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Home Explore On the Flip Side 2016

On the Flip Side 2016

Published by comm, 2016-04-12 16:27:31

Description: On the Flip Side 2016

Keywords: gymnastics,Sport,artistic,acrobatic,recreation,NCCP,education,alberta


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March 2016WITH KyOlNEi-OeN-ONSE tone SCOTT HAYES STONE’S BIO NAME: KYLIE STONE HOME LOCATION: CALGARY, AB EDUCATION: ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PROFESSION: CONSTABLE, CALGARY POLICE SERVICE YEAR BEGAN OUR SPORT: 5 YEARS OLD YEARS IN SPORT: 16 YEARS KB A C K G R O U N D Q: Tell us how you first got involved in gymnastics. ylie Stone was born in Edmonton, Alberta, the daughter of Jeff Stone and Shelly Birch. She has one How old were you? half-sister, Maggie, a half-brother, Tyler, and two step-sisters, Jennifer and Jessica. She is a 2005 graduate of the National Sport School in Calgary, Alberta and possesses an education major from A: My Dad always told me I was super energetic and the University of Nebraska. In March of 2015 Kylie graduated from the City of Calgary Police Academy. performing cartwheels in the house. When I was around five years old … he decided I needed a safer Kylie Stone was widely considered one of the top elite gymnasts in Canada during her club career. environment than the basement and enrolled me Kylie represented Canada at the 2003 World Championships and helped Canada qualify for the 2004 in gymnastics. Olympic Games. She also made history as an individual competitor by becoming the highest-ranking Canadian all-around finisher in the history of the World Championships. Kylie sat down with AGF to talk Q: What is your biggest accomplishment in our sport? about her experience in elite gymnastics and how it provided her the skills to become a constable within A: That is a tough question … I thoroughly enjoyed Calgary City Police Services. my time in the sport, but I think finishing 14th at the 2003 World Championships in Anaheim, California and then making the 2004 Canadian Olympic Team.Q: It has been some time since AGF has spoken with Q: What one or two things do you currently enjoy Q: Where did you draw your inspiration from? you … how are you? doing, now that you are no longer participating in A: Both my Romanian coaches were very inspirational. gymnastics?A: Good … excited to be back in the AGF office and I appreciated the Romanian style, their passion and saying “hi” to some familiar faces. Also enjoying A: Currently I enjoy skiing in the winter and hiking their commitment. my new career. in the summer.2

ON THE FLIPSIDEPhotos above: Courtesy of Kellie StoneQ: What was the best advice you were ever given? A: AWESOME … I really enjoyed my time in the be ‘elite’. The joys of competing at an NCAA levelA: Train how you want to compete … still continue US. The environment is outstanding and you are is worth the pain to get there. I would recommend treated really well. I still remain close to all my to all athletes attempting to obtain a scholarship to to use this advice on a daily basis. teammates and pull for the school. stick it out … you will love it!Q: Who are/were your heroes? Q: Do you have a saying or motto that you live yourA: While I was competing I always respected the Q: Any advice for other athletes attempting to life by? compete and attend school in the USA? A: One of my coaches once told me to “trust the unique style of the Romanian gymnasts, Svetlana process” … words I lived by during my process to Khorkina and Simona Amânar. They were two of A: I always tell fellow gymnasts that you do not have to become a Calgary City Police officer. my favourites. Q: It’s Sunday morning, what are you having forQ: What was one of your biggest challenges, and what breakfast? did you do to manage this challenge? A: Oatmeal and eggs.A: While I was competing at the 2004 Olympic Q: Is there anyone you would like to mention/thank Games I was injured when I fell off bars. My or anything else you would like to add? hands were numb for much of the event … I just A: I always thank my Dad for being by my side and had to keep referring to “Train how you want to allowing me to follow my dreams. Thanks Dad! compete”. Q: Anything else you’d like to share?Q: How did gymnastics prepare you for your new A: Gymnastics is still a big part of my life, I continue career? to coach and always follow the local, national andA: It made the physical training associated with international scene. I am really looking forward to making the police force so much easier. All the the 2017 World Championships in Montreal. strength and flexibility I acquired during my career made a world of difference. The hand to hand combat component is proof that size does not matter!Q: You competed in the NCAA with the University of Nebraska. What was it like to be a HUSKER? 3

