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Published by daytiadani, 2022-06-21 06:48:57

Description: PROJECT PORTFOLIO (3)


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FIONA MAY E. NUNEZ Team DASIG is not exempted from having conflicts and counterarguments with each other. Due to the pandemic, our means of communication with our teachers and coach are all virtual, with that, misconceptions and misunderstandings occur specifically in disseminating information about the tasks we have to prepare before the implementation day. In addressing this issue, as the assistant project director in administration and support services, I usually clarify everything to our teachers because at the end of the day they are the ones who will protect and defend us from the circumstances that the team has taken. In our team, we really practice transparency and inclusiveness, anything and everything that each member is trying to do, they must consult the team about it same goes with the head committees. In this way, each member will have the confidence to show their skills in problem- solving abilities, this is one of the many reasons why every venture team DASIG has taken and will about to take is successful because of its structure as each one of them has the heart and mind of a true servant leader. These experiences in our Online Community Initiative Action Plan helped me as a student to have courage and be empowered. My hopes will not just be a mere dream only, I can make this possible and feasible with courage and determination. These experiences also taught me how important teamwork and cooperation are, this is the most important element that will bring us victory. It taught me to become a considerate and a kind member, our success is not because of our sponsors or our partners it is because of our persevering and determined team that is motivated to achieve one goal for the community. These experiences don't only affect us internally but also externally which is our learnings will make a huge difference to the community. Through these activities, I got to grasp the complexities of the real world, we got to understand how difficult life is but we can get through this with courage and hope. Among all the concepts and principles we have learned, solidarity and networks are the things that helped DASIG to succeed. Solidarity because we can’t come this far without the unity and harmony of the members of team DASIG. Each one of us shares one goal that molded us to stand in mending good governance in the communities. Networks as we get to know the social networks and relationships in the real world. These made us equip and well-prepared for the complexities of the world. Every program and concept that team DASIG has are always aligned to the discipline of social science which is Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science, and centered on social work which is the discipline for applied social sciences. These ideas explain the core objectives, goals, and various processes of Project Pag-ayo of Team DASIG. These ideas exhibit that the various structures of a political system have corresponding functions that must be fulfilled to maintain stability and promote growth and development. These ideas molded Project Pag-ayo intending to make the communities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable by mending good governance. Member’s inactiveness and uncooperativeness are inevitable that causing the team’s deliverables to be delayed. In addressing this issue, we will delegate the tasks ahead of time for them to have more time to prepare before the deadline. We also create our deadlines as a team to have time for finalization and proofreading. This kind of conflict is normal as this will make the team learn and develop skills to resolve this issue in the team. It is evident that we have to go through all the processes, challenges, and hindrances in this project, without those we are not this strong and confident to take a stand for the youth of today. These processes promote stability in ourselves to be well-equipped in the future. These helped us to enhance and develop skills and knowledge that can help us to be ready for the real battle in the outside world. The processes we underwent strengthened our perspectives in life and they describe how things are done and then provide the focus for making them better, and how they are done determines how successful the outcomes will be. This project proposal is quite a long process but with every action, we take we gain knowledge that will shield us from our fight in the battles of the world.




SIMONE E. SERINO because they are inactive on social media, so asking for advice and guidance from our coach and subject teachers helped a lot to make decisions to meet our needs and problems. One of the many is when a few weeks before our implementation, many of us have been affected by a slow internet connection or a network outage. We had limited devices because some have worn out from using them exhaustively for two years. We are so thankful to our teachers for helping and allowing us to meet physically, and with the very kind support of our sponsor, enspace Cebu, to give us a comfortable venue, fast WiFi, and let us borrow some of their devices to be used during the implementation. Thus, helping me become a more persevering student, compassionate team member, leader, and an informed and responsible citizen. The concepts of politics, governance, sociology, anthropology, and social work, which are our assigned social sciences disciplines and applied discipline, have reared our Online Community Initiative Action Plan to where it should be and also applying the trends, networks, critical thinking, community engagement, solidarity and citizenship, and leadership skills have polished and brought our project proposal to come successfully to life. In a 12-member team, delegating tasks that will be fair and efficient for all is challenging. Thankfully, with the help of subjects teachers and the team coach, I charged the tasks equally to every member according to their skills, abilities, talents, and situation by dividing the team into two committees to focus on what needed to be done efficiently. Leadership skills and style should be thought of and planned ahead because it is vital in how the team will move forward and defend itself when problems arise. Our lessons since grade 11 in the social science disciplines and the applied social sciences, especially political science, sociology, and anthropology, have molded Project Pag-ayo to meet the needs, threats, and weaknesses. While civic participation, power, governance, community engagement, solidarity, citizenship, successful group work, and leadership have sharpened, developed, and strengthened our project to be successful, relatable, helpful, and sustainable for the community and helped the proponents to develop skills that are integral in the real world. As the team leader and project director, in the context of online education, delivering such a vast and complicated task is not easy, especially when some of my members are inactive and unresponsive because of their responsibilities outside school and lack of resources. What I do is communicate with them all the time and encourage them to communicate with me or their respective committee heads so that the team can be flexible in tailoring our next steps with the problem and concerns at hand. I am also thankful that other members, when available, are always a chat away and willing to fill the gaps of others on the team. Communication, trust, solidarity, and humility always arise in every problem and in every achievement the team faces. Of course, we are not immune to pain, rejections, weaknesses, and failure, and we are far from perfect, but all of it has made us wiser, bolder, and better individuals, students, children, and citizens. Still, just as what our team consistently embodies, “Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan,” in every venture, team DASIG has taken, is taking and will about to take, the hope in us and the hope for us by the people around us, pushes us to move forward for the betterment of society with the help, grace, and providence of our Almighty God—we are stronger together for the cause of Developing and Aspiring Society for Incoming Generations.


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