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Home Explore WG_Brand Book Final 2

WG_Brand Book Final 2

Published by ruemilla95, 2020-07-23 21:56:33

Description: WG_Brand Book Final 2


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IDENTITY SYSTEM OVERVIEW WHY HAVE BRAND STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES? This Brand Manual establishes the rules and guides to maintain a consistent identity system, which are to be used throughout all marketing collaterals on both online and printing materials. Our visual identity is tightly bound to our style and values of “Thoughtful, Seasonal & Chic” Through the use of the identity system, we seek to present our welcoming vibe, friendliness, passion in hospitality and celebrate individuality.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 01 BRAND PROMISE 3 i. Whitegrass Brand Promise ii. The Whitegrass Story and Manifesto 4 5 02 LOGO 6 i. Logo 7 ii. Logo Reverse 8 iii. Logo Clear Space 9 iv. Minumum Size of Logo v. Incorrect Logo Usage 10 11 03 THE COLOUR 12 i. Primary Colour Palette 13 ii. Secondary Colour Palette iii. Colour Theory 14 15 04 TYPOGRAPHY 16 i. External Typeface ii. Internal Typeface 17 05 PHOTOGRAPHY 18 i. Food 19 - Flatlay 20 - 45 Degree 21 ii. Drinks iii. Restaurant 22 23 06 VERBAL IDENTITY 24 i. Introducing Our Brand 25 ii. Introducing Our Verbal Identity 26 iii. Tone of Voice 27 iv. Word Bank v. Reservation / Phone Dialogue Verbiage 28 29 07 APPLICATIONS 30 i. Business Card 31 ii. Paper Bag 32 iii. Email Signature 33 iv. Seasonal Menu 34 v. Events Poster & Artwork 35 vi. Signage 36 vii. Design Element 37 viii.Design Approach 38 - Food Design Poster - Wine Tasting Promo & Artwork

BRAND PROMISE i. Whitegrass Brand Promise 01 ii. The Whitegrass Story and Manifesto Page 1

A brand promise is a value or I. WHITEGRASS BRAND PROMISE experience a restaurant’s customers can expect to receive Paying homage to the nature and hard work of our every single time they interact selected farmers and producers through the with that restaurant. The more a culinary twist of classical French fare with modern restaurant can deliver on that Japanese cuisine. promise, the stronger the brand value in the mind of customers and employee. Page 2

A brand story and Manifesto II. THE WHITEGRASS STORY & MANIFESTO describe why your restaurant exists, its purpose, and why people Nature has and always will be our biggest inspiration when it comes to the should care about your brand. They creation of our French-Japanese cuisine. We want you to experience this build connections and trust. unprecedented dining culture by Head Chef Takuya Yamashita. Born in Nara Prefecture, a region in Japan famous for its stunning mountains and lush forests, Chef Takuya’s home instilled in him a profound reverence for nature and unwavering respect for produce. Hence, our menus are built around a passion for showcasing nature and sustainability. The ingredients used are mostly sourced from the trustworthy farmers and fishermen in Nara, with promising quality and freshness. Located at the historic CHIJMES, one of Singapore’s most iconic locations, our 40-seat restaurant boasts stellar service. We have also carefully curated a beverage list to showcase makers who share our respect for their produce. Our chefs and the team love to share their knowledge about the produce used in the cuisine, offering you a personalized dining experience with a meet and greet at the end of the course. With welcoming interiors, thoughtful hospitality, and seasonal menus that showcase the best ingredients, we are ready to elevate your lifestyle for “Memorable Experiences” with us. Page 3

LOGO 02 Page 4 i. Logo ii. Logo Reverse iii. Logo Clear Space iv. Minumum Size of Logo v. Incorrect Logo Usage

The logo is the most important I. LOGO element. The design of Whitegrass logo symbolizing its personality, simplicity and respect for nature. Icon Wordmark Hex 3B464E, Pantone 432C Page 6

