris’ wish. The group A gift of light. A gift of then, the wishes of manner. The process can put together a genuine hope. hundreds of thousands be as fast as 24 hours,millions of children are uniform for Chris, along of children all over the because the goal of theanticipating presents with a battery-powered After Chris passed world have been grant- foundation is to ensurefrom Santa Claus, lining motorcycle that he away less than a month ed, with many more to that every child’s wish isup in malls to tell him drove through cones later, Frank Shankwitz, come. fulfilled in the time theywhat they want, and in order to qualify for who was a part of the have left on this earth.writing long wishlists a motorcycle officer’s wish-granting project, The wish-grantingfilled with expensive wings. The smile, stated, “‘Why can’t we process all begins with The most commongifts. However, Santa laughter, and joy in do that for other ill referring a child. One wish among all chil-is not the only thing Chris’ face was enough children, let them make must fill out the referral dren is the wish to gothat can grant wish- to show the officers that a wish, and we’ll make it inquiry form, which to Disney World. Morees and spread magic they fulfilled their duty. happen.’ We approached can be found at https:// than 100,000 wishesthroughout the world. Chris’ mom, and she have been granted toHe will never live up to referral-inquiry-form. go to Disney World,the infinite magic that In order to be eligible and many fundrais-is continuously spread for a wish, a child must ers for Make-A-Wishby the influential and be diagnosed with a have been affiliatedinspiring Make-A-Wish terminal illness and be with Disney. Give KidsFoundation. between the ages of 2 ½, the World Village, a to 18. If a child is select- large resort in central This nonprofit ed, the child’s family sets Florida, was built fororganization, founded up a series of meetings wish children who wishin 1980, is solely for the with “wish-granters,” to go to Disney World,purpose of fulfilling the those who ensure that and includes manywishes of children with the child’s wish comes various componentsterminal diseases. The true. The wish-grant- that guarantee a magicalroots of the Make-A- ers get an idea of what stay for all wish families,Wish story begin with the child ultimately including an Ice CreamChris Grecius, a seven- wants the most, and Palace, a carousel, twoyear-old boy diagnosed move forward with thewith Leukemia, who process in order to grant see WISH, page 14had but one wish: to the child’s wish in abecome a police officer.It was then a group ofselfless and compassion-ate individuals, led bypolice officer Ron Cox,did everything in their December 18, 2018 | THE PIONEER | 3
CBD Oil therapeutic for many conditions By Dalal Hassane at the age of six. Although his for a few moments. Adam has longer takes, resulted in Adam Marijuana. Most of us particular type of seizures, undergone a process of switch- being very easily irritable, asdon’t have a very positive absent seizures, are not as ing between many different well unable to focus. Althoughperception of it. We imme- severe as others, he gets them medications, from Depakote to a solution hasn’t been found,diately think of weed, and an uncountable number of Ethosuximide, from Keppra to Adam’s current medicationspeople getting high. However, a times a day. Absent seizures Lamotrigine, etc. Many people are aiding in maintaining hissubstance that is a component are seizures in which one’s with epilepsy respond differ-of marijuana, CBD oil, is the eyes appear to be rolling, and ently to different medications. see CBD OIL, next pagevery opposite of our negative it is almost like they blank out Keppra, a medication he noperspective. In fact, it may justbe the hero of one’s life. Cannabidiol, otherwiseknown as CBD oil, is a dietarysupplement under federal law.It is also referred to as Char-lotte’s Web, in tribute to its dis-covery and roots. At five yearsof age, Charlotte Figi took adose of medical marijuana thatrapidly reduced her seizuresin a short period of time. Afterthis remarkable discovery, theuse of the CBD oil becamewell-renowned, and is used totreat childhood epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurologicaldisorder that induces seizuresand can result in potentiallong-term brain damage. Itis a condition that cannot becured, but has many treat-ments for it. Adam Hassane, aten-year-old resident of Niles,was diagnosed with Epilepsy4 | THE PIONEER | December 18, 2018
