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Home Explore 22-23 Employee Handbook

22-23 Employee Handbook

Published by kellyh, 2022-09-13 20:41:25

Description: 22-23 Employee Handbook


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General procedures Section 9 Emergency ESC closing The ESC may close because of severe weather, epidemics or other emergency conditions. When such conditions exist, the Executive Director will make the official decision concerning the closing of the ESC facilities. The ESC may post a notice on the ESC’s website and may notify employees through an automated telephone/email notification system. Emergencies All employees should be familiar with the safety procedures for responding to emergencies, including a medical emergency. Employees should determine evacuation routes in their work areas and be familiar with shelter in place, lockout and lockdown procedures. Emergency drills may be conducted to familiarize employees with evacuation procedures. Automatic external defibrillators are located across from the vending machines and in the break room. Fire extinguishers are located throughout all ESC buildings. Employees should know the location of the extinguishers nearest their place of work and how to use them. Purchasing procedures Policy CH All requests for purchases must be submitted to the Business Office on an official ESC purchase order (PO) form with the appropriate approval signatures or through the ESC electronic purchase requisition system. No purchases, charges, or commitments to buy goods or services for the ESC can be made without a PO number. The ESC will not reimburse employees or assume responsibility for purchases made without authorization. Employees are not permitted to purchase supplies or equipment for personal use through the ESC’s business office. See the Business Procedures available electronically via the Intranet or contact the Deputy Executive Director for Business for additional information on purchasing procedures. Emergency purchases of $10 or less can be approved by the supervisor and reimbursement made through the Petty Cash Fund. 46 Region 3 ESC Employee Handbook September 13, 2022

Name and address changes It is important that employment records be kept up to date. Please log in to your Ascender Employee Access Portal to make changes to your name, home address, home telephone number, marital status or emergency contact. Additional forms may be needed to process a change in personal information and can be obtained from Human Resources or in procedures found on the ESC internal website. Changes in insurance coverage Changes in health insurance, dental insurance, or life insurance coverage can be initiated through the payroll office. Anytime the status of a dependent covered by insurance changes, i.e., child turns 26 years of age, the employee must notify the payroll office to determine if the dependent can be covered through COBRA. Personnel records Policy DBA Most ESC records, including personnel records, are public information and must be released upon request. In most cases, an employee’s personal e-mail is confidential and may not be released without the employee’s permission. Employees may choose to have the following personal information withheld:  Address  Phone number, including personal cell phone number  Emergency contact information  Information that reveals whether they have family members The choice to not allow public access to this information or change existing choice may be made at any time by submitting a written request to the Executive Assistant. New or terminated employees have 14 days after hire or termination to submit a request. Otherwise, personal information may be released to the public until a request to withhold the information is submitted or another exception for release of information under law applies. An employee is responsible for notifying the ESC if he or she is subject to any exception for disclosure of personal or confidential information. 47 Region 3 ESC Employee Handbook September 13, 2022

Facility use Policy EE Community Use of Facilities Use of ESC facilities for activities not directly related to the ESC shall be approved by the Executive Director or designee. Such activities shall be limited to educational or civic functions. Use of facilities for private functions shall not be permitted. If ESC facilities are utilized, a staff member shall be present. The staff member shall be responsible for all cleanup operations. Activities shall not cause undue wear to ESC property. With the prior approval of the Executive Director, food may be served. Fees Organizations may be charged fees set according to administrative regulations. When activities are directly related to fulfilling the role of the ESC, the Executive Director may waive all fees. The Executive Assistant is responsible for scheduling the use of facilities after business hours. Contact the Executive Director to request to use facilities and to obtain information on the fees charged. Children in Center The Service Center does not have facilities available to provide day care for children of employees, but if the occasion arises that a child must spend a short time at the Service Center, approval must be secured from the administrator-in-charge. Center vehicles The Service Center maintains a fleet of cars for the official use of the Center staff. The success of this system requires the coordination of travel and cooperation among all employees. Employees who require the use of cars may request a vehicle via the computer network system. The car record book contains keys, credit card, insurance information, trip record sheets, emergency number information. and vehicle accident procedures. All staff who use Service Center vehicles or personal vehicles for Center business must have a valid driver’s license and be insurable. Staff who uses their personal vehicle for Center business are required to carry insurance as required by law. 48 Region 3 ESC Employee Handbook September 13, 2022

Instructional Resources The Service Center offers an Instructional Resources Cooperative to school districts which includes (1) Discovery Streaming Content, (2) Route Delivery Service, and (3) Living Materials. The Discovery Streaming digital video library offers core-curriculum; TEKS correlated video clips, lesson plans and assessments. ESC media van route delivery The Service Center maintains a route delivery system to school districts participating in the Route Delivery and Living Science Materials Services. The media van is used to transport only ESC related materials. Maintenance (Building and IT) Non-Emergency Employees should promptly report building maintenance or vehicle maintenance problems using the ESC web-based system. Should the system not be accessible, use a maintenance form and submit it to the maintenance secretary. A vehicle maintenance form is in the check-out book assigned to each vehicle. Access to the Web-Based system under the staff helpdesk on the internal website or at . Evacuation of Building In the event of fire, explosion, or natural disaster which merits the evacuation of the building, the following procedures shall be in effect: 1. Be familiar with the fire exits from your work area. 2. Upon hearing the alarm to evacuate the building, you should proceed to the nearest unobstructed exit following the evacuation route designated on the maps posted throughout the building. 3. Exit of the building should be immediate and you should not take anything with you. 4. All doors should be shut as the last person goes through. 5. Most important is that you should remain calm. 6. Upon exiting the building, employees should take an inventory of all personnel within their work area. 49 Region 3 ESC Employee Handbook September 13, 2022