March 2016 ARE YOU COVERED?KENDA LONDONDAGF MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION WHAT MAKES UP THE AGF FEE? • Recreational Member: $18.50 id you know that clubs are required to As a parent, you may wonder why you need to pay • Plus 5% GST register all athletes and coaches with Alberta PLUS: Gymnastics for each season? This year, we an “AGF Fee” when you sign up with a gymnastics • GCG (Gymnastics Canada) fee: $6.00implemented a great new tool called GoFormz. These club. Think of AGF membership as support for your • AGF Insurance fee: $4.58forms will do all the calculations for registrations, to club and each of its members including your gymnasts, For example, if your child is currently at the JO 6make it easier and faster for clubs to submit. coaches, and our judges. level, your AGF fee will be: $168.08 ($150.00+ $7.50[GST]+6.00[GCG fee]+$4.58[insurance]). Registrations occur at four different times during With 87 member clubs and 55,000 plus members in Another example, if your child is in recreationalthe year: Summer – due in September, Fall – due Alberta, the Alberta Gymnastics Federation is a leader gymnastics at the CANGYM level, such as Blue, yourOctober (competitive) and November (recreational), in assisting our member clubs achieve excellence. total AGF fee will be $30.01 ($18.50+$0.93[GST]+Winter – due in February, and Spring – due in May. $6.00[GST]+$4.58[insurance]).Athletes and coaches need only to register once AGF FEE STRUCTURE BREAK DOWN: Each club may also choose to add administrativeper calendar year. The AGF calendar year runs from Every athlete is required to pay an AGF membership fees in addition to the AGF fee. Depending on the clubJuly 1st – June 30th. you are associated with, their administration fees are fee. The higher the level of the athlete, the more the different in regards to how each club operates. TheseDID YOU KNOW? AGF fee will be. AGF operates on a system similar to a additional fees are not collected by AGF, but rather byAGF MEMBERSHIP IS TRANSFERRABLE! ‘user pay’ concept. The higher the fee the more services each club for their own operations. the athlete will receive. So, once you do a simple calculation, you can Did you know that the AGF athlete membership figure out the AGF fee and the administration fee forfee can transfer from one club to another? If an athlete The AGF fees collected are utilized to offset training your club.decides to move to a new club during the season, have camps, competition costs, coaching and judgingthe new club contact the AGF office for the athlete clinics, as well as member club support and additional AGF INSURANCEmembership number. The paid membership to the membership services. When a club registers their athletes and coaches withoriginal club can be transferred to the new club. Noneed to pay twice! The current (2015-16) AGF fee structure can be AGF, Toole Peet Insurance covers all AGF members broken down as follows: • Elite athlete: $225.00 • Competitive athlete: $150.00 • Pre-Competitive(Artistic)/F.A.S.T. (T&T): $75.004

insight into membership ON THE FLIPSIDE omission,  other act done, or wrongfully attempted by AGF STAFF them, to the extent of the policy, on behalf of your association. President/CEO: Scott Hayes Women’s Program: Bogi Gyorfi(coaches/athletes/directors/clubs) for the following: MEMBERSHIP GUARANTEES SUPPORT AND Women’s Program Assistant: Carolyn Foster Commercial General Liability – Currently AGF IMPROVES CLUB EXCELLENCE Men’s Program, Trampoline &carries a primary five million Commercial General The primary role of the Federation is to provide Tumbling Program andLiability policy. This policy will defend the club in the administrative support in the development and Acro Program: Derek Hansoncase of allegation from a third party for their Property delivery of programs and competitions in Recreational Recreational Gymnastics/Kids Can Move:Damage and/or Bodily Injury loss as a result of any Gymnastics, National Coaching CertificationAGF sanctioned activities. Programs, Women’s and Men’s Artistic Gymnastics, Heather Sjostrom Trampoline and Tumbling Gymnastics, Acro Education (NCCP) Program: Gina Peake The policy will first act in defense of the Club Gymnastics and Special Events.including employees, volunteers, etc., and if legal Special Events: Robin McDougallresponsibility or negligence is determined, then, to the In addition to ongoing support and communication Membership & Finances: Kenda Londonextent of coverage and limits, the policy will pay for through many available channels, AGF is committed tothose Third Party damages. providing you with all that is needed to run successful Communications: Molly Fang and enjoyable gymnastics programs across Alberta. ACTIVEnet: Jacqueline Escobar Sports Accident Policy – The AGF Sport Accident Technical Admin Support: Joanna Lowpolicy provides a reimbursement for “out of pocket” Here is a list of the perks AGF provides to memberexpenses that pertain to injuries sustained in a member clubs: AGF’s website contains a lot ofgym. information; be sure to check out 1. Services and Resources: or follow us on all the Expenses such as, but not limited to; ambulance • C lub management tools – 3rd Levelcharges, splints or casts, and physiotherapists could Consulting, social media platforms for thebe reimbursed through this policy after private benefit most current updates onplans through an employer or provincial health care • R egulation of coaching standards AGF happenings!provider (Blue Cross for example) are exhausted. • Comprehensive insurance package • Comprehensive coach & volunteer screening These private plans are treated as the primary • Sport & club promotioncoverage for these expenses while the additional • Respect in Sport certificationcoverage through the AGF program is to viewed as a • Grants, funding support letters &“top-up”. funding through partnering organizations • Input into operation & policy In order to make a claim, the injured member is developmentto complete and submit a claims form (found on the • ActiveNet on-line registrationAGF website under the insurance section). 2. Events and Activities: Club Directors and Officers Liability – AGF has • E ducation courses for coaches and judgesa one million D&O limit for the Boards of member • Recreation eventsclubs. This portion provides coverage for claims made • Conferences & seminarsagainst one or all of your Directors and Officers for • S anctioned competitions for alllosses for which they have become legally obligated to competitive athletes (Zones, Cups,pay as a result of any;  error, breach of duty, neglect, Provincials, Trials to Westerns, Trials to Canadians, etc). • Host for large scale events such as Western Canada Cup (T&T), Western Canadian Championships (Artistic), Canadian Championships (T&T and Artistic). • Training camps for athletes from Precompetitive to Elite Level gymnasts • R ecreational events such as Gymfest and Gymnaestrada. 5