N.Korea continues to develop nuclear program By Hana Adler Pentagon officials an- missile to intercept North high between America and Last August President nounced that on Nov. 28 North Korean missiles in space. North Korea. Kim Jong-un isTrump met with North Korean Korea conducted a nuclear test working on the ability to sendpresident Kim Jong-un to launch of an intercontinental Most likely this counter off nuclear bombs and launchdiscuss North Korea's missile ballistic missile with the range defense would be stationed an intercontinental ballisticprogram. Kim Jong-un and to reach Washington D.C. S in Alaska and it would be in missile capable of reaching thePresident Trump seemed to charge of protecting the rest U.S. mainland. If it achievescome to an agreement in which South Korean officials of America. But this defense is that goal, the United States hasNorth Korea would no longer believe its hostile neighbor to not perfect and has some flaws. a $40 billion system designeddevelop its nuclear program. the north could have the ability to destroy the bomb in space. Recent satellite photos to pair such a missile with a \"The incoming missile is Hopefully, in the future, therereveal that North Korea is nuclear warhead sometime in going 15,000, 17,000 miles an will not be a need for our de-still developing and testing 2018, CNN reported. hour [24,000 to 27,000 km/h],\" fense mechanisms, and we cantheir nuclear missiles, their said Philip Coyle of the Center solve our problems diplomati-goal being a missile capable of One solution that has been for Arms Control. \"And going cally, without the use of nuclearreaching the U.S. developing is a midcourse that fast, if you miss by an inch, warfare. According to our mili- defense. A midcourse defense you can miss by a mile.\"tary, “North Korea’s military means sending off a differentactivities pose the most serious Tensions are extremelyand pressing threat our nationhas faced...Its military actions[also] represent an unprece-dented serious and imminentthreat to Japan’s nationalsecurity. There is no change inour basic recognition about thethreat of North Korea’s nuclearweapons and missiles.” This is not only an Amer-ican issue, this is a worldwideissue. North Korea has con-ducted three nuclear tests andlaunched 40 ballistic missilessince the start of 2016. Some ofthe tests involved long-rangemissiles that flew over north-ern Japan, albeit at very highaltitudes, while North Koreaalso possesses several hundredmedium-range Rodong mis-siles that are capable of strikingJapan. CBD OIL, his span of attention and focus. immune system, and more so reduction in seizures of greater from previous page How can a substance inflammation and pain. CBD than 75%. This proves theseizures, and preventing them is not binded to these recep- necessity of further explora-from escalating. found in marijuana have such tors, but it instead impacts the tion with the medical use of When Adam began taking positive benefits on the brain? receptor activity by reducing CBD oil, and for researchers toCBD oil just a few months The human body produces inflammation and interacting move forward with continuousago, it had an unexpected and cannabinoids on its own. It with neurotransmitters. innovations and technologicalshocking impact on him. He contains two certain receptors advances.still got seizures, but signifi- for the cannabinoids, which are In a CBD oil clinical trialcantly fewer that what he had called the CB1 receptors and at the University of Chicago, 20 If we continue to proceedbefore. Furthermore, he is CB2 receptors. The CB1 recep- milligrams of CBD oil proved with creative, although unusu-diagnosed with ADHD, and tors deal more with movement, to have more significant results al, innovations, we can provideCBD oil has proven to have a coordination, memory, and the than 10 milligrams of CBD a much brighter and prosper-long-lasting improvement on mental state of being, while the as well as Placebo. The results ous future for those who have CB2 receptors deal with the showed that the CBD oil had a been longing for it. December 18, 2018 | THE PIONEER | 5
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to humanrights activist and humanitarian doctor By Dalal Hassane Activist Nadia Murad and Dr. Denis Mukwege were awarded the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize The 2018 Nobel Peace for their efforts to end sexual violence in warfare.Prize was recently awarded tohuman rights activists Nadia despair. one victim, it is an assault on male victims of sexual violence.Murad and Congolese doc- Dr. Denis Mukwege com- humanity.” Rape is a dehu- His work has been supportedtor Denis Mukwege for their manizing act that deprives an with funds and medicines fromefforts to end sexual violence mented on the new trend of the individual of their sense of self- the German Institute for Medi-in conflict zones. Murad, who use of sexual violence in war, worth and potential. It is an cal advocating for the rescue of “Rape is not just a physical, attempt at destruction of one’s3,000 Yazidi women who are violent act perpetrated against capabilities and motivation “The medical treatmentstill in captivity by ISIS and to live. Innocent women and