The simple and consistent II. LOGO REVERSE application of the logo is of the utmost importance. Reverse white PRIMARY LOGO COLOUR logo may be used on any dark with light background colour backgrounds that compliments the logo. HEX 3B464E, Pantone 432C SECONDARY LOGO COLOUR IN REVERSE with dark background HEX FFFFFF Page 6

Clear space is the term for a III. LOGO CLEAR SPACE specific amount of space that a logo must have on all sides, no x matter where it is used. The reason for clear space is to ensure that a logo maximizes its visibility and impact. x xx Page 7

To guarantee legibility at all IV. MINIMUM SIZE OF LOGO times, it is essential that the logo will never reproduced in smaller MINIMUM size than the size shown. Width: 2cm 2cm Page 8

The integrity of the logo must be V. INCORRECT LOGO USAGE respected at all times. Do not stretch, condense or otherwise WHITEGRASS DO NOT recreate or retype DO NOT change the logo colour alter or manipulation it. Any the words modification of the logo confuses DO NOT place the logo in a shape its meaning and diminishes its DO NOT use graphic effects impact. or outline on our logo DO NOT add a ring around the logo Page 9 DO NOT overlap other graphics DO NOT emboss the logo out of a or text or photography colour background DO NOT reverse logo out of a colour DO NOT angle the logo. Always use it vertically reading upward DO NOT use the icon without the wordmark and vice versa DO NOT stretch or alter our logo in any ways DO NOT rearrange the wordmark and icon

THE COLOUR i. Primary Colour Palette 03 ii. Secondary Colour Palette Page 10 iii. Colour Theory

The colour palette refers to the i. PRIMARY COLOUR PALETTE colours used in the Brand Identity. CMYK Colour breakdowns are the PAPAYA WHIP ACCENT most common colour version to use as it allows our Brand Identity to HEX: FFEFD5 appear uncompromised & can be RGB: 255, 239, 213 printed with full colour imagery. CYMK: 0, 5, 16, 0 Hex and RGB breakdowns are used for screen based applications such BRIDESMAID MAIN as Microsoft Powerpoint, the app & web based applications. HEX: FEF1EC RGB: 254, 241, 236 Page 11 CYMK: 0, 5, 4, 0 ALMOND NEUTRAL MAIN HEX: EFD7CA RGB: 239, 215, 202 CYMK: 5, 15, 17, 0 OPAL HEX: A7C2C1 RGB: 167, 194, 193 CYMK: 35, 13, 22, 0 SHUTTLE GRAY ACCENT HEX: 5A6972 RGB: 90, 105, 114 CYMK: 67, 50, 44, 16

The secondary colour palette is ii. SECONDARY COLOUR PALETTE used to support and compliment the 5 primary colours. Examples of use DAWN PINK include text, background panels HEX: EFE8DD and lists. RGB: 239, 232, 221 CYMK: 5, 7, 11, 0 EUNRY HEX: C9A490 RGB: 201, 164, 144 CYMK: 22, 36, 42, 0 CASAL HEX: D3B1AD RGB: 211, 177, 173 CYMK: 17, 31, 26, 0 PHARLAP HEX: A77B76 RGB: 167, 123, 118 CYMK: 33, 53, 47, 6 CLAM SHELL HEX: 31596F RGB: 49, 89, 111 CYMK: 85, 58, 40, 20 Page 12

The primary colour palette are III. COLOUR THEORY NEUTRAL selected to represent the MAIN adjective, essence and values MAIN of the restaurant. The formula of the colour can be used as ACCENT shown. ACCENT Page 13 CHARACTERISTIC : FEMININE | SOPHISTICATED | WARM F RI END LY | C ALM