AMarch 2016 closer look at coachesSMITH, BALL and QUINNEY W atching gymnasts leap and tumble across a gym, performing amazing intangibles, that it best you keep an open mind. feats, it can be easy to forget one very important person behind the scenes: Never stop chasing perfection, you may never the coach. Coaches spend just as much, if not more time than athletes do on building careers, yet don’t often receive the same level of acknowledgement get there, but you might find excellence on the their athletes do. Coaches often carry impressive athletic achievements of their own, way. along with strong background knowledge of physiology or kinesiology, while also Give your athletes a chance to succeed in the demonstrating an ability to mentor, encourage, and discipline regularly. future! They require three simple things to have the courage and confidence to succeed: The role of a coach is multifaceted and comes with unique challenges, from 1. S trength – without it, you limit what they can dealing with difficult athletes to difficult parents. While the role has an athletic background it involves a great deal of personal investment, requiring a coach to gain learn. an athlete’s full trust while exhibiting patience and endurance themselves. Hear 2. F lexibility – without it, you limit the ability to from top Canadian gymnastics coaches, Tony Smith, Janna Ball and Trish Quinney about their experiences. be technically perfect. 3. Spatial awareness (Trampoline) – without it,TONY SMITH making excuses. I want these little athletes to become independent thinkers, to take risks, to fail they will never learn the complex elements andQ: Why did you want to become a gymnastics coach? and then get up and try again … and I need them fear difficult skills.A: To be honest, I never wanted to be a coach, I had to do it on their own and for their reasons, not There is a big difference between a plan to have Mom and Dads. an Olympic athlete, and a plan to be the 9 year completed my Physical Education Degree and my Q: What is your funniest coaching memory? old Provincial Champion … try to look at the Big time as a varsity athlete had come to an end, and I A: There truly are so many funny moments, boys can Picture. still wasn’t sure what I was going to do. do the dumbest things you know, and they haven’t Q: If you could have told your younger self some I became an assistant coach for Jon Kolb at the changed much in 27 years … I love it because they career/coaching advice what would have that been? U of C just to help out, and give something back keep reminding me of myself. A: The road to being a successful coach can be to the program that gave me so much. As it turned Q: What advice would you tell a new coach starting stressful, plan time for yourself and take holidays. out, I really loved the atmosphere in the gym, out? Q: What makes you still passionate about coaching working with young people, the thrill of teaching A: Create a strong relationship with your athlete and today? something new to someone, and last but not least, their parents. If your athlete trusts you and believes A: Not much has changed for me over the past 27 it gave me a place to continue my competitive in you, they will work hard for you. years, I still love working with young people and spirit. I really like to win. Be patient, and use much more positive I still get a thrill out of watching someone learnQ: How has coaching changed since you first started feedback, try to express assignments with a calm a skill for the first time. I’m probably a little less your career? tone in your voice, even if an athlete is really competitive than I use to be, but I still like winning,A: I don’t think coaching has changed as much as underperforming and testing your patience. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing an parenting, kids are coddled more these days, A champion can come from the athlete you athlete compete the routine you were hoping to see. and parents seem to get much more involved in least expect. Hard work and perseverance can’t Q: Favorite skill to teach: their kids activities then ever before. Kids today always be predicted, and when you look at the A: My favorite skill to teach is the one that I just are harder to coach because they want instant big picture, (15 years for a boy) there are so many figured out how to coach. It’s very satisfying when gratification and seem to be quite comfortable I teach a new element for the first time. Q: What strategies do you implement to stay in top coaching condition? A: I think its imperative to stay in good physical6

Kids today are harder to coach ON THE FLIPSIDE 7“… I want these little athletes to become independent thinkers, to take risks, to fail and then get up and try again … and I need them to do it on their own and for their reasons, not Mom and Dad’s.” condition, all coaches need to Q: Best travelling tip? be involved in a weight training A: Get an aisle seat on the plane, program of their own. Spotting wreaks havoc on your body, and take your shoes off, and drink if you don’t take care of yourself lots of water, and don’t forget you can’t take care of your your Twizzlers. athletes. Q: What is in your coaching As for a work/home balance, toolbox? I’m still trying to figure that one A: Look for kids with a spark in out. their eye and don’t let it go out. Nutrition … I think I’ve Teach a great handstand. Play done pretty good on Twizzlers on trampoline as much as you and coffee, but I’m not sure if can. Build a strong and flexible that’s for everybody. athlete. The skills will come Take the time to hang out later. Be the hardest working with old friends, they help person in your gym and never keep you sane and keep you give up on anyone. grounded.AGF PARTNERS & SPONSORS

