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RAW INK A Magazine by SLRTCE THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH “Creative work increases happiness and brightness.” FACT LIST 1


HON. SECRETARY’S MESSAGE Motto Stride Ahead Modern Learning “The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art.” – John Lasseter Vision, Mission and Valued Strategy, three epithets we aspire to implement for the triumph of educational objectives that our college had already planned before its scintillating coming out on the stage of recent Educational Field. We have always tried to impart our pupils the most recent and realistic quality erudition through our highly intellectual and talented faculty. Our focal point has always been to provide them sound infrastructure equipped with all adequate aids, entailed to create a congenial and prolific milieu for them to develop as responsible members of the society who could combat today’s competitive world with their exceptional brainpower and knowledge par excellence. We aim at to achieve our objectives by adhering to our mission to equip our trainees with elevated skills and profound genius together with ethics and integrity – two exceedingly indispensable human virtues. The mission of Tiwari College is to promote the most recent industrial acquaintances through the mode of formal pedagogy. Our students are just on the threshold of the wide exposed corporate world with its cut throat competitive framework. The management and the staff of Tiwari College is mindful enough to gratify the needs of young brains. Thus, the preoccupation for the most nurturing and constructive environment, in which all the students can develop their creative potential, is evident from the commitments and dedication attested by the organization time to time. The management and staff of Tiwari College is committed to implement quality policies to foster attitude and wholeheartedness among students. Our consistent efforts and impetus therefore have been a progressive venture in all-round development of learners. It also enables them to envisage and recognize their individual aim and aspiration in a viable worldwide economy. 3

ACHIEVEMENTS CONVOCATION (Our Achievers) Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 1. Dhage RupeshSubhash 2. Sawant Ninad Satish 3. Khan Aasma Anwar 4. Oza Deep Rajnikant 5. Mane Priti Ashok Electronics Engineering 1. Vankit Abhishek Ashok 2. Madan Harshit Sunil 3. Kannojiya Kavi Ramesh 4. Kadam Ramesh Uttam 5. Yadav Sandeep Parshnath Computer Engineering 1. Raval Aditya Hiteshbhai 2. Naik Shivali Ashok 3. Ray Karan Gunapal 4. Rane Amar Balkrishna 5. Pal Amit Kumar Shobhnath Information Technology Engineering 1. PednekarShrikrishnaSudam 2. Sudarshan Shankar 4

3. Sharma Ekta Anil 4. TiwariAlkaLalchand 5. WarsiHazikaRauf Ahmed (Our Teachers) Harish Gadekar (Assistant Prof. Mechanical Department) International journal of engineering & Advance Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249-8958 Vol- 4 issue-6 August 2015 “MPFI Engine Analyser Software”. International Conference May 2015 Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi MPFI Engine Using Ox rich air energizer improving performance of engine. Abhay Bendekar (Assistant Prof. Mechanical Department) Presented paper in International Conference and Workshop on Advances in Mechanical Engineering MULTICON-2015 conducted by Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Kandivali Prof. (E) “during March 29-March 30, 2015. Topic: Optimization of Injection Moulding process parameters using Taguchi Method, (DOE) Technique. Presented paper in International Conference and Workshop on Advances in Mechanical Engineering MULTICON-2015 conducted by Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Kandivali (E) “during March 29-March 30, 2015. Topic: A Service Learning Program for Science and Engineering Students. Pragati Dwivedi (Assistant Prof. Electronics Department) “Performance Evaluation of Data hiding techniques”, Pragati Dwivedi, Sheetal Jagdale, has been accepted for presentation in INDIACom - 2016; International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section. “Image Classification using Band Transformation on RGB bands “Pragati Dwivedi1, has been accepted for presentation in INDIACom - 2016; International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section 5

RECENT EVENTS JOB FAIR 2016 Our Chairman, Shri L.R. Tiwari, founder of Rahul Education Groups, admired and blessed all the young candidates who stepped away to take part in a groundbreaking event Job Fair 2016 . He expressed his intense inclination towards the progress of society by organizing second Job fair in the history of SLRTCE college. The first Job fair was held on 18th April 2015 with a footfall of more than 1200 registrations. Whereas, this year, it was held on 9th January 2016 even on a larger scale with the registrations crossing over 2300. Students enrolled for the Job fair were not only from Mumbai but they came from all other distant places viz. Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, Solapur, Indore, Surat, Nagpur, and Pune. The Secretary of Rahul Education Group, Shri. Rahul L. Tiwari expressed his best wishes to all the applicants registered for JOB FAIR 2016. 6