is only a small part in thethe return of 300,000 Yazidi children are victims of the dev- handling of victims of sexualrefugees to Northern Iraq, is astating violence that occurs violence.” Mukwege stated,herself a survivor of sexual in war, and very few attempts “When we started, their traumaenslavement by the terrorist have been made to rescue them was so strong that they couldgroup, ISIS. from this petrifying fate. not continue a normal life, \"As we are talking here, so we included psychological3,000 women and girls of Yazi- Mukwege, a gynecologist handling. But when they aredi villages are still in the hands and Pentecostal pastor, found- excluded by the family, by theof ISIS. They are sold, they are ed and works in the Panzi community, by the husband,raped and we don't know what Hospital in Bukavu, a center if you leave them in the streettheir situation is and what it's devoted to treating women and they will be raped again. Sogoing to be,\" Murad stated in girls who are victims of sexual we must support them to bean interview with Al Jazeera. violence. reintegrated into society,\" The Rape, and sexual violence fact that the very few individ-have been a continuous prob- After noticing the use of uals who were rescued fromlem, however, there has been genital damaging as a weapon the terrors of sexual violencean increase in the rate of sexual of war in various worldwideviolence used as a weapon in conflicts, he decided to put see PEACE, next pagewar. Yazidi women from north- much effort and research intoern Iraq, for example, have reconstructive surgery for fe-been held captive as sex slavesby ISIS, and many have yet tobe freed and rescued from thislife of weakness, violence, and6 | THE PIONEER | December 18, 2018
Tear gas used on women, children at border By Wasma Hussain der states is very dangerous. On November 25th, Maria The situation has been deemedLila Meza Castro was tear a humanitarian crisis.gassed by American author-ities at the Mexican border “It’s ridiculous that fam-fence. She ran away from the ilies that just want a bettergas, pulling her 5 year old twin life for themselves and theirdaughters along. kids have to go through these “I was scared. I wanted to dangerous and unreasonablecry. That’s when I grabbed my situations,” says Nick Maczu-daughters and ran. I thought ga, a Maine East kids were going to diewith me because of the gas we Many students at East dis-inhaled,” she said. approve of the military tactics Castro and her children used by Trump.were some of the hundreds ofmigrants waiting at the U.S. “That’s completely inhu-border because they’re seeking mane,” said senior Claudiaasylum. America’s new border Poptile. “Its use during war ispolicy is that migrants must banned, so how is it allowedwait in Mexico until their to be used on civilians? It justclaims are approved in court. doesn’t add up.” Only then will they be ableto enter the country. The prob- Students at Maine Eastlem with this is that it can take collectively hope that the mi-months, even years, for cases grants will be treated in a moreto be accepted, and to leave acceptable way while they waitthousands of migrants waiting for entry into the drug cartel controlled bor- They’ve travelled thou- sands of miles to seek asylum. Clearly if America is worth leaving the only home they’ve ever known, the least we can do is give them their day in court. PEACE, Yazidi Genocide, Nadia Murad not by those in authority, then widows and women who were from previous page stated, “I still feel shameful of by those who have the power exposed to sexual abuse byin their captivity are unable to what has happened to me and of their voices. It is evident that Islamic State militants,\" Muradbe accepted by society and are many other Yazidi girls. [But] worldwide governments are stated on December 14, in herantagonized should influence after we were somewhere safe not in a rush to stop the use hometown of Sinjar in north-worldwide governments to end ... we wanted to raise our voices of sexual violence in war, but ern Iraq. This astounding act ofthese inhumane crimes. ... If we don't speak up today, this is not an excuse to back benevolence and justice shows When asked about her tomorrow this will continue.\" down. This is not an excuse to that voices do matter. Even ifexperience as a captive in the stand idly and allow hundreds it’s just the voices of “average” Murad stresses the fact that of thousands of lives to be de- people. With Mukwege and change needs to happen fast. If stroyed and be stripped of the Murad’s continuous, hard- human rights of which they are working efforts to end sexual entitled to. violence in war, as well as the immense support of many It takes courage, it takes people, they were able to obtain determination, and it takes the Nobel Peace Prize and use great dignity. Murad, who their prize money to take a endured an unimaginable deal step forward in their journey of pain, got back on her feet of justice and the restoration of and continues to speak up and human rights. never end the fight against this calamitous type of violence. All it takes is courage. And in that journey of courage, \"With the money I got one will discover that there’s a from the Nobel Peace Prize, I weapon much more powerful will build a hospital in Sin- than sexual violence: a voice. jar to treat ill people, mainly December 18, 2018 | THE PIONEER | 7