March 2016JANNA BALL her head as the gymnast hot yoga, weight train, ski, run, and eat a healthy flipped deeper into the balanced diet. (I do LOVE chocolate however). I Q: Why did you want to become a gymnastics coach? tsuk. The result was also shop. (Is shopping cardio?) A: I was a gymnast myself, and I developed the passion the coach, standing on Q: Best travelling tip? the block in the middle A: Always give yourself enough time to get to a for the sport there. Once I was done competing, I of the gym, screaming destination competition. If possible travel a few still wanted to be involved in the sport. Coaching with her shirt over her days early, you never know what kind of weather/ was the natural way to do so. head. I still laugh about travel difficulties you may have. FLY DIRECT Q: How has coaching changed since you first started it to this day. when possible. your career? Q: What advice would you Q: What is in your coaching toolbox? A: There are so many answers to this question. One tell a new coach starting A: Patience, because I believe you need this to be a thing that stands out, is the understanding of safe out? successful coach. Daily training plans, because coaching practices. The club I am at now, prides A: I would read this quote you cannot be effective without them. Humor and itself as being a leader in athlete safety. When today which sums this optimism, because both are required when we are we travel to other places and gyms, I know that up. “As young coaches faced with hard days in the gym. Ipad, because our athletes have learned from our own gym we think we’re coaching video review is essential in this day and age. safety practices, because they constantly point out a sport. As experienced Medical bag, I’m prepared for almost anything situations that would never be allowed to happen coaches, we realize we’re when we travel as a team. Lululemon, a girl needs in our gym. Gymnastics alone has enough risks coaching people.” to be fashionable! involved; it is our responsibility as coaches to make Q: If you could have told these as minimal as possible. your younger self some Q: What is your funniest coaching memory? career/coaching advice A: A long time ago, when I was working with another what would have that coach, she was standing up on a block, spotting been? a gymnast who was doing a pike tsuk. When the A: Love the PROCESS gymnast went to flip, her foot got caught under the not just the destination. The process lasts a lot“cAwoseaytchohuiinnnkggwacoes’aprceohret.scoach’s shirt, and proceeded to pull her shirt over longer. As experienced Q: What makes you still passionate about coaching coaches, we realize today? we’re coaching A: The athletes! I work with some of the toughest, people.” most dedicated, funniest girls on the planet. I have learned so much from each one of my girls, past and present. It is the people I work with and the lessons they teach me each day that continues to drive me to be a better coach. Q: Favorite skill to coach: A: ANYTHING ON BEAM! I love beautiful artistic movement, and to make hard skills look easy and effortless is the ultimate goal. Q: What strategies do you implement to stay in top coaching condition? A: I believe as coaches we must set proper examples for the athletes that we work with. If I have high expectations of my athletes, then I must match that with high expectations for myself. I practice Visit the AGF website: for the most current news about AGF events and courses. Follow AGF on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.8

TRISH QUINNEY ON THE FLIPSIDE Q: If you could have told your younger self some Q: Why did you want to become a trampoline and tumbling coach? career/coaching advice what would have that been? A: Enjoy the moments as they come! Celebrate the A: Initially I fell into T & T and found I LOVED it! The T & T community is amazing, and before accomplishments BIG and small. Don’t hold back I knew it I was not only coaching but judging as – its OK to try something and not have it work, well. I have never looked back. you just try something different the next time. Q: What makes you still passionate about coaching Q: How has coaching changed since you first started today? your career? A: Honestly, my athletes and the team of coaches. I A: Technology – it has changed our sport. Makes me work with at the Phoenix Gymnastics Centre – it is a group effort! old but I started with no cell, email or internet! The diversity – I coach, judge, am a learning Technology has provided us with: facilitator, chair of the T&T Technical committee, • access to a multitude of areas (technical skills own and operate my own gym – at any moment it changes – I have learned to embrace it! & drills, nutrition, psychology) Q: Favorite skill to teach: • access to coaches all over the world for A: Double layout (such a great skill) Q: What strategies do you implement to stay in top mentoring and advice coaching condition? • video (playback, YouTube) A; TEAM! – surround yourself with great people!! Don’t stress the small stuff. Bring snacks! Life/ Micro ber Dyesublimated ClothQ: What is your funniest coaching memory? work balance – still working on this one daily. A: When you travel with and train athletes every day Q: Best travelling tip? Printing Templateseems like there is a moment or two or more. Funny A Know where your passport is and pack competitive attire in your carry on! You never know. You are teaching now … Prior to Cell Phones – I accidentally got left Q: What’s in your coaching toolbox? in the middle of the Blue mountains of Australia A: The phone number for AGF & coaches in the province! We have some of the best resources in“people not skills. when on a day excurtion at World Championships our own province. AND A PILLOW for someAsk questions, – I had no idea where I was. I ended up taking a naps I will take one day. train, bus, subway and taxi to get back and in the end I was only 10 minutes late for training. Lifeask questions, lessons!ask questions – 4” x 7”Q: What advice would you tell a new coach startingof everyone. out? A: You are teaching people not skills. Ask questions, ask questions, ask questions – of everyone. Gymnastics for SAVSEETEHEYODAUTTE!HERE ! W i l dG y mgfonees tOctober 13 – 16, 2016 WildReveal Your Side May 14 – 15, 2016 Grant MacEwan University Edmonton, Alberta 9

