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Home Explore Directory 2016-17 FINAL

Directory 2016-17 FINAL

Published by kellyh, 2016-09-28 17:03:09

Description: Directory 2016-17 FINAL


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School District Directory 2016-2017Region 3 Education Service Center1905 Leary Lane  Victoria  Texas  77901-2899(361) 573-0731

Table of ContentsBoard of Directors....................................................................2Division and Component Personnel.........................................3Email Addresses & Extensions.................................................7Executive Committee ..............................................................10Region III ESC Area Superintendents 2016-2017......................11Van Route Schedule .................................................................13Region III ESC 2016-2017 Calendar .........................................14Education Service Centers.......................................................152016-2017 School Directory .....................................................16School District Calendars.........................................................80Frequently Called Numbers ....................................................82 2

Region III Education2016-2017 Board of Directors Mr. Reggie Brisco, Chairman Jackson & Colorado Mrs. Christy Paulsgrove, Vice Chairman Goliad & Karnes Mrs. Sandra Kimball, Secretary Matagorda Mr. Rick Martinez Victoria Mrs. Laura Whitson DeWitt & Lavaca Mrs. Judy Waligura Wharton Mr. Dwight Mutschler Calhoun and Refugio 3

Division and Component Personnel AdministrationExecutive Director ................................................................Dr. Patty ShaferExecutive Assistant ................................................................Kelly HauboldtRecruitment and Retention....................................................Dr. Patty ShaferPersonnel Services ................................................................Kelly HauboldtTechnology Information SystemsDirector for Technology Information Systems....................Mary Beth MatulaComponent Secretary .......................................................... Terry AndersonSecretary I .................................................................................Kelli CuevasTechnology Services Specialist ........................................... Bryan HobgoodTechnology Services Specialist ............................................... Marcus ClarkTechnology Services Technician ............................................... Derek GoreAskTED .................................................................................... Marcus ClarkTxEIS/PEIMS Coordinator.................................................. Dawn CummingsInstructional Resources Cooperative…………………………… Laura SprinkleInstructional Technology ................................. Laura Sprinkle/Jamie PurcellLibrary Support Service......................................................... Laura SprinkleLibrary Support Add-On Services.......................................... Laura SprinkleLiving Materials Cooperative................................................. Laura SprinkleManagement Information Services ...................................... Bryan HobgoodNET3 Regional Network Services...................................Alejandro CamachoPEIMS…………………Mary Beth Matula/Geriann Neuman/Dawn Cummings.................. Becky Pullin/Casey Newman/Maggie Strieber/Charlyn SciaccaRegion III ESC Web Services ............................................ Natalie RodriguezTXEIS Business Software Support.................................... Dawn Cummings &........................................................................................... Geriann NeumanTXEIS Student Software Support………………..Becky Pullin, Casey Newman………………………………………………... Maggie Strieber/Charlyn SciaccaStudio Services ..............................................................Alejandro CamachoTechnology Technical Support Services ........Marcus Clark/Bryan HobgoodTechnology Technical Support Add-On Services ................ Bryan Hobgood................................................................................................. Marcus ClarkTETN ........................................................................................ Marcus ClarkTextbook Display................................................................... Laura Sprinkle 4

Business AdministrationDeputy Executive Director for Business.......................... Anthony C. DueserDeputy Executive Director Secretary ......................................Vanessa PenaBusiness OfficeBusiness Office Supervisor............................................. Jennifer SappingtonAccounts Payable/Receivable .......................................... Theresa LoescherHuman Resources ..................................................................Kelly HauboldtPayroll ..................................................................................Regina MitchellSchool Finance Services .............................................................Laura RatliffDistrict Accounting Services...……………………………………….Laura RatliffE-Rate Application Services.......................................................Tony PompaPrinting Services/Teacher Resource Center.................Katherine SchroederRegional Purchasing Services.............................................. Deanna WigzellPurchasing Cooperative of America……………………………Deanna WigzellChild Nutrition Education………………………….….Carly Shock & Lori SturmSchool Health Services................................................................. .Lori SturmBus Driving Certification…………………………………………Deanna Wigzell Program and ServicesDeputy Executive Director for Programs and Services........ Charlotte BakerDeputy Executive Director Secretary ................................... Peggy Van PeltLeadership Services ............................................................ Charlotte BakerSchool Board Training & Administration……………………... Charlotte BakerSchool Improvement/Accountability ................................... Charlotte BakerDistrict Assessment Coordination........................................ Charlotte BakerCurriculum & InstructionDirector ....................................................................................Mitzi McAfeeComponent Secretary ...................................................... Cathy McCormickBilingual ESL Staff Development ........................................... Lisa HernandezCareer and Technical Education....................................Cheryl ShamburgerCurriculum Services .................................................................Mitzi McAfeeDyslexia .....................................................................................Pam DolezalELAR/Writing................Terri Smith-Chavira, Pam Dolezal & Sara WoodringGifted/Talented ........................................................... Mary Lea PfenningerInstructional Coaching....................................... Laura Deiss & Mitzi McAfeeMath........................................... Pam Yosko & Kristi Greaves, & Laura DeissProfessional Development ........................................................Mitzi McAfeeScience ...............................................................Laura Deiss & Sheryl RoehlSocial Studies............................................................................Mitzi McAfeeSpelling Bee..................................................................... Cathy McCormickStudent Assessment Coordination ............................................Mitzi McAfeeSTAAR/TEKS .............................................................................Mitzi McAfee 5

Early Childhood InterventionECI Director............................................................................. Linda LedwigECI Coordinator ................................................................... Kristine MerrittECI Coordinator ............................................................... Margaret ParsonsECI Component Secretary ....................................................... Heather CarrECI Secretary..........................................................................................TBDECI Secretary/Database Clerk ...................................................Debbie BullECI Database Clerk ............................................................ Susan BroussardECI Database Clerk ................................................................... Gina JaegerECI Lead Billing Clerk ........................................................ Stephanie FullerECI Billing Clerk ...................................................................... Dessie AlanizOccupational Therapist............................................................ Beverly SealsOccupational Therapist ........................................................ Jennifer KocianOccupational Therapist......................................................Sandy ArmstrongOccupational Therapist............................................................. Angie BolomOccupational Therapist.....................................................Stephanie HesslerPublic Outreach Specialist ........................................................ Dana GaskinParaprofessional Child Find......................................................Katelynn BellPhysical Therapist....................................................................Laura ChesakPhysical Therapist................................................................... Irene ValdiviaPhysical Therapist Assistant............................................Roxanne ReineckerRegistered Nutritionist/Dietician ............................................. Sharon SwizeRegistered Nurse/Early Intervention Specialist/Supervisor ..Amy CarabajalRegistered Nurse/Early Intervention Specialist.......................Marcia HenryRegistered Nurse/Early Intervention Specialist.............. Michelle McKinneyRegistered Nurse/Early Intervention Specialist...................... Ruth LongoriaEarly Intervention Specialist ...................................................... Kelly SowellEarly Intervention Specialist ....................................................... Ester BakerEarly Intervention Specialist ...............................................Doreen WilliamsEarly Intervention Specialist ........................................................ Dana FrelsEarly Intervention Specialist/Supervisor ........................... Mary Beth NajvarEarly Intervention Specialist ............................................. Tiffany CervantesEarly Intervention Specialist ................................................. Patricia TeinertEarly Intervention Specialist/Supervisor ...........................Valerie QuinonesEarly Intervention Specialist/Social Worker/Supervisor ........ Rona SimpsonEarly Intervention Specialist .......................................... Wendy PustejovskyEarly Intervention Specialist ...............................................Rebekah ShimekEarly Intervention Specialist .............................................. Courtney AmslerEarly Intervention Specialist ................................................ Sarah BrumfieldEarly Intervention Specialist ............................................... Stephanie GieseEarly Intervention Specialist………………………………....Marissa HammackEarly Intervention Specialist………………………………………...Angela KarlEarly Intervention Specialist……………………………....…….Amanda KolibaEarly Intervention Specialist……………………………….…..….Rhonda Patek 6