Further adding, he articulated his optimistic and constructive gestures by reassuring students to organize such Job fairs in the coming years with myriad eminent companies to accomplish the target. This year, the participating companies were: Reliance, Tech Mahindra Ltd., Asian Paints, Eureka Forbes Ltd., Global Service Group, HDFC Group, Infosys, Hinduja Global, Solutions Precissiasions, Pan Gulf, Dani Group, Matrix Technologies and many more. The job fair was a great prospect for the fresh candidates having both graduation and post graduate degree. The teacher co-ordinators involved to make this event a grand success were – Dr. S. S. Thakur, Dr. Lahu Teli, Mr. Vinayak Shinde, Mr. Abhijeet Samanta, and Ms. Usha Bag. More than seventy student co- ordinators were vigorously led by Archit Mehta (BE Student) for the smooth and convenient execution of the event. Hard work and scrupulous managerial skills of all the teachers, students and Principal, Dr. S. Ram Reddy made this event a record breaking and thriving one by providing all the candidates numerous excellent employment opportunities. It was truly a day to remember. 7

KNOWLEDGE SECTION Materials Scientists Make Martian Concrete HARSHIL SHAH TE-CIVIL There is growing interest in the goal of sending humans to Mars. Various space agencies have begun to study the numerous problems such a mission would present, not least of which is protecting humans during the journey. But once humans arrive on the red planet, they would require high quality buildings to live and work. They can take certain structures with them but this can only be a temporary solution. The first colonizers would quickly have to find a way to build structures using the planet’s own resources. But, how? Today we get an answer and thank to Lin Wan and Pals at Northwestern University. These guys have worked out how to make Martian concrete using materials that are widely available on Mars. This concrete can be formed without using water, thus it would be a precious resource on the red planet. The key material in a Martian construction boom will be sulphur,. The basic idea is to heat sulphur upto about 240 °C so that it becomes liquid, mix it with Martian soil, which acts as an aggregate, and then let it cool. The sulphur solidifies, binding the aggregate and creating concrete. Voila—Martian concrete. Of course, the idea of using sulphur to bind aggregates is far from new. Engineers have been experimenting with this kind of material for at least a century and initially found that sulphur- based concrete had its fair share of problems. For a start, as sulphur cools, it solidifies to form monoclinic sulphur and then transforms into orthorhombic sulphur, the stable allotrope at lower temperatures. But it also shrinks during this process and creates cavities and sets up stresses that severely weaken the material. What’s more, in the 1970s, materials scientists studied the possibility of using sulphur concrete to build lunar bases on the moon. They quickly discovered that in a vacuum, sulphur sublimates—it turns from a solid directly into a gas. So any sulphur concrete on the moon would quickly disappear into the ether. So an important question is whether sulphur concrete can be made strong enough and durable enough to be a useful on Mars. 8

To find out, Wan and Co made some. They used simulated Martian soil consisting mainly of silicon dioxide and aluminum oxide with other components such as iron oxide, titanium dioxide, and so on. They also tested various different sizes of particles in this aggregate. The tests were straightforward. Having mixed the aggregate with different percentages of molten sulphur and allowed the samples to cool into blocks, they measured the physical properties of the resulting materials, such as their compressive strength and failure mechanisms. They also chemically analyzed the mix and simulated its behavior. The results make for interesting reading. It turns out that using an aggregate of smaller particles reduces the formation of voids, which significantly increases the strength of the material. “The best mix for producing Martian concrete is 50 percent sulphur and 50 percent Martian soil with maximum aggregate size of 1 mm,” they say. And it is strong stuff, reaching a compressive strength in excess of 50 MPa, particularly if it is compressed during curing to reduce the formation of voids. This strength is also partly a result of the chemical bonds that sulphur makes with the Martian soil. By comparison, residential building standards on Earth require concrete with a compressive strength of about 20 MPa. Wan and Co also say that the atmospheric conditions on Mars are suitable for this stuff. “Both the atmospheric pressure and temperature range on Mars are adequate for hosting sulphur concrete structures,” they say. And there’re other advantages. Martian concrete can be recycled by heating it, so that the sulphur melts. So it can be re-used repeatedly. It is also fast- setting, relatively easy to handle and extremely cheap compared to materials brought from Earth. That’s interesting work. It means that the first permanent structure on Mars should be straightforward to make. All we need now are a new generation of Martian architects to design buildings made of Martian concrete that will be suitable structures for humans to live and work in. Time will be on their side. The first human missions to Mars are a good few years away yet. But it’s just possible that the first humans to live in these structures have already been born and are currently growing up in rather different buildings on Earth. 9