Termination of employment Section 10 Resignations Policy DC, DHD All Employees may resign their positions at any time. A written notice of resignation should be submitted to Executive Director at least two weeks prior to the effective date. Employees are encouraged to include the reasons for leaving in the letter of resignation but are not required to do so. Once submitted and accepted, a resignation may not be withdrawn without the consent of the Executive Director. The Executive Director will notify the Texas Education Agency when an employee resigns and reasonable evidence exists to indicate that the employee has engaged in any of the acts listed. (See Reports to the Texas Education Agency) Dismissal of employees Policy DC All employees are employed at will and may be dismissed without notice, a description of the reasons for dismissal, or a hearing. It is unlawful for the ESC to dismiss any employee for reasons of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, military status, genetic information, any other basis protected by law, or in retaliation for the exercise of certain protected legal rights. Employees who are dismissed have the right to grieve the termination. The dismissed employee must follow Policy DGBA when pursuing the grievance. Exit interviews and procedures Policy DC Exit interviews will be scheduled for all employees leaving the ESC. Information on the continuation of benefits, release of information, and procedures for requesting references will be provided at this time. Separating employees are asked to provide the ESC with a forwarding address and phone. All ESC keys, books, property, and equipment must be returned upon separation from employment. Reports to the Texas Education Agency Policy DHD Certified Employees. The resignation or termination of a certified employee must be reported to the Division of Investigations at TEA if there is evidence that the employee was involved in any of the following: 50 Region 3 ESC Employee Handbook September 13, 2022

 Any form of sexual or physical abuse of a minor, or any other unlawful conduct with a student or a minor  Soliciting or engaging in sexual contact or a romantic relationship with a student or minor  The possession, transfer, sale, or distribution of a controlled substance  The illegal transfer, appropriation, or expenditure of ESC or ESC property or funds  An attempt by fraudulent or unauthorized means to obtain or alter any certificate or permit for the purpose of promotion or additional compensation  Committing a criminal offense or any part of a criminal offense on ESC property or at a ESC sponsored event The reporting requirements above are in addition to the Executive Director’s ongoing duty to notify TEA when a certified employee or an applicant for certification has a reported criminal history or engaged in conduct violating the assessment security procedures established under TEC §39.0301. “Reported criminal history” means any formal criminal justice system charges and dispositions including arrests, detentions, indictments, criminal information, convictions, deferred adjudications, and probations in any state or federal jurisdiction that is obtained by a means other than the Fingerprint-based Applicant Clearinghouse of Texas (FACT). Noncertified Employees. The voluntary or involuntary separation of a noncertified employee from the ESC must be reported to the Division of Investigations at TEA by the executive director if there is evidence the employee abused or otherwise committed an unlawful act with a student or minor, was involved in a romantic relationship with a student or minor, or solicited or engaged in sexual contact with a student or minor. Reports concerning court-ordered withholding The ESC is required to report the termination of employees that are under court order or writ of withholding for child support or spousal maintenance. Notice of the following must be sent to the support recipient and the court or, in the case of child support, the Texas Attorney General Child Support Division:  Termination of employment not later than the seventh day after the date of termination  Employee’s last known address  Name and address of the employee’s new employer, if known 51 Region 3 ESC Employee Handbook September 13, 2022

Student Issues Section 11 Student records Policy FL Student records are confidential and are protected from unauthorized inspection or use. Employees should take precautions to maintain the confidentiality of all student records. The following people are the only people who have general access to student’s records:  Parents: Married, separated, or divorced unless parental rights have been legally terminated and the ESC has been given a copy of the court order terminating parental rights  The student: The rights of parents transfer to a student who turns 18 or is enrolled in an institution of post-secondary education. An ESC is not prohibited from granting the student access to the student’s records before this time.  ESC Officials with legitimate educational interests. Psychotropic drugs Policy ED An employee may not use or threaten to use the refusal of a parent, guardian, or managing or possessory conservator of a child to administer or consent to the administration of a psychotropic drug to the child, or to consent to any other psychiatric or psychological testing or treatment of the child, as the sole basis for making a report of neglect of the child under Subchapter B, Chapter 261, Family Code, unless the employee has cause to believe that the refusal: 1. Presents a substantial risk of death, disfigurement, or bodily injury to the child; or 2. Has resulted in an observable and material impairment to the growth, development, or functioning of the child. Education Code 26.0091 Psychotropic drug means a substance that is: 1. Used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication; and 2. Intended to have an altering effect on perception, emotion, or behavior. Family Code 261.111(a) 52 Region 3 ESC Employee Handbook September 13, 2022

Appendix The following can be found on the ESC intranet website: Organizational chart: Job Classifications: Pay Range Schedules: ESC and ECI Calendar: FMLA Rights & Responsibilities: 53 Region 3 ESC Employee Handbook September 13, 2022

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