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Home Explore Website Design Cleveland

Website Design Cleveland

Published by Advantage Strategies, 2021-08-05 04:50:50

Description: Benefits That Come From Website Design Cleveland -

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Your site must appear when someone searches with a specific keyword related to what you sell. Website design Cleveland is another essential aspect of achieving a greater reach of your business and generating more online sales.

Advantage Strategies
Address : 121 N Leavitt Rd, South Amherst, OH 44001, United States
Phone : +14404629505


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WEBSITE DESIGN Website success is easy to track if you know what you’re looking for.  It’s true that there are a lot of “feel good” metrics that have no value in marketing. And others, like website tra c, require a second look before you can gure out what insights are worth knowing.  Tracking website performance metrics closely allows you to take action based on solid data as opposed to relying on mere assumptions. AD-STRAT.COM Page 1

WEBSITE DESIGN It allows you to gauge how your audience is engaging with your site, what works for them, and what you can do to grow bigger and better. It’s a bit like how pilots learn to y by instruments when there is no visibility. The frequency with which you check your website metrics will vary depending on how much you rely on your site tra c.  AD-STRAT.COM Page 2

WEBSITE DESIGN A blog owner may check their site metrics weekly, while an e-commerce business may keep a real-time watch over Users, Sessions, and Conversion Rates. Most importantly, website analytics helps stakeholders to track your performance as a business.  AD-STRAT.COM Page 3

WEBSITE DESIGN Out of the thousands of metrics that Google Analytics tracks for you, these are the six most important ones you need to keep your eye on.  1. Tra c Metrics: Users and Sessions Tra c receives a lot of attention, and rightfully so. It is the single most important indicator of site performance, but only when interpreted in the context of other factors such as engagement and conversion.  In Google Analytics, site tra c is represented by two numbers: users and sessions.  Users — these are the unique visitors who come to your site in a given time frame. A person coming to your site 20 times a month is there only counted once in that month’s user statistics S  essions — this metric refers to the total number of site visits, even if they are the same user.  Both metrics are essential when it comes to tracking your website’s popularity and growth. For your websites, you will be more concerned with tra c growth over time or the increase in the number of users.  For established websites, the number of sessions is important because it tells you that visitors are content enough to return.  AD-STRAT.COM Page 4

WEBSITE DESIGN Whether you’re aiming for more visibility or better retention, you can apply various measures such as diversi ed advertising to keep your site on the growth curve you are aiming for. 2. Channels — Where the Tra c Comes From The second most important category of website metrics you should track is the sources of your tra c. Google has six channels for this by default.  Direct tra c — this is from people who enter your site’s URL on their address bar E  mail tra c — these are visitors who click on links send in email campaigns  Organic search from people who nd your site after entering search terms on search engines like Google. Organic tra c remains the most important; according to Statista, it still accounts for 65% percent of site tra c to eCommerce platforms. R  eferral tra c is for those who click on links from other sites O  ther — this is for miscellaneous tra c that Google can’t categorize Tracking tra c sources tells you a lot about your audience.  AD-STRAT.COM Page 5

WEBSITE DESIGN In fact, it may just be the most valuable source of information for your market research. There is a lot you can do with channel information, including: M  easure the success of various online campaigns  Measure the quality of your tra c AD-STRAT.COM Page 6

WEBSITE DESIGN M  easure the quality of your tra c H  elp you target highly pro table or underperforming sources  Identify new and potential sources of referrals O  bserve trends and patterns on your website  Manage your investments to ensure the best ROI AD-STRAT.COM Page 7

WEBSITE DESIGN 3. Measures of Engagement: Average Time on Page and Bounce Rate There are many more metrics used to measure visitor engagement on websites, including less common ones such as scroll depth and the number of open sessions.  AD-STRAT.COM Page 8

WEBSITE DESIGN However, Average Time on Page and Bounce Rate stand out as the two most prominent ones. Average Time on Page  This is the average time people spend interacting with your pages.  AD-STRAT.COM Page 9

WEBSITE DESIGN If an article on your blog is supposed to take 5 minutes to read and the ATP is 4 minutes, you can be sure that visitors are at least taking time to read it through. Bounce Rate  Your website’s bounce rate is the number of visitors who only interacted with one page before leaving.  It’s taken to mean what percentage of visitors immediately regretted their decision of visiting your site, and that’s wrong.  But if a visitor just wanted a contact number or to read a single blog post they saw on Twitter, that counts as a legitimate visit.  In terms of engagement, bounce rate is about how well your site’s user experience and content funnel can get visitors to interact further with your site. Think about internal links, powerful CTAs, and engaging content.   Bounce rate remains important because a high number (>70%) shows that most of your site’s visitors are not satis ed and could even be going to your competitors.  And, a low bounce rate of less than 30% means that most of your visitors nd your site engaging and useful.  AD-STRAT.COM Page 10

WEBSITE DESIGN 4. Conversion and Goals At the end of the day, your website is there to serve a purpose. That could be selling products, attracting subscriptions, or simply growing tra c. This is obviously one of the cardinal metrics, so most brands have no problem tracking goal conversion. Google Analytics allows you to set goals for your site and track them under Conversions > Goals > Overview.  The goal conversion rate tells you how many of your site’s visitors are taking a speci c action such as signing up for a newsletter, subscribing to a service, or lling a contact form. GA, in conjunction with other platforms such as Facebook, also provides data about link clickthroughs.  You need to track how many people are clicking on the CTAs on your site and blog posts, as well as externally on paid ads, social media posts, email campaigns, and other external sources.  5. Website Performance Metrics Page load speed, image rendering, responsiveness – these are all small metrics in the grand scheme of things, but they have the power to destroy a website.  AD-STRAT.COM Page 11

WEBSITE DESIGN Website performance is about giving the user the best possible experience while on your site.  There are many performance metrics you can monitor, but here are the most important.  Page load speed — this is the time it takes for your web pages to load on the visitor’s device. The rst ve seconds of page-load still remain the most important R  esponsiveness refers to how well the website displays on various types of mobile devices. Over 50% of Google tra c is mobile tra c, so pages need to display properly regardless of the device T  ime to interact — in slow connections, text and images load rst before interactive elements such as links and scripts. This is the time it takes to load these interactive elements 6. Search Engine Performance: Impressions and Clicks Your website’s search performance such as ranking, impressions, clicks, and SERP ranking should be a top priority. Higher ranking means more organic tra c for your site and thus more business.  AD-STRAT.COM Page 12

WEBSITE DESIGN This is especially true for direct-to-consumer brands that rely on higher impressions to grow revenue and fuel growth.  Generating high-quality content still remains the best way to grow the number of organic impressions your site receives. AD-STRAT.COM Page 13

WEBSITE DESIGN Conclusion Google Analytics and many other tools provide a wealth of data meant to help you navigate your website to success.  However, this data is useless to you unless you can draw actionable insights from it and take action.  To make visualizing your data easier, consider using a BI dashboard like Advantage Reporting™. If you need help with guring out what all the numbers mean or what to do with them, book a free 30-minute strategy session with an expert at Advantage and let us help you get on the right path. AD-STRAT.COM Page 14

CONTACT US We use digital strategy & ad tech to build DTC experiences for challenger brands who want to dominate their markets. Advantage Strategies Address : 121 N Leavitt Rd, South Amherst, OH 44001, United54 States Phone : +14404629505 Mail : [email protected] FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA

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