Early Intervention Specialist……………………………….….....Kaitlin TreybigEarly Intervention Specialist……………………………………...Monica UresteEarly Intervention Specialist………………….……………Leticia Zapata-FalleyEarly Intervention Specialist………………….…………………….Kelsey GanglLicensed Professional Counselor............................................................TBDSpeech Language Pathologist………………………………...........Rachel AllenSpeech Language Pathologist……………………….…..……Brandy BonewaldSpeech Language Pathologist .............................................. Carmen GalvanSpeech Language Pathologist ...............................................Michelle TaylorSpeech Language Pathologist ................................................. Heather MioriSpeech Language Pathologist ...............................................Emily AdkissonSpeech Language Pathologist ................................................ Kristen SalinasStudent SupportDirector ............................................................................Brenda O’BannionComponent Secretary .............................................................. Darlene KingSecretary ............................................................................ Wanda WilliamsSecretary ................................................................................... Ricci GarciaSecretary ................................................................................Dina TollefsonEvaluation/Assessment........................................................... Kenda MatsonAssistive Technology/Devices..................................................Lottie TomkoBehavior and Discipline Management forStudent with Disabilities…………………. Amy Garcia, Phyllis Hamilton & Tammy GendkeChild Find/Child Service ..........................................................Tonia RoznerCounselor Symposium .........................................................Phyllis HamiltonProgram Support and Compliance ...................................Brenda O’BannionLeast Restrictive Environment/Inclusion……………………….Tonia Rozner & Mary Kathryn GarciaSpecial Ed Parent Involvement .................................................Tonia RoznerPreschool Programs..................................................................Lisa KniplingCulturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners ....................... Kenda MatsonLow Incidence Disabilities and Autism ................... Lottie Tomko (Autism) &............................................................................ Kenda Matson (Evaluation)Supplemental Services for Visually Impaired .............. Mary Kathryn GarciaTransition Services.................................................................. Kenda MatsonNCLB/Title I .............................................. Beverly Wyatt & Linda EasterlingNCLB Migrant .......................................................................... Nez PaniaguaNCLB Parental Involvement .................................................Linda EasterlingNCLB Dropout......................................................................... Beverly WyattAutism.......................................................................................Lottie Tomko 7

Employee Email Addresses & Phone Ext.LAST NAME FIRST NAME EMAIL ADDRESS EXT.Adkisson Emily [email protected] 260Alaniz Dessie [email protected] 350Allen Rachel [email protected] 220Amsler Courtney [email protected] 258Anderson Terry [email protected] 275Armstrong Sandy [email protected] 221Baker Charlotte [email protected] 204Baker Ester [email protected] 228Bell Katelynn [email protected] 220Bolom Angie [email protected] 221Bonewald Brandy [email protected] 221Broussard Susan [email protected] 221Brumfield Sarah [email protected] 221Buchholz Bob [email protected] 309Bull Deborah [email protected] 268Camacho Alejandro [email protected] 318Carabajal Amy [email protected] 221Carillo Isrrael [email protected] 254Carr Grace [email protected] 316Carr Heather [email protected] 221Cervantes Tiffany [email protected] 220Chesak Laura [email protected] 262Clark Marcus [email protected] 300Cuevas Kelli [email protected] 252Cummings Dawn [email protected] 274Deiss Laura [email protected] 232Dolezal Pam [email protected] 298Dueser Anthony [email protected] 203Easterling Linda [email protected] 242Evans Mary Kathryn [email protected] 235Frels Dana [email protected] 268Fuller Stephanie [email protected] 339Galvan Carmen [email protected] 264Gangl Kelsey [email protected] 220Garcia Amy H. [email protected] 239Garcia Ricci [email protected] 259Gaskin Dana [email protected] 270Gendke Tammy [email protected] 237Gibbs Becky [email protected] 200Giese Stephanie [email protected] 220Gomez Stephanie [email protected] 295Gore Derek [email protected] 319Greaves Kristi [email protected] 314Hamilton Phyllis [email protected] 236Hammack Marissa [email protected] 220Hauboldt Kelly [email protected] 210Hayes Linda [email protected] 254 8

Henry Marcia [email protected] 304Hernandez Johnny [email protected] 289Hernandez Lisa [email protected] 246Hessler Stephanie [email protected] 220Hobgood Bryan [email protected] 208Jaeger Gina [email protected] 228Karl Angela [email protected] 268Kimbrough Erica [email protected] 276King Darlene [email protected] 244Knipling Lisa [email protected] 352Kocian Jennifer [email protected] 221Koliba Amanda [email protected] 221Ledwig Linda [email protected] 217Loescher Theresa [email protected] 284Longoria Ruth [email protected] 249Marshall Cindy [email protected] 282Matson Kenda [email protected] 321Matula Mary Beth [email protected] 257McAfee Mitzi [email protected] 214McCormick Cathy [email protected] 215McKinney Michelle [email protected] 221Merritt Kristine [email protected] 251Miori Heather [email protected] 219Mitchell Gina [email protected] 285Najvar Mary Beth [email protected] 221Neuman Geriann [email protected] 299O'Bannion Brenda [email protected] 212Otwell Merle [email protected] 227Patek Rhonda [email protected] 268Paniagua Nez [email protected] 241Parsons Margaret [email protected] 248Pena Vanessa [email protected] 234Pfenninger Mary Lea [email protected] 225Pompa Tony [email protected] 253Pullin Becky [email protected] 279Purcell Jamie [email protected] 250Pustejovsky Wendy [email protected] 221Quinones Valerie [email protected] 221Ratliff Laura [email protected] 273Reinecker Roxanne [email protected] 221Robinson Velma [email protected] 324Robles Mary Helen [email protected] 283Rodriguez Natalie [email protected] 238Roehl Sheryl [email protected] 229Rozner Tonia [email protected] 269Salinas Kristen [email protected] 268Sappington Jennifer [email protected] 286Schroeder Katherine [email protected] 281Sciacca Charlyn [email protected] 271Seals Beverly [email protected] 247 9

Shafer Patty [email protected] 314Shamburger Cheryl [email protected] 297Shimek Rebekah [email protected] 221Shock Carly [email protected] 230Simpson Rona [email protected] 266Smith-Chavira Terri [email protected] 290Sowell Kelly [email protected] 261Sprinkle Laura [email protected] 277Strieber Maggie [email protected] 267Sturm Lori [email protected] 280Swize Sharon [email protected] 221Taylor Michelle [email protected] 328Teinert Patricia [email protected] 392Tollefson Dina [email protected] 316Tomko Lottie [email protected] 327Treybig Katie [email protected] 221Ureste Monica [email protected] 268Van Pelt Peggy [email protected] 206Valdivia Irene [email protected] 220Wigzell Deanna [email protected] 256Williams Doreen [email protected] 224Williams Wanda [email protected] 234Woodring Sarah [email protected] 294Wyatt Beverly [email protected] 245Yosko Pam [email protected] 296Zapata-Falley Leticia [email protected] 268 10

Region III Education Service Center Executive Committee 2016-2017 Mr. James Cowley, Calhoun County Mr. Bill Hefner, Colorado County Mr. Jim Haley, Dewitt County Mr. Donald Egg, Goliad County Mr. Tony Williams, Jackson County Ms. Jeanette Winn, Karnes County Mr. Todd Grandjean, Lavaca County Mr. John O’Brien, Matagorda County Mr. Jeff Dyer, Refugio County Dr. Robert Jaklich, Victoria CountyMr. Wade Stidevent, Wharton County 11