March 2016 The 2016 Canadian Gymnastics ChampionshipsOpening scene: Early morning of May force of volunteers and gymnastics Lister Centre, which is a short 100m walk day of competition, while educating19th, 1989. A cool, grey, foggy morning. experts to assist us. across the street from the Universiade our spectators, as we know many mayThe gymnasts each swing their bags over “I would like to welcome Global Pavilion (Butterdome). All three be new to the sport of gymnastics. Oura shoulder, as one pushes play on her NEWS as our Title Sponsor” says Event disciplines for this year's competition dynamic media team is creating videoSony Walkman. The number one song Chair, Jack Payne. “Their generous will be in the same space, with fantastic segments, to be shown throughout thefor the second week in a row, her new contributions and obvious profile will viewing for over 5000 people. It will competition, on massive LED videopump-me-up-song, “Girl You Know It’s be an exciting “three ring” event, with display walls.True” by Milli Vanilli, blasts through her positively impact this year’s National We will also be holding parentheadphones. Gymnastics Championships to be Trampoline Gymnastics in the centre, education sessions for those withFor many this is their first Canadian the best ever. We are very grateful and flanked by Men’s and Women’s Artistic budding gymnasts. As we advance in ourChampionships, hosted at the University excited to benefit from their expertise on either side. The training gym will planning, we will share more informationof Alberta, in Edmonton. Full of nervous and media power.” be in the same space, behind 12’ high on the official website. http://excitement, the entire team steps out of Food and housing will take place at drape. building, each pulling their track We will showcase the excitement of each Every Canadian Championships endsjackets tight around their necks, fending with a wrap up party for the the wet, slushy snow. What will they We have a private booking of theremember about this Championships, Galaxyland Indoor Amusement Park atbesides the new friendships? That it West Edmonton Mall. It will be fun forsnowed...more than 37mm! our athletes, coaches and mission staff,Twenty seven years later, Trampoline and to end things in the park, screaming onArtistic gymnasts return to Edmonton. the roller coaster and other rides, andWe’ll think positive, and plan for warm, rocking out to the DJ! There mightsunny skies, as Edmonton once again even be some Milli Vanilli music played!plays host to Canada’s elite gymnasts on We invite our Alberta GymnasticsJune 1-4th, 2016. community to come and join in onThe Local Organizing Committee what we hope to be the best Canadian(LOC) is doing some things a little Championships ever. We have somedifferently with these Championships. great host hotels, and know this is aThe primary host club is Capital City perfect opportunity for everyone to seeGymnastic Centre, with the tremendous our Olympic of 12 other gymnastics clubs A huge thank you to the Albertafrom all over Alberta. Gymnastics Federation and all their“This is a huge, but very exciting staff for their ongoing support of thisundertaking” says Robin Marsden, event!Vice-Chair of the LOC. “We have been Mark your calendars for June 1-4th,planning for this event for over a year 2016 in Edmonton and don’t miss outand a half now, and things are really on Canada’s premier Gymnastics event!coming together.”This is a great opportunity to host the Facebook: https://www.facebook.Canadian Gymnastics Championships com/2016canadiangymnasticscin Edmonton in an Olympic year. hampionships/ Website: http://With the tremendous support of Events www.2016gymnasticschampionships.caEdmonton and all the gymnastics clubson our committee, we have a strong10

ON THE FLIPSIDEGymfest, Alberta’s annual GymnaestradaHEATHER SJOSTROM Canada was able to send its largest and strongest contingency to WorldDid you know that World Gymnaestrada 2015, in Helsinki, Gymnaestrada is the single Finland. largest sporting eventin the world? With over 19,000 There are many clubs throughout theparticipants, Gymnaestrada has 9,000 province that offer Gymnaestrada ormore participants than the Summer performance teams. Contact your localOlympics. This seven day gymnastics club to see how you can become a partextravaganza is held every four years and of this growing sport. In the meantime,is like nothing else! Performances are check out the excitement of this growingas diverse as the age, skill, culture and branch of gymnastics at Gymfestcountries in attendance. The next World May 15, 2016 at Edmonton’s MacEwanGymnaestrada will occur July 7-13, University. See you there!2019, in Dorbin, Austria. CLASSIFIEDS Many of AGF’s recreational athletesenjoy the challenge of learning new skills, Looking for a career in gymnastics? Need to sell some equipment?developing choreographed routines and Hiring a coach? The AGF classifieds are a great place to start.performing in front of an audience.Gymnaestrada provides athletes of all Placing an ad is free for all AGF member clubs and their members.ages the opportunity to do just that. Just visit the AGF site and you can post your ad instantly!In Alberta, we have teams made up ofathletes that range in age from 6-86 Still have any questions? Contact Molly Fang at [email protected]. The routines are designed tochallenge the participant and delight theaudience by combining traditional andnon-traditional gymnastics elements.The teams are made up of a minimum10 participants with some of thelargest teams made up of close to 80participants. Gymfest is AGF’s annual Gymn-aestrada, offering an action packedweekend. Teams are providedthe opportunity to participatein a variety of workshops onSaturday culminating witha performance on Sunday.Performance day is a true spectaclewith routines so varied the audience isguaranteed to be entertained. The eventcontinues to grow, with over 300 athletesrepresenting more than 20 groups. Many of these teams are choosing torepresent at Canadian Gymnaestrada,an event that occurs every four yearsand is considered a pre-qualifierfor World Gymnaestrada. Calgaryhosted Canadian Gymnaestrada in2014 and welcomed over 1000athletes from across the countrydemonstrating Canada’s growinginterest and strength in gymnastics.As a result of this event Gymnastics 11