Can “MAKE in INDIA” make it happen? ROHIT MISHRA TE-MECH PREFACE Make in India is an initiative of Government of India to encourage multi-nationals, as well as domestic companies to manufacture its products in India. It was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 25th September 2014. It aims to establish India as a top destination for “export–led manufacturing” and boost Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows. On the Contrary, industrial production contracted to a 4 year low of 3.2%! This was primarily due to poor performance of the manufacturing sector and a sharp decline in capital goods output. So, this is a paradoxical scenario which raises concerns over the government’s flagship - Make in India campaign. GLOBAL COMPETITION China is a world leader in “export led manufacturing” due to which it is also known as “the Factory to the World”. India certainly faces stiff competition from China in its quest for global market share. This is because China already produces more than what the world can consume. Amidst the economic slowdown (especially in Europe), if India intends to enter the export markets dominated by China, the latter will push its products into the importing countries by competitive policies such as Devaluation of its currency – Yuan and Dumping of its goods across countries. An example in the Indian context is the dumping of Chinese steel inside Indian markets recently, thereby putting indigenous steel facilities at huge losses. Currently, 23 % of the restructured assets in the Indian banking system are from the steel sector. They will soon fall into the NPA basket if the situation persists. CURRENCY DEVALUATION Rise of native currency serves as an impetus to profits for business houses which export their goods and services. Hence, an undervalued currency is an incentive for export – driven commerce. 10

The People’s Republic of China has recently devaluated Yuan thrice in order to be competitive in the global market. Such competitive devaluation of currency in a tightly integrated international economy may trigger a “Currency War” amongst competing countries. Secondly, the rise of Asian economies as manufacturing hubs in the post – war period had one thing common- an undervalued currency. Post World War – II, in 1949, 360 Yen = 1 USD for next 22 years. Interestingly, 1 Yen= 1 USD in 1871 when it was first adopted. Similarly, Chinese Yuan was devalued by a magnitude of 74%, 85% and 60% against the USD, Yen, and Hong Kong Dollar respectively. This under valuation of currencies was a significant factor for these nations to become manufacturing power houses. It is highly unlikely that India will get a similar currency advantage as of now. FLAWS IN MAKE IN INDIA CONCEPT Highly Manufacturing Centric: There are many other sectors that contribute significantly to the economy. Service sector and Agriculture contribute 57% and 26% to total GDP of India respectively. Therefore, only narrowing down to promote manufacturing is not a holistic approach. Vulnerability to International Disturbances If India depends highly on exporting across countries, a deeper engagement with the world economy would make it vulnerable to international disturbances. World Bank data shows that in 2014, India’s total trade (export plus imports) was equivalent to 49.5% of its GDP which was even higher than US (@30%), Japan (@35.5%) and China (@41.5%). However, there are countries like Germany (the biggest economy of European Union) which grew due to its deep integration with world economy, which stands at a staggering 84.8% of trade to GDP ratio. Nevertheless, a deeper introspection reveals that German economy grew at its strengths (especially because of “Mittlestand” structure of enterprises). This growth took almost a century to occur and ensured stability, immunity and prosperity. Hence, India should aim at self-sufficiency and resources should be channelized for domestic consumption as well as production of goods and services for the Indian Market. 11

Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI): Make in India literally means manufacturing everything in India. Trying to produce everything domestically and not importing, has not worked in the past (pre-1991 era of Nehruvian protectionism) because of its anti-competitive policies. To produce domestically, tariff barriers are created against foreign goods/products, their taxes are increased etc. so that domestically manufactured goods become cheaper. However, because this reduces competition, domestic manufacturers become inefficient and costs go up. If before the liberalization period of 1990s, ISI created large inefficient industrial units -both public and private- this time, the danger of the story being repeated in Medium and Small Manufacturing Enterprises prevails. Instead of doing this, optimization of trade should focused upon and trade barriers must be uplifted in certain areas so that native manufacturers can compete with the best in the world and major companies can come and open factories in India and create jobs. Big Fish Phenomenon: Inviting foreign companies, which are strongly resourced, to Indian Markets which are predominated by small enterprises would lead to the creation on an ecosystem with big fishes eating up the smaller ones. This scenario was evident when the proposal for FDI in Retail Sector was widely protested by the fraternity of shop keepers who would face severe competition from Retail Giants such as Walmart, if the latter entered India. THE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISIM Faster Implementation and Objective Creation of Public Policies: The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill has been stuck in the pipeline since 16 years. If the Parliament of India passed this bill, it would be a revolutionary step in Indirect Taxation. According to a report by ASSOCHAM, the GST implementation would lead to a much needed reduction of logistics cost by 20% and increase in export volumes by a whopping 6.3%. It would also create unified markets across the states of India and increased interstate trading may eventually lead to consumption linked growth. 12