Region III Education Service Center Area Superintendents 2016-2017 Calhoun County DeWitt County cont’d Jackson County cont’d Dr. James B. Cowley Mr. David Kennedy Mr. Tony Williams Calhoun County ISD Westhoff ISD Industrial ISD525 North Commerce Street P. O. Box 38 P.O. Box 369 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Westhoff, Texas 77994 Vanderbilt, Texas 77991 (361) 552-9728 (830) 236-5519 (361) 284-3226 FAX #: (361) 551-2648 FAX #: 1(830) 236-5583 FAX #: (361) 284-3349 Colorado County Mr. Tom Kelley Karnes County Dr. Brian Morris Yoakum ISD Columbus ISD P.O. Box 737 Ms. Jeanette Winn 105 Cardinal Lane Karnes City ISD Columbus, Texas 78934 Yoakum, Texas 77995 Box 38 (979) 732-5704 (361) 293-3162 314 N. Hwy 123 FAX #: (979) 732-5960 FAX #: (361) 293-6678 Karnes City, Texas 78118 Mr. William A. Hefner, IV (830) 780-2321 x200 Rice Cons. ISD Mr. Chad Gee FAX #: (830) 780-3823 P.O. Drawer 338 Yorktown ISD P.O. Box 487 Mr. Travis McClellan Altair, Texas 77412 Yorktown, Texas 78164 Kenedy ISD (979) 234-3531 (361) 564-2252 x101 FAX #: (361) 564-2254 401 Highway 719 FAX #: (979) 234-3409 Kenedy, Texas 78119 Goliad County (830) 583-4100 ext. 1557 Mr. Jon Wunderlich FAX #: (830) 583-9950 Weimar ISD Mr. Dave Plymale Goliad ISD Mr. Bake Barron 506 West Main P.O. Box 830 Runge ISD Weimar, Texas 78962 Goliad, Texas 77963 P.O. Box 158 (979) 725-6306 (361) 645-3259 x101 Runge, Texas 78151 FAX #: (979) 725-8737 FAX #: (361) 645-3614 (830) 239-4315 ext. 100 FAX #: (830) 239-4816 DeWitt County Jackson County Lavaca County Dr. Ben Colwell Mr. Robert O’Connor Cuero ISD Edna ISD Ms. Lisa Berckenhoff Ezzell ISD 960E. Broadway 601 N. Wells Cuero, Texas 77954-2132 Edna, Texas 77957 20500 FM 531 Hallettsville, Texas 77964 (361) 275-1900 (361) 782-3573 FAX #: (361) 275-2981 FAX #: (361) 781-1002 (361) 798-4448 FAX #: (361) 798-9331 Mr. Kelly Dunn Mr. John Hardwick Meyersville ISD Ganado ISD Dr. Jo Ann Bludau 1897 Meyersville Road P.O. Box 1200 Hallettsville ISD Meyersville, Texas 77974 (361) 277-5817 Ganado, Texas 77962 P.O. Box 368 FAX #: (361) 275-5034 (361) 771-4201 Hallettsville, Texas 77964 Mr. Kevin Wilson FAX #: (361) 771-2280 (361) 798-2242 x400 Nordheim ISD FAX #: (361) 798-5902 500 North Broadway Nordheim, Texas 78141 (361) 938-5211 FAX #: (361) 938-5266 12

Region III Education Service Center Area Superintendents 2016-2017 Lavaca County cont’d Matagorda County cont’d Victoria County cont’d Mr. Todd Grandjean Dr. Andrew Seigrist Dr. Robert Jaklich Moulton ISD Tidehaven ISD Victoria ISD Drawer C P.O. Box 129 P.O. Box 1759 Moulton, Texas 77975 El Maton, Texas 77440 Victoria, Texas 77902 (361) 596-4609 (979) 843-4303 (361) 788-9202 FAX #: (361) 596-7578 FAX #: (361) 588-7109 FAX #: (361) 788-9643 Mr. Trey Lawrence Mr. John R. O’Brien Wharton County Shiner ISD Van Vleck ISD Mr. Wade Stidevent P.O. Drawer 804 142 S. Fourth Street Boling ISD Shiner, Texas 77984 Van Vleck, Texas 77482 P.O. Box 160 (361) 594-3121 (979) 323-5001 Boling, Texas 77420 FAX #: (361) 594-3925 FAX #: (979) 245-1214 (979) 657-2770 Mr. Shane Wagner Refugio County FAX #: (979) 657-3265 Sweet Home ISD P.O. Box 326 Dr. Antonio Aguirre, Jr. Ms. Courtney Hudgins Austwell-Tivoli ISD East Bernard ISDSweet Home, Texas 77987 207 Redfish Street 723 College (361) 293-3221 Tivoli, Texas 77990 (361) 286-3212 East Bernard, Texas 77435 FAX #: (361) 741-2499 (979) 335-7519 ext. 112 FAX #: (361) 286-3637 (979) 335-6561 Mr. Jason Appelt Vysehrad ISD Mr. Jack Gaskins Ms. Kelly Waters 595 CR 182 Refugio ISD El Campo ISD 700 West NorrisHallettsville, Texas 77964 212 W. Vance St. (361) 798-4118 Refugio, Texas 78377-0190 El Campo, Texas 77437 (979) 543-6771 FAX #: (361) 798-3131 (361) 526-2325 FAX #: (361) 526-2326 FAX #: (979) 543-1670 Matagorda County Mr. Jeff Dyer Dr. Garth Oliver Mr. Keith A. Brown Woodsboro ISD Louise ISD Bay City ISD P.O. Box 97 520 7th Street P.O. Box 770 Woodsboro, Texas 78393 Louise, Texas 77455 Bay City, Texas 77414 (979) 648-2982 (979) 245-5766 (361) 543-4518 FAX #: (361) 543-4856 FAX #: (979) 648-2520 FAX #: (979) 245-3175 Victoria County Ms. Tina Herrington Ms. Laura Shay Wharton ISD Matagorda ISD Ms. Delores Warnell 2100 N. Fulton Bloomington ISD P.O. Box 657 P.O. Box 158 Wharton, Texas 77488 Matagorda, Texas 77457 (979) 532-6201 Bloomington, Texas 77951 (979) 863-7693 (361) 333-8016 FAX #: (979) 532-6228 FAX #: (979) 863-2230 FAX #: (361) 333-8026 Mr. Alexandro M. Flores Palacios ISD Mr. Christopher Ulcak Nursery ISD 1209 Twelfth Street P.O. Box 69 Palacios, Texas 77465 Nursery, Texas 77976 (361) 972-5491 (361) 575-6882 FAX #: (361) 972-3567 FAX #: (361) 576-9212 13

Van Route Delivery 2016-17Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayCuero Bay City No Austwell-TivoliKarnes City Boling Route BloomingtonKenedy Columbus Delivery CalhounMeyersville East Bernard TodayNordheim Ezzell Edna NoNursery Hallettsville El Campo RouteRunge Moulton Ganado DeliverySan Antonio Rice Goliad TodayVictoria Shiner IndustrialWesthoff Sweet Home Louise MatagordaYorktown Van Vleck Vysehrad Palacios Weimar Wharton Refugio Tidehaven Yoakum Woodsboro 14

Region 3 Holidays September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017Labor Day .......................................................September 5, 2016Thanksgiving ......................................... November 24 – 25, 2016Christmas/New Year.......... December 19, 2016 – January 1, 2017Good Friday........................................................... April 14, 2017Memorial Day ......................................................... May 29, 2017Independence Day .................................................... July 4, 2017 15

Executive Directors Education Service CentersRegion I Region VIII Region XVDr. Cornelio Gonzalez1900 W. Schunior Dr. David Wayne Fitts Mr. Scot GoenEdinburg, TX 78541-2234(956) 984-6001 P.O. Box 1894 P.O. Box 5199FAX: (956) 984-7640 Mount Pleasant, TX 75456-1894 Location: San Angelo, TX 76902-5199Region II 2230 N. Edwards Ave., 75455 Location:Dr. Rick Alvarado (903) 572-8551209 North Water Street 612 South Irene St., 76903Corpus Christi, TX 78401-2599(361) 561-8404 FAX: (903) 575-2611 (325) 658-6571FAX: (361) 883-3442 Region IX FAX: (325) 658-4823Region IIIDr. Patty Shafer Mr. Wes Pierce Region XVI1905 Leary LaneVictoria, TX 77901-2899 301 Loop 11 Mr. Ray Cogburn(361) 573-0731FAX: (361) 576-4804 Wichita Falls, TX 76306-3706 5800 Bell StreetRegion IV (940) 322-6928 Amarillo, TX 79109-6230Dr. Pam Wells FAX: (940) 767-38367145 West Tidwell (806) 677-5010Houston, TX 77092-2096(713) 744-6534 Region X FAX: (806) 677-5001FAX: (713) 744-6514 Mr. Gordon Taylor Region XVIIRegion VMr. Danny Lovett 400 E. Spring Valley Road, Richardson, TXDr. Kyle Wargo350 Pine Street Suite 500Beaumont, TX 77701 75081-5101 1111 West Loop 289(409) 951-1855FAX: (409) 951-1805 (972) 348-1000 Lubbock, TX 79416-5029 FAX: (972) 348-1001Region VI (806) 281-5852Mr. Michael Holland3332 Montgomery Road Region XI FAX: (806) 792-1523Huntsville, TX 77340-6499(936) 435-8200 Dr. Clyde Steelman, Jr. Region XVIIIFax: (936) 435-8484 3001 North Freeway Mr. John R. ThomasRegion VIIMrs. Elizabeth Abernethy Fort Worth, TX 76106-6596 P.O. Box 605801909 North Longview St.Kilgore, TX 75662-6827 (817) 740-3600 Midland, TX 79711-0580(903) 988-6711 FAX: (817) 740-7675Fax: (903) 988-6708 Location: Region XII 2811 LaForce Boulevard, 79711 (432) 567-3210 Dr. Jerry Maze FAX: (432) 561-4311 P.O. Box 23409 Region XIX Waco, TX 76702-3409 Location: Dr. Armando Aguirre 2101 W. Loop 340, 76712 P.O. Box 971127 (254) 297-1213 El Paso, TX 79997-1127 FAX: (254) 666-0823 Location: Region XIII 6611 Boeing Drive, 79925 (915) 780-5052 Mr. Rich Elsasser FAX: (915) 780-6537 5701 Springdale Road Region XX Austin, TX 78723-3675 (512) 919-5301 Dr. Jeff Goldhorn FAX: (512) 919-5302 1314 Hines Avenue Region XIV San Antonio, TX 78208-1899 Mr. Ronnie Kincaid (210) 370-5600 FAX: (210) 370-5750 1850 Highway 351 Abilene, TX 79601-4750 (325) 675-8609 FAX: (325) 675-8659 16