March 2016 The Junior Olympic System at a glanceCAROLYN FOSTER of their potential, must have solid basics These levels help gymnasts to develop provincial or national levels. to build on. All JO levels, progressing good and strong basics. They emphasize JO Levels 6-10: OptionalsThis year, Canada introduced from 1-10 build upon the skills required body positions (including exact arm and These competitive levels, use optional the Canadian Junior Olympic at the previous level. foot placements) in each and every skill Program. This program is directly required. Levels 1-3 have compulsory rou- routines. Levels 6-9 have difficultybased off of the USAG JO Program. The compulsory levels (JO 1-5) break tines with set choreography and music. restrictions, while level 10 has noCanada has made some modifications all the skills down into clear technique restrictions in skill choice.that are not used in the USA to assist and body position. The deductions in the JO Levels 4 and 5: Compulsoriesour coaches and athletes in making the JO Code also focus on the evaluation on These compulsory routines continue With the new system implemented,transition to the JO Program. these exact positions. to build on the skills learned at the AGF is expected to see our athletes previous levels. JO level 5 requires very motivated with smoother transitions from The JO Program is growing in The optional levels (JO 6-10) require strong basics and is meant to strengthen level to level and improved progressionpopularity and is used throughout North athletes to develop more skills and assesses the athlete’s technical proficiency. This within each level. Plus, the routines areAmerica, South America and Central them on the quality of performance. level directs athletes towards the higher out of 10.0. Scores will make a lot moreAmerica. The JO program is based on sense to athletes and parents!the philosophy that all athletes, regardless JO Levels 1-3: Basics Alberta leading the way Fundraising... in growing the just got easier Sport of Acrobatics Official Sponsor Alberta Gymnastics FederationNORM LEWIS COMINGHave you seen America’s Got Talent FALL 2011 and ever wondered where the “Acroarmy” learned all their tricks?Or wondered where some of the Cirque duSoleil performers developed the strength todo those incredible acrobatic skills? Alberta is leading the way alongsideOntario in growing the sport of Acrobaticswithin Canada. Last year the AlbertaGymnastics Federation hosted its first everProvincial Championships competition andfirst ever Provincial Training camp. Thisseason the 2015/16 Provincial Trainingcamp was held in Airdrie and was led byworld renown British coach Neil Griffiths. March is an exciting month forAcrobatics in Alberta with local Calgaryathletes representing Canada at the FIGWorld Age Group competition in Putian,China. This year the 2016 Strathcona GymChallenge in Edmonton on March 12,2016, will include Acrobatics. The 2016 Provincial Championships forAcrobatic Gymnastics is set to take place atthe new Aerials Gymnastics Club in SpruceGrove, Alberta on May 22nd. There are many exciting Acrobatic events throught the province this year. Tofind out more information on upcoming Acro events in Alberta or ways to becomeinvolved in Acrobatic Gymnastics check out the AGF website at

JO 1-3 looking forward ON THE FLIPSIDEHEATHER SJOSTROM Invitationals or Interclub. The answer is they could be at any of these. TheThe Junior Olympic Program for expectations and outcomes at each would women have made their inaugural be very different, something parents and year with AGF. There are 10 levels athletes would need to be made aware ofto this new program and to compete at prior to attending.provincials you must be level 5 and up.The initial plan for JO levels 1-3 was to Fun Meets are recreation meets thatinclude it into the recreation program and focus on the performance rather thantreat it as advanced REC. the execution of the skill. There are no code of points but rather adjudicators Plans have changed as AGF has learned who comment on the highlights or bestmore about the program and how our components of the routine or skillscoaches and athletes have incorporated into their programming this pastyear. Under the advisement of the REC Invitationals and Interclub are moreAssembly, a JO 1-3 subcommittee, the skills focused and would have judges and aWAG program and internally at AGF, for code of points. There would be deductionsthe 2016-17 season JO 1-3 will fall under taken off allowing for ranking or results.the WAG programming umbrella. The important thing to note here is that the registration forms for these events One of the concerns that will be should clearly indicate how and what isaddressed in the coming months is whether going to be adjudicated.the JO 1-3 athletes will compete or perform.This year has seen many of these athletes In the upcoming year, AGF will beparticipating in Invitationals, which reviewing and discussing how to best serveprovided a great opportunity for these new this group. Reflective of these decisionscompetitors to learn about the competition will be adjustments to the registrationformat. Some clubs, however, are using JO forms, potentially fees, and events made1-3 as more of a developmental program available to these competitors.for skill acquisition or to supplement theadvance recreation program. This year has been an exciting year with all the athletes involved in this new These are both great uses of the program program, and we look forward to seeingbut contribute to the complexity. The what the future holds.question that arose was whether JO 1-3would or could be included in Fun Meets,Ready for something fun and di erent for your GYMNASTICS curriculum? Have Kids CanMove visit your school! • Gymnastics based activities designed for K–7 • Minimal equipment requirements • Trained and certi ed instructors teach your students while demonstrating how easy it can be to teach gymnastics For information regarding our resource material, professional development and in-class training sessions contact: Heather Sjostrom: [email protected] or 403-259-5549. 1-800-665-1010 (Alberta only) 13