TYPOGRAPHY i. External Typeface 04 ii. Internal Typeface Page 14

It is important that we use a I. EXTERNAL TYPEFACE consistent typeface in our communications so people HEADER & BODY recognize our look and feel. External Typeface: Our PRIMARY TYPEFACE AaBb external typefaces are ‘Questral’ & ‘Bentham’. We QUESTRIAL ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ will use this typeface for all abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz our external communication Questrial is the perfect font for body text and headlines. 1234567890 materials. It's modern style, suited with past characteristics of great This means that all our typefaces, make it highly readable in any context. The agencies need this typeface full-circle curves on many characters make Questrial a and they should use it for all great font to blend seamlessly with other fonts while still communications materials. maintaining it's uniqueness. Page 15 SECONDARY TYPEFACE AaBb BENTHAM ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Bentham is inspired by the lettering of nineteenth-century 1234567890 maps, gravestones and the maker’s plates of cast-iron machinery. It is characterized by expressive, flowing, and bulging curves, mannered awkwardness, and the bobbles on the terminals of its characters.

Internal Typeface: For internal II. INTERNAL TYPEFACE communications such as email, Word, Power-Point and Excel HEADER & BODY documents, we have identified ‘Calibri’ as the typeface because it’s available on all our PC’s. CALIBRI AaBb Regular / Regular Italic / Bold / Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Calibri is a sans-serif typeface family. Calibri features 1234567890 subtly rounded stems and corners that are visible at larger sizes. Its sloped form is a \"true italic\" with handwriting influences, which are not unusual in modern sans-serif typefaces. Page 16

PHOTOGRAPHY i. Food 05 ii. Drinks iii. Restaurant Page 17

I. FOOD FLAT LAY As a restaurant that promises a ‘Thoughtful, Seasonal, and Chic’ atmosphere, the food is one of the central focuses of our visual branding. 1. Natural light is important to create a warm and neutral feeling. Dishes should always be well-lit and brightly composed. 2. Try to include an accent. The desired color palette of our food design is pastel, also add minimal interesting elements to the layout like cutlery, or ingredients. Page 18

FOOD 45 DEGREE As a restaurant that promises a ‘Thoughtful, Seasonal, and Chic’ atmosphere, the food is one of the central focuses of our visual brand- ing. 1. Natural light is important to create a warm and neutral feeling. Dishes should always be well-lit and brightly composed. 2. Try to include an accent. The desired color palette of our food design is pastel, also add minimal interesting elements to the layout like cutlery, or ingredients. Page 19

II. DRINKS Drinks can be fairly one dimensional, so implement some colour theory will help your photography pop. Try incoporating a complimentary colour in your garnishes and props. Page 20

III. RESTAURANT As a restaurant that promises a ‘welcoming interiors and thoughtful hospitality’ atmosphere, the oval dining room is the central focus of our outlet photography. 1. Everyone likes a well-lit room. Draw the black out curtains, shoot on a sunny day and make sure everything looks bright and comfortable. 2. Try to include an accent. The color palette of our rooms are pastel, so adding a fresh color accent like a fresh flowers will add the warm, cozy and inviting feelings. Page 21

VERBAL IDENTITY i. Introducing Our Brand 06 ii. Introducing Our Verbal Identity Page 22 iii. Tone Of Voice iv. Word Bank v. Reservation / Phone Dialogue Verbiage

This guide is to help you to I. INTRODUCING OUR BRAND communicate and introduce Whitegrass. 1. ELEVATOR PITCH (FOR INFORMAL MEETINGS) “I work at Whitegrass, a fine-dining French-Japanese restaurant located in CHIJMES. 1. Elevator Pitch (for informal Our menus are built around a passion for showcasing nature and sustainability. And meetings) The elevator pitch is a the menu changes every 2 months based on the seasonal ingredients.” short summary of what your organization does and what 2. GOOGLE META DESCRIPTION TAG makes it unique. Staff might use it H1 Text: Singapore French Fusion Restaurant | Whitegrass | CHIJMES at informal meetings to introduce URL: the company and what they do. Meta text: Nestled in Singapore’s historic CHJIMES, Whitegrass offers welcoming interiors, thoughtful hospitality and seasonal menus based on the fusion of French and 2. Google Meta Description Tag Japanese. The meta description tag is a short write-up of what your company does. It appears below the title of your website’s search result. This write-up should: • Be less than 22 words or 155 characters (or your write up will be cut off). • Include all search terms that will help stakeholders find your website. Page 23