Focus on Niche Sector: Many countries worldwide are famous for their products; Germany for Machineries, Japanese for electronics and automobiles, and Switzerland for its precision instruments etc. India should also attempt to nurture its strength as it did during the Green Revolution and White Revolution. On the technological front, research and development should be adequately funded. India currently spends 0.88% to 1% of its GDP in R&D, whereas its Chinese and American counterparts spend twice and thrice of their GDPs respectively. The United States of America is an example of how the Government institutions can collaborate with private ones to foster and promote R &D. University of Michigan State and Google Inc. collaborated on a project of a self- driving car. Apart from this, private organizations are exploring uncharted territories such as production of Reusable Rockets and Space Exploration projects undertaken by private corporations such as SpaceX and Blue Orion with active cooperation from NASA. The tax incentives offered by the US Federal Government rekindled, attracted and accelerated R & D for Shale Gas exploration which eventually impacted the prices of crude oil significantly. CONCLUSION A new industrial order needs to be developed for a country like India by considering balanced growth inclusive of all sectors, backed by public policies that have an eye for objectivity and creativity regarding the strength and vulnerabilities prevalent in the Indian socio-economic system. The intelligentsia and battery of Think Tanks through the vision of our leaders should eventually formulate a composite and well nuanced policy that may turn around the economic arena of India and embark it on a path of progressive growth. 13

FEATURES OF MARSHMALLOW ADITYA SALUNKHE TE-CMPN Google releases a slightly improved version of Android with Android Marshmallow, it’s pulled out all the stops. The latest version of Android adds new features like the battery-saving Doze mode and the brand new Google Now on Tap – and it’s the biggest update we’ve seen to Google’s mobile OS in all ages. Doze Android Marshmallow has new changes deep in the operating system that can allow your phone (or tablet) to get better battery life. We see this mentioned with update from every company that makes smart devices, but this time they mean it. If a user leaves a device unplugged and stationary for a period of time, with the screen off, the device enters Doze mode. In Doze mode, the system attempts to conserve battery by restricting apps' access to network and CPU- intensive services. It also prevents apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and standard alarms. Periodically, the system exits Doze for a brief time to let apps complete their deferred activities. During this maintenance window, the system runs all pending syncs, jobs, and alarms, and lets apps access the network. Doze provides a recurring maintenance window for apps to use the network and handle pending activities. At the conclusion of each maintenance window, the system again enters Doze, suspending network access and deferring jobs, syncs, and alarms. Over time, the system schedules maintenance windows less and less frequently, helping to reduce battery consumption in cases of longer-term inactivity when the device is not connected to a charger. 14

As soon as the user wakes the device by moving it, turning on the screen, or connecting a charger, the system exits Doze and all apps return to normal activity. USB TYPE-C USB Type-C represents the holy grail of connections. It’s silly-fast, can be used any way up – and it’s going to be the most commonly used connection in the next few years. What’s more, it also allow for much faster charging than conventional cables: it can fully charge a Nexus 6P in around two hours.As you’d expect, Android Marshmallow is futureproofed with built-in USB Type-C support, so as long as your smartphone has the connection, Marshmallow can take advantage of it. ADOPTIVE STORAGE Most Android phones allow you to insert some form of memory card, but previous versions of Android always treated it as a separate entity. While that’s great if you want to swap memory cards around – it can be annoying if you want to use the memory card as a permanent storage solution. That’s where Adoptive Storage comes in. Rather than treating the memory card as a separate storage space, Marshmallow can treat it like the rest of the memory on your phone. The result? You can use your memory card space without any fuss. 15

NOW ON TAP One of the biggest changes to Android Marshmallow comes in the form of Google Now. Although it may look the same as before, Google Now is now pre-baked into every area of the OS, and it’s cleverer than ever. Google Now’s focus is now on “context”, and that means the digital assistant will be better at understanding where you are, and what you’ll need to know as a result. FINGERPRINT SCANNERS Equipping smartphones with fingerprint scanners is a growing trend. More devices are expected to join the party soon, so the addition of fingerprint support to Android 6.0 Marshmallow makes sense.With dedicated fingerprint support baked into Android, device makers no longer have to code everything on their own to make sure their fingerprint sensor works properly with the OS. With fingerprint sensors, users can easily unlock their device in a secure manner, make payments or log into various services or applications — making everything safer and more convenient. 16