Austwell-Tivoli Independent School District 207 Redfish StreetTivoli, Texas 77990 Fax # (361) 286-3637 School District: 196-901 Enrollment: 151Superintendent Dr. Antonio Aguirre, Jr. (361) 286-3212Supt.’s Secretary Rachel Camacho (361) 286-3212Admin. Business Manager Dolores Vela (361) 286-3212Principals: Stephen Maldonado (361) 286-3582Austwell-Tivoli High School Stephen Maldonado (361) 286-3151Austwell-Tivoli Elementary Ida Turner (361) 526-2023Tax Assessor/Collector Melanie Wright (361) 286-3582Librarian Aide William Lumpkins (361) 286-3582CounselorFax Numbers: (361) 286-3637High School (361) 286-3637ElementarySchool Board Mr. Carlton Hopper, Jr. (361) 286-3126 Mrs. Angela Lutz (361) 676-9227President Mr. Greg Duenez (361) 286-3700Vice-President Mr. Wade Ruddock (361) 205-1606Secretary Mr. Chris Camacho (361) 548-0556Trustee Mrs. Josephine Farias (361) 652-6752Trustee Mrs. Marilyn G. Pagel (361) 286-3325TrusteeTrustee 17

Bay City Independent School District 520 7th StreetBay City, Texas 77414 Fax # (979) 245-3175 School District: 158-901 Enrollment: 3,781Superintendent Keith A. Brown (979) 245-5766Supt.’s Secretary Terri McCulloch (979) 245-5766Asst. Superintendent Rodney Fausett (979) 245-5766Dir. Of Business & Technology Richard C. Johnson (979) 245-5766Dir. Of Curriculum Lisa Moya (979) 245-5766Dir. of Support Services Ron Carroll (979) 245-0053Dir. of Transportation Tina Fausett (979) 323-1250Dir. of Special Ed. Sonya Sonia (979) 245-6318CATE & Federal Programs Dir. Lisa Volkmer (979) 245-5766Special Ed Coordinator Amanda Anderson (979) 245-6318Public Relations Allison Sliva (979) 245-1604Director of Technology Trey Eubanks (979) 323-1322Principals: Christopher Townsend (979) 245-5771Bay City High School Keely Coufal (979) 245-6345Bay City Junior High Merideth Dodd (979) 245-6341Cherry Elementary Estella Reyes (979) 245-4818Holmes Elementary Melisa Carroll (979) 245-8331Roberts Elementary (979) 245-5771Athletic Director Guadalupe Florez (979) 245-5771Librarians: Stacey MacKenzie (979) 245-6345Bay City High School Martha Johnson (979) 245-6341Bay City Junior High Angie McNeil (979) 245-4818Cherry Elementary Kay Kovar (979) 245-8331Holmes Elementary Stefanie HackfeldRoberts Elementary 18

Bay City ISD, ContinuedCounselors: Jessie Stone (979) 245-5771Bay City High School Sandra Hogg Jennifer Weldon (979) 245-6345Bay City Junior High Shelly Grimes Shelby Hood (979) 245-6341Cherry Elementary Crystal Hurta (979) 245-4818Holmes Elementary Rebecca Ashley Hagg (979) 245-8331Roberts Elementary Marlene Guevara Faith Petteway (979) 245-5771Nurses: (979) 245-6345Bay City High School Kelli Hunt (979) 245-6341Bay City Junior High Tammy McMahon (979) 245-8331Cherry Elementary Lynette Cooper (979) 245-4818Roberts Elementary Michelle D’ElisiisHolmes Elementary Ann Bond (979) 245-1220 (979) 245-1419Fax Numbers: Mr. Robert J. Klepac (979) 245-1702Bay City High School Mr. Bobby Kimball (979) 245-1645Bay City Junior High Mrs. Crystal Allison (979) 245-1573Cherry Elementary Mr. Terry Farrar (979) 245-3905Holmes Elementary Mr. Edward Nelson (979) 241-6077Roberts Elementary Mrs. Helen Knezek (979) 323-1312MCES Mrs. Frankie ColeSupt. Secretary (979) 245-4967Public Relations (979) 245-6785 (979) 244-2519School Board (979) 245-9280 (979) 244-1609President (979) 479-2596Vice President (979) 244-1457SecretaryTrusteeTrusteeTrusteeTrustee 19

Bloomington Independent School District P.O. Box 158Bloomington, Texas 77951 Fax # (361) 333-8026 School District: 235-901 Enrollment: 926Superintendent Delores Warnell (361) 333-8016Supt.’s Secretary Kellye Chavana (361) 333-8016Business Office Misty Brasfield (361) 333-8016Special Programs Director Delores Warnell (361) 333-8016District Assessment Coordinator Elvis Whaley (361) 333-8016Principals:Bloomington High School (9th-12th) Lina Moore (361) 333-8011 (361) 333-8008Bloomington Middle School (6th-8th) Abbie Barnett (361) 333-8003 (361) 333-8000Bloomington Elem. (2nd – 5th ) Louise TorresPlacedo Elementary (PK-1st ) Edna SalinasLibrarians: Rhiannon Hoff (361) 333-8011Secondary Schools Christina WadePlacedo Elementary Sally HorelkaBloomington ElementaryHead Nurse RN Amy WhaleyNurse Esperanza SuarezNurse Jessica BurtonFax Numbers:Administration (361) 333-8026Bloomington High School (361) 333-8015Bloomington Middle School (361) 333-8010Placedo Elementary (361) 333-8002Bloomington Elementary (361) 333-8007School Board Mr. Gil GonzalezPresident Mr. Blanca WallaceVice President Mr. Javier ChavanaSecretary Mr. John EllsworthTrustee Mr. Bacilio CantuTrustee Mr. Joe CanalesTrustee Mr. Raymond MartinezTrustee 20

Boling Independent School District P.O. Box 160Boling, Texas 77420-0160 Fax # (979) 657-3265 School District: 241-901 Enrollment: 1,108Superintendent Wade Stidevent (979) 657-2770 (979) 657-2770Assistant Superintendent Bryan Blanar (979) 657-2770Supt./Personnel Secretary Lindsay Mahalitc (979) 657-2772 (979) 657-2772Bus. Off. Mgr. & Bookkeeper Cherry Page (979) 657-2772Payroll/Insurance Secretary Jeanine Kutach (979) 657-2816 (979) 657-2826Accounts Payable/Receptionist Holly Martinez (979) 657-2837Principals: Keith Jedlicka (979) 657-2816Boling High School Brett PohlerIago Jr. High Gerald Floyd (979) 657-9066New Gulf Elementary (979) 657-2816Assistant Principal: Tim Moore (979) 657-2826Boling High School (979) 657-2837Athletic Director Stephen Dorr (979) 657-2816 (979) 657-2826Librarians: Kendyl Ford (979) 657-2837High School Norma EastIago Junior High Aide Renee Cavazos (979) 657-2837New Gulf Elementary AidesCounselors: Melanie SchubachHigh School Sarah WilkinsIago Junior High Sarah WilkinsNew Gulf ElementaryNurse Nicole Folmar 21