March 2016SEVEN SECRETS OF STELLAR COACHESORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN COACHES PLAN BY THE COACHING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA ON COACH.CA. R esults from the ICCE’s Serial We’ve outlined these seven traits and grounding: Formal training accelerates context. What is it they really need to learn Winning Coach study reveal key behaviours below and asked Dr. Pierre on-the-job training. Organizations and understand? What do they specifically traits of top coaches. Trudel, a professor in sport pedagogy/ should encourage, facilitate, and support need to improve?”Pierre Trudel, a full professor in sport psychology at the School of Human engagement in the process of formal 3. They had mentors: Top coachespedagogy/psychology at education. benefit greatly from the mentoringthe School of Human Trudel’s take: process – although they should retainKinetics of the University sport decision-making capability and power “When aof Ottawa, weighs in on federation wants to in order to develop accountability andthe findings. train a large group accelerate learning.What makes a good of coaches, say at Trudel’s take: “Informal mentoring hascoach great? What does the recreational always existed, but with formal mentoringit take to win repeatedly level, there are many it’s important to find a way to make sureat the top levels of advantages to having every coach who wants a mentor has accessprofessional sport? a well developed coach to one. And the role of the mentor shouldFinding the answers education program. vary depending on where the coach is into these questions is For coaches at the elite their career. At the beginning, the mentorthe focus of The Serial level, formal coach might share their ‘secrets,’ but as the coachWinning Coach, a education programs becomes more experienced, the mentor willstudy commissioned still have a place but need to play the role of ‘devil’s advocate,’by the International should be used with in order to help the coach reflect on theirCouncil for Coaching caution. Because of practice.”Excellence (ICCE) and their irregular working 4. They could benefit from asupported by leading schedule, it’s difficult ‘coach loan’ program: Emerging highsport organizations keen for many coaches to performance coaches can benefit fromto recruit and develop attend classes. Using being loaned out to other organizationswinning coaches. new technologies can where the coach could gain addedThe study involved help coaches access experience and learn on the job untilinterviewing 14 serial teaching material they are ready to go back to theirwinning coaches (those when they need it.” institution of origin.who have succeeded 2. They are Trudel’s take: “In practice, this is veryrepeatedly at the highest always learning: difficult because there aren’t that manylevels of competition) Coaching courses opportunities to move coaches around. Inand 21 of their athletes should support the theory, this is good but it can be challenging.from nine countries and acquisition of new There is work to do to make it possible for11 sports. Between them, knowledge. But for sport organizations to make this happen.”these coaches’ athletes coach education to 5. They have opportunities tohave won more than 130 fulfil its role, coaches develop their program managementOlympic gold medals and must be provided capabilities: The management of largemajor championships with the time and operations and groups is a key feature ofover the past four decades. opportunity to take modern coaching and this will becomeWhile each coach stock of current an even more important aspect ofis unique, the study’s knowledge, and look coaching in the future.findings, released in for ways to translate Trudel’s take: “You are only as good2015, reveal seven key it into practical as the people around you. Coaching ispersonality traits and applications. becoming more complex and it’s impossibledominant behaviour Trudel’s take: “The for a coach to know everything. There arepatterns that winning new knowledge has to many different specialists that contributecoaches share. Coach Developers would Kinetics of the University of Ottawa and be appropriate. I see a lot of coaches, for to the success of a team. That’s why it’sdo well to consider these qualities in a former chair of the research committee example, going on the Internet and finding essential for a coach to develop theirthe identification, recruitment, and at the Coaching Association of Canada, information that isn’t necessarily adapted interpersonal abilities.”development of high performance for his take on the study’s findings: to their athletes. Coaches need to reflect oncoaches. 1. They have a solid educational the knowledge they need in their coaching SEVEN SECRETS continues on Page 1514

ON THE FLIPSIDE RESPECT IN SPORT helps to preventbullying, abuse, harassment and discriminationAlberta Gymnastics has always is to empower people to recognize and leaders and coaches on the pre- that is in direct violation of the afore- been a strong supporter of prevent bullying, abuse, harassment vention of abuse, bullying and mentioned organization’s protocols. the Coaching Association of and discrimination (BAHD) through harassment Any behavior of this type observed atCanada (CAC), the National Coaching interactive, online certification. Their • Build a holistic culture of respect any AGF event will be addressed withCertification Program (NCCP) vision is to eliminate BAHD by in- within the sport community appropriate sanctions pursuant to the“Coaching Code of Conduct,” AGF spiring a global culture of respect. In • Provide fundamental training tools Alberta Gymnastics Federation Disci-“Code of Ethics/Conduct” and the 2006, Alberta Gymnastics was the first which enable all coaches and youth pline Policy.GCG Respect in Sport Program, and Canadian Sport organization to imple- leaders to become better role modelsadheres to the stated guidelines for eth- ment Respect in Sport for all Alberta for the young athletes in their care The AGF Board believes thatical coaching. Gymnastics Coaches. Over the past AGF truly appreciates the contri- sport can and should make a positive ten years, over 3000 AGF coaches have butions by our members to the sport contribution to the development The Respect in Sport group’s mission been certified in the program and over of gymnastics and is committed to of our members and build safe and 300,000 across Canada. providing an environment in which respectful environments within the all individuals are treated with re- sport community. All members are The intention of the Respect in spect. As such, the Alberta Gymnastics obligated to maintain and enhance Sport program is to: Federation will not tolerate behavior the dignity and self-esteem of fellow • Empower and educate youth AGF members.SEVEN SECRETS continued from Page 14 6. They have high emotional programs. Because of the type of work theyintelligence: Supporting coaches in do, sport coaches can find it particularlyunderstanding what makes them who they difficult to find time for themselves and theirare and why they behave the way they do, families. Studies on coach burnout can helpcan help foster selfawareness. Mindfulness sport organizations recognize the need totraining, a technique that revolves around the create environments where coaches are betterdevelopment of present moment awareness, supported so that if they are going through acan improve emotional control, reduce rough time and need, for example, the services ofstress, and help build better coach-athlete a psychologist, this is made available to them.”relationships. Dr. Pierre Trudel received his PhD from the Faculty of Education at Laval University, Trudel’s take: “There’s no doubt coaches Québec. He is now a full professor in sportshould practise mindfulness. But this isn’t just pedagogy/psychology at the School of Humanabout ‘being in the moment.’ I like the definition Kinetics of the University of Ottawa. Sinceprovided by author and executive coach Scott 2005, he has been a member of the researchEblin: ‘Mindfulness is about waking up and committee at the Coaching Association ofbeing aware of what you are thinking so that Canada. His research activities have beenyou can assess the impact of your thoughts and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanitiesthen make an intentional choice about what to Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) sincedo next. Mindfulness is about managing that 1994. Dr. Trudel’s main research interestsgap between your thoughts and your actions.’ ” are related to coach education and youth development through sport. 7. They maintain work-life balance: Coaches plan is an online magazine forAchieving this elusive balance helps coaches Canada’s coaches published three times aremain fresh and energetic and allows them year by the Coaching Association of cultivate better relationships with their To read more Coaches plan articles, pleasefamilies and their athletes. Serial winning visit prioritize time with family andfriends, exercising, hobbies, and anythingthat allows a bit of normality into theirlifestyle. Trudel’s take: “Coach burnout and work-life balance are rarely addressed in training 15