CLEAR PERMISSIONS SYSTEM Android 6.0 Marshmallow also brings a new app permission structure that borrows a page from Apple's iOS playbook, while adding its own improvements. So far, app permissions on Android have been an all-or-nothing affair, but with Marshmallow, users will be able to choose which permissions they want to grant to each individual app. You can install a social app, for instance, and choose to deny it access to your location information or to your device's camera. PERSONALISED LOCKSCREEN MESSAGE Having a stable, fast OS is all well and good, but Google isn’t afraid to inject a sense of personality into its software. New for Marshmallow, a new textbox just under the lockscreen time helps personalise your phone – and could be a perfect place for motivational quotes, important reminders, name tags and much more. SMOOTHER APP EXPERIENCE There's another feature that doesn't sound spectacular, but makes a huge difference to your Android experience. When clicking on app-specific links – such as those for Twitter and Instagram – previous versions of Android would present the user with an \"Open With\" dialog box. As well as being ugly, this also made using Android a less than seamless experience. Thankfully, Android Marshmallow is much more intelligent and will know which app to open when you click on a specific link. That means, if you click an Instagram link, the Instagram app will automatically open and display the content. It's simple, but effective. 17

ANDROID PAY Much like Apple Pay, Android Pay allows users to store credit and debit card information on their smartphones, and then wirelessly pay for goods and services quickly and securely. To make it more secure, Android Pay uses a virtual account number instead of your own, and also keeps a detailed history of purchases made using the app.If you’re unlucky enough to lose your phone, Google has you covered. Android Device Manager makes it easy to remotely lock and wipe your Android device in the event of loss or theft. NEW APP DRAWER Marshmallow uses a brand-new layout for the app drawer, and it makes looking for applications a quicker, simpler process. Rather than scrolling sideways, users now have to scroll down vertically, and, if you’re too impatient, a search box at the top means you can find the app you’re looking for by typing the first few letters. 18

BRAIN GATE TECHNOLOGY ZAWA ANSARI TE-EXTC Brain Gate is a brain implant system developed by the bio-tech company‚ Cyber kinetics in conjunction with the Department of Neuroscience at Brown University. The development of the brain gate system brain-computer interface is to enable those with severe paralysis and other neurological conditions to live more productively and independently. The computer chip, which is implanted into the brain, monitors brain activity in the patient and converts the intention of the user into computer commands. Currently the chip uses about 100 hair-thin electrodes that sense the electro-magnetic signature of neurons firing in specific areas of the brain. Fig.1-Mechanism The activity is translated into electrically charged signals and is then sent and decoded using a program, which can move a robotic arm, a computer cursor, or even a wheelchair. Scientists are developing the brain gate systems underlying core technology in the neuroport system to enable improved diagnosis and treatment for a number of neurological conditions, such as epilepsy and brain trauma. Brain gate will be the first human device that has been designed to 19

record, filter, and amplify multiple channels of simultaneously recorded neural activity at a very high spatial and temporal resolution. When a person becomes paralyzed, neural signal from the brain no longer reach their designated site of termination. However, the brain continues to send out these signals although they do not reach their destination. It is these signals that the brain gate system picks up and they must be present in order for the system to work. BRAINS BEHIND BRAINGATE The person thinks of moving the computer cursor. Electrodes on the silicon chip implanted into the persons brain detect neural activity from an array of neural impulses in the brains motor cortex. The impulses transfer from the chip to a pedestal protruding from the scalp through connection wires. The pedestal, filters out unwanted signals or noise, and then transfers the signal to an amplifier. The signal is captured by acquisition system and is sent through a fiber optic cable to a computer. The computer then translates the signal into an action, causing the cursor to move. The brain gate system is a neuro motor prosthetic device consisting of an array of one hundred silicon micro-electrodes; each electrode is 1mm long and thinner than a human hair. The electrodes are arranged less than half a millimeter apart on the array, which is attached to a 13cm-long cable ribbon cable connecting it to a computer. The Brain Gate neural interface system is a proprietary, investigational Brain-Computer Interface(BCI) that consists of an internal sensor to detect brain cell activity and external processors that convert these brain signals into a computer-mediated output under the person’s own control. The sensor is implanted on the surface of the area of the brain responsible for voluntary movement, the motor cortex. The electrodes penetrate about 1 mm into the surface of the brain where they pick up electrical signals known as neural spiking, the language of the brain from nearby neurons and transmit them through thin gold wires to a titanium pedestal that protrudes about an inch above the patient’s scalp. An external cable connects the pedestal to computers, signal processors and monitors. The technology is able to sense the electrical activity of many individual neurons at one time the data is transmitted from 20