Boling ISD, ContinuedFax Numbers:Boling High School (979) 657-2026Iago Junior High School (979) 657-2828New Gulf Elementary School (979) 657-3604Alternative Education Building (979) 657-9040Athletic Director (979) 657-2406School BoardPresident Mr. Donald ScibaVice President Mr. Seferino JimenezSecretary Mr. Jerry SvatekAssistant Secretary Mr. Russell HubenakTrustee Mrs. Ramona PetruskyTrustee Mr. Shawn ChilekTrustee Mr. David Rolf 22

Calhoun County Independent School District525 North Commerce StreetPort Lavaca, Texas 77979 Fax # (361) 551-2648 School District: 029-901 Enrollment: 4,179Superintendent James B. Cowley (361) 552-9728Supt.’s Secretary Joan McAfee (361) 552-9728Directors: Jeana Bethany (361) 552-2550Special Education Kelly Taylor (361) 552-9728Curriculum Robin Martinez (361) 552-9728Finance Deborah Swope (361) 552-9728Personnel Richard Whitaker (361) 552-3775Athletic Joe Hernandez (361) 552-6848Maintenance Lauree Aschen (361) 552-3775Vocal Music Doug Hamelwright (361) 552-3775Instrumental Music Jesse Hubbell (361) 552-4560Chief Appraiser Amy Boone (361) 552-5722Partners in Education Nicole Nguyen (361) 552-5356Food Service Marcus Martinez (361) 551-2645Technology Diana Freeman (361) 552-9728Student Support ServicesPrincipals: Nicole Amason (361) 552-3775Calhoun High Michael Torres (361) 552-3784Travis Middle Dana Dworaczyk (361) 983-2341Port O’Connor SchoolHarrison/Jefferson/Madison Tiffany O’Donnell (361) 552-5253 Sherry Phillips (361) 552-3317 Complex Melissa Hoggett (361) 785-3511Jackson/Roosevelt Complex Dwana Finster (361) 552-7084Seadrift Schools Dwana Finster (361) 552-7084Flex EducationHope HighAsst. Principals: Dana Dworaczyk (361) 552-3775Calhoun High Brent Niemeier (361) 552-3775 Wesley Wyatt (361) 552-3775Travis Middle Anna Mendoza (361) 552-3784 Karen Chandler (361) 552-3784 Jimmy Sides (361) 552-3784 23

Calhoun County ISD, ContinuedAsst. Principals: Julie Duckett-Casey (361) 552-5253Harrison/Jefferson/Madison Amber Caylor (361) 552-3317 ComplexJackson/Roosevelt ComplexLibrarians: Sue Thomae (361) 552-3775Calhoun High Randi Furman (361) 552-3784Travis Middle andHarrison/Jefferson/Madison Randi Furman (361)552-5253 Dorinda Skipper (361)785-3511 ComplexJR/Seadrift Schools (361) 552-3775 (361) 552-3775Counselors: Sandra Rudellat (361) 552-3775Calhoun High Blan Willoughby (361) 552-3784 Brandi Williams (361) 552-3784Travis Middle Diana Nunley (361) 552-5253HJM Elementary Courtney Herreon (361) 552-5253JR Elementary Tammy Boehl (361) 552-3317 Leather McCall (361) 552-3317 Samantha Judd Kelly Blanco (361) 552-3775Nurses: Linda Carlyle (361) 552-5253Calhoun High (361) 552-2272Harrison/Jefferson/Madison Ceferina Salazar (361) 785-4491 Tara Boedeker (361) 552-3784 Complex Jill GoodeJackson/Roosevelt Complex Shari Dierlam (361) 551-2620Seadrift Schools/Pt. O’Connor (361) 551-2628Travis Middle (361) 551-2699 (361) 551-2605Fax Numbers: (361) 551-2602Calhoun High (361) 551-2692Harrison/Jefferson/Madison Complex (361) 551-2679Jackson/Roosevelt ComplexPort O’ConnorSeadriftTravis MiddleSpecial Programs 24

Calhoun County ISD, ContinuedFax Numbers, Cont’d (361) 551-2677Flex/Hope High (361) 551-2608Food Services (361) 551-2607Maintenance (361) 551-2697Transportation (361) 551-2648District Office (361) 551-2678Partners in Education (361) 551-2649PersonnelSchool Board Mr. Joe Ortiz (361) 552-3760 Dr. Bill Harvey (361) 552-3700President Mrs. Janie Delgado (361) 552-9577Vice President Mr. Jesse Briseno (361) 552-6870Secretary Lina Moore (361) 552-2137Trustee Mr. Mike Mueller (361) 785-2354Trustee Mr. David Gaskamp (361) 785-3093TrusteeTrustee 25

Columbus Independent School District 105 Cardinal LaneColumbus, Texas 78934 Fax # (979) 732-5960 School District: 045-902 Enrollment: 1,597Superintendent Dr. Brian Morris (979) 732-5704Supt.’s Secretary Theresa Portwood (979) 732-5704Business Manager Scott Leopold (979) 732-5704Central Secretary Ashley Lopez (979) 732-5704Accounts Payable/Secretary Gina Valdez (979) 732-5704Payroll Clerk Brenda Potter (979) 732-5704Transportation Supervisor Chris Everett (979) 732-3831PEIMS Tammy Sodolak (979) 732-5704Special Education Director Deborah Hayward (979) 732-5276Maintenance Director Kenny Koehl (979) 732-5704Network Administrator Lance Portwood (979) 732-5704Principals: Robert Russell (979) 732-5746High School Gary Leopold (979) 732-2891Junior High Terri Tomlinson (979) 732-2078ElementaryAssistant Principal: Scott McElroy (979) 732-5746High School Reginald Crawford (979) 732-2891Junior High Shawn Hagel (979) 732-2078Elementary Michael Hicks (979) 732-2078ElementaryAthletic Director Mike Bonewald (979) 732-2351Tax Assessor/Collector Billy Mitchell (979) 732-8222Librarians: Joan Hill (979) 732-5746High School (979) 732-2891Junior High (979) 732-2078Elementary 26

Columbus ISD, ContinuedCounselors: Rob Sherrard (979) 732-3651High School Katherine Morris (979) 732-5746High School Kay Divin (979) 732-3947Junior High Kristen Heffley (979) 732-6368Elementary1 Deborah Loessin (979) 732-2078Nurse: (979) 732-8862Fax Numbers: (979) 732-9081High School (979) 732-8627Junior HighElementary Ms. Donna Tesch Mr. Scott KilpatrickSchool Board Mr. Rick Restivo Mr. Scott OrangePresident Mr. David NeisnerVice President Mr. Bo. SchobelSecretary Mrs. Dorothy WostarekTrusteeTrusteeTrusteeTrustee 27

Cuero Independent School District 960 E. BroadwayCuero, Texas 77954 District Phone # (361) 275-1900 Fax # (361) 275-2981 School District: 062-901 Enrollment: 2,173Superintendent Dr. Ben Colwell (361) 275-1914Secretary to Superintendent Kathy Stanfill (361) 275-1914Asst. Supt. Business/Finance Mark Iacoponelli (361) 275-1913Asst. Supt. Curr./Instruc. Dr. Pamela Longbotham (361) 275-1922Administrative Assistant James M. Coburn (361) 275-1918District Nurse - RN Wanda Hays (361) 275-1917Athletic Director Travis Reeve (361) 275-1940Coor. Library Media Serv. Mary K. Rabe (361) 275-1900PEIMS Coord/Skyward Facil. Connie Phillips (361) 275-1920Facilities Director Dwayne Noack (361) 275-1909District Technology Director Paula Brown (361) 275-1994Special Ed Director Robert Stevens (361) 275-1921Principals: Paul Fleener ext. 200Senior High School Kim Fleener ext. 300Junior High School Bridgette Cerny ext. 420Cuero Intermediate School Bridgette Cerny ext. 510Hunt Elementary School Kimberly Fleener ext. 600John C. French ElementaryAssistant Principals: Gene Lasseter ext. 236Senior High School Candace Floyd ext. 207 Robin Trajcak ext. 307Jr. High School Tessa Laas ext. 413Cuero Intermediate School Jennifer Bauer ext. 513Hunt Elementary SchoolCounselors: Cynthia Bammert ext. 201Senior High School Stacey Porter ext. 204 Megan Castillo ext. 302Junior High School 28