CNN reporter fired for defending human rights By Dalal Hassane people. By saying “from the Happiness and sorrow. river to the sea,” he is stress-Pride and guilt. Light and dark. ing upon not only the need of Life and death. Palestinians to have their own When thinking about all land, but the importance ofof these factors that build the their freedom to exercise theirfoundation for one’s life, we human rights, not just limitedhave the tendency to be obliv- to what is now “Israel.” This isious to the fact that hundreds not just a misinterpretation ofof thousands of individuals the statement as anti-semitic,are forced into a life that only but an attempt at antagonizingconsists of one side of these those who wish to express thefactors. And it’s not the happi- truth and reality of the brutalness side; it’s the side that has situation.only pain, poverty, and fear Writer and author Susanfor those innocent individuals. Abulhawa comments on theMany of those individuals are Is the fight for justice worth losing a job? Marc Lamont Hill passionately true essence of Lamont Hill’sPalestinians living in the Israeli defends the human rights of thousands of oppressed Palestinians. statement, “When Marc Lam-state. The Palestinian-Israeli Palestinian freedom of move- ing his speech, which greatly ont Hill says ‘a free Palestineconflict has been ongoing for from the river to the sea,’ healmost a century, and it con- ment, and Palestinian right emphasizes the importance of is acknowledging that Pales-tinues to escalate as the years of return. Ever since Israeli human rights for Palestinians, tinians aren’t just clustered inprogress. The former nation of forces invaded and conquered and ultimately giving them the West Bank and Gaza, butPalestine is currently occupied Palestine, they have dealt with their own safe country. in fact, we are from places likeby the Israelis. Palestinians are Palestinian civilians in violent, As highlighted in Al Ja- Aqaba, and Jafa, and Majdal,continuously being belittled, abusive, and inhumane ways. zeera English, when this recent and the Galilee, and all parts ofdehumanized, and physically The conflict continues to take chain of events is boiled down, Palestine. And the significanceharmed. Ideas for a two-state the lives of many innocent in- Hill was fired for making this of this is that Israel has alwayssolution have been brought dividuals, and if actions aren’t statement: sought to erase this historicup, but fights over dominant taken, voices aren’t heard, and “Give us what justice fact. They’re not just object-control of the land have only lives aren’t taken into consider- requires, and that is a free Pal- ing to the use of the words,grown more violent and de- ation, the dream of peace will estine, from the river to the sea, ‘from the river to the sea,’ butstructive. never become a realty. ” said Lamont Hill. Palestin- Palestine.” In 1917, as the end of “While the Universal ians are very secluded in small As this violent conflictWorld War I was approaching, Declaration of Human Rights areas, and can only have small has been very recent history,Palestine was occupied by says that all people are “born bits of the remains of their the Israeli forces and govern-British forces, who would use free and equal in dignity and land. And even in this small bit ment can’t deny the validitythat power to grant different rights,” the Israeli nation state of land, they lack the freedom, of this statement. Palestiniansnations land. After the end of continues to restrict freedom human rights, equality, and were not only violently andWorld War II, on May 14, 1948, and undermine equality for safety that is necessary for the barbarically forced out ofthe Israeli forces, led by the Palestinian citizens of Israel, prosperity and peace of their their land, but they continueZionist movement, declared as well as those in the Westthe majority of the land of Pal- Bank in Gaza. At the currentestine as the Jewish nation of moment, there are more thanIsrael, reducing Palestine to a 60 Israeli laws that deny Pales-small state. This resulted in the tinians access to full citizenshipimmense expulsion, murder, rights, simply because they’reand permanent dislocation of not Jewish.”more than one million Pales- This statement, madetinians. by CNN commentator Marc One hundred years later, Lamont Hill, was delivered in athe main obstacles for peace speech for the United Nationsbetween these two groups are: on the Wednesday of Novem-mutual recognition, borders, ber 28, in honor of Internation-security, water rights, control of al Day of Solidarity. LamontJerusalem, Israeli settlements, Hill, an author, scholar, and activist, was fired from his job at CNN immediately follow- Gaza, Palestine under attack from Israeli forces.8 | THE PIONEER | December 18, 2018
