46 YEAR 9 Our Events CLASS
47 YEAR 10 CLASS Tyler Mono Poy Bam Jasmine Preen
48 YEAR 10 CLASS DR. WILLIAMS Year 10 students at Bloomsbury have matured in many ways over the past Academic Year, for this has been their introduction to the British IGCSE curriculum school subjects and learning levels. In the next academic year (2020 - 2021), these same students will be taking the full IGCSE examinations from Cambridge, England which will prepare them for the esteemed A-level examinations and courses; which will be their chosen subjects to study at University! So, during 2019 - 2020, Year 10 students have learned a lot about learning in a more mature way, and they have experienced new subjects and ways of thinking as they grow from their current levels of learning into new levels of higher learning. They are growing from boys and girls into young men and young women. We wish them all well on their life's pathway of learning and look forward to them passing all of their class tests and course examinations, as they prepare themselves for University and careers that will mold them into the skilled and gifted men and women of the future. Dr. Williiams
YEAR 10 49 CLASS Our Events
50 YEAR 11 CLASS Jane Oliwia Kim
51 YEAR 11 CLASS MS. SANDRA It has been an honour and privilege to be the Year 11 form tutor this year as they complete their journey through IGCSE and grow into responsible young adults. Their resilience as they have come to the end of their studies has been admirable, with their desire to achieve in academia acting as a suitable foundation for their work ethic as they enter further education or the working world. Long may they continue to succeed in whatever path they take. “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ms. Sandra
YEAR 11 52 CLASS Our Events
54 YEAR 12 CLASS MR. PAV Returning to Bloomsbury International School Hatyai after completing her iGCSE’s. Nadhira has shown how resilience can pay off and open doors for the future. Nadhira has come back to Bloomsbury to complete her AS Level qualifications in preparation for University entrance and life. This year Nadhira has shown how with hard work and effort you can achieve your goals that you set out for that bigger picture called life. Nadhira has been a large of part of school life by participating in school events, supporting other students from other year groups and even staff. As the famous quotes go “The pen is mightier than the sword” and “Knowledge is Power” with this in mind and promoted here at Bloomsbury for those who study and work hard “The World is your Oyster”. Mr. Pav
YEAR 12 55 CLASS Our Events
Primary Assemblies 56 This year we added Primary Assemblies to the Primary timetable, which has enabled the primary section to celebrate students' successes from within and outside of school. These assemblies have encouraged a sense of pride and a shared purpose among the primary section. Students and parents have enjoyed seeing the learning that is taking place across the school, as well as receiving their star of the week awards with their friends and parents to witness their achievement. My favourite primary assembly of the year, was definitely my flags of the world challenge. Not only to see, Phum (from Year 2), so excited to share his incredible knowledge, but to see the reaction and support of every child in the school, as he was able to answer and advance though each round against his peers and teachers to win the challenge was a memory I shall have for a long time to come.
57 Boarding experiences Students had a chance to spend the night in boarding. We had fun activities consisting of ball games, board games, and hide- and-seek in the afternoon. We had a delicious meal for supper which was followed by an exciting movie. Everyone was tired and went back to their rooms by 10 pm.
58 International Literacy Week 2019 A celebration of World Literacy and the importance of reading for all cultures. Primary and Secondary students have worked during their literacy lessons on the art of creating a story based on images or characteristics of different genres. During form time, group reading and designated silent reading time has been put into practice across the school. Both these activities have encouraged creativity and an appreciation for the world of books.
Hatyai Inter-School Football 59 Championship 2019 Bloomsbury International School Hatyai held a friendly football match against Southern International School Hatyai. The match took place on Bloomsbury's new sports field (inside the school precincts). Light snacks and drinks were provided, thanks to the generosity of Bloomsbury's Parents' Committee and Krung Thai Bank ('KTB').
60 International Day 2019 We welcomed everyone in our celebration of International Day 2019 and we were treated to a marvelous Gamelan Performance from the Indonesian Consulate in Songkhla. This was followed shortly by an eye-opening workshop on the U.S. culture, diversity and society. At the same time, our Year 4 and 5 displayed their cooking skills with Mr. Mullin by cooking Nachos with salsa and toad in the hole while Year 3 and 2 cooked French onion soup and Pesto Pasta. International Day for us celebrates the magic of human diversity and showcases our unique and shared heritages.
61 Open Day 2019 Bloomsbury International School Hatyai held its annual Open Day on Thursday 31st October 2019.
62 Halloween 2019 Halloween is a strange concept to some parents, but it is celebrated around the world. As Bloomsbury is an international school, our students 'dressed up' in different costumes. In the afternoon, we had an Assembly where parents were invited and prizes were given for different categories. It was fun!
63 Loy Krathong 2019 All gathered in the school field to experience and celebrate this annual glittering Thai tradition. We highly appreciate all parents for their cooperative attire in Thai Traditional dress and scrumptious authentic Thai desserts kindly provided by our Parents' Committee.
64 Christmas Show 2019 The evening was topped off with dance and music performed by the Primary and Secondary students followed by a raffle draw. We all went home exhausted but proud of our achievements. Well done students for all your hard work and dedication.
Happy Chinese New Year 65 2020 Teachers, parents and students alike all celebrated in a sea of red and gold colours as Chinese New Year has arrived once again. We enjoyed a show of Chinese dance, language and music. Finally, we split into four groups to enjoy cooking dumplings and chopstick skill games. Exposure to cultural heritage such as those experienced help make our students truly global citizens, as outlined in our guiding statement.
66 Valentine's Day Roses 2020 VALENTINE'S DAY ROSES FOR CHARITY! As Saint Valentine’s Day a huge 5,000 Baht was raised for Thai street paws rescue, a dog’s charity. A massive thank you to the staff, students and parents for all their contributions and bringing love not only to each other in the way of giving roses but also to those dogs who are in need.
67 House System Bloomsbury International School Hatyai has a reward system which is based on Houses. The school has a four house structure based on the colours Blue (Einstein), Red (Turner), Yellow (Nightingale) and Green (Newton). Students collect house points which contribute to an overall score for their house within a house points system. At the end of each school year a trophy will be awarded for the house with the greatest number of points gained throughout the year. House points are generally awarded for good behaviour, academic achievement, sporting achievement, supporting others, intervening to stop bad behavior, extra - curricular achievement, meeting personal targets or other special achievements noticed by the class teacher. EINSTEIN TURNER NIGHTINGALE NEWTON
Inter-House Sports Event 68 2020 We had a fantastic time at our sporting house event. The event was an inter-house competition focusing on the children’s sporting abilities. They showed complete dedication and brilliant team work skills when supporting their friends. Well done to all that took part, and a big congratulations the overall winner... Nightingale!
Nightingale Trophy 69 Ceremony Nightingale house enjoying their wonderful rewards. They chose to have a pizza and movie at lunch break.
70 Turner House Pizza Party At Bloomsbury International School Hatyai, we love to celebrate students achievement and that is exactly what we did. Earlier in the school year, Turner was the house with the most house points and to reward everyone's hard work we had a pizza party. Well done Turner for your hard work and let's continue this for the future. LET'S GO TURNER!!!
End of Term 2 COVID - 19
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