Cuero ISD, ContinuedCuero Intermediate School Ramona Hotman ext. 414Hunt Elementary School Roseanne Wagner ext. 520John C. French Elem. School Brittany Braden ext. 624Library Aides: Rovonna Caraway ext. 211Senior High School Marlene Boehl ext. 310Junior High School Glenda Gregorczyk ext. 419Cuero Intermediate School Jackie Stall ext. 516Hunt Elementary School Stephanie Sanders ext. 604John C. French Elem. School (361) 275-2981Fax Numbers: (361) 275-8597Superintendent’s Office (361) 275-2981Business Office (361) 275-6354District Nurse (361) 275-2430Athletic Department (361) 275-6912Senior High School (361) 276-9627Junior High School (361) 275-3474Cuero Intermediate School (361) 275-2698Hunt Elementary School (361) 277-9288John C. French Elementary School (361) 275-5313DAEP (361) 277-9288Special Ed CooperativeGOALS (361) 275-9531 (361) 243-6407School Board Mr. B.J. Drehr (361) 275-8392 Mr. Donnie Garrison (361) 935-5456President Mr. Gerard Gonzales (361) 243-2423Vice President Ms. Beverly Kuecker (361) 275-8137Secretary Ms. Courtney Toller (512) 618-2679Trustee Ms. Mary SheppardTrustee Mr. Bill HamiltonTrusteeTrustee 29

East Bernard Independent School District 723 College East Bernard, Texas 77435 District Telephone Number: (979) 335-7519 Fax # (979) 335-6561 School District: 241-902 Enrollment: 1,001Superintendent Courtney Hudgins Ext. 127Business Manager Becky Kovar Ext. 130Accounts Payable Julia Kubes Ext. 142PEIMS Coordinator Carol Dobias Ext. 136Principals: Jay Janczak Ext. 111High School Emmett Tugwell Ext. 125Junior High Philip Gaudette Ext. 118Elementary Liz Vacek Ext. 110Campus Secretaries: Nancy Wasek Ext. 126High School Michelle Mica Ext. 119Junior HighElementary Kimberly Sulak Ext. 141 Rebecca Cauness Ext. 114Counselor 9-12 Lacey Christ Ext. 135Counselor Ruth Ellen Sharp Ext. 134Counselor Sp. Ed. PK-12 Courtney Hudgins Ext. 127Counselor/Testing Coord.Curriculum Director Brandi Cerny Ext. 147 Sandra Dusek Ext. 123Librarian Wade Bosse Ext. 133Nurse Kenneth Peters Ext. 120Athletic Director Shila Harrigan Ext. 116Band DirectorCafeteria Manager (979) 335-6085 (979) 335-6415Fax Numbers: (979) 335-6341East Bernard High SchoolEast Bernard Junior HighEast Bernard Elementary 30

East Bernard ISD, ContinuedSchool Board Mr. Charles New (979) 335-6603 Mr. Brian Mica (979) 335-7745President Mr. Ricky Kramr (979) 234-5720Vice President Mr. Robert Goudeau (979) 532-3699Secretary Mr. Rodney Jedlicka (979) 541-3427Vice Secretary Mr. Hank Alexander (979) 335-4810Trustee Mr. Doug Sellers (713) 252-5683TrusteeTrustee 31

Edna Independent School District 601 N. Wells Edna, Texas 77957 Fax # (361) 781-1002 School District: 120-901 Enrollment: 1,557Superintendent Robert O’Connor (361) 782-3573Supt.’s Secretary Janice Muschalek (361) 782-3573Director of Curriculum & Melissa Koop (361) 782-3573 Instruction Madalyn Maresh (361) 782-3573Director of Human Resources And Federal Programs Daniel Harper (361) 782-3573 Jamie Rainey (361) 782-6137Business ManagerJackson County Co-Op Melissa Koop (361) 782-3573 Sonny Strelec (361) 782-3243 Special Services Director Ruston Raybon (361) 782-9086Textbook CustodianDirector of Maintenance (361) 782-5255Technology Coordinator (361) 782-2351 (361) 782-2953Principals: Demetric Wells (361) 782-9051Edna High School Brandie RoeEdna Jr. High Katie Kucera (361) 782-5255Edna Elementary Sonya Proper (361) 782-2351Edna Alternative (361) 782-2953Vice-Principals: Sandy Fellers (361) 781-1041Edna High School Charlie SpurlinEdna Jr. High Jason Chandler (361) 782-3473Edna Elementary Heather Nairn (361) 781-1011Athletic Director: Huey Chancellor (361) 781-1024Edna High School (361) 781-2953Tax Collector Donna AtzenhofferJackson County Tax OfficeLibrarians: Andrew WallaceEdna High School Mary HahnEdna Jr. High Lupe CalliesEdna Elementary 32

Edna ISD, ContinuedCounselors: Kyleen Sparks (361) 782-5255Edna High School Vince Porter (361) 782-2351Edna Jr. High Marla Sample (361) 782-2953Edna ElementaryNurses: Jennifer Grona (361) 782-2953Edna Elementary Sandra Green (361) 781-1027Edna Jr. High Justine Strelczyk (361) 782-5255Edna High SchoolFax Numbers: (361) 781-1002Administration Building (361) 781-1042Athletic Director (361) 781-1007Special Education Co-op (361) 781-1014Edna High School (361) 781-1025Edna Jr High (361) 781-1036Edna Elementary (361) 781-1028 ““School Board Mr. Patrick Brzozowski (361) 782-7350 Mr. Brandon Peters (361) 782-5976President Mr. Donnie Mac Long (361) 782-6818Vice-President Mr. Brandon Curlee (361) 782-5855Secretary Mr. Alfred Rosa (361) 782-7722Assistant Secretary Mr. Terry Miller (361) 676-4925Trustee Mr. William Alex (361) 782-8553TrusteeTrustee 33

El Campo Independent School District 700 West Norris El Campo, Texas 77437 Fax # (979) 543-1670 School District: 241-903 Enrollment: 3,601Superintendent Kelly Waters (979) 543-6771Supt.’s Secretary Dianne Cerny (979) 543-6771Asst. Supt. For Finance David Bright (979) 543-6771 And Support ServicesExecutive Director of Federal Carolyn Gordon (979) 543-6771Programs and Compliance Scott Gelardi (979) 543-4262Food Service Director Jeff Balcar (979) 543-7067Director of Maintenance Chris Burrow (979) 543-5252Director of Transportation Todd Fuechec (979) 543-6972Career & Technology Adm. Cheryl Roitsch (979) 543-9051Director of Special Education Amy Bosse (979) 543-9051Asst. Dir. of Special Education Susan Nohavtiza (979) 543-9051Educational Diagnosticians Shannon Fuechec (979) 543-9051 Mary Orr (979) 543-9051Systems Analyst Marcia Quitta (979) 543-9051Textbook Custodian Turk Krenek (979) 543-8255Athletic Director Kyle Poenitzsch (979) 543-5812Assessment Coordinator Wayne Condra (979) 543-1867District PEIMS Coordinator Tana Martin (979) 543-8255 Jeanette Hunter (979) 543-8255Principals: Rich DuBroc (979) 543-6341El Campo High School (9-12) Mark Freeman (979) 543-6362El Campo Middle School (6-8) Rebecca Crowell (979) 543-5812Northside Elementary (4-5) Alicia Stary (979) 543-5481Hutchins Elementary (1-3) Mauri Couey (979) 543-5481Myatt Elementary (EC-K) (979) 578-8506Alternative Learning Program (979) 543-7201Librarians: Leah Morton (979) 543-6362El Campo High School Tanya Burrow (979) 543-5812El Campo Middle School Stacey Vesely (979) 543-5481Northside Elementary Stacie WilliamsonHutchins Elementary 34

El Campo ISD, ContinuedCounselors: Sara Kahla (979) 543-2871Secondary Robin Crowell (979) 543-2871 Lisa Gillis (979) 543-2871Middle School LaWanda Mikelenka (979) 543-2671 Susan Stockton (979) 543-2671Elementary Cynthia Witcher (979) 543-2671 Holly Cranek (979) 543-7514Special Education Counselor Meghan Kallina (979) 543-5812 Elaine Rawlings (979) 543-5481 Kim Mickelson (979) 543-9051Nurses: Monica Ott (979) 543-2871High School Renee Bohuslar (979) 543-2671Middle School Jayne Drozd (979) 543-5812Northside Elizabeth Brown (979) 543-5481Hutchins Heather Langston (979) 543-7514MyattFax Numbers: (979) 543-2528El Campo High School (979) 541-5210El Campo Middle School (979) 543-0682Northside Elementary (979) 543-1670Hutchins Elementary (979) 543-1670Myatt Elementary (979) 541-5283Meadow Lane Resource CenterSchool Board Mr. Tommy Turner (979) 543-7831 Mr. Cecil Davis (979) 543-4600President Mr. Ralph Novosad (979) 543-2544Vice President Mr. James Russell (979) 578-1560Secretary Mr. Dennis Rawlings (979) 479-3941Trustee Mr. Greg Anderson (979) 332-0143Trustee Mr. Adam Gusman (979) 543-3439TrusteeTrustee 35