March 2016 Name: Gymnastics Just a reminder Complete the crossword below DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: Spring – Third Friday in May (May 20) 1 Summer – Third Friday in September 234 (Sept. 16) 5 Fall – Competitive – Third Friday in October 6 (Oct. 21) Fall – Recreational – Third Friday in 7 8 November (Nov. 18) Winter – Third Friday in February 9 10 11 12 (Feb 17/2017) 13 14 ORDER FORMS AVAILABLE ONLINE! All badge orders for CanGym, and CanJump, 15 can now be found on our website under Resources. If you need to order badges, please fill out the simple form and it will be sent directly to the office for processing. Chalk order forms are also available online. Go to Created with Crossword Maker 16 c 16t u c k u Created with Crossword Maker pt ACROSS DOWN po i n t s of o 2. This skill to bend the back. It is also called a chin 1. A rotation over an axis in the body over a surface. 15c o d e stand. 3. The highest competitive level in gymnastics, or a ta 6. To stand straight up with a tight body and hands on gymnast who competes at the highest level. The term is floor. used in the USA, Australia and other nations, but is not oo 7. A gymnastics move in which the gymnast takes a universal. 13b a l a n c e n 14m running start, then places their hands as if a handstand. 4. A vault and family of vaults. They kick one leg over, push off the ground, and come 5. A balance beam skill in which the gymnasts stands a e back up. sideways on the beam, dives backwards into a back 8r i b b o n 8. A gymnastics apparatus used in rhythmic gymnastics. handspring (the ‘loop’), grasps the beam, performs a 10f The ribbon is a long piece of material attached to a stick. back hip circle and ends up in a front support. 12s t r a d d l e 9k i p 9. A training skill in trampolining. 10. The act of running, jumping off of 2 feet, turning in 11o o 12. A sitting position with the legs wide. It can also be mid-air, and landing on the ground on two feet. performed at height. 11. Abbreviation for out of bounds. ca 7f r o n t 13. One of the three routines in acrobatic gymnastics, 14. Safety equipment used in gymnastics to break falls. handsp r i ng highlighted by static hold positions that demonstrate strength, agility and flexibility. Careated with Crossword Maker a e u 15. The document that regulates scoring of each 6h a n d s t a n d r discipline. 16. A jump with knees to chest. iul 5y tk lsl 1r Visible Area Each 2c h 3e s 4 t r o l l 33.375” x 83.375”an company Gymnastics Complete the crossword below CROSSWORDS ANaNmeS:WER KEY Bleed Area Each: 35.375” x 92.125”Calendar of EventsQuantity:2 GQYuaMntitNy: A1 STICS WORD SCRAMBLE Quantity: 1 cteawerlh __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __Apr. 15-17, 2016 Artistic Provincial Championships bame __ __ __ __ WORD SCRAMBLE ANSWER MacDonald Island Park , Fort McMurray, AB ulepsp __ __ __ __ __ __Apr. 22-24, 2016 T & T Provincial Championships uecinetqh __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ cartwheel; beam; supple; Crescent Point Regional Field House , otmonpiicet __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ technique; competition; artistic; Okotoks, AB ttcasiri __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ tumbling; coach; pommel horse;May 5-7, 2016 Artistic Western Championships lnmbuitg __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ rebound; display; release Richmond, BC caohc __ __ __ __ __May 14-15, 2016 Gymfest mmelpo soher __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB udeonrb __ __ __ __ __ __ __May 21-23, 2016 2016 Western Canada Cup, Genesis Centre, adypsil __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Calgary, AB lreseae __ __ __ __ __ __ __May 22, 2016 Acrobatic Provincial Championships Spruce Grove Aerials Gym Club, Spruce Grove, AB ON THE FLIPSIDE Publisher: Scott HayesMay 31-June 5, 2016 Canadian Championships, Edmonton, AB Alberta Gymnastics Federation Art Director: Molly FangOct. 13-16, 2016 Fall Congress, AGF AGM, Assemblies and Contributing Editors: AGF Staff Awards Gala, Grey Eagle Resort & Casino, 207, 5800 – 2nd Street SW Photos: Dave Holland Photography Calgary, AB Calgary, AB T2H 0H2 Suggestions, questions, please email: [email protected] 403-259-5500 or 1-800-665-1010 www.abgym.ab.ca16

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