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Home Explore Bank of NSW

Bank of NSW

Published by mormel2001-14, 2017-03-01 02:39:06

Description: Bank of NSW


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The Bank Of New South Wales, Alstonville

The bank of NSW was a vital part of the commerce in the village, the Timeline of the Bankshop owners and the customers made use of cheque accounts and cashwithdrawals to facilitate trade. The bank was also a valuable asset tofamilies as it allowed them to be able to borrow finance to be able tobuild/buy their houses.The shed was built 1923 1929 ‘The exact date is un- The Bank was built The original fire stationknown in Alstonville burnt down1912 1929 ‘Compulsory military training was The firetruck was storedintroduced for 18 - 26 year olds. in the shed next to the bankThe bank was a very strong part in themakings of Alstonville as a community, not only for the farmers to purchase theirland that they selected but to also helping them with their finances to allow themto purchase equipment needed to run and make money from their farms.

1942 Every day the community were going to the bank tellers to The Bank closed down withdraw, deposit and borrow money (our day’s people use1939 - 1945 credit cards and ATMS and rarely go into the actual bank)World War 2 1946 Bought by the Gough family 2005 Bank was sold and auctionedThe bank safe storage was a vital part of the bank as peoplecould keep their wealth safe, (the banks vaults was originally forsecurity of cash and bank records but over the years it has beenused for the storage of home brew as it was a safe place in casethe bottles exploded)

Building of the BankThe bank of NSW was built in 1923.Listed as a historic timber building, the bankopened in a rented cottage leased from Mrs.Louise Richards for one year. The architect wasFrederick J Board.The Bank served as a home for the Bankmanager and his family, who lived out theback in the Bank residence. This acted as asense of security for clients and an addition tothe security of the bank.

The Shed The bank kindly allowed for the fire station to lease their back garage for the storage of their fire truck and other parts of equipment, with conditions of regular rent and a set date of the end of lease. The reason of that the old fire brigades truck had been stored in the banks back garage is a strong theory of why the garage building has not been able to be pulled down as it is a part of Alstonville’s historical value. A new fire station was built on the same block the following year in September and opened soon after. On the 17th of May 1929 a fire destroyed the newly built fire station on 63 main street Alstonville. Whether the fire was intentional or not is unknown.

The Bank’s Relation to The WarDuring the times between WWI and WWII, Australia was going through the Great Depression.This obviously didn’t benefit the state of the rural bank.Due to much of the male population leaving to fight, this eventually lead to the closing down of the bank. As WWII began, Australia joined the war after the invasion of Poland, as a dominion under the British Empire. Manpower was ultimately needed, creating a shortage of men in Australia. In 1912, it became compulsory for 18-27 year old males to undertake military training. At this time, men were enlisted to aid the British soldiers. As many as under a million men and women were enrolled to participate as either, soldiers or nurses. The use and demand of the bank rapidly declined, causing the bank to close and relocate.

**A public farewell annd presentationwill be tendered at Alstonville tomor-row in the Agricultural Hall at 8 Mr and Mrs A J. Cochrane. Mr Co-chrane has been manager of the Alston-ville branch of the Bank Of N.S.W forsix years, and has been transferred toNimbin. He has been prominently associ-ated with public life in Alsonville anddistrict.The organising committee at a meetingon Monday night was advised that numer-ous public bodies would be officiallyrepresented at the farewell. A shortconcert programme will precede thepresentation.

The Closing of The BankIn 1946 after the war, the bank was sold to the GoughFamily, in which they owned until 2005. Residents wereliving in the bank’s residence, just like the bank’s man-ager, so then the front was leased out to local businesses.At present this system has been displaced and now twodifferent businesses run within the same building.It operated in this location throughout the 1950’s andthen the Gough’s surgery space was rented out to a suc-cession of doctors.The space was eventually used as a vet clinic.The Gough surname was originally a FrenchnCaommpea,nmy Neaamneing ‘Red’. It was brought toA12u9s2tHraelliipaotrthLroooupgh to the colonisation ofsTeertrteleHrasuftero, ImN 4t7h8e07first fleet andb81e2c-7a4m2-8e2a57heredity surname when thec8o12n-7v4i2c-t8s26s6tarted to settle in

How The Bank Is Used TodayCompany Name It was until recently that Maranoa used the front as a Op shop.1292 Heliport Loop Unfortunately to make space the original counters were takenTerre Haute, IN 47807 out, although the original safe and etched doors still remain.812-742-8257 Sold at auction in 2003, the bank was then leased out to a812-742-8266 succession of different The Bank is now considered part of the Alstonville Historical Walk. These were the businesses which took place within the Bank’s building: Surgery (Dr MacGill) Vet (Keith Curtin) Opshop (Vinnies) Hairdresser Physio Chiropractor It is currently home to a hair dressing salon and Chiropractor.

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