Ezzell Independent School District 20500 FM531 Hallettsville, Texas77964 Fax# (361) 798-9331 School District: 143-906 Enrollment: 96Superintendent Lisa Berckenhoff (361) 798-4448Supt.’s Secretary/Bookkeeper Jackie Goranson (361) 798-4448Tax Assessor/Collector Debi Sevcik (361) 798-4396School Nurse Mary Alice Daws (361) 571-5018Librarian Miranda Henke (361) 798-4448School Board Mrs. Henri Mae McCord (361) 798-5123 Mr. Ted Goranson (361) 550-4507President Mr. David Sternadel (361) 294-3773Vice President Mr. Christine Baranowski (361) 798-6082Secretary Mr. Angela Hartman (361) 772-2566Trustee Mr. Robert Loudon (361) 798-9492Trustee Mr. Matt Bible (361) 633-1711TrusteeTrustee 36

Ganado Independent School District P.O. Box 1200 Ganado, Texas 77962 Fax # (361) 771-2280 School District: 120-902 Enrollment: 775Superintendent John Hardwick Jr. (361) 771-4201Supt.’s Secretary Tina Walch (361) 771-4201Business Manager Wendy Nixon (361) 771-4201Payroll Clerk Kimberly Girndt (361) 771-4201Plant Director David Bures (361) 771-4240Technology Director Jenny Nelson (361) 771-4392Principals: Andy Bridges (361) 771-4300High School Virgil Knowlton (361) 771-4250Elementary Joey Rosalez (361) 771-4300Jr. High SchoolCounselors: Robin McCann (361) 771-4365SecondaryAthletic Director Keith Wright (361) 771-4370Band Director Joe Barrow (361) 771-4360Nurse Jenny Wiegand (361) 771-4355Fax Numbers: (361) 771-2280Administration Office/Superintendent (361) 771-3479Ganado High School (361) 771-3403Ganado Elementary SchoolSchool BoardPresident Mr. Pierce Thedford, Jr. (361) 771-2551Vice President Mr. Allen Parks (361) 771-3482Secretary Mr. Jamie Bures (361) 771-3482Trustee Mr. Donnie Tegeler (361) 771-2315Trustee Mr. Michael Luera (361) 771-4201Trustee Mr. James Hicks (361) 771-4201Trustee Ms. Mary Kay George (361) 771-4201 37

Goliad Independent School District P.O. Box 830 Goliad, Texas 77963 Fax # (361) 645-3614 School District: 088-902 Enrollment: 1,368Superintendent Dave Plymale (361) 645-3259 x 5101Supt.’s Secretary Susan Bell (361) 645.3259 x 5101Tax Assessor/Collector Richard Miller (361) 645-2492Dir. of Curriculum& Instruction & Assessments De Helmer (361) 645-3259 x 5150Dir. of Special Programs Debra Bauer (361) 645-3259 x 5103Tax Office Personnel: Virginia Hernandez (361) 645-2492 Rita Sternadel (361) 645-2492 Adela Amador (361) 645-2492 Mary Jane Garcia (361) 645-2492 Mary Rose Hernandez (361) 645-2492Central Office Personnel Carole Estes (361) 645-3259 x 5104 Minnie Perez (361) 645-3259 x 5106 Monica Moya (361) 645-3259 x 0 Janet Gohlke (361) 645-3259 x 5105 Sherri Harvey (361) 645-3259 x 5109Principals: Brenda Gohmert (361) 645-3257 x 6175High School Mary Tippin (361) 645-3146 x 7175Middle School 7-8 Patricia Huber (361) 645-3206 x 8175Elementary PK-6 Brenda Gohmert (361) 645-3257 x 6175DAEP/AEPAsst. Principals: Liz Schubert (361) 645-3257 x 6102High School Cedrick Cunningham (361) 645-3206 x 8102Elementary Amy Shedd (361) 645-3146 x 7103Middle SchoolAthletic Director Bobby Nicholson (361) 645-3257 x 6130Food Service Director Amanda Alandzes (361) 645-2364Technology Coordinator Anna White (361) 645-3259 x 107Sp. Ed. Coop. Director Lori Homeyer (361) 645-8229 38

Goliad ISD, ContinuedLibrarians: Twila Wendel (361) 645-3257 x 6126High School Aletha Albrecht (361) 645-3146 x 7126Middle School Kim Schneider (361) 645-3206 x 8126ElementaryCounselors: Karie Wimberly (361) 645-3257 x 6103High School Amy Shedd (361) 645-3146 x 7103Middle School Debbie Henning (361) 645-3206 x 8103Elementary SchoolSchool Nurse Gale Worsham (361) 645-3206 x 8104Fax Numbers: (361) 645-8039High School (361) 645-8040Middle School (361) 645-2578Elementary School (361) 645-3614Administrative Office (361) 645-2589Goliad Special Education Coop (361) 645-2322Athletic Office (361) 645-3200Tax OfficeSchool Board Mr. Brandon Huber Mrs. Michelle ReitzPresident Mr. Carlos GutierrezVice President Mr. Destry GruetzmacherSecretary Mr. Robert De La GarzaTrustee Mr. W. A. Wimberly, III (Trey)Trustee Mr. Steven WebelTrusteeTrustee 39

Hallettsville Independent School District P.O. Box 368 Hallettsville, Texas 77964 Phone # (361) 798-2242 Fax # (361) 798-5902 School District: 143-901 Enrollment: 1,081Superintendent Dr. Jo Ann Bludau Ext. #400Supt.’s Secretary Sheryl Mikeska Ext. #400Business Manager Kristin Marak Ext. #410Accounts Payable Diane Stiewert Ext. #412HR Coordinator Pam Etzler Ext. #415PEIMS Coordinator Geraldine Dornak Ext. #310Curriculum Director Dr. Mandy Bucek Ext. #460Principals: Darrin Bickham Ext. #300High School Sophie Teltschik Ext. #200Junior High Jason Harris Ext. #100ElementaryAsst. Principals: Ginny Janak Ext. #155Elementary Scott Cottenoir Ext. #355High School Tommy Psencik Ext. #430Athletic Director Dena Strauss Ext. #305Counselors: Aaron Etzler Ext. #205High School Trina Patek Ext. #105Junior HighElementary Renae Phillips Ext. #316 Lori Dodd Ext. #115Librarians:Jr. High/High School Todd Armstrong Ext. #470Elementary Farrah Jernigan Ext. #471 Johnny Densman Ext. #485IT Manager Donald Steffek Ext. #490Network Administrator Brenda Herrington Ext. #380Maintenance Director Tobi Appelt Ext. #440Transportation DirectorFood Service DirectorSchool Nurse 40

Fax Numbers: Hallettsville ISD, ContinuedHigh SchoolJunior High (361) 798-9297Elementary (361) 798-3573Athletic Dept. (361) 798-4349 (361) 798-4869School Board Mr. Todd Schindler (361) 798-2242President Mr. Robert Lundy (361) 798-2242Vice President Mrs. Marna Klimitchek (361) 798-2242Secretary Mr. Paul Cook (361) 798-2242Trustee Mr. Billy Gerke (361) 798-2242Trustee Mr. Matthew Felcman (361) 798-2242Trustee Mr. Chris Ranly (361) 798-2242Trustee 41