the neurons in the brain to computers where it is analyzed and the thoughts are used to control an external device, even 20 and 200 times a second and they work in teams. The reason a BCI works at all is because of the way our brains function. Our brains are filled with neurons, individual nerve cells connected to one another by dendrites and axons. Every time we think, move, feel or remember something, our neurons are at work. That work is carried out by small electric signals that zip from neuron to neuron as fast as 250 mph .The signals are generated by differences in electric potential carried by ions on the membrane of each neuron. Although the paths the signals take are insulated by something called myelin, some of the electric signal escapes. Scientists can detect those signals, interpret what they mean and use them to direct a device of some kind. It can also work the other way around. For example, researchers could figure out what signals are sent to the brain by the optic nerve when someone sees the color red. They could rig a camera that would send those exact signals into someone’s brain whenever the camera saw red, allowing a blind person to “see” without eyes. Basically there are two methods to sense the signals sent by the neurons: 1. ECoG: Invasive method. 2. EEG : Non invasive method ECOG – ELECTROCORTICOGRAPHY This measures the electrical activity of the brain taken from beneath the skull. Here the electrodes are embedded in a thin plastic pad that is placed above the cortex, beneath the duramater. ECoG is a very promising intermediate BCI(Brain computer interface) modality because it has higher spatial resolution, better signal-to-noise ratio, wider frequency range, and lesser training requirements than scalp-recorded EEG(Electroencephalography), and at the 21

same time has lower technical difficulty, lower clinical risk, and probably superior long-term stability than intracortical single-neuron recording. This feature profile and recent evidence of the high level of control with minimal training requirements shows potential for real world application for people with motor disabilities. To get a higher-resolution signal, scientists can implant electrodes directly into the gray matter of the brain itself, or on the surface of the brain, beneath the skull. This allows for much more direct reception of electric signals and allows electrode placement in the specific area of the brain where the appropriate signals are generated. This approach has many problems, however. It requires invasive surgery to implant the electrodes, and devices left in the brain long-term tend to cause the formation of scar tissue in the gray matter. This scar tissue ultimately blocks signals. EEG – Electroencephalography: The easiest and least invasive method is a set of electrodes — a device known as an electroencephalograph (EEG) — attached to the scalp. The electrodes can read brain signals. However, the skull blocks a lot of the electrical signal, and it distorts what does get through. It is the most studied potential non-invasive interface, mainly due to its fine temporal resolution, ease of use, portability and low set-up cost. A substantial barrier to using EEG as a brain-computer interface is the extensive training required before users can work the technology. Signals recorded in this way have been used to power muscle implants and restore partial movement in an experimental volunteer. They are easy to wear, non-invasive implants produce poor signal resolution because the skull dampens signals, dispersing and blurring the electromagnetic waves created by the neurons. Although the waves can still be detected it is more difficult to determine the area of the brain that created them or the actions of individual neurons. FEATURES: Brain Gate is a brain implant system developed by the bio-tech company Cyber kinetics in 2003 in conjunction with the department of Neuroscience at Brown University. The device was designed to help those who have lost control of their limbs, or other bodily functions, such as patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or spinal cord injury. The computer chip, which 22

is implanted into the brain, monitors brain activity in the patient and converts the intention of the user into computer commands. Currently the chip uses 100 hair-thin electrodes that sense the electromagnetic signature of neurons firing in specific areas of the brain, for example, the area that controls arm movement. The activity is translated into electrically charged signals and is then sent and decoded using a program, which can move either a robotic arm or a computer cursor. According to the Cyberkinetics, website, three patients have been implanted with the Brain Gate system. The company has confirmed that one patient (Matt Nagle) has a spinal cord injury, whilst another has advanced ALS. Fig.4-Sensor APPLICATIONS: 1. The brain gate neural interface system is an investigational medical device that is being developed to improve the quality of life for physically disabled people by allowing them to quickly and reliably control a wide range of devices by thought, including computers, environmental controls, robotics and medical devices. 2. One of the most exciting areas of BCI research is the development of devices that can be controlled by thoughts. Some of the applications of this technology may seem frivolous, such as the ability to control a video game by thought. If you think a remote control is convenient, imagine changing channels with your mind. 23

3. Once the basic mechanism of converting thoughts to computerized or robotic action is perfected, the potential uses for the technology are almost limitless. Instead of a robotic hand, disabled users could have robotic braces attached to their own limbs, allowing them to move and directly interact with the environment. This could even be accomplished without the “robotic” part of the device. Signals could be sent to the appropriate motor control nerves in the hands, bypassing a damaged section of the spinal cord and allowing actual movement of the subject’s own hands. 4. Cyberkinetics is also developing products to allow for robotic control, such as a thought- controlled wheelchair. Next generation products may be able to provide an individual with the ability to control devices that allow breathing, bladder and bowel movements. 5. The brain gate system has allowed people with paralysis to operate a computer in order to read e-mail, control a wheelchair and operate a robotic hand. 6. The system will connect the brain gate sensor with functional electrical stimulation (FES) system, which uses electrical impulses to trigger muscle and limb movement. The first version will allow users to make simple movements that could be used to perform tasks such as eating or drinking using their own arms and hands and under the natural control of their own brains. The initial version of this FES system would use arm supports. Later versions, however, do not require supports and will allow users to do activities that require more dexterity, such as using cell phones or remote controls. 7. The device can be used in an interactive environment; activity surrounding the patient will not affect the accuracy of the device. 24