to be oppressed, abused, and being deprived of the rights all product of fear. He was, in fact, problems and injustice of themurdered by Israeli forces. As humans are entitled to. displaying a lot of courage and corrupt world in which we arementioned earlier, a two-state valor when making his United living in.solution has been long debated, By simply standing up Nations speech. His voice wasbut unless peace is brought for the rights of innocent and the voice of millions of indi- In response to the criticismupon in the land, it simply can’t oppressed individuals, Marc viduals who wish to be heard, Lamont Hill received for hisbe done. If both sides of this Lamont Hill was showed and he was speaking up for the speech, he stated,conflict hear each other out disdain, hate, and disapproval. rights of those people. He wasand attempt to make impactful This is the source of many of not anti-semitic. He did not “This isn’t a case of throw-change, lives will be saved, and the severe events occurring display any hate, prejudice, or ing rocks and hiding hands.human rights can be enforced around the world. Fear is what discrimination against anyone. I genuinely believe in thein order to satisfy the needs of silences people. Fear is what Marc Lamont Hill was doing arguments and principles thatall individuals in order to attain results in the deaths of mil- just the opposite, and the fact I shared in the speech. I alsoprosperity and peace. lions of people. Fear is what that people continuously fail genuinely want peace, free- deprives people of their human to recognize that shows the However, this appealing rights. Lamont Hill was not the see PALESTINE,dream can only become a page 14reality if action is taken. WhenMarc Lamont Hill made hisspeech, he was not arguingfor the violent replacementof Israel with Palestine, butfreedom, equality, and humanrights for all individuals. Theharsh reality of the situationis as follows: had Lamont Hillbeen defending the rights ofIsraelis, he would still have hisjob. This reveals the great dealof bias and prejudice towardinnocent and vulnerablePalestinians, and how Israelisare often deemed the “victims.”In this land, the Israelis, asthe dominant power, are theones exercising human rights,freedom, and justice, whilethe Palestinians are constantly Palestinian children bathe in what’s left of their home. December 18, 2018 | THE PIONEER | 9
U.S. military steps up recruitment efforts By Hana Adler compared to generations they would be willing to Army National Guard, Since 1944, the GI Bill The last draft the before them, millennials serve in the armed forc- the Coast Guard, and has helped millions ofU.S. government issued seem to be less involved es, only 15% conveyed Coast Guard Reserve, Veterans pay for college,was in 1955 for the and less interested. any willingness at all to the Marine Corps and graduate school, andVietnam War. Since then do so.” Marine Corps Reserve, training programs.there has not been a When ISIS was the Navy, and Navy Under this bill, qualify-need for another draft, striking against Pairs Now with Gen-Z reserve. ing Veterans and theireven though for the past and Syria with terrorist coming of age, those family members can20 years the U.S. Army attacks. Millennials were born between the mid- There are many spe- get money to cover allhas been fighting over- completely behind the 1990’s and 2015, a whole cial forces within those or some of the costs forseas in the Middle East. military, they just didn't new generation is ready sectors, such as the Navy school or training. Recently, however, want to be the ones to to start making choices SEALs, Army Greenthe military has not been do the fighting. that will affect their Berets, Army Night According to mili-able to meet its recruit- future. They may find Stalkers, Army Rang-, there are evenment levels. There are “According to the military as a great ers, Marine MARSOC, more pay benefits thanmany theories for why research conducted chance for opportunity. Marine RECON, Marine the GI bill. For instance,this may be, including before and after the Paris RECON Missions, a new second lieutenantthe fact that the strong attacks by the Harvard The military has and Air Force Special starts at over $36,000 aeconomy forces the Institute of Politics, a many branches that Tactics. year plus full benefits,military to compete full 60% of millennials most people are not not including addedagainst private compa- (adults between 18 and aware of, and each In order to re- monthly allowances ofnies to hire workers, but 29 years old) support the branch has its own part cruit more people, the use of ground troops in time reserve force: the military has had to see MILITARY, combating the Islamic Air Force and Air Force offer extra benefits. One page 14 State. Yet when asked if Reserve, The Army and example is the GI bill.10 | THE PIONEER | December 18, 2018