Industrial Independent School District P.O. Box 369Vanderbilt, Texas 77991 Phone: (361) 284-3226 Fax # (361) 284-3349 School District: 120-905 Enrollment: 1,221Superintendent Tony Williams [email protected] Ext. 1175Chief Financial Officer Jessica Hunt [email protected] Ext. 1180Curriculum & Instrn. Missy Klimitchek [email protected] Ext. 1183 Ext. 1182Administrative Sec. Lorie Paul [email protected] Ext. 1184Accounts Pay. Clerk Tina Coleman [email protected] Ext. 1181PEIMS Coordinator Roxanne Rogers [email protected] Ext. 1200Principals: Ext. 1201 Ext. 1300Industrial High School Jim Green [email protected] Ext. 1400 [email protected] Ext. 1500Industrial HS Asst Princ. Amber Stansberry [email protected] Ext. 1215Industrial Junior High Caleb McCain [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 1206Industrial Elem East Kim Schaefer Ext. 1220Industrial Elem West Cynthia Adams Ext. 1320Athletic Director Kensey Allen [email protected] Ext. 1600Nurses: Kathy Kuchler [email protected] Ext. 1226Band Directors: Houston Cummings [email protected] Ext. 1100Industrial High School Stacy Hudson [email protected] Ext. 1205Industrial Junior High Ext. 1305 Ext. 1405Plant Director Billy Barr [email protected] Ext. 1505District Librarian Kristi Koop [email protected] of Tech. Nathan Sappington [email protected]: Melody Vickery [email protected] School Pam Mader [email protected] High Anne McCain [email protected]. East Anne McCain [email protected]. West 42

Industrial ISD, ContinuedFax Numbers: (361) 284-3328Industrial High School (361) 284-3049Industrial Junior High (361) 284-3377Industrial Elementary East (361) 782-0010Industrial Elementary WestSchool Board Mr. Dale Allen (361) 874-4754 Mr. Chad Williams (361) 284-3773President Mr. Delano Kinsfather (361) 874-4102Vice PresidentSecretary Mr. James Baker (361) 652-5954Trustee Mr. Clay Kolle (979) 541-6353Trustee Mr. Clay Van Pelt (361) 782-6050TrusteeTrustee Mrs. Sara Perry (361) 220-0200 43

Karnes City Independent School District Box 38314 N. Highway 123Karnes City, Texas 78118 Phone # (830) 780-2321 Fax # (830) 780-3823 School District: 128-901 Enrollment: 1,047Superintendent Jeanette Winn Ext. #Supt.’s Secretary Gloria Fenner 200Business Manager Wayne Block 201Asst. Business Manager Ashley Black 204Curriculum JoAnn Gutierrez 205Special Programs 260Coordinator Lisa Moczygemba 261Principals:High School Brian Uriegas 361Junior HighElementary Theresa Molina 460Early College H.S.Primary Anthony Annis 560Athletic DirectorTax Assessor/Collector Raymond Robinson 360Librarians: Jennifer Gonzales 660High SchoolJunior High Jim Wood 223ElementaryPrimary Monica Gonzales 203Counselors: Holly Polasek 342High School Megan Thompson 442Junior High Annette Kotara 542Elementary/Primary Christina Lopez 642Early College H.S. Yolanda Solis 363School Nurse Deanna Wiatrek 463 Michelle Scheffler 563 Melissa Soliz-Johns 302 Bernadette Bluhm 448 44

Karnes City ISD, ContinuedFax Numbers: (830) 780-3823Superintendent’s Office (830) 780-4352High School (830) 780-4382Junior High (830) 780-4427Roger E. Sides Elementary (830) 780-2321Primary SchoolSchool Board Ms. Daphne Bianchi Mr. Terry JohnsonPresident Mr. Trini GamezVice President Mr. F. Robert Janysek, Jr.Secretary Mr. Will JohnsonTrustee Dr. Scott KimbleTrustee Mr. Russell SwizeTrusteeTrustee 45

Kenedy Independent School District 401 Highway 719Kenedy, Texas 78119 District Telephone Number: (830) 583-4100 Fax # (830) 583-9950 School District: 128-902 Enrollment: 803Superintendent Travis McClellan Ext. 1550Supt.’s Secretary Marisa Beaver Ext. 1552Business Manager Kimberly Dziuk Ext. 1551Textbook Custodian Laura Richter Ext. 1233Dir. of Transportation Johnnie Lopez Ext. 1656Dir. of Maintenance Ricky Garza Ext. 1654Administrative Director Lily McGrath Ext. 1565Principals: Tim Casner Ext. 1221High School (Secondary 6-12) Rick Cardin Ext. 1441Middle School Melanie Witte Ext. 1331Elementary Ext. 1239Athletic Director Lindal Havron 1(830) 780-2433Tax Assessor Kathey Barnhill Ext. 1343Librarians: Gunner Cantu Ext. 1233Tech. Media Sp. Elem. Laura Richter Ext. 1444Tech. Media Sp. Middle/High Nicole Meyer Ext. 1342Middle School Aide Cindy PrietoElementary School Aide Ext. 1241 Ext. 1442Counselors: Shelly Garza Ext. 1334High School Geniene HarrisMiddle School Frances Echols Ext. 1336Elementary Ext. 1337School Nurse Kelli Zidek (830) 583-9950Lunchroom Director Nina CooksFax Numbers:Central Office 46

Kenedy ISD, ContinuedSchool Board Mr. Edward Monson (830) 583-3011 Ms. Mary Kiesling (830) 583-2342President Mr. Demetrio Garcia (830) 299-0975Vice President Mr. Jaime Albiar (830) 534-9969Secretary Mr. Robert Trevino (830) 583-2258Trustee Mrs. Alma Danmier (210) 288-2915Trustee Mrs. RoseMary Vickery (830) 299-2275TrusteeTrustee 47

Louise Independent School District P.O. Box 97Louise, Texas 77455 Fax # (979) 648-2520 School District: 241-906 Enrollment: 512Superintendent Dr. Garth Oliver (979) 648-2982 x105Director of Facilities Michael Braden (979) 648-2982 x104Director of HR & Business Mgr. Pam Wagner (979) 648-2982 x102Accounts Payable Amy Garcia (979) 648-2982 x101Director of Technology Sandra Holik (979) 648-2282 x111Director of Food Service Shae Barker (979) 648-2282 x150Principal (High School) Donna Kutac (979) 648-2282 x301Principal (Middle School) Brady Peterson (979) 648-2982 x252Principal (Elementary) Katherine Edwards (979) 648-2282 x201Librarian Cindy Schmidt (979) 648-2982 x370Health Advisor Doris Piwonka (979) 648-2282 x380District Counselor Traci Harvey (979) 648-2282 x303PEIMS Clerk Danette Wendel (979) 648-2282 x302Athletic Director Heath Clawson (979) 648-2282 x307Fax Numbers: (979) 648-2142Louise High School (979) 648-2520Louise Elementary/Jr. HighSchool Board Mr. Tim Benich (979) 332-5757 Mr. David Menefee (979) 648-2703President Mrs. Linda Alderson (979) 541-6441Vice President Mr. Mark Lilie (281) 914-2721Secretary Mr. Jay Heard (979) 541-7051Secretary Pro Tem Mr.Fred Ochoa (713) 202-2027Trustee Mr. Lane Schoeneburg (979) 541-9557TrusteeTrustee 48

Matagorda Independent School District P.O. Box 657Matagorda, Texas 77457 Fax # (979) 863-2230 School District: 158-904 Enrollment: 172Superintendent Laura Shay (979) 863-7693Supt.’s Secretary Diane Barnes (979) 863-7693Assistant Principal Susan Phillips (979) 863-7693Business Services Tara Simons (979) 863-7693Tax Assessor/Collector Cristyn Hallmark (979) 311-7670School Board Mr. Ed Derrich (979) 863-7693 Mr. Rikki Stanley (979) 863-7693President Mr. Donald Simons (979) 863-7693Vice President Mr. Buddy Treybig (979) 863-7693Secretary Ms. Gina Treybig (979) 863-7693Trustee Ms. Melba Snedecor (979) 863-7693Trustee Ms. Tina Keen (979) 863-7693TrusteeTrustee 49

Meyersville Independent School District1897 Meyersville RoadP.O. Box 1Meyersville, Texas 77974 Fax # (361) 275-5034 School District: 062-906 Enrollment: 109Superintendent Kelly Dunn (361) 277-5817Supt.’s Secretary Frances Vaughn (361) 275-3639Tax Assessor/Collector Susie Dreyer (361) 275-3419Library TBA (361) 275-3570Technology Gay Davis (361) 275-3570School Board Rhonda Goebel Glynn SchultzPresident Johnny JankVice President Kyle NewmanSecretary Robert MooreBoard Member Obert SagebielBoard Member Sheri MerklingerBoard MemberBoard Member 50

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