Fig.5-A paralysed patient using prosthetic arm CONCLUSION: The idea of moving robots or prosthetic devices not by manual control, but by mere thinking (i.e., the brain activity of human subjects) has been a fascinated approach. Medical cures are unavailable for many forms of neural and muscular paralysis. The enormity of the deficits is caused by paralysis is a strong motivation to pursue BMI solutions. So this idea helps many patients to control the prosthetic devices of their own by simply thinking about the task. 25

ART & CULTURE SECTION HARSH VYAS TE-ETRX POETRY MUMBAI When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When stress is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit, Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about, When he might have won had he stuck it out, Don’t give up though the pace seems slow, You may succeed with another blow Success is failure turned inside out, The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far, So stick to the fight, when you’re hardest hit, It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit. 26

You can be Whatever, You want to be!!! TEJAS PARKAR TE-ETRX You can be whatever, You want to be, There is inside you, All of the potential, To be whatever you want to be, All of the energy, To do whatever you want to do, Imagine yourself as you would like to be, Doing what you want to do, And each day take one step, Towards your dream, And though at times it may seem too, Difficult to continue, Hold on to your dream, One morning you will awake to find to be, That you are the person you meant to be, Doing what you wanted to be, Simply because you had the courage, To believe in your potential, And to hold on to your dreams. 27

OTHER ACTIVITIES TEJAS PARKAR TE-ETRX MEDICAL CAMP BY NSS Health Care programs always create a significant impact in terms of providing better health care to the marginalized sections of our society especially, children in the villages. In this connection, under National Service Scheme (NSS), Shri L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering conducted a medical awareness camp on 26th December, 2015 in the district of Vaitarna, Maharashtra. The students under the guidance of teachers conducted the camp in six villages - Dahisar, Jambudpada, Kurkuripada, Samannpada, Patilpada and Muddulpada. Students participated in a great number as volunteer for the noble cause. The villagers and the school going children were thrilled to attend the camp. Around 200 people attended the much anticipated medical camp. NSS team conducted a “medical awareness skit” to enlighten the people about the various diseases that are commonly prevalent in the 28

Environment and are dangerous to children’s health. Girls in the age group 13 and above were given counseling about adolescent health and problems. School children and the villagers were given free treatment. It was exhilarating to see the smiles on the faces of the villagers because it is one of the most rewarding things to bring a smile on someone’s face. The volunteers wholeheartedly helped them, guided them, and managed the event in a profound way. Free “health kits” were provided to the school children. Because of participation of several people the “MEDICAL AWARENESS CAMP” was a huge success. The students of SLRTCE had a lot of fun in organizing the camp and were really delighted by the response of the people. The ecstatic response really motivated the students to organize such events in the future. The overall experience was quite overwhelming. NSS members learnt so many new things. They will never forget this experience. The memories will remain forever. 29

ENTERTAIMENT & FUN STREET FOODS IN MUMBAI ARCHIT MEHTA BE-MECH Mumbai is surely incomplete without its very famous street food. Yes, perhaps this is the best city to enjoy some awesome street foods from around the world! This city has many things for everyone and maybe that’s the reason we say “YE HAI BAMBAI MERI JAAN! “. I am personally not a big-time foodie. But yea, I like to hop on those places having some awesome stuff to eat. (Still miss our college’s Chinese samosa though!). Food is one of the characteristics of the city. Our city is known for its distinctive street foods. Although street food is common all over India, but in Mumbai it is noted because people from all economic classes eat on the roadside almost round the clock and it is sometimes felt that the taste of street food is better than restaurants in the city. Many Mumbaikars like a small snack on the road in the evening. People of Mumbai cut across barriers of class, religion, gender and ethnicity are passionate about street food. And the food is so good that I have personally seen people selling things like: - Bombay Chat, Bombay Sandwich, Bombay Vadapav, etc. in cities like Vadodara, Delhi, Shimla, Srinagar, & Pune. People of Mumbai have an unmistakable sense of pride when it comes to our street food. Be it something as local as the humble vadapavs to the exotic momos hailing all the way from the North East. But what adds that extra burst of excitement and flavor is the unique modifications introduced by our local street cooks. Transforming something as simple as regular paanipuri to vodka paanipuri, Mumbai’s street food truly ranges from the ingenious to the eccentric! It’s always great experience to have some tasty food in McDonalds, CCD, KFC, Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Faaso’s and many more such food chains around. But sometimes, trying out some tasty street food is surely fun. Everyone must be well versed with the slang we use to call such areas as “KHAU GALLI’s”. So this article is for all those who are food enthusiastic and like to have some new things to eat. Let’s begin with this awesome list. 30