Maine East’s Winter Concert December 18, 2018 | THE PIONEER | 11
2018 V-Show showcases hidden talents the 1990s, as well as the perfect way to transition as well. Performances but it would be a shame By Rianca Argenal present. Not only were into the next act. from Maine East’s own to not celebrate them as It was that time of the performers wonder- Demon Strings, Jazz well. ful, but they also showed With a large num- Band, A-Cappella group,the year again: V-Show! the impact of 90s enter- ber of impeccable mu- and Orchesis show the Occasionally inThere was no mistak- tainment on our gener- sical acts, the skits were school’s accomplished any shows, you will seeing the hype and buzz ation today. Although memorable and some- Fine Arts program. In some technical difficul-throughout the school the theme was I Love thing for the audience addition, the Poetry ties, but as they say, thefor the long-awaited the 90s, there were also to remember. The “90’s Slam Team brought a show must go on! Theevent! The time finally routines that represent- Family Reunion” and the powerful poem about performers still per-came, and many stu- ed the 2000s that were 90’s version of Family police brutality. formed, the musiciansdents, teachers, parents, equally enjoyable. Feud were hilarious! All still played, and the stageand even random adults, of the actors portrayed The incredible mu- crew did what they hadcame to enjoy Maine Humorous and their roles so well and sic played by the V-Show to do to continue to runEast’s annual Variety playful, the MCs-- one could tell how pit orchestra could not V-Show smoothly.Show. The theme? I Love Mayah Rotter, Alli- immersed they were in be left unnoticed. Inthe 90s. During this son Baek, and Jacob their performances! only a short period of Everyone that par-two-hour blast from the Carrion--starred in time, the pit orchestra ticipated in this perfor-past, the excitement was some parodies of classic These entertainers had to learn many songs, mance--on stage andevident from both the shows, such as The showed their talents but most importantly, off stage--paid tributecrowd and the perform- Fresh Prince of Bel- throughout the show they had to play them to this time period. Thisers. Air and Friends. Their in unique and amazing well. And of course, they show was a fun way occasional appearances ways. There were a vari- delivered! Sure, they to display the talented V-Show was an between performances ety of songs performed, were in the back of the students of Maine Eastamazing event, with acts were funny and were the not only from the 90s stage during the show, and the iconic era of thehonoring the great era of but from recent years 1990’s.12 | THE PIONEER | December 18, 2018
December 18, 2018 | THE PIONEER | 13
MILITARY, serving only 3 years, more than 75% of your Maine East High School from page 10 some nuclear trained base pay in retirement. Park Ridge, Illinoisup to $3,000, depend- enlisted members in the December 18, 2018ing on where they are Navy receive bonuses of Joining the mili-stationed. $90,000 for re-enlisting. tary is also relatively @mehspioneer An enlisted person Student loans can be re- easy. You could register at around $20,000 lieved by up to $65,000. online, on the phone,a year plus full benefits, or in person. In high PIONEER STAFFnot including added The military is also school there comes amonthly allowances of one of the few places time where we have to EDITORSup to $1,500 depending where you can get a full start thinking abouton where he or she is pension after serving 20 what we want to do with Hana Adlerstationed. years or more. Military our future. The military Dalal Hassane Enlistment and re- retirement can reach is one option that shouldenlistment bonuses can 50-75% of the average at least be in the realm REPORTERSbe over $20,000. After of your final three years of choices for anyone base salary. In some in- looking to benefit their Rianca Argenal Joaquin Soriano stances, you can receive future and their country. Wasma Hussain Elizabeth Urban WISH, my happiest memories!” of what the purpose of Alex Kleiber from page 3 We often lose sight being human truly is.pools, horseback riding, The Pioneer reports on news, entertainment, andcharacter meet-and- of all of the good that Wish families are sports events for Maine East High School and thegreets, and so much is left in the world. often really occupied surrounding community. The Pioneer is