This is a guide for people who are II. INTRODUCING OUR VERBAL IDENTITY tasked with writing for the Whitegrass brand & developing it’s communica- Existing & potential guests tions materials – both internal & external parties. Communication philosophy, service standard, unique selling proposition, value-added services. A compass for writers (not a strait-jacket). In this regard, it GUEST provides a foundation to inspire writers and leaves room for them to Existing & potential staffs exercise their creativity. A means to create a distinct verbal Communication philosophy, internal development & achievements, style for our brand. Together with the service delivery, training, hiring, career development. visual identity, the verbal identity ensures the brand communicates in a STAFF way that reinforces our proposition ‘Memorable Experiences’ and our brand attributes: 1. Thoughtful 2. Seasonal 3. Chic AGENCIES & Existing & potential travel agencies & partners PARTNERS Communication philosophy, internal development & achievements, service standard, unique selling proposition, value- added services, promotions. Page 24

The tone of voice is the tone in III. TONE OF VOICE which we would like to address people. “ THOUGHTFUL AND CHIC ” Do’s: We want our tone of voice to be thoughtful and Chic. This means the tone of our copy 1. Use sound and literary effects to should make readers feel at ease. They should feel Whitegrass is a restaurant where they flavor your writing: alliteration, can feel relaxed and welcome, while maintaining a sense of elegance. rhyme, rhythm and repetition. 2. Think how your most elegant friends talk and borrow their language . 3. Be inspired by the world of culture (poetry, music, cinema & literature). 4. Make it easy for customers to understand your headlines, so make them short & sweet. Don’ts: 1. Be coarse, blunt or boring. 2. Confuse your readers. 3. Rush your writin. Page 25

Phrases that might be helpful in IV. WORD BANK creating copy. Thoughtful Thinking, Reflective, Comtemplative, Musing, Meditative, Introspective, Philosophical, Cogitative, Absorded, Studious, Dreamy, Dreaming, Wistful, Profound, Deep, Intelligent, Sensitive Seasonal Changing, Ranging, Wandering, Impermanent, Well-timed, Auspicious ,Nature, Natural, Migrating, Farm, Nursery, Environment, Landscape, Outdoors, Scenery, Seascape, Green Chic Elegant, Exclusive,Modern Stylish, Trendy, Clean, Minimalistic, Current, Dashing, Voguish, Charming, Fashionable, Classy, Passion, Debonair, Spirited, Vivacious Page 26

For restaurants, the telephone V. RESERVATION / PHONE DIALOGUE VERBIAGE plays a major part in daily operations. This is because 1. Pick up the phone restaurants need them in order Answer the telephone within 3 rings to call out and contact vendors, business associates, and clients 2. Greet the guest or customers. They are also With a friendly and smilling voice, say “Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, valuable in that they open a (say your name) speaking, how may I assist you?” door of communication with customers by allowing them to 3. Take a reservation contact the business at any time during its hours of operation to Take down all the relevant information in a courteous manner: make reservations and Reservation name & contact number. “Can I have your name and contact number please?” enquiries. As important as the Number of guest. “May I know this reservation is for how many person?” phone is, businesses should Arrival date & time. “May I have your reservation date & time please?” know the difference between Contact number & mail address. “Can I get your contact number and/or email address please? what is good and bad phone etiquette. 4. Repeat the reservation details to the guest May I repeat your reservation Mr./Mrs./Ms.XXX?’ (Repeat all the information) Page 27 Thank the guest (by name) for calling and wishes a plesant day/evening. 5. Confirm the reservation with the guest on the arrival day if applicable Waiter/waitress or Hostess is to confirm the reservation in the morning between 09:00 and 11:00 hours Mention that “ We are looking forward to your arrival.”