PAVBHAJI A five-minute walk from Mumbai Central station, Sardar's Refreshments specialises in straight-from- the-streets, finger-licking pavbhaji. It's hidden behind white barriers, but mutter \"Pavbhaji?\" to any passerby and they will point you in the right direction. Another great alternative to Sardar’s is Cannon PavBhaji which is right opposite CST station. Two metal plates arrive within minutes: one containing thick vegetable masala straddled by a slab of butter, the other with fluffy rolls so well buttered the bread's yellow. Another location to look out for some great pavbhaji is the food stalls at Juhu Chowpatty ! VADAPAV It's every Mumbaikar's grab-and-go snack. Everyone from students to businessmen flock to the Anand stall, under a purple and green awning, which whips up more than a thousand a day. An added touch is a plate of rock-salted fried green chillies, which aren't nearly as fiery as you might think. Cool off with mini bottles of sweet lassi from the stall to the left. The store is located just opposite Mithibai College in Vile Parle. Besides Anand’s, Ashok VadaPav in Prabhadevi is also very popular for its authentic taste of vada. We do have those Jumbo-king stores all over Mumbai. But the one with the DESI TAKDA is always the best ! 31

BHELPURI / DAHIPURI / RAGDAPURI Our local food is surely incomplete without these three awesome chats. And infact these chats are so popular that they are also made in other cities. Chowpatty Beach is the home of bhelpuri, where it should be eaten while strolling along the shore. Try Sharmajee's (No 22) or Badshah's (No 11), amid the cluster of stalls opposite the Levi's Store, where rugs are spread out and bhelpuri \"touts\" will bring it over to you. For an alternative’s you can visit food stalls at Juhu beach. FRANKIE For all the Frankie lovers, the Tibbs Frankie is very well known to have its centres everywhere in Mumbai. But the one place at Tibbs mansion on AndheriKurla Rd., Andheri (E) is quite famous. There's a person sitting at the counter and the menu has a few things more than just frankies, like fries, and iced teas, and fresh lime sodas etc. 32

DOSA’S Dosa’s, are another staple that too have not been spared the inimitable Mumbai touch. Famous dosacentres are the one opposite Mithibai College, KhauGalli @ Fort, TirupatiDosacentre at 7 Bunglow’s, Andheri.Crispy, scrumptious with a generous filling is what makes these Dosa’s. PANIPURI There is a cheap thrill involved in going through a whole plate of paanipuri like going through a whole row of vodka shots or watching your man shave that last bit of chesse to garnish your sandwich in great anticipation, because you just can’t wait to dig in! Panipuri’s at ISKON Temple, Juhu are highly famous for their taste and quality. (Yes, these days quality surely matters especially in panipuri’s from the very recent incident :D ). Besides ISKON temple, Panipuri’s available at any other Bhaiyaji on a beach is great !especially at Juhu beach. KANDA POHA Keeping all the fast food’s aside, this is the perfect Indian recipe to kick start your day. It’s like a daily breakfast for most on them. We see many people selling kandapoha outside any railway station. But the one being sold at Shree Shuddh Shakahari Uphar Gruha at Vashi is a very popular place to have some typical kandapoha with the authentic 33

maharashtrian taste. JUICES & MILKSHAKES Bachelorr's @ Chowpatty Sea Face (Just opposite Charni Rd. Station). This place is a perfect hangout spot for all those who love some fresh juices/milkshakes/smoothies !It's been in business since the 1940’s. The cream-and-strawberry milkshake is a classic :D , but it also churns out numerous chocolate variations – from Classic Chocolate and Black Gold Premium to Liquid Marble – along with a host of fresh lime, coconut water and lychee juices. Those looking for some alternative can try the very famous Haji Ali Juice Centre located at Haji Ali. GOLA This is one of the most awesome thing available on the streets of Mumbai. Senior citizens to small kids, all maybe seen having this wonderful thing very happily. Gola, feel a wave of nostalgia pass over you? Some of the fondest memories all Mumbaikar’s cherish is the sweet tangy taste of gola! Take a stroll down Chowpatty Beach and treat yourself to this colourful delicacy! 34

CHANA CHOR The last one on the list, it’s the very famous “CHANA CHOR GARAM!”. It’s awesome spicy taste with the lemon juice and some masala sprinkled on it! All your trips are incomplete if you don’t have these time pass stuffs on your trip especially on beaches! :The Vendors selling these stuff are found in every corner of this town. 35


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