distribut-more. Through all of the with their medical ed in school to students and staff; digital copies Ten-year-old negativity and trauma- struggles, and some are of each issue are available at The Pioneer web-Adam Hassane, who is tizing events, we refuse on the verge of losing site: with epilepsy, to believe that humans hope. The Make-A-Wishwent on his Make-A- are capable of being Foundation is that light. Readers can send story suggestions, photos,Wish trip to Disney good. The Make-A- It is a reminder that letters to the editor, or comments to sponsorWorld in December of Wish Foundation really through the good and Matt Miller or assistant sponsor Dave Hessert via2017. He recalls the trip shows the true meaning the bad, there is always email:as “magical, fun, and of good. When wishes hope. And with hopeamazing.” are granted, families are comes determination. [email protected] “I wish I can go surrounded by nothing The determination to [email protected]! It was so magical, but laughter, smiles, and beat the odds, live life,and that trip is one of light. All negativity in and always continue to Scan this code with the world is shut out, fight. Snapchat or a QR and they are reminded reader to see this issue digitally in COLOR : PALESTINE, that when the lives of the Palestinian fight from page 9 other innocent individ- for freedom, and thedom, and security for uals are being put into road to finding peace.everyone. These are not jeopardy, one can’t be si- This is not the story ofcompeting ideals and lenced. Silence weakens “destroying” or “per-values.” and destroys the fabric secuting” Israelis and The Palestinian-Is- of society, and unless Jews. This is the storyraeli conflict continues actions are taken, things of people. The story ofto rapidly grow more will only grow worse. It how people can manageviolent, aggressive, is for that reason that we to put their differencesand brutal. Despite the must continue to fight aside and make peace inobstacles and struggles and take a stand for the order to give everyonethat have been thrown rights of individuals all what they are entitledat Lamont Hill, he con- over the world, while to: human rights.tinues to fight and speak maintaining peace.up for the Palestinian The only thing thatpeople, and has shown Marc Lamont Hill’s can prevent this journey story is just beginning, from progressing is and so is the story of silence.14 | THE PIONEER | December 18, 2018
GIRLS GYMNASTICS Head Coach: Neil Adamson KEY PERFORMERS: COACH’S COMMENT: Afroditi Baltsas After losing a key senior last year, we are looking at the remain- (All-Around) ing varsity members to add greater difficulty into their routines Caitlin Urban while preparing the lower levels to fill the spots that this year’s (All-Around) seniors (Mendoza, E. Urban) will leave empty next season. After having growing success with our varsity over the past few years, Giselle Mendoza our focus as a program will be on building up the freshmen/ (Vault; Uneven Bars) sophomore level. Having impactful successes at the varsity level is a crucial motivator for the younger gymnasts and that means Elizabeth Urban raising our standards beyond the context of the program’s past.(Balance Beam; Floor Exercise) Yulia Shishkevic (Floor Exercise) BOYS BASKETBALL Head Coach: Dave Genis CONFERENCE RECORD: 0-2OVERALL RECORD: 4-3 KEY PLAYERS: SEASON HIGHLIGHTS: Ali Sabet (Sr.) Yash Singapori (Sr.) We took 3rd place at the Ridgewood Thanksgiving Tourna-JC Noriega (Sr.) Sunny Patel (Sr.) ment. We missed out on playing in the 1st Place game due to point differential because 3 teams were tied at 2-1. COACH’S COMMENT:Our group this year is easily the most engaging group I’ve had in my 9 years ofcoaching at East. They are also the most skilled group I’ve had overall. December 18, 2018 | THE PIONEER | 15
SPORTS GIRLS BASKETBALL Head Coach: Nicole Rinaldi CONFERENCE RECORD: 1-1OVERALL RECORD: 3-7 KEY PLAYERS: SEASON HIGHLIGHTS SO FAR:Caya Apostolou (Sr.) We had 2 big wins so far this season in the CSL. We beat Glenbrook North Emina Hanic (Fr.) 55-50 which is a team in our conference. Last week, we played Niles North which was a crossover game for us and won 54-35. Our goal this season isMahima Chokshi (Fr.) to play as a team, work hard, work together, make each other great playersColleen Oribello (Jr.) and even better people. This follows our motto of “No Deposit, No Return.” COACH’S COMMENT:The girls have done a great job adjusting to a new coaching staff and coaching philosophies thisseason. We have really been focusing on fundamentals, especially footwork, shooting and defen-sive play. We are getting better everyday and am proud of how much we have grown as a teamand family so far this season.Follow the Girls BasketballTeam with their Snapchat handle: MEgirlshoops16 | THE PIONEER | December 18, 2018
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