APPLICATIONS i . Business Card 07 ii. Paper Bag Page 28 iii. Email Signature iv. Seasonal Menu v. Event Poster & Artwork vi. Signage vii. Design Element viii. Design Approach

This business card will be used for all i. BUSINESS CARD official contact and communication of our company. These are the approved layouts. Always use double sided cards. Address Whitegrass Restaurant Takuya Yamashita 30 Victoria St, #01-26/27, Chijmes Singapore 187996 Restaurant +65 6837 0402 Executive Chef Mobile +65 8298 0638 Office + 65 6837 0346 M +65 9458 1589 Kitchen +65 6837 0393 [email protected] Fax +65 6909 9722 E [email protected] 30 Victoria Street, #01-26/27, Chijmes Singapore 187996 T +65 6837 0402 IG: DIMENSION: Height : 85 mm Width : 55 mm Embossed without colour for the logo Page 29

ii. PAPER BAG Product imagery and material used should convey a premium look, minimalist & sophisticated. H: 14cm L: 14cm W: 9cm DIMENSION: Height : 14cm Page 30 Width : 9cm Length : 14cm

For internal emails and external iii. EMAIL SIGNATURE replies/forwards: In long email conversation strings or emails within the company, it may be inconvenient to use the full composition of your signature. In reply/forward messages, it is better to keep the signature as short as possible. FONT TYPE: SIZE: COLOUR: Calibri 10pt Black Page 31

IV. SEASONAL MENU Whitegrass menus are created by seasons and design should reflect that accordingly. Minimal nature elements such as leaves, or flowers accent the menu in a subdued manner. Menu Guideline Heading 1 Text Colour: Font:Bentham Size : 24pt Characther Spacing : Expanded (3.5pt) Heading 2 Text Colour: 000000 Font:Questrial (All caps) Size : 8pt Characther Spacing : Expanded (1.2pt) Body Text Colour: 3B464E Font:Questrial Size : 7pt Characther Spacing : Expanded (1.2pt) Pricing Text Colour: 3B464E Font:Questrial (All caps) Size : 7pt Characther Spacing : Expanded (1.2pt) AMUSE BOUCHE Double Spacing ALASKAN KING CRAB Single Spacing Size : A5 Celeriac | Shellfish Jelly TOKACHI Crepe Tuile Page 32

V. EVENT POSTER & ARTWORK Whitegrass event menus are designed around a core topic, which is in line with the theme of the event. Artworks can be dynamic and bold to reflect the uniqueness of the event. Minimal F&B elements such as bottles, or food items accent the menu to create an eye-catching component. Page 33

VI. SIGNAGE The existing signage that Whitegrass is displaying. Logo plate outside Operation hours sticker the restaurant on the door of the entrance Page 34

VII. ELEMENT APPROACH This element can be used to add visual interest under certain circumstance, promotions and artwork requests for publicity and communication materials. Page 35

VIII. DESIGN APPROACH Your brand identity is what makes you instantly recognizable to your customers. The design approach used is to achieve the results below: • Distinct: It stands out among competitors and catches people’s attention. • Memorable: It makes a visual impact. • Scalable and flexible: It can grow and evolve with the brand. • Cohesive: Each piece complements the brand identity. • Easy to apply: It’s intuitive and clear for designers to use. Page 36

DESIGN APPROACH FOOD DESIGN POSTER Photo-centric artworks Like the old saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Sometimes, a photograph can capture something that text, graphics, and illustrations can’t, whether that’s human emotion, a sense of place, the grandness of nature, or a sense of realism. Always keep the background clean, making the artworks easy to read and attractive. Consider the proper order of content, including headers, subheaders, body copy, images, blurbs, etc. Page 37

DESIGN APPROACH WINE TASTING PROMO & ARTWORK Photo-centric artworks Like the old saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Sometimes, a photograph can capture something that text, graphics, and illustrations can’t, whether that’s human emotion, a sense of place, the grandness of nature, or a sense of realism. Always keep the background clean, making the artworks easy to read and attractive. Consider the proper order of content, including headers, subheaders, body copy, images, blurbs, etc. Page 38

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